The Seaforth News, 1945-11-29, Page 1HURON COUNTY'SLEA
A poultry house, one of the largest]
and most modern buildings al its kind
in this part of Ontario, is under con
struction at the farm of Mr. W. L..
Whyte, Hallett township. The new
building is at present about half oom-'
pleted and it is hoped to have it
pretty well finished by the end of the
This poultry house will be 240 feet,
long and 66 Leet wide and will be
four storeys high. It .will have a cap-'
natty of between 80,000 and iortyt
thousands chickens and will be i
oughly modern in every way. It is of i
frame and concrete .construction, with
siding of white asphalt shingles and
green asphalt roof.
ted the building will be
It is oxpeo
. used for raising broilers.
The new building is located on the
here farm, just south of the farm
The Tuckersmith Federation of
Agriculture meet for their annual
meeting Mon, night in the. Seaforth
public library, with Robert Archi-
bald, president in the chair. The
minutes of the last annual 'meeting
and the financial statement were
read by the secretary, Ignatius
Election of officers resulted as
follows; president, E. B. Goudie;
vice-president, Robert McGregor;
secretary, Ignatius O'Leary; direc-
tors, S.S. 1, Ross Forrest; S,S. 2,
t William Bell; S.S. 3, Gordon Rich-
ardson; S.S. 6, Earl Whitmore; S.S.
7, Alex Chesney; S.S. 8, Alex Boyce;
I S.S. 9, Stan. Jackson; S.S. 10, Glen
B. Goudie and W. J. Crich
were appointed representatives to
attend the annual meeting of the
county federation to be held at
The Department of Education hie
notified the Seaforth High School that
Donald Stephenson, son of lklr, anc1
IVIrs• Leo Stephenson, Constance,
ranked first in Huron County for the
Carter Scholarship, This scholarship
is valued at $100, and reflects great;
credit on Donald's ability.
Often these awards are won by ma-
dents repeating some of their upper
school subjects. Although only 16
Years of age, Donato wrote eleven
papers for the first time, instead of
the usual eight, and obtained five
first class honors.
He will enter the School of Ap-
plied Science and Engineering at the
University of Toronto early in the
Thr: annual. High School Commence- Elections will be held in only four
rent will be held in the High School Municipalities in Huron municipals-,
auditorium oat Friday evening, Nov, ties following the lt0urillatione on Fri,
3081. There will be the presentation day - Colborne township, Ashfield
of diplomas, awards and scholarships. township, the town of Goderich, and
The Glee Club, underMiss 1 urnbull's the village 0f B1ytb,
direction, is presenting an operetta in 'Alex. Alexander, Warden of Huron
costume, "Trial By Jury," and it pro. county this year, was returned to of-
tnises to be very entertaining with flee by acclamation as reeve or Grey
choruses and solos by members of the township. He11sa11 gave an oede 1a -
i case I tion to Reeve R. E. Sbaddiek, a vet-'
The guest speaker of the evening eran with 10 years' service to the
' is Mr, E. J. Davies, B.Sc., of Toronto. municipality; and Turnberr•y -town-
, Mr. Davies is an 'inspector of Voce- ship saw its veteran of 12 years' ser-
tional Schools in the Department of vice, Reeve Harold Moffat, retire from
Education, Toronto, and this year has the field, leaving the reeveship,
been appointed as liaison between the contested, to Walter Ti. Wood.
IDepartment of Education and the War; . In Colbortte townshiptorear)
re iOandl.
Assets Corporation, Ile is a very 8118 dates: qualified t
1 liar haQ -an hnterestieg only two or the eight nominees for
s career at from ...,.i,,,. ,, draw 5m• his the four seats on the eoutmi1 qualrfle[
High School Commencement
topic. next
John's Chni'oh, Varna, Lillian The whole program should prove to will be held
meeting ondlay but new be
At St
Elliott second daughter of Mr. and be hoist interesting and entertaining'` nomination
an effort to get sttffleleut
Mrd Morton Elliott, became the 1 candidates for the council.
rid Frauds Grieve, only son of EIRLAW - SWAN
Friday Evening oar were shown. t Mrs Grieve and t A pretty wedding took place 1n councilors =-- J. E. Melt ns, GAG.
' for election. The election for reeve
to ca
Will Choose Executive For Films from the National frim
bride of 5H
rte late 351110s
of Walton Was the opera or. 4 Greive of Seaforth. Rev. Mr, Holmes
d in theofficiated at the ceremony incl Mrs. St: John's Anglican Church, St. Tho- Mathiescin and R, G. Sanderson; are
Clinton soon.
Plowing MatchBoard ho Harvey Johnson
In Goderich only three of this year's
A. meeting will be hes
council 0110111ber of tine town hall at
Clinton on Friday, Novemher 30811 at
8 p.m,, to choose an executive for t11el
International Plowing Matebing for
1946, to be hell iu Huron County. 1
A meeting was held in CltntOrl last
week when a 'nominating committee;
was appointed. It is the duty of 111851,
committee to bring before the general,
meeting next Friday evening, a list of
mn who will be chosen for the exe-
cntive for the Plowing Match, A good
executive means everything. to ..the
success of the matclx.
This is one of the largest; projeatsl
that Huron County hoe ever tackled,
aud 'we Hope you will Make a special
effort to be present at the: meeting
on Friday at 8 p.m..
Certified Genuine
A quiet wedding was solemnized 1
in the Winthrop manse, on Sat.
Nov. 24th when Ruth, second daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs. J. Goldsworthy,
of North Vancouver, B. C., was
united in marriage to George Har-
old Mathers, son of Mr. and Mos. G.
Mathers of Parkhill. The Rev. W. J.
Patton officiated. The bride chose
an afternoon dress of Queen's blue
for her wedding and carried a white'
prayer book. Her flowers was . a
corsage of rose carnations and
maiden hair: fern. Miss' J. Golds-
worthy attended her sister as brides-
maid and Mr. Ernest Mathers was.
his brother's groomsman. Following
the ceremony a reception- was held
for the immediate. family at the
home of the groom's sister, Mrs.
Arthur Henderson of Winthrop. Rev.
Mr. Patton proposed the toast to the
bride and groom. After a short
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.
10 a.m., Sunday School. the
11. a.m., "The Sacrament of
Lord's Slipper."
7 p.m., "Christian Cheerfulness."
Thurs. 8 p.m„ Precommnnion Ser-
O come, let us worship, God.
Dec. 2nd. Advent Sunday.
St. Thomas', Seaforth:
10 a.m., Sunday School
11 sari., Holy Communion.
7 p.m., Evening Prayer,
St. Mary's Dublin
2:30 Sunday School
3: Church Service.
Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B A.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A.,B.D.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m, Oommunion Service,
"The Eyes of Faith."
7 p.m., "Christian Living."
Preparatory Serivice, Friday, Nov,
30th at 8 p.m., "Our Attitude to
Edith Long of London played the mss, on Nov
24th at 3 p•m•, when back in the rate for council seats.
\Tae daughter of lir. and There is a two -ulcus contest .for the
nuptial music. The bride looked H01en
charming in a street length dross of Mrs. Henry Swan, of Seaforth, was mayoralty, with Mayor 1), I). Mooney
h g
aqua colored crepe with. a black se- united in marriageD Allan Mxraand and Burton D. Rubinson tilting. the
coin hat and accessories. She wore r Sheirla e la Ottawa, so
� Sh ' 1 of Rideau Park,Ot- Blyth is having an election for'
corsage of Johanna hill roses.
Iler,.Mrs, elraw,: the -
the ornament was a string of pearts,1j taws, Rev, C. A. James lted. recite bY and 01117• vacancies council.
the gift of the groom. The bride was 4 The wedding march was played
l her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mrs, F. K. Dougherty of St. Thomas acclamation.
nnly experienced lnrT, member Alvin ec by
Alvin Elliott,of Brantford, dressed and the soloist tiv YI • C Smith of t
as MTS.
an "O Perfect the HOW cotmcil, the remainder behrgi
St Th who s g
his a coral wool dress with black
110 onus, and newcomers.
cessories, She wore a corsage of recd r Love"prior to 'tlie ceremony, j Morris Township
roses. The groom was attended by, "I'll Walk Beside You"The during
-Reeve, Cecil 'si]]teles lace•)•
Mr. Alvin Elliott, . brother of the, signing of the register. t Reeve, cililn11 Ascots., .Charles
bride. During the sig]ring of the reg-' was prettily decorated
with mums
('mites, Harvey Johnston, Joseph
1ste1 Ml Frecl Willis, 0 1 I and f The bride, father was Ewalt ,acct.).
• s f Seafortr, erns.. .le
brother -ill -law of the groom, sang given away by her a er
ushered blush satin with lace in-' School Trustees, Robert lllat':iliu'-
"Because," The guests were t h `dressed in ray, Kenneth Taylor, William 8110111'
by. Mr, lie Elliott. Immediately fol- setts; long' sleeves coming g tot points to Torrauce Dundtts, Harvey Me.
lowing the ceremony a reception and over the hands, and finger tip veil Cntcheon (acct.).
(inner was held at 'Tl Little Inn," failing f headdress ea seed Goderich Township
lee 1111, ri tom
Bayfield. The guests \core received by pearls. She carried redroses an j
110 bride's mother, dressed in a black white mums. The maid of honor,. Reeve, George Ginn (acct.). ROUert
110005- Miss Claire Shapiro, of St..Thomas, -Council, ; James R. Stirling,
f i I taffeta with rz: Smith, Gordon Orr, Ben Ratlstt•ell
crepe dress with matching
honeymoon in Winthrop, Mr. and ;sones aud a shoulder corsage o p he
wore pmk net over a ,
Mathers will reside in Toronto, roses and Mrs, Grieve, mother of the feather headdress and carriod deep (acts)
Ma 'd School 1 Tutees Clayton Leith
S IN' SASKATCHEWAN 1 accessories.' She wore a corsage of. Miss jean Swan O0. London and MTS. wane, .lata
DIE pink roses, For travelling the bri[le i J, Rumig of Goderich, sisters of the batt, Robert 'Welsh, Edward d Grigg
groom, in a grey dress with matching'
pink roses. The bridesmaids were coo ) s
�l Graham 1 n1 Jnhnstol ,
i Irvine Teb-
On Frid November 16th in a Re changed to a gold wool tlressniaker ; bride,who ' wore identical -blue (acts.).
ging hospital,
ghter of Mrs. Chviseiana, Ilarvey and top. eoat of gold color. Guests ville, skirts with matching feather head -
the late John Harvey of ]?arse. She present from Richmond Hili, Oakville,( dress and carrying bouquets of yel-
ls survived by two sons, Parker Leo, _ford,nry, Brantford, Kitchener, Strat• low roses. The groomsman was Mr.
Rowan, Pte. Harvey Lee;- Holland; 10121 London and Seaforth. Victor Junk of Toronto, The ushers
throe daughters, Mrs. I18110 McArt11-1 •
hon'tas' were Mr' 3t Rumig of Goderich and
(11 holstein, Ontario, Mrs: Nora. Atilitial Meeting of St. T Mr Dave Adler of St Thomas•
Klemm. and Helen, Dense. six grated- Woman's Auxiliary i 1?ollowing the cereinony a recep-
one brother, Merrill Harvey, Adams, l,
17, ovenI r
1' Ethel Ann, eldest (11111 suit with brown accessories, and a• gowns with satin bodice and net Grey Township
children, her mother, Mrs, C. IIarv032
three sisters. Mr's. Bertha Proup,
Pence, Miss Agnes and Della: 11at'veY,
and a cousin Mrs. May McGachen of
The death occurred at his home in
Hullett on the Huron Road on Satin•-
clay, Nov. 24111; of Mr, Christopher
Cooper, in his 60th yeas'. Surviving
are his aged father, Mr. Henry
Cooper, and two sisters, Mrs. Sohn
McElroy of McKillop, and Mrs. Reid
at home, and one brother, Mr. John
Cooper at home. The funeral took,
place on Tuesday afternoon at 2`p.m.
to Maitland Bsnk Cemetery. Rev. H.
V. Workman officiating, The pall
bearers were Messrs. James Carter,
Scott- Hawthorne,- Wallace Powell,
30111. Powell, Frank Fowler and Har-
old Hugill.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11111111111111W" iiiiiiii 11111141111111111111111111
Regina. She is predeceased by her
husband, Albert A. Lee, 0110 brothel'
Bert and two sisters Mabel. and
Bessie. Funeral services in tate Unit-
ed Church, Pense, Monday, November
19th, at 2 p.el. The Rev, Mr. McTavish
ofticiatect and burial was in the rani -
ily plot in cottonwood celireterY..
The Institute will hold a rally oil
Wednesday,. Dec, 5811, from :1,30 to 4
Pain in the basement of the' Carnegie
Library. -
A11 members- are urged to make a
special effort to attend this rally the ,aro . by on Monday, Docember 3nct,a
which win be addressed by Mrs, w, us accompanied on p meeting
E. IIa:- es of Georgetown, Coffee and Mrs. Bechely and was much appre- 2 p.m, at the Manse of First Presby
1 y 1 e crated. Splendid reports were given ion Church. The paper' will be pre -
by Mrs.Bradshaw and Mrs. Enight, scute(] by the Rev, W. J, Patton,':
tion was held in the church parlors.
bride metier .n
vas nesse
branch f the WA.was held aqua and black crepe k
members present, Mrs, Gilbert pre- roses, and the groom" aunt, Mrs,
sidont, opened the meeting with St.. Clarke, of Toronto wore a black
Andrew's 11Yuui, "Jesus Calis Us.", dress with snatching accessories, and
Special 91•0yers for the annual meet- corsage of red roses. The brides and
ing, members and Lord's prayer in attendants' flowers centred the
unison. Miss. Galbraith read the Scrip- bride's table. The groonl's gift to the
tire lessen from St. John's gospel,' bride was a single strand of pearls,
The annual . meeting of the St. .Cit• U d 1 tier t d d
Thomas )51111(1 o suit with black
Nov.5 accessories with corsage of pink
in ChoPni parish hall, z,ov27t1r, itidth c
chapter 6. After the various melons; The happy couple left on a wedding
Peeve, Alex Alexander mot.)
Council, Stanley \lichen, Cliff
Rowland, George MaODouald, Bert
,Johnson (ace],)
Howick •
Re1.t e, Sohn Winter meal
Council, lamer Finnish, 18. Hart -
well Strong, \Furren ''/,tirbrigg•
GOWdy (a0(1.1
Reeve. John Armstrong, twee.).
Council, George I3rown, Ira RapsOrr,
William Jrwiti, 3'.'. J. Dade tac'4.)
For Reeve—W. Il. Mor•rtli, Frank
Xmas Lards
We are carrying the Coutts and
Rust Craft cards at from 5c to
25c,' These are two makers vwllo
are specialists in cards that
have very smart style and class.
In box assortments we have
such well known sell very 'smart
collections Of the following
artists: Cornelius.' Kreighoff,
Marjorie Cooper, Frank Pana -
baker, Franz Johnson, Manley
McDonald, Canadian Artist Ser'
les, Edgar Guest collections,
Xmas Herti Notes, Steel En-
gravings, and English, Scottish
and Canadian. Scenic Cards.
Altogether a very interesting
collection and. you will enjoy
malting your Christmas, Card
selection at this store.
Fred, S. Savauge
Phone 184 Res. le
For Council ---H. T, Vo,lden, W. G.
1TeNall, I,. 'Whitfield. F. Elcllyman
The November meeting of the
St. Colurnban, subdivision - of the
C.W.L. was held as ,usual in the
parish chapel. A contribution of ten
dollars is being sent to the Sisters
of Service, The second vice-presi-
dent reported -a bag of literature
sent to the Sisters of Service, The
treasurer reported a balance of $82,
44. The Red Cross convener re-
ported 3 quilts finished and 6 corn -
fort bags.' Plans were made to holt]
a quilting bee- soon again. A dona-
tion of 825. is being sent to help
furnish -a chapel in Westminister
Hospital. Then followed very inter-
esting reports from Mrs. Jos. Feen-
ey and Mrs. Tom Morris on the Sil-
ver Jubilee convention held' in Wind-
sor in October', The delegates said
many of their speakers stressed the
need of the women in the home and
the value of good Catholic literature
for our boys and girls- Rev. V. J.
Guinan of Assumption College,
said, "Women must not model their
lives after Eve, who failed, but
after' Mary, the .]Model Mother. I
believe that there are no delinquent
children; rather there• are delin-,
eluent parents. There aro some ex-
ceptions, but.most women now in in -
ustry should be back in their homer
doing their ,jobs as wives and moth-
Another speaker, Rev, G, E.
321011dsc said, "lou should teach obe-
dience in the home and the proper
respect for authority. and enough
' 1. eudencc to enable your child-
R. teen to stand on their own feet,"
1were read and accepted, Ivies. Gilbert! trip to New. York by plane, the tnee12,. - trey
gave a brief account. al the executive bride's travelling costume being a For School. Trustee=- \, Mills.0
meeting of the Dominion W.A., chief blue wool suit, black coat and D. Phil), G. Augustine (acct.).
Mrs, J. McIver seconded by Mrs.
RS. JAM ES. I. JOHNSTON of which tvas.ihe splendid thank offer watching accessories and orchid Public '(21111ties Commission—A, W. V. Lane, mo
a vote of thanks to
occurred on Tuesday, Ing. exceeding that of last. year by corsage, Ueou their return they will P. Smith, Stewart Durward (acct.) the two delegates for their splendid
The death vesicle in Ottawa, Guests were pre- ' reports. The meeting closed with
evening about 0-30 p.m. of Martha $3000,00. The, various annual .reportsTurnherry i`tve
Wallace, rwidow of the late .lames I. were then reals, after." which errs sent 'from London, Toronto, St. ' Reeve Walter H. f'Onrl Neel.) p'` • r for our armed forces.
Johnstoir,:aftet' an illness of six days. Southgate took'tho chair for the, e Thomas and Seaforth. Reeve. , Robert A. ml Ne, 1'. •.1.
Mrs. Johnston was a native of Tor tion of officer's for the coming year'•
ecl' maLion Mr's. i
Icing. Jelin V, Fischer; L. G. Bryce w
° O )tin the office of adviser 1 a held Slit- The connntulitY at •large was indeed
life at Donnybrook and for the pari Gilbert acct g The membership A funeral service was d For School Trustee-- itvo to t)" shocked on leariliiig cf the death o1'
twenty-two Years was a resident. of for the girls' branch. T1 i rl urday afternoon a1 1,401
Northside United elected),
Isaac' Wright. David Padre,
Her husband passed away fee and Living Message subscription Church t 2 30 for Francis Storey D q 'tl al
highly respected resident in rhe
onto and lived the early part of 1181 All returned by a 'rcc11
Seaforth, • er en lure 1 a c{ A. . , 111 1,
5 She mint taken. The next meeting, � 'd t f Seaforth u1
h Sur one is to be held at the rc. had an
United Cl a :; 1 f McKillop. ]lop He 11
Person of Mrs, George Johustnn who
O11 August. 1Sth,114 . 1e was 11 - were c-, well-known resident o East Wawanosh passed tray at her home Sunday
her of North Side nn• . 101y D- former o r c i <
and sister, coo Dec:, :L1' at8 p.m. The meeting, Y for the past year, Reeve. J, D. lleeero]'1 2,111) morning. Tho funeral was held on
viving are one brother an Y,tared from 'astha to
r e Wallace on Donnybrook, 'Tor- closer] with special served,
is and Dena- I and a half. Ile was born in McKi1-' Connell, N011111tn McDowell, 1)1)r rt- Tut slit; kcrrrvas 1110 1ted 011 (11 111.11 11
? Geo g
sial Mrs. J- M, Cunningham of Tor- diction. Tea ivas served, 1 lop `in 1882, and WAS married in Ruddy. Harvey Black, Al vii
onto. The .funeral will 1101 place Rehr Hein was in 11111185 of e6110 rune -
funeral chili-; MRS. JESSIE BROWN 11907 to Jane Rhin, of Mr, san (acct.) ➢Io,•h as in
is extended e -
from the G. A. Whitney. •t held Friday_ and Mrs. John Rinn, t,eadbury, w110 Board of Sehool Trust Cts --A, Doug- mal.
rm'sdaY, Nov, 29th, at 2 p.m.,
A funeral Service was e 'vas hire along with four dough- _las Camp1Pll \'ruler Scott (apcl.) the nate bereaved hush. 1 am only
el on T] surer
In -
.PP t the G 4 Whitney �1] Toronto; Mrs,West Wawanos
V. Workman officiating. a:.ernoon a h non, Cordon. sirs, Johnston luta
Rev. ll, S W Jessie Hest- tars,, Mrs. Jason Ellis, oran o; taken the tilt about two Deeks ago,
ferment will be in te Maillancl Tian]: funeral chapel
for Mrs. Br son llcfariirter, Midland; Mlss Peeve, 131011(1 S113111 (Reel,l
Cemetery. - i Ings Brown,. widow of John S. Y -- r, tlnd.. Mrs. William Comu31, Wallace Miller,
Everitt . and v=as reco1111128 nicety. hitt.. on
Cemete y I Brown, Interment followed in the Ethel. 'Storey Sunday morning sane took suddenly 111
well- Campbell, both of Seaforth; and Finnegan, Gordon McPherson, David ants passer] away. Site was fnhnte)9y
1 known and hi ' � ly. asteen A 0110 niece, Mrs. .3 Earl, Athens, He McAllister (acct.)
known and highly. Brown
in Manitoba re- Board of School Trustees, I+iteh- Miss Mary Luella Coleman, daughter
MAO LANE Seaforth, Mrs, Brown had the 11.10( for 10 years or Mrs, 11111(1 and the late Thomas
' e Mee of S turning east in 1929, and moved to ever Finnegan; William Fot sten. or MrS. , and Coleman bot 1 at IlilThom s
The was lel. on meeting the steps at h to fall down the back year ago, He was
of Northside Unrtedcull she Seaforth one } 1 g a Archie Aitchison, ],Dine Dentin. 1< icing in her 5dth year. She taught at
ne Auxiliary. aevening Was
at her -home. , but Y
a .held on Tries,' $ t but eomplica and o e of Northside United Ghurcli,ICr-nzi0 'Webb (sode) Varna, McKillop Slid Shelburne, and
Church was vias riot badly hurt, and one of its stewards• Ho was the
Nov.2 ch at' the home of the' pies. d ] (lied Wednes roi
N 7 h d The meeting opened set For Y
her 90th secretary.
Goderich ' tv cull ::hx 1-1,;(117 10.r., ago ] rsl. Septumhcr
ee r tions in,,an she
t of the Seaforth Ag'rictil-'
Mrs. -Bao e \'• to m
dayevening. She Was in eMa or—Bnrtrim D: Rohi11critl• nhc leas a)uitcrl in nurillge to i r.
h a' .friend we have g in TurnUerry ,tura] Society: Rev. H. V. Workman, D. D. Mooney. ;George Johnston rrul K)nce that time
in singing "Whatd year; She was 55x11
Were offered John' pastor ed Northside Churl, effurat- For R°eve R, F,. 'I'uruer; \C, d• batt'lived at Varna. She was an active
in Jesus" and prayer's w 1s Z township and was married to
Mrs. Bradshaw -and M ;r live(] in Nlclfillop `ed at the funeral, Interment was
Baker. i (]lurch worker, and was presicleni oY
SaM s• W.S, Brown, They i e. The national anthem was e• of rears, but follow- made In Maitlandbank cemetery. nepui:y Reo)e), George G. iYfucl wan.. the \\ Itii. S. of the Varna united
Savat g for a numb t 3 (lural. 11 sides her husband anti
then sung. Mrs, Geo. Johnston Sec; Ing his death Mrs. Brown moved to Pallbearers were Stewards of (secs.)
minutes of the October e was a faithful member North Side United Church, Mi. ' Thr Cotulcrl ]six to be elected) -1 tint]. Gordon, she is survived by her
read the Seaforth. She mother. Mrs, Thomas Coli]tial, f
meeting and encouraging reports of the First Presbyterian C1lurch, Storey having• been a Steward: Di.'_Jhomas Taylor, Ai 'C, liaittiu ,'
a . he variolas secretar-' 'ams the pastor; F. Harburn, A1'thur Golding', Sans, Albert L. Brereton, J. E. Iiiiekine, Seafm th, and three were s. h t Capt.' of Cir- Rev, R. H,. WllltLawrence, 3.0seph. Moody, IRichar21 I.7. Cornish,
les, Mrs: A, Westcott, Myrtle Ca LI Mtcb
officrallb,ar the funeral service and Scott, E. hri Christie. Theftot ebeare)•s G'Sandor'son Cecile Ma
3 took charge and. hymn "Take tlhe )allbearers were Dalton Reid, and Bev. Gini 11 Gor- (hoot Trustees (one to be
my life and ::let it . S was ,sung William Tlogg, Arnold -Case, Ioseph were Joseph Store ,Hft field; Hu etedasn each tvaid)
after which Mrs. B. Spence, led in Story, John Bell and Dr. F. Harburn, don Me10.enzie, Seaforth;ale
Ira er. Mrs. R, Savauge these read die, Walton; John , Connolly , 13 us-
the scripture Cor, ' 1, chap. 8, Miss r to a distance who
Pat Bechely then favoured with a The Seeter'th and District Minister- Among those t o
solo "Gently Lord , 0 Gently lead nal Assaci-- • - will .hold •its regular attended tlle'funeral were Mrs, jock
Earle, of Athens; Mrs. Ellen Bar,
wick and Willis Barwick , and Mr.
and Mrs.Acirian Hogg, of Culling_
wood; Mrs. Margaret Jenkins Of Go
re sister' Mrs.
�.' r•nOChan ofEloise,
Mrs. llpbriam Clarke of Hull ett, and
Public =-5 , e to. e Mra, Cecil Oke of Tucliersmith, and
t two br011ers,-,'Francis Coleman or
Patterson, Mrs. ;E01th Hullett, and 'Russell Coleman of Tuck-
ward, T. Roy
Ai'gy7e; St. Pa trick's )vara, Frank ersmith. The pallbearers were Messrs,
IKersllaw (acct.); St. Andrews wart], Geo. Reid, Larne Coleman, Wm. Ste -
M. ,1, Ainslie (acct,); St. Georges phenson, Albert Horner, Wm, Hayter,
of the meeting,
Mrs. Raymond Nett, who 11a.s been
secretary treasurer of the Seaforth
h- mast, two
for t 1
'� Institute
om rl s
w e
who were delegates to the W.M.S,
Conference held in Egmondville
Church, on Oct. 18th. .Miss Susie.
Govenlock then gave a couple of
and one half years, underwent an op- readings, "A Negro's Version of the
•enation in Scott Memorial Hospital Hymn Ninety and Nine,* and "Step-
ping Courteously," . and were much Roy a: -
took the topic "Angell Now" and
on Monday; Nov. 26th, Mrs. Nott as
M Lawson very ably
progressing favorably.
The regular meeting of the Seaforth Currie of Chessambrat' and discuss -
Women's Institute will be held on ecl that part of Africa under the fol -
Thursday evening, Dec. 6111, at 8.30 lowing headings: climate, products, JUST ARRIVED
p.m, at the home of Miss Theima El transportation, people and govern
- gie. The meeting will be in 1110 form; Ment, and proved very educational,
social each lady to bring a box. The meeting-elbsed by repeating the
Of a a delicious
Note benediction and
Moving pictures will be shown. N Memel b
N Clu�f ons
member please bring a guest, 11iittee.
.. B. C
the crude in time aud date. Each, lunch was served] by the social co(- •
The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan,
Winthrop, are bolding their 'annual
meeting on Wed., Dec. 1111„ in the
schoolroom, of the church.'A good at-
tend:race is requeete2.
Mr. Ed, Pryce has sold his 200
acre :iarrn to Mr. W. L. Whyte and
is holding an auction sale on Dec.
Gtli. Mr, Whyte will now have 680
wart], J. B. Milne (acct.,
P.U.0 Dr. W. F. Gallow (1946.47).
For Reeve—J. Fraylle, Fred Ander-
nder-s n Cecil'Jolu-Islom
For Council - (four to be elected)-
-Melvin 'Dickson, Frank Hamilton,
Tamer Graham, Gann McDoltald, C. A.
Cameron, Ray Dalton, 11, A. Grant,
George Gibson.
Sehool Trustees — (live to be elect-
ed) — Walter Tigert Roy McKay.
William J hunter, Walter: Alton,
Glen Campbell, Marvin Om'll n, Floyd
Robb, Herbert Pentland, Gordon 1+in-
Logan Township
Reeve, ]Pied W. Ahrens (acct)
Connell, William C Chan,, Chfl'ord
Bartlett, William Bach, William Eis-
ler (aced.)
and Russell Bereft and the bower
bearers were Elwood Clarke, Francis
Coleman, Harvey Coleman, Anson
Coleman, Marvin, Johnston, Clare
Bride, Lloyd Heys and Harold Con-
nell, Interment, was in Bayfield Cent-'
etery. Among those from a distance
were Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and
Mr. olid Mrs, MacTctvish - of Tees -
water; her sister,
Mrs, ti
(1apand Mr. and Mrs, Gordon.Cara-
ochan of Eloise, Mich„ and friends
from Walton. .
Mr, and Mr's.' I, Schell of Detroit
spent the American "Thanksgiving
with the's mother, Mrs. Amain
and son :Russell.
Mr. and Mrs; Harold ' .lalfiott re-
turtipd Tuesdny to Windsor for the
winter months. They were accompen-
reri by - the -ratter's mother, Mrs..