HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-11-22, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS
H ENSAL.L I afternoon, Nov. 10, at SS. 10 Hay,
en -
:Nil's. Wm. Davidson is visiting t when tate pupils an.cl teachers en-
relatdves in Toronto., 1 tei'tained the teachers and pupils of HURON COUNTY COUNCIL
Mrs. J . Toronto..
Billyand `Jud , t.S S #tl, Tuckessmith and S.S. #2,
f y i Hay. The occasion was held. in con-
spent the week ends in Toronto with ,nee ion with observance of HdUifl
the tor•mee's sister, N71ss Elyria F Huron county Gouucrl last t ednes-
Churchilh tion week. Ross Corbett president of day endorsed the recommendation of
Mrs, McClinchey, Auburn, was the the Jr. Red •Cross, conducted the the property committee that steps be
s meeting. The programme was open- taken to proceed with the erection of
guest of her sister, Mrs. F. liar-
ed by a unison chorus of God Bless a new court house and that L. Bridg-
Meidengelekegnd.isitine rale- 1 our Canada. '' This. was ' followed by man, of London, bce engaged as the
g a short welcome to the guests and architect, The notion adopting the
tives in London, St. Marys and St. explanations of the pi'ugtose of Edo- report was carried on a division 27-1,
Thomas. cation week by the president:.. A After some 'discussion, a motiou by
Mr, and Mrs. S. Barbour', Tor- short programme consisted of a solo Reeves Attridge and Baker that the
onto, spent the weekend with the by 'Shirley Dell, a folk dance by 8 location of the proposed new court.
lattea"s parents, Mr. and. Mss. Jas, girls of 8.8, 10, Hay, and a dialogue house be on the present site, was re-
HoAgar CCare Jo nt Os code Hall, , entitled the 'Naughty Mouse," Neil !erred to the property committee for
y > g Taylor introduced Rev. Mr. Fergu- consideration.
Toronto, spent the weekend at his son, who spoke very capably to tine; Plans submitted by Mr, Bridgman
home here, children, This was followed by a , were discussed. Two showed a re -
Mrs, (Rev-) P. Ferguson and programme ptut on by S.S. 2, Hay. , modelling of the present building,
sister, Mrs. Fjshei, visited with rel It consisted o1 a short play, "Tire ' making three storeys, at an estimated
atives in Hamilton, last week. I Elves and the Shoemaker" and a cost . of $155,000. Another showed a
Mrs. D. Peacock and son, Terry, ,
chorus by the school. The pupils of remodelling and an addition of two
spent an enjoyable holiday in Tor- , S.S. #1, Tuckersmith,. rendered a wings at $175,000. The fourth was for
onto and Montreal, where they very interesting: and vaxied pro an entirely new building at $275,000.
ware joined by Flt, Lt. Peacock' ' e- , Plans secured at a session in 1941
Mr. and Mrs. W. A.:MaeLaren and -ramme illustrating a few of the
Miss Marion Maclaren of .Goderich many :phases •of education. Jean In -gave the estimated cost of refurnish-
gram introduced Mrs. Harry Faber, ing the court room alone was between
visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. who spoke of her work in Labrador. $12,000 or $14,000.
Thos: Sherritt. I The children derived a great deal of Tne county is .paying rent for
Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Homey re leaswre examining the concrete some of the offices and it was the
turned home from a pleasant visit articles••Mrsi - Fal'•er had to show general opinion- that these should be
housed in with a central
MrGod and Mrs. Roy Paterson o£ them. On behalf of the children, IieaUngiplant Reeve n one Doorman stated
Toronto,visited during'the past
speaksley Chapman thanked the
p speakers Rev. Mn Ferguson and, that VI of a mill on the tax rate for
week with the former's parents, Mr. ' Airs Faber for coming to entertain•
three years would pay for the new
and Mrs. R. J. Paterson. them so well. Mrs. Ellis moved a building,
Mrs. W. A. Maclaren spent the r, andvote of thanks to the teacher and, Reeve Tuckey passed on a sugges-
ht be
Mrsk Thos.• end Sherritt t the and visie of ted with the pupils of S.S. #10 Hay for
for used tion tl101 at tltliee �aiue v bnildingrty igwhiclr
their hospitality. T e meet g1
other friends here also, closed by the singing- of the Na could include a block of cells. Some
Mrs. Lawrence Baynham, Bobbie reeves favored this idea, and the
and Jimmie returned home after frenal Anthem. discussion ended by referring the
spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Buchanan well known location to the property committee.
Mrs. Alin Passmore, Thames Road Hensall resident celebrated her 86th Mr, McGill, secretary -treasurer of
birthday at her home here on Mon -
Institute Meets ay, Cub Aircraft Corporation, of I9antil-
dMrs, Buchanan enjoys her
Mrs.. C. •Cook opened her lovely usual good health- and attends her ton addressed the council regarding
the Hensall Institute, on Wednesday d • daily leasing land and buildings at Sky
mane -
home for the November meeting of •
evening, Nov. 14th when over 65
dents in rural districts to get to
high school, which he considered One
of the finest things the county has.
ale warned against the establishment
of high school districts, and suggest -
they lie well studied before anything
is done, Township school areas have
peeved their worth, and others are
likely to be formed. He. expressed
appreciation of the work of married
women teachers, "We would have
had to 'close some se]tools had. it not
been for them, They have clone ex-
Mr. Kinkead closed by paying a 1
glowing 'tribute to the late Dr. V.24.
Greer, in whose death the province
had suffered a great. loss.
R. 0. Staples said there was an •
Huron inspectorate. The teaching enrolment of 2,697 in the Soutlt IN J4 EMOIiIAM
;INLAY—In memory of William Fin-
lay, who died November 24th :1944.
Salmon Salmon Sal non
Arrived this week: Owing to the uncertainty- of
the market, we must limit 1 tin to the customer
Shirts 11.0 to 1.45 Golden Ripe -Bananas ......14c
Overalls. . , . ... ..:.2,16 344's Oranges 2 dots 49c
Carrots, 6 lb. 25a Celery, 2 for 23c H. Lettuce, 19c
Squash 10e Ginger -Ale, loci
c13- *,nets
staff had been increased by two.
Out of 286 entrance class candi- Our fancily circle has been broken
dates, 251 passed. Twenty are not A link gone from our chain,
attending secondary.schools—a very But though we've parted for styrols
great improvement, due to the trans- We know. we'll meet again.
portation provided,- he remarked. Remembered by Harold, Annie,
Eighty-three children have with- Finlay.
drawn from elementary education,
but :the importance of education is,
gradually becoming more and more
recognized in the inspectorate.
Seventy-five teachers have first
Meeting of the Court et Revision
class certificates, and three have for hearing appeals against the
permits. There has been less loss of assessment roll -for .1945 of the Town
good teachers to the cities. The of Seaforth will be held in the Coen
average salary in rural sections is oil Chambers, Seaforth, on Friday,
$1,330, and in graded schools in the November 23, 1945, at 8 o'clock pan.
towns and villages it is $1,282. I D. 22. WILSON,
The Children's Aid Society report• Clerk.
ed that 900 -visits were made during
the year; 600 office interviews,.
Twenty-four children were admitted; FOR SALE
to care, and. 23 were discharged, McClary feed cooker for sale, al -
leaving 73 ,now under supervision. most new. Also small cutting box. J.
Twelve adoptions were completed, C. Smillie, Hensall. Phone 91r2,
and several mere are pending. Hensall,
App t' n f the care and
recta to o
household atlas at v. training :being given children under
Rev. Wm. 'Weir and Mrs. Wet- of
Harbor airport 1919 company
the care of foster parents, was ex-
Hesicier and Mrs. Weir of Goderich faetm-es aerepltwes au(1 seaplanes pressed; and also to those who
members and their guests of honor, i and the site tvonkl be ideal for his opened their homes to British child
„ , celled on friends 'here on Monday. ansfness owing to the vicinity of the guests during the Geo, lluothers' were present. A meeting of the Young People lake. Flying clubs would be wel- g the war years who
Mrs. Geo. Hess was 'ce hostas,. Mrs. of Carmel Presbyterian Church was Coined and his company would assist' have now returned to their pontes
A, Kerslake presided. Following the
held on Monday evening in the them in every way possible. excepting one who has the consent
singing of the Ode, "When you and sr}roolroom of the church. lies; Orr. of her parents to finish her educa-
I were young Maggie" was sung. r -051808 over the worship eriocl The propasitinn won the approval tion here.
Lord's gayer was repeated. Words Ip p of Warden Alexander,- who e 000u it Eleven new or re -opened child
pp whiih opened by singing "Stand up, . would be a tine thing for the o thought
it I p
be• welcome were extended to mem- Stand up for Jesus." The scripture "Those is no use letting the land be- protection Cases, one more than last
bars grandmothers and guests. The, wag read • by Bob Taylor, from 2nd Year. Factors involved- were darer
motto "In Youth we learn; In age enure Ei pasttn e," he acicloi tion, divorce, non-support, 'sepses
we understand" prepared by Mrs. Timothy, 2nd. chapter, verses 1-15. Cmumunications from the: govern..
R. Elgie, was read byMiss Gladys Mrs, Harold Bell' led in prayer, Rev, utent departments had been received tion of parents, delingency and.tru-
I • gt P. Ferguson gave a brief address regarding the'dispositiou of Sky Har- ancy. There were 12 new cases of
Luker. Mrs, Kerslake briefly out-
outlining work .for the Young bor airport, but no definite statement unmarried .parents work. Seven
the District Executivermen's People' A committee comprising Mr.' has, as yet, been received as to when were closed leaving59 still open.
• Ing of the recently Huron the town Melvin Moir, Ronald Bell, Misses this property will be turned over to Five children have een trade wards.
Institute, - held m town Ninety-three investigations were
hall. An : en)eYable readm "The Mac Taylor ...and Margaret Mac- the comity. •i i
Grandmother" g Gregor. to bring in a slate of offi-' Warden Alexander stated that the made in dependents of servicemen
ed•bymodern Mrs.
E.Geiger.was present- tcars. The. meeting, concluded by executive of the Ontario Plowmen's; work, Thirteen families. of service -
ll re d daMiss ngMasolo singing "Jesus shall r eign where'er Association had decided that the men are reporting periodically to
"The K rendered a pleasing solo
"The Berry Dance" accompanied by the Sun," and Mr, Fergusonclosed Port Albert airport would :be an ideal the Dependents' Allowance Board,
Cur- with the benediction, Refreshments location for the International :Plowing The Agricultural Committee's re-
eve • mother, Mrs. A. Dougall. were served by the Arnold . Circle, Match to be Held in Huron county port recommendations were adapted
rent events. of 25 years ago were. re A Statutory meeting of the vil- next year. He pointed out that the as follows: That the committee
viewed by Mrs. Drysdale. This was lege council was held Monday even- buildings would be available for ex- sponsor an educational campaign to
indeed• as interesting item. In keep -int; in the clerk's office at 8 p.m, hibits of machinery, and for other control and, endeavour to eradicate
ing with the theme Historical Re -
e with all members of the council be -Purposes: It was felt the site tvoulid the warble fly, with the Federation
search" the guest speaker; Mrs. R.be a drawin card, Some stubble land of Agriculture performingthe or-
Simpson:, spoke on the subject "Ar- mg present. Minutes. of the previoust adjoining would have to. be secured.! eanization work; that thCounty
chaeomeemig tesla. Moir and Flak that
ninny in which she dealt with the minutes be adopted as read. Car- No definite answer bus been given Council again , request the Depart -
many interesting phases of this an- vied. R. J. Paterson, tax colector, re- by the government: department ,to the meet of Agriculture• for a tubercu-
tient study. Minutes read, collection ported as having collected $3551;95 association's request for the use of lin test for cattle in this county.
taken. The roll call answered by the off the tax roll, Reeve Shadclick re- lite 'ait'ltoi't, and the warden's 'rug- There were two swine clubs and
uoines teriscu of a good mother."ported re the County Engineer and gestian that the county support them: three calf clubs in the county this
P,u loess discussed, bt was. decided the roadwork done b the County. by sending a telegram from the coutel year, 43 members were enrolled in
that the ladies accept Mrs. Orr's J. A. Paterson repot ed as having , ell to the department was approved. I garden brigades, and judging teams
kind offer that of storing the Insti- The council endorsed the motion of were sent to Guelph. Sixty-four men
' cute chairs et her residence. 'Six prepared
ip anent anrletl:eas trnetbein i1 in the Reeves R. J. Botvnnan and B. W. from Western Canada assisted on
from hand books actc headquarters. . .1I s, Beer e ordered at Dane hands of the printer: Correspond-, Tuckey
commit il nd Huron County farms..
iThe Junior Extension account
ante read ns 'follows: Dept of I
pounced that the Xmas hoses must Health re Medical Officer of git`'tr to lite. Ontario Ptotvmen'9 As-, showed a balance of 5770.39. Con
be shipped overseas, Those offer- health, Bert Worth, Queen's Uni- eocia1ion to assist. them mitlt rite currence was given as menden,
ing to provide cookies are Mrs. versity re the Munici )al Council and plowing' martch, to the resolutions from Prince Ed-
Mickle, airs. Kerslake, Mrs. Beer, Councillor in Ontario, Kerslake and The wafdeli's comn.itteo i-eporteil t ward County re a more simplified
Miss Luker, :Firs. Norminton, Mrs, an expenditure of 526,44 9.50 Tian it i income tax return for :farmers; from
tical that the order 10 copies of file ' tutu• effort fund, leavrna a balance of
rE. Munn read a poem "A parcel Municipal Council and Councillor, , "5 1.80 50, The school Victory 1,0.0, Waterloo County seeking a suffi-
from home.' The ladies suggested Carried. Bills and accounts read as ccutest ryas sponsorccl anti tlnancec} tient supply of anthracite coal for
that u.shower of carols be forward- follows: Municipal World supplies at a cost of apProxintately 561. production of poultry products.
ed from the Institute to Mrs. R. J. 6,02; Canadian Legion wreltth$9:-t Thr committeeuauthorized the solo Professor M. F. Morwick of
Moore, a former active member m • ; fi0 Provincial Treasurer, Insulin S1..-" of $30,000 of the second Victory lean, Guelph, introduced by Bain Stewart,
the Hensall Branch, but who is very 16: total accounts , Fink and 'Moir to bo re -invested in the Ninth Victory agricultural representative, addres-
ill and confined to Lockwood Clinic, that the as read be parr.' 1aau at a premium of 54.75 per hued- sed the council on "Soil: Conserve -
St. E., Toronto, Mrs. Cross Carried, Finik and Hyde.that we r•ec1, tion." Surveys of soil had been made One.mile south of Walton. % Mlle
and Mrs: Mickle offered to choose : now adjeurn. Carried.
a' suitable gift and send same to A report of the Ontario municipal in 23.counties of the province; that off highway: John Eidt, Sebring-
Mrs. Moot' ' ! convention was given by 'Reeves of Huron is not completed. Gullies villa, Ont,
An exhibit of handcrafts, needle-IUnveti Window At Clinton Hugh Berry, of IIv ie,oand Brown
controlled. bigproblems
blem isua they can
point and laces etc., in charge of 1 A large congregation was present Smyth, at West theyreported. was cont intFlay Township, and'grey, FOR SALE h
Mrs, Goodwin, was featured. The In Wesley Willis United Church, at euro of opinion,, t nregistration of paw sabred on the. ships indicates 100 Light Sussex pullets, 5 moot s
December meeting will be held ati ('Linton: on Sunday. when 0 memorial shown onII —dthe prey$ t e carroty rut- old A ly to Leslie Pryce Dublin
the Koine of NIrs. E: Geiger, Mrs. trtudo.w to the late till': acid Mrs. Fl•' ing on the bounty for foxes. "W h
C1han1: was unveiled and derheafed.
I- We will pay .51, per hundred for
old horses saleable for fax fee&
Stanley Jackson, Phone Seaforth, 5
on 653.
Frame dwelling, hydro, 14. acres,
North Main street, Suitable' for poul-
try farm. Early possession.
Double house on Victoria St, Sep-
arate apartments, good investment.
Frame cottage, Goderich St. East.
25 acres with barn and house, on
highway. Immediate possession,
Watson & Reid, Seaforth.
Under cultivation, good buildings,
spring creek. Hydro throughout. 5
acres of bush, and is situated on #8
Highway 33 miles west of Seaforth.
Apply of The 'News office.
Wanted; one-man log saw, Apply to
Herbert Bibby, St, Marys, R.R. #1
Bain 36x50. Apply Lo Leo Cronyn,
phone 13-11, Blyth.
Electric washing machine with
dryer attachment, Ie good working
order. Phone 8401'25. Seaforth,
Model 13 Allis Chalmers tractor,
with starter and lights, good as new
also 2-i'urrote Oliver plow, and '1 Int-
ernational cultivator, new. Apply to
The News office.
Good driver for mail route. Must
be reliable. Apply, Alex ;VIacDonalcl.
Seaforth, Phone 836 r 31.
Two general purpose horses, 1
mare, 1 gelding; also'a few cows
and heifers. Dale Nixon, (361 r 4,
$3200, terms reasonable. 130
seeded in grass, solid brick house.
the top soil is washed off. R.R. Phone 549 r 31; Seaforth..,
e have come to time wen we
must have an equilibrium. Sooner' STRAYED
or later people will have to make Onto my premises around Nov 1,
plans to better some regions," he de- a 2 -year-old cattle beast. Owner can
(dared. Land for reforestration to have same by proving property and
be purchased should` be that which paying expenses. Orville R. Dale,
e€ n be bought the cheapest, Slides Clinton R.R. 4. Phone, Seaforth 847
showing various ,conditions of soil r 22.
were .shown by the speaker.
eamcron.will be co -hostess. As fora;- B. 11 was pentad out during discus -
eriy the roll call will take the form The service was in charge of the mh'-' cion on the latter of dripelts have a gift for the Sick Children's ister, Rev. Andrew Lane, Mrs, ;Morgan to be turned in end theestroe
Hospital, Mrs. Shirrey voted thanks Andrew presided at the organ and r destroyed in order to be eligibledestroyed
to, the hostess, co -hostess and to all led the choir in the rendition of the
those who had contributed .towards anthem, "Holy Art Thou." tith Mrs, Ole bounty,
the enjoyable evening: Following W. M. Nediger taking the solo parts.' Inspectors' Report
the National Anthem refreshments Rev, Dr. Hogg of Seaforth gave a.;
were served by the hostess, the co splendid sermon and referrers to the,
J. H. Kinkead and R. 0. Staples
hostess,:assisted by the 'social corn- life of Mr. and NIrs. Chant, Mr. Chant gave informative addresses to Pluton Miss Milderd -Eiarberer'and Miss
mittee, had been on the building comnriEtee County Council on Thursday . on Jean "Falconer, county school nurses,
of the present 1tieslE9. Willis llniteilgave reports of the work they have
Utr>ir work as public school inspect -
Church: but never saw the church ors for North and South. Huron re- started, concentrating on .pupils of
completed, Mrs. Chant had been spectively, . • 1 nt grade 1. throughout the county.
faithful worker. left's. J. A. Sutter, 17r. I?inkead said the colo me The health and hospital commit -
former Gertrude Chant and s, youngest in the North Huron inspectorate tee reported the resignation of Miss
child of the into Mr. and Mrs, Chant, had increased 105 over last year, ,Gardener, supervisor of school nur-
and is now 2,150, There are 101 ses,'who had organized the system
classrooms, an. increase of one. Sue- here. Miss Mildred Barberer and
cessful candidates at the high school Miss Jean Falconer had since carried
entrance examinations were 191; of on alone very capably. It has cost to.
these 145 entered high schools. the present time $840. for furniture
Eighty' per cent. of the teachers and supplies.
three years ago, had first class- cer- The reforestration and eenaerva-.
tif'icates; now there are 62 and, 32 tion committee reported:, ,
with second class certificates, while :'At the' October meeting, it was
Mr, and NIrs. Jack Soldan visited
in Toronto last week,.
Y. P. Union
The regular meeting of the
Young People's Union was held' on
Monday evening ,with Miss Ruth
Hess presiding.' he scripture was
read by Charles Fee. Miss. Eleanor
Cook presided at the piano for the
singing of the hymns. Miss Edna
Petskie gave the topic. Following
the meeting a recreational period
was enjoyed.
A pleasant time was spent Friday
Presented the window to the church
on belialf.of her sister Mary, Mrs. W.
E. Moody, of .Toronto, and 11er bro-
ther, Fred, of Pittsfield,' Mass. Mr. C.
Wallace Bloody of Toronto, the old-
est gr'andehild,.unveiled the window.
Miss Eileen Sutter, youngest . grand-
child,. very beautifully' rendered the
S010 "Jesus Lover of My Soul,"
100 ACRE
Farm For Sale
60 acres seeded to grass
40 acres good bush and orchard
Good. Well -- Windlmlll
Well Fenced
For further information apply to
Hesky!la �`
AA w
Phone 74
tains to the., planting of windbreaks
along the county higlhways.
Several former councillors, mem-
bers of Parliament and .former war-
dens were present, and were invited
to speak. They were: D1,. R. H. Tay
lor, M.P.P.; L. E. Cardiff, • M,P„
John Fianna, M.P.P., Ex -Wardens
N. W, Trewartha, Clinton; R. E.
Turner, Goderich;: George Arm-
strong, Hay 'township; Fred Watson,
Stanley township; Ex -reeves Roland
Grain, Turnberry, S. H. Witmore,
Tuckersmith, and Harry Sturdy,
President of the Federation of Ag-
six have permits. The average salary . decided to purchase a farm in Col-
a year ago , was $1,180, and atborne township from George Feagan 1 13 Law No. 11, 1945
present it is $1,292. '• consisting of 127 acres, also a farm , By
in classrooms 1s e. in Ashfield township owned by TOWNSHIP of TUCKERSMITH'.
problem in the urban sections. Dur- I9arvey Maize and consisting ,01 50
o ened a
inglast year,Blyth rep • s an •2 acres in" thet h'
acre d 6 c es owns i)
A Z -Law to rnvide f r a cur
room after ihad been closed for of Ha owned by Bertram y n . curfew h, the
seven ears. The county is not' now yKlopp. Tme],ei,ip of Tackersmith.
y The Feagan farm has already been WHEREAS, numerous complaints have been
asked for anything in a monetary purchased and the deed is now re
received by the Domicil eS the 'Township of
v'a, for schools. The effect of gOV-Tuakersmith in regard to children being on
v,'eyYientgrants is shown .in. .the re-
gistered In the name of the County .the streets of the Village of Egawondviuu.
Of Nitron, We recommend that a by- after nine o'clock in the evening eontrarg
trend to new schools 'and better law be drawn up and passed at this AND o the
R,S k�A9 co920, 01,. 2 le s; aai;sn and
buildings. Better lighting' pl'oviSipn session 02 the county council t0 damage ,have been caused by the, sold
will have to receive greater consid- cover the purchase of these farms children,
cistron. at a total cost of $2,500. nin 4VIIEPEAS, the- Oooncil of. the said
There is greater interest, the rotvnship of Tuckersmll% are of the
We have authorized the chairman opinion that action should be taken to cor-.
speaks); continued, in shop and of this committee and the chairman rest tMs situation,
home •economics classes, 1001 only in of the agricultural committee to in. TkoEaotod E,. be it enacted and. it is hereby
the high schools, but . in public enacted
g vestigate the property owned by the 'run! all chit& n 15 years of, age and under
scllooli. Pupils are interested in Canada Company and lying in the must be elf rho streets. by the boor of nine
business courses also. southern portion of.the County, We o clock in. the afternoon from April 1st to
oetober1t' and by. the hour of eight
There is, a. trend toward science, .have authorized them to obtain an o'clock in sthe afternoon from October 1st
`is evidenced by the large enrolment option wi h power to purchase if od 01'ilguardiantaor nna�tltnbt aimointed by
in this department at the universi this land can be procured at a paries the parents or guardian to accompany such
ties. • Aeronautics and engineering not exceeding 55.00 per acre. Read a' first time this sea nay of Nevem
are appealing to young men. The committee recommended that bel, 1045,
t 7 Novi
Many other.' boys, he predicted, will T, j ,Patterson, county engineer, Read a second time this ala day
ember, 1045.
Read a third time and finally papaod, sign-
ed m,(1 sealed this 3rd day of November, 1945
Clerk Reeve
point •their courses toward the On- be requested to sit hi witfh the con-
tario Agricultural Cc:lege, servation and reforestration ccs lnit-'
The operation of school buses tee as he is vitally interested in re -
provides an opportunity for stn forestration, particularly as it per-
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Eto,
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m, Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m, to 9 p.m.
Watson & Reid
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class,
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, W. R. Archibald, Sea.
forth; Vice President, Frank Me,
Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and
Manager, M, A. Reid, Seaforth,
DI rectors
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot,
Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born-
holm; H, J. Trewartha, Clinton;
John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mo•
Ewing, Blyth; Hugh .Alexander,
Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Brucefleld; R. F.
MoKeroher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Dr. E. A. McMaster, MB., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F,-3, R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to ,
6 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, H. H. Ross' office, Phone 6 J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W Seatert}l
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate' in Medicine, University
of Toronto, Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefleld's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p,m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -58 Waterloo
St., Stratford, Telephone 287.
Successor to Holmes & Whitney
• Funeral Director
Ambulance Service, " Adjustable Hos•
pital Bed tor rent. Agent for Mitchell
Nursery Flowers,' Phone 119.
Nights and Holidays 66
100 acres all under cultivation,
brick dwelling, good buildings, 20 ac.
fall wheat, 30 ac. plowed, 26 ac, clover
seeded. hydro available. Lots of
water. 4 ilei. to Bayfield, 31/2 to Varna..
Norman Stephenson, 'Varna.
0 -Room Frame House. 165050, Totvn Water,
e.,d cellar." Situated on Coleman Street.
House with barn. Situated on Main Street,
50 Acre Farm, Twp. Tuckeremith. Good
Brick House, Bank Barn, Poultry House and
Driving :Shed, Immediate possession.
78 Acre 'Farm, Tlvp. Tuckersmith, Prams
House, Dank. •Barn, Driving S1,ed, Hog Pen.
Good bush with spring therein.
flso have Listed farms in McKillop.
Insurance & Real Estate
Seaforth,: Ontario
Phones: 234 Office
Res. 220
Clerk's Notice of First Posting of
Voters' Lists, 1945,.Town of Sea -
forth, County of Huron,'
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with Section 8 of the Vot-
ers' Lists Act and that I have posted
up at my office at Seaforth on the
17th day of November, 1945, the
lists of all persons entitled to vote
in the said Municipality at :municipal
elections and that such lists remain
there fon: inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters'
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions correct-
ed according to law, the last day
for appeal being the 3th clay of De-
cember, 1945,
Clerk' of. the Town of Seaforth.