HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-11-22, Page 4THE SE:\F()iTif NEWS sno, d°. tiros Publishers Auction Sale By auction at Walton School .ground, Thursday, Nov,, •22, at 4 p.m, One asphalt covered building 7 z ft. x 9 ft. Also frame building on Sbf, Lot 26, Con. 10, Morris, 12% -ft, x 10 ft. Terms Cash. Lew Rowland, Auctioneer. WALTON The November meeting of Duff's W.M.S. was held on Wednesday after- noon with Mrs. Watson presiding. The meeting opened by singing hymn 256. followed with a prayer for peace IV Bars. Bryans. The roll call was answered with. 19 present. Minutes were read and adopted. The treasur- er's report was given. Mrs, McDonald reach an item on Christian steward- ship and Mrs. Marshall gave a read- ing on temperance. Mrs. R. Ilentiett, Mrs. Coutts and Mrs, W. Hacltwell were appointed: for the nominating committee. It. was decided to buy books to start off tate CGIT and also the World Friends for the Mission Band. Interesting reports of the sec- tional neer thug held at Egmontiville were given by Mrs, W. Backwell and Mrs. John McDonald. Hymn 252 wee. sung, The worship service on Africa was token by Mrs, .l. Snaith and Mrs. A. McCall. ' The meeting closed by singing hymn 251, and ben'diel100. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kirkby have re- turned from a w'eek's visit with their son George, in Sultan, Ont. Misses Ida and Agnes Dundas adn Mr. Neil Reich of Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of George and Mrs. Dundas. Re are sorry to hear of the fillies, 1 of our icaclu i, lir. I Law'Ir Mrs. [ls . til Ilackw'cll is c1 icing on for tar time being Mr, Donald l'vieter of tlatleti,. rich, paid a .shout visit to Ml. ani ?,Ire, H. B. Kirkby and other friend- in this vicinity. Slides for the IVii sin hand study for this. year were presented to the Gleaners Mission Band of Dull United Church ort 'Sanlyday after- noon. A -.very enjoyable evening was spent last Friday in the Walton Hall when about 265: friends gath- ered to honor Mr. and Mrs. James Clark in their recent marriage. At lunch theyoung couple were called to the front and a presentation of a studio couch and two lamps was made by Doug. Lawless and Wes. Hackwell. The following address was read by Rev. R. G. Hazlewood. Dear Kathleen and Jim: We your friends have gathered here tonight to ,cele - 5x & 3x Shingles ,Electric Fencers, Fence Wire, Cedar and Steel Fence Posts Gates Grass Seed, Seed Corn, Carden Seeds Fertilizer, Ceresan. CO - OP FEEDS Chickstarter Growmash Laymash Pigstarter Hog Grower Sow ration Hatchmash Dairy ration WESTERN GRAIN AND CHOP Finns Minerals & Tonics Reduced now. Rex Wheat Germ Oil Universal Milkers & Parts Seaforth Farmers Co-operative Phone 9 Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth uunnnnn"nnwleuu" n"u"Wnenne 110111 eenl,l Halters #.1 B1k. Leather $1.90 and $2,10 each Made at JACK'S REPAIR CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large Stock of Modern Memorials on display at our Seaforth Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons office will be open on TUESDAYS Open by appointment at any other .time. See Dr, Harburn, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton Exeter Seaforth Phone. 41 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures .Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERIci District Agent Mate with you this happy occasion in your life, and to wish you all that is heat as yen begin your jonrnet• down life's pathway together:, We h n e known you both all our lives and know. full well your sterling qualities of character. Wo are happy that you are making your home among us and lock forward to err, joying your friendship through the years. For yeti Kathleen our wish is that your life be full of joy and happiness. To you Jim we offer oar congratulations. And now that you may always remember the esteem in which you are held by the people of this community, we ask you to ac- cept these gifts with our heartiest and best wishes.. Signed on behalf of the Walton Community. A suitable reply was made by the groom after which everyone' joined. in singing 'For they are jolly good fellows." The remainder of the of the evening was 'spent in dancing to the Pryee Orchestra. Two weeks ago a miscellaneous shower for the bride was held itt the home of Mrs. Herb Travis. Mr ' Douglas Fraser has returned from a trip to the West Mr. autl Mrs. Crosby Sotheru of Foi'dwich with relatives at Walton, Mrs. Lawless of London at the hone of her son and daughter -in -taw. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lawless• • BEECHWOOD Miss Margaret Maloney entertained a group or Friends to a party. Mrs. John Shea In Toronto. Mims ' Stella Johnson spent last week. with Mr. D. J. -O'Reilly. Miss Madelon Sloan with Mr. and Mr:. ,Iola Moylan, .Miss Isabel Purcell of Stratf(u d with her parents. BL'. and 91r.;. Tom Purcell: BLAKE A nmab>r of the nei ;hl or.. ri1111 trientd, and family living in t11i- 111 ti•icl of :Mr. :aril lir,. holler; Mt - Bride, of Rippon. former •rl : rims on the Goshen Line. attended to _older wedding hold at their. home (h honor of their' wedding anniversary on tint od,. and also a dtifuer on Monday venint for their own family. )Ir. and :airs. Thonuis )in::mur. spent the week end in Windsor. Mrs. G. I3ox is in Clinton Hospital where she underwent an operation. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. 13, Faber and family of Kipper Visited at the lime. of Mr, and ,Mrs. H. Finlay. HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. Aurlroy Knox, Bir., Writ. Knox Jr. and Mrs. Arthur Col- son spent the week end in Toronto. We were very sorry to hear of the serious illness and passing of Mrs. Simon McVittie who will be laid to lest on Wednesday of this week. We wish to extend sincere sympathy to the fancily and friends. Mrs. James Seott of Toronto has been with her another during her ill- ness at the home of Mr. • and Mrs. Nelson Lear. Mrs. Eddy Farquhar of near 01111 - ton spent a few Clays assisting at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs, Normal Shepherd and family during their recent bereavement in tate lose of Mrs. Shepherd's mother, the late Mrs. Alexander Reid. We wish to ex- tend sincere sympathy to the family and i'riends Mr. and 14Irs. Ernest \Talker of Jar - us visited their friends also attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Reid. Mrs. Abut Snaith and daughter Nora of St. Thomas spent a few days at the 11(11110 or heir brother, BMt'. Wm. Watson, also attended tate funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Reid, on Monday of last week. returning to ler hone on Tuesday. 'Messrs. Isaac -Rapson and Reece Ferry attended 1116 presentation at Smnnterhill on Friday evening, Nov. 9 WINTHROP The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan, Winthrop, met on Wed. Nov. 7 at the home of 'Mrs. Win. Dodds. Mrs. R. McFarlane presided. The roll call was answered by twelve members. Reports of the Sectional meeting were given by Mrs. R, McClurg and Mrs. E. Hawley. Mrs. McFarlane moved a vete of thanks to these delegates for their splendid reports. During the business of the meeting Mrs. W. Montgomery gave a finan- cial report of the Seventieth Anni- versary showing -a balance of $546.- 01. The assistant captains were ap- pointed as a nominating Committee for the annual meeting to -be held in December. It was decided to try to raise the 15% increase on our allocation. We were reminded that our Missionary Monthly subscrip- tions were due, Mrs. Hiram Blan- shard now took charge of the meet- ing for the worship and study per- iod. Mrs.' C. Dolanage led in prayer The scripture lesson, Proverbs 1. was read by Mrs. W. Dodds, Mrs. W. • Montgomery gave a Christian Stewartship reading, "0 use nee Lord." The W.M.S. report for the third quarter was 'given showing $65.20 raised, Mrs. Blanshard gave two readings: (3) ''Srange Fore," and (2) "The Bible is the mind 'of God." The meeting closed with the Lord's prayer, , Fire At Blyth On Sunday Fire of undetermined origin broke out in the apartment in Myth occup- rod by Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKnight over Mr. H. Vodd00's bake shop Bun - clay afternoon, Mrs. McKnight was unaware of the fire until her daugh- ter noticed the flames conning through the ceiling, On rushing to a closet where the fire apparently started they were met by flames. The firemen soon were on the scene and brought the fire under control, Most of the damage to the bake shop was caused 1 by smoke rout water. Mr. and MVP. McKnight lost, most of their wearing apparel. The. building 1s owned by Mr. • Vodiien. , The idea in being hitched is to pull together, ' "rllntely. THE SEAFORTR NEWS CH ISELHURST The (hiselliurst W.M.S.met in the Schoolroom of the church on Nov. 13. All repeated Psalm 90, Worship ser- vice, Those of the World," prayer by Mrs. Brintnell, roll call; sugges- tions for next year's programs. Rei, R. A. Brook took the chair for the election of officers which are; Pres ident, MYIrs. Thos. Brintnell; lst vice, Mrs. Percy Harris; 2nd vice, Mrs. Jos. Ferguson; 31'd vice, Mrs. Carl Stoneman; secretary, Mrs. Clayton Horton; treasurer, Mrs. John Glenn; Christian Stewardship and finance, Mrs. David Chappel;,literatur'e, Mrs. Wm. Brintnell; Missionary Monthly see., Mrs. R. A. McDonald; temper- ance sec., Mrs. Earl Kinsman; pian- ist, Mrs. Carl Stoneman, Mrs, Clay- ton Horton; flower committee, Mrs. George Wren,Mrs. Grant Ryck-. man, Mrs. W. R. Kinsnman, The of- ficers elected for the Women's Asso- ciation: President, Mrs. Carl Stone- man; let vice, Mr's, Earl Kinsman; 2nd vice, Mrs. Wtn. Brintnell; se3,- treas,,' Mrs. Calvin Horton, Rev. R. A. Brook closed the meeting with prayer. VARNA A Miscellaneous Shower A very pleasant afternoon was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott, when the ladies of the com- munity, assembled to iho honor to their daughter. Lillian. The bride -to- he was made the recipient or many beautiful and useful articles when a decorated wagon drawn by two little 1107-0, (10119' McAsh and Wayne Sterl- ing. was brought in with the tnuny gifts, which were unWrappcd and the: toutnnis noted. in addition to this a purse of mane), waspresented by the ladies of S1, John's Anglican Church. of which Lillian was t1 member. A d1111ty 110(11 was diem served. Since the open seasori for deer has begun, the sporting g1111nfen from near anti far are to be seed Several of our local hunters ° have secured a prize. Mies Mary Galbraith and Mrs. Ada R.nd of Seat'orih, iu rump;nly with I)i•. Burrows. ows. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Galbraith. Sorry to report Mrs. John Hartnman was rushed to the hospital suffering ut attack of appendicitis. We are pleased to report Air. A. McConnell i emelt improved. Mt'. and Mrs. Leytltem and fancily in company with Miss Beatty of Lon- don, were Sundny guests at the home of the latter's mother and Miss Beaty. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Pollock has returned from the htos- pitah DUBLIN Word was received here of the death of Mrs, Elizabeth Ann Mc- Dowell in Sarnia, at the residence of her son-in-law, Frederick A. Wicks. Deceased ,was a native of England and was in her 78th year. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Dalton Burns and Mrs. F. A. Wicks of Sarnia. Miss Joan Burdette, Dub- lin, is a granddaughter. • The Anglican Women's Guild of St. Mary's Church, Dublin, held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs, H. Colman, on Thursday, with a representative attendance. The president opened the meeting and the minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary. Following the devotional session, a quilt was completed by the ladies. A bounteous lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants. Dublin Women's War Services' Association met at the club rooms and packed. eleven Christmas boxes for soldiers of the district who are still overseas. A large group of .friends and well- wishers ,assembled at Looby's Hall on Friday night in honor of Captain Frank Stapleton RCDC and Mrs. Stapleton. Captain Stapleton has re- cently returned home after two years overseas service. An address of welcome was read by Mrs. A. M. looby and presentation of e large chair and ottoman was macre by Thomas Butters and William Curtin. The honored guests expressed their appreciation and thanked • all pre- sent. A. social hour of dancing fol- lowed, the Ryan -McQuaid Orchestra supplying the music. An elaborate lunch was served by a group of young volunteers. Among the member df veterans. returning on the Queen Elizabeth, is Gunner Fergus Clarence Feeney, 12th Canadian Medium Battery, R. C.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feeney, Hibbert Township. He en- listed in March 194 and trained at 'Camp Borden and • Petawawa. He went overseas in August 1942 and was in active service in the African, Sicilian and Italian campaigns. He has five brothers, Hubert, Martin and Victor, Kitchener, and Carl' and Lorne at Home; also three sist- ers, Mrs. ,Leonard. Bader, Detroit, Mrs. Otto Kyllones, Toronto, and Miss Ursula at home. Honoring Miss Margaret Angela Murphy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Murphy, Dublin, prior to her marriage, an event of this month, Mrs. TI. C. Barger enter- tained recently at a luncheon at her home, 12 Horne St., London. The guest of honor was made the recip- ient of a shower of miscellaneous nif55, Mr, and Mrs. John F. Murphy. Dublin, parents of the bride -elect were among the guests. Tozier and son, Edward, De- troit, with Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes, Michael McCarty underwent en operation at St. Joseph's Hospital, LOP Mrs. J. Dewer, London, with her sister. Mrs. A. NL Looby. Miss Phyllis Gibb. Miss Muriel Meek and aures Gibb, Stratford, with B4r. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Mrs. Wilbert Annis has returned tnn,e after sn 0116in5 - 131;o 111011515 With 1101' Snu, Dr, 7. Annis and Mrs. Arris et Vnnconver. B.C. Lieut. (NS) 'Lo'een T,00hv, who vas nn farinne'h with her mother. /Frs. a, 114 Lneh,r, rr'rnivod a,i nr- rni vire_ to Smart •tt Montreal int Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Lannin and fancily at Atwood. M1. and Mrs. Ltaivrenc'e Hannon and 111r. and Mrs. Norman Bushfield at Whalen. Mrs. Margaret Geary has gone to Toronto 40 live after three year's residence in Dublin. Frank McGrath, Waterloo, with his mother, Mrs Mary McGrath. Mr. and Mrs. Frani( Elliott have moved to their new residence on No. 8 Highway, Dublin. Miss Ally Looby, Toronto, with: her mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby. Mrs. Don Colmnbas, Kitehenor, with her sisters; Mr's. Leonard Nagle. Mr. and Mr's. Joseph E. Feeney and family at Blyth.. James Shea in Chicago. WINTHROP Mrs. R. K. Davidson spent the' weekend in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs... 'Charles Dolmag'e have moved into the village. We wel- come them Mr. J. 114. Gillies and family spent the weekend in Collingwood. Mrs, John Gillies and Mr. Hugh Gillies of Collingwood returned with them. The Red Cross quilting and rneet- ieg was held in the school room of the church on Tuesday, Nov. 20th. The meeting was opened by singing "0 Canada". There were 15 ladies present and two quilts were quilted. A very interesting part;of the meet- ing *as a talk by Isobel Betties on her trip to England and her exper- ieilces'-there as a nursing ' sister, The meeting was closed by singing the 'National Anthoin, The Annual Christmas concert Will be held in Cavan Church, Dec. 7 Brussels Continuation School Hold Commencement -.- Lirussels-Continuation 5, hoot hold 110 c'otiltilenf'eiln'alt. exerc•t:.0 +.0. 1 11 i t +'veniug. A play, "Aunt Ttlhlr G,. - to Town was presented by the :mho.— Mg mon,: 1 1 Laura spell's. -Ruth Wil- son. Doris Bowman. Helru Blake. :Marjo(,' Sanderson, son, .1largaret Charles s Phomas Wilfred epi 'y. in- ternu diate .ceftihc'at+'s v,oro nro0on1 11 by 1) 91. McTavish to the following: Doris Bowman, Helen Blake. marg. aret Bell. Ruth Wilson, Nancy Cam- eron, John Spivey, for the completion, Of font years; for the completion of two years, s, Audrey Anderson. Gloria Clarke, Doreen Coutts, Dorothy Fras- er, Lillian Gibson, Isobel Seilers, Kenneth Knight, Elva Sholdice. Phyl- lis Sullivan, Leona Watson, .Tenn Wil- ton, 21111e Work, Ruth McDonald re- ceived her honor .graduate certificate. 'Home Saved From Fire What might have been a serious fire was averted at the 11011,e of BIS. S.Kechnie by his neighbor. Mr. C. Saltier, in Blyth. About 10 o'clock 'Fri- day evening as Mr; and Mrs. Kecllnie were about to retire, Mt, Salter mine to the door, informed them their front verandah was on fire, and asked for a pail of water; it took 12 pails of 6 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1915 —-- THEATRE Seaforth ~ NOW 51Uu]NC -• f}Ul. lRI;SAT. 1wo-ientnres- ..nd'ehaw starts 8.45 Joan Davis `Kansas City Kitty" Bob Crosby ALSO "The Last Horseman" v ith !less011 Hayden MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY One of the Greatest Pictures to come out. of Hollywood "Since,You 'Went Away" with Claudette Colbert, Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotten, Shirley Temple DIM to, the length of this feature, there will be Only ore show each evening at 8 p.m. NEXT. THEIR; PRI. SAT. Maria. Montez "Sudan" Coming "NOB I -III -L.' IN 'TECHNICOLOR Jon Hall In Technicolor water to (111011011 the (ire which had apparently been started when a cigar- ette butt bard been dropped. A strong W11111 was blowing from Iho south and had it not been discovered it might have caused serious damage. 4:1 X.,0 (40tH: ,0 Beef Upside Dawe Pie 1J4 mpg ®our y( imp milk, or half milk 1 top. soft and half water 1 bhp. celery salt 15 cup sliced onion' X tap. white pepper 1 >tn condans«i tomato 5 tbs. ohertoutug OSup 9 Ib. ground raw bast 3 tap. Magic Baking Powder &ft together flour, baking powder, 1S tap. salt, celery salt and pepper; add 3 tablespoons shortening; mix In thoroughly with fork. Add milk and stir until blended. Moltremnlning two tablespoons shortening in 9" frying pan, and cook onions until soft. Add tomato soup, re- maining omaining 34 teaspoon oalt and ground meat; bring to boil. Spread baking powder mixture on top of meat Mixture and bake at 475°F. for about 20 minutes. Turn out upside down on (ar;le plate, Serves 8. MADE IN CANADA eeellif SUNNYVALE CHICKS FOR 1946 Itis not too soon to place your order for your chick( re- quirements for 1946, while best dates are available. Leghorn, Barred Rocks Leghorn X Barred Rock Hybrids. SUNNYVALE POULTRY FARM Andrew A. Moore, Prop. Phone 6156 r 3, Seaforth • SWITCH NOW to the Easy Way With the MASSEY-HARRIS RITE -WAY MILKER BET MORE SAN1T tV. • Earn more money per cow -save more time per clay—reduce labor costs by more than half—by milking your cows the easy way—the profitable way—with the Massey -Harris Rite -Way Milker. Now is the time to switch from the tedious, unprofitable, unsanitary hand milking methods of by -gone clays. See your Massey -Harris dealer today.. Let him show you the superior engineering features of the Massey -Harris Rite -Way. R