HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-11-22, Page 3WHATSOEVER YE SOW Germans like the two, above, who search for food in a GI garbage heap near Berlin are learning the torture and tragedy of the starva- tion they forced upon untold millions of helpless people. People often walk five miles and farther to pick over the kitchen scraps dumped from U. S. Army trucks. The Other Side Of D. °T. Story In the realm of rescach science, we have a warning as to the pos- sibly serious effects of wholesale use of DDT, the new poisonous' insecticide created to hill tropical insect life and being used widely now in Ontario, says the London Free Press. From Chicago, Dr. Clarence Cottam, chief of the di- vision of wild life of the Interior Department of Fish and wild Life Service, asserts: "DDT is effective against most types of insects. . It is highly effective against flies and mosquitoes. ilutit will kill a lot of things we don't want killed. Our Studies show that five pounds per acre in a forest will either kill birds or drive them out. gore than one-half pound per acre is damag- ing to figs, turtles and frogs. DDT is effective against pollinating in- sects essential in fruit production.. It is highly= effective against bees." KID COBBLER Cobbling Is serious business with IPA -year-old Jerry Roger Nicharot, challenger for the title of the na Lion's youngest shoemaker. His dad hat a shoe repair shop in Cleve- land, Ohio, and ever since the boy was a year old, according to the elder. Nicharot, he has been a real. help, specializing in nailing on 'heels, as pictured, above. . What, No D.D.T.? Scientists tell us that a 140 - pound man contains enough fat. for seven cakes of soap, carbon for 9,000 pencils, phosphorous, to neake 200 match head's, magnesi• Int for one dose of selts,it•on to make one medium-sized nail, ,suf- ficient lime to whitewash a chic- ken coop, enough sulphur to rid _. one dog of fleas, and, water to fill a 10 -gallon barrel, -St. Thomas Tinier -Journal Yee Will B1l)oy Staying Al The Si. Reps &gel '1,060N'ro • Every 1(ootn ,with 11,,Y h, St,ower and Telephone. • Singles 132. ,0 to, — Double, teen(' up. • (11001iIdOod, D[itite6. :aid Dane,.1 ng Nightie,. . Tel, Shmb(trne ht Unrltbn 1,1-1 0A. 4111; . . Usually brings gmclr, sure relief to coughs. bronchitis and throat irrita- tions ATALLDnUenr5TS 26c MADE DT THE ORIGINATORS OF � ' MOIDS It Happened In... In New Jersey Mrs, Evelyn Schlegel flew 30 feet when her car skidded. Police are pondering Whether to give her a ticket for, 1: Flying too low; 2, Flying with- out a pilot's license. �1$ LAR PAIN [3 O S AY 1 Instantine Tablet brings FAST RELIEF! Is vac suffer from muscular aches or pains, and have been relying on slow - acting, sometimes ineffective remedies to bring you a measure of relief, learn all about the Instantine 1-tab/el-way to fast relief from simple pain. You see, fast -acting Instantine tablets are a skillful combination of three proven medicinal' ingredients, scientifically coin - pounded to relieve pain promptly. Chances aro you may he surprised at the speed with which 2 Instantine tablet can bring you welcome relief/ You can count ' on'Instantine's triple -action to work in these ways to give you fast relief from paint 1. Speedily ease pain. 2. Prolong relief from pain. 3. Reduce"depressed feeling." Give mild, stimulating "lift." Instantine never pampers pain, but. works fast to bring needed comfort. Re- member Instantine, too, whenever you suffer from headache or the discomfort of a cold or sore throat. You can get Instantine at any drugstore. - 12 Tablets 250—about 20 a dose Fast, Effective Refief from Simple Porn ACTS 1WAYS TO RELIEVE MISERIES OF BRONCHITIS Now get real relief from coughs, soreness and congestion of bion, ohitis-this double -action way that actually ray 'ems AT ONCt i� PENETRATES deep into bronchial tubes With soothing medicinal vapors. STIP/MATES I chest and book sur- 0\, faces like a warm �f,:bfog ! 0agiNe roe UOUtia lOik To get all the benefits of this combined PENETRATINC,ST191UtATIN6 action, just rub throat, chest, =aback with Vicks VapoRuub at bedtime. instantly VapoRub goes to work -2 ways at once as shown above—to ease bronehitis cough- ing, loosen congestion;. relieve muscular soreness, and speed restful, comforting sleep. Often by morning most of the misery 15 gone. Get relief from bron- chitis distress tonight with dou- ble -action, time - tested Vicks Vapo- \ifMK':�' Rub ... Try it! VapoRus ArcCHECKED :,t a ✓iffy -or Money Dank For quick relief from i tcleng caused by eczema, athlete's fent, scabies, pimples and otheri telling conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid B, O,, 0, PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and etoinlesa. Soothes, comfortsand quickly calms ntense fretting, Don't suffer, Ask your nnl6Clet today for D. b. D. PRESCRIPTION. Absence of Gum Puzzles Servicemen The effwts of certain manufac- turers to meet overseas demands during the war resulted in severe short supply in the domestic mar- ket, arl.et, and in the case of Wm. Wrig- ley Jr, Co. Limited it's entire stock of certain prewar quality ingredi- ents was entirely 115ed up long be- for the war's end. However, Ca^ radian nen and women received chewing guile overseas through the Wrigley Overseas Gum Plan' which was most successfully oper- ated for the folks at ]some through their retail storekeepers, who for- warded orwarded their customer's' orders to the manufacturer for direct ship nient to Canadians serving Ovcr seas. Returned servicemen and wom- en are looking forward to the manufacturers' promise to bring Wrigley's chewing gum back onto Wallboard Made From Wood Waste Wood waste in the shape of sawdust, shaving and chips is to be converted into wallboard by a simple, quick and cheap method recently discovered, says Market- ing. Experiments show that a ton of ,sawdust will yield 2,000 square feet of board using equipment t0 low in cost that most sawmills' and woodworking ,plants will be able to realize dividends from hitherto w o r t Il l e s s materials. Present manufacture of hard wallboard' in- volves reducing whole logs to fibres before processing, a method requiring a large capital outlay for equipment, Canadian retail store counters just as soon as it is practical to guar- antee top-quality ingredients and finest flavor in sufficient quanti- ties that most everyone may enjoy some. Britain Building Concrete Houses To speed up housing con- Struction and to save labor A new British steucture is being demon- strated at 'an exhibition of concrete houses near London at Eastcote, Middlesex: Wooden frames and huge moulds for the walls, with the necessary openings for win- dows, doors, water and gas pipes, etc,, are erected on the site by means of cranes, The .concrete is then poured into the moulds, re- sulting in 12 -inch thick, 'weather- proof weatherproof and heat -retaining walls. The wooden frames and moulds are then removed by the cranes. The front of the house is built of bricks and the roof is pre- fabri-cated, It is estimated that the erection can be carried out, to a great extent, by unskilled labor and can be made habitable within a mot th. Continued Food Shortage Likely liritisli Food Minister Sir Ben Smith believer that the world food shortage will continue one or two yeais or possibly even longer, I -Ie made- his prediction in a speech at a victory banquet of the Worshipful Company of Butchers, an organization comprising leaders of the British treat industry. Smith attributed the shortages to heavy demands of the war and droughts. DID YOU KNOW that Maxwell House Coffee is 6GRadiant Roasted" to cap. ture all the extra goodness of this particularly fine coffee blend. Try Maxwell House! DAIRY CHIOIKS PtJId.DTS :PURE BREEDS AND hyrid crosses 14 week up to laying,. 15a11 hatched ,chicks booked to order. Free catalogue and. prieellst, Tweddle Chick Hat- .charies Limited, Fergus, Ontario, WHr t'E SUSSEX, NEW RAMP- shire, Barred Rock, Wyandottes, Aush'olorps cross breeds—chicks, prompt shipment. Some. started, Bray Hatchery, 150 John N. Ha- milton, Ont, A MESSAGE TO POULTRY nAIs- era who want to makebigger profits — your profits depend upon the quality you produce, !.'hat's why it's so important to start the right way -- the. Twed- Ole way. Tweddle Government Approved Chicks earn money for you the day they arrive: Because they entre from blood -tested breeders of Icnown livability and • produetivety thug having a de-' cidodly low mortality rate. That' are hardy chicks—healthy chicks —profitable chicks. Prepare now for Europe's large market In eggs and poultry meat. Begin to, day — the Tweddle way andlot us send you our Interesting cata- logue and prlcollat. Also tree range pullets for Immediate de- livery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, SUCCESSFITI, POULTRY RAISERS turn to Top Notch. Top Notch Chicks are filling poultry houses wherever profits are being sought after, The name Ton: Notch has coma to symbolize Increased Pro- fits to enterprising poultry rais- ers because Top. Notch chicks are profitable breelding1Inc1 Top sNothie most up to date methods of pre ... selection andhandling that re- sult' in high standard Govern- Mont "Approved chicks. When buying chieks choose the name - you can trust — buy Top Notch. An early shipment of Top Notch chicks will get you oft to a fly- ing, start in the IOuropenn egg and poultry meat market, Don't delay write for our free ca- talogue to -day. Also laying and ready tolay pullets for Immediate delivery, - Top Notch. Chlckeries, Guelph, Ontnrlo, 25 FREE CHICKS OUR BABY CIIICKS . ARE TRIS progeny or Foundation end Re- gistered Birds. All Breeders blood -tested.: Prices from Be to 25e.' All guaranteedexcellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Bri- tannia Heights. Ont. I21 WILL PAY YOU TO PILL YOUR pens with good laying. or ready to lay pullets now. We can give immediate delivery 0n many pure' breeds and hybrid. crosses... Also day old chlcics hatched to order for Fall delivery.' Top Notch Chieleertes, Guelph, Ontario, ntslNms9 OPPORTUNTTTIOS $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" ALSO ' PARTICIPATE TN $60,00 monthly Bond draw. Other prizes Details on receipt,. Shires $1.00: each or 6- for 55.00.: Sendfor shares. to St, Cnthnrines. Optimist' Club,' Box 446-17., St. Catharines, Ontario, • NOW WOULD. You LIKE TO. OWN, a 510,000 Rome, built to your own specifications, whmtever• • you wish? If you prefer We will give. You $10,0-0O in. Victory ''Bonds, Op- portunity to win 510,000 monthly draw, All proceeds for underpri- vileged children and playgrounds,. Drarnv date _. December 21st 1045, Don't delay. Receiptq mailed- promptly. Send $1.00 for one ticket,.0 for 05.00, right now to Kiwanis Club of Sudbury,' Box 53 Sudbury Ont, Nor they tVlmrers - July — George Mott, Orient Bay, Ontario; August — Mrs. M. Ro- berts, 1016 Nielson Ave., Fort Willie m; Septettrber — N. Taylor, 22 .Elm Se, Sudbury, Ont,; Octo- ber — Pred Prlmeau, Capreol, Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING .HAVI1 YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to no for information,' We aro glad . to ' . - answer your questions, Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 701 Yonge Street, To- ronto. FOR sA.LE Choice pure bred YorkshirePigs, Adviince. Registry and Show bloodlines, both sexes, priced to sell. Geo, A. Baldwin, Inlcerman, Ontario,, BLACK CURLY RETRIEVERS from Champions; Registered in Canadian Kennel Club, E. -Brown,' St. Cather Ines, Ont, NEW DURO DEEPWELL PUMP — and Tank, 129 Rainsford Road, Toronto. WINDMILL, GOOD CONDITION, STAN CUNNINGHAM, ALLISTON, ONTARIO. FOR SA010.. AMERICAN (PIT) BULL TERRIER . puppies, pto ribPattrn purple bon sock, splendid companionsand watch dogs, Lloyd Peel, Baxley, Ontario. HURON COUNTY, CROPPING MILL, good mixed farming area. Diesel engine, ball bearing grinder rol- lers with elevatot•s,going con- cern, quick possession,. Wm. Pearce, Realtor Exeter,' Ont, EXTRA SPECIAL 100 DOUBLE Edge or SO Single Edge Blades — $2,00 prepaid, Wholesale business invited. Ace Company 2618 32nd Street, Union City, New Jersey: REG. SUFFOt,ut EARLY RAM lambs, breed twiceyearly strain. Ewes up to 235 lbs, Lambs at toot and due. Sold to Experiment- al Farm. Also Reg. Iyeretorda. 1lcliennitt Bros, Holland Centre, n..a ROSE;t1ERE KENNELS PRESENTS German Shepherd Puppies, United Statships blood lines. American80 champion- ship Avenue, Toronto 8. .Reward BEAUTIFUL SHOPPING BAGS Make parcel -carrying easy. You will love these strong shopping bags of colorful flowered creton ne material on solid shade leath- softta. tudy flannel -finished alininn Sihandles, l,rn rroinuin blue,Inches. rose, Flowered d . leatherette in brown. Yearn of wear. $2.99 each.. You will be Proud to neur nicest streeticlothes.vSend 5100, balance collect plus postage. Ar- reWomith's Dept, 4, Box 19, Stn. "N" Montreal, PUPS AND LONG HAIRED KIAt' tens wanted, highest prices,' good. homes. Dixon's, 1821 St. Antoine, Montreal. FOR SALE), REGISTERED DOR- Set ewes. and rams, unrelated, 17. Bartlett," R. No, 2, Canfield, Ont. ATTENTION, FARMERS, FOR Sale: Tractor Teres, trade' of rub- ber, atlltable for bolting on steel wheels, etr.dedigsated meand of wheel. National Rubber Co. Ltd.,. 5 Wlltehlre 'Ave., -Toronto, Ont, REG/STA/RED COLLIE PUPS SA-. ble and white ten weeks old reg - amiable, R. Norton, Searboro - Bllrffs, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORSNEW, USED bought, sold,' rebuilt:. belts pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Corn - Pang Ltd. 2216 Dufferin St. Tor- onto, - FOR SALE ROUEN DUCKS PRIZE stoop ducks- 52.01, drakes $9,00, Arcade Ragg, 111, Hespeler. On-.. tario, , . STEERING WHEEL SPINNERS, special heavy ditty for tractors, 51.25 postpaid, Ivan Martin, St._. Jacob's,: Ontario, - A COMPLETESLP-0F�50 ASSORT ed' files; from C"-14"; including flat, half round, '.round, square, etc.; rough and smooth; at a clearing prleo'. of 58' delivered, Re- cttpetools and Metals Limited, ' 1212 Aldred Building, Montreal, Que. STORE WINDOW PRICE TICIIETS Ready for your individual prices, -Mete for samples, Kelly Print- ing, 124 Welttngton Street West, Toren to. FARMS 1,(110 SAI,10 ... PIETY. ACRES '17)11A000 LAND, . or other crops. Gas and hydro In 1supe, barn and ch le leen house, , Lots of water. Apply Wm.' Ecker,: R. R. 1,-. Rodney, Ontario, 51,000 — MUSKOKA FARM, 100 acres, good poll, buildings, spring water, Hydro, Lelepbone, etc, Ap- ply le 73, Bard, It. R, 1. Ancestor, Ont, 180 ACRES, (1007) M\PLI: 731)51-0, with or without inn •hinery, cheap Box 471, Smlih. Bulls, Ont. 15 ACRES NIOAl1 T OWMAN V ILLS, god beering orchard, poultry houses for 2,000 birds,barns, silo,' price 07500. Terms: more land. nvnila ble mono le le bathroom, furs ace, hydro, 10 utiles from Oshawa, nos eosion ruvnngpd, M. (siemens, 1010. 0. Tnwmans•ille. el A lit 1111 I';SS NG LEARN I- T.,1tItDRLSSTNG 'Ji1P: Reber leen, method, Informs lion on request regarding,. al assocs. llobortson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Rond, 'Toronto, .10108,13 WANTP.D • COUNTRY GIRL SMALL,'M0DERN I-70ME,,.PRIVATE room, good wages for capable girl ' fond od children. Thono 1711. 7404 or ,write Advertiser,", 48 Suther- land Or, Toronto, LINO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED G011PETENT LINO OPI718ATO Re and floor men wanted for news - 05505 printing office, permanent position Wilson Publihihighest Co.,73 wagesAdelaiW. apply nearest Employment and Selective Service Office.. Order No, I. AIEDIcAL BA'UMEEKA L`OOT BALM DE - strays offensive odor. instantly,: 45e. bottle, Ottawa agent. Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa. ASTHMA. WRECKS TETE NERVOUS system, Prevent it by taking one ASO Tablet a day. It gives -imme- diate relief and gradually clears up the bronchial condition. $1.00 postpaid. Money back guaranteed If instructions followed, John Campbell, 131 Keewatin, Toronto, 12. DON'T WAIT — EVERY SUp'FER- er of Rheumatic Pains of Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, Mun- sch Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Otta- wa. Postpaid $1,00. GET READY FOR WINTER, Build up your resistance with Merritls System Tonic Tablets: Canadian favorite for forty years. From your druggist or postpaid 51,00, from Merrill Pro- ducts, 98 Silverbirch - Ave, Toeon- to, Ontario. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often aro the cause of .Ill -health " in humans, all ages. No one int- 'mune: Why not find out If this Is your. trouble ,interesting'particu lays Free) Write ' Mulveney's Remedies, Specialiste, Toronto .3. Emma- (RECOMMENDED -- EV- cry sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or NeurTNa'should try Dixon's Remedy; Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. MAC'IIIN.ERY ANDSUPPLIES DAN KELLER EQUIPMENT LTD, F011 SALE 1943 Caterpillar' D4 diesel -powered , tractor, equipped with 3t' yard digging. bucket and .angledozor, Thismachine is in perfect con- dition. Price $5,000, Caterpillar diesel inodelD4 tractor with Lalelant-Choate hydraulic Caterpillar model DOatractor$with La - Tourneau angledozor. New 1941. Twocaterpillar 117 tractors, ' Now 1938. Ilquipped with LtPiant- Choate ttgledozera, .Price 55,200 each, Three caterpillar 15 tractors spay, A-1 co:Mitten. I'rlco 51,260 each, Caterpillar 30equipped with La - Plant -Choate bulldozer, - Price $1,000, Cnterpiliar 30 equtlppwitL Plant -Choate bulldorerod, Rhebuilta- . Price $1,800, Cietrac model BD diesel -powered tractor. New 1541. Equipped with hydraulic angledozor. A-1 condi-. tion• Price $3,750, Cletrat, model.. 30 tractor only. Re- built. Equipped with starter, gen- erator, radiator guards with rack for sl -Id. chains, $800. 1943 International TM, wide gauge, equipped. with Teucyr1le-Erie . gledozer, starter, generator, front and rear :lights, front -pump and radiator guards. Has just been rebuilt andready for Immediate International00. Price ��0 Tl)14diesel' tractor With . Bucyrus -Erle , angiedozer, Price 00,800. International T20 equipped with Gar Wood bulldozer, Good condi- tion, Price $2,760. Bay^ yi g, wr- ed,= mCityountedswinon crawlers,gaSOline-pobacek- hoe only, Good condition, .Price. $3,600. Pordson Universal ry;, swing 318. yard. gas shovel, - mounted - on era lets ineiudtng trailer- for same, Price $2,700. Bucyrus Erie 1011, serial number. in 22,000's, 518 1 nrd shovel, 28' crane boon with drngline:bucket and h$8;0tnl00.choe, Recently rebuilt, Price P & Fl model 150, 31 yard shovel and dra.gllne: Prime $7,800. 30 Ton livors trailer equipped with 8. - 10 to 28 tiros rear, 2 — 14:x' $1- 3:, ,800, tires front. All solids. Price.. POR RENT FoI'dson leundotn model A 30 swing 315 Ind gas shover,. Caterpillar 65gasoline-powered tree toe equipped with La -Plant- Clioate bulldozer. International TDB engledoror, 1941 model, equipped with Buoyrue- I. rie angle Wilde. 1112 moor S(. 00, Toronto Phone la, 1)010 OPPORTI ell mums FOR . 15'0111E•.N BE HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOI. Creat Opportunity. Learn Iia irclressing Plensnnt dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduelo,. America's '. greatest sys- tem, lllustrnted catalogue freer Write or rail MARVEL HAIRDRESSING - SCH0008. Branrheo '14 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, -Ottawa,: priwrot 1,404310 TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your. dmfs properly developed and - 6 OR S lS POSL Tt'dir.' ROLLS 26c FINESTEPRINTS ENLARGINGr SERVICE You They not get: all the Mins yon want this year;but you can got all the quality and servlee you desire.' by sendtitg your films to ' INI'191t1A8, PHOTO SERVICE .. Station 1, Toronto PROT¢tlit A d' E15 PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select your favourite negatives end send to an. We'll return 12 prints mounted on attractive, embossed greeting cards, with envelopes for mailing - for 000., The most original greeting cards .you can get—the kind your friends will keep — cards that men on active service at home and overseas ]eketo gat. ,Order efoarrly.26c.) (2 Photographs on Calend,u•s STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, l'estnl Terminal A, 'termite. Your quality in celeuring and de- veloping is excellent," tvritao a cue- tomer at. Peterborough, Ont, "and your service is proinpt and -guaran- teed, 1 am particularly fascinated with the Coloured enlargements .and Christmas cards, Tour prices for such quality work are really econ- omical and r appreciate your prompt reliable service." Any Size Roll -6 or 2 Expoeures, DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 'IJc 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS' 25C Size 4" x 0" In Beautiful Easel MOunts _ You can have enlargements colour. ed by hand for a emelt additional charge, rhea ed Enlnrl;enreats 4" x '6 on Ivory tint mounts, in frames 7"':x Burutshed Gold or Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony.finish 09c; Print] ayour mine oand'eddress: plain- ly on nil orders. 511101(141. IN5TB 1 et EN.' S . FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church, 'Toronto 2. PA'I 455'1 FETHErtsTONHA rum N clut1'ANY Patept Solicitors, Estnhlished 1090; 14 Nina 11'eet, Toronto, Booklet of lnrermnit„n ne re. quest rent50A,th WINNER OI'' '1I.1'MOtl'IH CAR drawn at I'ott Colborne October 31, •Ivy Par, hl : Kellogg Co., London, ()Merle, , i :..-t No. 45102, S1`AIIITh I'F'S A HITT DTSCHTARt EO VETS! 1S STAMP collecting :your hobby? Get bock In the grove! Send today for our personal price list. All you do ie list' the nunnbets of those "blank Spoto in your T ritislt colonials. and we make up your individual price list-. Every stamp is priced fairly. Approvela also it desired. No obligation, Mail only. Write to E. Hey, 84 Corbett Ave., Toronto T-AxI11I;RanY• DEER IIEEADS MOUNTED,. DEER Hides tanned into glove leather, we skinsso tapped orefloorr drugs, s. Sllear PIides tanned and made into rugs. Foxen ntoscarfs 26 I;lnt Sire Street, Toron- to, OliverSpannerCo. Ltd, WANTED WANT DOUSE IN VILLAGE, TOWN or highway, Prefer with little land, $700 to $1700. Clive deserip- tion, price etc, George.. Drummond, Owen Sound. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For all kindsofdressed poultry. Get our prices beforeyou sell. Write, phone or wire - .. JOHN C. COOPER 2304 131,0011 S1. W TORONTO Maoism E Jf, 0339 BUYER, MR. 1110 BOWLER. HARDWARE' .BUSINESS WANTED, state stock, turnover, any neces- sary particulars, confidential. Box 59, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto, WANTED TO PURCIiASE PULL- eta all ages •and breeds, Iligh paid ' Apply Box No. ” 61, 70, Adelaide W., Toronto.. HATCHING EGGS WANTED FOR 1046 hatching season, Flocks cull- ed end bioodtested - free : or charge under Government Supervision,' Guaranteed ':premium; plue hatch- ability premium, paid. Fors--. full - details, write :Bee 10, 73. Arlelslde- W., Toronto, BETWEEN NOW AND .LATE, Spring, White Birch Bolte, 27" long, 1" and up top. Must be fresh:- cut, free of doze and largo' limb knots. Also interested - In Poplar and Basswood - Bolts, 6" and up 'top, 48" long. T£ you can • reply in carlots, write for our Quotations. 1(5014n Wnodenwaro Limited, Owen Sound, Ontario, 0005; BASSWOOD F. fl I) C Birch, 'Elm, Maple,. aloe Poplar and While Birch Bolts, good prices. OVrite to The Oakville Basket Co. Ltd Ontcfille, Ont, ISSUE 46=1946