HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-11-22, Page 1H U RON COUNTY'S L EADINC NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 98, No. 47. START SALVAGE WORK AT BOSHART PLANT Salvage operations Started Tuesday at the Basham Fiu'nrtme factory; fol- lowing Saturday's disastrous fire, per- mission'having been given by the un- derwriters, All employees vvh0 Wish will be given employment on these operations, so that none need lose any time. By Wednesday noon is Wes stated that consideration is being given to plans for rebuilding the fire -swept portion of the plant. It was believed the new building would resemble the one, built during'the summer, with steel construction and laminated floors. Estimates for the work are be- ing considered. Friends Make Presentation To Naval Airman Harrison Naval Airman Keith Harrison, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Harrison of McKillop; left on Sunday for the west coast, On Wednesday evening of last week friends held a -gather- ing gathering in Winthrop hall in his honor. Mr. Francis Coleman read the ad- dress, and Mr, Conrad Eckert made the presentation of the gift. There was a social evening and dancing. ENGAGEMENT Thev. Re . A. D Mackenzie, D.D., MacKenzie and Mrs. M cdCenzd e of Charlotte- town, r otte- town, P.E.T announce the engage- ment of their elder daughter, Kath- erine Jean, to Capt, Thomas Miles Gordon, The royal Montreal Regi- ment, of Montreal, elder son of Mr, and Mrs. T. A. G. Gordon of Sea - forth. The marriage has been ar- ranged to take place in Montreal in December. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Derril White, Hunt - s oy• River, P.E.I. announce the en- - gs:.tent of their elder daughter, Mary Bernice, R.N., to Mr. J. C. McNay, formerly of the RCAF., son of Mrs. McNay and the late John McNay of Seaforth. The wedding to take place in P.E.T. the middle of December. Certified Genuine OLGA POCAHONTAS AND ALBERTA COAL E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. 10 a.m., Sunday School. .11 a.m., "The Sacrament of Bap- tism." 7 pan., Life Enrichment through friendship." Thurs. 7:45 p.m., Prayer Service. The Church welcomes every fam- ily. Egmondvllle United Church Rev, A. W. Gardiner, B.A„B.D. 10 a.rn., Sunday School. 11 a.m., W.M.S. Thankoffering. 7 p.m., 'Faithful Ilr•ethr'en in Christ," Anblican November 25th , Sunday before Advent. St. Thomas', Seaforth: 10 a,m., Sunday School. 1.1 e.m., Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7 p.m., Evening .Prayer and Sermon, St. Mary's, Dublin: 2,30, Sunday School, 3, Church See - lace and Semon. ' The Rector, Rev, C, F. L, Gilbert, B.A., at all services. Successful Bazaar and All Season's Tea A most successful tea, under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild was held on Wednesday, Nov. 14, in the Parish Hall of St. Thomas' Church. The visitors were welcomed by the President, Mrs. McGavin,, and Mrs. Gilbert. The bazaar tables were in charge of Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Pretty and Mrs. Scarlett. Mrs. Moore looked after the white elephant booth and Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Holmes, the sale of hone -baking." Afternoon tea was served under the convenership of Mrs. H. Colbert. Mrs. Wm. Archi- bald ancl Mrs Pethick presided at the tea -table, and were assisted by Mrs. Crowell, Mrs. L. Strong, Doro- thy Parke and Audrey McGavin, The proceeds amounted to. $125. HURON -PERTH C.C.F. MEET Seventeen enthusiastic members of the Huron -Porth riding associa- tion of the C.C.F. met at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kernick, , Exe- ter, R.R., Tuesday evening, Nov. 13, The president, W. C. F. Oestricher, Creditor, directed the business.- The secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Exe- ter read the minutes of the previ- ous meeting. Later there was dis- cussion on ways and means of ex- tending the C.C.F. system of policy and it was unanimously felt that education and a -well informed pub - tic was the chief solution. Rev. C, W. Down was guest speaker and 'ad- ressed the meeting on 'T.he Lubour Movement and the Farrier," Ho stressed need for a better under- standing of .the problems of city labourers by the rural people. SLAFORTI-I, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMI3ER 22, 1945 GOLDEN WEDDING OF MR. AND MRS. R. McBRCD Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride Ki,ppen celebrated their golden we cling anniversary on 'Monday, Noy. 1 at their home in Kippen. Mrs. M Bride's name was Emma, • Willer daughter of the late Mr, and Mr Henry 'Willevt, of Hay township, M McBride was the son of the late Mr and Miffs. Samuel McBride of Zuricr They were married in the manse i Kippen on Nov, 19th, 1895, by the tat Rev. Mr, Atcheson. They farmed on the Goshen line Stanley township, for 45 years. The moved to Kippen in 1940, and thea son, Elmer T„ now lives on thi farm. Tfieir family consists of tin children, Mrs;' (Margaret) Schnell o BOSHART FACTORY E DESTROYED BY FIRE,HURON DISTRIC of Man Dles. Following Serious Fire The Grand 'Master, Rev. \fir. cl Here Saturday Marlc, D.D„ Hanover, was entertainoc 9' fire which in Goderieh Lodge Monday night n o- gutted the furniture the District Deputy Grand Master t plant of John iBoshart and Sons here W. 1 Thompson, Seaforth, of limo, s Saturday afternoon took ane life District No. 8,- T. 0. O. F,, and a good and left in its wake damage of ap- representation. of the brethren of the proximately $100,000 to the build district, when . the initiatory degree 1 Mg and equipment, including $50,- was conferred on four candidates by n 000 loss in stock on. hand. the following brothers:. e Aubrey R. Avery, 57, of Mitchell, N.G., 'Percy Campbell; V.G., Stanley a bricklayer working on an 'addi- Love; L.S V.G„ W, R. Dougall S,S„ tion to the plant, died in Scott George Glenn; S -S,, Earl Campbell, of y Memorial 'Hospital Saturday night, Hensall Lodge. ✓ after he had_been overcome, by P.G•, 17.:M, Dignan; chaplain A G $1 a year • GRAND MASTER VISITS T J. y s smoke and suffered burns about the Hicks; S.S W M Cann of Exete e face and hands from the raging Lodge. r i' flames on the top floor of the two- L.S N G.;. J. Sutter;. R.S.V.G., Geo Cami•ose, Alta.; Mrs, (Emma) Beat Wingham; Alvin and Edgar, 0 I0ippen; . Walter and Elmer, of Zur iclt; Lorne and Leonard, of. Windsor and Wilbert, of Kitchener; twenty- five grandchildren, . one great grand- child. They received guests on Saturday, Nov. 17, to the number of 150, in the afternoon and evening, at their hone in Kipper, which was decorated in gold and white, including large bon- gtrets of White; pink and bronze chrysanthemums, the gift of their grandchildren. Mrs. E. Sc:lureli and Mrs. S in Beat- tie, e x95 • ptgcl their parents r s receiv in i g the guests Alts McBride receiv- ed in a graceful two-piece suit of black and white, wearing a corsage 0f gold roses, Pouring tea. in the after - 11000 were Mrs. Eci Deters, Sr;, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Elmer licpp, cousin of the bride both of Zuii - storey building. A plant employee Jefferson, of Clinton Lodge. f dragged him away from the flames ' Warden,- Lindsay Eyre; R.S.N.G within a few minutes. It is : be• Walter Moffat; L.S.S. Gordon Wright lieved that lie died of .an attack of 7.G, Ross Scott, of Brucefteld Lodge, oedema (waterlogging) of the lungs, Secretary, John Pinder, of, Godes due to breathing irritating smoke, ich Lodge. In the evening the groom's two sis- ters, Mrs. Henry Hayter of Varna, end Mrs, Charles Stephenson of Hen- sel], .assisted. Serving .were two granddaughters, Muriel and Mary McBride of Kitchener. Donna Mc- Bride, granddaughter, of Tiinpen, was in charge of the register. The gifts which were numerous in- cluded many articles in gold, a sym- bol of the anniversary occasion; also a Beach electric stove, the gift of the family. Around sixty greeting. cards and a telegram from Mr. McBride's sister•, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Nicholson, of Aneroid, Sask., were received. On Monday, at five p.m. there was a combined anniversary turkey din- ner in honor of their golden wedding and also the seventh wedding anni- versary of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. McBride, the ` former Ada Muter, of Varna. Dinner was served to the members of the family and grandchildren, and also Mr. and Mrs.' D. Schnell. of Aberdeen, Sask., (par- ents of Mr. Edgar "Schnell). T1i.• dinner table was centered with. a, three-tier wedding cake and gold and white tapers at each encl. Serving were five daughters-in-law, Mrs. Waller McBride, Mrs, Alvhr Mc- Bride. Mrs. Edgar McBride, MIS, Wilbert McBride and Mrs. Leonard McBride. • Mr. and Mrs.. Edgar Schnell, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. McBride, made the trip by plane from Edmonton,, Alta,,, to Toronto tb attend their par- ents' anniversary, Winners of The Victory Loan Poster Contes The winners of the Ninth Victor and presence of an old heart con- Conductor, I'. Harbru'n; R.S.S, Alex dition, contributed to the death. "No Boyce; B.S., Charles Reeves; Degree inquest will be held," said Dr. F. J. Captain, W. J. Thompson, of Seafortl Burrows, Seaforth, coroner. Lodge. Within a few minutes after the' Visitors present included PDDGM fire started in the finishing depart- Bro. Scholte, of Hanover; Mr. Arthur ment room on the second floor of O. Cann and Ray G. Jones of Exeter; the plant about 2:30 o'clock Sat- Mr. 'Wm. Forrest and Beverley Bea- urclay afternoon, the entire floor ton Jr.. Seaforth. • was in flames. An electric spark PDDGM. Rro. Hall presented Bro. Ross Scott toi o t the District Deputy from n a£r finishing mg machige is believed Grand Master, who was presiding. The Triable have jumped to highly inf,n,, Frand Master• then presented the mable finishing materials. The P.D.D.G.M.. jewel t:o Bro. Snort, flames spree with almost explosive The 'Grand Master, Rev. \V. J. ferocity; and less than - 10 minutes Mark, ilellvered a very lifting address after the initial outbreak the fire on odd Fellowship to the assembled had este n its way through the £foot bretbren and the candidates who had and was spreading throughout the received the iniatory degree. lower storey. " PDDGM tiro, Harburn moved a The only portion of the building hearty vote of thanks' to the Grand saved was the new extension pies- Master for his visit to our district, ently under construction. A heavy seconded by PDDGM, Br•o, Mole. brick fire wall prevented the flames The Rebekah Lodge, Godeeicb, set'v- from spreading to -bhis section. - of ed a delicious the structure. Firemen worked all afternoon' BRUCEFIELD before the blaze was brought un The W.A. of Brucefield United der control about six o'clock in the Church met in the basement on the evening; and the fire fighters had afternoon of November 6. The presi- to remain on duty m shifts all Sat- dent, 1Vliss McDonald, was in'the urday night to combat ' rekindled chair. Miss 191. Swan took the clevo outbreaks. tional part of the programme which Eight employees 9f the finishing consisted ;of hymens 515 and 523. department were in the plant on Prayer anti scripture reading, The Saturday afternoon when the fire secretary, Mrs. W, Scott read the began : C. Schultz, Ralph McFad- den, minutes which were adopted as read. Harvey Beuermian, .Ken Tib- There was a fair attendance and bett, and Gordon Dupee, all of Sea -the roll call was answered by a forth; Harry Beuerman and Alvin thought far Remembrance Day, A Pryce of Brodliagen; and P. Present nominating committee was named to of Dgmondville. Mr. Avery was at'' choose 'officers for next year, Mrs, work at a window at the west face . Hohner's group there took charge of the upper storey of the old build- . of the meeting. Mrs. Henderson and ing, preparing to remove bricks Mrs, Boyce ' favoured 05 with a from the wall in order'to enlarge piano duet and also a -vocal duet. the window. Mrs.. Henry then read a short ac - Other employees workingon the count of the life of Dr, John McCrae floor on construction were Harry and read the poem `'In Planter's Hart, ;lin, Morris and Arnott Miller, Field," One minute silence in mem- ` Two employees, N. Park and J. ory of those 'who made the supreme Burns had just left the building and sacrifice in the two world wars, was from. the sidewalk saw the flames observed,. The group then sang "God break out of the. upper floor, stave the .King" and repeated the The employees escaped to safety. mizpah benediction. Afterward there out of the building promptly. Harry was a short social period and a B r t new building to secure hi • s tools from cue mann wen up through the game. The roll call for next ung wi11 be "Something about Christ- meet - la bench near a window in the burn t ing structure. He found the body of Inas. Little Ph 11 -• a man slumped near the window and Phyllis McCowan who"has y upon carrying him out found it was slowly. '! Mr. Avery. been' i11 at her home is improving Loan School Poster Contest are as v y Mr, and Mrs, T. B. Baird visited follows:- At the time M. Beuerman found recently at Port Albert, ' All Secondary School Pupils: let him, Mr. Avery 'had been burned Bympathy-is extended to Ml's. TT. F. prize Eunice Penhale, Winchelsea about the face and hands, but his Berry in the passing away of her , School, S.S. #6., Usborne; 2nd prize, clothing had not caught fire.. He father. Mr. John'Smith, whose death Wanda Stephen, Winchelsea School, was unconscious when he was taken occurred at the hone of Mr, and Mrs, S.S..#6, Usborne, from the building, and.was taken to Berry, where he usually spent thel Grades 7 and 8, Rural Element- Seaforth hospital.. . summon t any Schools: ist prize, Ruby Miller, The furniture plant began opera-, Dr. W. 'Aikenhead of Toronto S.S. #S, Hay Tp, and 2nd prize, Col- tions here 11 years ago, manufac-' visited with friends around Bruce - leen "Gill, Grand Bend School. tering cedar chests, bedroom and field last week and" attended the i Grades 4, 5 and 6, Rural Element- dining -room novelty furniture. `Six -1 auction sale held at his brothers any Schools: lst prize, Lois Webb, tytwo employees were on the staff Frank Aikenhead, v S.S., #4, West Wawanosh; 2nd rize,' of the plant, and it was planned to pThe appearance of the manse is i Murray McDonagh, R.R. #3, Leek- employ more when the new addi.- being much improved by the ad- ,s now. tion to the factory had been con- cation of a badly needed coat of Grades 1, 2 and 3, Rural Element_ hasr. No machinery or equipment paint. d any Schools: 1st prize, Isabelle Mcbeen installed in the new part The Red Cross packed' a shipment s Pherson, S.S. #4, West Wawanoshi of the building as yet; it had been of quilts, sweaters and. socks this le and prize, Lorne Dale, S,S. #1, Hui- expected that it would be in opera- week. Remember the first and third lett. 1 tion early in 1946. There also were Thursday 'of each month are Red 11 Grades 7 and 8, Urban Elementary tern employees working on constr•nc Cross days, If you world like to help v Schools; 1st prize, Shirley Taylor, o • " with the knitting' there is- yarn at L Exeter; 2nd prize, Mary Cleland, 1 A great deal of machinery, tyles, Hugh Aikenheads for men's W •1 electric motors a d t of d 160 HOG PRODUCERS VOTED AT SEAFORTH A meeting in connection with the proposed scheme for marketing hogs was held in the Carnegie, Library hall on Friday evening last with a large attendance of farmers from. McKillop and Tuckersmith, also some were present from Morris, Lo- gan and Hullett townships. Mr. J. K. B. Stewart, of Clinton, Agricultural Representative for Hu- ron, opened the meeting and 191r„ Robert Archibald, president of the Tuckersmith Federation of Agricul- ture, was "named chairman for the evening. The first speaker was Mr. 'Be Lobb, Clinton, R.R. 2, who e> planned the set-up of the hog ma eting scheme and also its aims. Charles R. Coulter, of Belgrave ga detailed outline of :the working the scheme and answered numero. questions in regard to it. He followed by Mr. F. K. B. Stewa who as returning officer for t vote, conducted the registering ai. voting of the hog producers preset Also, assisting in this work were M Stephen Murray, president of'th McKillop Federation of Agrieultur and Mr. Russell Bolton of McI{ilio About 160. hog producers register and cast their ballots.Hogrodue. p a m9register any'm Ytime until t 1 Nov... anti can vote unil Dec 13th. In his address to the farmers, M Coultes said that a Hog Produce rt mai. ave of use was rt, he t, r. e P. ed r 4 1•a Committee had been formed in th province of Ontario about fou years ago. This is now operating u der the Farm Products Control 'Ac There are already twelve other corn modities organized for marketin under the Farm ProBucts Conti Act and the hogs will be the 13th However, the hog producers wil take in about as many farmers a all the others put together. The province is divided into seve districts, this district comprisin Huron, Grey and Bruce The speaker outlined the advent ages to the farmers of having a elected committee to look after thein• interests in setting• the price of hogs marketing and other duties, and t promote better sales in the Old Country. It is proposed to deduct a fee of 2c for every hog processed to defray expenses. • Mr. Bert Lobb said the scheme has the backing of the Federation, also of the Provincial Government. and also the Dominion Government has promised support when the pro- ducers express their desire. He ek- plaited that Mr, William Turnbull, Mr. Chas. Coultes and himself` aro the acting committee in Huron County,' together with representa- tives from each township, making• a total committee of nineteen. P Cards Xmas OF DISTINCTION We are carrying the Coutts and Rust Craft cards at from 5c to 25c. These are two makers who are specialists in cards that have very smart style and class. Iii box assortments we have such well known and very smart collections of the following artists: Cornelius Kr'eighoff, Marjorie Cooper, Frank Pana - baker, Franz Johnson, Manley McDonald, Canadian Artist Ser- ies. Edgar Guest collections, Xmas Harti Notes, Steel En- gravings, and English; Scottish and Canadian Scenic Cards. Altogether a -very interesting collection and you will enjoy making your Christmas Card selection at this store. Fred S. Savauge OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Seafortlr Phone 194 ' Res. n e. 1.. e attended the Federation of Agricul- r tore banquet in Londesboro- on n-' Monday night. t' Mr. Alvin Riley returned home • from British Columbia on Saturday Centro and intends spending the winter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs..Chas. j Riley. s HENSALL n Hensall Masons Welcome D.D.G.M. g The official visit. of Rt. Wor, Bro. W, I, Carroll of Mitchell, UDGAI„ of t- South Heron District to Huron' Lodge n 4"224, was an occasion for a splendid turnout of members and visiting bre-. thr'en. The degree work was exempli- fied by the regular officials, assisted by Wor. Bros, Glenn, Chapman and A. H. Hyde in a very creditable man- ner, 1•o• which they received numer- ous congratulations. Rt: Wor.. Bro. Carroll gave a very inspiring address, first to the candidate, G. S. Elliott. and later to the brethren present, pointing out the nmuy opportunities lc t r brethren have at the present Unto to raise the standard of morality in their district. The evening concluded with 0 sumptuonls lunch and a great deal "f viliturl• 'loin. Wo. Bt'o. W. Dinin, Al'„ 4I., was in charge' of the meeting. Mr. and Airs. Gilbert. Johns and Grace of Elnnville visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLar•en and Donald. Miss Barbara Michie spent the week euil with relatives and friends in Lon. don, A very enjoyable -afternoon way spent. at the Public School on Wed- nesday afternoon when the parents were invited to an "Opera: House." They were pleasantly entertained by the principal 111'.. Edward Judd, as- sisted by Misses J. Brandon and Bar- bara 3liehie, Ref eshnu•ltts wore served at the close. Airs. Mary Little and sister, of Kitchener, attended the 50th anniver- sary o ftheii. sister and. brother-in- law,. Mr. and :Mrs. Lee Sherman, in Detroit recently, WILL OPEN STORE Mr. Gordon Walker of Stratford is fitting up the vacant store in the Sutherland block beside the theatre as to e=lectrical supply strop, which he expects to 011711 about Dec. 1. Mr. Walker has recently been discharged from the army after serving 514 years witty the Highland Light • In- fantry...Mr. \\.Aker is married .and will prove his tastily to town as soon as he can locate a residence.. ESSAW-VENUS A very pretty Autumn wedding was solemnized at North Side Unitedipar•- nnage, Seaforth, on Nov. 15611, at. p.m, when Rev. IT, V. Workman mited in marriage Evelyn Rose Mar- uerite, eldest daughter of Mr, and •s. William R. Venus, 'Goderieh, for- >erly of Seaforth, and Robert Essaw, ode•in. 'The bride wore a street ength caress of powder blue wool and arried a bouquet of orange chrysan- hemums; terns, white lace •and m- ugo ribbon. Miss Doris Venus, sister' f the bride, was dressed ina fuchsia. ed dress end wore a corsage of or- nge chrysanthemums. Mr. - Alex • Goderich, *as best man. The Joon s gift to the bridesmaid was compact, to:the best man' a wallet.. After their= retin'n from Seaforth, rs. Venus, mother of the 'bride, ore a mauve dress ansia corsage of rnleaf, pink, white and yellow nrysanthemums, and received the lents.. About 9 'o'clock, the guests. Imbering s,bout 15, were ,ushered to e dining rbem; which was tastefully ocoveted . with pink and white reamers and bells and white, pink d yellow mums. They sat clown to 'well Bitten table,' centered with ft r•ee storey wedding cake. After the pre•, the .table was cleared; and ties and, dancing were enjoyed until e wee Snha', hours :of the Inor'nh1g, Tin the bride donned a grey tweed at and small black hat with veil, id the happy couple left by motor r a short 110nel'neen at St, Cather - es and points east. They were the eipient of many beautiful and ime- I gifts. On their return they will side in Goderic:h. KIPPEN Air, and 1\7r s 'David Blair, of 1Clbo, Sask., visited her sister, Airs. J. c'. Bell, last week, 191r. W. L:'1VIellis is confined to iris room through illness.: We wish him :1 speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Roy- McBride of th, Goshen line, ' visited on Suncdav with their niece and nephew, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Jones Sunday' visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Harney were: Mr. and Airs. A. Spencer, Hensall; Mr, and Mrs, John Hunkin Mr.; and Mrs. Wm. Westlake 1 m family, Mrs. Rhoda Westlake and Miss Mary Westlake, all of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Mc Alurtrie mov- ed from the town. line last week to heir hole in Housa,ll. Mr. and Mrs Harvey Damm and Teenneth spent Sunday with relatives n Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold GaeksLet ter isiterl on Sunday with the for r s rile., Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gack- tetter of Dashwood. Mrs Herbert Jones spent a few syr hast week with her daughter mrd on -in-law, Air, and Mrs, Bernard eys of Varna. Mrs, A. Anderson and Mrs. Em - lemon Anderson returned home last veek after a Levy days' visit in o cion, Mrs. Hero, Caldwell is improving rely atter• taking treatment in Lon- s on Hospital. 7 Mr. R. .T. Cooper and 13ob McGre- gor cGee got have"arrived 'home from the g• west where they spent th'e pest two M months. n Several of our local sports are on G deer hunting expedition this week, Mrs. Susie, Workman and son or- c lle are visiting with friends in'. Osla a. for a. drew clays. I. a o CONSTANCE I Mr. and WS. Chas. leiley and Ron- S irie have returned to the village for g the winter. a Miss Ethel Dexter is convalescing at the home of her parents, Mr, and M Mrs. Austin Dexter. Ethel recently w underwent ail appendix operation in fe Kitchener Hospital ; cl Mrs. Ferguson of Warwick who : gi been visiting with her, sister, nl Mrs. Wm; Britton, returned- to her In home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferguson ; st spent Thursday, in Toronto. an Miss Mary Thompson who is se attending Alma College at • St. Thomas, spent the weekend at the Sci Immo of her. parents, M1, nd VIrs. Q ng r,tim. n egwpnlen sweaters and children's sweaters and Grades 4, 5 and 6, 'Urban Ele- ready to be installed in the new .,• soaks. nnentary Sclaools: 1st prize, Ruth F. building, stored in the attic a The •• Il t jos • • a' ac wan Victory Loan was very suc- bowen, Central School, •Goderich; : cessful in this district. 2nd prize, Diane Gage, Wing'hare. 1• Damage to machinery will be Mr. and Mr's. Doan of Inwood visit - Grades 1, 2 and 3, Urban Ele- chiefly confined to water damage, I ed the fornier's mother Mrs. G. Donn mentary Schools: 1st prize, Wayne although the finishing equipment here, and sister Mrs. R. Dawson, In McBride, Hensall P.S. 2nd prize, such as spray ,booths, and a new air! Seaforth hospital Friends of Mrs, John McDougall, Victoria School, oompressor which had been in- Dawson lhope;she will soon be well 'Goderich. stalled only two weeks, were de- ' againt There were 178 schools compet• McKenzie end Mr. ing. Each winner was presented with land Mrs. B, Kaiser of Detroit visited str•oyed, There will be a heavy 'loss I Mr. sand Mrs. R. of work benches and tools a $5. war saving certificate, which :The plant is owned- and operated; over the week end at the bones of was donated by Huron County by Enos Boshart and Lewis Boshart, Mrs. A. McKenzie and Mrs: H. Zapfe, Council, sons of the late John Boshart, They were o re els a number iofemployees on h I the first .loos f and in the basement when the fire started, The late Aubrey 'R. Avery was born at Kirkton, 57 years ago, the son of the late • John Avery and Mrs. Avery, of 'Weston, former residents of Mitchell. He married Miss Myrtle Hodge, of Mitchell, and lived in Mitchell until about 20 ,years ago, when he moved to Weston. i There he engaged in contracting, and had contracts for the building of schools in Toronto, Weston, Gan- anoque,. Oshawa, nand Chatham. He returned to Mitchell about a year ago, He is survived by his wife; one son, Spr. W. R. Avery, R.C.E,; two daughters, Marion of Weston, and Audrey on the Bank of Commerce staff . in. Mitchell; four . brothers, Wilbert : in Western Canada, C.hes were in the office at the time. There ALERT MISSION BAND The Alert Mission Band of North- side United Church held their No- vember meeting on Monday after school with 23 members present. Tho opening' hymn was "Jesus Loves Me." Douglas Stewart read the scripture lesson, psalm 28, Mrs. Bar- ber ar ber led in. prayer, followed by the Lord's prayer in unison. A reading, entitled "The Lost Sheep" was given by Patsy Hawkins. During the business period it was decided to hold an afternoon tea and sale of baking in the near future. Teddy Savauge took the offering. A cleat, "The Old Rugged Cross" was then sung by Betty Langford and June Snell, which was much enjoyed. The hymn "Come let u5 sing of a Won- derful live" was sung, Mrs. Brad- shaw then read 2 chapters of the sturdy 'book, "Tomo+" Two -Wheels," ter at Lloydminster, B.C., Ernest in Toronto, and Herbert, who is now on his way from Vulcan, Alta., to live in Weston. He was a member of the United Church of Canada and of the fraternity of Masons. After' being taken to hospital in Seaforth, Saturday, Mr, Avery lived until after the arrival of his wife from Mitchell, and it is believed that he recognized his wife before the end. The funeral was held fromthe Avery home, : St, Andrew's St. N. Mitchell, on Wednesday at 2:30 p.ni. Services were conducted by the Rev, A. Ih Jolinstall , of Mitchell and in- terment was in Woodland cemetery. - One son of Mr. Avery is over- seas; the family has been anticipat- ing his return horse soon. A brother of the deceased, who has been liv- ing in .the West, was on hie way back to 'Ontario at the .time of . the fatal accident Saturday. a vi aw Wm. Thompson. • i 1' i Mr, Gordon Buchanan who has e bCO e. helping t] nir•Wi•. t th the barye a P ..,5t near an Edmonton, returned home recently. to Mr. Donald Buchanan has gone to lin Toronto for the winter. He intends re working at Canada Packers Plant. IN Several from this neighborhood re