HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-11-15, Page 8samememememomeammmemmenam_________ TI -IE SEAFORTH NEWS • HENSALL Mr. and MTS. Don Evans of Waterloo spent the weekend at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and MT', It. Y. MaeLaren. Miss Helen Seven retrained home • after spending a few days visiting with Mise Latera Jeckell and Miss N, McTaggart, in Exeter. Miss Florence Schwalm of Lon- don visited over the weekend with her mother, 'Mrs. Violet Schwalm An "Open House" was held at the Public School on lArednesday, Nov. 14, from 3 to 4 p.m., when the par- ents were invited to discuss and ob- serve the school in progress, under the very efficient staff with Mr. Edward Judd, Principal, and Miss Jean Brandon and Miss Barbara Michie, assistants. Xmas Boxes For Overseas The time is approaching to again ship Christmas boxes to the Hensell boys still overseas. This worthy pro- ject being attended to by the Hensall Woinen's Institute in conjunction with the Wartime Committee. As formerly, donations of sugar for the provision of candy will be grate- fully accepted. Anyone desiring to provide cookies or any other gifts for the boxes may contact Mrs. Beer, Mrs. J. Paterson, Miss Gladys Luker or any of the Institute members. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie and babe of Centralia visited on Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Lam- mie and sister, Miss Greta Lammie. Remembrance Day Service A largely attended Remembrance Day Service was held in the 'United United Church on Sunday, at 1 eat. Members of the Exeter-Ilensall Branch of the Canadian Legion, Vet - erns or the late war and the pm- senel of Cearalie. Aii Sehool at- tended. The memorial address WEIS given by Rev. R. A. 13roolc, Lieut. Copperemith of Centralia read the seripture lesson and read poem "In Flander's Fields".,• The. choir sang an anthem :enIitled "Peace 13e 'Onto You" and a male quartette comprising Rev, R. A: Brook, Messrs W. Horton, Geo. Cowan, and W. 0. Goodwin, sang "Tho Hero Dead." Service at the cenotaph followed that in the church. The parade to the cenotaph led by Exeter band, The service was conducted by Mr, Peter IVIeNaughton with Rev P. Ferguson and Rev, A. M. Hunt taking part The Last Post and Revielle was sounded by Mr. Fred Beer of London. The provin- GO'S wreath was placed by Mrs. gin' nie Sangster, whose late husband was a • veteran of the First Great War. The villege wreath was placed by Reeve E. R. Shaddick and the wreath from the Legion by Mrs. Nellie McEiven, who lost a son in the late war. Miss Dorothy McBonen Miss Dorothy Lillian McDonell, daughter of Mrs, Charles McDonell and the late Mr. McDonell of Hen- sall, passed away on Monday after a brief illness. Surviving are her mother, Mrs. Charles MeDona Hen - sal, and two sisters, Mrs. G. V. Laughton, Toronto, and 1VIrs. Ed- ward Taman of Listowel. Private funeral service will be held on Wed- nesday from the residence, con- ducted by Rev. R. A. Brook, Burial in Hensall Union Cemetery. Miss Jean Brandon was a "week- end guest with Miss Barbara Michie 100 ACRE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH acres seeded to grass 40 acres good bush and orchard Good Well -- Windmill • Well Fenced For further information apply to Hesky Flax Products Ltd. SEAFORTH Phone 74 at her home at Brussels, Miss Mae'MeNeughton of Toren - to spent the weekend „with her broth- er and sister-in-law, Ml;- and Mrs, Peter MeNaughttin and Dorothy. Douglas COok was a recent visit - Or with friends in Galt. ,• • Mrs. Ted Taman ifyi&,datghter Toni of Listowel visited .cluing the past week with her nether,'Mrs. Chas. 111cDonell, Mrs. 13a*clen of Exeter spent the weekend with her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Far- quhar and amily. Miss Juno Saunclerceek of Lon- don visited over the weekend with her mother Mm. Annie Saundereock. Miss 1Felen McNaughton of Tor- onto visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Cook and daughter Caroline of Windsor, vis- ited over the weekend with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornel- ius Cook. Mr. A. L. Case returned home after a week's vacation. Council Meeting ' Regular meeting of the Village Council was held on Tuesday even- ing at 8 p.m., in the council cham- ber with all members being present. Minutes of the previous meeting read. M. Moir and H. Hyde, that minutes be adopted se read. Carried. R. T. Paterson, Tax Collector re- ported as having collected $2797.47 iu current taxes consisting of $760. in prepayments' 2028.03 in cash and having allowed$9.44 in discounts. Bills and accounts were read. as ' follows: Huron Expositor, $2,10; J. A. Patterson, selecting jurors, 1,50; IR. 3, Paterson, selecing jurors, $1.- 50; R. E. Shaddick, selecting jurors, 1,50; T. Kyle, salary, 73.80; Henson hydro, hydro hall, 11.48; total $91.- 88. Fink and Kerslake, that bills and accounts as read be paid. Car- ried. Dr. F. H. Schenk appeared at the Councils request re the appoint- ment as Medical Officer of Health, and after considerable discussion it was decided to appoint him as Med- ieal Officer for the village at a sal- ary of $90,00 per year. Fink and Hyde that by-law #7 R S be given first and second reading. Carried Moir and Kerslake that by-law #7 & be given third and final reading, Carried Fink and Kerslake that we now adjourn to meet again Nov. 15 at 8 p.m., Carried. I. A. Paterson, Clerk The annual school concert at S.S. 1, Tuckersmith will be held on Fri- day, Dec. 21, At a recent meeting of the teach- ers and officers of Carmel Presby- terian Sabbath School, arrangements were made to hold the Christmas concert on Monday Dec. 17. The death occured in Victoria Hospital, London, on Thursday, I 1_,1V1S St. Columban School • THURS.. NOV. 22ND 2,30 P.M. (FREE) •Winthrop Hall THURS.. NOV. 22ND 8.15 P.M. (FREE) Dance After Ladies please, bring sand- wiches AdmisSion to dance, gents 30c McKillop Federation of Agriculture The safe way is to look in yourdirectory ',?.. 'e l..:....... -:,.;.-1.:7,''- a. -`)I / 6 6 1 ,.•,'.,::,:.:::::..i....,.fii, /i // 'eat.4" 7/ 401,01.: .404411.f.' And please remember these other simple rules of GOOD TELEPHONE USAGE 1. Give the person you can plenty of time to answer. 2. Answer your own tele- phone promptly. 3. Hold the mouthpiece close to your lips' and talk directly into i. 4. Avoid breakage --.- Re- ploce-,the .rectiver: g -e -n -t -l -y. And keep the instrument away from toble-edges, etc. If you are even a Iittle doubtful about the number you are calling—please consult your directofy. You'll not only avoid the embarrassment of getting the wrong party and disturbing him mmecessarily; you will also help to ease the load on heavily burdened telephone equipment. J. M. GOODWIN • Manager THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1945 .0.0006.1....ga0000111.000.1311100000X010. AT FINNIGAN'S ' .. i Salmon Salmon Salmon Arrived this week ! Owing to the uncertainty of the market, we must limit 1 tin to the, customer Nov. 8, of Spr. Homer Salmon, of the Canadian Army, in his 27th year, beloved husband of Helen Reid and son of MTS. Salmon and the late •Chester Salmon,. formerly of Hen- sel'. Private funeral service Was held at the James Carothers and Son funeral home, on Saturday. Inter- ment in Siloam cemetery, A number of friends from Hensall and district attended the funeral. Shirts.— ......,1,10 to 1,45 Golden Ripe 13tinanas Overalls 215 344's Oranges ' 2 dos. 49c. Carrots, lb, 35c Celery, 2 for 23c • H. Lettuce, 150 Squash 1.0e • Ginger Ale, 19ci -W. J. FINNIGAN & SON McConnell & Hays 13arristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick 13, McConnell, H. Glenn Hare SHAFDRT1-1, ONT. Telephone 174, Card of Thanks The family of the late Francis Melody wish to thank the neighbors and those who gave mass cards, flowers and loaned ears, and in any way assisted during their recent bereavement, COURT OF REVISION TOWN OF SEAFORTH Meeting of the Corot of Revision for • hearing appeals against the assessment roll for 1.945 Of the Town of Seaforth will be held in the Coaa• ell Chambers, Ses,fortn, on Friday, November 23, 1945, at 8 o'cloelt D. H. WILSON, Clerk. BLAKE Many have their beans threshed and report a very good yield. Mr. Campbell McKinley, who has been doing bean threshing happened with a miefortuue when his maehine fell over Mr. Leon Jeffrey's bank on Saturday and did: considerable dam- age to the machine. Mks. Leon Jeffrey is spending a few days with her daughter, in Kitchener. Mrs. Sam Hey spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Archie Mus- tard at Brucedeld. Miss Mary Ann Johnston was taken by surprise last Wednesday whee around eighteen neighbors gathered at her home and gave her a birthday party and some lovely gifts, Several from the town lino west were in London ,Saturdny to attend the Diwant-Taylor wedding. I Mrs. Rudy Oesch celebrated her birthday Sunday with members of her family being present. Mr, and Mrs, Roland Geiger and Miss Mary Johnston attended the fu- neral of Mr. Para Bender at Dash- wood on Thursday. Miss frene Baker has returned from Hippen ±0 bei' home. Mr, and Mis 11, Heard of Reynold called 00 friends Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Steckle and family visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Buechler, NORTH McKILLOP Miss Wilnia McNichol spent last Tuesday afternoon with Miss Shirley Regele, Mr. and Mrs. James Howe Jr. and Alice seen Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. Edward C. Regele. Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Bolton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNichol Sr. The November meeting ot the W. A. and W.M.S. was at, the Houle ot Ethel and Tonne Donde Mrs. Wm. Dundee bad charge of the devotional part of- the meeting. Meeting Opened with prayer followed by tho singing or hymn 270. The theme of the meet- ing was '`Faith". The scripture read- ing was reed by Mac M6M.C11101 with Mrs. Win, pandas giving the comments on scripture basing the thought on "Life 10 its stride." Mrs. Willis 13imi1as gave a poem on "Will- power." The Lord's prayer Was given in -unison and hyinu 445 Ming. Mr3, Leonard Leeming gave the report Of the sectional meeting held in Eg7 mondville with Miss Clark, the' mis- sionary speaker on Africa. Mrs. Stan- ley Hinen then I1SI19 11, sold. Hymn 528 was Sang as a Reinembrance day hymn. Mrs. Wm. Leaning gave the topic from the steely hook on Dr. Curie of Africa and Angola. Hymn 229 .was sung and Mrs. Dundas closed the devotional part of the meeting with prayer, The meeting was then open for business with Mrs. Leonard Let:m.)111g In. Charge. Roll can, with 22 member% pveseet, Minutes or last ineetieg read and adopted. Ae.dona- tion was given to the M. and M. Fund and also the Red Cross. A moment dr silent prayer was observed for Re - Membranes day, and MM. Leeming closed the meeting with prayer. t. WANTED TO BUY Wanted, one-man low taw. Apply to Herbert. Bibby, St. Marys ,• RR #1. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build, ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday evening, '1.30 pan. to 9 p.m. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First-Classi Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE,- SEAPORTH Ont. mcciary fleOttReoSoAk1.21E. President, W°.ftiRce.reArchibald, Sea - for sale, al- most aew. Mao small cutting box. J. Hensall. Phone 91r2, forth; Vice President, Frank Me. Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Fieaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; EL 3. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mo. Ewing, Blyth; Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agent eugh John E. Pepper, Brucedeld; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; 3. P. Praetor, Brodhagen; George A. Watt. Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications FOR SALE tO Oar of the above named officers Oliver tractor plow, 2 -furrow. addressed to their respectivev• Loa,k.tc6. Con. 13, IVIcKillop, George Olagerif B FOR SALE 9 choice York pigs eight weeks old, Apply, Wilber Keyes, Mill Road, Seaforth. OVERSTOCKED Would sell a number of heifers and also a few springers and milkers. Dale Nixon, Seaforth, Phone 6611.4, , FOR SALE Yorkshire boar about 16 months old, also 2 sows, and 8 pigs ready to wean. Apply to Samuel ^Thompson. Phone 77 r 5, Hensall. FOR SALE Bell organ in vow tut"''' tr'e' e„,_ Dr, A. lffeMaster, MB., Graduate cof University of Toronto. Ply at News Offiee. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other 11P -to -date diagnostic and thereuptie equipment. Dr. F. J. R. Forster Specialist in Diseases of the Elan laye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the firet Tuesday in every month from 3 to 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 pan. SEAFORTH CLINIC BOARDERS WANTED • Comfortable home with modern conveniences, close to business sec- tion. Apply at The News Offie.e. WANTED We will pay $1. per hundred for old horses suleable for fox feed. Stanley Jackson, Phone Seaforth, 5 on 053. TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Carnochan, Garden City, Michigan are visiting friends here, this week. Miss Hazel Coleman, London, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coleman. Mrs. Mary A. Coleman who has been confined to her bed for the past three weeks, is improving, and her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coleman were, Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clarke and Ellwood, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tal- bot and Lorraine, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs. E. Bell of London, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Car- noehan, Garden City, Michigan. DANCE In Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, to Bert Worth and his newly en- larged. CKNX Ambassadors (melt PA., Nov. 16. Dancing 0.30-1.00. Adm. 50c. FOR .SALE 75 dark hybrid pullets,. laYing. Will Hill, Varna. Phone 12 on 86, Hensall. FOR SALE Quebec heater Tor sale. Phone 192 J. Seaforth. FOR SALE Boy's Mackinaw and a boy's leather coat, 12 to 14 years, in good condition. Apply The News Office, FOR SALE Frame dwelling, hydro, 11,4 acres, North Main street, Suitable for poul- try farm. Early rpossession, Double house on Victoria. St. Sep- arate apartments, good ravestment. Frame cottage, Goderich St. East. 25 acres with barn and, house. on highway, Immediate possession. . Watson & Reid, Seaforth. 150 ACRE FARM Tinder cultivation, good buildings, spring creek. Hydro throughout. 8 acres of bush, and is situated on #8 Highway 3%. miles west of Seaforth. Apply at The News office. DISTRIBUTOR WANTED Nationally known Electrical Ap- pliance Manufacturer requires Dis- tributor to service dealers in pro- tected territory. Must have $1,500. in 'cash and an automobile, Write A. McLennan, 1166 Bay Street, , Toronto, who will arrange an inter- view. FOR SALE Ladies' wine velvet dress, eiae 36; misses 2 piece dress, size 19; ladies' green velvet hat, like new; child's black oxfords, size 8. Mrs. Edward Brady, Coleman St., Seaforeh. FOR SALE Renfrew kitchen range, 3 piece chesterfield suite,walnut living room table, drop leaf. table, Congoleum rug, Coleman lantmn, all nearly new, pre- war material. Apply Roy Connell, Sea forth, 654 ring 22. FOR SALE 1,2' chone Hereford feeder heifers 3. C. Cochrane, Kippen. Phone 51-5. By -Law No. 11, 1945 TOWNSHIP of TUCKERSMITH JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr, H. H. Ross' °Mae. Phone 5 J MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.' Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, UnvereitY of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. • A By -Law to provide for a Curfe.v in the Township of Tuckersmith. . WHERHAIS, numerous complaints have been received by tho Council of the Township 0 Tuckersmith in regard to children being on the streets of the Village of Egniondville . after nine o'clock in the evening contrary to the I0.5.0. 1027, Ch. 279, Sec. 1E. AND WHPREAS, considerable vandalism and damage have been caused , by the sa id children, AND WHIIIBBAS, the C01111411 of the stud Township of Tuckersmith are of the opinion that. action should he taken to cor- rect this situation, THBREFORB, be it enacted and it is hereby aeeted . THAT 01 children..15.years of age and under must be off Itio Streets 24 ±1,0 hour of nine o'cleek in the, afternoon 1: row Anil ID October let --and -by the hour of eight o'clock In the afterfroon Nairn October isb to April 1st; unless 'Accompanied by a. par- ent or genial= .51.40 adult appointed 1,0 the parentS. 51' lciiardian to accompany such Bead a first time Vita Ant day of NONT.M- Read second time thill day 'of Nov • Bead a Gard time and finally passed, 'sign- ed and sealed 11110 3rd day of November, 1,096 B. P. 01413SNIDY ARTHUR NICHOLSON Clerk Beare G. A. WHITNEY Successor to Holmes & Whitney Funeral Director MAIN BT., SEAPORTH Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nureery Flowere, Phone 110. Nights and Holidays 65 EXPERT PIANO TUNING Geo. S. Wright, Bandmaster, Wingham. Leave *orders at Mrs. Peck's Music Store, Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres all under cultivation, brick (livening, good buildinge, 20 ac. fall wheat, 30 ac. plowed, 26 ac. clover seeded. Hydro available. Lots of water. 4 mi, to Be,ylitelcl, 31,4 to Varna. Norman Stephention, Varna, FOR SALE • 0 -Room Frame House, Hydro, Town water. and cellar. Situated on Coleman Street. House with barn. Situated on Main Street. South. 50 Acre Pnrm, Twp. Tnakersinith. Good Brick Howse, Bank Barn, Poultry House and Driving Shed. Immediate possession. 78 Aare Farm, Twp. Tuckeremith. Frame House, Bank Barn, Driving Shed, Hog Pen. coed bush with spring therein. fliap have listed facms 10 McKillop. E. O. CHAMBERLAIN Si c; Insurance & Real Estate Seaforth, Ontario Phones' 334 Office Iles. 7.201 • FOR PIPE OR ROLLING YOUR OWN