HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-11-15, Page 1'WHOLE S1bR1LlS, VOL. 55, No. 45 HURON C O U N T Y'S LEADING NEWSPAPER SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMVIBEb 15, 1945 W/O Frank Casson Died LIONS HEAR TALK In Jap Prison Camp BY IAN MacTAVISH Missing since May 15th, W/0 At the regular meeting of the Frank Albert Casson, RCAF, be- Lions Club held in the schoolroom of loved son of Mrs. J. Ross Murclie, North Side United Much on Mon- Sea'forth, and the late Albert J, Cas- day evening,' Mr. Ian 1e a t wish wits son, formerly of Walkerton, is now esthi speaker and gave a very inter. reported as'having died in the Jap - and outline of his workin hying anese prison camp, Andaman Island, and radar dying the war. Mr. J. E. airman of the on August 8th. He was in Inc 23rd Kea laud duringiwas lrtl the prlogt amine rsolos year. were sung by Mr, James T. Scott and Word of his passing came from Mr Fred Willis. Supper was served Ottawa to the RCAF station at Cen- by the ladies of the church. trala. and the padre conveyed it to Hie family in McKillop last Wednes- y Count Federation To da Frank was air 'gunner in a y bomber which was sleet down at Hold Annual Meeting Nicobar Island in May, six of the crew being Canadian and the rest The annual meeting of Huron English. The plane broke in two and County 'Federation will be held in three of the Canadians were burned Clinton Town Hall, on Thursday, to death when the tail section took ,Nevember- 29th at 2 p.m. All farm, on fire. Two more of the Canadians ers in Huron County are invited to were rescued by a corvette but attend. Frank"was captured before the res- The afternoon session will be avers Could reach him. He was featured by the annual report, transferred to the Andaman Island election of officers and an address where he died from beef -heel abused by V S. Milburn, Secretary of the by malnutrition. Frank was born at Thedford, and •, speaker of outstanding ability,. is attended the collegiate here where familiar with all phases of the pre he was very popular among his sent and tutors prospects asthey school mates. He enlisted in the affect fainters. The officers of the RCAF in 1942, and after training Federation feel assured that all in the West and graduating at Pin- farmers will greatly benefit: by Ontario Federation. Mr: Milburn, gal, went overseas to Indra 1n 194 s. coming out to hear Mr. Milburn. I. amen On Aug. 8, 1945, he was promoted The annual banquet will be held larger tractor. The new equipment; Warden Alexander, in his address Peelle Parish Hall Clinton at wilt be vouch alone efficient. and thi' to the council, referred to the end McCarthy, K M.A. ti 1 Ii,; hymn, to the rank of a pilot officer, As of in St, P s cost record be $4.aU an hour instead u Thar King," Miss tuba Flanuig;M1' 4, 1946. of the world conflict and reminded t choir; "O yalut,nis" tt�'itgllndi l MRS. LESLIE McCLURE limited, admission to banquet will be $3. i •there T was still' much ' to be an out Masses• r Tom and Prankt is ENGAGEMENT Council decided to locules t?Uotlt The Ninth Victory Loan was "Yarrow Ergo" (Goch?, 51 a year Council Discuss Plan NOVEMBER SESSION OF Legion Attends Service To Surface All Streets COUNTY COUNCIL OPENS At St. James' Church The regular November meeting of An estimated surplus of approxi- Sunday evening the Legion paraded Seaforth town council was held in the mately 914,300 after the $25,000 in to St:, James' B.C. Church for servicer. council Chambers Monday everting Victory Bonds in the general fund The pastor, Rev. Fr, T. P. Hussey, with Mayor Joint S. C1atf presiding, was' reported by Courrt Treasurer welcomed them on behalf of the Present rise were Reeve J. F. Daly,p Y church aucl' no padre of the Legion.' Councillors J. E. Beating, P. Sills, I. A. H. Erskine Tuesday afternoon at .Flt. Lieut. Rev. McDonald of Clinton Hudson, R. G, Parke, A. Hubert. Min- the opening"session of Huron Cowl- read an appropriate prayer. The ates o1 last meeting' were confirmed' ty Council. The estimated total re- bpealter for the occasion was Rev. .A resolution of condolence to Couu• T. J. McCarthy, M,A.,ST.D„ of Si. for M. A. Reid was passed in the re- ceipts at the end of the year _Were Peter's Seminary, London. Fre took cent death of Inc brother he the West reported as $217,061.01 and die• as his test; Psalm 127:1, "Except the' A resolution was passed to cam bursements of $213,655. Lord build the Meuse, they labor in plots Purchase of the dumping ground Thee county highways account will vain that build it" Peace must be, on I.7gmondville flats, for $100, andi break even after the purchase of built. on Christian Principles, thel akar said. We must have the help t Y eras and of the Almighty P I it was reported has been very eats-, skins stated the county home corn to be secure roust be based on justice' Imitres will live within their esti and charityand other Christian t ir• Cfactory aloes opened last spring. I mates, Provision has been made for the' urchase of lands for reforesta- toes' "No one but a confirmed,0)111 countytwcillon Sills suggested that the I council be requesfed to ptr-1 p mist could believe that we have Peat" Chase bulldozers, one for each rural l tion Purposes to the extent of $2.- , 2.- in the world today after six years ofi municipality, from the surp1111 equ112 I60 which was not included :in the the bitterest war renown to nmu.1 estimates. Peace is yet to be obtained," he said, meet of the armed forces, and that Considerable progress was made A special rliit cal Program under nearby urban municipalities would p',g' have all opportunity to'tent the this year in securing funds belong- the direction of Mrs. ,11 hetiertaux,1 equipment as needed. It was stated ing to inmates of the county home, Ilii organist, was given en hvS t. James' the county had been able to purchase Five new estates have bean set 1 six well-equipped trucks from the in the. trust fund, involving approxi guest soloist, singing very beautifully, government tor $280 each. `mately $10,000. Administration of TherIs Nos Death." 1 e program: Prot' Snowplowing was discussed and justice costs have increased, due . Following left in the hands of the street cont -:largely to jury courts for increased Menial March, M 1', Devereaux; .td- mittee. Reeve Daly reported that criminal cases. School nursing was dress of welcome, Rev. Fr. T. 1'. Han-, J,Tr, Bayes has ordered a new: snow, installed in August. While under see; "Pr liner• T, the nailer," 1 i ry plant staffed at present excellent results James choir: prayer.Flt Lieut. 1 1'.' the deed will be given to the town. $20,000 in Victory 'Bonds. Mr, Er- spa The property contains our. a ] and sate in cedar' plow from the road matt ne s 'e McDonald solo. There le No meati,,". at Goderich and is also obtaining rt have been rioted. ycot t• serener„ iter. '5 .1. Xmas `.ands OF DISTINCTION We are carrying the Coutts and Rust. Craft 1111(1s at front. 5c to 25e. These are two makers who are specialists in cards that have very smart style and class. In box assortments we have such well known and very smart collections of the following artists: Cornelius' Kreigltoff, Marjorie Cooper, Frank Pana - baker, Franz :Johnson, Manley McDonald, Canadian Artist Ser- ies, Edgar Guest collections, Xmas liarti Notes, Steel En- gravings, and English, Scottish and Canadian Scenic Cards. Altogether a very interesting collection and you will enjoy making your Christmas Card selection at this store. Fred,,. Savauge OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Seaforth Phone 194 dies. 10 May 1 7 p.m. sharp As accommodation is and c o , done.Sills Jr.; fS INSTITUTE SECRETARY by ticket only. A few banquet tick Si. Juntas Mr. and Mrs: John F. Murphy art' ie to to be taken and anyone the cost of putting a surface of 11Ae standing success and the quota was Choir; "Divine Praises", .quartet. The Seaforth Women's Institute et n 1n unpaved. a are t e p cordial ' ca r x St s c ecce a o dr 11 f tie -1 streets reseed c Sr,rtrent a towt h d. e ex ells S e over -reached. e H n a ve t S h e o P Frank s a the g Fi tl met on Tue.d aftern $ tree g rs on t Hatt riles o a to n]- 0 y should comma ar attend s Id wishing ' to 1 d to g la ser- "11s Jr.,. Ane s Frank nk Sn •• t• t g th returned cl L i a NIat a e home to e nn t rwelcome m Sills h 1 d 1 fa oma of Mrs. Ra •n with Sills. ` fond Nott with S ,E "i•. James Laviolette, son of Mr. and gate with the Secretary, Mr: W. V- Until every street was surfaced. The vice tersonnel and hoped every God �;o Prate Tby •Name'_ a du 5 •s a Mrs. Harvey Laviolette, Edmonton, Roy, Lon es oro.' streets which were oiled this Y thing possible would be done to help Ana., the marriage to take place this Extra seating: will be provided �vors treated with fine broken gravel' rehabilitate them, The health xurs "God Save The King." Fres., was in the chair. The meeting A i the programmewhich will tom d f l only gravel In opened with the Ode and Lord's month.:mg scheme is a ell 11 few streets could be clone sac t..ye M m d b 1 year 1 holy a goad tten nee, Mi P ul Dotg, one. aug t er, ALBERTA COAL EXPECTED FOR WEEK OF NOV. 12 E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a,m,,, Worship Service. Subject "The Possible Lift Through Prayer," '' 7 p.n1 , Service withdrawn in favour of the Presbyterian Anniver- ser y, Thurs. 7,45 pm., Prayer Service. Anglican • St. Thomas, Seaforth Sunday, November 1Sth. 10 Mem., Sunday School. 11 11.111., Morning Prayer, and Ser- mon. er 1110n. Evening Service withdrawn in favor of Presbyterian Church An- niversary. St. Mary's Dublin 3 p.m. Church Service and Ser- mon. The Reetor•,Rev. C. F. L, Gilbert, B,A.,' at all services... Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner B.A.,B.D. 10 a.m,, Sunday School. 11 a,m., "The works of God.", 7 p.m., "Christian Brotherhood." First Presbyterian Church 10 a.m.., The Sunday School. • 11 a.m. and 7 p,m. Public worship: The 78th Anniversary Services will be conducted by the Rev. A. Nimmo, minister of St. Andrew's Church, Wingham, Letter To' St. Peter Prayer. Remembrance were very; b tze Da 1 , e . The r ca was answered on ,' success or to acrd sand, instead o sane u ass and the new ' deavo ' at 8 p.m,, and we will en- deavour to Provide as many seats as past years and the results- 'Miss ]1 kt t x s mence possible for this outstanding event s` of the season. The executive of the side of town, Buller and Roberts tion. A. .delegation l of Plowmen's e executive `went trete given. During the bpst- ers as possible will avail themselves county will r trade he have the tion, y ar •o , wa 1 • grader grade them this 'fall. presented. The latter briefly ad- who fell y its the a 1•temembi•a.neSecond nuY Crossgive for the honey fund�r•It was county g th Red The l guest speaker for the n, 01 In elle roes o isproposed to plant drowsed matchat c is to be Asthein Ontario service`held at the soldiers' memorial also moved that we do not ask for thing will be Rev. W. J. Johnston, of yoOUi. trees along the new streets. plowing is to .Eglinton United Church, Toronto, Other business included ordering on, he felt it was a matter for the in 'Victoria Park. A parade of Legion the Institute Govele rnment grant. g one of Ontario's leading platfornt several copies of a pamphlet on nein- county to decide which site is most meniU005 of thelvariouseorgan' z tions. Treas., Mrs. 1Raymond Nott, asked ng to speakers. icipal:government written by Ii. Great desirable. Enthusiasm is evident, aril school rlthldren niarebed Pram the to be relieved of her office. Mrs: The :evening will also be featured Crawford, formol city clerk of Lon- You can expect the board to put tort office to the cenotaph. led h5' Leslie McClure was appointed to by a group of professional enter- der;. passing a bylaw confirming at ap- their best into this victory match, fire band. The opening service was earn} on this office for the rest of tamers, from' Toronto, including pointment of new assistant at the he As - concluded. Gordon Plowmen's pees the Institute year. Mrs, Eldon herr, Sall Kay,user of theNhght Clubs, town hall at a salary of $390 per an- idem of the Huron 'Plowmen's As- cgrichtedvi by Rev, e W. Gardiner, ai Rsedation, also spoke briefly. It was llgnxondville, assisted by Rev, II. V. convenor 101' Community Activities with her 'witty stories and specially num, and renewing the badminton Workman, of North Side iTnited and Relief, then took the chair. written songs, direct from a tour of club lease for six months at $10 Per announced that the Godericli Board Church. Rev. W. J. Patton, 0f Mc' "Homo on the :Range" was sung America's gleadin theatres and month, It was reported that panels of Tracie was holding the annual 7iillop gave the address. Itaudillas' after which 3lrs. J. A. Scan read a ht clubs. Mille Ihc1 with the`in the fail door had been smashed t'e 1 rural relations night .at a banquet ter Close sautidecl'tlie Last Pose fel- mother of poems by the lute H. night striking personality, iu modern tap' Gently and would require. repairs. in Knox : Church on Wednesday lowed by two minutes silence and babel Graben,. In the absence of the an swan' dance itunibets. The! Council confirmed rho conversion,ot night, when Icon. E. C. Drury. Poi Reveille. Rev: R. 1.1, Williams. paster' ,guest speaker, Mis. Gardiner. the d g mer premier of Ontario, would Great Covell, in modern magic and $10,Un0 former Victory premium bonds t° of First. Presbyterian Crouch, Pru topic was givcm by :12rs. Patel Doig. new feats of leclgehe ordinary entire- i the vresetit loan,, the ll atelr2 5001 11111- jho speak on refoxestrat]o 0 ;Council ad- met nouneeei the 1 c necliotinrt: It was "Death rides the highway ly different from the ordinary ma- Quoting to approximately Y ourned to meet at 10 a. W when drink takes the wheel." It bgician, one of the top entertainers in t0ivn also invested $7,50Uauthe aact on nesday. N0RTHSIDE W, A, showed the effects of alcohol on; his line. Pat McIntosh, funniest tory Loan bootie, the totalConsideration for :an open user mind and body. Mr. Croup 1 oi' the tl' A nC Nhrth Side c. Hugh Chesney comedian in the show business, grin- $17,500. comnlittae e s ry feel Church held their sang a .aro Ju a cipal' comedian with "Fuanizapoppin" o l and Ray Calder noted pianist, NOVEMBER MEETING ClF a5 ' 1 c 111.11 Itbrarian i 1ss ' c n e x n'i Yc1 I1 Y with Christmas, a gift for a child, t he liory, The two new streets on the. west filling. the position with...satisiflc- Service Held At Park The minutes and financial state - federation hopes that as many farm streets have been staked out, and a of the Ontario owl e s headed b J A C ill s Tribute teas paid Sumlay to men. nes it teas moved and carried that of this opportunity, 1'Ir. J. P, Cole of Seaforth has re- ceived the following poem, sent from France by his nephew, Pf:c.' Vincent W. Cole, previous to his being killed in action last January, Deceased was the only child of Mr. Warwick Cole: of Detroit, formerly of Goderich Twp. and had been a•visitor in this district during his boyhood. Ile was in the Field Artillery, U.S. First Army, and was: Milled alter recovering from a wound received in action. Let them. In Peter, they are very tired; Give themthe couches where the angels steep. Letthem wake whole again: to new dolens 111111 With .sun, not war, and nlay their pence be Remember where the broken bodies lie ' 'And give' them things they like, Let them nfeke noire,' God lcnowa hour young flay were to have to die 1 Give swing bonds, not gold halms; to these our• 1001, Let them. love, Peter, they have had no;ime-- Girls sweet as meadow wind, with 11o11c';;ug Tliey. should have trees and Mrd song, hills to The taste of summev in -.a rioenzl 1esr, Tell them how they ate i Isried, sae not. to Year 1 It's going to be all right with. us down heirs. -•,13y Elms Resp, May Shoot Deer Nov. 19 to 24 Announcement is made by the On- tario 'Department of Game and Pish- erica of an open season for :c1•eer nr Huron, Bruce and Grey counties, from Nov. 19 to 24, inclusive. Before hi- eluding Huron in this antelxncentent, the Department asked the opinion of the County Council, amounting to s a on when it is. declared open for monthly a "Just terrace small". The report of the finauc es Il other areas in this district was 11 adopted as follows: Salah Uniting vat the home of Mrs.14, 1:. 1, demonstration on "Sometbl11 was. juror Helen Scott 522.50, acknowledged by the Department of from a yard of prior was given by I, Wilson 5,J. , 9r 'Phos, Game and Fisheries, This resole. Spence.. The meeting (penial by iu aerie 895, J. Cummings $,d - lug O Canada followed by the Lord's Mrs. Ray Nott. The article. :hewn J. C l•ritsou,'Pension, $2D. tion lied been forwarded to the e h }1 Storey $711, 5. A, i•vcr 11Ira. Whitney, president. then were stuffed toys, aprons. shoe n ASSOCIATION ccounts Russell Holmes $2, P 1 1 MINISTERIALA ,•}-' resolutions recoivetl o reel narttnent by county council. took charge of, the meeting and plans bogs, tea cloths, children s cheer - 10, Dell Telephone $6.29, Pu Other t indud- • ' ails, bibs and jackets. __ Reeves 5 were cl]senssecl to entertain the Jun• Ins. Co.$3, N. Cluif Sons ed one front Middlesex County to Inc ('11011, tris e.arty Parc of December.Mos. 1:, 13, Gandhi moved a vote The Novembea meeting of the elitY. Nat. lays., $0.04. ContttY ask the Department of Game and r, r'a ;593.30, Cau., Devotional Part of lbs meeting v 7s of thanks to the hostess, the soloist Seaforth and District Ministe x 1 oleo, hospitalization, $12.45; 'N•iFisheiies to pay a bounty on foxes; taken by \lr's. A: Whitney in the ab- and the speaker, Mr's. Paul Doig Association rvas:held on Monday at oC ?� 410 'County of'Tinron $230,75,' Elvin County recommended that the souse of. Mr•s. Goodie. Flytun 1,3 rvus' moved :r vote hf thanks to the te- Scouls the Egmondville Manse. Present Montgomery $9.30, 3. F. Da]Y Ontario Government take immediate. stutg. llTrs. T. Hudson reel lit r.7r'aYe7'• tiring secretary, for her work 'n were Rev's C. E. L. Gilbert, 1, V." Wm. , 17, Smitlt $13, Canadian Legion steps to investigate and amend the The scripture was falter by b[rs. R. that office for the past three years. Workman, W. 3. Patton, 1Z. I3, Wil- y. il $11' Cyd- $10, F.D.C.CWaterworks dept' act which provides for registration Me]?hclson. A spleaclid top c. "home The National Anthem was sun hams. Discussion took plate regard- 3976,00; D., II' WtlbOn, to ra- of.births; 'Simcoe County requested malting,• was given by Mrs. P011mc1,' and lunch was served by the coin in the teachin • of Religious Educe- rants' $ ' t that the Provincial Government- be g in he Seaforth Public School tion Tioactl, $45; direct relief $ 0.30. which was enjoyed by all, Hymn 7, mittee and hostess, tion t asked to approve a welfare unit set- was erne, follow•ed ri a wh1 e . 1, ; but no decision as to action -was up in the county; Waterloo County pliant sale, which gloved very 313)03, taken. It was decided that the Assn- wanted the Department of Mu- estnlg. A very delicious 11111811 eta, I HULLETT elation seep Organist information eg r ard]ne Is Honoured nations an ' Supply to assure suffhc- Messrs. Tont Colson, flurry sturdy, d pp yor served by the ]aitch committee. Next t affiliation with the • Canadian 'Corot• On 25 Years Of Service rant supply of anthracite a Goa oto h production of poultry 1 hon ' h t 1 f orb's meeting twill be held at the. I, Nelson Lear. Arthur ('01wm, .lames til of Churches t e p 1 ° products, e. f Mrs, Whitney. McEwen and Hugh c'inipbeli have The 'paper, "Psychology of Relig- ions i t1 evening "ser- another that all available snow plow- ed. low -= returned home after a n cltb hunt - Experience" was .ably present- ed by Rev, A. W Gardiner ,oS a Clarke was came from Wellington period of discussion immediately after ,10 Ing a1 nrn,•'in'hl e. vice at'St, Thomas' Anglican Church ing, equipment llshould t Comty pooled, SEAFORTH SUBSCRIBES The, 1oteleaboro Skating Rtnit Club on Sunday, Mr., George B. at livestock control was 5000 bine sponsored two sitrtessful bingos on followed, t feel with a beautiful pod and criticized and ALMOST $39 E t[ 1 Friday Edelweiss Rebekah Lod preset pencil est by the Ladies' Guilcl,. on crlt�ctzed bY' Norfolk omt Y, ee behalf of the congregation, in honour Zhu Ninth Victory Loan 1 afar (latices in the community hall • Sp Euchre Party f twenty-five years Sponsors t c easel in nd a1 e holding a11o1111 this 1 ie ay omtletion o ve : 1115111... We hope the r. rrlllle thus ob- •iy of his completion rector, IL Seaforth) on Saturday 'g 'i5 11C Ye " a • t• night with rained will unsure. n season's sport organist of the thrash The 5 1N EGMONDV LE ] t sa e teen. Mess Louisa Stt1 ing, who 000, rthloh is r menilt.a DIE. subscriptions has On Thursday evening, November..0v, C: 1r. L. Gilbert ciatiovoiced of Mr. cold totalling a mos- for 1110:young . people 00 the vein - 8, has 1 `>11 of the quota set 8 tie Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge No. I gregatton s app o Mrs, -11, lie McKenzie of Lucluiuw ' 's faithful cervica :clueing the made her Moms for the past:- two P°Tntlaridif:ial io the industrial -soh- 117c sponsored a most successful Clarke McGavin, pees"- years .with her niece, IYIre. Minnie visited with her par • ] 'years. Mrs. George soriptigris listed inet`aveek; employees euchre. There were 26 tables mP play, 1 made the Prosetita. Smith -` passed away hn Egmondville , hence Floar 114i11s sub- Firs' 1Vnt, Carter. eats. :hlr. [iud Prize winners were, Ladies most dent of tine Guth,, p at rho Dsce games,' Mrs. Mae Dorrance; Ladies tion, on Saturday after a long illness. scribed $4:000. lone hands, Mrs. Edwin Hawkins; Ladies consolation, Mrs. Jack Ellig- Men's most games Mr. Bert MCQUAID • BURGESS. She was a daughter of the late Mr. ' andd'. Mrs. - David Stirling and was sen, born on the 4th concession of God Shaw; Men's lone hands, Mr, Geo. The marriage of Sarah Margaret erich township, the family later Hildebrand; Men'e consolation, Mr Bnrgcss; daughter of Mr; and Mrs, moving to Colborne township, As a Stanley Dorrance. Tea sandwiches Robert Burgess, S1:. Thomas, to Soho young woman she went to Buffalo and doughnuts were served by the Sylvester McQuaid, son of Mr. 111tr1 where she was a tailoress for many social committee of the lodge, The , Mrs, Joseph McQuaid, Seaforth, was years. When her health failed she singing of. God save the King solemnized in Holy Angels Recur e went to live with her niece, Mrs. 1 brought the evening to a close. Saturday Oct 2'7 with Rev..Minnie Smith, in Iianilton, later PINKNEY-JERMYN A pretty house wedding took place, on Saturday, Nov, 10 at 4; p.m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Ilersey, North Main Street, Sea - forth, when Alma V. Jermyn became. the bride of George E. Pinkne,;y, Seaforth Rev. C F L Gilbert of- ficiated. The groom's gift to the Scheventn11e1• o 0,eiating. The bride wore a floor -length gown of white chiffon, with lace bodice and shirred waist and her finger-tip tulle veil was held in lace with a headdress of. or- nge 1 of Goderic11,' Mrs. Addie Fulford, chrysanthemums. Mrs: Joseph Dunce, of Colborne township and Mrs. Au- , sister of the groom, attended the ,Hie Campbell of Lucknow. The fun- i bride, wearing a floor length gown .of wine taffeta, tvittl matching hat, and eree' the re' was held on funeral hafternoon f er God - she carried a nosegay of yellow and saal:themums. Joseph °rich, conducted by Rev, R. II, Wil - looked oke was a cheque.. The length mauve babe attended room, The hams, pastor of First Presbyterian dressd lovely in a streetimmlength bride'urke mother the b by.Rev. Richard. of•blu.e'cre a trimmed tvitli bride's mother wore a black}1o0�01 1Chuec�t�eSe�,tEssisted ofwhichshe was dress p goldaand wore ea string 'ceofremony pearl p11111 ros es, wi it and outer of the Stewart of Goderich, The pallbearers beads. After the wedding ceremony prole roses, while the g'r'oomWore a two-piece black treses H�xeiJames nn1Seieaceillill; Willetm liarr; Cecil - storey fowl dinner was served by hostess aunt of .the bride. A three trimmed mauve orisen, Harrison, " Cyril Campbell, centre of the bake decorated the pink rep mauvechrysanthemums. centre of the table. Mr. and Mrs.: The reception was held at the Grand L ncicnorv; Will Scotchmere, l3aY- Pinkne. will reside in Seafon'th. .Central Hotel, where bronze and, field and Geo. Fulford, of Colborne Geo Y chrysanthemums were used in township. meetingof Hog •Producers will field coat and black accessories. Chas. Alton, of y A or Fern; Mr, and Mrs. Clifford i be held in the Carnegie Library at Falls g andw Buffalo, the t lyricd Niagara Hackett, Lucknow; Mr, Thos. Tay Seaforth 011 speakerpwill beer eseh,1 reside at 7151/2 Talbot, for of St, Helens and Mr, Gilbert at 8 plain A will be present groom will to explain. the plan. street, Sl. 'I'hmuas, ? Virtte of Belfast, p i]o5som s. She carried white coming to Seaforth with her niece, and Mr. and Mrs.PhD Present, and for the past year had lived in Eg- I mondvtlle, Surviving are one broth- er and two sisters, William Stirling' white c u'ysan decoration, For travelling, the brklel Arnongthose from a distance who Mrs. r HOG PRODUCERS' MEETING wore a rose suit, with gt ey the Sol , attended the funeral 'were Tilbury and daught- Quota BLYTH $ 64,000 EXETER 209,000 ZU111CH & HAY WEST ` 128,000 HOWICK 314,000 WEST WAWANOSH 97,000 HENSALL 4 HAY EAST 142,000 WINGHAM 265,000 BRUSSELS .•-. 104;000 EAST WAWANOSH 97,000 SEAFORTH 229,000 GODERICH TOWNSHIP , 120,000 CLINTON 249,000 11TSBORNE »,•-• 142,000 COL13ORNE 93,000' STANLEY 744,000 HULLETT 142,000 STEPHEN WEST 93,000 MORRIS 133,00.0 MCICILLOP 142,000 STEPHEN EAST 93,000 TOWN OF GODERICH 605,000 ............_142,000 TUCIffaRSMITH .,.........103,000 TURNBERRY ,.-:., GREY 167,000 ASHFIELD 148,000 HURON COUNTY TOTAL: 4,170,000 6,928,550 166,15 AIR SCHOOLS 56,500 329,850 582.92 COMBINED TOTAL 4,226,500 7,267,900 Subscribed Percentage $170,350 266.10 509,600 243.82 300,600 234.85 687,500 218.05 189,550 195.41 269,400 189.70 479,200 180.88 185,200 173.08 110,250 175,81 394;650 172.34 191,550 159.62 413,450 166.04 223,350 157,29. 144,000 154.84 221,350 158,72 216,000 152.11. 138,250 148.66 194,850 146.50 205,900 145.00 130,500 140.32 805,300 138:11 187,750 , 182.22 138,550 - 128.29 199,800 119.52 101,850 109.36 171.72 1 4 4 a . . 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 4 4 1 4 4 a