HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-11-08, Page 8sensemiaavoseeser
HENSALL the costumes were• judged by Rev. guests on this occasion will be the Card of Thanks
.firs. Stewart 31eQueen returned and Mr. F, L. Micicte The prizes eating items to be presented. are as to express s their thanks for the mtunman),
Percy Ferguson, Rev R. A. Brook, "Grandmothers". Among; the inter- airs, 117ren. Eyi•e and children wish
home after visiting with her son -iris were rewarded to girl's coini:;, Marie follows; -guest speaker, M. P. acts of kincbeees and sympathy in
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd;: girl's character•, Lois Bender- Simpson, demonstration ''Needle- their sad boreavenicut; also for the
Don Bigby and Donna in Blenheim, son; boy's comre,. Ronnie Passmore;,work" Mrs. Goodwin; current utimeroue doral tributes.
_Mrs. Edward Schroeder and Icon- boy's character, Jimmie Hyde. events (25, years' ago) Mrs. G. M.
Me visited duringk
• with Mrs. Schr and wire y
the past wee Gaines and contorts were erijcyed Drysdale. This promises to be en Card of Thanks •
oedex's mother, Mrs, aliments •
and cantl served. outstanding meeting, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Lyre wish to
Fred Garbett; 1tr, Harold Redden of Tupper- i The November meeting
of the thane the many friends and neighbors
Mrs. Catharine Redden returned ville spent the weekend here with Mission Circle will be held at the fol: tits l lcincl assistance during their
home after emending a week with his mother, Mrs, Catharine Hadden: home of Mrs. Loin Chapman en beretl.vement.
her son, Mr. Harold Redden in Tun- Mrs. Ted Taman and Tonle of Tuesday everting, November 13th,
perville. Listowel and Mrs. Laughton of Tole A large attendance is requested. IN MEMORIAM
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cowen and onto visited during the past week Mr. Jones of Georgetown is . re In loving memory of our dear sister
Teddy visited in Dungannon on Sue' with their mother, Mrs. Chas. Me- lieving Mr. A. L; Case, local station Mrs. Dan :Dueee, who passed away
day, where Mr. Cowen was in charge Donnell and sister, Miss Dorothy Me- operator, who is spending a week's Nov'. 5th, 1941.
of the church service. Donnell. holiday. Two dear bright eyes, a tender smile,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Tiwouair and Mr.
Mrs. Saundereoek's Mr. George Otterbine of Preston A loving heart that knows no guile.
Stewart McQueen spout Nursing Honte, Hensel], on Wed- spent the weekend with his parents,. Deep trust in 000 that was right,
end with Mr. and ileiDon Rigby nesday, Oct. 31st. to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. • Otterbine. Sick or suffering ones she knew.
and Donna in Blenheim. John Farquhar, a son. 1 Mrs. Chas, •Salter and babe'of Some gentle act of love she'd do.
Dr. Win. T. Joynt of London vis Mr A. L.Casattended the fun-, Wingham visited during the past No thoughts of self but of the others:
ited over the weekend with his eral of his sister-in-law, the late week with Mrs. Salter's mother, What a beautiful memory to have of
mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Mrs. William Leitch, in Ailsa Crg' ai Mrs. McI{aig' _ i a sister.
The Mission •Circle of the United
are holding a Bazaar in the on Monday. Mrs. Leitch .lied very Miss Margaret McGregor visited —Sadly missed by her sister, Mary
Church11 suddenly on Saturday. I during the past week with relatives Reeves, and Family,
a week- r Toronto.
Council d Chamber -in the Town
, Miss Hannah Murray was k 'n T t
on Saturday Nov 10th. A lovely Cassie Daugall. 1'rx John Mac$eath is
d guest with Mss g 4 confined to IN MEMORIAM
variety of aprons, stuffed animals, en gue t t ..•
and other attractive items will be Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rose of De his room owing to an attack of SMITH In loving memory of a dear
troit visited recently with Mr. and pleurisy. daughter and sister, Vera E. Smith,
offered for sale. In c home -cooking
with Mrs. Russel Broderick. , Red Cross Nursing Class who passed away suddenly four years
the bazaar a home cooking booth Mr, Wm. Slavin of London A very enjoyable evening was ago, Nov. 7th.
will be featured. spent the weekend at his home here. spent at the home of M and Mrs. • No pen can write, no tongue can tell,
A memorial Day service will beOur sad and bitter loss.
held in the Hensall United Church Mrs. Beattie and Miss Mossop of G. M. Drysdale on Monday evening But God alone has helped so well
on Sunday morning, Nov. 11th at 11 Varna visited with friends here 'est when the 1945 Red Cross Home To bear our heavy cross.
o'clock. Rev. Brook will be in charge. week. ' Nursing Class were presented with Sadly missed by Mother and Dad,Members of the Exeter•Hensal] Dr, D. G, Steer of London called their pins and certificates. The Mae, Edgar and Gladys.
branch of the Canadian Legion will on,friends here on Sunday. class donned their uniforms and
be in attendance. Next Saturday afternoon and ' caps and presented a very pleasing LOST
Remembrance Day service will evening, November, 10th, a bazaar , appearance. Mrs. H. Lawrence, A child's red hand knit initt on
be held in Carmel Presbyterian will be held in the school room of ;local officer in charge, was the Main St., Seaforth, or in a store,
Church on Sunday, Nov. llth corn- the United Church, sponsored by' chairlady for the evening. A sing- last Saturday. Finder please leave,
mencing at 10:55 am., conducted the Mission Circle. A lovely die- , song of favorite songs was led by .at The News. Thanks.
by Rev. Percy Ferguson play of aprons, stuffed animals and , Mrs. R. H. Middleton, after which
A public service Will be held at other attractive items will be offer-'( Mrs. Lawrence gave a brief address, FOR SALE
the cenotaph following the ehureh ed for sale, In connection with the f A very humorous reading on "Ob- Ttvo pair good pine barn doors
2: o`clock. bazaar a home -baking booth will be servations" was given by Mrs. Mil- with roller hangers anal square
services at 1 15 track complete, full height, 12 ft.
Mrs. e Lorne Aiwock;hton and Bar- featured and a 15 cent will be ton Love. The presentation of t wide TI Laing, Cromarty, Phone
bare spent Ole week end with lir, served. Donations' of home baking' pins and certificates to the class
and Mrs, Glenn Bell: from any member of the congrege- 1 was made by Mrs, Lawrence. Miss 12 25 Dublin.
A hallowe'en parte w'+s field in tion will be gratefully accepted by; Annie E. Consitt gave an address FOR SALE
the public school room en Wednes- the circle members. of thanks to the Instructresses indi- A nmilber of Rose yi bite T egifoi'n
1-1 eveningunder the direction of Mrs. C. Cook will be hostess to vidually as follows Mrs. H,11-.putets a Coady to lay; Andrew eghors,
day once, Mrs. H. Faber Mrs. 7t.
the tprincipal, herr, Judi and ara the Eir mee Institute for tonic e2Walton, 8301-3, Seaforth• •
assistant teachers, Brandon.
Barbara vember meeting. tNbe,
e,1114thn rds.' Middleton,.
i G eSteer,hlMrs, D.l Kyleen , and Mrs:
Michie and Jean Brandon, A parade nesday evening. FOR SALE WANTED
pupils in n hall rade corn- Geo. Hess will be co -hostess. A. Orr. firs, Steer . was unable -to Team rising 4. years old; well Elderly lady desires board ng bons8,
of the pupattend. Special' thanits• was voiced
named at the town hall at i pan, Theme 'based on "Historical Re- to Dr. Roulsten and Dr. .Cowen of of broken, Apply . to Geo- Dundas, preferably lvillr mother elderly lady.
and marched to the school where search" 118 ,formerly the honored Exeter en the "Structure and Phone 831 r 5, Seaforth. Apply at News Office.
: growth of teeth". Following this By -Law NO 11 1945 FOR SALE
' address Mrs. A. D. McEwen on be -
The War is over. But the Nsede of war go on
Canada's Overseas Com mitin ents have removed cornstarch, Rice,
Rice Krispies. Puffed Rice. etc., from our shelves until .lune, 1946
Soaps, Shortening, Lard, Pork. Pinch:els and Pork are'tentporarilY
in short supPly
Ten Million People will Ole in Europe this whiter from Starvation I
and Exposure
"Act To -day Order Potatoes Now"
FOR SALE McConnell & Hays
Frame dwelling, hydro, 11/2, acres, Barristers, Solicitors, to.
North- Main street. Suitable for poul- Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Baps
try farm. Early possession. SEAFORTH, ONT. 'telephone 174
Double house on. Victoria St. Sep
crate apartments, good investment.
Frame cottage, Goderich St. past.
25 acres -with barn and house, on
highway. Immediate possession.
Watson & Reid, Seaforth.
Model A. Sport Roadster 1929.
Also 80 weaned pigs, $8. $9. and
$10. C. J. Walker, Cromarty. Phone
12 r 18, Dublin.
Under cultivation, good buildings,
spring' creek. Hydro throughout. 8
acres of bush, and is situated on #3
Highway 3x/2. • miles west of Seaforth.
Apply at The News office. •
Geo. J. Wright, Bandmaster,
Wingham. Leave orders at Mrs.
Peck's Music Store, Seaforth.
Ladies' wine velvet dress, size 36;
misses 2 piece dress, size 19; ladies'
green -velvet hat, like new; child's
black oxfords, size 3. Mrs. Edward
Brady, 'Coleman St., Seaforth.
40 year.old hens, Rose Hybrids. Ap.
DIY Crawford Simpson, lgmondville.
Phone 6631-11,
100 ACRE
Farm dor Sale
60 acres seeded to grass
40 acres good bush and orchard
Good Well -- Windmill
Well Fenced
For further information apply to
eskyax roducts Ltd
Phone 74
Why do by hand, work that
con be done quicker, easier
and cheaper by machine?
Why put up with the
drudgery and the time- and
money -wasting disadvan-
tages of hand milking,
when you can enjoy the con-
venience and profit-making
advantages of doing this
wearisome daily task by
simply installing the Massey -
Harris Rite -Way Milker in
your barn? Ask your local
dealer for particulars.
SWITCH NOW to the Easy Way
r; ,Y
T.'H',Ft• 4it.',iGI C C; ASR M�rCi`fiu'1'
'` S
Lim 1T.ED
g1•If76'�l•.A,•N..,F<A R M ..
• Renfrew kitcllen range, 3 piece
half of the class presented the In• TOWNSHIP of TUCKERSMITH ciiestertield suite, walnut living room
structresses with.. a china cup and A By -Law ta. protide for a curfew m thi.
table, chop Teat table, Congoleuinrug,
saucer, as a slight token of apprecla- Township of Tuckersmith. Coleman lantern, all nearly new, pre -
tion of their service and thine given, WHERFAs, nume,tsse complaints have peep war material. Apply Roy Connell,
to which each one made a most fit- i'eenived by the Ccuncil'of the Townahllt of Seaforth, 654 ring 22.
Tuckoramltk in 'regard to chil,hrn being mi
ting reply, All joined in singing the streets of the 'Village of Egmondville
"For theyare jolly good fellows," after, nine o'clock in the evening contrary FOR SALE
Refreshmnts were served after ANO W IISEAS 0aonsidernbl ' nnilaiiam and 3 girls' winter coats, size 12-14.
watch pistures were taken of the damage have been caused by the said May be seen at Gillespie's Dry
class and also the Instructresses, children, Cleaners.
Mrs. R. H. Middleton moved a vote ANn WHERrAs...She can»ell of the stdd
Township of Tuckersmith are of the r FOR SALE .
of thanks to the hostess. opinimt •that ncuan should tie taken tc car• 12 choice Hereford feeder ]coffers.
rest this situation,
The Arnold Circle 'of Carmel THERLPCRE, be it enacted and It is hereby I J. C. Cochrane, Klemm Phone 81-5.
byterkan Church held a Most eneeted
c 'sful supper in the school -room THAT all children 15 years of age and tinder
of the church on Saturday evening. neloabk eithaso=11°11=1
The tables and room were bealrti' October lst and by the hour of eight,
fully decorated with hallowe'en de a'cloAckili i the Iftcrnoon from aeea,npml,C 5 Over 1st
to Sc 5 , 817 000 't 1•-
rorations and autumn flowers. Ont or' guarillan. or m1- adult appnintrd1,n110
Woltel,. Class Meets the, parents or guardian to accompany such,
rhe Wollelo Class of. Che United need a first time this 1rd dad of Nevem-
me m u y a1-,
room on Friday evening, Nova 2nd 'Rend a second time this ant day of Not -1
�mbcr, _rads.
with Ross Forrest gresiding•The rand n third time and iim,uy pnased,'xign-
opening hymn was, ` 'Come) let us ed and settled this 8rd day of November, 1945
sing 0f' a wonderful -love." Lord's C. Pie kHfESNEY ARTIIuit N]O1IOLSON
Prayer' was repeated in un son. e
Chur•ch t theSunday School 1 rsls FOR
150 pullets, . White' Leghorn's, Rose
Brand, Brussels, ready to lay. Also 4
steers and 4 heifers rising two. Dar'-
haul and 'Hereford. Calvin 'Bien„
Walton. Lot 16, Con. 11, Mcliillop,
' The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours.—
'Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Watson & Reid
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
' scripture reading, the beatitudes, AUCTION SALE.
1 was given by Mrs.. Edison Forrest, In village of Brussels. On Satul'day.'
Offering and roll call was taken Nov. 10th, at 1 Ii,m.
and "Nearer my God to Thee" sung. 1 fernery, 2 dressers, 2 -8 -day
;'fir: Edison Forrest presented a clocks, 1 mantel type; 3 rockers; 1
most interesting and enlightening floor lamp, 2 coal ell lamps, 1 vac -
topic on "Social Security". Business men cleaner, 3 linoleum rugs; 1 Ax-,
Lister cream separator, can be used
by band orpower, almost new. Also
2,005 ib. scales, almost new. George
Colclough, Clinton #1 219 utiles
north' of Clinfon on No. 3 liigltway.
100 acres all under cultivation,
brick 'dwelling,.good buildings, 20 sic.
rail wheat, 30 ac. plowed, 20 ac. clover
seeded Hydro available. Lots of
Water. 4 mi, to Bayfield, 31/2 to Varna'
Norman Stephenson, Varna.
1 was discussed and .plans made re minster lug 9x12; 1 tea wagon, wal-,
tlto December meeting. Audit' Walsh uutl , .ltd
taale., dinner set, tea set, FOR SALE
1 a1- stand. trilight floor lamp, 2 Four leen pigs ready to wean. R'rn.
accompaniment. The closing' hymn cheat
h 1' t1all enamel stove, LOST
Il" ft which the mizpah bene flew with waterfront 7 couch beth
provided several solos with guitar j
1 erfield .suites (One new) 1 Henry, P.rucelleld, Ont:
was '13e liveth long who ire) china cabtiu:t., 1. n
well" after w t t A small light grey {ictal lawn gate,
ruction was repeated. Refreshments saw, scythe, 1 hall gree, 1 lawn mots• taken away on Hallowe'ento night. Any
were served. e1-, 1 coal oil stove with ovtn ] iron Orson firstling it and bringing it back;
Bride and. Groom Honored bed, spring and mattress 1 'kitchen n p
t A large •crowd of relative and extension table, 3 small" tables, kit- will receive a reward. Phone 24 on
friends gathered in the Town Hall, clten chairs, kitchen stool; kitchen 007,int atII rth, 2 mtiles,wvest on Pro-
Hensall,' on Monday evening in hon- utensils; quantity dishes, pictures,
or of Mr, and'Mrs Murray Traquair; pillows; quips, (1181)110, tviudoly boxes. FOR SALE
who were recently married. The 1 storm door, lawn mower, 1 filen e' Qttehec range, cheap fel quick sale,
far coat paper tack, silence cloth,
made,pesencocci of a china cabinet wasboilers.Mrs. Wilbert Webster, John street,
made, the accompanying address be rubber Stan treads, tubs tad Seaforth.
Terms cash. MRS. LAURA NURSE,
ing read by Glenn Bell, The groom Prop; Robt. Patrick, Glerk, I•T.arold OVERSTOCKED
replied t. Dancing
sincere enjoyedthanks for ,Taekson, Auctioneer. { Would sell a number of heifers ani
me gift. Cocing was ra,to also a tow .springers and milkers.
music en Collins' orchestra, Re- E,LIMVILLE- Dale Nixon, Seaforth, phone 061r4,--
f h t 1 served.
The W.M.S. of the United Church
res men were
Se ve { Mr Clarence Ford of Ititchener
Members of Baby Band Graduate Auction Sale
met in the school -room of the church here, Of Live Stock. Harold Jackson,
on Thursclav at 3. p.m., with Mrs. Quite a number from here attend- Auctioneer, bas received instructions
Brook presiding. The meeting open. Oct the Weber -Williams wedding• in to sell for the Public Trustee•oe Ont-
ed with the singing of a hymn, the James St. Church, Exeter, on Sat- ai'io: at LOL 3, Gon, 6, Tnekers uitlt,
p 1urda last. 3Yr. miles scilla of Seaforth, and 11,9
seri Lure reading, prayer and re- Mi.• Ronald Gollings 01 the Cana- 1 miles east, on Wednesday, Nov,' '14th,
•cisponsifo lesson.wdGraduating wing•
dian Army, who recently returned at 1.30 pan.
Babyaba Bandawed when the following from overseas was a weekend visit- 2 work horses.
members graduated into or with his sister, Mrs. Jackson 2 cows, 2 calves, 15 steers and
the Mesion Land, Gwendolyn Spens' Woods ''heifers. `terms cash.
AnBeen Lou' lesLaMany Mr. Ernie Whiteford who has HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer.
MurrayRennie, Charles Mickle and been undergoing treatment in St.
i4furHarburn. Recitations were Joseph's Hospital, London, Burin Clearing Auction Sale
given by Gwendolyn. Spencer, Mary g '
Ann Rennie, Charles Micicle and the past week has sufficiently re- Of Household Furniture, on Main.
Murray Harburn. Audry Walsh covered to be home. St., Brussels, at the home of the late
favored with solos, Miss Mattie Ellis Mr., Chas. Stephen took a load of Charles Pope, on Saturday, Nov. 10th,
beans to Blenheim on Friday last. at 1 P.M.a1- services at James St. '
was a weekend visitor at his hone
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, W. R. Archibald, Sea.
forth; Vice President, Frank' Me
Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton; Alex 13roadloot,
Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born-
holm; E. 5. Trewartha, Clinton;
John L. Malone, Seaforth;' Alex Me.'Owing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander,
Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F.
Moa eroher, Dublin; J. P. Prueter,
Brodhagen • George A. Watt, Both. .
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above- named officers
addressed to their respective post
Ar. E. A. MoMaster,-M.B„ Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F, 5, R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
5 p.m.
�Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month' from 1 to 2 p,m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5 J
graduates Marion Pepper sang a
told an interesting story to the Several from here attended an- LEW ROWLAND, Auctioneer.
Mkl El nivers v
solo andBetty is e, `senor Exeter, Zion. and Iiirkton Churches, 'I
Cook and Bernice Jinks sang, a
hymn, The school room was beauti- on
fully arranged for the occasion
with mums and autumn flowers,,Re-
freshments were served at the ,close. i Mrs Norman Craig of Swift
Next Sunday afternoon; Nov. 11, Current, Sask., spent a few days
at 3 o'clock a special Memorial Day, with Mrs, Wm. Johnston and other
Service will ` be held at, : Hurondale, relatives.
Rev. Kenneth MacLean:. of Exeter, The Helping Hand Mission, Band
will deliver the address and the of Cavan, Church will meet in the
special feature of the occasion wi11 schoolroom of the church, Saturday,
be the unveiling of the new section Nov. 10th at 2:30. Please bring mite
of the cenotaph ;which bears twenty- boxes.
two names of service personnel from Mr. Andrew Montgomery of
the district. Exeter-Hensall branch Brantford Spent the .weekend at his
of the Canadian Legion will have home.
charge of the unveiling ceremony Mr. end Mrs. Bert McSpadden
and a public address system wkl1 be and Jackie of London with Mr. and
used, Exeter Citizen's Band will be Mrs. ZackMcSpadelen and other
in attendance. relatives,
The Orpheus Ladies' Choir of Mrs. John M. Gillies, Ssabell,
Stratford, under the direction of Bruce and Jackie, spent the week-
14iiss Irene Jocelyn L,R.S.M., A.T. end in Colling'weod. Mrs, Gillre's
C.31., -will present a concert in the mother and father celebrated their
Town Hall, Hensall, on Monday, dist wedding anniversary November
Nov. 12th at 8:30 pan. This Choir 2nd. They were presented with
a suonsored by the 1Tensall branch .,1 lovely studio couch, lounging chair,
of the Red Cross Society. occasional chair and large Mirror,
Auction Sale
Of Household Furniture and num-
erous work shop articles in Walton,
on Wednesday, Nov. 14111, at 1.30 p.m.
Physician' and Surgeon
Successor to Dr, W. 0. Sproat
Phone 90 W Seaforth
Bye,Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate In. Medicine, University
of Toronto, Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
thrbat hospitals, 'London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p,m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo
St., Stratford. Telephone 267.
G oak dining room chairs, 1 cream
bedstead and springs with dresser to
snatch; 1 white bedstead and springs;
2 spring coil mattresses; 1 dressing
table; 1 milt bedstead with springs;
1 (old) bedstead withsprings; -1 large
wall mirror with cream border; coal
oil heater; 2 wash stands, 1 library
table; 1 oak reciting chair; odd
chairs; 2 small upholstered chairs;
oilcloth rug 7x31/2';, oilcloth runner,
41/2x1 yd.; couch, buffet mirt'or; wall.
mirrors, :1: large table lamp, electric;
sanitary commode with pipes; pic-
tures; curtains, dishes, pots and pans,
2 sewing machines; `gas barrels, gas
pumps, ,garden hose, chains, tools,
Horse hlanitets, 1 good vise, 1 good
gutter robe, forks, shovels, oil calla,
tool kits, buggy halters 1. rug, cattle
markers, :'Post hole digger. Other
articles top numerous to mention.
Terms cash. MRS. BERT ANDER-
SON', Proprietress; Lew Rowland,
Auctioneer. -
Successor to Holmes & Whitney
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos-
pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell
Nursery Flowers. Phone 119.
Nights and Holidays 65
The , next meeting of the Huron
County Council will be hell in the
Council Chambers, Court House, God-
erich, commencing Tuesday, Novem-
ber 13th, 1945, at 2 p.m.
All accountsnotices of deputations
and 'other business requiring the at-
tention of Council should be in the
hands of the County Clerk not later
than Saturday, November 10th-
County Clerk,
Goderich, Ontario
0 -Room Frame House. Hydro, Town Water..
and cellar. Situated on Coleman Street.
House with barn, Situated on Main Street,
50 Acro- Fsrm, Two. Tuckersmith. Good
Brick House, 13a91c Barn, Poultry House and
Driving Shied. Immediate possession.
78 Acre Farm Twp. Tucicersmith. Frame
House, Bank Barn. Driving Shed, Hog 'Pen.
Coad bush with spring therein.
flee, have listed farms to McRillop.
Insurance & Real Estate
Seaforth, Ontario Res. 220
Phones: 334 Office
tlifeisilnC+LLtN YOUR O