HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-11-08, Page 7FROM SNIFFLY, STUFFY DISTRESS OF Acute *;/ Instantly relief from catarrhal misery starts to come when you put a few drops of VicksVa-tro-nol in each nos- tril. Va-tro-nol is soeffective... results ire so good .. . because it (1) reduces swollen membranes, (2) soothes irri- tation, (3) helps clear away congestion...and thus makes breathinsuffererssay it's tl ebestrelief Jescatarrh t a few drops they'fund. , toe, will wor ve ok fast rights like the way ft workYous! Try itl where trouble 1 Have You Heard? Man (addressing women) "1 dou't know why God makes wo- men so beautiful and yet so Women (countering) "Fie makes us beautiful so you Iove us, and makes us dumb so we love 'You," Husband: "You must think automobiles grow on trees," Wife: "Silly! Everybody knows they come from plants." "I was a fool when I married you," said Mrs. Brownloiglr, angri. ly. "Yes, darling, but'I was in love and didn't notice it" replied her husband. A mandate, wrote a school. girl recently, la an appoint- ment a girl makes with a fel- low. M a bee sat on a nettle, Now here's what puzzles me— :Would that bee sting the nettle, Or the nettle sting the "bee? Orange Powder .A. company has been fornlod to manufacture orange powder. from. Florida oranges, says Marketing, A daily output o£ 0,000 pounds of Rehydrated juice is expected from the new plant which will be In production next spring. The ad- dition of water to the powder makes the product substantially indistinguishable from fresh or- ange juice in appearance and vita- min content, it is claimed. Londonderry naval base, one of the headquarters of the war against the U-boat, is to become an anti- submarine school HOTEL METHOPOLL All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION 1 Instantine Tablet brings FAST RELIEF: COLD getting you down? Follow the Instantine 1 -tablet -way to fast relief from .the (miserable, dragged -out "achy" feeling often associated with colds. It generally takes only 0726 Instan- tine tablet to start bringing welcome relief from cold suffering. You see, these h e fast -actin, rescri tion -t e Instantine tablets go to work almost immediately easing pain; lesseningdis- comfort. Instantine's scientific com- bination of three proven medicinal ingredients works in these ways to bring you effective relief: 1. Ease pain and discomfort. 2. Prolong relief from discomfort. 3. Offset "depressed feeling." Give mild, stimulating "lift" Try Instantine- chances are you will never again go back to slower -acting preparations for relief of cold discom- fort. Rely. on Instantine, too, for relief whenever, you suffer from headache or muscular ache or pain. All drugstores have Instantine. iiI iiti ne 12 Tablets 2S0—about 2yi a dose Fast, Effective Relief from Simple Pals NOBEL WINNER Sir Alexander Fleming, above, and two of his British associates have been awarded 1946 prizes in physiology and medicine by the Nobel Committee for discovery of penicillin. This 64 -year-old Scot- tish scientist insists he discovered magic drug by accident. Sir Loin Henry VIII, a large eater, was once so pleased with a particular eat el beef that he asked what its name was, relates the New York Time Magazine. "Loin, Sire," he was told. "In future it shall have a more honorable title," Henry re- torted and, drawing his sword, he conferred knighthood on it, de - Oaring: "Arise, Sir Loin." Thus "Sirloin" of beef got its name. Easy Yday To Treat Sore, Painful Piles Dere Is the chance for avers. per- son In Canada suffering from eore. itching, painful piles to try u atingle. home remedy with the promise of a reliable- firmto refund the coat Of the treatmentif you are .not satisfied with the results. Simply go to any druggist and gat a bottle of Nein-Auld and use asdirected. :Hem -Reid Is an Intern.. al treatment, easy andpleasant to use and pleasing results are quick- iy noticed itching and soreness are relieved, pain subsides and as the treatment Is continued the sore, painful pile tumors heal over leav- ing the rectal membranes clean and healthy. Get a bottle of Hem- Rold today and seefor yourself what an easy, pleasant way this, is to rid yourself of your pile misery, NOTE, The eponeorof tide.. notice le n Fellable. firm,doing hasinel.e. In Demote for over 20 yenre. If ram are tronI,)ed with cure,itching, mien t pile,,, idem -Relit mnat help y'on quickly or theentail enrollee° ,,rlee win be gladly refunded. h , 'r, yowl CK Backache is often caused by Lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order excess acids and poisons remain in the system. Then backache- headache, rheumatic pain, die. Curbed rest or that 'tired out' feeling may soon follow. To help keep your kidneys working properly—use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Time -tested, popular, safe, non -habit -form. ing. Demand'Dodd's Kidney Pills, in the blus box Trish the red, band. Sold everywhere. 135 i CHECKED in a ✓iffy -or Money Back For quick relief f tom itching caused by eczcme, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other i tchiag conditions, use pore, coolingg,'medionted, liquid D. D. D, PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. -Soothes, comforts and quickly.calms,ntens:. todayo£or 118,. D 0. PRESCRIPTIOruggiet E RRH 1 r?3. 2 Special Remedies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment Mecca Pilo.Remedy No. -1 is for Protruding.. Blending Piles, and is sold in Tube, with pipe, for internal application. Prion 76e. 04ecce Piis Remedy No. 2 I for External Itching Piles. Sold in ,Tar, and Is for eternal um only, Price 60a Orderby number from your Druggist..., Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY FEMALE MISERY Lydia F. Pinkham's VegetableCompound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also a scam yr in g nervous, tired, high- strung feelings—when due to functional periodic disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Pinkharn's Compound hells nature! Follow labell�Ndirections. Try t1! OCy V• iK terra Cum; TIMBER WORKERS NEEDED NOW Timber -rich Canada is lumber -short. Lack of labour in lum- ber camps is hamstringing reconstruction and housing programs Servicemen who value comradeship and good health are obtaining discharges to work in the woods, but officials state the demand for lumbermen is as urgent as the increasing demand for building materials and pulpwood, VOICE OF THE PRESS J "Legs Is Legs" Schoolboy writing answers to anatomy test: Your legs is what if you ain't got two pretty good ones you can't get to first base, and neither can your sister. -Dunnville Chronicle HERE'S THE POINT With all the striving toward higher pay and shorter hours, 1t may be necessary to draw a dis- tinction. Everybody wants em ployment, but does everybody want to work? —Kansas City Star SIMPLE ISN'T IT? "Don't worry about butter," says a foolish contemporary. "You .can snake it from grass. All you need is a cow and a churn." —St. Thomas Times•Journal. Wishful Thinking Hermann Goering is said to ee spending much time studying the Bible. "When the devil was sick, the devil a saint would be." —Ottawa Citizen Too Cosy An apartment is a place where you start to turn off the radio and you find you've been listening to the neighbor's, Dunwieh Chronicle. tl Sweet and cool in any Pipe 11 CANADA'S STANDARD PIPE TOBACCO uo Corn is the only crop plant that can be grown from Canada to the southern tip of South America. YOU GET EVERY ATOM of the flavor and goodness in Maxwell House Coffee because it is "Radiant Roasted". Every coffee bean is roasted thoroughly '—all.through! BARI' C1UCK5 PULLETS PURE BREEDS AND hybrid crosses 14 weeks up to laying. Fall hatched chicks booked to order,. Free -catalogueand price list, Tweddle.. Chick .Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. WE'VE DAYOLD CHICKS FOR prompt shipment — White Sussex,. New Hampshire, Barred Rock, Wyandottos, Atfstrolorps, cross breeds. A few started. Bray Hat- cher,, 130 John N. Hamilton, Ont. TWENTY-ONE YEARS EI:PER- ie,,ee in poultry breeding are Yours for the asking! ,rust write for the '1'wectdlecatalogue to -day. It will tell you how you can in- crease your productivity by stock Ing with healthy-, usky Tweddle Government Approved - chicks. Briefly the Tweddle system is this — blootitested breeders of proved livability and productivity aro selected, The -chicks hatched. tinder the finest conditions, All chicks are carefullyinspectedand any weaklings are culled before shipment,. Result you are assured of a live, hardy shipment of -fine chicks. Cash in on :Europe's large market to -day , , the Twaddle way, Write for free catalogue and prices at once. Also free range pullets for immediate de- llverY, Tweddlo Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus; Ont. SL'r'CttSSFITT, POULTRY RAISERS turn to Top Notch. Top Notch chicks are filling poultlryhouses wherever profits arebeing sought niter. The name Top.. Notch has erne to symbolize.Incrensod pro- fits to enterprising poultry rais- ers because Top Notch chicks are profitable -chicks. The Top Notch systemof breeding lneludee the. most up to date methods of pre- selection and handling that re- -. sult in 'high :standard Gnvern- meat Approved chicks, When buying chicles choose the name. You can trust — buy Top Notch. An early shipurrent of Top Notch eblc'los will got you oft to a fly- ing n n e European 1n start i tIl ,uropoan egg and poultry meat market, Don't. delay write .for our :free ca- tnlooeue to -day. Also laying and ready 10 lay pullets for immediate delinery. Ton No tell Chieltorles, Guelph, -Ontario, 25 FREE CHICKS OI'R BA.13Y CFTTCICS ARE THE progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Titres. All Breodere blood -tested, Prices from 3c.' to 20c. Alt guaranteed .excellent layers. Don't 10107, order ?IOW. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Bri- tannia .Heights. Ont.. IT WILL L PAY YOUTO FILL YOUR ;rens with good laying or readyto lay pullets. now. We can give Immediate delivery on many pure. breeds and hybrid crosses. Also day old chicks hatched to order for Tali delivery. Top - Notch Chlekcories, (Guelph, Ontario. BUSINESS AND PROPERTY, IF YOU ARE THTNICTNG OF SEL - ling your Bu5lness or Property, largo or email and: want good re- sults, consult this office, 00 years. experience in selling all kinds of property. for farther information w'ri e to George are . T ,alvton 709. Ouel- lette Ave,.Windsor, OOunt.. RUSINESe OPPORTUNITTTOS $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" AL -SO.. PARTICIPATE TN $50,0n monthly Bond drew,' Other prizes. Details on receipt, Shares 55.00 each or 6 for 06.00. Sendfor shores to. St, Cntharinee Optimist Club, .Box 440-H.,- St. Catharines. Ontnrin $10,000 HOME 131IILT ANYWHERE IN CANADA to winner's' specifications, or , 510,000 In cash will be awarded lucky winner. Also chance. on $100 monthly draw., Winner 10 still eligible for house draw in December. All proceeds for child - Den's welfare. Tickets 01. each-- 12 ach-12 tar 110, Mail remittance to Sud- bury IC -Flynt -lie Clot). Box. 63 DYEING AND CLEANINCO. DAVE YOU 'ANYTHING. NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to 00 for information. We are glad to answer your'. questions. Depart- ment IT, .Parker's Dye Works Limited, .791 Yonge Street, To- ,'mlt0. FOR SAVE, PIANOS, A LIMITED. NUMBER OF our small new pianoswill soon he available, 'Write for circular. Orders executed in turn as re- ceived, Factory Mason and Risch. Limited, 642 King St. West, To- ronto. FOR ,SALE GASOLINE ENGINES. NEW Briggs and Stratton air-cooled, Most modern engine built. Low cost, Write for descriptive fold- ers and prices, Scope Sales Co., Box 862,Ottawa, Ont. FOX LURE, GUARANTEED WITH. free instructions, $2,00 for 2- ounce bottle. Cash with . order',' John Mason, B. R.. 4, Lansdowne, Ont. PART( COLOR COCKER PUPPIES,' registered. Bernard 'Ailing, 29 Nelson St., Bowmanville, Ont. PUPS API]) LONG I6AZRED KIT- tons wanted, highest prices, good hones. Dixon's, 1821 St. Antoine, Montreal.. FOR SALE, REGISTERED DOR- -set-ewes and rens, unrelated: V. Bartlett, R. No. 2, Canfield, Ont. ATTENTION, FARMERS. FOR Sale: Tractor Tires, made' of rub- ber,suitable for bolting on steel wheels, $10.00 each. When order- ing state diameter andwidth of wheel, National Rubber Co. Ltd., 5 Wiltshire, Ave., Toronto, Ont. BAILED HAT FOR SALE. TIM°. thy Broom Grass,:. Red Abp Mix- - turn and Upland. For particulars write J. Firman, Hnausa, Mani- toba. REGISTERED -COLLIE PUPS SA - and white- teff weeks old rea- sonable. ' R. Horton, Scarbot'o Bluffs, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brusbes. Allen Electric Com- pan, Ltd. 2326 Dufferin St, Tor- onto. L'OR SAL le ROUEN DUCKS PRIZE stock ducks $2.00, drakes' $4.00. Archie. Bagg, 141, Hespeler. On- tario, , STEERING WHEEL SPINNERS, special heavy- duty for tractors, $1.28 postpaid. Ivan. Martin, St. Jacob's,- Ontario. SURPLUS., FILLS A COMPLETE 5101'. OF 00 ASSORT - ed files: from 8"-14"; Including flat,. half round, round, square, etc.; rough and smooth;- at a clearing price of $8 delivered. Re- cupetools and Metals Limited, 1212 Aldred Building, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE, GENERAL STORE, dwelling :attached, Hydro, bath- room,screened-in booth onstoreveranda)), 2 double-deckmodern poultry houses, capacity 700 lay- ers; 2 B.A. gas Pumps,' goodgar- den land, on 93 scenic Highway, 3 miles east of Glenora Ferry, big tourist drive :in summer, over $2,- 000.00 net Income 1944; $16,000.. cashforproperty, invoice prices for 50015. Apply R. J. Allison, Adolphustown, Ont. STORE.. WINDOW PRICE TICKETS Ready foryourindividual prices. Write for samples. Kelly Print- ing, 124 .Wellington 'Street West, Toronto... DAN KELLER EQUIPMENT LIMITED Bay City gas shovel, 518 yard. with backhoe, dragfne, fafrleade and t01ion. am bucket, Bay City 314 owing 318 yard shovel With backhoe only'. Good condi- _., Fordson 314 swing 318yard crawler typo gas shovel, wordson Universal model A 814 swing 318 yard crawler type' gas shovel, with skeleton trailer for same. Rebuilt, Located In Tor- onto. Ready for immediate de- livery, Inal Brownholst gatemed with 66 foot crane boom, one yard. clam bucket, In A-1 condition. Locatednear Toronto, General shovel, New 1938. Excellent condition. P' & T3 model 160, 3e yard shovel and dragllno: Intel'netioeal T20, equipped with Gar Wood bulldozer. International TD14 diesel tractor With Bucyruselarte. angledozer: International TDO with Bucyrus- _'Erio bullgrader.• aterpillar .D7, New 1928, l2qulpped li with LaPlant-Choate- angledozer. Two Caterpillar diesel model D4 tractors with LaPlant-Choate hy- draulic angledozors.- New 1942. Good condition, Caterpillar 06 tractor with tat Tourneau aTourneau angledozer. New 1941. Caterpillar model 30. gasoline -pow- ered bulldozer, First -clans condi- Caterpillar model 15 tractor only. Nice condition, d om Caterpillar L' p 65gas tractor with Le - plant -Choate 'ant 1 p C] onto bulldozer. D4 Caterpillar n 1941 model d o Ioader. 314.yard digging bucket and angledozer. Rebuilt. New winches to til Caterpillar 1)2, D4 and DO, 092 'floor Street Weed, Toronto 9, Ontario I'ARMIS .GOR SALE - 85 -ACRE FA12M, TWP.:OP NOTTA- ,. 'wasaga, r04 m11e .from town of Stayner, good 2 -story dwelling, barn - with cement foundation,, fresh waterInboth; $4,000.Mre. George Orr, Creemore,Ont. 180 ACRES, GOOD. MAPLE BUSE, with or without machinery, cheap Box 474, Smith Falls, Ont, FIF1'Y ACRE POULTRY FARM, 6 acres Bush, extra' good buildings, . good water, poultry and equip- ment included 02200 cash. Apply W Gallagher, rtorganston, Ont. 13 ACRi1S NEAR. DOWMANVILLE,: god bearing orchard,_. poultry houses for 2,000 birds, barns, silo, price $7500. Terms: more land available complete bathroom,. furnace, hydro,: 10 miles from Oshawa,: possession arranged, M. L, Clemens, R.R, 6, Bowmanvtlle,. Ontario, IIAIRDILESSIN G LEARN HAIRDREISSING THE Robertson method, .Information on request regarding classes. • Robortson'a Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. HELP .WANTED HOUSEKEEPER, Wl DOWER, 60 Canadian, Protestant. Nice farm home close to Kitchener. No smoking or drinking. State age, wagon, children welcome. Box 00, 73 Adelnlde W„ Toronto. HOUSEKEEPER, ACl.IVE, 11E - liable -woman as housekeeper for farm home,vicinity of Toronto,. child welcome. Time 61, 73. Adel- aide IV., Toronto, UNO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED COMPETENT LINO OPERATORS and floor men wanted for news. Miner printing- office, permanent 'Manion, highest wages.. Wilson. Publishing. Co., 73 Adelaide W.. apply nearest Employment and Soleal ve .Service Office, Order No, 1, ah16DICAL BAUMEEKA FOOT. BALM. DE- atroys - offensive. odor -"instantly. 46c. bottle, Ottawa agent. Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa, NEW HAIR GROWTH, OR YOUR money back. That Is the guaran- tee behind "Luxul", .the amazing tormula for eliminating dandiest!, baldness, falling and thinning hair. 01,50 and 52.70 at all drug- gists. — or. direct from Luxul Products, Windsor, Ont. PROVEN REMEDY — EVERY SUP-..,., forer of Rheumatic Pains or Neu- rItis eitould try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. GET READY FOR WINTER. Build •up your resistance- with Merrilis System Tonle 'Tablets. Canadian favorite V e for `. forty Y - 'years. From your druggist ' or postpaid 51.00, from Merrill Pro- . ducts, 08 Siiverblrch Ave. Toron- to, Ontario. oron- to,'Ontario. .STOMACH ANDTHREAD WORMS often are the cause of .ill -health • in humans, ' all ages, No one im- mune!. Why not find out if this. Is Your trouble; ,interesting particu- lars — Free! Write Mulvoney's. Remedies: -Specialists, , Toronto 8. DO TOT/ DREAD THE COMING of bedtime because you choke up With Asthma? AZ0 Tablets token before retiring relieve the bron- chial condition .and yon. sleep peacefully,- tree fromcoughing. and wheezing.. 01.00'. postpaid', Money back guarantee if Instruc- tions followed, John -Campbell," 181 Keown tin, Toronto 12, DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuri- tie should try. Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 831 Elgin, 'Ottawa, Postpaid $1.05 PIIOTO0B APHID: TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION ,. Your alms properly 'developed and' • printed, 8; OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS,26e l 8 for IMPRINTS FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this -year, but you .can got all the quality and service you desire by senting your films to 7714P1 R..TAf. P100'I'O SERVIcn Station 1, Toronto 1'111/'1 alt:lt A1'Til CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN SNAPSHOTS -. Your negatives make the most dis- tinctive Christmas Cards you can. get—cards that your friends will treasure — particularly friends on active service. Select your favourite negatives and send to us. We'll return 12 attractive, embossed greet- ing cardswith pictures printed on —and envelopes for _.mailing -all. for 68c. Order early,. (2 Photos on Calendars for 25r.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 121), Postal Terminal A., Toronto A customer at Berwick, N,S„ writes nal "1 received thebeautifulChrist- mas cards which you printed from. my own negatives, and I want you to know 'tow pleased I am with your wonderfulwork and prompt service. 7 will be a regular custom- er of Star Snapshot Service from now On.' Any Size Ro11-0 or 8 Exposures, Dnvt;I,O CT•1D AND 1 0IIN rp7D 200 3 111011NTI`D' ENLARGE:' :NTS .25e Size 4" x 0". In Beautiful Basel Mounts You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. Framed atrdnrgcments 4" x-6", on Ivory tint mounts, in frames 7" x 9". Burnished Gold or Sliver, Circassian Walnut or Dlaek. Ebony finish. 69c; Prinit your name- and address plain- ly on 011 orders. If enln'rgement coloured 79c. M risme L INSTROMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchangesmusical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. O1'PORTI. a\(TI1:S FOR: 'WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Creat Opportunity, Learn 'Hairdressing ' Pleasant dtg,sfled profession. good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem, Illustrated catalogue free, ltrrlte or callSCI3. MARVEL HAI00LRDSRESSLNG 258 0LOOR W., TORONTO Dranehes:.44 King St. Hamilton 1 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. t'EnsoPAL ASTROLOGICAL'- RE•;ADING. 10c. Contains yourluclty days. When to plant and harvest by moon's phases, etc. Sendbirth date. .Lau- rentian Specialties. St. Laurent Montreal, 9. Que. PATieNTs:. GETHERSTUNHAUGH ec COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 Bing West, Toronto, Boolrlet of Information on re. quest WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID For all ]findsof dressed poultry. Get our • prices beretsyou sell. Write, phone or wire JOHN C. COOPER 2304. BLOOR. ST. W., TORONTO PHON.10 JU. 9339 BUYER, MR'. TED BOWLER HARDWARE BUSINESS WANTED, state stook, turnover, any 00000 - sexy particulars confidential. Box 69, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto,` WANTED TO PURCHASE PULL- eteall ages and . breeds.'. High. Prices paid. Apply BOx No. 61, 73 Adelaide. W., Toronto, BATCHING EGGS WANTED, FOR 1946 hatohing season. Flocks cull- ed and bloodtested free of charge under ` Government Supervision. Guaranteed premium, plus hatch- ablllty .premium .bald.. For full details, write Pox 30, 7$ Adelaide W., Toronto. BETWEEN NOW AND- - LATE ,$firing, White Birch Bolts, 27" long, 7" and up - top. 2,Ouet be fresh cut, free of doze and large 'limb knots. Also:. interested In Poplar and Basswood Bolts,. 6" and up top, 48" long, I0 you, can suply in carrots, Write for our quotations, Keenan Woodenware Limited, Owen. Sound, Ontario, LOGS: S, 'BASS OD B E r I C H Birch, Elm, Maple. also Poplar and White Birch Bolts; good. prices, 'Write to The Oeleville Basket Co. Ltd., Oakville, Ont. ISSUE 46--1945