HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-11-08, Page 5THURSDAY, .NOVEMBER. 8, 1945 Delicious Chicken Puff l j{ sup. floe 2 t_aupoone Meek Daklap Poirder ii teaspoon salt WW1 1 cup milk 1 sup °Waken, cut lin. ! teaspoon soaped onion k amp grated raw carrot ! table.pouns melted butter or ahheksatat 114..up. .blak.0 ata, Slit together Sow, bakiaapowder and salt; Md beaten egg yaks sad mllk. Add °Waken, oalon, gaited carrot and melted bland mix w.9L Pold road$ y beaten eaq whites. Baks in greased ballad dish to bat owe at OM for about 23 minutes. Sarre wetb bet eblikan ata,. • sarcines. MADS IN aANADA CHESTERFIELDS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired & Recovered Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings & Steamer Chairs Repaired. Free Pick- up and Delivery Clifford Upholstering Co., Stratford Telephone 579 For further information apply at Box's Furniture Store S ±,AFORTH Tea of All Seasons & Bazaar In Parish Hall of St. Thomas Church Wed., ov. 14 FROM 3 TO 6 P.M. Under Auspices of the Ladies Guild Afternoon Tea, Sale of Home I3aking, Aprons, Fancy. Work, Etc. leuenersenalmatrEasamvsemailavaartrzamerzenswasizsmaeMe an PLU With the return of D'ORLEAN SILLS to civilian life, we are prepared to resume our work in Heating, Plumbing & Electrical Contracting and would solicit your patronage NEW LINES - We are sole agents for: Moffat's Electrical Ranges Kelvinator Refrigerators, Beatty Washers and are prepared to receive your orders now for distribution in the very near future GEO. A. SILLS & SONS HARDWARE MERCHANTS THE SEATORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS Mi', aaxl Mrs. D. G. Ryckman of Heiman were week -end visitors with Rev, Mr. and Mrs. F1', Y. Workman, Goderich street. Mr, R. B. Stewart, Student of the University of Toronto, visited 10 Sea - forth on Sunday. `' Miss Jennie Alexander is visiting this week with relatives in Toronto. Mrs Norman McIntyre, of Owen Sound, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 -Tarry Stewart, over the week end. Miss Muriel Radio, Hespeler, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James nacho, Egnonalville.. Mi. and Mrs. 111, E, 'Clarke spent a few days this week in Detroit. Miss Marion McGavin, student muse at St. Joseph's -Hospital, Lon- don, spent the week end at the horno of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, George McGavin, Mrs. Rose Cotter, Detroit, is a guest at the horse of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. N. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Knowles, Ex- eter, spent the week end at the hone of her mother, Mrs. John Sclater. Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas and daughter, Marilyn, Toronto, were guests this week at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Thomas Sills and Mr. Sills. Miss Margaret O'Reilly spent the weep end at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Fran- cis O'Reilly, Kitchener. Mr. E. C. Kinsman, St, Marys, was a, guest at the home of Mrs. W. Stevens .over the week end. Miss Jean McMaster spent the week end in London. Mr. and. Mrs, Warren Ainent and fancily, Detroit, were week end visit- ors at the home of this parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'SViIliaisi Anent. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Walsh, Wood- stock, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr,' and Mrs. Albert Fortune. Miss Helen Smith, student nurse, St. Joseph's Hospital, Loudon, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith. Ie/O Friel Stewart, RCAF., Toronto, visited with his mother Mrs, Charles Stewart, over the week enol. • Mrs. Stanley L. Wright, and Mrs. Carl Sheehan, Toronto; were guests at the Monte or the former's sister, Mrs. R. NI. Jones, over the week end. Mrs. Jones returned to Toronto with theta. Pte. Andrew O'Leary, British Col- umbia, is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, O'Leary. Miss Mai'gat'et i12cIver, R.eg.N,;, Kit- chenet', spent the week end at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. McIver. Miss Douelda Hawkins, Waterloo,' and Mr. Roydeti Hawkins, Toronto, spent the week end at their home here. Mr. 'George Finlay, recently dis- charged frons. No. 8 training depot, Vancouver, is visiting with., his wife here. Mrs. S. MacMillan, Stratford, spent the week end at the home of her dau- ghters, Mrs: Ed Andrews and Mrs. T Fox, in Harptirhey. DANCE AT ST. COLUMBAN Friday, November 9th. Ad- mission 35c. Ryan -McQuaid Orchestra. Dancing 9-1. • VICTORY BONDS ARE VALUABLE POSSESSIONS . , . but if they are lost or stolen you may lose not only the money you put into them but the interest that is paid twice a year. DO YOU KNOW that The Dominion Bank will keep your Victory Bonds ...:that it will clip the coupons regularly and deposit them as cash in your Savings Account that they will be safe in our vaults and available to you at any time? AND THE COST? As little as 25 cents, per year for $250. worth of Bonds! THIS COMBINATION, of safety and convenience is one of the many services The Dominion Bank provides. We suggest that you avail yourself of it now at our nearest Branch. THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 C. H. CABLTSLE,. P+o�idont iq ROBERT RAE,,: General Manager Mrs. 11 Giroux, St, &let, Quebec, is visiting with her daughter and son -iii - law, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Ladoucein', at the Royal Apartments. Mrs. Ronald McDonald spent the week end with relatives i11 Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas McAdam, of Stratford, visited with iniends in WWII offs Tuesday. Mrs;:- Samuel Carter had ,the anis- fortune to fall and fracture her arm while visiting with relatives iti Brus- sels on Sunday. Mi kbrnley Radio has received his clischatrge papers and hae reported back to Ms railway job at Stratford. Misses Doris Brod'hagen and Muriel Racho, Hespeler, Attended the Brod- hagen-McKenzie wedding 00 Friday; 191r. and Mrs, James Mowbray, De. troit, called on friends in town and vicinity this Week. An epidemic of some sort 001011g local dogs has paused the death of seven pets in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham, Miss- Leone Hotham and Sharon spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Laithwatte oL' Goderich, who celebrated their golden wedding an- niversary that Say. A very successful bazaar' and tea was held on Saturday afternoon at First Presbyterian Church when the proceeds amounted to $375. Mr, J. C. Scott, Toronto, Mrs. Mary ;McIntosh, Toronto, and Mrs. Howard Martin, Vancouver, called on the Misses Brine on Tuesday. Miss Lois Whitney sang over. the 'radio on.Sunclay attrenoon on a Vic- tory Loan program, from Goderich. Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Ross and Dorothy visited with Dr. F. K. and Mrs. McCune, in Girard, Pa., and with Mr. Andrew i14111et and family of Detroit last week, Mr, and Mrs. George Slann, Mari- lyn and baby David, of London, spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hotham. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Cooper and Douglas spent Sunday with Mr. anti Mrs. Joint Hotham. BORN WORKMAN -At Scott Memorial hos- pital, on Nov. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Winston Workman, Lippett, 0 son. CHAPPEL-At Scott Memorial Hos- vital on Nov.. 7th, to NL•. and Mrs. Edward ' Chappell,: Cromarty, - a daughter. VARNA The members of the L.O.L. 1035 hely their annual fowl supperet Friday night in the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Nilestown, Mr. and Mrs. Gieshart of ''Detroit, Mrs. Ilorner and Mrs. Kruger}, of Zur- ich were Sunday 'guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. Ings. Miss E. Logan of Ilensall in pomp - any with Miss. Micklevittie of Coll- ingwoocl Collegiate, visited Sunday with Mrs. M. G, Beatty and Miss E. Mossop. The Stanley Board of Health met in the hall Monday, There will be Armistice service In the United Church Sunday, Nov. 11th .at 10 a,nt. Consequently service in St. John's Church' will be withdrawn, Mrs. M. G. Beatty and Miss Nlos- sop spent -a: day last week with friends in Cromarty. The farmers are enjoying the fine days to help then silo filling, bean Harvesting and therootcrop. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and rani• ily moved last week to their new home at Porter's Hill. We wish themi every success in their new home.. bti'. and NIrs. Gotte have proved from the Moffatt farm to I-Iay. Mr. Joe Hagan of Mansel and Miss Logan were renewing acquaintances intate village Monday. The many friends of Mo. A. NIc- Connell will be pleased to know he leas been able to return home from Clinton hospital, reeling better. L.O.L. 1035 held their annual fowl supper of Friday evening. A musical program followed it. Rev. Reba 1•Iern is spending a cou- ple of weeps at the 'home of. her par- ents at Sault Ste, Marie. Mrs. M. Peck of Seaforth is speed- ing a tow days visiting friends here. Mr, and 'Mrs. Russell Crosier of Stratford visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCly- .1tlOnt. The Library Board met last Satur- day evening at the Library, when a committee was appointed to buy books. It was also decided to con - time with the Huron County Library Association. There is at present a splendid selectionsof books on hand. A Remembrance Day service will be held in the United Church cm Sun- day next at 10 a.m. Rev. ileba Bern will be in charge of the service. sifter the service the wreaths will be placed at the Cenotaph, VICTORY LOAN STANDING Quota Sub. Blyth $ 64,000 $109,400 198,450 1133,65036,700 264,800 112;150 286,300 132,000 287,650' 247,900 148,900 145,200 315,150 92,750 129,1 83,40000 452750 105,700 162,22,350000 90,000 93,750 56,750 82;650 Zurich & H. W. 128,000 East .Wawanosh .97,000 Brussels 104,000 Exeter 209,000. Colborne 93,000 Clinton 249,000 Goderich Twp. 120,000 Winghan 265,000 Seaforth 229,000 Hullett 142,000 Hensall & Ii, E. 142,000 Howick 314,000 W. Wawanosh 97,000 Usborne 142,000 Turnberry 108,000 Goderich 605,000 Stanley 144,000 Grey 167,000 Morris 133,000 Stephen W. 93,000 McKillop 142,000 Stephen E. 93,000 Tockersmith 142,000 Ashfield 148,000 S5,100 Air Schools 56,500 187.,150 Tragedies of Society...By Linda Lane Wrecked: dreams and ruin conte to the upper crust as.litey do to humble' folks. Linda Lane begins, in The American Weekly wi,ilt this Sunday's (Nov 11) issue of The Detroit Sun -j day :Times, a series of articles on, famous tragedies that: stunned the '400. Get The Detroit Sunday Tunes. Sotto people pursue happiness; Others create it, ' DUBLIN Miss Geraldine Ryan spent the weekend with her sister, Mary Mar- garet and Teresa Ryan, of London, Many from here attended the funeral o1 Mo. Frank Malady, a life long resident of Hibbert, Tuesday last. Thursday, Nov, lst Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams motored. to Toronto where they took a plane to Wash- ington to visit their son, Lewis and wife. After two weeks visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wil- liams; they are 50805 1;o Miama, Florida, for an extended visit with friends there. Their many friends here wish Mr, and Mrs. Wiliams a pleasant and safe 'trip. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coyne returned. on Tuesday evening atter visiting friends in Hamilton for a few days Joseph Evans, Windsor, with his mother, Mrs. Katharine Evans, Misses Mary,. Eileen and Jean Jordan, London, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan. Mrs, M. Write and 1Vliss Angela Regan, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. ]r. McConnell. NIrs. M. I3, Kelly and sons, Thos. and William, Blyth, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Feeney. Miss Kathleen Burns, Stratford, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns. Miss Janet Dantzer, Kitchener, with her aunt, - Mrs. John Nagle, Rev. Joseph A. Feeney, London, with his brother, Wilfred Feeney. Rev. Harry F. Feeney, Q.R. Jer- om.e's College, Kitchener with his mother, Mrs. Itathleen Feeney. Thomas R. Malady, and son, Thos. Toronto and James Melady, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Melady. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Reilly and children, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. William O'Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Melady, Lon- don, with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Melady, ' Miss Angela O'Reilly spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Brown, Kinkora. • BRODHAGEN The Sunshine Club met for their annual :meeting 'November first at the hone of Marlene and Calvin. Die - .gel. The officer's elected d were Irl esid- ent Marlene Diegel secretary treas- urer, Joanne Rock; convener, Calvin Diegel. Programme. connuitiee, Rose Scherbarth Glen Miller, George Smyth, Roy Beuerm trot. $155 was sent to Sick Children's Hospital, The meet- ing closed with the national anthem. Mr. anti Mrs. harry Schellenberger: and Eric of Clinton ::pent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Queren- gesser and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shoklice. Mrs. Ray Hart' of Loudin spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. G. Rock. The Brotherhod of St. Peter's Luth- eran Church were guests of the Tay- istock Brotlto'hod at Tavistock Fri- day evening, Wren. Doris Binz of Toronto, and Harvey Cools .of the Navy, 'Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. G, Hinz. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lightfoot of St. Marys. with 1UIr. and Mrs. John C. Binz. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eiekmeir spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Janes Crawford at Chatsworth, also friends at Desboro and Owen Sound. Roy Alnateln of Kitchener at his home. Frank Eic'lemier spent the week, end withhis sister 14H•s, Ira Baskin anti Mrs. Baskin in Toronto. Mr, Jacic Gummow of near Monk - ton, sof of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gem - mow, who has recently received his discharge from the Army, has taken- over akenover the teaching duties from Nii•s. Fred Murray or Willow Grove. Contiletc new water system and wash room and toilets have been in- stalled in our school which will be of great benefit to the pupils. The annual local beef ring meeting was held Monday evening. It was de- cided to continue the beet ring for another year. 9603 lbs. of neat were distributed at two prices, 23c and 22c. Geo. 'lOk'lcnrcir operates the ring. A Perm forum organization meeting was held in the school on Mouthy evening with 22 in all en dance. Mr. George Mogiacted as chair- man and Mr. Bob McKer•cher of bi •- Ki110p and NIr. Harvey McLagan ni Mitchell were e guest speakers. The next farm forum meeting will be held or .Monday evening, Nov..12 at the home of Mr. and Ill's. George Mogi:. Everybody welcome. HARLOCK The October W.M.S.. ladies' Aid iincl Red Cross meeting was held ot1 Wednesday afternoon of last week at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Bent Alien, with around 46 in an attendance. Be-: side the regular work end meeting,. there were two special features, A tea was given by the 12th and 13tH, being the losses in the copper contest. against ilia 10th and :U.th. A good supper of se.atloped Potatoes, cab- bage, salad, pie, coffee,. bread and -batter, Ives served, The other feature of interest was au address raid by Nlrs. Nelson Lear and gilt of rememb- rance presented to Mrs. A. W. Bea- con, who, with her husband, Mi. A. 1V. Beaoom and sot• Harold and clan - • asmuuusmusrasomaanomocemusowainvit Your Shopping Centre AMMONIA POWDER pkg 5c SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER 16 oz. tin 25c With bottle Extract Free JIFFY PIE CRUST per pkg. ,2.5c Makes Two delicious pies GASPEREAU FISH • 2-1.Ib. tins 29c Recipe -1 Tin Gaspereau 14 cup Crushed Crackers 1 cup Milk 14 tsp, Salt 1 tbsp Butter 1/s tspu. Pepper Complete Method on every Can J. Sproai Ross Phone 8 "SUPERIOR STORE" ghter Edythe, moved to Londesboro recently. Mrs. Beacom made a very suitable reply, though taken by sur- prise. We hope Mr. and Mrs, Beacom and family have many years of health and happiness in their new home. Mrs. Wm, Bell left on Monday for Detroit, having received word that her daughter Mildred (Mrs. Chopp) was very sick in the hospital in that city. We hope Mildred will soon be better again. Messrs. Arthur Colson, Nelson Lear and James NloEwing left on Saturday for a hunt in Dracebridge.. We wish them lots' of game. Mr. Leo Watt was busy for a few clays plowing for Mr. Robert Watson. Mr. and Mrs, Warcl Knox, Mrs. Graydon Neil and Mrs. Jennie Knox motored to Toronto on Saturday, The latter will spend the winter with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne • 1Vlarshail and children.: BLAKE 14 Ir. and Mrs. Mose Gerber and fam- ily loft during the week to make their home in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Em- merson Erb and fancily have moved to the Goshen Line to the farce they lrurchased from Mr. Gerber. Many of the farmers are busy these Inc clays filling 119 r their silos aud finish- ing fall work in general in the dis- trict, Mrs. .1. Douglas and Miss Entma Dinsmore were visited by relatives from London. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore McBride and family were visiting -relatives in Lon- don, iVlr. and Mrs. Oscar Ducharme ore this week moving to the farm recent- ly vacated by their son. The Carnie brothers visited with their mother recently. Mr. and . Mrs. E. Faber and family and Mr. and Mrs. R, Oesch visited at the home of Mr. and -Mrs. Sam Oesch on the Goshen Line. Rev. Down of Exeter gave a fine address at the thank :offering service in Blake church on Sunday. The Nevenrber meeting . of the W. M. S. will be held at the home of Nlrs. John McBride in Zurich on Thursday afternoon, November 8, at 2 p,m. Mrs. T. Dinsnrore's group will. be in charge of the programme. CROMARTY The Women's Missionary Society met in the basement of the church, with the president, Mrs. MacWilliam, presiding. Mrs, T. L. Scott read the scripture Lesson. • The offertory prayer was given by Mrs. Ed. Allen. Mrs. Keith McLaren read a paper entitled "True Joy." A chapter from the study book on Canadian mission in British Guiana was read by Mrs. Ken McKellar. A paper en- titled "The Road to Enduring Peace" was;read by Mrs. T. L, Scott. The Ladies' Aid Society met im- mediately after the W.M.S. meeting, with Mrs. Houghton presiding. Mrs. Andreae McLachlan gave a very en- couraging report on the financial standing of the society, and it was agreed by the 'members present to buv a $100 Victory Bond. A sale of articles was held at the close of the meeting. The funds to be used for the thanslcgiving in the near fund. Two shiftspeace are to be quilL'de future. Former Hensall Rector Appointed To Goderich Rev. Beverley H. Farr, son of Rev. T. H. Farr, 10$ Front st„ Stratford,- has been appointed rector of St. George's Chorea, Goderich, He will conduct his first service In his new charge on Nov, 25. An honorary cap- tain, he enlisted with the chaplaincy service M. 1541, and was 'stationed at Darriefiold, near Kingston. He is a graduate or I-Iuron College, London. Born gin' Waliaeebu{g, he received' his. early education in Blyth and Hincard- tine schools, later graduating from Stratford Normal School, 'University of Western Ontario. and Huron Coll- ege. Following his ordination he serv- ed parishes in IIenean, Dorchester: Glenworth and Belmont. AL the time of his enlistment he was at St, David's Church, London. ....ammornimmimmsmoismetsmes.. AN1,114ALS DISABLED Quickly removed in clean, sanitary truths. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL, WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 15, EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War ' industry) 1