HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-11-08, Page 2es�a`u�e� '0:4, - vA Yes, it's always a "jam session" when Junior finds the Christie's Premium Soda Crackers! Serve them often with soups, salads, beverages . , . the name "Christie's" means fine flavour and perfect baking. Chr les Biscuits ".\1.Vak\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\�7 PARTY PUP A dog's life isn't so bad for the pup parked in cop's cap, above, after touring New York cafes with a soldier and civilian who 'liber- ated" him by tossing a crate through a pet shop window. The threewere going from bar to bar when police showed up. The "liberators" face a burglary charge, although only the pup was taken from the shop: WITH DODGERS Jacide Robinson, all-round Negro athlete and' recent shortstop of the Kansas City Monarchs (a Negro team) has been signed by the Brooklyn- Dodgers to play for the Montreal Royals, Brooklyn's In- ternational' League farm club. Robinson, who was discharged from the .Army with rank of Lieutenant, is tho first Negroplay- er ever admitted to organized base- ball, SAFES 1'roieet year ImOO1is nut t'dnA frmn .I°II ieand "r F6U VI.:S.. Ile hale n 0155 and type o1 Sate, or Cabinet, Por • any I,lrpope. Viso Or avrile fortriees. e11. to 1)001 lV J.&- .TAVLCI LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 140 Front St. O., Torun!. Established 1856 Fortune Found! In Jap Coop Allies Discover Fortune in Dia- monds American searchers have found fortunes in diamonds, platinum, gold and silver which Japanese: admirals and generals had cached in secluded areas—but never were title to remove from the country because the war ended so abrupt- ly. General MacArthur's headquar- ters disclosed that one party dis- covered "a fabulous fortune in dia- monds" in a chicken coop atop a Establish Canadian Affiliate of Crosby Research Foundation D. Fitzgerald D'Arc) Jones .1 li, Fitzgerald,, well-known Canadian merchand.sfng and adver- ttsing man, is president of the newly established Commonwealth Industrial Enterprises Limited, Toronto, Canadian affiliate of Crosby Research Foundation Inc. of Hollywood, California. D'Arey Jones of the Hollywood foundation is in Canada relative to the establishment of the new Canadian company and will be a director. Withinthe next six months Commonwealth Industrial Enterprises Ltd expect to introduce some fifty new Crosby projects ranging all the way from heavy industrial equipment -to articles for household use to the. Canadian market, Their products or patents will be licensed for manufacture, distribution, import or export to Canadian business concerns. All products will hear the Crosby trade mark mountain 160 .miles north of- To- kyo.- In another instance a pack- age resembling a packet of ham- burger yielded' 8,000 karats of dia- monds. No estimates of the value of the loot have been made, Eleven crates of platinum were discovered beside the chicken coop. The Japanese admirals' aides guid- ed Americans to the cache, "The trip' up the mountainin a pouring rain with those Japanese was one of the most fantastic things that can be imagined," said Capt, L. R. .Ward, .Interlaken, N.J., who led the party. "It took all day and we got to the little farm at 10,30 at night. We were met by the best dressed' Japanese in that part of the county. iie wore a pin stripe suit, two tone shoes, a snap• py, tie and a fine white shirt, He said he was a caretaker, but fie' simply was guarding that stuff for those admirals." Ll: Col, liuutinanal Franklin, Rook:villo Center N.Y. finance offi- cer at MacArthur's - headquarters, said: "We are finding fortunes in caves all the way frons 100 , to 300 miles from Tokyo, "I believe Japanese army and navy officials got this -gold in China and elsewhere and did not tell the proper government, agen- cies about it," Bullion has been turned up in homes, colleges, a professor's ware- house and nondescript shacks. Plots of unguarded ground also yielded wealth. Coughs are dangerous If neglected ... Get Relief Usually.., QUICKLY, PLEASANTLY wmI one la �} };^ ,r 11 •0 734,..' COUGH SYRUP AT ALL 501300I50) 25c LO -1 THE POPULAR. IIOSTESS serves Maxwell House the superbly flavored coffee -blend with all the stimulating goodness of fine Latin-American cof- fees. When you buy coffee, say 4GMa:ewell House". HARNESS & COLLARS Partnere Attention — Consult your nearest lilarness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies, We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer:' The goods are right. and so are our prices. We ;manufacture in our' fee. tories — Harness, Horse Col Tars, Sweat Pads, Horse Sian• kets, and Leather Travelling Goods.' Insist- on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods; and you get satisfaction:- Made only by• SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto You Will lenioy Staying At The Si. Regis Rotel 't'OIIONIr0 ® Every Room 50161, . 8061,, Shower and Telephone. ® Single, 52.60 up — Double, 63.60 up. • Good 'good, Dining nail Dano-' ing Nightly. . Sberbourne 0, Voriton Tel BA. 4110 Men who think of tomorrow GUARD AGAIAST INFLATION d Old Man Inflation stands - just around the ' corner ready to snatch,at your pay Denvelope and Short-change you, in return. It happened after 1918) and it can happen again. It's strange but trite that the only ones who can save ,us from inflation—excessively high prices-- are ourselves It's spending those extra dollar s that bids Up prices on everything that's still scarce. And once started, inflation USE spreads like a forest fire to everything we use or consume. So Jet's fight the temptationto spend unite .• cessarily. Let's put every extra- dollar into Victory Bonds and hold onto the Bonds we already have. Thon:k of tomorrow ... and you'll agree tlaa thing to do is not to cash Victory Bonds but to go and buy morel F SE ' RA