HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-11-01, Page 8HENSALL The Orpheus Ladies' Choir of Stratford, under the direction of Irene Jocelyn L,R.S.M., A,T.C.M., will present a concert in the Town Hall, Hensall, on Monday evening, November 12th at 8,30 p.m. The' choir "consists of forty voices and their work is versatile and bound to please the most discriminate lovers of music. The programme will con. tain Negro Spirituals, Patriotic Songs of various nations, Russian, Ukranian, Flemish and Czecho-Slo- vakian music along with litany pop- alar and humorous airs, Miss Ruth Bradley—Cellist, and Miss Nora Borthwick, pianist will be guest artists and will help to make this programme one of the best for the. season. This choir is sponsored by Hensall branch of the Red Cross Society. Tickets are now on sale and your loyal patronage is solicited. Bev, Andrew Lane, B.A., B.D., of Wesley -Willis United Church, Clin- ton, will conduct worship in Hen - sail United Church, Sunday next, Everett W. Palmer, Chaplain ofthe Nov. 4th at 11 a.m. Rev. R. A. Brook will conduct worship at '7 p.m. Red Cross Notes It is necessary for ,another m - gent appeal to be sent out for vol- unteer workers ,for Hensel] Red ,Cross work rooms., A ;great deal of material is on hand waiting to be made up into garments and quotas must be filled. A request has come in for a large shipment of hospital linens for- china and heart -breaking appeals for clothing. In the nris- Rexall E CENT SALE THIS WEEK AT tines h num Phone 28 SEAFORTH, ONT. Fay 100 ACRE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH 60 acres seeded to grass 40 acres good bush and orchard Good Well -- Windxrlill Well Fenced For further information apply to SEAFORTH e Flax Products Ltd. Phone 74 THE SEAFORTH NEWS placed personnel group alone, there are some 500,000 small children who do not know their own names or to what country they belong. Such matters present a great responsibil-' ity to us who are so favourably sit- uated in Canada to do all we can to relieve the distress of so many tin- fortunate people in the areas visit- ed by the war. We appreciate the fact that so many of our people leave stood by nobly during six years, of war, when our own interests were in peril. Brit this extra appeal comes to us today to continue our worthy work to help multitudes who cannot help themselves, and who must go On living in their distress and misery, if nobody heeds their call for help. The labours of the Red Cross are not by any means over now that hostilities have ceased. It is quite possible that timely helpful service from this great organization toward needy folk of all nations may prove one of the most effective means of preserving the peace, for years to come. The Hensel] Red Cross work rooms are open Mondays and Fridays of each week at 2 p.m., d you will be made welcome, If an you are not able to go to the work CAR FOR SALE rooms but can do sewing at home, 33 Chev coupe. Fair tires. Apply: please contact oneof the following Myles Kelly, 11/ mile south, 1i/4 mile ladies, Mrs. Logan, Mrs. McKaig, west of Brueeeeid, Mrs. Alfred Clarice. Miss Buchanan, Mrs. T. Sherrit or the secretary, Miss_ Ellis, and for the knitting, Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin. Mrs. Bowden of Exeter visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, John FOR SALE Farquhar. j Nineteen pigs ready to wean. Apply The Wohelo Class meets in the to Francis Coleman Jr., phone S3Sr22, United Church Sunday School room Seaforth. on Friday evening, Nov. 2nd. Rev, Percy Ferguson conducted FOR SALE •tnniversary services in Cromarty Bedroom suite, toilet set • guitar, Presbyterian Church on Sunday, sewing machine, cloth; china dishes, when Rev. MacWilbam of Cromarty pillows, and miscellaneous articles. took charge of the services in Car. At the hone of William Morrison, mel Presbyterian Church. Jiu•vis St., Seaforth. Mrs. G. Sillery. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1945 Card of Thanks Vie Faulkner tinily wish to 1' thank their neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness, and for floral and spiritual banquets in their recent bereavement in the death of their sister, Loretto Faulk- ner. For Sale Al] steel tractor disc, nearly new; McCormick -Deering mower, 0 ft, tut,' oil bath; rubber -tired farm wagon in' good condition; Massey Harris pack- er, slightly used; one-way ,disc, Mc- Cormick Deering; walking plow; hay press; dump rake; four sections har- rows and divider; cutter, newly painted; baggy, steel tired; 1 four ply 0" tractor belt, 100 ft.; 1 shot gun (Excel) ; 1—:22 repeater Stevens rifle; McClary kitchen range (water front and reservoir) , ivory enamelled with black trim; 2 sewing machines; 1 lawn mower; chains, grease guns, gasoline pumps, tools, etc. Apply to Mrs, Bert Anderson, Walton. Phone 903, Brussels, or 170, Blyth. • FOR SALE Closed in horse trailer, steel roof, truck tires. T. 3. McMichael, phone 347r3, Seaforth, TIMBER. WANTED A few sticks of 10 -inch square, 14 to 25 feet long preferred: Earl' Lawson, Clinton R.R.1. Phone S41r12., A Memorial Day service will be FOR SALE held in the ITensall United Church 75 Rock pullets ready to lay, 11. J. on Sunday, Nov. 11th at 11 o'clock. PETHICK, phone 3341'3 . Rev, R. A. Brook will be in charge of the service. Members of the Exe- FOR SALE ter-Hensall Branch of the Canadian Matched team of dapple greys, Legion will be in attendance, six and seven. Apply to Leo John - Mr. Milton Ortwein of London son, Phone 130w, Seaforth, visited over the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, 3. W. Ortwein. FOR SALE Mr, Wm. Cook of London spent Man's bicycle—double crossbar, the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Apply to Chas. Cunningham, Sea - Catharine Devlin, forth. Mrs. MacVicar returned to her hone at Poplar Bill after spending FOR SALE a few days with her daughter and Onedark oak buffet. Apply at son-in-law, Mi.. and Mrs. Robt. The News Office. Drysdale. A cordial invitation is extended FOR SALE to everyone to attend the supper in Ani wrecking barn at Winthrop, Carmel Presbyterian Church on timber end lumber of all descriptis. Friday evening. Nov, 2nd, sponsored Also sonic 24 foot crafters. Apply onto by the Arnold Circle. The menu is George T. Wheatley. baked beans, scalloped potatoes, STRAYED snusaae, salads and pie. Please plan1, tom lot S, con. 13, McKillop a to attend, iearling Hereford heife•. Percy Tay-, Thomas Stephenson, a lifelong for\Zralion. resident of the Goshen. Line, in this , district, died on Monday in Clinton FOR SALE General, 'Hospital, in his 75th year Five 'York pigs ready to wean. 30 following a three weeks' illness. He each, Frank Coleman Sr. phone 847 r was a member of Bayfield Anglican 32, Seefortlr. Church. Surviving are four brothers, Charles of Hensall, James of Varna, NOVEMBER MEETING OF HURON Ralph and Nelson in Manitoba; two COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held 10 the Council Chambers, Court IIouse, God- erich, commencing Tuesday, Novem- ber 13111, 1945, at 2 p.m, All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the at- tention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later ' than Saturday. 'November 10th. N. 'per, MILLER., County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario AT FINNIGAN'S "Soon . - they will be here" Of special interest to the housewife: A shipment of the finest Brooms Shelled Almonds i/4 ]b • 30c Juice Oranges, 2 doz. Rice Krispies, 2 pkgs, 23c Grape Fruit, 4 for Oxydal, age, 23c • Pepper Squash W. J. FINNIGAN & SON 39e 25c 10c lingtERENNEREIMMIMBEIEVESEIMSEMENI McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Htc: Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 FOR SALE Frame dwelling, hydro, 11/2 acres, North Main street. Suitable for poul- try farm, Early possession. Double house on Victoria St. Sep- arate apartments, good .investment. Frame cottage, Goclerich St. :Cast, 25 acres with barn and house, on highway: Immediate possession. Watson & Reid, Seaforth. FOR SALE Ten Shorthorn heifers rising two, also four colts, 1 Clyde and 3 black Percherons, 2, 3 and 4 yr. old. A. C. Levey and Son, first farm south of Egmondville, FOR SALE Six pigs ready to wean. A. Petrie, Brucefleld. FOR SALE Model A. Sport Roadster 1929. Also 80 weaned pigs, 33. 39. and 310. C. J. Walker, Cromarty. Phone 12 r 13, Dublin. 150 ACRE FARM Under cultivation, good buildings, spring creek, Hydro throughout. 8 acres of bush,, and is situated on #3 Highway 394 miles west of Seaforth. Apply at The 'News office. Auction Sale I 00 Dairy Cows 'and Young Cattle. At the fair grounds, Godericb, on Thursday, Nov. Dili, at 2 p.m. Sharp., consisting of 30 head of good- quality dairy; cows, .springe"rs. and Feb. and March calvers; 10 heifers supposed to he in calf„ 25 yearling heifers and. steers of beef type. Cows guaranteed to be in calf and if proven not to be inside of 30 days, 10 per cent of purchase money will be refunded, Terms cash, A. E. TOWNSEND, Proprietor, G. M. Lawson, Clerk, Ecitwa:rd W. Elliott, Auctioneer. TO ALL HOG PRODUCERS IN HURON nOnly Hos Producers who are registered for the pur- pose with their own County 1±i) Agricultural Representative will be entitled to vote; on ""}tea the scheme. All Hog Pro. dozers are therefore urged to register at once by mall or In person at their County. Agricultural Rep- sentetivs n office in order, to be eligible to vote. Whenreyistering by mall, please forward name, address and township. XL." A proposed Hog i- `\r� �Y •—I Marketing Scheme For Ontario, under the Farm Products Control Act, has been submitted to the Farm Products Control Board by the Ontario Hog Producers Association. Before the Board will consider recom- mending the scheme, it must be satisfied that a fair representation of the Hog Producers are in favour .of its 'adoption. In order to obtain the recorded views of the Producers, a vote by ballot is being taken on the question "ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF THE. PROPOSED ONTARIO HOG PRODUCERS MARKETING' SCHEME BEING BROUGHT INTO FORCE IN ONTARIO?" FRESE�1�Ai1VE p R kalZ11l1URAI RE $"tE PUBLIC MEETING will be held at Belgrave,' Nov. 12th Foresters' Hall -8 p.m. Hensall, Nov. 13th Town Hall -8 •p.m.. At this meeting the scheme \.di�/ *111 be explained folly and; questions answered. Ballots' will be supplied at the meeting to producers who, have registered, so that theymayvote then. Registra- tions will be accepted at the meeting and also for ten days after it. All producers who are registered will receive ballots,, either at the. Agricultural Represent. ative's office, at the meeting or by mail. Copies of the proposed scheme may be secured at the Agri. cultural Representative's office or at the public meeting. Allballots must be returned to the Agrrcultural Repre- sentative before December. 9, 1945. - - Any Ballots, received after that date will not be recorded. ALL HOG' PRODUCERS ARE URGENTLY REQUESTED TO REGISTER, TO ATTEND THE MEETING IN THEIR AREA --: AND TO VOTEI eosin MCI ^1118111 sisters, Mrs, Jack Hitchison and Mrs. Fred Anderson, Verdun, Manitoba. Public funeral service was held from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephenson, Hensall, on Wednesday, conducted by ltev. Holmes of :Bayfield. Interment in Bayfield cemetery. Remember the date, Saturday afternoon and evening, Nov, '1.0111 a bazaar sponsored by the Mission Circle of the United Church, w'll be held in the Council Chamber (Town Hall). A lovely display of aprons, stuffed animals and other attractive items will be offered for sale. In connection with the bazaar a home - baking booth, will be .featured, Word was received by Mrs, E. Shaddick, Friday, that her brothel Mr, Lavern Churchill, of Toronto, lawyer, had. passed away suddenly, death resulting froma serious heart condition after which pneumonia de- veloped, The . deceased, a native of Clinton, had lived in Toronto for some years where he followed the legal profession. He was in his 48th year. Surviving are his wife, a son, a daughter, and his mother, 'Mrs. Churchill, all : of Toronto, and the .following . sisters, Miss Elvira Churchill, Toronto, Mrs. Geo. La- velle, Palmerston, •Mrs. Zurelda Massey, Goderich, and Mrs. E, Shad - dick, Hensall. Reeve and Mrs. Shad - dick accompanied by Mrs. Massey of Goderich,, motored to Toronto, Sunday. The funeral was held Mon- day. Mrs, Catherine Hedden was called to Tupperville on Wednesday, owing to the death of her daughter-in- law, Mrs. Harold Hedden who passed away following a brief illness of pneumonia. Mrs. Hedden is remain- ing with her son, Mr. Harold Red- den for a time. TUCKERSMITH The November meeting of: the Tuelte'smith Ladies' Club will he held next Wednesday, Nov. 7th, at the home of Mrs. Norris Sillery. Members are asked to. bring gifts for the box for the mirth, This is to be the grand- mothers' meeting, and the roil call will . be "Under what difficulties ` did our Grandmothers and Great-grand- mothers work?" No nation i5 victorious that has no answer to its own problems. E. C CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court' County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build. ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday,. Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m: to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. CLEARING 'PUnLIC Auction Sale or Farm Stook and Implements. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, has received instruc- limns from theundersigned proprietor to sell by Public Auction at Lot 9 Con. 1, Tovn- ship of Fullerton i miles es:RI of Rritchell, 5 miles west Of Sobringvtlln,, on No. '1 ILgh- way, on Wednesday Nov. ith. Sole to eom- mene^ at 12.20 o'clock sharp. Horrses—Brown :Gelding, 7 years olcl;: brown gelding, aged. Cattle -1 pure bred Durham cow due April: 1 purr. bred Durham cow 6yenrs old, clue Nov, 1 1 pure bred Durham cow, 4 yearn old, due April; 1 pure bred Purls= sec, 2 years old clue . ami.; 1 pure bred Dprlmm cow, 3 years old, due April; 1 pure bred I Durham ems, 9 years old, due flet.; 2 pule bred Durham heifers using 2 lours old; •t pure bred Durham -heifers rising 1 year okl, Implements Cock boll binder, 6 it, cyst, nearly new; M. H. Mower ; Coekshutt manure spreader, nearly new: 7nlernational hay load- er. Internat:ional side V01,01 lif.7 11 hoe rertilizer-seed drill, nearly nen 1 , von seed drill 11 hoe; RUT, cultivator, nearly new; 2 sets of sleighs, steelland roller, Codishutt riding pow, single furrow; 2,fuaow M.H. plow; 4 walking plows; 3 sec harnaws, near- ly new ,ni-wagmrs with box, Beatty -on, man hay rack,nearly new McCormick Deering hay rake d wheel trailer with box and raek1 top buggy, cutter, fanning mill. cutting box, 2000 Ib Gip. scales; turnip antes ;wiper: wheel harrow 2 stock racks ; alone beat, Stewart clipping, machine; Col- ton pea harvesters and benchers, 2 iron 'ket- tles on stands; MM. disc; scaler: polio hiller, milk cart: 4 new milk cans; Clean Easy milking machine, gravel bnx,wood rack, hog crate, feed hopper, huge chop box, 12 hothouse windows, 2 wood boxes, with corers; 4 chicken ,coops, 5 cords of mixed wood; snow pusher; milk stand; quantity plank. 'Harness — 3 sets double harness ; 2 sets. single harness, harness trunk ; 1 double car- riage hones; Old Colony halters; sirsingle wills rose sels : cotton halters oddcollars; horse blankets, 2 rood robes, logging chains; forks. shovels. hoes.nec'kyolces, whiffle:rees, and a host: of other articles too nemerens to: mention, found about a farm. Anyone wanting some good pure bend Durham cows and cattle should attend this sale as this herd is from imported stock. Lvevtkiiig offered will be sold to the high- est bidder as the Proprietor is', -giving up farming °wing to ill hoitlth• •Core early as Chorewhl, wiw,ll TAbe COB a boothS,Proponrietorthe, geotuuls to nerve refreshments.- Te•ms: Cash. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale At I.ot 15, Con. 2, Stanley Tp., 11/1. utiles west .and 9 mile south of Brucefleld, on Tuesday, Nov. 6th at 12.30. Horses -1 brown team of mares 5 and 10 years old, weighing 3000 lbs.; 1 team of geldings 10 years old. Cattle -1 Durham cow, fresh 0 weeks; 1 Durham cow to freshen' in April; 1 Durham cow to freshen in March; 1, Durham cow to freshen in May; 1 farrow cow; 3. Durham steer's 000 to 1000 lb,; 1 Durham heifer 900 lb.; 4 Durham yearling heifers; 4 spring calves; 1 calf 2 months old, Pigs -1 Yorlc sow with litter at foot 6 weeks old; 9 York pigs, 150 lb. each Harness -2 sets backhand harness;. 1 set single harness; 2 new horse blankets. Machinery—Deering mower 0 ft.; sulky rake; 13 disc seed drill; spring tooth cultivator; set of dia- mond harrows; walking plow; riding plow; farm wagon; hay rack; set of, sleighs and box; 2 buggies, 2 cutters, fanning 'ihi11; set of scales; wheel barrow cream separator and milk Pails; set of double ropes; sling ropes and fork; grain grinder; 1 evaporator, 300 -tree capacity; 150 sap buckets and spites; 1 gathering tank and sugar kettle. Household Effects — Coniplete line of household effects in - chiding electric 'washing machine, stoves, cupboards, tables and other articles. Terms cash. No reserve as the farm is split' FRANK AIKEN- HI7AD, Prop,;, Harold. Jackson, Aue.t. 'An electric cream, separator, quan- tity dry wood, colony house, Auction Sale Of valuable properly and house- hold effects in Ethel on Wednesday, Nov'. 7, at 1 p.m.,. sharp. Robt, Patrick,, Clerk. Lew Rowland, Auctioneer. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SBIAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont. Officers President, 'W. R. Archibald, Sea - for h• Vice President Frank Mc. Gregor, Clinton; Seo.•Treas. and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. T. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mo Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefleld; R. N. McKeroher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Myth. Parties desirous to, effect insurance or transact other .business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, MB., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptio equipment, Dr. F. 3, R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 3 to 5 P.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday In every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. • Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5 J MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W • Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and " Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p,m, , Also at Seaforth Clinio first Tuesday in each month, -53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267, G. A. WHITNEY 'Successor to Holmes & Whitney Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos' vital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights' and Holidays 85 LOST From Harold. Jackson's farm, mile east of Seaforth, on Thursday, Oct. 25, a dark red roan steer, about 1100 lbs. Please phone 14-601 collect, Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Margaret A. Heffernan. All persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret A, hteffernan, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Unmarried Woman, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of August, 1946, are hereby notified to send In to the under- signed CO or before the 3rd day bf November, 1946, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have not- ice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to -any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof, Dated at Seaforth this 16th day of October, 1546. M'cCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors foe the Administrator tilMIRMANWIAAAARIAWNINVIN Attention Horse Dealers We are in the market to buy old Live Horses. Write for price• William Stone Sons, LIMITED Ingersoll, Ontario