HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-11-01, Page 1r H U RON CO U NTY'8 L EAOING NEWSPAPER leasvgamtroacivenasdairdi WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 6S, No, 44 SPAPORTII, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVIDNMBEEt 1, 1945 CENTRE SECTION OF PRESBYTERIAL MEETS PEAR Radio, press and pulpit say This is a fearefilled world today, Men and Nations don't seem to know Which is the way that we should go. The morning comes, the morning sun Smiles "on its way till day is done, While we poor creatures of the earth Are filled with fear instead of mirth, There is a promise, well we know, While here we -reap, while here we sow, That promise is, though hard your lot, An ev„erlasting " Fear- ye not: 1 When fears beset on every side There's one sure cure, lean on you r Guide, Though long the night, -perhaps of sorrow, Wait—the clouds may be gone to• • morrow. —JOHN BEATTTE. ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. 'Thomas Looming Walton announce the engagement of their daughter, :Kathleen Eliza to James - Wesley Clark, son of 1Mr, and Mrs. Harry Clark, Walton. The marriage to take pitted early in No- vember, IAu outstanding feature of the shorts. 18 boys` jaekets,3 boys over- da, lrn n :Prmoncvr t, a en program was the award of prizes to `cats, 22' girls' .vests; 2 boys under- the eugiue from ',eaforth, and mlt. T}e secretary caAect the r,11 n No - ENGAGEMENT NT shirts. Knitting: •3 scarfs 2 pr, of the buildings were lost: I the. auxiliaries. Moot oneotragin,r re - The engagement Is announced of winners a the local aall�ffair Those Miss Alma 'v. Jermyn, oldest (laugh . g prizes rizesier Paul John Ettue, LD ANNUAL PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY AT HOME IN PARISH HALL SCHOOL RALLY DAY REMOVE LARGE BARN AT WINTHROP SI a year The annual 'rally of the The Annual At -Horne of St. Rally Day was observed in Fust The isl large barn r the AWinthrop i' Centre Section autumn Huron Presby - orate the Janos' parish was held in -the. Sep- being torn clown by thct ptt.seut own crate Seiiool hall Friday evening. Mrs, William Hart opened the pro- gram with a few well-chosen words of welcome to those present. The first Wernher on the program was Presbyterian •Sunday School at the Sunday morning church service with the Superintendent, Mr, M. Me - Kellar. in charge. Doris Pullman led the congregation in the Lord's prayer and Marian Mason rendered a beautiful solo, 0 Loving Father. Rev. R. H. Williams gave the ad- dress, ``Workers in God's Harvest Fields," Mr. McKellar presented the. following scholars with certificates for memorizing the shorter cate- chism. - Gordon McKindsey, James McIfindsoy, Ronald Rennie. Primary Catechism: Joan Hunter, . Karen DorisStevens, Bobbie Hubert tn. Kidd, Doris St ilt• He renin replying. Mrs. amen A. was fterwards zebu Goshen z e 7 yi g. 1 J ' a 1 Gilbert Hubert, Doxtald McKindaey' bars that Ir1r: t7ovenlocl: had a staMel McGill, Clinton, was appointed sec - Ronald Muir, Bobby Scott, Robert of tins light horses, blood horM retary for the day, Stevens, Gordon McKindsoy, James they'vvere called; and were from a1 The following.committeer were, McKindsey, Glen Nixon, Ronald well known sire of that, day, "Clleai� i appointed' courtesy and resolution., Renme,Glen Steffen. grit", The old mill stones are thea yet from the Goventock mill which' Mrs, Hay, Mrs. Hazelwood, Walton; Red Cross Notes was built. about 1570. There was al Mrs, McFarlane; finance, MiClinton; e}'N ,; day iii rein remembered as the "dark: Egmondville: hiss .Wr t_e, int r , what r - terial, Women's Missionary Society,' er of the property Mr, George T. United Church of Canada, was held Wheatley; thus removing another of in the United Church, Egmondville, 1 the early landmarks of the nommun on Thursday, October 1S, ity. This barn was built by (he late. The morning session WAS attended Andrew Govealook, pioneer business by a large and enthusiastic _gather- attan or. 'Wintht'011 who et 0110 time, ing with the Sectional President,' owned 1000 acme in that neighbor' Mrs. R. Lawson, presiding. Mrs hood, and had a number or business Haugh and Mrs. Baird, Brucefield ' enterprises at 1h'intbrop including a]( g r P conducted the worship period, open -1i grist mill. large general store, end sawmill. At one time he was reported l ing with a hymn and meditation to be •cloing a business or $75,000.001 based on Phil. 4:843, 0 year. 111x, Robert Scaiiett - of Sea -i Mrs. A. W. Gardiner, l:gmond forth, believes the present barn may ville, welcomed the delegates. and be part o1 the original barn which members, Mrs. Elgin 1TcKinlev the school chorus singing 0 Cana- da." A music selection "Blue Dan- ube" was rendered by Miss Mary Margaret Cleary. Misses Joanne Mc- Millan and Mary Margaret Cleary gave a piano duet. .;1. short sketch was presented by Mary Lou Sills, Loretto Maloney and Mrehael Lau- denbach. The junior class sang a hallowe'en song. Miss Alice McIver gave a delightful rano selection. Marion Laudenbaih, Peggy Lou Matthews, and . Peggy Lou' Ruston played their parts ably in a sketch „Lovely Lady." Miss . Joanne. Mc- Millan played a musical 'selection "Sparkling Eyes," and Miss Jose- phine McIver "Skating a 1 "Sl t Waltz." "Money• r Safekeeping," a play, October Report: Hoepital supplies: clay" when Winthrop was threatened; nominations committee, Mrs. Burton, u S p g,by a SWamp fire that burned to within' Clinton; Presbyterial finance, all s was played by Sandy McMillan, 35 Eng. east boots, 13 pr: pyjamas; 17 a leiv rods east of the gravel road) Ferguson: delegate to ionf,•rence 'Gordon Rowland and Dorothy Eck comport bags,iiia4 bed socks. boys' before .it was halted after a bitter, branch, l()411, Mrs. A. 1h Gnrrlin+r, err, } 131; Civilian Clothing: 13 pr, v- i fight with the. help of 111 1'li' 1t 1 clivi 11'', Halt.• hii Fane, loos 1 round -neck sweater, 1 2 pr. 1ON ARMY - 1 ports were presented showing a de- J t De Kiveater, R pr: girls' stockings. pr. HED r1 e increase in e ter of ' rs, a ,ranee SALVATION 'hied veru department 111 Lura JermYrr of Buns oaf 0 Mrs. Brook, Hennajl, called the 1I) E. Pinirney, young- tet, Billy Eckert, Frances Eckert, leggings, 2 pr• mitts, 1 tae cap. 1 OBJECTIVE. IS REAC Crow of Dublin Continuation Schon eels, to Mr. George JudyEckert, Luke Sutherland, Bob -On bcalmlt of Lt. t al, t'lias, Tette,i cion Band roll; :tnd aria." Pearl est son of the late Mr. and Mrs. JohnQuilting: 3 returned, 3 'made in told a eueees=fel school dance at 'wedding to by Ruston, '1irzth ,Sills, Peggy Lou ' workroom, 8 donated, 3 tops donated the national campaign director, Luna.' Priddle, Goderich, •gave tle Pam the Parish hall 011 Monday night. kplc of n N vela, The v g . ,Matthews Theresa King, Dorothy 2 by-product tops made. I T,. Gauer, eonttnarid}ng nf0e.er of the Band's report. A let from the take pinta in November. asoctate Members secretary. x , 4Iuaic was supplied by the Bayfield Eckert, Muriel Ting, Mary Lou i f SPalorth Corps, wishes to express aPP al Xmas Cards OF DISTINCTION We are carrying the Coutts and Rust (graft eards at from Se to 25e, '1'he-e are two makers who are specialists in cards that have very smut style and class. In box assortments we have such well known and very smart collections of the following artists: co:meting K(-eiglrof, Marjorie Cooper, , 1�'r ank Pena - baker. I'ranz Johnson, 101001ey McDonald, Canadian Artist Ser- ies Edgar Guest collections, Xmas liar n Notes, Steer En- gravings, and English Scottish aird Canadian 1scenic Cards. Altogether a very ruterestiug collection and yen will enjoy making your Christina, Card seleetion at this siert. Fred S. Savauge OPPOSITE POST OFFICE 80111�crth Phone 194 Res. le • • or re s ,c 1 ,rizes were presented to the C NT � SMs, P TO TAKE H co -opera - CHARGE f tl splendid eooPeta L. Wiglitnian, W}ngham, brought AT WINDSOR tion or the Chnirmalr, Treasurer and of their eldest ttangla .Marie Fitzpatrick, by Mrs, W canvassers of the Red re sict r and greetings to the meeting. The of - the engagement Sills. A qui? in this fertng was received n ti lt Roc, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swan announce entrance pupils, Yvonne andBodton„x Valley Five orchestra, Mrs. Gar Snath underwent an Ail Charles Hart and Mrs.G P i r i Burets led m prayer. operation in '1 anuria Hospital, Len - Front appeal recently made c, , Shier -law, Helen Mee, - to an don. ' 1 ! followed and was conducted Lieut. L. Gower has been appointed district. It is indeed very gratifying. ng statement vvrts 1•c:• lir. and Mrs- William Stapleton 1100.11' former flying officer of the conteale to take charge o1 Windsor 'No, 4, Sal- to learn that the set objective bas The financial p held a family reunion in honor'of G. 0 Shi son of etre late Mr, and Mrs, 1;y Charles Sicls, vation Army Corps, and will farewell been reached, and to the general sented by the treasurer, 1Ii=s Maac'e tlteii son, Capt. Frank Stapleton,. Geo. _o p1 of 11 Nov.24th moat- - At the conclusion of the .program in St, chairman of .the School Board, at Seaforth on Sunday, Nov. 4th. public we say thanks for a swell job Wiltse, Clinton, showing ,i =.1iMht de- , ItCDC, o age 's take place on ch. t. th, the well done. John's Anglican Church, St, Thautas: ll thanked the Sisters i atznd o� since August has been in charge here who returned from almost P. Sills, crease itr Amount sent it) Presbyter two years service overseas, last C 13th. Ac1j, SVoocis is his , ial treasurer for the firet two quart- week, St. Joseph for their work successor. operation with the children. On be BADMINTON CLUB lens of the year, as compared with Pte, Kenneth Burns and Pte. ( half of the pupils, Yvonne Bolton, ELECTS OFFICERS the same period last year. 1 Lh ] d the pastor Rev. I BELL—RONEY E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev, H. V. Workman, Minister. 10 a,m,, Sunday,School, Morning ser�i•ice 11 0.01.1 Evening service 7 - Pam Prayer meeting Thurs., '7.45 pm. Egroondvllie United Church Rev-. A. 147 Gardiner, B.A.,B.D. 10 a.m., Sunday School. - 11 a.m., "Guarding Against Evil," 7 pori„ "Tlxo Existence of God." • Michael Feeney arrived home from The Seaforth Badminton Club held Mrs. E. Mills, Walton, addressed overseas last week. T.Pousy"anto . P. Hussey, the Catholic Women's ; Rev. F. G. Risdon of 'Lion. United their annual meeting ou monde)* the meeting cm Temperance and Pte. Burns is the eldest son of League and the parents for their Church officiated at the marriageevening, starting with a poi leek Christian citizenship, presenting a Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Burns, Hilo supper. About eteenl.y-five attended. truly appalling summary of condi- bert township, and was wounded in interest. Bingo, penny sales and on Sat, Oct. 27 at 11:30 of Edith lunch concluded a very enjoyable Viola, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, After supper a fete games of batt- t' tin today. yrs Metre ,,l action in Holland, evening for all. I Alex Roney of Dublin to John Fras- miirtnn were played and (ho en,et,n1i save a resume of t '4T and '1'Irs Mack Feeney Hibbert 00110 existing e' Pte Feeney is the eldest yon of Ate 1lterature Mrs. + 1 er Bell, Bon of Mr' and Mrs, J. L, or orneN s was held, Tom Sills Pr,- t el -tillable For the study groups. Mrs. r, a RICE - McCUTC'•IEON i Bell of Seaforth. The living room dent; 13011 Hart, vice pica Miss 7 ITazeh 0011 Walton, closed the and has been overseas about three i autumn wedding was sof- of the bride's parents was attract - 1101.t int'f, 0(0: Ireas. The n 115��in f'" meeting with prayer and the gather- years, t A quiet a , ively -decorated in pink and white is e',: A 111 tournament is plashed for Rev. Father ilrennan, Pastor of i emnized at St. Johns Anglican for the occasion, Miss Ethel •Roney, heat At;ednesday melt when ,•vr•r} ing repaired to the church dini»g Sr, 11 ttt wh c P • Church Brussels, on Saturday, Oct. room for dinner. - o Bed in: St, Jose h':> Heepit,tl,sLondon, from injuries to sister of the bride, played Che wed body rs 111V10 d» When the. meeting re -assembled. r, l3 at his 1 glia Harry NIC ing t ll The his shine, caused by a a lits rh ltiratr and 1Tr;, Henderson home 127 at 11 a.m., when Ethel Berva, d march from Lo engrin t daughter of became enc r bride entered t]re diving room on the BAYFIELU . Lorne, yngen o bride of Doha arm of her father; who :gave her in in Al- of Duff's ltcli}flop,'1Pd the worshi i go, with younger son of Mrs. and the Mr, D. L. Stephenson vv as 1 Den. vloly neaut, C.,, m Lorne, y ! Marriage. She looked charming' in A • he funeral strvreP, using a hymn and ntedlttt 1Tr and lIr Tho.. T 1Tolyneaus. late Roger, Rice of Tnckersntith: g tin based on Mark 1 f, 15-30,T It S t Chat is s , Ial e, 'a ed The wed- floor -length gown of white frosted lrcnax, Mich., attending t R Oldham officiated. h long1'i t 1 e as of his brother-in-law, on Monday. Completing the renolts Mies dine n extending over the hands and s Thelma a :. heart neckline. Her ger i - weekend with Walton, . - stn tleton London, • . ,. , + , ' , -' •is Robinson. ion t tq am • 'Mts. ihiam StaPletcn: • • ri utas caul vv r x a col father vias charming to a floor' vers and she carried a bouquet Mrs. Wet. Ferguson spent the and ? talk art C hr }stathought-pro. Steward th ' George William Torero, length sign of white brocaded ilov weekend in Seeforte with her aunt c 1 P 17is. er Geary. a fitted iiodice of red rosebuds. Miss IIaztl Roney y is! S. Govenlock, ship, u1 in that all adapt the syn w^lth tar etinth.r. satin des}kirt with was her sister's bridesmaid wearring •1 Mrs. J: V. Ryan, Stratford, with d full sknt• FIer veil was net with of white sheer The many friends of Mr, H• Dar- tematrc giving plan r, leer brother, Patrick Maloney, tient in Clinton before the with lies. Brother. Louis O'110111y. 0 1 <,n Toren- ec• a wtt i y poin saw e Toll. i n, with Mrs. 3'Ialone atxl YTrs. 4Iary. 1' tun}c was playgirl by Miss exg nae Mr and Mrs• W m, Robinson of . K 1iageselb, Tea d hh d vveet London sent the spoke of the Missionary xlcGrath, Tl In Brothers ofkl' H fin tip veil P 1? til l ether publications, Min rinnl, T bride given m marriage by her ht with onflt of white thea son Mt. J. 1 14 Kirby ' 1 • n Ibou"ht 3110 vvrtli 1I1 and W I an a floor -length gown satin applique made in cap style 1' th length veil caught row will be sorry to know he is a Throughout tlx meeting, TheCru- Anglican d b net with show d g St. Thomas', Seatarth Sunday, Nov. 4th. 10 0.m., Sunday School. 11 am.Holy Communion and Sermon, "The . -01d Testamentand Modern Ideas." nn Prayer: 7 p.m., Event Y "You and God and yobs Personal problems."' St, Mary's Dublin 2,30 Sunday School 3 p.m., Church service and ser - Mon, 'The Old Testament and Mod- ern Ideas." The Rector,Rev, C. F,–L, Gilbert, B A at all services. acid site carried a cases a bon IToepital sale for Christ was 1(1.11) carried Pa Liffe roses, The bride with a pale blue feather headdress. P Volume left the village Ina of pint. Barbara : She carried a bouquet of pink crys- Mrs. •(Dr.) S minds the delegates and a P Miss Mary Margaret Lon Tris attended by Miss t thanthememe. The bridegroom -vas on Tuesday' for 'Woodstock where was made that all professing Christ- don, with her parents, 1Ir, Ryan, Lo - Thyme gowned in peach net over attended by Mr, Oliver Wright of. she expects to spend the winter• icn worsen live more nearly as they Patrick Rya Lon - taffeta. The groomsman was 14r 1 brides mother re- Several of the members of the h• re done. tri the e,•reat principles 110. and 1Tr! J. Amstern Brod-. s f l CI I George McCutcheon, brother of the ea. ort i. The ceived to a navy blue trope •tress 'library --Board were an Miss TereAa O'Reilly, :London, Blyth on and,teacltirigs of Christ, bacon, with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie brick. Following the ceremony ¶1, and the bridegr'oom's mother 01 a Friday evening attending the annualToole, b ginonclvillc', Euntze. a serval at the home of the :Miss Betty 1 d both wear- meeting of the County library. g ,�.� little hit of love" lteauttfttlly decorated in pt Following the ceremony a spending . Wer was sang. bride where the dining room was royal Uecrepe yellowcrysuxanthe: Mrs. M. TOMS rottuned after hiss l• -dill Clark a inissionaty MISS LORETTO FAiJLKNER pink and in corsages Y 1 • a week visiting her sister, Kerte Mrs. Lorne Blvatts ad s served by ''Miss- Mrs. Guest o A 1 1Irs C Ttvener. Holmes- died suddenly at h Kenneth Btav, sister an d 1 Evelyn Moore, Ruby Moore Vel- i from Angola, Africa. who was intro- Miss Loretto Louise Faulkner. _ her., home follow - Rice Mrs, ' mums, f London, , d .cousin s wedding tuner eve' es ' el n t ooMrs,F, A. Loudon has returned dined by C. and Mrs, Y er. a months visit with rele- ville, Presbyterial president. follow- ing a cerebral hemorrhage. Although lf the bride, serving, Mr, M ma Moore, and Gwen Leales,� "the home after a left showersr on a wedding tripwithtier wedding tives in Kitchener andel Waterloo. • ing an address, was thanked in a elle had not been in the dh of. confetti and good cakeable centred a 3 h gand Mxs, health for the past year and a half, amid was decorated with pink and Mr. E. Bauer o£ Ifiteheixer is • motion by Mrs. "Kirkby h bride suavellilit in aspending some time at his cottage Pickard, She spoke- of the growth of she had been showing,signs of steady wishes, the white streamers. The bridegroom's l powder -blue wool. suit with navy bride was. a gold locket, on rice lake front.- a I the church during her 'L0 ye'n's of improvement. Miss Faulkner was a 1 ries. gift to the,ba m t Pte Ella McKay of the Postal , y service there. e o • daughter of the late Francis Fault: - Service London spent the weekend Mrs. G. G. Burton, Clinton, led in neer, an eofortlx with her accessm to the bridesmaid, old lacel t Presbyterian Church sb t First P'xe y Rev, R. IL Williams, Minister, 10 a.m.., The Sunday School. 11 a.m.; Public Worship: The Sa.c- rament of Baptism will be administ- ered. 7 p.m, Public 'Worship: The minister will preach, R.W.MoMlLLAN HEAD d was born in Toronto in S i the best man, billfold, to tate pianist, 1.silf . She time to S a gold nocltlaae and to the waitresses with Ater, parents, Mr. and Mrs. lt, I prayer after the offering had been age years ago and had con FEDERATION cups and saucers. The couple left McKay at the Albion, received. parents MaKILLOP 1 moon in Western L.A.C. Fred Weston of Centralia Mrs. Tavener led an open forum tinuously resided here until her death. She received her education ,for a short coney R.C.A,F, spent the weekend Witt the annual meeting 01 the Mc- Ontario, the bride wearing a wool 'ICs. Weston t and daughter: ` 11 IC.i71op Federation of Agriculture, lrelcl fuchsia dress, cocoa -brown coat with 1 last week, Mr, Robert W. McMillan light fax trim and matching acces- Mrs. Geo. Reid has rented Mr. n for the coming series. On their return they will re -Featherstone's house for the -winter. -MIS elected -president 11 U ng Sturgeon-Bisback ' 1 Hallett tt township. Guests Avery Pretty tel g w as lolPr. t f year, and Mr. San) Scott ,,i e v _, arc a 11, u e BRUCEF vver in IEE D 194' will b g 40 Were Present from ivied at the home of &11', and 1111;!. t+,d- carry on until th.e enol of 5eafolt M ized Sthehom tvlren their second 1VIr. Ji K. Cornish and Mr: W. Mc- i when the various school sections will ford and yew hamburg. ' daughter, Helen Louise; was united in nt I president, The officers num ern ` the vtar, h eh Beath spent a couple of days rn each name a director and the secret -1 Atvvoorl; Strat- is ' marriage to Dennis McPherson Bis- oronto, last week: i cry Hamad, completing the officials MRS. A. M. BARTON Mrs. Walter McBeath visited with for 114G. The death took place at Burling j3ishacic of Iigmondville. Rev. Dir. hack, son of Mr, and Mrs. Victor Miss Beth Murdock. R.N:, in Harare- toil on Thursday afternoon last of a Stotesbmy, nI St. Andrews 'United eels M1,o Murdock re- WORK ON ormer well known g Y Stotesr, Bay ton last w 0 COMMENCE I f andhighly re- • • tlelil officiated. The: turned with Mrs. adfooath, W HOUSES spected resident of Seafoith in the bx.ide given in marriage by her father ,' - Broadfoot who has NEW person of pats Archie Barton,vvoie a idoar Miss Erma 1 pe . in • length gown or brocaded beenfvision' with her relatives and j k. her 84th year. Mrs. Barton had been French organza over white taffeta, the left for Sandridge early m. Cellars werex tion of three this view in failing health for some time but her fingertip veil 'caught with sweet. the week. for .the nonsti 1c p heart bovvs. Her only ornament was hel and inhere , houses in Seaf Mas the apartment watime toofbherr around She hacl re t a string of pearls with matching ear Mrs. Archie Mustard son returned to their home here house ofre t, for er on dwellings Will- the time fthe fain. streeC; and for two dwellings ou ;tired for am afternoon nap and rings, Roso�i£Chn Charm rt chrysanthemums last: week, , Smith's property on James passed away in her sleep, M tied The d ecidedrsary, . The d here street t 77, e hospital. ital. The ton was born at Sta€fa, her maiden and white po were and decided were day was found :onpo ase tea n there. good congrega- foundation has been laid tor a new' name being i1n'LaBuffaloetoeh e She tine sons . e both goo seru •c The choirJj house of Mr. Basil Duncan on V I Mrs married M Barton and they resided Murdock as or ani music with. choirMrs. a J. torte street, e r •vv houses are nearing in Seaforth: throughout their near- er. They were organist and bylead-Two other tq away Capt. 1 completion, that of W G. Wright, vied life. Mr. Barton passed Sam They assisted by P anie a former organist and ',North street vets(, and C. Reeves, 513100 that time had r sided with her was groomsman: Tile 1eeeptxon Sam iter s. choir leader, and Miss Betty Moore Nm tlt' Main street. daughter, at London, Toronto, North . held at the ,Albion Hotel, .where the of U mondville. Capt Rennie was ; TATE CHANGE Bay and more recently at Burling- wedding breakfast was ese served , 10 g M REAL ES Col- t Mrs. D Sturgeon, evening. . n the eve 1 7+rant St TelephoneCo. a or white pom to p01u0. The matron of honor was Mrs. Leslie Doln?a,g0 of Winthrop, sister of the groom, who wore a floor length gown of brocaded satin with, 0 shoulder length veil. She parried Bronze Indianola chrysanthe- mums. Leslie Dolmage of W ntln'ap which was heartily entered into bb at Seafor'th separate school and Col - An nnapp appeal ng, le fate Institute, graduating from An appeal for warm clouting 1013 tl ]attar as gold medalist in the read from Rev. S. i3, Soper, 1' tem • cnntmerc al `curse. Following her Mrs. Hazelwood reported for the Re- niaduat on she was .engaged Fox Rev. C. and Courtesy Coile, pro-ee. four Years in the office of the Cana - Rev. C. Tavener, Hob?lesville, a pro d Furniture Co., but for the past pounced the benediction. 30 years she had been secretary at the N. Chuff and Sons 11Iills, She DUBLIN was a member of St. Janes' Roman A group of friends and welh Catholic Churoh, the Altar Society, wishexs assembled at Looby's Ball Catholic Women's League, League on Friday night to welcome home of the Sacred Heart, and for smite 1 Y ears a member of the choir of that two soldiers, Pte, Paul centi;y and `Burch, She is survived by one sist- Pte. d from rt Brown, recently address er and two brothers, Miss Lillian turned front overseas. An adda•ess Faulkner, Seafoi'th, with whom she was read by Mrs, A. 14. Looby and made her home: Fred W. Faulkner, Presentation of a purse of money was made by Ewart Wilson and Detroit; and Th Wrfuneral was Faulkner, held Frank Rowland. The'honored guests Kitchener, The expressed their thanks and apprecia- from her home on Saturday morn - tion at being home again. A social ing at `9 30 to St. James' Church, followed, the Ryan -McQuaid where requiem mass was solemnized evening orchestra swas served music for -dant- St Rev. cThei pallbearers ing. Lunch was sexed by a group of St. Janos cemetery. young people. were Charles -P. Sills, James J: James Jordan, the oldest resident Cleary, J1eMi Mc7Vlilland W� 3.oDun- of Dublin,: celebrated his 89th birth- W. Devereaux, jr.,. day quietly at bis home on Monday. can, and ins r, G. O. 21 guests, t He is the last surviving member of soloist in the morning as purchased ton, her. son-in-law, M receiving, wore a gold his fancily He was formerlypost- sung Cast. Frank Afeixibadd,M•C., Moore was the Soloist in the Mr, James McMinn h tl .. xi beat being now manager of the Bell of the bride ret, �' 00500(109 1 d municipal Betty I ti ming the anthem the property of Mrs. Gertrude Keen g C t Iianilton Beside! crepe dross vvith,;black accessories mast of the township I the choir was the same as was d South H ova of sone; at the opening of the church augi over thirty years ago. Rev. A, Sin- clair, of Blyth, was the guest speak- er at the 1110 Ding service. He had Matt. 12: 37 for his text. At the I evening service Rev. D. McTavish' of London preaehed from the text John 1.7; 3: These sermons were both well received. Rev. G. Atkinson was home for the evening service The managers are grateful for the abs e what nthey had asked` For was master of town an m i? Returns From Overseas o nshii of 1ibbert in blgmon Dille on our r' Ml's, Colbert, he and wore a corsage stiessioxr 1st November. her only by to , assisted by the fora period of 80 year,•s.. e enjoys A ' s survivedy by two anthem, Samuel ; hones: Sho was tmother, who wore a moss good health and is in full lslrrveesons, bttldMr. Ke'eand inMTS. Lo�i onWilliam lZondaycto freyery of Mitchell, add Samuel tor, greens black accessories and of all his faculties', He 1i f one, meet .tech son, 'Capt, n'ranl1 A3' to. Appointed Superintendent of o£ Seaforth,x' and one sister; ween . suit withn,Cross,t of Woodstock, n fret'Following a ' wore a corsage of yellow Pmn Poms. Lyle, Toronto, Joseph, Theo. S.00tt Memorial Hospital ft i al Rex c at Bu. apleleft on a,sliort trio, Jerome, Detroit,, and 'Gerald, Sar bald, M.C. with funeral service at . Burlington, Se, the h o happy e 1 a.gold suit, lime nia; also five daughters, Mother who retund� the Queen Eliea� hi- iirile of Sar•. were brought, to Seeld 011 the bride wearing ora and Jerome, Mother Evelyn .and Mother.: beth. _Capt. Miss o Marion S. completed Y, remains colored coat trimmed with c4 illand heir ern here y funeral see homeeas held on lion their return Agatha, all members of the Ursu- , 1030 and spent caner, years oversin Italy,e ma, who recently comp e w a brpvvn accessories, 11 g r. dl Cain Govern- Bartonay d M the o£ Missecouple will live in Clinton. line Community. MTS. Wnt, J. taking part d5n campaigns Capt Arbi, fes. with ills Newts wthe y011115 co 1 nY returned to superintendent has Barton Rev. Mrs.' Anderson, James uests were Present from Grand Byrne and 151:5. Leo Bolger, De Belgium. mcern to visit }lis parents this meet. a.c p Scor Meoiorial. Hospital, Soar o,f street, d inter en Williamsiklioffician Bend; Port ISuroti, London,'Egmond• troit. acdtt Memorial November Soarer lr, Milhaud interment was made in , villa, Clinton mid Winthrop. i The members of the junior Red week end. and will start on NovemUer,lSth. N[alllanrlbank centeterv'