HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-10-25, Page 2BAYFIELD FALL FAIR (Continued from last week) DOMESTIC SCIENC1, White bread -W. J. Clark, Elmo Webster: graham bread Ehne Webster; boston brown bread -El MOT Webster; nut bread -Mrs. Me calf, Elmer Webster; lemon pie - Mrs. Wm. McAdam, Mrs. M. Me Adams; apple pie -Elmer Webster W. J. Clark; raisin pie -W. J. Clark, Mrs. M. McAdam; layer cake -W. J. Clark, Mrs, W. McAdam; scones - Rachel Johnston, Mrs, Wm. Mc- Adam; vegetable salad -Mrs. Met- calf, W. J. Clark; cookies -W. J. Clark, Fred McClymont; spiced cake -W. J. Clark, Elmer Webster; sponge cake -Mrs.. M. McAdam, Mrs. Wm, McAdam;' buns -W., J. rn Clark, Fred :VlcClyont; tea biscuits -Rachel Johnston, W. J. Clark; ringer biscuits -W. J. Clark, Fred McClymont; muffins -Mrs. Wm. Mc- Adam, A. H. Warner; meat loaf - Mrs. Metcalf, Fred McClymont; to- mato juice, Mrs. Wm. McAdam, A. H. Warner; school lunch -W. J. Clark, H. A. Fuss; baked 'beans - H. A, Fuss, Mrs. M. McAdam; cold lunch -H. A. Fuss, Mrs, Wm. Mc- Adam; pickles -O. Battler, Mrs. Metcalf; catsup and meat sauce - Mrs. Wm. McAdam, est and 2nd; canned fruits -W. J. Clark, 0: Bat- tler: canned vegetables -0, Battler, Mrs, Wm. McAdam; canned meats, W. J. Clark, H. A. Fuss; bee pro - duets -Paul Cleave; honey -Paul Cleave, Elmer Webster; maple syrup -Mrs. Wm. McAdam, Fred McCly- most; special by Goderich Salt Co. Ltd., for exhibitior having most points -W. J. Clark, Mrs. Wm. Mc- Adam. GRAIN AND SEEDS White wheat -0. Battler, H. A. Fuss; white oats, H. A. Fuss; barley, H. A. Fuss, F. McClymont; pea I beans, 0. Battler; red clover seed. Elmer Webster. ID. Battler; sweet clover, 0. Battler, Snowden and Grainger; timothy.- H. A. Fuss, El - mar Webster: flint corn, Mrs. M. McAdam; dent corn, Mrs. Wm. Mc- Adam, F. McClymont; tallest corn stalks, F. McClymont. I FRUITS Fall pears. -Mrs. Metcalf, F. Mc- Clymont: winter pears, Mrs. Met- calf; plums,F. McClymont; peaches, A. H. Warner Mrs. Metcalf; ,rapes. Paul Cleave Mr:. M. McAdam; col- leetion grapes, Mrs. Metcalf, Rachel Johnston; basket fruit, Mr's. Metcalf. F. McClymont: hamper northern ' spies, Stewart Middleton; hamper McIntosh Reds, Stewart Middleton; hamper any other fall apples, Stew- art Middleton; hamper any other winter apples, Stewart Middleton; basket Northern Spies, Stewart Mid- dleton, F. McClymont; basket Mc- Intosh Reds. Stewart Middleton; basket any other winter apples, Stowell Middleton. F. McClymont; collection winter apples. Stewartly Middleton, F. McCmont: crab ap- ples, Stewart Middleton, F. \IcCly- mond; .Baldwin, F. McClymont; ( 211•1; Blenheim Pieins, S. Middle- ton; Golden Russet, Mrs. Metcalf, F. McClymont: Tnmmkins, S. Mid- dleton.T'. 'lc(lynrout; McIntosh Reda S. Middleton: Northern Spy, S. Mr•lxlleten. F. McClymont: North Star, P. \ter?vmont t2nd): Snow-, S. Mirld'rton; Talrrtan Sweet, S. Middle- s ton. F. McClymont; Wolf River, F. Mecl;•nrnnt (2nd);A.O.V. fall ap- ples, F, McClymont ;(2nd). A. O.V. winter apples, S. Middleton, F. McClymont; most perfect apple, any variety, S. Middleton. r VEGETABLES r Early potatoes, 0. Battler; late - potatoes, 0.. Battler; white sugar t- mange's, Snowden and Grainger, F. McClymont; yellow intermediate. mangels, Paul Cleave, F, McCly. mont; yellow globe niangels, Snow- den and Grainger; heaviest turnip, Paul Cleave, Snowden and Grainger;; table turnips, F. Middleton, John: , Middleton; carrots, 'long, W. J. Clark, 0. Battler; carrots, short, Mrs. H. Cox, 0. Battler; beets, A. H. Warner, Rachel Johnston par- snips, 0. Battler,, A. H. ' Warner; winter radishes, 0. Battler; cabbage, Snowden and Grainger; Mrs H. Bauer; Chinese-cabbage,.Fred Mi dleton; cauliflower, Mrs. Bauer, 0. Battler; yellow onions, W. J. Dow - son, 0. Battler; red tomatoes, Mrs, Metcalf, 0, Battler; yellow. toma- toes, Mrs. Metcalf largest toma- toes, Mrs. Metcalf; • fruit tomatoes, Mrs. Metcalf; collection peppers, Mrs. Metcalf, Elmer' Webster; hot peppers, 0. Battler, John Middleton; pepper squash, W., J. . Clark, Mrs. Metcalf; watermelons, 0. Battler, F. I McClymont; muskmelons, 0. Battler, ' D. H. McNaughton; citrons, Mrs. 1M ;'McAdam, 0. Battler; hubbard squash,Harold Penhale, 0, Battler; vegetable marrow, O. Battler, F. McClymont; pie pumpkin, Harold Penhale, Mrs, H. Cox; largest pump- kin, Mrs. M. McAdam, Harold Pen. Ihale; ,gherkins, Snowden and Grain- ger; cucumbers, Mrs. Metcalf, W. _J. Clark; sunflower, 0. Battler;. col- 1 lection garden herbs, Mrs. Metcalf; special,' E. Breckenridge, Goderich, for most points in vegetable section, CL Battler. PLANTS AND FLOWERS Collection cut flowers, Mrs. Met- calf; small bouquet, Mrs. Metcalf; table bouquet. F. Mid 1letor, W. 3. Clark; asters, F. Middleton, Mrs, M. McAdam; cosmos, Mrs. M. McAdam, Mrs, Wm. McAdam; dahlias, Mrs. Wm. McAdam, Mrs. M. McAdam; gladiolus, Snowden and Grainger; marigolds, Snowden and Grainger, Mrs. Wm. McAdam; pansies, 0. Gei- ger; petunias, F. Middleton; roses, Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. H. Bauer; salvia, Mrs. Wm. McAdam, Fred Middleton; verbenas, F. Middleton; zinnias, Mrs. Wm. McAdams: A.O.V,, Mrs. H. Bauer, Mrs. Wm, McAdam. FINE ARTS Landscape oil, M. Livingston, a- Mis. Metcalf; still life oil, M. Liv- ingston; landscape water colour, Mrs. Metcalf, 1M, Livingston; fruit water colour, M, Livingston; flow- ers, water colour, 11I Livingston, H. A. Fust; crayon drawing, M. Living- ston; pen and ink drawing, M. Liv- ingston, H. A. Fuss: water colour painting on silk, M. Livingston; hand painted china, M. Livingston; stem rifling on fabric, 51. Livingston. H. A. Fuss; fruit in oil, M. Livingston; flowers in oil. M. Livingston; pencil sketch, ?11, Livingston.R LADIES' WOK Living room accessories, table centre piece, Mrs. Metcalf, M. Liv ingston: cushion, embroidery,M. Liv- nasten, 0. Battler cushion, any other; kind, 111.• Livingston, H. A. Fuss; card table cover. M. Living - ton, II. A. Fuss; Dining room ac- cessories, table cloth and serviette, M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss: tea cloth, ut work, Fred Wallis, M. Iiving- ten, tea cloth enibrnidered, 11I, Liv- igston, H. A. Fuss; tea cloth Gro- heted, \1. Livingston; centrepiece, M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss; luncheon set, 51. A. Fuss, 11, Livingston' buf- fet set, AL Livingston, H. A. 'Fuss; coloured linens, card table luncheon - set, M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss; buf- fet set •embroidered, :54. Livingston, H. A. Fuse; Bedroom accessories, hemstitched sheets, M. Livingston, :firs. Pierce; pillow cases, hemstitch, M. Livingston, Mrs, Pierce; pillow cases, embroidered, Mrs. Peirce,, Snowden and Grainger; pillow cases, lace-trinnned, M. Livingston, H. A.- Fuss; embroidered towels,. ,H. A. Fuss: M. Livingston; towels, crochet immed, H. A. Fuss, M. Livingston; Attention Horse Dealers We are in the market to buy old hive Horses. Write for price William Stone Sons, LIMITED Ingersoll, Ontario i dt639 gelmag jece tr• The Question, Answer And Result The Question -What Shall We Do ? Then said they lento 'Tim (Jesus) : ';What shall we do that we might work the works of God? -John 6:28 The Answer --Believe Jesus answered and said roto them: This is the work of God that ye believe on Him whom Tie hath sent. -John 6:20 The Result -Hath Everlasting Life Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me hath everlasting life. -John 6:47 TUNE IN: Pilgrims Hour 7-7.30 EDST Sunday Evening Local Station -- CKLW Windsor Old-fashioned Revival 1 -tour - rebroadcasts on many stations at various hum's Chas. E. Fuiler, P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles 53, California DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT SEAFORTH 15, EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. 1 tEI.sr•nlaal War Indust ly) .,.,..- ANIDEAD or ALS 1f.a8SArBLED. Quickly removed hi clean, sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED THE SEAFORTH NEWS _._,...__ te an ey Township, and the late Mr dressing table set embroidered M St 1 v ngston, Snowden and Grainger; tea towels, embroidered, 0. Rattler, 1-1. A. Fuss. Children's Wear, Girls' wool socks, H. A. Fuss; girls' wool mitts, H. A. Fuss; girls' parka hood H A. Fuss; boy's sweater, pullover,, Fred Wallis, Mrs. Win. ;.McAdam; girls' corrigan sweater, Fred Wallis, F. A. Fuss; child's dress made from old garments, H. A. Fuss, M. Liv- ingston; child's play dress, Elmer Webster, M. Livingston; baby's jack- et and bonnet, crocheted, H. A. Fuss baby's . jacket bonnet, knit, Mrs, M. McAdam, Mrs. Wm. McAdam; baby's bootees, ;knit, Mrs. M. Mc- Adam, Mrs, Win. McAdam; baby's bootees, crocheted,, H. A. Fuss, M, Livingston; Ladies Wear, practical apron, 0. Battler, H. A. Fuss; house dress, H. A. Fuss, 0. Battler; smock 114. Livingston; knit ppllover, Fred Wallis, H. A. Fuss; fancy apron, M. Livingston; handbag, M. Livingston, 0. Battler; ladies dress from old garments, M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss; home dyeing, Mrs. H. Cox, M. Livingston. Men's Wear,; sport shirt, H. A. Fuss, M. Livingston; pyjamas, M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss; pullover sweater handknit, Mrs. M. McAdam, H. A. Fuss; mitts, 0. Battler, M. Livingston; heavy socks, Mrs, Pierce, Mrs. H Cox; fine socks, M. Living- ston, 0. Battler. HOME MANUFACTURES Bedspread tufted in candlewick, 0. Battler; quilt, applique, H. A, Fuss, Rachel Johnston;; quilt, cotton patched, "M, Livingston, 0. Battler; quilt, cotton plain, 0. Battler, H, A, Fuss; fancy comforter, 0. Battler, 1 H. A. Fuss; goose down comforter, M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss; crocheted afghan, M. Livingston; hearth rug, Ed. Foster, 0. Battler; braided mat, sill., M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss; handmade soap, F. .McClymont, El- mer Webster. The following were the judges: Horses -James Norris, Mitchell; Beef Cattle, Sheep and Pigs -Hum- phrey Snell, Clinton; Dairy Cattle - Bert Lobb, Clinton; Poultry -Lee h Dunn, to John Douglas, second so of Mr. and Mrs. George- Lindsay Bayfield Line, Goderich Townehip The pastor, Rev. F. G, 'Stotesbur officiated. To the strains of the wed ding march from Lohengriri, playe by Mrs, Lloyd Match*, the brid entered the drawing room on th arm. of her father, who gave her ' marriage. Miss Ellen Wayman o Toronto was bridesmaid and :fen neth Merrier was groomsman. Th bride wore a floor -length gown o "white sheer over ' satin ' fashione i with sweetheart neckline and bishop sleeves. Her shoulder. 'length vei was held in place by a coronet of Orange blossoms. 'She wore en heir loom gold necklace and bracelet and her bouquet was of . American beauty roses: The bridesmaid was attired in a long gown with match ing• bolero of aqua sheer and coron- et of aqua feathers, She 'carried Better Time roses. The reception was held at the Albion Hotel, where the wedding breakfast was served. The bride's step -mother costumed' in mauve crepe with matching hat and corsage of pink gladioli received the guests assictesi-• by the groom's mother, who wore a black crepe dress black hat and her corsage was of rbd gladioli. The bride's table was done in pink and white, centered with the three •tiered wedding take which was flanked by pink tapers in THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 1945 s Boys and Cora, with Archie Mann n supplying for Ross. After lunch the , young couple were called to tare • front and the following address was Y, read by Bert Irwin and a purse of - money was presented. by Joe Flynn, cI also, numerous other gifts, which o. shows the esteem in which the' young e couple are held. rn Dear Lola and Ross: We, your f many friends and acquaintances - have assembled here this evening to- e spend a few hour's with you. Ross, f we have all known you practically c since the first day you started school, and have had a great deal of 1 pleasure in seeing 'your steady ad- vancement until you achieved your present position hi the musical 1 world. We have all had a great dee] of pleasure listening to you on the CKNX programs. It was with regret - that we learned of your trouble, which slowed up your means of to comotion, but. are quite confident that your recovery will not fail, - when you have such an interested, faithful, competent, and beautiful young nurse lookingafter your wel- fare. Now Lola, we all have not known you as long es Ross, but we have known you long enough to know that you do' not spare your- self when you are discharging any duties that you have undertaken. While we take this opportunity of congratulating Moss on his choice of a life partner, we also wish you much joy, Lola, and trust that you and Ross may he .spared to enjoy each other's companionship for many years to come. At this time we wish to leave with you a slight tok- en and remembrance of this occa- sion. May your lives be full of hap- piness and prosperity and may God's blessing be with you both in all your undertakings. This is the sum core wish of your many friends and acquaintances here this evening. Rose and Lola then in a few well chosen words -expressed their sin- cere thanks to all after which Ross delighted the audience with two songs by Clark Johnson of'l3elgrave. Dancing was again enjoyed to music supplied by Irwin's Orchestra till the wee small hours. crystal holders. Mrs. Grant Turner and Miss Phyllis Lindsay assisted in serving. The groom's gift -to the bride was a gold glamour pin, to -the bridesmaid, gold ear -rings and to the groomsman a leather bill -fold. For travelling the bride donned a cadet blue crepe frock with which she wore a black box coat, hat and black accessories. The happy couple eft on a trip to Toronto, Paris, Bothwell and Windsor. On their re- turn they will reside on the groom's farm, Blue Water Highway, north. The host of friends of Capt. Mur- doch Ross are congratulating- him 011 is ninety-third birthday. Capt. Ross enjoys wonderful health and able to be around town every .day. Mr. A. Vanstone a former resi• - dent of Bayfield, has returned to the village to live. We are sorry to know that Mrs. Dr.) Vohune is ih Clinton Hospital. O'Brien Zurich; Inside - Dairy - Wm. O'Brien, Zurich; Children's Dept. -Mrs. Anna Brown; Ladiees Work -Mrs. John Zeffe, Mrs. Chas. Twitchell, Clinton; Grain and Seeds --Mrs. R. S. Stade, Zurich; Do-, mestic Science -Mrs. Stacie, Mrs. John Gascho, Zurich; Fruit -Geo. Johnston, Bayfield; Flowers -Miss Cunningham, Clinton; Fine Arts- Miss Lucille Grant, Clinton. BAYFIELD The marriage was solemnized at St. Andrew's United Church Manse, Bayfield in the presence of fourteen guests, of Jean Evelyn, only daught- er of Albert Dunn, Bronson Line, HULLETT An enjoyable evening was spent on Tuesday, Oct. 2nd at Londesboro Community Hall, when about 300 friends and neighbors gathered to spend a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. Boss Mann. The first part of the evening was spent in Glancing with music supplied by the CI:NX Ranch Mrs. Thomas Tubb, Logan A life-long resident. of Logan Township, Margaret Leybourn Tubb, wife of 'Phomas Tubb, died at her home, lot 23, concession two, on Friday.. Born in 187'1, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and John Leyburn, Logan. She was mar- ried 4(1 years ago and had been 0 member of Main St. united Church, Mitchell, for many years. Surviving are her husband, two sons, Albert, at home, and Charles, Mitchell; one a Because it is free of harmful w,ax and has an exceptionally high V.I., Peerless gives easier starting on cold mornings and extra protec- tion at running temperatures.. Change NOW to Peerless Motor Oil at the sign of the big B -A. daughter, Mrs. E. R. Bushfield (Jo- anna), Mount Forest: one brother, John Leyburn, Aaron, Sask.; and five grandchildren- Rev. A. II. Min - sten conducted the funeral service on Monday at 2.30 p.m. with inter- ment in Woodland Cemetery. It is better in the end to tell the .truth in the beginning. i'.::,,o,✓cPrceetored 4'' JOHN DE KUY'PE R anSO • /�"�y,'��"%��.�.�'.�;y�,a�.r+i�=i�y!.> ttf' �.. „jai. }:5..t"