HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-10-25, Page 1H U R O N COU N T Y'8 LE A D I N O N E W $PAPE R
The ivy taps against the misty pane, FOR OVERSEAS
The trees are desolate, in drizzling
rain, -Dead line dates this year for Ov-
Sodden the fields, where golden erseas Christmas mails are: Nov, 10,
grain has stood, Continental points; Nov. 15, United
And fallen leaves dance in the un- kingdom,
derwood. • 11 lb. weight limit at the 12c per
Forlornly dance, until they go to lb. low rale for parcels to Overseas
rest, Canadian Forces should be borne in
And lay themselves upon their mind. Gift parcels to civilians in
another's breast. Gt. Britain are limited under present
British import restrictions to 5 lbs,
Sordid and sullen flows the swollen
stream, in weight with not more than 2 Ibs.
of any
That in the summer sunshine used one article, Enquire at the
postoifice for rates of postage. Gifts
to dream• may not be sent more often than
And from its banks, no flowers lean once a month. Dutiable articles are
to gaze
At their own faces, mirrored in its subject to the usual customs charges
haze in Dritain and gifts must be unsolic-
Gone are the flowers, and none are ,ted and clearly marked "Gifts."
left to care, To ensure safe delivery use strong
Or waste their fragrance - on the containers and see that contents are
bitter air. securely packed. Wrap the container
tightly in several folds of thick
Against those cold and lowering wrapping paper and tie secut'ely
clouds of grey, with strong twine. On no account
A bird has winged its solitary way; use fancy Christmas tissue paper or
Hoping fol' some sequestered spot Christmas ribbon as outer wrapping. cl,:awn. Ileo.:A: W: Gardiner an
to light, For added security, sown, strong cot Ile.'. C;, Ie'. L. Gilben* an.; s:Y,e,l iii th
And find a. refuge from the weary ton fabric maybe used. Donald N. Keyes Is C ti V 1' son•
Favoured with splendid au tui
weather, the Anniversar;: Servic
at Northside 'United Church on Su
day last were pi'oclaimel to be
success. Rev. Dr. John Y. - MacKi
non, on his first visit to Seafort
preached forcefully his informativ
and inspirational sermons to larg
congregations. Having just returne
from attendance at the Advisor
Committee of the Canadian Count
of Churches he spoke authoritative]
of the aims, functions and plans o
the churches in these critical day
His morning subject, "Conmunic.
ing Christianity" lent itself to
strong appeal to Christians to b
Christian, and use the onportunitie
to strengthen the church .by bring
ing people to Christ, and by mal
tinning Christian standards ever
The. evening services of Egmont/
vine, St. Thomas Anglican, and Firs
Presbyterian Churches were with
n -
side service.jDr. MacKinnon
night. Mailing of safety matches, lighter of Mr. and Mr's Keyes,
� Keyes, : "Ilringing ,,.
A. night of moaning winds and fitful fluid of
any inflammable substance i5 `alma, n110 after spending a short
evemilg 5nl)ieet' It ins O
sighs, strictly forbidden by law*. ]cave at his home, has returned to. W01111 Together,' was cnh„htentn
As nature wails and weeps, when Fruit and perishable items should i the Atlantic coost, Donald enlisted regarding the wotlr, situsltrmr,
susumer dies. be omitted, nor should glass contain-; in October, 1J.12, and went overseas ready the Christian :woeld i - bent
—Mary W. Adams, els be used. Leak proof metal eon -,In the fall of 19.13, He 'spent con- 1101 'lnizedr in Japan w''rk ,.' at
tanners must be used for fluids and `tdei tble time on Board the "Annan" on the way there and els.iv u a t
WILL CONDUCT SERVICES oven these should be wrapped in ab in the Northern Atlantic service and t,n, r, the
tn155100', in 1 auctd
Rev. Keith Love B,A., B.D., ]Tin -','.oil nt mitcrial securely. hook an active part on this vessel under, the. Canadian Coungtl n
91 a year
About ninety friends and neign-
bors assembled at the home of Mr.
and -,Mrs, James Sloan, . McKillop
Township on Friday night to cele-
brate their 25th wedding anniver-
sary. Mrs. Sloan was formerly Miss
Josephine Kale of McKillop and was
married to James Sloan in October,
1920, at St. Columban Church. They
have resided ill McKillop since that
time. An address of congratulations
was read by Thomas. Purcell and pre-
sentation of two large upholstered
chairs and a chest of silver•, was
made by John Moylan. The honored
guests expressed their thanks to all
present. A social evening followed in
playing cards and dancing. Lunch
was. served by a group of voluntary
assistants, Mr. and Mrs. Sloan' have
five sons, Joseph, Thomas, Patrick,
Gerald and James, also four daugh-
ters, Rita, Madeline, Mona and Flor-
Word was received here of the
sudden death on Saturday of Charles
McDaid, a former resident of Dul
ri lin, at Kitchener, in his 70th year
'r He suffered a stroke on Prides
's from which he failed to rally. H
tri.• operated a barbel shop'in Dublin
for a number of years and was mal
vied to Miss Mary Burns, daughte
r of the late Mr. and Mrs, Thome
Burns, Dublin. ?7 year's stn. Mr
o end firs McDaid moved to Kitchen
er about 20 years ago where r e Ales
Mi•Daid died in 19 24. lir, Ml Daid i
1 I a t hien AT at• a•
,stet of Blenheim United Chureh, The new simplified customs der-, when his ship torpedoed an 'ennmy Chuxehes, a hymen'+ oft unrttum ,
and who during' the x'e'rnnt war was lavation label should.be . completed :vessel. He spent most of his leaves 1'ri'1 effected which :,nes ptmni>
for a'time chtiplain at Clinton Radio ;mu attached to the outer wrappers in England, Ireland and Scotiand. of a new and strong rennet;
of all armed forces parcels for over- There arc two sisters, Mewl, Strat- `;i'';rt to confront the evils of nu
School, will. conduct the services at i.unc anc1 to huihl ]n our land
Northside Church on Sunday Next, -. he usual Custom Declaratioan Norm ford General hospital, and Jean at
While he is in this area hew 11 visit is.
acquired on civilian parcels, Ire; also twobrothers George and better social structure, - We
his arenas Mr. and Mrs i a d e correctly and Kenneth at home g
anrvlvet ty one can, r,
e et, three .'on . Charles, Donald and
Patrick, all of Kitchener, two sist-
r• PT.0, Mrs James Van Horne, Lane -
r tn1 Mich.. and Mrs, Herbert West-
', on, Kitchener, and one brother. John
parents,W ]hall
Love of Hensall, Rev. H. V. Work-
man will return to a former pastoral
charge to conduct Anniversary Ser-
St. Thomas', Seaforth
Sunday, Oct, 28t1t.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.nt., Morning prayer and ser-
mon., "The Layman in the Church."
7 p.m„ Evening prayer and ser-
nlonr The message of A11 Saints'
St. Mary's Dublin
2,30 Sunday School
3 p.m., Church service and `ser-
mon, "The message of All Saints'
The Rector,Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert,'
13.A., at all services,
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. -
10 a.m,, Sunday School.
11 a.m., and 7 p.m„ Rev. Keith
Love, B,A„ 13.D,, of Blenheim, will
Friday 8 pore, Autumn Thank-
offering meeting of W.M.S. and
Mae Lane Auxiliaries, Mrs. A. H.
Johnston, Mitchell, speaker.
Rev, Dr, J. Y and Mrs. MacKin-
non were guests of Rev. Mr. and
Mrs, H. V. Workman of Sunday,
Egreondvllle United Church
Rev" A. W. Gardiner,
10 a.rn., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "Putting First Things
First Presbyterian Church
Rev.' R. H. Williams, Minister.
The Sunday School will meet at
10:30 and will join in the Rally Day
service in the Church at 11 a.m.
The evening.' service at 7 and the
Minister will preach. -
A reception was held itt'the Armor-
ies on. Wednesday evening - lust for
the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs, Johu
L. Botham. They were presented with
a studio couch, , Mr. Ancly Dunlop
read the address and Mr. Geo: Munroe
made the presentation. Jack made a
fitting reply in his usual good mast
ter, thanking his friends. Music for
dancing was supplied by Blackie Den-
omme's: orchestra.
The Huron -Perth riding associa-
tion of. the C.C.F. met at the home.
of Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Cann; Exeter•,
the evening of Oct. 19. There were
present, representatives from ` Clin-
ton, Seaforth, Exeter, Science Hill,
Winthrop and outlying townships.
Mr. W. A. Glazier of Clinton was
nominated- to represent this riding
on the zone council and also elected
as delegate to attend the Provincial
Convention to be held in Toronto,
Nov. 22, 23, and 24. The next meet-
ing will be held Nov. 13 at ' .8,
o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Kerniek, -Exeter, R.R. to fur-
ther- discuss resolutions, Rev. C. W.
Down of Exeter has consented , to
address the gathering' on the sub-
ject, . The Organized Labour Prob-
lems and the Farmers."
All mail shout -- crusade against sin. Dr. MacKinno
clearly addressed }n- ink. Misleading• paid a high tribute of praise to i
abbreviations should be avoided. Al- VICTORY LOAN HERE local choir which rendered two suit
ways give a return address of every MAKES SLOW' START able numbers at each of the se
letter or parcel. Remember, your, vices, The response to the appeal
Post office is sparing no effort to The e'anvass so fur to seafo,th has made to the congregation to fe through
ensure timely delivery but again de- been going slowly. Victory Loan the Anniversarc-Tltankoffering en
ponds on each person to mail early Chairman Merton Reid stated on noure s was suchtof to give •as o
for Christnms Overseas, C. P. Sills, 1Vedneeday, Witi, the increased quota ane° of more than meeting the ob
P. 1. it will mean an extra effort: of the
jeclive set for the day.
citizens to see that Seaforth goes
n McDaid, Hamilton, The funeral wag
e held at St. Patrick's Church, Dub
- lin, on :Monday. Rev. Dr, Ffoulke
i sang the Requiem High iMacs an
officiated at the grave. The pal
bearers were three sons, Charles,
1• Donald and Patrick McDaid, an
three nephews, William and Lorne
z Flanagan, and Willard Stubh. Tit
: ternteiit took place in - St. Patrick's;
cemetery, Dublin.
Word was received here of the
death of John Murray in St Mary's
hospital, Kitchener, on Monday, fol- Phone 194 Res. 10
lowing a weer' illness, He was a
t former resident of Dublin, having
1 been section foreman on the C.N.R.
t here for a long period of v e tis. He
- has hove residing to Kitchener for
1• the past 15 year He is survived
a by one hrdther. Thorns Murray
Paris, The- funeral was held at :St,
t Church, Dublin, on Ttte:-
day morning. Rev. Dr. Ilottkes
h bang the Regitien. Welt 3l1e. and
1 officiated at the i,n-r, 1t , ,meat
c, took ;lace in St. I tt,iek'e Cemetery.
110101' .
ltrs. Inu•y- Wnnrl ar"i Miss hider
O'Pei11y. Seaforth. with Mr. :led
Mrs. Janes Jordan.
11, Thomas Drown. Pa.,tierstou,
with h Mary Beale.
Staff Sr.t John Nagle. N o ;•stun.
with Mrs. . nt v: \\-et, fl ntn .
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew` Demise'•
c 11 1dree. with - 31r Meek Veeney
and other relatives. -
1 Al', Albert Donnelly, Vancouver
} r'„ with his parents. lir. and Mrs.
Frank ank Donnelly. -
Mrs. Leo McKay. Detroit, with
bet. father. Fred Eckert,
Cpl. John Dillon RCAF, Toronto,
and Miss Geraldine ' Dillon. St.
Mary's Hn pital, Kitchener, with
Mt and Mrs, Louie Dillon.
Mts. 14. J. O'Rourke, Joseph 0' -
Rourke. Mrs. ,lames Donnelly and
two /children, Detroit, with James
Burns and Miss Katherine Burns.
Mt'. and lits. John Smith, Detroit,
with Mm. - James Doyle,
Mrs. James Van Horne and daugh-
ter, Betty, Lansing, Mich., Mrs.
Herbert Weston Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Strubb, Miss Margaret
Strubb, all of Kitchener, Patrick
Burris, Detroit, John McDaid Ham-
ilton and John Burns, Seaforth, all
attending the funeral of Charles Mc-
Daid on Monday.
Gus Denonmre, Windsor, with
Mrs. .Denonune: and lir. and Mrs,
Thomas O'Rourke, I
Mrs, Teresa Redmond has gone 'to London to spend the winter' months,
Ms. and Mrs. John Meagher, and
sons John and Phonse and daught- 1
er Phonsine in London.
Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Nagle have
Moved into the residence of Fred \\r
Eckert, - -
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph- Carpenter, a
Mrs, 1). McConnell, Jaynes Shea and
Geo. E. Holland in London, A
Master Joseph Williams, son of -
Mr. and Mrs. Mike- Williams enter-
tallied a number of little boys -to a w
birthday party.
IVIr. and Mrs, Dan Williams, Mr, T
and Airs. Joseph Johnson, and Mr, P
and Mts. John Welsh spent Sunday
at the hone of -Mr. and Mrs. Pat t
Willitnns, l I
Mrs. Looby in London.
Mr, and Mrs. Ferg. Stapleton in
Toronto Tl
Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Kelly, Srat
ord spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. i
Pat Williams. -
Mr, Jack McGrath in lucan.
District Deputy President, Miss
Jean Scott and staff of Seaforth in-
stalled the following officers on
Monday 'evening, Oct, 22, in Edel-
weiss Rebekah Lodge No. 117 N. G.
Mrs. A.Baker, V. G., Mrs. 13. Beat-
on, Rte Sec, -.Mrs, F. Salle, Fin,
Sec. Mrs. • E. Goudte, Treas,-Mrs,
Andrew Moore, Warden, . Mrs, J.
Grumnlott, Conductor -firs. T. Mc-
Clure,' Chaplain Mrs. J. Hillebrecht,
Musician, Miss Mae Smith. J,P.N.G:
Mrs. I. Pullman, It S,N.G: Mrs.
W. Manson, T„S.N.G, Miss Margaret
Hahkirk R.S.V.G. Mrs. 11, Dorranee,
L.S.V.G. Mrs. F. Willis Inside G.
Mrs, 12. Allen. Outside G. Mrs, J.
Daley. Guests were present from
Clinton and Stratters' lodges, A de-
licious lunch was served by the so-
cial committee. The singing of -God
save the King brought the evening
to a close. -
:A ,TS. A SED i
over the tor)- in this filial \'ictury
Loan, :Seaforth has always been one Cavan United Church, Winthrop,
of the leading municipalities and be- observed its Seventieth Anniversary
tore the loan i5 over it is hoped that on Sunday, Oct. id, Rev. W. A.
Seaforth will again he up with the 'Beecroft of Wingham was the gues
top loaders. ntinis`ter. In his morning sereno
HOAG — OAKES Rev. Beecroft stressed the gees
At the home of the bride's broth- need of remobilizing instead of de
er-inlaw and sister, Rev, and Mira, mobilizing our forces—r'enlobihzint
A. W, Aare, Port Dover, Olive all our young men and women in •
Anne, daughter of the late Mr. and Fre':
crusade for Christ and Hi
,Alms. Alexander Oakes,of Arkon• litnjser o: Ile pointed out the. tren
became the bride of Percy W. Hoag, at sh r of a r, t]111 o• Ictiin, +low
of Luclalox sonof the it 1 at the present time. lif the chart
W. t e late find re native placid, then the Devil wit
ceMrn, D. Hoag, Of Seaforth. Thee exert every effort to destroy tht
S' Rias pe 1101/1106 by: 'the t
Rev. A.
Hare in the .cols and bodies of our r,4 min.•
presence of boys and girls. The a 1. before us
the nnnu'6iate ende rio, The bride, i:. to put air our amen. 110 the Cru
wbn was unattended, was shell1pink sa,lers of old and stroke forth Yon
in a et] cetleneto gown of pini. Christ, hluch:has been done—g cttei
with a corsage of -talisman roses. things are yet to be done,
Following the ceremony, dinner -Was the ]Isle Quartette treat Se,c-
served to the guests. For traveling. forth ' •,c -tQ : u r,rs •d
the bride donned •,a dress of rose rth Irt.by ottait Church t_ . tc
wool with black accessories and coat the choir in both services, Iu the
morning the quartette ung two
•'i'OP AT
�A, , t F
f v. t : 't P I,
1nee n laolnsiry 5 a(0. numbers, "Just for Teelay,” ::roti
Mr. and Mrs. Hoag, will reside in "While the years are rolling bv."
VICTORY LOAN WILL Lucknow, where the groom is on ,,, Hemburker rendered a solo" "I
The lice was a member of the In the evening the quartette also
Two Huron .County Districts will
teaching. stat' of Hagersv:}lIe public had • two numbers, "Somebody's
be rewarded for reaching the high school of some years, knocking at ,your door," and "Jesus
est percentage over their objective,; is all the world to me." Mr, Junes
A Plaque representing the . Ninth TUCKSRSMITH Scott sang a solo, "'Beyond the Sun
Victory Loan Official Insignia and Death of Mrs. John A. Tremeer— set." On Sunday evening Mr. Bcie-
nnotinted will be presented -one to There passed away on Friday, croft likened life to the leaves. When
the Township and one to the Town October 19th, a highly respected their life was ended their usefulness
or Village that exceeds their' quota resident of Tucker•smith in the per- was not'finished. They helped pre -
on the largest percentage at the end son of Mrs. John A. Tremeer in her duce new life and growth. The
of the Loan, 70th year, Mrs. Tremeer' had been flowers for the church were pre -
In the Eighth Loanl, Brussels, un- in failing health for a number of sented by 'tIis. Skatitzlsy in memory
der the Chairmanship of Robert years, and her last illness was of of her father and mother, Mr. and
Bowman, won the Plaque followed six weeks' duration. Born in Us- Mrs, F. McCune and her brother,
closely by West Wawanosh and borne Township, daughter of the Wm, McCune,
Winghaiu late Mr. and Mrs..John Pybus, site Invitations were sent to as many of
'Keen interest m the Districts on later lived in Brussels and Seaforth the former members who could be
winning the Plaque have featured before her marriage forty-eight 1cached—about four hundred im'i-
the past loans as they remain a years ago on June 30th, to Mr. Tae talions in all. Many former members
fitting tribute to the Town or Town- neer, who survives together with a .attended both services. The church
ship of the splendid part played by; family of rive sons and five daught- was well filled both morning and
people in providing the sinews of ers: Gladys (Mrs. Tsaac Lightheart) evening.. On Tuesday evening a fowl
both war and peace by their sub- of Arthur; Vera Mrs. John T. sapper and concert was held. Supper
scriptions to Victory Loans. Jackson) of Unity, Sask.; Mary was served to about four hundred,
(Mrs. Chas, Martin), of 11osseau, During the programme Mr, Calvin
INSTALL OFFICERS Muskoka; ;Grace, at home; Laura Millen, ore of the present Elders;
OF DISTRICT LODGES (Mrs, Ernest Whitehouse) of Kip- read the history of the church end
pen; and John, Allin, Wilson, Wil- its sevehal organizations,
District Deputy Grand Master W. fred, and Wilber, all of Tuckersmith.
J. Thompson and staff of District' She also leaves five brothers and BRUCEFIELDI
#8 1.0.0,F, installed the officers of r • k i
three sisters: Anson Pybus, of Win- Will the Red Cross knitters ple;tse
Brucefielcl Lodge, Thursday night; nipeg; Arthur Pybus, of Minrtoras, call at the knitting cconvener's, (Mrs,
Oct: 13th, Lindsay Eyre was in- Man.; William Pybus, LaRiviere, H. Aikenhea,1' for ,yarn; there is
stalled as Noble Grand. Also in- Man,; Thomas Pybus,of Moulton, still yard for "children's knee socks
stalled the officers of Clinton lodge Man.; and Lawrence Pybus, of Win- and sweaters, also men's sweaters.
on Tuesday night Oct. 23, P, Gib- Meets; Mrs, A. Miller, of Fort Wil- The leaders are anxious to have these
son as Noble Grand, 1iam; Mrs. James Wray; of Manitou; finished. At the last, (nesting we me
Man., and Mrs. Alice Smith, Win- cepted a large sewing u
g g q Iota of hos-
AWARD TWO PLAQUES Th tleacihing staff of the collegiate belong to .the King."
Sympathy is extended to Mrs.
John Herdman in the death of her
father Mr. Henry Squire and to Mr.
Wm. Elford in the death of his
mother, Mrs. M. Elford,
Quite a number from here attend-
ed anniversary services at Thames
Road ' Church or Sunday. 'Next Sun-
day there will be anniversary ser-
vices in this church here at 11 a.m.,
and 7.30 p,m• I Jo
Mr. Allen Johns had the misfits- , th
trine to break bones in'' his Irani]
while combining' on the farm of Mr. p
nipeg. There are twelve grandchild- pital supplies. Since the meeting last
ren. The funeral was held on Mon- week an urgent call liar come' fol.' -
day afternoon from her late ' rest- children's clothes. i
dente, lot 9, con. 10; Tuckelsmith, I 1VIrs, A. Dutton sail Miss" Marie
Rev. R. A. Brook of Hensall United Elliott returned from their trip to
Church, officiating, and interment Winnipeg, where they visited with,
was in the Hensall Union Cemetery; ' relatives last weep.
The pallbearers were 'her live sons Mr. Milton Johnston, Mrs, Thomas..
and `son-in-law, Mr.: Ernest White- Johnston and Mi, Hugh Johnston,
1house. Flower bearers were Messrs, wlto motored from Tho•nloe, North -
Archie Hoggarth, Alex. McGregor, met Ontario, 'Visited with their uitete,f
Winston Workman, Fred Slavin, Mt'. C. Haugh. and other friends
hn °Sinclair, Hugh' Doig. Among' roeently,
ose from a. distance who attended Don't forget the inr1(1verse'3' SCI'V-
e funeral were her daughters from ices here next Sunday, Get. 23, at 11.
t'thurr and Rosseau, and her niece, ausl 7.30. -
ed C'huu'ln- who look for his text 1st
1 °lot•: i fns used pita of verse 1S,
That h, tri thioge he Wright lucre the
Pi is -eminence." The choir renciored.
tl anthem '?l,• that ttwelletll in the
,. ', turd r the dir•iection ni
.1, lei -on, organist and choir
1 nruut+, t, r 11)1. 1. ,st '-41,1,1 ,w i ill
1 very 1 ; 14. teenier tete nen
r p i 1'1t,. 01i, aker for the
..117;.1771 41 ' eta1 11..1. Albert
1111.4.1i, 1 y) i000ct+•d minister of
tia, 'halo t. -i: t„ i t y Rev, 31r. .11-
i.,iison c,1 Beth eti'-11 1'r.itr„ elotreh.
311'. Iiitutn to„d. for bis text the .1'ls
oi' the+ .1p ,'Llr�+, eiir.tpter 11, and bait
t r. verse O. "Atte' 8:10l echo .. t1t-1•nui.'
I gni.' 1 hr erten nig "1 \V -ill Lift
mule i•, t , Ow 111-1,” Willi .lir:.
11 aid Jo, taking o file solo part.
,tit r , a v t ;ricas-
t11,1 Rug}.ecl
hew, 31t 1th 11t5 4 ;u•nnt)uneed tins
11 110itit5 inn
\Ir •rt I lI 1 11^ ii:d Sir Hayes
e t 0 -.fc rl1 .lira' l d tl;, 1uu+ istlt•y
,c :."malar mat visited with relatives.
1fr•. and .1 •;. .I. 1 t"-.ry ni Centralia
if • 1 ❑ 0i1 ,i ' itli Mit and hit's,
Inn tsou 1n1 son. -
\h lata T a rott livid ,t very y ant.-
Ft:111 F 11 t, al ,;1 � of 1Jra1 steel,: 1, tend
.1,cpt,ane•nt. and lint°sehold i'neots 011
sun 11.,' .
The synlpathy of the community is
extended to 31r. Tremeer and family
in the passing of Mrs. Trainee). on
Fl-iday, Sympathy' le also extended to
Mrs. Joseph Ueynian in the passing
of her father Mr, Henry Squires in
Hensall-on Sal 00dtq- -
15Ir. Win- Sproat of the University
of Western Onllu•io, London, spent
the weer. enol with Itis parents, Mr,
and M. Earl Spirant.
Mr, and AIrs, I). Saunders of Lon -
doer visited on Saturday with relat-
ives in ibis vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson of
E1gin.fieltl and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
lodgert and slaughter, of f'xe1er.
nisitecl on Sunday with 1VIr, and Mrs.
Warren Srliilhe.
]lit'. and Nit's, Norman Alexander
Ind family of Londesbot'o and - Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Dilling of London'
visited on Sunday with Isis. and Mrs.' -
m Alexander.
Mr. Clari-rnce McLean of Trenton rid Mrs. J. 13. McLean of Exeter
visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Ilan Johnson,
Airs. 1M. Johnson and two daughters
Windsor visited over the week end
ith relatives in this vicinity,
Miss Anna Damns, W.p , RCAF..
oronto, spent the week end with her
arents, Mr. and M rs. Harvey Damm.
Mrs, J. C. Simser of Toronto spent
he past week with her niece Mrs. W. -
1\'irs, Abe Forsyth and son Jack, of
Dett'oit, spent the -week end with
'lends itl
this vicinity.
Its ictnity.
Mr. and Mrs. ":Elgin Johnson, Lon -
on, visited for a few clays tviiii
heir many friends around the
Percy Passmore. 0
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford and ti
Gordon, Mr, and Mrs. W. II, Dickey
and daughters were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs, Newman Baker,
near Weliburn, N
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne and m
children visited with Miss Joy Whit- a
lock in St. Thomas, on Sunday, m
pl. Mary. E. Jackson, who is sta:
oned at Kingston. ENGAGEMENT
Mr. and, Mrs, Robt. Burgess of
LARGE MAPLE LEAVES • • St. Thomas annonnce the -engager•
Mrs. John' Gallop brought to The inert of their daughter, Sarah Mar-
ews Office this week' some larga, garet, to John McQuaid, son of YIr,
apse ]eaves which had fallen from and Mrs. Joseph McQuaid,. Seaforth,
tree near her home, The leaves The wedding to tale; place in St.
easured about 11. inches across. - ; Thomas . of Oct. 27.
The 78th anniversary of St. And- 'Wise Ivisot.
reg s United Church was held or
Bean 'harvest, is at a standstill -ow-
ig to the continued wet weather.
Mr, and Mrs. Torrance of Goderieh
pent the week enol with - Mr. and
Sunday. The altar, which was beauti-
fully decorated with autumn flowers
and ferns, 151541 very effective for the
large congregations which attended
both morning and evening services.
The morning service was conducted
by Rev. 14. A. drool: of" 1'Ieinsali Unit -
The frame dwelling 0)1 James St,
owned by R•Iiss Blanche Petty of Tor-
onto and occupied by Mrs George
Brownlee, hes been, sold to Ml, P. L.
Box, possession Nov, 1st, through the
office of Watson & Reid.