The Seaforth News, 1945-10-18, Page 7Sweet and cool in any Pipe CANADA'S STANDARD PIPE TOBACCO 170 Churchill Travels As "Col. Warden" Winston Churchill arrived re- cently at Cap d'Antibes on the French Riviera on his return journey from a' holiday in Italy, The former British Prime Min- ister spent the night at an Antibes villa under the name of "Col. Warden". Mr. Churchill is warden of Cin- que Ports on the south coast of England, Time Marches On Now chemists report that DDT may be obsolete within a year be- cause of better compounds. Most folks haven't had time to sample the elusive product. Easy Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piles Berets thechance for every per. son In Canada suffering from sore, itching, painful piles to trY.e simple home remedy with the Dromlee.of a reliable firm to refund the coat of the treatment if you are not satisfied with the results. Simply go to any druggist and get a bottle of Clem -Reid and use as directed...Hens-Rold le an Intern- al treatment, easy and pleasant to use and pleasing results are quick- ly noticed.. Itching and soreness are relieved, pain subsides and aa the treatment Is continued: thesore, painful pile tumors heal over leav ing the rectal membranes clean and healthy. Get a bottle of Hem - Rohl today and see for yourself. What an easy, pleasant waythis ie to- rid yourself of your pile misery, NOTEt The0epousor of title notice Is 'e reliable term, doing Marinette fn Canada for over 20 years. It yon are troubled with: more, Itching, pnIutel i*II e, Hent -Bold court help You. quickly or the small purebaee price will be gladly retunled. SAFES :Protect your BOOKS and CASH from FIItE and THIEVES. We have a sire and type of Safe, ur Onbiuet, for any purpose, Visit ns, or .write for prices, etc. to Dept. %V. J.ts&J.TAYLOR IIM!TEO TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front St. E., Toronto Establlehed ..1866 GET AFTER HEADACHE PAiN THIS WAY - 1 Instantine Tablet brings FAST RELIEF! NEST TIME you suffer from a simple headache, try the Instantine 1 -tablet - way to prompt relief. You may be surprised at the speed with which .2 Inslanl ine tablet can bring you fast relief. It generally tapes only one Instantine tablet to start bringing welcome relief from headache pain. You see, these fast -acting, prescription -type tablets go to work almost immediately easing pain, lesseningdlscomfort. Instantine's scientific combination of three proven medicinal ingredients works in these ways tobring relief: 1:Speedily ease the pain. 2. Prolong relief from pain. , 3. Reduce '!depression." Give mild, stimulating: "lift." Try Instantine—chances are you will never again resort to slower -acting, preparations for relief of simple pain. Remember Instantine, too, whenever you suffer from pains of neuralgia and neuritis. Your druggist has Instantine. Iiisla1i11ne 12 Tablets 2S—ebetrt 2¢ to doss Prrf, Effective Roiled fns Simple Pete OTTAWA REPORTS That The Sugar Beet Industry of Ontario May Be Entirely Mechanized Soon. The back -breaking work in file sugar beet industry together with the shortage of labor has hereto fore kept down the beet acreage of eastern Canadian farms, but the situation is now likely to change. Difficult conditions have spurred efforts to mechanize the industry and a combine Inas already - been imported by the Canada and Doze- inion Sugar Company to Kent County, Ontario. The combine. digs the beets, tops them and loads then into trucksfollowing the combine in the field in much the sante manner as a corn combine. For some time labor saving machinery has been used success- fully -in westernCanadawhere the farms arc large and rolling, but the smallness of the sugar beet fields of Canada necessitated a' special adaptation of the combine. Now it has arrived and predictions are that the entire industry will be mechanized within a few years. * * * Research workers of the Animal Nutrition Department of the Ont- ario Agriculture College have been responsible for saving the poultry industry from _ staggering losses. To them also goes much of the credit for the wartime upswing -in the production of poultry and eggs. , In 1930 the industry faced disast- er as a result of pullorum disease. A research projectwaslaunched with results which reduced the in- cidence of the disease from 10 per cent to two per cent. In: 1941, just. when the industry was being call- ed upon to increaseproductionfor wartime needs, a variant of the disease, called the X -bug, showed tip. Mortality rates rose again. and back went the specialists to microscopes and test tubes. A new type of antigen for testing purposes resulted and the X -bug was check- ed. One phase of the work has been the cleaning up of hatcheries and the use of gas in killing off the organism was successfully developed, • * e Montreal docks are busy these days loading for shipment to Europe. Some 6.000.000 pounds of meat are going to the continent every week and so far this season 35.000,000 pounds of tinned meats have left the city's clocks, * * German prisoners of war in the Medicine Hat Internment Cainp are operating the largest vegetable farm in Alberta, the "Golden Valley Farm". The produce not only keeps the rations of the per- sonnel in M,D, 13 well supplied with vitamin ,foods, but contributes substantially to federal government coffers, This year, the second of operation, for the scheme, it is est- imated that production will be 1,800 tons of vegetables of all kinds with a net profit of $39,000. The prisoners, who are paid 20 cents a day, have broken many new', acres of the rich prairie land for seeding, and have provided for ir- rigation by opening up. 12 miles of ditches. - Swift Ease for Miserable BACKAC.a '1. # <i E Don't trifle with that backache, because backache, along with leg' cramps, restless nights, puffy eyes, rheumatic pains and frequent headaches are suresigna that - your kidneys are lazy. Get relief—quickly —with GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil CAPSULES, - GOLD MEDAL Capsules will give you swift relief because they help your kid- neys to get back on the job, filtering your blood, and removing the trouble -causing waste acids and poisons GOLD MEDAL 'Capsules contain ac- curately measured ccurately:.measured amounts of the gen- vine and original Dutch Drops, known the world over for their swift effectiveness. That's why you can count on GOLD MEDAL Capsules for relief. Be sure you get the genuine GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil CAPSULES. -Get the 40c .box from your druggist. Lydia E, Pinkham's VegetableCompound not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanyingnervous tired hi hstrun feelings—when s—when due to func- tional 6 g tional monthly disturbances It srone of the most effective medicines for this pur- pose. Pinkham's Compound helps nature!. Follow label directions. Try itI f/�� Q� VEQETA0L5 o 7""r C.COMPOUND WATERCYCLE MADE AVAILABLE TO PUBLIC A watercycic gets a workout by Mary Thomas of Oshawa, Ont. This cycle, with a speed of three knots, is being made available to the public through War Assets Corp. ' Chistmas Parcels For The Armed Forces Overseas While Christmas may seem a long way off to those in Canada it is really time now to think of Christmas gifts for, friends or re- latives of the Armed Forces stationed in the Far East, India, Bbrma, Celyon or the South East Asia Command. Mail Christmas Parcels now—or not later than October 10th. The journey to the United Kingdom, trans -ship- meat in the United Kingdom, and then the long ocean voyage to the Far East requires considerable time, and parcels must be sent now to be assured of delivery by Christ- mas. Christmas parcels for the Mid- dle East and Central Mediterran- ean, i,e,, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Italy, "Malta, West Africa, etc., should be mailed as soon as pos- sible and at the latest by October 15th, It is theoretically possible for a pigeon breeder to start with a doz- en pairs of birds and have 060 squabs at the end of 12 months. "W4yDiddt1/ Do74 $e ,e II your nose ever Alis ISE. up With stuffy tran- sient congestion— next time put a little " Va-tro-nol in each nostril. Quickly con- gestion is relieved, breathing is easier. Va-tro-nol works right where trouble is to relieve'distress of head colds. Try it! Works final You'll like it1 VICKS VA -TRO -NOL HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $I.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION AGWN'1'S WANTED . AGENTS — TERRITORIES STILT. open, Sell $5 gasoline saver and super charger: -100% profit. 6 minutes to _, instal. Write "Gas- oline Saver", 73ox 52, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto SONG WRITERS SONG POEMS WRITERS. RECOG-. - anlzed music writer, whose songs are published by leading U.S.A. Publishers, coast-to-coast, will Write music to your poems. Free copies, now publishing In Canada. Write Songmaster Studios, Sussex,. IIAIIV CHICKS FREE RANGE PULLETS PURE breeds and hybrid crosses 12 weeks up to laying, Also fall hatched day old chicks' boolted to nrder. Also booking orders now for 1046 chicks, Send: for early. booking pricellst and be sure of chicks .when you want them. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario, NOW ergus,.Ontario, NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER November and December' chicks — we may have a few broilere - on he nd in October. Fall bulletin (free) available, 'Bray Hatchery,: 130 John N. Hamilton, Ont,. PULLETS ALL AGES FROM 12 weeks up to 26 weeks. Pure breeds and hybrid crosses. Also day old chicks hatched to order for Fall delivery. Also booking orders for 1946 chicks, You will MVO money by ordering early, Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ont. HCCINESS AND PROPERTY IF YOU ARE THINKING Ole ling your. Business or Property, large or small and want good re- sults, consult thea office, 30 years experience in selling all kinds. of Property, for further Information write. George Lawton, 709 Ouel- lette Ave., Windsor, Ont. . 711''SINESe OPPORTUNITIES WIN PERSIAN LAMB COAT or Hudson Seal Coat or Muskrat Coat and Muff valued at $600.00 or $400.00 in cash Tickets 25c. or 5 for $1.00 ELIZABETH FRY CIiAI"rER, LO,D.E., Seabees'. Ont. Send your pastel note or nosey order' to erre, L.' Simpson. 08 1\1.goo,ount Blvd., Sudbury. Ont.. IT COULD BE YOURS". A BEAUTIFUL MODERN 5-110021 Bungalow, now under construc- tion, or choice Of $10,000 In Vic- tory Bonds, situated at the corn- er of Lawrence Ave. and Scarlett Rd„ In Weston. Thisbenutifut home or the bonds will go to some lucky. shareholder, It Is not necessary for the winner to be present nt the draw. Tickets $1. each or 6 for $5. Mall your order for 1 or more tickets to Treas. 'Weston .Lions Club, Toronto 15. Get yours now, $1 FOR ROTARY HOUSE SHARE TICKET GIVES YOU OP- portunity of .owning this beau- tiful home or $4500 cash when luelty ticket Is drawn, Proceeds: for Crippled Children and Com- munity Service. Sendtoday for one or more shares to Rotary Club; Box. 428, Essex; Ontario. '41 PLYMOUTH CAR, EXCELLENT condition including rubbers. Send dollar for five draw tickets to J, Shedden, 13alowe'en Draw Chair- men, Refinery Workers'- Union, Port Colborne. Winner purchases car for one dollar. $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" A1,8O - PARTICTPATE IN 750.00 monthly Bond draw. Other prizes; Details on receipt. Shares 71.00 each or 6 for $5.00. Send for shares to St. Catharines Optimist Box 445::-H,. St. .Catharines, Ontario, $10,000 HOME BUILT ANYWHERE IN CANADA to winner's specifications,. or $10,000 in cash will be awarded' isteky winner. Also chance on $100 monthly draw,' Winner le still eligible dor house draw. All proceeds for children's welfare, Tickets ;1 each -12 for $10,. Mall remittance to Sudbury Kiwanle Club. BaO 53, ' DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING : NEEDS dyeing or cleaning'? Write to :us for information. We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- mens H. Parker's Dye Werke Limited, 701 Yonge' Street,: To- rmmn .. - 1 1Ref a1Af VINERY 5(015 SALE E VIKING, CREAM SEPARATORS ORS and repair parts are always available either at - 70ur local dealer or direct front Swedish- Separator Co. Limited, 720 Notre - Dame ' West, Montreal 3, gee. FOR SALE GASOLINE ENGINES. NEW 'Briggs and Stratton air-cooled. Most modern engine built. Low. coat. Dealers' orders invited. 'Write for descriptive folders and prices. Scope Sales Co., Box 852, Ottawa. Ont. GRIMM. EVAPORATOR 6' x 18'; 1,700 buckets, 'spouts, covers, storage and gathering tanks, set- tling can $600. H. Barnes, Sund- ridge, Ont. PURE BRED. CURLY 21YPEAIRE- dale puppies, now six weeks. Fe -- males, 410; Small deposit reserves your pup until ready to ship. H. H. Damm, Klppen, Ont. ATTENTION, FARMERS. FOR Sale: Tractor Tlree, made of rub- ber, suitable' for boltingon steel. wheels, $10.00 each. When order- ing state diameter and width of wheel. National. Rubber Co. Ltd., 6 Wiltshire Ave., Toronto, Ont. SCOTCH COLLIES, SEVERAL well marked Tri -color puppies, registered, Write Kaarina Ken- nels,Highland Creek Ont. 6 ROOM' MODERN FRAME HOME, alt conveniences, 314 acre land, early possession, Village of Camp- belleroft, — $4200,00. HERBERT K, LONG.. Real state and Insurance 17 'Walton Street, Port Hope. Ontario Phones: Bus.31 Homo 946-T PIANOS, OUR SMALL NEW PIANOS will be available shortly. Beata': fuI In design and tone: Circular mailed promptly. Factory Mason and -nisch Limited, 642 King , Street West; Toronto, • GENERAL STORE ON HIGHWAY,. Hamilton vicinity, nice' home. sur- roundings; 89,500 complete, 56,000 cash required; owner retiring. Ask Worthington, 21 Main E., Hamilton, 0017 S C 0 V Y DUCKS, WHITE, drakes $3.00, ducks . $2.00 F.O,B, Panin Farm, P,O. Box 101, Alder- shot,Ont. 20,000 BREEDING EWES, 60,000 Feeder Lambs. Ramboulllet— ]Serino Corridale Cross, Southern Sask. Wool. Growers' Association, Maple Creek, -Saskatchewan. G. S. Herringer, Secretary, SURPLUS ARMY STORES Army Petrol Cans, capacity 2 Imp. gallons; with carrying handle and heavy brass cap.Just the thing for carrying extra gasoline,water,anti- freeze or any liquid.- Price 79c each. 'tined . Land Aline Boxes, 8% x 83 x 28 long. Price $1.30 each. Used Ammunition Boxes, 13_x 11 x 18" high, double hinged cover, 18. go, steel. Two heavy carrying handles, Price. $1.75 each. All-purpose metal containers, 17" high :x 10% x 5%, with slip-on cover and canvas carrying strap. Price „lee each. 6" Folding Mess Tables, price $5.95` each. 0' Folding Benches, $2.20 each. C.O.D.—Transportation charges oa- tra. Write The Alison Machinery Com- pany Limited, 208 Simcoe St., To• ionto 213, Ontario, ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW,. (MED - bought, .sold, rebuilt; . belts, pal• NUS. bruahea. Alien Electric Com- pany Ltd.. 2320 Dufferin St„ To• route, ELECTRIC MOTORS REWOUND ANT) REPAIRED. EX - pert. worlcmnnshlp. - Mederete prices, Lloyd M. Neltger. Monk - ton, Ontario, - RESTAURANT FOR SALE 0001) MIMEOS IN SMALL TOWN, Hying from five to six hundred- a week huslnoss. Modern equip- ment.. Man end wife can handle. Living•quarters upstairs. Low rent, 2.500 dollars rash for equip- ment and stock. Write .Dennis Parent. Rothwell, Ont. FARMS V1)11 SALE $8500,00 — 100 , good bld2o„ 175 acrrapple. trees. 500 bble, per veer... $4000,00 — 100 ahle, aeren.1ac76re nereenrewnrlc- hard, $4000,00:— 150 arses, 1-00 -ecrep worlealpe, 12 acres wood, good belga, $12000:00 —000 ncrr. ecellent farm, hides„ 0 axntes wood, $4000.00 — 150 ,,errs, Basses rig- . Foal harwood. bides, good — stock end equipment may be pur- ehnsrd, N1;RBERT TO. LONG Real slate and Tnsurnnce 17 Walton Street Tort Hope, Ontario ' Phones: - 731,0.31 Rome 846-3 97 -ACRE, PRODUCTIVE, TRACT - or farm, for gala 0 .miles north dobeurg, 1 mile west Cembornr village, excellent !oration, 8 room' brick housa:newty deeoretod, war - age. g woodshedd, 100 Ft bank barn, Implement seed, hor'nen, henhouse. All huildin •s in 'hest - repair. A1I equlpned with hydro, Running water house and hero, Neverratline spring. 111. . pnatnre,, 7 acres mixed.. woods young or- chard. Excellent terming dlatrlrt, Apply Mrs.' George Jamieson, Camborne, Ontario, ' FARMS FOR SALE 105 -ACRE FARM. CLAY LOAM. bank barn, frame house. hydro available. % mile. south No. 2 Highway. Robert. Martin, New- castle, Ont. .100 ACRES. 40 CLEARED, CLAY - loam, good wood bush, some tim- ber; frame house and barn. hydro In each; trout stream on proper- ty. Will sell with or without Im- plements and horses. H. Hughes, Port Sydney. Ontario. FOR SALE — 270 -ACRE FARM ON main road, close to church• school, dairy and cheese factory, 2 large barns, large housein good con- dition, well watered. Hydro, milk- ing machine, grain grinder. 160 acres- under cultivation, 1.000 bu ehela ' tall wheat this year. Apply Garnet Dupre. R. R. 6. Napanee, Ont. VALUABLE FRUIT FARM, SS acres of exceptionally well cul- tivated - orchards, Including pears, penches, cherries, plums, prunes, grapes send apples;, attractive 10 - room brick home, electricity, bath, hot end cold running water, beautiful surroundings; tenant house, barn, packing shed, 2 gar- ages, chicken pen; all In splendid repair; half mile from school on good. road, Price 025,000; must sell. Owner living- on farm. D. E. Lightle, Ridgeville P.O., Welland vicinity. 104 ACRES FARM, RICH 'AAM soil. New steel barn in 1937, near- ly new 8 roomed frame house. Hydro, running water in both' house and barn, 8 acres buah, driving shed and hen coop, good fences, 25 acres hay and pasture, the rest ploughed, drilled well. 08,000, at least ;1,000 in , cash, 10 miles from Guelph, 8 miles from Rockwood, 6 miles from Acton, 1 "mile to school. Mrs. T. Halcovitch, R.R.-. 4. Rockwood, - On1, 200 -ACRE FARM, LOT 18, CON. 13. Enniskillen Townehlp, one mile off. Na 21 Highway. Eight -room brick house, full basement... Barn 40 (t,. by GO tt„ .finished offwith cement mongers and -steel stanch - Ions, 12x40 concrete silo. Good machine abedand granary. Good clay loam. well tiled, 25 acres hardwood bush. Apply Walter Clark, Wyoming, Ontario. FARM, 200. ACRES, 2% MILES from town,on highway, con- venient to school. Mre. Arthur Rochon Mattawa, Ont, A BEAUTIFUL. WELL -IMPROVED 178 acres, one mile 'south ofTll- bury, Ont., on Middle Road.. Chas. ...Case, Blenheim,. Ont. 285' ACRES FOR SALE, 12 MILES south01-2 aliburton, approximate- ly 100 acres good workable- land, remainder ,.pasture' and... bush, plenty of wood, timber: for lum- ber and maple, syrup bush. fair house and : barn, well watered and fenced. Rahway and river run through property, Hydro power available, .. _ 2.. miles from station, general store, church, ' and school, Owner. retiring. Price 73,500. Apply, Melville. McKnight, Box 14, Hnliburton, -Ont. 10E0P WANT8D FARM HELP 'WANTED. MARRIED man, one who has had experience In reisliig hogs,and would take an Interest In same, Good wages and good house with: every con- venience for suitable party.: Close to school, on paved highway. Small family preferred. Apply -to Box 100, Blenheim, Ontario. - LINO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED COMPETENT LINO OPERATORS and floor men wanted:. for news- paper printing affire, permanent noel fine }fleetest wages. Wilson - Publishing Co.,. 73 Adelaide. W., apply nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. Order No, '1.- MEDICAL. - A TRTAL — EVERY. SUFFERER ' of Rheumntic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store335Elgin, Otta- wa. Postpaid $1.00. - mei 'OIAl^R- ,AND THREAD WORMs. often ere the cause of III -health In humnns. ell ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your freebie? Tntereeting per. ttcule rs-lereei W:rtte... Mulveney'. Remedies, Specialiste, Toronto I. ft AUMEEKA PIOT BALM- " 11E— strew ' offensive odor" Instantly -45c bottle. Ottawa meet. hemmun Drug Store. Ottawa. HAVE YOU HEARD APIOU'1' DIX- en's Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? It gives food results,. Munro's' Drug- Stare, - 558 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 81.00. If A.IRDRF,SS ING:. L R. A R N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson t t method. TnTo rm atYan on request regarding elegies' Roberteon's HarranrenlnR Arad' smy 177 Avenge Rned', Terence MiiStem I, 1NSTROMleters FRET A. RODDTNG'l'ON BUYS. sells. earhnnets musical Instru• mentos, 111 Church, Toronto f, OPPORTUNITIES emit woe, BE A HAIRDRESSER J OlitLANA DAB LEA DINt; SCHOOL bront Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified .profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. illustrated catalogue tree Write or call MARVET. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street Ottawa. PIIOTOGRAI'HIC WINDSOR PHOTO FINISHERS give you better .pictures, Try our gloss-tex finish and see the dif- ference;:six and eight exposure. rolls developed and printed 30c, reprints .030. each. Windsor Photo Finishers, Box 490, Wind - nor, Ont. CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN SNAPSHOTS Your negativea make the most dis- tinctive Christmas Carda you can get—cards that your friends will treasure particularly.. friends on active service. Select your favourite negatives and send to us. We'll return 12 attractive, embossed greet- ing cards with pictures printed on ---and- envelopes for mailing—all for 69e. Order early. (2 Photos on Calendars for 25c.) - STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Iiox 129, Poetol Terminal A. Toronto A customer at Berwick, N,S., writes us: I received the beautiful Christ- mas cardswhich you printed from my ownnegatives, and I want you to know - how pleased I am with your wonderful . work and prompt service. I will be a regular custom- er of Star Snapshot Service from now. o'n." Any Size Ro11-6 or 8 Exposures, nrivErOPEf) AND PRINTED 2Se 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25e Size. 4" x 6" in Beautiful .Easel Mounts You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge„ Framed-- Enlargements 4" x 6", on ivory tint mounts, 1n fraises 1" x BurnishedGold or Silver, Circassian Walnut. or Black Ebony finish 69e;. If enlargement' coloured Tse. Print your name and address plain- 7ly . on all orders. TIME ` TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION lour films properly :developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 28a REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST MILA80YNG SERVICE You may not, getallthe films you want this year, but you can get ail the quality; and service you desire by sending your films to 8MPERTAL PHOTO seance Station 1, Toronto -_ - PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH a: COMPANY Patent Sollettora. Established -. 1890; - U King , West, Toronto. Booklet of information on: re- quest WANTED WANTED TO BUY, ONE ,POLL Hereford Bull about a year old. Please correspond ,with Arthur Edge, R. R, 1. - Durham, Ont. Phone 603-2. CAR IN GOOD CONDITTO , 26 -model or later. no dealers, Box 53. 73A Adelaide W. Toronto. POTATOES-. CARROTS WANTED. : Anywhere, -state price and quant- ity L. Edgcumbe,' Box. 75, '.Long Branch. QUANTITY OF LARGE WILLOW trees. Hanger Limb Company. 85 King Street West. Toronto, Ont. 'WANTED — A MOUNTED WELL - drilling - machine. complete, must be in good condition.. Ed. A. Core, Milton P. 0, Milton. Ont. FEATHERS, FEATHERBEDSOi. all descriptions; highest prices Paid. For particulars write .te Queen City. Feather'Co',- 23 Bald- win St., Toronto. - WANTED TO' PURCHASE PULL- ets all ages and breeds. High prlees paid. Apply Box No. 61, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto,.. HATCHING 01008 WANTED FOE 1946 hatching season. Flocks cull- ed and bloodteated tree of charge under Government Supervision. - Gusranteed premium, plus hatch- ability premium paid. Por brit details, write. Box 30, 71 Adelaide' W., Toronto. HELI' WANTED 0001) HOUSEKEEPER. 30 TO 46 years of 'age: No objection to .one ' child, Good' Protestant home,' right party, Edger Exelby, Ama- ranth Station. R. R. 1, Ontario. WANTED 7;TERDSMAN FOR BEEF Cattle, Good living:. conditions and wagon. Permanent position us the right man. E. (1. Ponsford, St. Thomas; Ont. - I3SU* , 41—IN5'.