HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-10-18, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Amateur Program
and Dance
Walton Come-nunity Hall
Under auspices of Walton Red Cross
Admission 35c and 10e
'l:'1ny relatives and friends attend-
. -:;e funeral of the late William
, .cert Anderson,: ou Oct. 9, at his
nesidenee in Walton. For the
past year Mr. Anderson had been in
poor health, having undergone two
serious Operations. in Victoria Hos-
pital, London, from which he never
fully recovered and death came
Sunday, Oct. 7. Deceased was born
• 44 years ago at Gowanstown the
only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Anderson. When seven year old
he moved with his parents to the
farm now owned by Mr. Thos.
Shortreed, where be resided until
two years, ago when he moved to
the village of Walton. Twelve years
ago he was married to the former
Miss Louise Mills of Blyth. Mr.
Anderson was a menthes of St.
George's An:tliean Church, Walton,
and had been People's Warden far
several years. The many floral trib-
utes and large attendance attested
to the esteem in which the young
elan was held, Tie Ieaves to mourn
their loss his wife, incl one sister,
' Eva, ,Mrs. Boua;in 1
Pet M. F. Oidhntn, rector of St.
Gcot .;e Church Was .in charge of
the etvi,” fisted by Ret F. E.
C,yerne. I ev. T. B. Koine, and Rev.
Hen de Vann Mr. Lorne F.eknuer same
M r (• Je Be k t SIe Home."
71 01.110 rov., teen six can -ins—
lir >l r C ' -lar Sothe.rn. Ford Soth-
r rar. Clinton Honeyford, Wallace
SI e1 lice, Watson Sholdice, Harry
Berger. Flowerbearers were-- Wm,
Humphries Gen. Watt. Win. Man-
nin:'. Cecil Olce, John Watson, Wil-
freed Shortreed, Fsrl Mills. T,eon-
aril Strong. Wm. Theurer, Moral tri-
butes were frnm:Mr. and Mrs.
Humphries and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Humphries, lir. and Mrs,
Ed. Dougan and Mrs. Muldoon. Mr.
and Mrs, John Mills and Elizabeth.
Mr. and Mrc. Robt. Patterson and
Barbera ,' Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Sholdice. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams.
sir. and Mrs. Cecil Oke, Mr, and
Mrs. Stewart Cndmor'e, Mr. and Mrs.
Ford Sotheran, Mr. and Mrs, Crosby
Sotheran and girls, Mr, and Mrs.
Harry Bolger and Mr. and Mrs. J.
Bolger, Mr. Harold Jackson, Mr. and
Mrs, Geo, Fox and Lois, Congrega-
tion of St, George's Church, Mr, and
Mrs. Talbert Clarke, Rev, I', E. and
Mrs, Clyscl ale, Mr. and Mrs, Clinton
Honeyford, Mr. and MI's. Hugh
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lance Ander-
ndelson Mr, and Mr's, T. G. Anderson,
MI. and Mrs. S. Honeyford, Mr, and
Mrs. Wnt Manning and girls, • Mr.
andira. Lorne Ilekntier and Miss
llolmes, lliss Isabel Davidson, Mr,
ant Mrs, George German and Billy,
Rev. 1. B. Keine, Mr, and Mrs,
Claude': Turner',' NIr. and Mrs. John
Watson. and Mrs. Shortreed and
family; :4Irs. Rev. C. C. Kaine, •llr.
and Ms. Wm. Thames and Pearl,
Miss Isabel Brigham, Mr. and Mrs..
H. S. Anderson and faiiiily. Those
o ttending from a distance were :Rev.
F. E, Clysdale, Ilderton, Mr. H. S.
Anderson and son, Windsor, il'Ir,
Carson Allen, Guelph, Rev. I. B.
and Mrs. Koine, Dunnville; Mr. and
Mrs.' Clinton, Honeyford; Palmer-
. sten, Mr: and Mrs. Sam Honeyford,
Gowanstown, Mr, and _M1:. Ford
Sotheran, Holliston. Mr, and Mrs.
T, G. Anderson, Listowel, Mr, and
Mrs. Wallace Sholdice, St. Cather-
ines, Mr. and .Mrs. George, German,
Clinton, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Cud -
more, St. 1 athernles Miss Lavina
Lrigham and Mrs. E. Adams, Clin-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Sotheran
and family, Fnrdwich, Misr (Dr'.)
Ferguson and Mrs. I, Brown, Tor-.
Allan Searle, ofMorri- has
bought the SO acre farm of Mo-. Ed.
Dougan nn the Morris • Hallett
boundary. and Mr. Fred Hudie has
bought Mn Dougan s home farm of
acres and rets possession shortly.
Mr. Dougan is mot inn to Brussels.
The marriage was 'solemn "orf at
Diff', United Church manse, Wal-
ton. by Rev. R. G. Hazelwood, when
Ruth. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs
J. S. L. Cummings, of Walton, be-
ec. ne the bride of Leading Aircrafts-
man I -ea Arthur Busk RCAPMonc-
ton N.B., eldest son of iIn. and
Mrs. Elmer Muck of Dorchester, N.B.
The bride wore a floor -length gown
of white sheer and lace with sweet-
heart neckline, Her finger-tip veil
was caught to a coronet of orange
blossoms and her corsage was- of
Wink roses. The attendants were
the bride's brother ' and sister-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. G, R. Cummings,
Winehanr. Mrs. Cummings chose
powder blue marquisette and lace
and wore a corsage of yellow roses.
For travelling the bride chose a
mauve wool dressmaker suit, black
coat with silver fox fur and black
accessories. After a brief honeymoon
in Western Ontario, the young
couple will leave for Moncton. N.B
where the groom is stationed.
in honor of Miss Ruth Cummings,
,e .e t of: this month. Mrs. Ilan
Hirmplarie, entertained at a kitchen
t lee; home on Thursday
October 11 t h. Thr gift
ase-eetsel, eller 1 showrr tett
sleet aciciress read hy.
1" It,, ..},r,rr:'. D'Ir1".
lee e:nesfen of tnntests
it :Tune
•o: (Ii'iO'C by
r Zt„'t } lir..., Mrs. W. C.
i ,.mei, wedding, the
M:ss Marks, hl ie0Tonm
*t. Tl rr. ihriee, flower. girl
0' 1^e r •s' Ila,.l, veld. officiating
elereeman. Miss Annie Gardon, The.
honored ored o'a,eat thanked everyone and
yur esse,t her appreciation. Inlnch
served by the hostess.
The regular meeting of the Wal-
ton Red Cross will he Meld in the
','11 on -Tuesday, October 73.
Mr. snit 'airs. Hugh Sinclair. form-
erly cf Tnre'eiro. who have been visit-
ing relatives here, left this week to
make their home in British Columbia.
Mr's. Alice Forsyth of the Canadian
Army, V01.1C01tVsr, B,C., is visiting at
the hnnm of her parents, Me. and
'Mrs. R. W. Hoy.
The Misses Glonsher of Wingham
with relatives.
Mr. Rae of Edmonton, Alberta, with
friends around Watton.
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices pald for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
I\'bit r•- Dttols tilled
good ize,
HaIui i.: int
.:1(( ,l't'.
Large Stock of Modern
Memorials on display at
our Seaforth Showrooms
For the convenience of our
patrons office will be, open ou
Open ity appointment at any
other time. See Dr. Harburn,
next door
Cunninghain & Pryde
Clinton Exeter Seaforth
Phone 41
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
• District Agent
Concert by Herbert W. Piercy,
"One of Canada's Favorite Interpre-
ters of Literature," under the aus-
pices of the Choirs of McKillop
Pastoral Charge, Thurs. Nov. lst in
Caven Church, Winthrop.
Mr. Oscar Cuthill has been visit-
ing over the weekend in Detroit and
Mount Clemens, Mich.
citillop Federation of Agriculture
L"in 23
Milton Heitz, Accordion. Earl Haywood, Cowboy Singer. Johnny
Brant, (Emcee. Clark Johnston, Comedian, Pauline Swanson, Little
Girl Singer
Address, Agricultural Representative, Mr, F. K. B. Stewart
Box Social
Old Time Dance
With Ryan Brothers 'Orchestra
Ladies Free. Please bring a box. Total cost to gentlemen $1.00
Will be broadcast over CKNX, Wtngham
President, 8. Murray Secretary -Treasurer, A. R. Dodds,
Continued Prom rage 1
Penhale, 1st and 2nd; cock—Har-
old Penhale; hen—Ivan McClymont;
i,eghorns, brown—pullet and cock-
erel—Ivan McClymont, 1st and 2nd
cache cock and hen—Ivan McCly-
mont, 1st each; Leghorns, white—
pullet, cock and cockerel -0, _Bat-
tier, 1st in each; Ivan McClymont,
2nd in each; hen—Harold Penhale,
0. Battler; Black Minorcas—pullet,
hen, and cockerel— Iran McCly-'
moist, 1st and and in each; Black
Hamburgs—pallet, lien and cockerel
Muscovy Ducks—old drake -Har
old Penhale, Donald Dearing; cluck
—.Donald Deering, Harold Penhale;
young` drake and young duck—Don-
ald Dearing;' Pekin ducks—old and
young drake -0, Battler, Elmer
Webster; old duck and young duck
—0. Battler, lst in each; Snowden
and Grainger, 2nd in each; young
drake—Elmer Webster, Snowden.
and Grainger; Indian Runner ducks
—young drake and young duck -0.
Battler; Embden geeseold goose
—Elmer Webster; Bantams—pullet
and cockerel—Lewis Taylor; cock—
D. H. McNaughton, Billy Stephen-
son; hen, Billy Stephenson, Har-
old Penhale; Pigeons — old
males --Arthur Peck, Billy Stephen-
son; old female—Billy Stephenson,
let and 2nd: young male and yotnng
female --.John Middleton, lst and
211d; Special—best dressed goose by
Mrs. Ed. Gascho, Zurich—O. Battler.
5 Ib. butter' block—F. McCly-
a'ont. Mrs.. Wm, McAdam; 5 lb but
ter crock—Fred Wallis, W. J. Clark;
fancy print butter -0. Battler, Mrs.
M. McAdam; cottage cheese—Mr..
Metcalf l:u'd—Mrs. McAdam, F,
McClymont: pail dressed chickens—
Mne, M. McAdam W. J. Clark:
heaviest dozen eggs, white 0. Bat-
tler, Fred iliClyinout: Heaviest do-
zen zn eg s, brown -0. Battler. Fred
I'Clymont: special by Goderlch
Salt, Co. Ltd., for exhibitor having
most points -0. Battler, six points:McAdam;Mrs. M. McAdam; five points:: Fred
McClymont, five points.
of Brodhagen. I
Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Hinz, Aud-
tey, Betty Jean and Gerlald, with
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne•Htnz in. Ellice.
Mr. and Mrs, Manuel Byernnan,
]toy and Wayne, Mgr, G, Miller
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Notting in Stratford, j.
Mrs. Annie Muegge, Mr. Henry 1
Heenipel of Heidelberg, Mr, and
Mrs, ,Nelson Heenipel of Waterloo; '
with Mr. and Mrs, Adam Kistner.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Rodgers of 1-IaInil-
tantage. thspent . e weep end al their
llr. and Mrs, Day, who have beep
spending (he last six months al their
cottage on the lake bank, left for To-
ronto, where they expect to visit
their daughter Mrs, Cook.
}Miss Fairbairn lett for her home in
Detroit on-: Sunday. ,Miss Fairbairn
has to beautiful cottage on the lake
bank and 1s one of the ilrst to arrive
in spring. and one.nf the last to leave.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephens and sons
of London were at the home Sbangri-
la, for the week sod.
The unary friends if Miss nary
Reit Will be sat'ry to know she was
taken stiidclenly ill on Sunday and has
been removed to her niece's at
On Sunday there tris no service 10
SL Andrew's Presbyterian. Church. t•
anniversary services were being held
in Clinton Presbyterian Church.
Pte.Ella McKay of the Post Office
Department. London, spent rhe Ntaek
i.nrl at her hone here.
1'h'. and Mrs. Brisson and family, of
Detroit, spent the week end here,
Mr, and Mrs. \. Tents of Detroit
spent the Meek end With the former's
mother, Mrs. J. Toms.
In spite of the copious rains pre-
venting the gathering of beans and.
other crops it was a gay throng that
on Friday evening gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Casey Way.
There was, however an undercurrent
of soberness because the Houston
family was leaving the community
to reside In Egmondville. On behalf
of their friend:, 'Mr. and Mrs, Hou-
ston were presented with a dainty
chenille bed spread, Grant, with a
pair of gloves and Isabel - with a
locket. The presentation being made
by Mrs. McLachlan and Mrs. Gem-
melte The feeling of those :present
was expressed in the following ad-
dress: Your decision to enter a new
sphere of service outside of this
neighhorhood has induced us to
come together tonight in one of
those old time rollicking gatherings
at which loaned instruction, enter-
tainment and a bit of gossip, and to
which you always made. a worth
while cottaibution Hewing lived itt
this community 'tractncal(y all your
life you have b s o l e a p.u•t of it
int the Heveriegof that (n..l('et nr
tis. mel penclle to
1 U v
whiele have known you since
cieldbood. e pang of regret. Your
st1elee ndyt- ys out, your
tic pitaliti generous and your help
n t.,O denied to theee..in need. We
.rein :ides your Scotch hnnmor. And
new, and the courteous refinement
of your trlfe. and ,while others may
take your glare upon the flu'nt there
will always be in our neighborhood
activities one vacant chairs but there
will also he a lamp shining in the
window at all times welcoming your•.
return. We trust that these little
things which we present to you to-
night may bring in future yearss
recollections that we hope will often
impel you to renew those old and
cherished friendships. And so, since
"parting -brings a litte sig'lt" 'tis
"Au-Revoir and not good-bye." -
Mr, and ilirs, Fred Scherbartlt, Ken-
neth and Earl. of Detroit, and Miss
Sylvia Beintewies, of'Windser, with
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Rennewies for
the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry'Solterban'th and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Standen
of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs, Aug.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice,
Gary, Warren and Roger, visited .Mr,
'nal Mrs, Adam Sholdice anti Mr, and
Mrs. 13111 Shohliee at Walton Sttnclay.
Mies Audrey Innes of Woodstock
5105111 several days with Mrs. Wtn,
Pte. Carman Mogk spent the week
end at his home and has been trans-
ferred from. Chatham. to London.
Pau1 LOWS, infant son of Mr. and.
',t,•s Wrestle Dietz, was baptised in
St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sun-
day morning, with. Mr, and Mrs, Ber-
man Hinz and Mr, and Mrs. Leslie
1 '•I else,l as sl)Onsors.
A large number of quilts were
quilted, also ether !sewing, by the
members of the Patriotic Society and
the members of the Lashes 'Aid in
the basement of the church, which
5re to be donated to the used clotlt-
Ing drive.
On Sunday evening: about 15 fam-
ilies of. relatives and neighbors gath-
ered at the home of. Mr, and Mrs.
Martin Diegel in McKillop and sur-
prised thein on the occasion of their
15th wedding anniversnrv. They were
nresented with a dresser lamp with a
rr vstal base and flowered table cloth.
Lunch was served and Ole evening
was spent in games, singing and soc-
itil chat.
Mrs and Mrs. Ray Hart of London
with Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rook.
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Wilson., Mr,
and Mrs. Jim Doyle, ...Miss Violet
Diegel of Toronto visited relatives
anti friends.
Visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
fred Ahrens on Sunday, were: Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Hughes, Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Carlton from Niagara
Falls, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs, Earn
111igsnn, McKillop, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Hinz, Maureen and Winnefred
NOW SiiOWINF .- TH orfs, PRI. SAT.
"The Naughty Nineties"
with Bad AbbolI and Lott Costello, The Saga of Captain Sam's
Showboat '""Ihe River Queen' _
with Edward G. Robinson and Joan Bennett. An adventure in suspense
"GYPSY WILDCAT" in Technicolor
with Maria 111ontee and Jon Hall, A film which goes in for action and
excitement 011 t big scale. There are thrills without number
Coming ruin, Robert Young and Lariane Day
part from our midst and sever the
tie which has bound us together so
happily as neighbours and friends
during the past, For a few years it
has been our privilege to know you
in genial friendship and socitil and
neighbourly intercourse, You have
both contributed abunrl.ntly toward
making life pleasant in the circle in
which you belonged, making special
mention of your faithfulness in our
Red Cross work, in slight reinem-
renc•e of the pleasant years, made
c..greeable through your acquaint-
tinee we. scisll you la 'tcer'pt there
gifts not for their intrinsic value,
but for the friendship which they
represent. ilay you 1101 happiness
and 'prosperity. in your future field
of labor and be reminded in future
years, of this leave-taking night,
hoping that we 'It sono tante may
again welcome you to our midst,
Signed on behalf of the Bronson
Line. Mt', Westlake thanked them
all for the gifts and kind words.
Lunch wte then served and a social
ticen. N s Isabel Bettie- is spend- - -
bit a seven -day leave at her house. 1
IIr, and lits. Garnet Taylor of
Staffa and firs, and Mrs, Lorne Wil -;
and Stewart of Brucetielyd, wins;
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Mcl'lut•e,
Mr. and. Mrs. Sydney McCullough
of Myth with Mr. and Mrs. John
-.on 1 galllel'y,
Mr, and Mrs, George Habkirk and
little daughter of Stratford and. lirs.l
Andrew Calder of Hickson with Mr.
and Mrs, Errol Habkirk,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ring of Strat-
ford- with relatives here.
Mr, and Mrs, Mel 'Nichol of Strat-
ford with Mr. and Mrs. I1. Blanchard.
Mrs. Rev, J. A. Ferguson of Richmond
Bill with Mr. and Mrs. W. Dodds.
Regular meeting of W.M.S. was
held in school room of Church,
Thursday afternoon, Oct. 11th. Mrs.
Chas Dexter taking charge. Opened
meeting with call to worship. The
earth is the Lord's and the fulness
thereof, The world and they that
dwell therein. Theme, Africa, Psalm90 was read in unison.• Hymnn 1("
was -sung. Prayer by Mrs, Dexter. •
Minutes were read and adopted.
Mrs. P. Lindsay tools charge for the
husiness. Thankoffering meeting to •
be held Wed. Oct 21th Inc.Pen-
11 to be ilifeaker. Dt lc t itc to
Sectional res,4 leg in 1 n 1.e1'•i'1 --
'1 :. David Miltem Jed M'., Wm.
Jewett. t. Nei; Sieely Book on Yi , a' 1
to he eiven le- SIns. 44 ibnu •irt+u.
I ocrli, Ili` 1,h I4''; Jewitt.
Valls Prosautiotn •cud a Seanevi
-e'sion. of the 2fIra psalm. Bible
J.cadmet by Mt (h'• Peter, if tee
follow or 01(5/1 from not Ho ea II -8'
Mark :1, eS. i1y nit. "Tell me
the 01d, OM Story." Last chapter in
Study book was given iv llrs. Dave
iTillsou, A vote of thanks was tend-
ered Mrs. iliilson for taking: study
hook for last year. Mt., Britton
thanked W.M.S. for card Sang hymn
2112 after which Mrs. Lindsayoffer-
ed prayer. Collection was received.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Daunuier of
Linwood, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eydt
and Vera,. and Miss. Ethel Dexter of ,
Waterloo, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Ilse. Austin Dexter.
Mrs. Dick Williamson, Brampton, •
is spending a few days at the horse
of her cousins,- Mr. and Mres, Austin
Dexter, and -Mr. and • Mrs. Cha.,
Dexter. - -
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ellacott and
family of Monkton were visiting Mr. '
and J'II's, Joseph Thor'ton, Sunday.
Sgt. and Mrs, Edward Doerr of
Gadshill were Friday visitors with
the former's uncle, Mr, and Mrs. El•
ward Regele,
Miss Shirley Regele of Croniarty
spent the week end with her parents, I
Mr, and Mrs, Edward Regele.
Miss Norma. Leeming spent Sun- I
day afternoon with Miss Donna Wat•
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Munn and
Paul of Galt called on some of their
friends in McKillou on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, William Rapien anti 1
Doris of Bornholm, Sirs. William ,
Mowry and 1Jt's, Louis Hoegy and
Gloria of Galt and Betty Muegge
were Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Edward C. Regale.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele, Slain-
ley, Pearl and Lloyd were recent vis-
itors with Mr. and Mrs. John Craig
of Rlyt:li.
The thanko'ffering meeting of W.A
and W.M.S. Was held at the home of
Mrs. William Leeming With a good
attendance. Mrs. Thompson of Sea -
forth was the guest speaker,
A number of friends and neigh-
bors gathered at the home of Mr. '
and Mrs. Keith Westlake on Friday
ovenint, Oct. 12, as a surprise for
them, They have sold their farm and
are moving to Zurich. The evening ;
was spent in games and music. Dur-
ing the evening Mr, and Mrs, West-
lake were presented with an aleetric
iron, and Robert, a hook. The ad-
dress was read by Mrs. Will Scotch -
mer and the presentations were
made by Miss Anna Scotchmer anti
Miss Doris Penhale, The address was
as follows: Dear Keith, Margaret
and Robert—It was with feeling of
regret and disappointment that we
learned that you had decided to de-
Burns Church will hold their anniv-
ersury services this Sunday, Oct. 21,
at 11 in Ole morning, and 7.20 in the
evening, Rev. Mr, Dunlop of-Belgrave
is expected to have chatirge of 'both
services, A nice day and good turn,
out is hoped for.
114r. and Mrs, Ernest Knox spent
Sunday with Brucefleld friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Reid enter
tainecl friends- 011 Sunday.
Mr. and lli's. Thomas Laidlaw' of
Morris spent Sunday at the home of
Mi, mid Mrs. Bert Beacom.
Mr, and Mrs. Warren 01bbings,
Ken, Douglas and Betty Ann and Bus-
ter Perkin, spent Sunday afternoon
at the home of Mt', 111111 \Irs. Isaac
Rapson, it being the former's wedding
1:neiversary, Oct. 1.1 tin.
nlln. Wm. Bell recently got lits side
Mir! while plowing. `"11'e hope he will
Air. and Mrs. \','m. Pepper :cud chit.'
Shaul of near Brueetield, spent Mon-
day last: at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
,C. \p, iilty.wing.
en.iwe.Co, L,a.
Answer: Borden's Ice
Yea, this delicious treat
is enjoyed by. everyone.
That cool, creamy -smooth
Borden's ice cream is a
grand dessert.
Why not give your
family this irresistible
dessert whenever you can?
Take home Borden's brick or
MelOrol Ice Cream next time
you see a Borden Ice Cream
Hours of Work and
Vacations ,,nth Pay Act,1944
The Industry and Labour Board which
administers The Hours of Work and Vacations
with Pay Act, considers, in view of the termina-
tion of hostilities and the cancellation of war
production, the acute manpower shortage which
existed during the war years will be minimized,
therefore the postponement as to working hours
previously provided shall be cancelled and
effective November 1st, 1945, the working hours
of an employee in any industrial undertaking
shall not exceed forty-eight (48) in the week.
L Regulation 4 of Ontario Regulations
8/44 is amended by adding thereto
the following subregulation:
(la.) Notwithstanding the provisions of
subregulation 1, an employer may adopt
one or more overtime work periods in
his industrial undertaking between the
1st day of November 1945 and the 31st
day of December 1945 without a consent
in writing of the Board, but the overtime
shall . not exceed thirty hours in the
Department of Labour, Ontario.
Quickly removed in
Hon. Charles Daley,
Minister of Tabour.
clean, sanitary trucks, Phone collect