HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-10-18, Page 1H U RON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWS
A fine inspirational meeting, re-
presentative of the clergy and con-
gregations of the Seaforth group, of
Huron Presbytery of the 'I'rited
Church, was held at Northside
Church on Monday evening of this
week, initiating the church's post-
war endeavour, in "The Crusade for
Christ and the Kingdom." Rev. H.
V. Workman group leader and past -
OT of the church, presided over the
meeting in which clergymen and
lay speakers had 'a part, Rev, Reba
Here, Varna, led the Service of
Song, Rev. R. G. Hazelwood, chair-
man of Huron Presbytery, conduct-
ed the devotional period, and Rev.
R. A. Brook, Hensel', director of the
"Crusade" Committee of Huron
Presbytery gave en impressive and
informative address on the mean-
ing and purpose of the church's eon-
certed 01)11 continuous effort in the
name of Christ.
On behalf of the lay workers
three speakers gave most helpful
addresses, lir. Sam Scott, Seaforth,
the Teacher's part, Mrs. Gilbert Bee-
croft, Bcicgravc, the young people's
part and Mr. Col.in Campbell, Hay-
field, the Elder's part in the Cru -
sack. *:otthaule Church choir ren-
dered; suitable anthem.
Clooy._‘w represented in the ;'roup
include:.l Feentendville, Brucefield,
Kennel, "',civil, Clinton Ontario St.,
Clinton We ley -Willis, Londesbor•o,
Walton, Mehrilo9 and Seaforth.
$1 a year
The following were prize winners The. Seaforth Women's Institutein
at the Bayfield fall fair; collaboration with the Institute of
HORSES Kippen East will sponsor a lecture
Heavy Draught -Gelding, or filly and demonstration on "Oven -Cooked
foaled in 1942 or previous Fred Meals" in the basement of the Car
Roney, 1st and 2nd; Sherlocy Keyes, negio Public Library on Thursday
3rd and 4th; foaled in 1944, Sher•. and Friday,• Oct. 25 and 2(i. at 1.30
lock Keys. to 4 p.m. Speaker and demonstrator
y '.
Agricultural = Brood mare with -Miss M. Roy. "If Y , ou can'tcome
foal, Joe Gelines, Elmer Webster; and hear all of it -come and hear
fool, Joe . Gelinas, Elmer Webster; some of it." Bring a pencil and note
f0010)1'(11 1943, Harvey Turner, Joe book. Everybody welcome.
Gelinas; foaled in 1942, Fred Ron-
ey, 1st and and; Elmer Webster, SOME HISTORY FROM
Harness -Single roadster or car-
riage, Curie tool Trivet, 1st and` The following paragraph is of
211d: heavy draught team, Fred Ron-. historic interest in view of the (iSth
ey, Sherlock heyes: Agricultural' anniversary of the present church
team, Fred Roney, Elmer Webster. i edifice now wolf known as North-
SPIaCIA.L PRIZES side United Church, Seaforth,
5rotchnner's Tiarr1tvare, Bayfield, "Services were field at Sparling
for beat showing; of horses by one, Church about 1 0 utiles north or
exhibitor -Fred honey, Elmer Web- , Seaforth) 00il wn, comneeted with
stir; Simpson's, London, for bestClinton circuit. On Sabbath even
sucrkling colt shown by boy under ing, Nov. 13th, 1559, Rev. Geo. H.
18 rears --Joe Gelinas; Lloyd Malt- Cornish, preached the first Metho
ins, hayfield, for best heavy horse dist sermon in Seaforth, the service
en "rounds --Fred Roney, 1st and ' being held in The upper room in the
and; John Howard Hayfield, for I new frame house of Mr. James
lu est. umber of entries in horses, j Sp Bowe which was well filled with
cattle, sheen and,wine-Fred Ron -1 to ettenttre congregation. 1P111 Sell-
ey; best tandem Quill( :-Fred R0ltc'y,1 forth was separated from Clinton
DAIRY CATTLE ICircuit and made a separate
Jersey or Guei'n ey, Trull, any Mtge; charge,"
---John Howard; milc•h COW -John! Tile present ehurc•h Was built
Howard; heifer calved 1941 --John' 11 -hell Rev, U,'or, 0 Huggin, was pa:A-
I-Inwat•d, or and was opened in 1877, and in
BEET' CATTL1'. the year 1025 became the worship -
Shorthorns --Bull calved 194-1 or lying place of all persons who en
previous ---William 'Oestrieher, 1st tercel the United Church of Canada
and 3rd; Bert Peck, and ; bull calved in the arca served by the 0lturch,
9451 -Bert Peek William Oestri -
1 mach core W71ham Oe tr ick -
0101, t
er, Bert Peck, 'Curl and 3rd' heifer Seaforth and Di,ifirict Ministerial
calved 1941 --William Oestriehor, Association met on Monday lest at
151 and 3rd; Bert Peck, 2114; 0112 Nortthside 'United Church pnrsouage,
Rev, H. V. Workman, president for
the past two years, presided over the
election of officers, which resulted
in the election of Rev. C. F. L. Gil
bent as president and Rev, R. H.
Williams as Secty-Treas., for the
next term. A paper on The Clu'is-
ford Keys and Son, 411, bailor
. calved' 194 0estriehet,',
Bert Peck, 2nd and 3rd.
Goclerich Salt Co,, for beat show-
ittg.of beef cattle by one exhibitor.
-William Oeetricher, Bert Peck;
Simpson's London, for hest beef time Doctrine of Immortality was
Northside United Church calf, any breed, exhibited by boy or given by Rev. H. V. Workman and
•d uncle• 13- Was followed by much discussion by
the members present.
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.ui ovor ten years stn
10 am),Sunday School, I Marian Peck; George Beatty, Var
Anniversary Services nal for best group of Shorthorns -
Guest preacher, Rev. John P. Mac- William 00stricher; T. Paton Co,
Kinnon, M.A,. Pled., (First -St. An- Ltd., Toronto, for best heifer calf.
ilrew's Church, London.) six months and under one year, bred
11 am., "Communicating Cl1ris- incl raised -Marion Peck,
tlanit ." GRADE CAT945-71E
y Heifer calved 194;5--R, Manson,
7 p.m. "Bringing Our World 11st and tend: steer calved 1.945-1t.
Together- t and 2nd. ls
Special music by the Choir Manson,
St, Thomas',
Seaforth ramh'1
t 11,
s were appointedo
inted to attend
theTerc stet-ared ram -R. Manson, Business was discussed and two (We-
Sunday, Oct. 21st, "Children's Dayo OWe, two Shears Dr Duet -William sectional meeting in P"monlcille.
, shearling ewe -William Oa . 11+ Mrs, Finlayson and Miss A.
No regular session of Sunday R. Pepper; i Ferguson. Treasurer's repast read
g ; R. Pepper, 1st and and; lamb -
School service in ' William R. Pepper, 1st and 2nd: by Miss A. Ferguson, Reacting on
11 a.m., Sunday Schools Lincoln --- rain lamb --- Snowden temperance by Mrs, Rev, Kano.
I Church it scholars and Kati b S d Wate•h tower reading by Mrs. T. 1Tc-
The following statement is issued
by Rev. A. W. Beecroft, Chairman
of Huron County Victory Loan
On October 22nd, Canada's ninth
Victory Loan will be launched. Pro-
bably this is the last loan to be
raised by the existing War Finance
Otganication. Certainly- there will
not be another Government 'Loan
for a year.
Even though the wan 1s over; even
though expOnditure,e have been
greatly reduced, there ie still need
for vast revenues.
In the nature of the case this nth,
loan 10 for a larger objective than
any previous loan. Huron County's
share is 34,170,000. an inerea: e of
;1291 over the last loan
,We cannot face the prospect of
raising such a huge 's amount with
any c releee optimism. There is no
reason for rearing, that it cannot
be done. Pau there are many rea-
son, for knowing that this time out
View,: Ian, Organization will have
to stake ,t nln2,. vigorous 1'80 ei
than 1 Stas 0101 made before, 1111'1
The monthly meeting of the
Northside United Church was held
Oct.. 3.1, Mrs. R.Lara son, the presi-
dent opened the ' meeting with a
hymn being sung and followed by
prayer. Minutes of the Sept. meet -
in e read by the sec., Mrs. Porteour
Word was received here 01 the
death of Mrs, Henry'Dietrich of 5t,
Clements, Ont, formerly Miss Ellett -
h c-
loth Krauskopf, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs, Andrew Krauskopf of :tic-
Killop. In 1910 she married her now
bereaved husband. She leaves to
mourn her -husband, three daug�htc l",
Mrs. Hergott of St. Agatha, Dir;, Al;
by Shickler of Waterloo,all, Mrs.
Leonhardt of Waterloo.Th'a' is'.-
ers also survive Mrs, P fe"tzel of
Detroit Sits, Jas. Maloney 'tea Hiss.
Agree, Krauskopf of London. Tn o :
brother,, Mr, Peter and 'Edward
Krauskopf of Dublin, The funeral
was lamely attended by eympathie-
ing friends and neighbors. The pall.;
bearers were -ix nephews,
About one hundred le di; assem
bled at the home of lir, and Mee.
R. S Aikens on F,londar night to 5
offer felicitation to til+ 1)18 etre.
hrme r en Dur + l eeent 1 t'y-n e -l., •
An address n1. (1' lli•ra..tl .eons 1t10
read by Mrs, Robert Vivian and
presentation by two little tot ¢ tC
magic. of 0 shorter of i e t1T11* 0 u.
kitr, c t of ee 11 The lion,:. d • ,
expressed ceel then :1, .1.1: i o oI1 l t
cO 50
1710 r Ss
the pe ,ale of Heron wd, nave to sent Flea, eal tel nt nt ,•i t
make a 1,100 srtbdtant )1 1 <?nu1 e 1r,•u pl r; e+1, 1 .c .''2' 0 6„i u; 1
than ever lecfnre, het n 5.,:('et ,t r ), , 4 ,
I do not hide illy fee4111)r oe nr,.tII l; r, 1.erk. A
•,t • wont to
•T e
't I r , x
d': t the
t. n+l i
and 2 c
every Victory Lean Worke-'•' ltepp e ,txre 1 -.
and. :o (were* Huron 1' "i'rl 10:11 ., d t, Tho t.,,i 1- - n ix, 1
,net. ,f til••'«'new and ''2,10ty, , Jill b 11r i311f a•1 1n , ..t•,' ''
1 Ictlow that we 'nevi ,1,101• f u 1
t;efore but this tithe there are drf-
f,•+',.n 1 •tee in the ease and 10
nilly ',11.11111ee of 517fae*,, il.at We
hate .; in the diligence and deter-
nliu:li•ott of our ?enders and hi the
loyal support of the people. It i+ not
to he • thought of that Huron C•mnly
will fell! fir irr thislast 1 i'toey Loan,
will fail in this last Vietory Loan,
hut it will succeed only if there is a
great rallying of interest all neer
the county.
Very sneneesful anniversary 5,01N -
Ices were held in Egnrondvllle Cln ecll
on Sunday', when large and apprecia-
tive congregations listened with rapt
attention to the inspiring uteeseges
brought by the guest speaker, Rev.
Reba Tl, Here, The special to
also war liberal. anloanting o $2
Sympathy is extended to the lam-
ily of the late Mrs. Neil McGregor'
whose death occurred at her home
on the 2nd of Stanley on Thursday
morning, Oct. 11th.
&Iles, F. Croolcer and daughter ante tl 14 Katherine I'
111155 Alice 1Tustard of London were: Mies' Jean Burne and friend 10111. \l2$1011 were weekend t, stn s at Mr,
week end visitors at the home of with Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Blume.end 11rs. Tilt: OP, ,'t'
their mother, Dire, Alex, Mustard Stephen Manley, London, with his 1t. Li+'i S..,riil, i., n:1en, re•ith his
Miss Janet WatOali 'of Aylmer parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, J. Man- I, 'rents Dir, tn1111 3I1 . .11•`1•, C:'t'.in,
spent the w001red with her Parents leer.
Dlr. and Mrs. P P. Watson. Mt, Minnie Dnreet' and Toeeph
Anniversary ,51 let'''. wilt be held Ilui �,. y, : c 11011 (, 1',11 1 111, a tree:. •
1 . 0 •t. 2gth, rev A. Sineleir- e, rrotrrd Ttr ^ t,r tort nt €er (gel 7rrt�n, r 1l.,�
eereee fitt
flan e Moore. other t 1 11100 t. -
eluded t eele by Meee 1'r)lli., (1011111 ftir
re:'(1 1.,- by Mi.s. li:t-e1 1'ore'y, 11 -.,
Arthur Forster and Mrs. Dane. epu
Malcolm, a duel, by Misses Int Ai L`° teem-. and Phyllis honey. and the i r'
National Anthem. .1 bounteous fun. l
was served by a group of young ,..
ladies. is
GPO. P, Holland lead three' hones -1 jewel
i his arm ry11011 he fell on ' ! '
broken ui t
the cement. walk at his home re-
Mr, and Mrs. Van Horne and
daughter, Clinton, have moved into
the residence of Gerald Holland.
Miss Geraldine Ryan sprained her
ankle, tearing some ligaments when
going down the stair's at Dublin con-
tinuation school. •
Mrs..Joseph E. Feeney and Mr's.
Thomas- Morris are attending the t Mr. and Mrs, James O'Reilly, Mrs.
Catholic Women's League Conven- Vincent McMahon, Mrs, John Shea
time at Windsor this week. ' and Joseph O'Reilly attended the re-
Miss'Marion Meagher, London, caption of Anna Brant at Sacred
with her {talents, 11r. and Mrs. John Heart Convent, London, thin week.
Meagher. i Miss -Mary r�tkinsont Jame:, Atkin -
Dr, and :lire. William Coughlin, sae, Toronto, spent the weekend
Roche ter, Minn., with Mr. and DIra• with their parents, lie. and M s, Jos.
Janes Krauskopf and other friends. tents. .akin, on.
Frank Evans, Windsor, with his0 Hr, tinct Mee. Vincent McMahon,
mother, Mrs. sa lerine Evans. and family and SP 1c'(",. w lie:•
Phone 194
Res. 10
the for -- tett alt a eP 1!
j and f41'(tur:0r; ewe lam -naw en kTichavl Cirrlr one reported six nF' Rlytltwdlt occupy the pnhdf :1t the lie ,.; 'r•grt s Bear nf.l•:=tfnrl, twirl 1 f nt cin eorir cry 2 1, ,y
encs, anti Grainger. 1 1n tl 1f7 n b„ c,: reel 1 '
1 the a ntit. Cu•cle sorrier! t lt, 'nd Pe l ;? • ;, tl .11 ?i:,tt 7 3I r'r•
Evening 001121108 withdrawn ill fa .. t'd---a"ad rant -Donald Dear visna r ul ul" a u n morning 5 1121 a
ihside United Attniver
Oxford ---aged. took h urge of the
tnaetittM The 'MT vile of T onden t th • eve eine eTl s it,rrothv Damieliv +,• r •,, 111,4 s rs; t d Ta Mt r d t t 1st
voar of \at 1n" rant lamb D t D
1 ' t 't n tite plop] a of Aft re rt eat ^'tl Owing to 1r1nt " a 1' web it it r 1 t tri tug
sary ,
o 111101 corm.';'; c , . 7, a I1.... u ..1
- su 1 e c was n '. er•r" .,. t . • , . _it 21
'Mary's Dublin ixeci we p _penal('
Dearing; shoat 1 i 1e., n+:1}, t han+ls:
St, v0- -Donald Dearing, 1st and Five lnembe7' taking put 1Trs, P. ?erylt.e in Fcm n .vilic last Sunda,'
2 Suudt School
ling c tint 1st 1 Spence, :Iles, Pollard, m DTrs. Tho2n:. riaene 11pp ,; cin th<• i 1 1 0-2
nd; ewe lamb .Donald Dearing, t awsnn, :Ira. i., t etc 1 n1: retrtue etas ani ht•l,i brae i f r
3 p,m„ Chitrc:h serwi0e and ser-; r ,r ;Iles. Tiarhuru, 1T �. 1'nrtr.ous. Offer, .1- na7nbesr of th0 wntln*• pc rp)„ rt•ith Itattlt sl tti1, h, -iib 1t t l.: ,�,• d 1:•
•and Dorset
nm hest. ,attended the , 1 to , 1rn 11111.11 n,
neon, Dorset Horn-ag0cl Sam �I . l . ing taken up by DTrs, Hanna. The fermi Tedo1 `tree 1T1 c 11 r t tart red
Th R t R C F L Gilbert 1 1 meehnp closed be. rape rting th far Youth to Ontovie etc eat (7,11111!"1. Tic F7:::11."-,0
B, at all services.
The ev.Ol' ev. ' Detling 1st tend 'lliid steal Ing rant '•
Lord's P uni an Clinton nn Monday
evening 1r 1 111 1' i' 1 t tet r n7n �h.
First Presbyterian Church let anti 2'1101; shcarlutg WONSEN'S INSTITUTE th cangt gatolt a nn rtes, rrth .I , .tie .I1...lnahu. Qu the c n l.r1n Tr'e
Rev. R. H. Williams, Minister. E. Dearing, 2 in'; in Seaforth. Forster.
u The Sunday School, ewO-P. Ll. Doartna', 1st incl n d Seaforth Women's Insitute met on The W, A. of Brucefield t'niti 4Irs. Tiatlterina DIeDc:r+oit hn. re F.ui Clingertr•h 11 ,t arrv,sl to •1::rou
10 . r., ewe lamb -P, E. Dearing, 1st a Tues. Oct. 9, at'the home o£ Mrs.
ChnrrIt rivet in the basement ort turned to Toronto after s»endin,t' the t tb, n acres. to 311?±„
11 a.m., Pu le �Vor hdp; The Rev. 2nd Paul Doi There was a good Peter ltc: ' S
A, J. Preston of Avonton Presby Simpson Co„ g Oetnbel 2. 'ti McDonald, all, preel t 1 t iter home here,•
f b rs and visitors. Talirtlt. Roht. Ur O, t, t air..,
Toronto, for best pin of three 0tve
lane s-• '1n
and Lord's Prayer, meeting. Mrs. johns -ton presided at Hospital, Toronto, with her parent.:. T'initt. Re)el's farm sold to Gordon
Pepperich, }seeortd prize, financial statement were given The the ;lam Hvn,n 3.19 aa, sung and
William Tt, Pepper. roll call was attswerecl h a donation i Rf1 and DTra Wm ivlrTcrr •13111.
y o r ad. Twenty-two
� ,. , ,.,. ••: •1 eolcl to
the roll call, ton, at iter Name,
thanks�nln�• Thomas D. Tvinrt•Iv liar. a:cepttrd a
, .ort s ray ei' 117 a
r T', lto'viind rant lamb --P. E. :' Th Lee lawny farm feo..et•."
Dearing; sat and 2nd; aged ewe. -P; On the saltie evening n few i'rnm 1[r. and Mrs. •. 61t1h r7 Duvet. r,f:,ltr:. .T,,, f'ntoeh.
0 i ttended the meet- .lir x, �: i 1
Specials -Robert attendanee o members ss . c on r aunt ne a t to
terian Church Will preach, n with the 0d8 dent was In the chart, vT1.. Han lr D ;y1,('onnell 7n 701140n. 4tilto11 Taibot_
eventing service is witltrlrawn 1'The meeting opened2 and
Miss Pita Me1201 St. tiirhaals 0'2 the 111211x(1 13Qcd:
The h P k' Dt r ng Campbells 1 I 1' l 't er fhe iuutt res a tank the devotional part the ,
in Favour of the Amtdversary of the
United C)nu•eln
PIGS for the used clothing drive now on, Psalm 120 vas to Tt . ,lneela O R0d(t, We 1lonk ,Tetseph 1)1cboldson 1.211
Egrnondville United Church Yorkshire -aged boar - A. It twas deckled that the Institlta members answered 7Iarry Reid. Rev. A. W, Gardiner, 73.A„D,T), something abaut
Warner and Son; brood sow -A. H' I h 1 dance in Card
Warner and Son, 1st an n , s nos hall, Nov, 2, to honour one oys
littered in lee 5-W. 10, Loth, A. who have returned home from over-
14, Warner and Son 2nd and 3rd, seas. '\ donation of .$1b 00 was made
Market Bogs -pair bacon hogs- to the Salvation Army chive in our
1. 1. t and 2nd,
for best three export bacon hogs-
Lobb, Gerald Snyder;Canada
Clinton,for best sow any
breed -A. H. Warner and Sona
Ou the Parr Eine:
d 2 d:. ,orslronsor a euchre ane b Group 2 had charge of the pl'og1 x110 :school at Pigtail.Harold. Connell, 158 acres, to (Seo,
for the afternoon, Mrs, Wilson Thomas Kale at London. ' L. Reid,
11 ELM, "True Religion,
gave an interesting reading on Miss Monica Byrne and Miss Ur-' And on the Lannon Road:
at n thanksgiving, Mrs. Jodutston played 1
McKillop PastoralChargesalt Trtrn Marv.
Bat Detroit, Kerb INImig"Ilit, 1110 acres to C'o.
no solo and' Miss M Swan coni 111.5 bI tr Beale et St -life , ' c iiftan
Services at the following hours:'- Gerald Snyder, s
Bethel, 10 nano
10 a.m„ Sunday School.
Mrs. James Brown, So- • a pts
tial Welfare convener their took! ducted a contest. The usuitl business Mr. and Mrs. Jaselrlt T:l�Fottet at And Waiter McBride has snlri his
meeting 1 on the Town i.ine
T Specials T. Isar C ,Toronto
Gauen, 11.30 a.m., Charge of the meeting, After corn-; was transacted and the g
iDt arse Yarm
Duff's, 2:30 p.m., Jim Lo 11 S d mundty singing Mrs. Brown called on brought to a Close in the usual man The marri1ge of Betty A115en Stint Popp and has purchased a coat
Rev, W. J. Patton, B.A., Minister. Packers, Lieut, Gover of the Salvation Army, Der. Loughlin to Gerald T, p'Tiara teas business in Exeter'
who spoke on "Social Welfare," solemnized t St Peter's Cathedral
Pleasant evening was Jereey Black Giants -pullet, hen, selected and trained for their work' The lean friends of Mrs. 411ne5 T, Flannery- officiating. .Rev. W,
A very P Smith played the wedding music. spent recently when some 3p friends and cockerel -Ivan McClymont, 1st to meet the pressing problems of the i yfe he moa many
be sorry to learn l
p Elmer Webster; HP' s-udeet
Tho bride is the only daughter of
of a recent bride, Dies, Grant Bisv ITant shire day. A great responsibility is in that she broke her heel when she fell
tack, formerly. Mary Shade, gather and ,2nd in each; .Ne1 -p d their hands and 110w more than ever 1 here list Mr and Mrs. Jelin Loughlin, Horn
ed t the home of Mrs Ed Brown Reels -pullet and cockerel The their gufclance is needed by
from a ladder at her
513 elmnze a
on Saturday, Sept, 29, *Rh Rev. lis BLAKE
Many will be taking in the Anni-
versary Services in the Blake Charge
on Sunday. The service 121111 be with-
deawn at the Blake Chur1in, Ort, 21.
Mr, and Mrs. John Botll)u'on of
Moose Jaw, Sask.. accompanied by
Flensall friends called on many in
this district during• the week. .
VIr. P. Ducharme and fancily are
busy preparing to leave for bls new
farm in Hay Township in the near
RESENTATION POUT TRY Social welfare workers today are
route e e e , Street, London, and the groom is the
the lveek.
andpresentedher with a shower. McClymont, lot and 2nd in each; people. Mrs. H. Chesney sang I' Mr, and IMrs. W. Horley and Mr.; only son of Mrs. O'Hara and the late
p bingohen-Ivan iVIeClymont, 'Elmet: Web
The evening was spent iri-c and t passed, by ,your window,' Domenun and Mr's, A. Gackstetter stent Sun- Mr. Jeremiah O'Mara of Dublin.
t after wlrieli Mary Mee; Rhode Island Reds ---Pullet, n :n' ,,,5 the national anthem 1q, ?, Fergus.
Given in marriage by her father,
a guessing contest, 1 0• B til i• i st •m
try singing clay with
M1•, 1110 ts.. mos tg the bride wore 1 1, y f •4T
closed the meeting.. Lunch ' was son at Ilderton• tese 1 v
t 1
was seated in a prettily decorated . hen and cocke e a e , .
c Cl t 2nd each;
Mary --W e are ga(hared here utility
-pallet served,
a ave y gown a a'
hair and the following' address was each; Ivan Mc ymon; n in Mrs, Edgar Butt is 090ndlttg ase ace•o el store satin, the mcg,
gad by Blanche Green: Dear
cock=0. Battler; Barred Rocks, - ' some time Till fres' sister, Mrs, J. ; full skirt flaring into a slight train.
thisflet - Ivan 14IcC1ymont; ,,tl I ,Juliet cap of pearls held her finger
Mr. and Mrs, J. Essery of
- MacGregor, rtt Tgmondtr e.
ti that' best eo 1 l and oekerel-Fred Mc-otompolotawooCelt tip roil and she carried a cascade
l` visited n Friday with the
JUST ARRIVED sonter's sister, Mr, and. Mrs. Emer-
Shipment Sht Andrew's United Church here
Large ShX 1CRI is holdfn its 78th Anniversary on
Sunday next at 11 a,m., and 7 p.m,
The guest speaker at the morning
service will be Rev. (0, A, Brook of
Hensall, Rev. Albert Hinton, Kippers
minister, will he in charge of the
evening service.
Thera, evening, Oct. 25 the
W. A, are holding a . "Het Goose
Supper" in the Sunday School room.
Mr, Earl Heywood of Exeter and the
Dougal family of Hensall and other
talent will furnish the pe,ogmane.
lIrs, Sim Centralia spent the
weekend with hes' mother, Mrs, C.
Mrs. F Jones vi 1t08 re
• tiitd
1Tr e
a .
cutely with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
evening to wish you ell • s e5 c z, ten a c c
as you jonrney.dewn life's pathway Clymont Barred Rocks, Exhibition
of joy and happiness. We as,. y _pullet, c
to accept these gifts as a sign of our 0. Battler; White Rocics, Utility -
esteem and hopo every one of them pullet -O. Battler, Ivan McClymont;
will make your work a dream, i cock and hen -Ivan McClymont, 1st
A prettily decorated clothes bask- in each; Snowden and Grainger, 2nd
et was then carried in by Margaret in each; eocicerel-Fred. MOOlylnont,
Moore and Bernice Wilson. After Ivan McCI•ymont; White Wyalldottes
the gifts were open and sin 5inxg of -pullet-Ivan M1Clyntont, let and e
"For she's a jolly good fellow, the 212(1; cock -Harold Penhale: lien- S
bride made a fitting reply, A. dam- 0. Battle', Ivan McClymant; .Brake
mach was served. Inas, ,clack -hen, cockerel, cock and
ty 1 in oach; ]3trff
pullet -O. Battler, lot
to e
REAL ESTATE CHANGES Orpingtone-pallet and cockerel- to 8
Mr. J. J, Cleary has rented the Ivan McClont,e1sttx and pullet2n( and
store in the Oddfellows block, re- each; Light_0 ,(stoker, .1st in each;
coal); occupied by the. armories, cocicere
) move his eoeery. business Ivan McClyltiont, 2118 in' .oaclit cock IN ALL SIZES
and will g -0, 'Battler hen -0. Battler, 71121 -
there in the near future. - gullet
l+Ir. Franz Kling as Battler•
tra la v2s1 e o bouquet of gardenias and pink gladi
1 you
ocl hen anti Coclt:erel- o1i, and for "something old" wore a
pendant belonging to her grand-
mother, Miss Mary Walden, London, '
as the bride's only attendant, wore r.
gown of pale blue sheer fashioned
with lace and seenin bodice, match-
ing tulle headdress and eneried
American Beauty roses, 117 • Robert
Du Ffy of Dublin teas 1110 hest plan.
For her daughter's wodding Mrs.
t oughlin wore e a go w11 of 11104 green
bengaline with, with brown accessor-
ies.Mrs. 01101-e, mother of the
1,relllli wore 1r block O'own with
Work tcr•rsn lies. Following• a re-
ception at TTnok's ("oft,,,+ S11an, Mr,
nn,1 1110, O'Tiaro left bo motor foe
Montreal nod Ottawa, thr bride
travelling in a gold snit with moss
c .
it 1' 1 r c accts, noes
r• •e t topcoat and b a l
t 0t a
fi 1 tl i • eau 1 the will vesicle oil
1 K1' h purchased old Penhale Aocottas 1 `�
plumbing and electr.lcal
there shortly.
hen -0. n
mo t
nee o
n Iran M y
avdsh store T
1111 fornlcr'Jo 11 NItic .
Main Street and will move h,s cockerel -0. tuset',pirlletn-Karo cl
business mont;
Ano a - Aa1ll(rle1S�leRlMOU Tteyes of Varna.
t7untimtoa siva Page Pour tAAAV
Red Cross Notes
Can you quilt?
Can you knit?
Can you do simple sowing?
If you eai1, the Red Cross is call-
ing you, Do not hesitate, call et the
workrooms, Friday., October 19, and
securer what you wish to do. Plenty
of materials are cut and wady to be
Tho workroom will be closed
Friday, Oct. 26, because on the 25th'
end 20th, the W.I. will be using
them for demonstration work.
Now that the curtain of weir has
been lifted. we can TeaIly see the
devastation that has been wrought,
the need of relief is urgent. Can you.
spare a few hours each week to help
supply relief fav those .whom Hitler
a, naked, s
s, ,
has left lnorncle,
the groom's farm near Dublin, starving.