HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-10-11, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS
HOLLAND -In loving memory of Benedict
R Holland, wl10 died six years ago, Oet, t,
1939.. •
'dose and more each day we miss you,
,Friends may think the wound is healed,
But they little know that. sereew
Lies within our hearts concealed,
- Always remembered by Father, Mother
Brothers and -Slaters. . -
Card of Thanks
31r. and Mrs, Noble Holland and
P/O. Victor Heeley and Ivies, Heeley
wish to express their heartfelt thanks.
for the tokens of sympathyshown
them in their recent bereavement.
Two pure bred Hereford bulls
ready for service, Also a six h,p. In-
ternational gasoline engine and a
Quebec sulky plow, both in good 1'e i
pair, 'James Neilans, Londesboro,
Seaforth Phone 846 r 31.
RO arises, port Los 21, Concession 3, Rib-
bert, frame bank barn, good laud. drilled
well, ani seeded, 936.00 per acre. -e acres,
east half Lot 19, Concession 3, H16hert, well
seeded, ample water supply $30.00Per acre.
Appy to McConnell 3 Hays, Seaforth. Solici-
tors Joseph Nagle Estate,
Serviceable age boars front Clear ViewBess
143X--2.81.1741.--0 prize. winner at a number
of Pall airs Alen a good young Durham
bull. Roy Lawson, 2 miles west. of Seaforth
ort highway. - -
Ten chunks of pigs. tiY3tlitcm Dennis, Wal-
ton. Phone S43r3.
Of Perm Stock, an Wednesday. .Ort 2201,
at 1 clerk 4t Lot - Con 12, McRillnp.
• t tie - : Ilerola 131(20'. sbers. old , 15
Hereford steers rhe• t ai 1,) 1 yes,
In fis+rand teir,a h c - r',11112 3041.1
o d i t L11,inern heti,, 3 pie:, 131 I11:'.
\ n .iF f Ihemeheld Puteiture.
1.6 sleet 750 tbs. 10 heir SA
lbs„ 1•
Durham calves. Arnold hale, Clluton,
Auction Sale
Of Property e, ty ;and 13ouvehold Effects. In the
',nine,' t $,ducats ilk, 8imut'day, Oct, 27,
at 1 p.m.
Property -11, acres of land, comfortable
frame la use covered with shingles. Hydro,
m•e sure nater system, bathroom, good leen
house, stable on cement wall.
List of Furniture will follow next week.
Foe inquiries concerning property see
Harold Jackson.
MRS. G. TEEN, Prop.; E, P. Chesney,
Clerk; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of ,Pmnn Stock of 27 dead of Pure Bled
jerseys. FredW. Ahrens, Aoctloneer, has re-
ceived instruction' loon:- the undersigned pro-
prietor to oefl by public auction at Lot 9,
t'oa..1, 7 o' h131 09 1.4t1ia1'ton, 4 miles 00st
of Mitchell ; tries w5est of Sebrn16th, , on
No,' 8 00)13)7103', on fueedny, 001, 16th, sale
10 eommance a1 -r o'clock horp.
1 parehred Jor=ey cow, due Dee. 20th; 1
purebred Jersey cow due 11a•, 10th; 2 pure
bred Jamey cows due Simeh 1st; 1 pur'ebr'ed
Jersey cow due Mar, 2110; 'L purebred Jersey
eoty 4 years old, due Mar, 6th; 2 purebred
Jersey cows 5 yearsold, due about Mar, 24;
4 purebred Jersey heifers all due about Mar,
0th ; 1 Purebred Jersey heifer due Dee. 280;
2. purebred Jersey heifers due Mar. 160 I 4
purebred Jersey heifers 1 year old, bred; 4
spring calves; 1 purebred bull 1 year old,
Hoe, ,-1 Yorkshire sow due at time of sale,
6 chunks weighing about 126 lb,
Clean Easy milking machine just used. 1
year, with gar engine, Portable.
About 1 acre of turnips,
No reserve as the Proprietor is giving np
farming owing to 111 health.
Note!—Anyone wanting a..good and well
bled Jrrsey Cow ahculd «'tend, as these sew'
all test from APR. to 5P1 test.
Note:- --Tho ,Proprietor 0 having another
oublie autunn sale of Durham cattle, Horses
end a full line of good Implement. some of
the Implement:4 nearly inew. to be held last
wick of October.
Nuctiower's dceisinn final in ease of 011
431 1 u o'. Terme cash,
WM, J \CORS,. Propprietor.
Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer.
- -
Auction Sale
(11 Farm emelt .u1d implem nt. .11 Lot
DANIEL MACHIN, Prtprivter,
Har„hl Auc icer.
Auction Sale
Of Household rind Antique furni-
to 'e et the home of Mrs, Elizabeth
Gettlena, ' ltattetrbul'y St. Eng, (lin-
toin: 011 Satnrdtty, Oen' 20, at 1.30 ,
4 shale. tons' ::ng of walnut
parlor suite ;antique); sideboard
`antlqu s3: ,eeten.3ien ttlblt': S 43111`
room Chair-; 2 1 (0611001 Ila1n-
• neitc: rhel'ry 1x111 - '1 small tables:
r ,
arm their: eonpoleuu rue. 10 x 11
conoleuin rug 11 x 7' Clattery radio:
hedroom suite: spool bed ientiquelt
2 wooden beds and spring's; 2 Eton
beds andsprings; 2 mattresses; 2
feather tltks;.2 wash ennuis: 3 toilet
sets: set of dinner dishes: set of
lass dishes; knitting machine; Ea-
ton cream separator; garden spray-
er: 2 flower stands: flower pots;
clothes horse: mirror: electric iron;
butte!' heel: .crocks; cream can;
strainer pail: set of flat irons:
Alladin lamp; 3 oil lamps; 4 -gal, oil
can; store pipes; curtain poles: 2 -
drum steel lanai • roller; numerous
other articles,
Mrs. Elizabeth Graham, Prop.
G. M. Lawson, Clerk. -
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer.
I on,' to-ytocy Ti nubs a s; of Brim
8310 » n 1 i 11nth.
'Horses -1. t D le m mare years old,
l is I =d e 1 years old dor
.Ape. In, Reg, eitss....1 Durham eew 6 years
due 4 ;: letehern ...nv a veers rtld.
Me 1 -0,. t • 1 Dur• ) 1 , eu' ( eat+ld, due
Nov.): Du -a. ni 1 4 years old. due
1 r mum ,.t- year- old, duo
Il - 1 itis i :,m taw. man. 7 y u.em,
l e Mar. 14: t Uurt_itn ,.. , s, ever,”
I1. due M:.+•.1 1 DDurban)can,tw1.. 7,400,7
Y.1"1,1.0. •old due 1I •y- 1..; 1 holstein ono•, •i
5 n' .111
31•). I Im 0011 0 yrs
,3 lis .a 1,:,lI-r rleatv.ai-01,3.
hr 'yT F 1 11 n L ,m vat, minim/el 1
I1 t 'ue,t 100. _yvar,034.
'rrr ,m - t -r '=yearn: la Dm.
h cm laikes riSing ' u•
ea>, 110int, 1.
t ren ), : 1 l:1111:130.3 bull calf :, me.
tldielble Me r.'t0l t
Pie, -1 T tmsvorth hoe, regitereil ; 1 York
ow third -litter.: clue Nov. 11; 1 -York s,iw se -
.e n litter, sue Dee. i, 1 York F0W, second
inter due Dee. 2.
Implements 1 Coekn)tutt hay leader nearly,
raw ; 1 Case mower r it cut, nearly nets:. 1
lump ,'tike D. t ; 1 wagon. low nearly new;
1--01 ft. hey melt with sliding leek 1 seed
drill, Frost & Rood, 11 hoe; 3 Watkin har-
row 1 111,11118 plow; 1 gang plow; 1 7.'000
ted sown: 2 deo. grain hags; 1 danhle 001'])
eultivator; 1 rubber tired boggy in good re -
pati'; 1 -Chatham fanning mill.; 1 cutter, 1
01013131 *rt rats r. Lister. 610 1h cap.: nearly
new ; 1 Stewart power eltpping tmdltne ; 1
pig elate, I pile plotok, 2 M.; 2 piste sills 16
1011121: .1 pile lumber. 1 set sling ropes and
chain ; 4 range shelters: 1 colony honer, 12x14,
1 gravel box . 2 --.R gal. milk eats; 1 range,
nearly newt 1 .extension table; 1 set brass
mounted breeching harness; 5 horse enliarc;
1et Scotch taps. Perks, shovel (Mains,
neck yokes, end t. hot of other artier s.
Everything will poeitrvely be sold t , the
Farm Issold and Prnptietor ;1' }riling 1,11
farming. Terms cash
DONALD bleKININON, Proprietor; Robt
Patrick, Clerk;. Lew Rowland, Auctioneer.
Auctioh Sale
Of Dalt Cows, Young Cottle mud Pigs.
At Postel. 71111, 00detieb 1tvp., 3 minus
west ' Iloimesville on Tuesday, Oct, 10tH,
at. 2,14 p.m.
26 eholce dairy torus, fresh, sprhlgtng and
tocnlee in March; 10 heifers sol)nosed to be
1.11 01431; 16 young lIoletein heifers; 30 two
and 0110 year old steers; 233 yearling heifer's.
These aro a goodlot of cattle tied practi-
cally. 111 Ilerefords, All cows guaranteed as
sold, Three brood sows, 36 chunks.
Terms cash,
B. A. TOWNSHBND, Proprietor; Bdweed
IV, Elliott, Aoelloneer; G. M. Lawson, 01orle
Clearing Auction Sale
Of 2 Farms, Farm Stock, Implements and
Household Effects. 1 mile west of Auburn,
Thursday+, Oct. 1013), 12 o'clock sharp,
Terms cash.
Harold- Jackson, Auelione01'.
Clearing Auction Sale
Fawns Stook and Iaurlemetts and Household.
Effects, Friday Oct, 120, 12 o'clock, 1 utile
east of Port Albert.
ROY MAI''/.E, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
Clearing Auction Sale
On 'lhmsday,.:Oct, 52r4, at 12.30 p.m. On
Lot 30, Tuolceramith Twp„ on No. 8 1'Iigh-.
way, 312 miles east of Clinton and 5 hoes
west of-Seaforth.
Cattle -1 Hereford ball 2,000 Ib ; 7 Due -
ham nod Hereford cows, clue from Deo, 1st
to Apr. 1st;. 9 Holstein cows due in I'ebru-
ery and March ; 1 holstein heifer due Jan,
30: 12 Durham heifers and a700,s rising 2
000rs old ; 11 Poll Angus steers and heifers
rising e years old; 7 Poll Angus steers and
heifers 1 year old; 10 spring calves.
Piga-0 chunks, 10 weeks old.
Poultry -30 rock pullets; 66 Hybrid pullets
Sussex and Hampshire, laying.
e. Hay S. Grain -20 tons of choice mixed hay,
21.0 -bits, of: Western ants,
Inmlmelts--Case Model L tractor in good
running. condition; 1-1 disc plow; 1-0' ft.
tractor -di e • S ft. stiff tooth eultivntol ; 1
disc harrow; 1 set of diamond harrowts;..1
walking ploy l t Quebec sulky riding plow ;
1 Deering binder; 1 sulky rake; '1 cutting
Inert 1 farm wagon wagon box and -dock
sack; 1 emery otos 1, 2,--40 gal gas drums
1 . et of farm :melee ; 1 Viking• cream can
armor (new) , 2-00 lb milk .cans, new, milk
p.nle • 1. Portland (0,4301' and robe,
Household Etl'ecta -Quantity of House E6-
te11=. EierYtihing willbe mold asProprietor
o•,ld his farm - Terms cash,
WILLIAM BALL Proprietor.
Iiarold Jack,on, Auc ,, 11, P. Chesney, clerk
11f Farm. !'arm Steck and Household Ef.
ts, Mr. Harold Jackson has. been instruct-
.] io',Al ly public auction on Let 0, North
iletindary ot Fray Township, 3.'miles west of
Lipner) en Saturday, October 200, of 1 p.m.
Horses Tram of Perohoron =tree S mid
12 y,,aus,143, 14x0
_ Its.
1 u' due time or Bale. 2 pigs 101110
110;1'.,a-1410 Farm wagon, sulky rake,
net bt1 cutter, huggY, DeLavaI Cream
-cps r.
Household Effects --Cook stove (00a.); ids -
•en i Ibmet.; - ektenston table, o ktloben
hatr*sswing machine: battery radio, 3
r,uchc,, lamps-Col(!man gals lamp-; gloss
eupnea 1, number of small tables; -number
of rockers; organ 5 piece parlor suite; din-
ing table and 6 leather bottom chairs.
Floor Covering•: Ruff 031012.1 rug 6x0;
rug. 10412. Linoleum: rug 0312; rug 03;16.
" bedroom suites, springs and mattresses.
3 burner coal all stove; washing machine and
Dii1c : 1 complete set of gold band dishes;
large quantity of other .dishes; kitchen uten-
sils, sealers; mops and a host of articles.
On the same day and time the farm will
be offered for sale, consisting of 100 neves,
large bank barn. pig pen, hen hoose, garage,
andcement block pump house; frame house
covered with shingles; water throughout
buildings. The farm is well drained and in
good state of cultivation, 13 acres wheat;
Hydro .available.
'Terms on chattels cash.
Terme on farm made known day of sale.
Reserve bid.
JAMES T. JARROTT, Proprietor. B. P.
Chesney, Cerk; Herod Jackson, Auctioneer,
HYDRO Provide
fast, dependable`
i1a ylnr'tili'. 1 i'i
a 5591sjefif5er
Do you realize that Hydro power must be made
to your order , .. made and delivered to you so
quickly that it would seem to be always there?
Electricity cannot be stored. It must be made
within a tiny fraction of a second of the time itis
used. The flow of water to the generators is
controlled by sensitive automatic gates, so as to
make only enough for the demands of the
Whenever you flip a switch, you use electricity
before the water which made it can leave the
power house. Your order is received and filled
faster than a good camera can wink its eye, Yet
the power comes to you through a giant trans-
former station, a local distribution station, a
small transformer near your home . , all
cannected by many miles of transmission and
distribution lines.
Millions of dollars worth of equipment and a
multitude of watchful personnel stand ready to
serve you at the, touch of your finger on a switch
al any moment of the day or night. That is what
Ontario has learned to expect from Hydro service.
Generating Plant
Transformer Station
A. Municipal' Distribution Station
Your house must be ade-
quately wired it you are to
have full benefit from the elec-
tricity you may want to use. If
your place is wired for a range
and a .water heater,you can
assume that you have enough
wiring from the small trans-
former to your house. Prom
there, be sure that you have
enough circuits and plenty of
outlets conveniently placed in every room. Remember
that any one outlet can supply, only a limited amount
of power efficiently and safely. Remember, too, that
you will want an ever-growing number of electrical.
conveniences in the years to come. The economical
time to wire adequately is when you are building or
makingmajor alterations. Plan now for your
electrical future by wiring completely.
Auction Sale
Ot high Olnss Furnilao, in the town of
Godetich, Saturday, Oct 13112, 12 o'clock
sburn Britannia Road,
Mee.P, NAL ILL, Proprietress.
I 171.,'"V.'1
Jnek. uu, Auctiolelr.
_ Ch01005, 011411,
Strath ro', Saturday, October 12th,
200 Western - Stock cattle including choice
feeder steers, yearling steers, yearling heif-
ers ,• also stock Cows,
Trucks I.o deliver, Sale every Sat.
A. G. 14kALPINE, Auctioneer,
Auction Sale
Of Farm ¢tock, Imnemeuts and liousehod.
Effects On Lot 20, Mortii .Boundary, iloy
Township 2 ti, mics north of 'Zurich, or 0
miles west of Ielppen, on Thursday, October
team ofmb ,' 1001es 8 and
0 Years old; 1 black mare. 8 years old; gold-
intt rising 2 yea's old.
Cotte -Roan cow• fresh ; red 1101101'r h •
Hereford cow fresh ; another Iieieford cows
fresh ; Hereford heifer due at time of. sale;
red heifer duo at time of sale red heifer
due 10 November; white Durham cow due in
November;- white Durham cow duo in De-
cember ; white faced roan heifer due in No-
et:mber; block cow due in November^ red
row due in February 1 roan cow due in
,March still milking; Red Durham registered
pure bred bull raised by R. M. Peek; 8 red
and teen steers rising 8 yens old;. 6 heifers
and steer's rising 2 years; 2 heifers .and 2
steers rising 1 year old 7 spring calves; 3
small calves. -
Other Live Stock ---10 Leicester ewes; 1
pure bred Leicostee ram ; 2 Yorkshire. sows;
8 stocker pigs 2 months old ; 180 barred rock
Gratand 710y-1200 bushels of 3031,011
Grain and Oats; 0 0 tons of Mixed Hay.implements-1928 Porti half -ton week; 1
WO McCormick- Deering .tractor 1041 -model
on rubber; Waterloo grain machine 28342 of
rubber; been machine if not previously sold;
125 -ft, drive belt nearly new; M,h.3. 7-03. eta
binder; McCormick Deering mower 0-11, cut;
15 -hoe f rlilioer drill practically new; Mc-
Cormick Deering tractor double disci, new ;
set spring tooth drags new; McCormick` O -
furrow tractor plow new new Ideal manure
Treader; -4ection barrows draw.. bars
for 9 sections; d sections and ,5 sections; 2
walking.. Plows; 61cCoomiek Deering sidede-
liveryrake; culler packer M.11.; IYIcCnrmick
Deering beat seulfler 0114 puller combined,'
preelically new; 13210.. !leering Vesslt groin
grinder new; 1 -horse- MeC. 12eerin3 acua'ler
new MeC, 13 -tooth collie tor; in -throw disc
for horses 1 M.13 low down Leel wagon; low
down faim wagon 3 19 -ft. fiat hay .rack with
I -man loader combined; stock reek; Maxwell
hay -louder; rubber tired buggy; -cutter, fan
ni11g n,i11, 2,Oon-ib cap. scales; large hnY
fork sling ropes; new 3eftextension lad.
der; sleighs, pr. bunks, gravel box. quantity
of cedar posts, some lumber, grain -.bags,
nelne sacks, logging ehudna,- wllippletrees,
evener•:, neckyokos, steel sledge, oleo, crow
bar's, tools and wrenches, electric fencer,
good set of single harness, set heavy harness
ottr britchen ; 3 -horse harness, 5 horse col-
lars, horse blankets, colony .stove 5011 chick
cap.; chick hoppers and feeders; also a 11utte-
lity of Household Elfeets, lnclnding large
Quebec heater, Renfrew cream separator (100.
ib es,,. new; Mavwem gasoline washing Ma-
chine new. and numerous other metides (mod
Clare Jewel cook stove. Axminster rug 1,712
new, Spring tooth harrows.
No reserve, as the Proprietor has sold farm.
Terms cash. WALTER Mo2R1(1E, Prop.
A, Weber, B. Elliott, Auctioneers; B. E,.
Waldo, Clerk,
Orford Ram lambs, also eight
yearling ewes. Apply to Chas. le
Dale, Phone 616 r 4, Clinton.
House situated on Main Street,
South, Frame house, Main Street,
100 acre farm, Township of Mc-
Iillop. '78 acre farm, Township of
Tuckersmith„ also, 50 acre farm.
Good brick house and barn for
Insurance & Real Estate
Frame dwelling, hydro, 116. acres,
North 1VIa1t street. Suitable for poul-
try farm. Early possession.
Double house on Victoria St, See -
melte apartments, good investment,
Frame cottage, 004011011 St. East.
25 acres with barn and house, on
'highway, Immediate possession.
Watson & Reid, Seaforth.
Sato Dealers east it comfortable 3u'
cot, e by soiling' 13;nuilttx Products
from moor lo door. How thous starting
a. business of your 03011, 111 your .~pare
time, with the sante advantages, in
the lisn'iet of tour chole? I'or free
+lentils and catalogue: FAID17LEX, 16013
Deloriulier, Montreal
One good driver eight years old, and 1
Durham steer about 800. Apply Geo. Pox,
'Walton. Phone 830 - 33, Seafartli central.
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Implements and
Furniture, lot 31, Con, 2, Tucker-.
'with Township, Set miles east of
Clinton, and 1 mile south on Wed.,
October 17 at 1,00 p.m. sharp, con-
sisting of:
Horses—Clyde gelding 6 yrs. old;
general purpose horse (aged), Clyde
colt 1, yr, old.
CATTLE—Hereford cow 3 yrs,
old, due Nov. 2; Hereford cow 3 yrs.
old due Dec. 4; Hereford cow 5 yrs.
old due Jan. 15; Hereford cow 5 yrs,
old due Apr. 21; Hereford heifer 2
yrs. old due Dec, 26; Holstein cow 8
yrs. old due Feb, 28; Guernsey cow
'7 yrs. old due April 3; Black .cow 8
yrs. old, clue Feb, 16; 3 steers. 1 yi'.
old; 2 heifers 1 yr, old; 7 spring
calves. '
PIGS --Sow, 1 yr. old, due to far-
row, Nov. 20; 5 chunks approx. 150
SHEEP --4 young Leicester ewes;
6 spring ewe lambs.
POULTRY -50 light Sussex and
New Hampshire pullets.
IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder 7 -ft.
cut, M,H. 13 hoe seed drill, McCor-
mick - Deering cultivator. (steel
wheels); McCormick - Deering hay
rake, McCormick -Deering mower 5 -ft
cut, Fleury walking plow, out -throw
disc, Oliver ming plow, gang plow,
3 churn steel roller, 4 seetfon har-
rows, set of sleighs, cutter, buggy, 1
Vessot grain -grinder 8", root pulper,
turnie drill, fanning mill, set of l
breeching- heelless, .(nearly new),
single harness and third harness,
horse collars, double trees, single
trees, neck yokes, furnace blocks,
lumber, cedar posts, forks, shovels
end numerous other articles.
FURNITURE — Eureka electric
washing machine (nearly blew), oak
dining r00131 suite, cherry bedroom
suite with marble top dresser and
stand (antique), bed, dresser, mat-
tress and springs, kitchen cupboard,
kitchen table (extension) end :four
chairs, Quebec heater, box heater,
camp chair, baby buggy, Coleman
gas Lamp and lantern, numerous
othei• articles
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer.
To Our Customers
When the Frost is on the Pumpkin and the Fodder's in the Shock'
J. W. Alley,
Itobluhood Oats, 5111, bag 260 Fresh Oolclee Corn Meal 5 Ib 23e
Wheat Granules, S lb. bag 1Sc Pearl Barley, 5 lbs. 23c
Eat More Rolled 5 lb. bag 31c Maxwell House Coffee, Ib bag 39e
"What you con spare, that they can wear." Donations accepted here.
2 bed lamps; steam cooker (large size) ;
canning rack; 2 burner electric plate; Quebec
heater;- natter rugs; chicken fryer ; walnut
dining room suite;. walnut vanity dressing
table, walnut commode rocking chair, mak
comb, waiting dusk, occasional chair, drop
side couch, 3 pr, L.R. curtains: 0 pr, 45" x.
28"; settee, solid walnut (autique) slightly
curved arms. Can bb seen by appointment
only. Phone 2011, Seaforth.
A Clare Bros. (Jewel) cook shove
with warming closet and reservoir.
In good condition, .(half price).
Phone 659-41 Seaforth,
Five 'room house, hydro, with 1/
acres land, stable and henhouse, in
Dublin, with or without furniture.
Apply to Fred Eckert, Dublin,
Phone 6 r 4 or Fergus Horan,
Phone 23 r 8.
Clearing Auction Sale
Ml'. I•Iarolcl Jackson has been in-
structed to sell by public auction on
lot S, Goshen Line Stanley Town-
ship, 4,' miles north of Zurich or
4 Smiles south of Bayfield- Road, on
Tuesday, Oct. 16, at 12.30 o'clock,
the following
1: (11SI11t - :leen Leese 11 e )i5.
old; Bay mare five yes. old.
CATTLE—Durham cow with calf
at foot (fresh); Durham cow due in
April; 6 Durham steers one yr. old
4 Durham heifers 1 yr, old; 8 Dur.
ham heifers rising 2 yrs. old; 2 Dur-
ham heifers rising 3 yrs. old.
PIGS -25 chunks from 50 to
300 lbs. 5 suckers; 3. sow due time of
POULTRY -400 Rock pullets 6%
months old, full production.
4 tractor, 1 yr. old (like new) start-
er and lights, power 'take -off, rub-
ber tires; Oliver, 2 furrow, 1019 bot-
tom (new); McCormick Deering 8
ft. stiff tootle cultivator (new); Mc-
Cormick Deering Combine 4 ft.
(like new) ;• 3 section drag harrows;
McCormick Deering 3 disc plow; set
of harrows; new rubber tired wag-
on, 16.600 tires. other rubber tired
wagon; hay rack; New McCormick
Deering side rake; cream separator;
grain thrower and pipes; mower;
electric cooker; electric fencer; new
M.H. grinder; 50 ft. 6 inch endless
belt; straw blower; snow fence; 40
yds hog fence; iron kettle and stand;
pump jack end pump' 100 ft. 34
inch .pipe; .6 chicken shelters; colony
house 10 x 12 with hydro and stove.
HAY & GRAIN -100 bushels of
oats; 800 bus. mixed grain; 11/
tons feed beans; forks, shovels,
whiffletrees, chains and a host of
of11e1' articles. No reserve as farmer
is giving up farming.
Iiarold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farlm, Farm Stock andImp-
lements, in the village of Valla, on
Friday, Oct, 19, at 3.30 pen,
HORSES Dapple grey Percheron
wagon hors. 5 yrs. olcl; black Pereh-
Cr011 mare 13 yrs old,
CATTLE;—Red Durham cow it
yrs. old to freshen in June; Grey
Durham cozy 7 yrs. old to freshen in
April; Black cow. (3 yrs old, freshen
in 1 month; 3 calves, 3 Leicester:
IMPLEMENTS — De.erime binder
64t. cut, good; Deering mower 5 -ft.
cut; Deering 13 disc .. drill; Oliver
bean puller and scuffler; Mel. side
rake; Deering dump rake; spring
tootle cultivator; out -throw disc; 3
section hal'l'ows (new teeth) walk-
ing plow; gang plow; 1 set sloop
sleighs with blinks; wagon, 35/ ft.
flat rack, (nearly new); gravel' box
light wagon; horse souther; rubber
tire buggy; democrat; set backbend
]farness; new belches; 2 collars; Ren-
frew cream separator; churn; sap
pan; 75 buckets and )piles; neck -
yokes; forks; shovels; double teems;
lumber; bags; chains.
FARIVI—The farm consists oe 53
acres adjoining the village oe Varna.
ALP ]:NGS, Prop.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
0'f Household Furniture to he held
at the home of Mrs. John Galbraith,'
William St., Brussels on Saturday,
October 13, Sale commences at
12.30 pale
1. chesterfield good as new, 1 buf-
fet, oak. 1 china cabinet, oak, 1 'ex-
tension dining room table, oak, 6
dining room chairs leather seats and.
backs, 1 walnut tea wagon, 1 wa1-
end table, 1 oak dresser with large
mirror•, 1 brass bed, 2 antique spin-
dle beds, 1 antique dresser, 1 wal-
nut bed almost new, 1 walnut chest
of drawers almost new, .1 walnut
dressing table almost new, 1 Wilton
ruG 9x12, 1 Wilton 10x7, 1 Linole-
um. rug 15x9, 1 veranda rug 6x9, 3
small tables, 2 wicker rocking chairs,
2 ferneries, wicker, 1 felt mattress,
1 deep sleep 'Simmons mattress
almost new, 2 becl springs, 1
Slumber Ring, 1 end table, '1 Ray-
mond sewing machine, 1 kitchen
table, 4. kitchen chairs, 1. electric
range MO:Ary, 1 set dishes, 1 coal
oil. stove 3 burner, 2 stretchers and
mattress, window shades, brass cur-
tain poles, cooking utensils, pictures,
electric iron, electric. toaster, 1 high
chair. Several other articles too
numerous to mention.
Robert Patrick, Clerk.
Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer.
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, .Etc.
Petrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn • Heys
05k4 ORTH, OIIT. Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office In the Dominion Bank Build.
Ing, Seaforth. Office hours;-
Tueaday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 pan. to 9 p.m.
Watson & Reid
All kinds of Insurance risks effect
ed at lowest rates in First -Claes
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance CO.
President, W. R. Archibald, Sea
forth; Vice President, Frank Mc-
Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot,
Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt Born.
holm; E, J. Trewartha, Clinton;
John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Me.
Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander,
Walton; George Leitch, Clinton,
John 17, Pepper, Brucefteld; R. le
MoRercher, Dublin; J, F, ?meter,
Brodllagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
: or transact other business, win be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto,
The Clinic Is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptto
Dr. F, ".7, R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
6 p.m.
Free wen -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p,m,
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, FI. H, Rose' office. Phone. 5 5
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr, W. C, Sproat
Phone 90 W - Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat
Graduate in 1kledicitle, University
of Toronto: Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng, At
Commercial Hotel; Seaforth, third
Wednesday 1n each month from 2 tc
4 Tuesday In each ma tho at ,h Clinic drat
St, Stratford. Telephone 367.
Successor to Holmes & Whitney
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service. AdJuetable Hos.
pita1 Bed for rent, Agent for Mitchell
Nursery Flowers. Phone 119.
Nights and Holidays 66
Auction Sale
0± Farm Stock, Implements and
Household Effects at Lot 24, Con.
12, Stanley Township 1% miles
soutleeast of Bayfield. End of Bron-
son Line, on Thursday, Oct. 15,
1945, commencing at 1.00 o'clock,
HORSES —1 'bay horse, 1 grey
Cattle -1 roan cow in calf, stilt
hulking; 1 red cow in calf, still milk-
ing; 1 Hereford cow in calf, still
milking; 1 red cow to freshen May
1st 3heifer .rising 2 year's old; 1
heifer rising 8 years old; 1 steer
rising 1 year old; 1 heifer rising 1
year old: 2 spring calves.
POULTRY -30 yearling hens; a
pair of geese..
0 ft. cut; Forclson tractor in ' go:od
working condition; Oliver tractor
plow; walking plow; 3 1lhorse scuf-
flers, one new; double disc for tract-
or; 3 -horse disc; 10 foot steel rake;
3 -section harrows; Renfrew cream
separator with attachments for pow-
er; steel farm wagon; bean scuffler;
new coal brooder; stove; colony
1lonee;' 30 -gallon barrel; quantity of
bags; bag truck; manure box; Port-
land cutter; gas pump; wheel-
barrow; stoneboat; 2 2 -wheel trail-
ers; 1200 -Ib scales; 1.2 tons of clover
hay; 2 incgbators; set of double -
harness; chimes; shovels; forks;
mail box; sap pan and spires; elec-
tric 'fencer, scythe, etc,
bedstead with: springs; wooden bed;
coil ,springs; Ra.yinond sewing ma-
chine; enameled kitchen stove, like
new; wardrobe, and other articles too
111llnel'OU:S to. inent10n.
Fred Watson, Cleric.
Arthus Weber, Auctioneer.