HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-10-11, Page 4WALTON The mute ial of the late Bert Ander- son of r :Tuesday sday aftc'rzroon was very largely attender): The deepest synt- patlay of trio community is extended to the bereaved not til'. Anderson passed away nil Sunday after a long - thy illness Mr. and Airs. Garnet Cumming. 10ing. of ti itighem. ;tette his parents, lit'. and Mr.. L, ('leu ti;. AL's, Chas, ;.,llura in Tl:unittuu, '._Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sinclair. Tor- onto, with relatives. 110', and .1Ii.. .11h, r Kritutor of To- ronto, and my, Russell 111'later, Lis- . 1, with 1, 11ii'es. P: 11041,1 , raw! s011. Kenneth. .1,0. W1t11 ber parents, 11r. and Jolla McDonald. `Ir. and _110. ('t . I t 1athern of Ft idwiclt. rad MI', t :w)). Honey r,.rd 11113 itanalitet. ,t 1altos 11..1 tun tui of the late 3it'. 11, t Anderson. STANLEY Mr. A. Fucltlnan, who 11135 eon- ducted n ',richt It .tat 1r, h Varna for e. "mt,i < a+ disposed of 111, ti•11r1 ,sli,t,, and proper- ty le N.- i"r,a III ; e 1Ic('litraner, 1 whe a, t ,u Apra 1. 191ti, -Bruce 11 'Cls.., -r c !l ,al,l 1)1 farm to Et.rit, 'Melt,..in 1 whose 11(111) loins, an,l well „ it.tt the litter Into her) houses 1,, ,t,„:c ;? .n 1;ets, .,.patding 11rs, M'ir tet. ':t 'a>t of 'Barbara 1 Hogs,, Tot . 1 ,, 1 ort' ilt3 Weekend with her sister. 3Ir>. H. El'ratt, .Bab -11 y4on line. HURON ROAD WEST a 7 .-11 1.)pat 7 t :0 leu h.;,lu P 1). if. Y. Fie. -yte, stet-' chicken kelt busi to .. THE SE.AFORTH NEWS BLAKE The many fronds of Mrs.Douglas are glad to know she is table to .sit up e c:1) day in her -bent. he former Alias Annie Jessup of Toronto visited over the week end at the hone or Mr. and 11ra. H. Desch and other friends: lit. and Airs. C. lounge 'uul Sirs. C. Aleyers of Lundnn 'visited with lai- r' u j',S1' lit-, Mr. and Mrs. ham Hey, 1h+. Arc'irie :Mustard and baby boy 1 'oeudiug 'a. few days 0.1111 but' pu,.n s. air. and. 311,.' Sant Hoy. Mrs. Harold Finlay a11ended rho tun. eat tea, and wedding of her 31,'.o Audrey Cochrane of Kip - pen. Miss Wanda Ilaher of ;Hensall is ,O,11,11,1".4. t few day' atthe home o1 h parents, 3Ir. and Airs. Itobt. Salter. 31;,s Nola Ilaechler has hoop con hued to her room for a few days. Ilei iI1'uur ttt.h her t speedy recovery. All'. 1311 31rs. Roy McBride and laiii- !ly ti+it"d air. and 11)x. Gordon Love n family. .110'. and iib::. If. Finlay and family e1)),!! at the home of 110'. 1)111.31'rs, gine \fakeer. Many took in 11linn t i)s:u'y s,c.rt'ices z i.- [3iiisgreet Church ou wnnduy. 1'14,1 k'' Chat'ch will be closed next 1 k'ulber 11th, owing to 'Varna ri rsa 1(110,Rev. .Bait' or flmines Road .1,, til (Large or the er Sunday. •1-,1_ Mehl a sueeessi'ul; stile n Therstloy of last week, .lir. James Johnstone is quite poor-. 'y 113 present. number attended the funeral of the lite 110 Edgar But1 at 1r: home' 01 Kippen ,on Tu. tstlity aftern ism. l syn1pa11)> ante.. 11)11 :n1'1'0'3'ing wife week end With Mr, anti'M,'s, Garnet Case. Mrs, F3aw'den o1' Exeter spent Thanksgiving wltli Mr, and Mrs. Jack Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter and Caro- line of London spent the week end with Mrs. Cl1rter's parents, Mr. an(1 11re, Win. G, Hell, DS': aur :1Ii•s, Edwards and family of Hamilton spent the week end ;with ,11r. and Mrs, .Ilnrl'y Horton. 31r, Fred' Corbett, well kna'wn dis- trict farther. tue'r, died suddenly at his home in Hay Township 011 Fr•idaty. morning in his Gid ,year. Be was a S011 or the late air. and MPS. John Corbett and teas b0r11 011 the farm on. which he resided 111 his life. The de- co t''d suffered a severe heart illness 511 yeas ago 1111 recovered hirci had been in hes- usual health, 41111i1 ball be'i, about his usual duties 'I'llurs. day, Surviving alit his widow. 'two sails J01(11 11ud 11111(11 111 home and tour daughters, Mts. Roy Ma,'Laren, Mrs. Herold Parker, Airs, Wesley Jon's and 1Irs, Edward Scln'nedor, all of Hensall: four sisters, Mrs. Cath- arine Devlin, hlensall, 11- -Atlee :Mc- Quade. Port Huron, 31ich.. Mrs. Chas Pe.rley, and 'Mrs. Floyd Lee, Fenton, Mich. Plblie Bimetal service was held from the house on Mondaycouduc'teil by Rev, 11 A. Brook, who sung a solo e'u111101l -Near 1,1 11,' 1101,01 or trod The floral tributes were very beams. fel. The pallbearers )(lope Alttesee. Wesley 1 nienuot. Geo. Armstrong, AIex Monssean. Tail Cnmpbe 11. Edge,, Munn and Robt, .Munn. '!'be lintt`'r beurer, were Messrs, Matt and Rubs. Tluney, Albert Geddes, 0. Sllirray, R 11 11101'011 and Chas. Blackwell. inter- ment 110 E wt of t r 111r tory. Those altenilim ti.e funeral of 1.he. Irate air. P1--1 Corbett from a distance were Mr. anti Mr'. Alger Brown, Or- ford, Mich„ I1ir, Floyd Lee, Fenton, Mich„ 1YL'. slid Nies,- 01 18 Minor and Jackie of Pori Huron, Mr, and Mrs, John Colvin ' and Mr, Goo, Colvin, ICo^ 1treks, Mrs, - Ida Harding and Mr. Win. Harding, London, Mr. and Airs. Oscar Mathis and 0011. Prospect hill, Ml's. Isobel O'Brien, Ilrllceleld, Mr. Wln: Cools, Landon. 3Tr and Mrs. A. I), MrEwe11 spi'nt the Peek end with relative; at .Pais- ley, - The Continuation School are 511011- 80rittg 41dance in the town hall. on Oct. 241h. 'Dress optional. BRUCEFIELfJ .14r,' and Mrs T. Dunlop of Chats- worth spent thanksgiving with lir. and .lits, Ross Scott and family, Group 1 of the W.A. lull hold a baking' sale at Berry's store on Sat, Oet. 13, front 3 to 5 p.m, Mr. Duet• of Zurich has purchased the property 0.1' the late Air. Frank Skelton. :1h'. and Airs. 1Vehnter 1lc'Ncutgltttn and David of Guelph, and lir. lied Airs. Robs, Aic augltton and Lilida of lTanliltou visited with hie, and Mrs. XIS, MONS 11011011 131111 11r, 111111 Mrs, 'Wallace Haugh and family during the week end. :111'. end air's. John 11Irh11usii and ,ural Marlene and Peter 'lintel' of Toronto spent the weedk end with relatives Isere. Sir. and All's Murray Atkinson of Hamilton were Retests 110 1110 11ans visiting the formers father, Rev, G. Atkinson, during the week end. Miss Mar scot t1l:cnluoad of Tun. dolt, spentthe week end with. her Parents, .lir. and Mrs. H. Aikenhead. At the .onto.. las.- 11'0dnewlay 1107. Nova 1e.''!,,. '0'3 l,• he 15 sta.; (10111ei iri 011' Navy, 'iRITISH .AiMERICAN Because it is free of harmful wax and has an exceptionally high VI, Peerless gives easier starling on cold. mornings and extra protec- tion at running temperatures. Change NOW to Peerless Motor 011 at the alga of the big B.A. OIL GOMPANY LIMITED Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION • Highest Cash Prices pald for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth Half Sweeny Collars 4.30 ea. 1(2 Foulded Belly Bands .955 S. ;41.10 ea. Hand Made Halters Large Size $2.10 ea, JACK'S REPAIR CEMETERY MEMORIALS barge Stook of Modern Memorials on display at our Seaforth Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons office will he open on TUESDAYS Open by appointment rt any other time, See Dr. Herhrrrtl, nest door Cunningham t°c Pryde Clinton E1:eter Seaforth Phone 41 Sun Life Avg1srar(r'i Co. of Canada i sures Security far over One Million Partners I . R. LONG; Gout: ', District Agent KTPPEN EAST Kippen East W.I. recently met at • the home of 3Irs. Vv'm. Kyle on the • London Road and held a Most .suc- cessi'ul meeting. Opened with Insti• rote Ode and Lord's prayer and a• singsong . was held from the new music book. Hiss Marilyn Lyre sane" a solo which was followed by the roll call and the minutes. Hiss Mar- garet Dougall of Hensall contributed two piano -solos. Mrs, Louis Clark gave the history of S.S. T1, Tucker - smith and the topic "Need for great- er tolerance regarding Immigrants" was taken by Mrs.,,Paul Doig and was much enjoyed, The Oven -Meal Short Course was discussed and it Was decided it would be held in the Carnegie Library basement on Oct. 25 and 2(3. It was also decided to join with the Seaforth W.I. in this .project. Mrs. M. Roy will be the demonstrator. The ladies of the W.I. will take care of the clothing drive in October and the same be left at - the home of Mrs. Alex McGregor be- fore. Oct, 20. Miss G. Tremeer re- -ported 2211 cans of honey sent to Great Britain, Fruit being scarce this year the jam will not be made. A motion was made to carry on with war charities till the end of the year. Mrs. Alex. Mrlfnrtrie gave a 'lentnnstration on how to make a judy. The meeting closer) with a social half- hour. which was enjoyed 'iy all. HENSALL 2111. reel 3Ir: 1 „tri.. raitt.a.o( akd /11j110.011 of ''" lo-'iR a ; p'•ttt Than1(s- ;irit4 alba 1?e, forame.r's ue,thrr airs. iia (.1011 l-,tl, Mr. ;;dal lira. Mussell L,,ve rind children of t)':'elt Sound visaed re-' r'''utty ,,111t31,' -,Love, permits, 11,', and M1 -s. John It. 3iclloel1... Misses Mae and Helen MIN(111ghtoll I of Toreros rpelII the week end at the home of their parents, .lit. and Mrs, 1 Lorne Ile:anght-on, 11r- Carey Juynt, 13.A„ stndent at Osgoodo Hall 111 Toronto, spent the i week 0'1111 Si his home here, 1Ir. and Mrs. R. H. Middleton, Mr.1 and 3Irs, Harry Lawrence and Mr., and :las, G. M. Drysdale spent the Week end at their cottage at Turn - bull's (trove. Miss June Saundercock of London spent the week end with her mother 3lrs, Annie Saumlercock, Mrs. Ted Taman and Toni of Lis- towel visited during the past week with bars, 'i'ailttan's mother, Mrs. Mc- Donell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and little daughter of Windsor, visited during the past week with the fornter's par. eats, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius (beck, Reeve and Mrs, 111. Shacidick and fancily spent .Sunday at the Bonne of 311' and Mrs, Geo. Lavelle in Palmer- ston. almer-ston. Mrs. Bertha Ortwein of London was a week end visitor with her mother, Mrs. P, blunu. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Palmer and dau- ghter Carolyn of Windsor were holi- day visitors with Mt'. and Mrs. John t Fisher and Tats Thos. Parlmei'. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shepherd and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Shepherd of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with rel- atives here. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Mantis of To- ronto were weak ecru visitors with the framer's mother, Mts. Manns, Dr, Wm. T. Joynt and Mrs. Harry, Joynt and Judith Ann, London, spent the week enc) with Mrs. Alice Joynt, Miss Katie Scott, Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Ballantyne visited with relatives in Palmerston on Sunday.. Mrs Jsnet Peek, Ronald and Blaine of Toroth 0 were ieor111 visitors hare, 111r and :',tits. Laird :Iocut ruiti l,ant- liy of Tomtit, nut Dr. H,tty Joynt, formerly 110 London, who tv 111130 tait- iur : 117 , . , rl 311110hig to wnl gr.i y at Toronto ';rucral Hospital, 0li1It. '(1'''ul 1 !'1) aii.il 1111.11' mother, tit's, Hire. Joynt. M1r, T. .01, 3 01, 3 spent Sundae with te'aiives ire Clinton. - Misses Ellen 1'ro-utlin end 14lkz4)11,'Ib Grout of the axil 17of the I'an3 rat' 10111), have been traIlSi'reed to the Ziu'lch 111.11 11,11 whl'it 111,013,141, Tuesulayy. 1R1•. and MrsAlex 3 c Mar tr re and dsllglrte.r, of Toronto, visited over Che week end with Mr. and Mrs, John M'Mut lr ie, Mrs. D. Walks, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake and family attended the flln10.111. of Mrs, Walla' Wilda -1n De, troll, on Saturday. Mrs. Hennessey, London, spent the • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1945 REGENT p EA 'FRE f$ Seaforth NOW SHOWING -. TRURS. PM, CALL OF THE WILD ('larks Gable, Jiicic Deltic, Loretta The 1tllmnt'tal story.' 01'' the' b11 f Toting who fought for Khntrlihe gold MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY First Show 7.00 P M. Second Show 0,30 P.M. THE SONG OFBERNADETTE with Jennifer .tones, William- leythe, Charles '' An outstanding,re. B'orcuie'ito se. Price Burd hriJlialitly pJayMl _picture. BesureGO see it. NEST THHUIRSDAY, 1RIDAY, SATURDAY "The Naughty Nineties" with hurl Abbott and Lou Costello, The Saga of Captain Showboat "The River , , Queen', 'Sum's night at S.S. No J. Tnek0lsmith, Rev, Da, Iiogg of Se,tiorthacted as 0111311" nem; ale' programme put on by rhe teitelier Urs. 'lewalrt and the I10vs and girls was troll received by 11 1'ttll lions', 101's Edith Itowey and Airs, Ilogh .tilcenlu'ad were appointer) delegates to attend Me- sth,tional meeting of the Buren Presbyterial at 1']ginipclville on 'Thursday. Ort. 1St.h. SALVATION ARMY The following has been sent over- seas. ver- sea for the )month of September.: l5 yelp scarfs, 2 swelters, 100 pr, socks, 5 or. mitts. 1 girl's jumper, a girls dresses. es. The following.is ready for ship, meat! li each, containing—hard can- dy, kraft 011055e, i'atksiirs, vegetable juices, shaving cream, razor blades,. tooth brush and paste, comb, face cloth, and towel, handkerchiefs, writing paper and envelopes, d-- les, thread and mending i wool,e laces, `sweater and sho need, heIntet: Poison For Ladies , Tragedies of Women Alcoholics Irilce sugar to to diabetic, liquor is poison to ladies. hits them harder, and women ticoliolics are rapidly in- creasing, declares Genevieve Park- hurst, noted reeenreher, she begins a vital series of articles on drinking wnhlen, - in The - American Weekly whit this Sluullly's 1Oct. 14 issue of The I)etroit Sunda,• Times. When we do more heart to heart talking' with the other fellow, we'll do less behind his back, Farmers Can Buy Victory Bonds On Convenient Deterred PeyarentS Through Any Rank jnst ch VictoLan Salesmen carry (bat sign haver copie) orderint form g the Hank too buy Victory Hoods for you. Pay 5'% when ordering and the balance at any time during the next 12 months. The interest the bonds. earn pays eche interest on the bank loati. IKE thousands of other Canadians, farmers will welcome the 9th Victory Loan as another oppor- tunity to save money to provide for future plans. Victory Loans have provided an excellent means of helping the war effort, at the same time contributing to our own personal welfare. Canada needs more money now , , to make loans to foreign countries so that they can establish credits which will enable them to buy food and other things which they require. This food will come from Canadian farms; these goods from Canadian factories. When we help to create markets for our farm produce abroad... and when we help to keep. Canadian factories busy , .. we help to maintain good prices for the things that Canadian farms produce. Victory Bonds also provide a reserve fund of work- ing capital for our own use , . • so handy to have so many times. Any bank will buy Victory Bonds at any time, or loan money on Victory Bonds if we need cash, .. and for our future ' plans, we'll have the money required for things we want to do . Get ready to buy more Victory Bonds this Fall. Buy double this time -- the same tate of savings as in previous loans will pay for twice as .many bonds over the. 12 month period, 54 NATIONAL WAR .F.i E -E FINANCE COMMITTEE