HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-10-11, Page 1The HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL: fib, No, 41 SEAI+ORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1945 $l a year BUILDING PERMITS HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS ATTEND 84TH BIRTHDAY DISCUSSED BY COUNCIL HELD ON FRIDAY CELEBRATION AT GUELPH Building permits will soon have to The annual field clay of the Sea• Mr, and 1VIis: Arnold Westcott and. be obtained by Seaforth citizens fot•tla 141g11 School ryas bold Friday Blanche spent Thanksgiving week before doing any building or aitera- afternoon under direction of Mr. E. and in Guelph to celebrate the 8410 tion work on 'their property, the L, Fox, principal, and Mre L. H. Mor- birthday of Mrs. Westcott's mother; town council decided at the regular risen, oc (he school . star.Mrs: Iloward. The family of five October meeting on Tuesday even.-the ven The champions. of the meet were, daughters with their husbands ware Ing, Instructions were given to girls, senior; Lenore Habkirk; inter all present making the reunion al - town solicitor to prepare a building mediate, Donna Watson; Junior, Edna most complete with the exception of. byla-w far the municipality, Council- Huisser, Boys, senior', Neal Beattie; an only son and wife living in Wash - for Merton Reid introduced the chs- inteimediete. 13111 Bul:chant; junior, ingtot, who were unable to be pre- cussiot, m which it was explained Gerald }Mein sent, Those present for the week end that at present the only control ex- The hollowingwere the winners: were Mr, incl Mrs:. Burridge of Niag-' isting is in the Main Street business Boys, Senior: aro. !falls, Mr, and Mrs. Cucltnore of area. 100 yard clash, D. Stewart (12 sec.:); Kitchener, -1VMr, and Mrs. Stewart of A delegation from the Canadian N. Beattie, G. 'Nilson. 220 yard, D. London, Mr. and Mrs. Westcott or Legion; Dr', J. A. Merin, Pres., 'and Munn (27 3/5 sec,), N. Beattie, D- Seaforth and the daughter who enter - Mr. C. P. Sills, outlined, plans re the Stewart, 1/ mile, D. Smith (2 in., tained at their hone; Mr; and 14Ls; memorial hall and asked for a grant 44 1/5 s,), D. Manu, D. Stewart: 1 G. G. Smallacontbe, or Guelphe eels. of 25,000 from the town, stating mile, 13. Smith (9 m., 58 s.), D. Munn, Robinson, a life long friend of the that McKillop ` and ' .Tuckerstnith ' D. Smith. Broad jump, G.;Wilson family, was also present. townships would be asked for $2,- • (15' 10"), le, Brightrall, D. Stewart. There were several grandchildren 500 each. The council later passed high Mini, D. Hillis (5' 9"). G. 1301- present including Marguerite Weid- a motiongoing on record as recent- ties; N. }3e11110• Pole vault, H. Knight Cott. of i-1un lton General Hospital, g e 08'0"1, N. ,Beattie, 12. Saya0110 81101 curl lir, and M) Edwin Cudtnm•e and S ert . a grant X5,000 to the 'Seafforth Legion Branch, in accord- Put t12 ]b:), N. Beattie (28' 01. U. baby or Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, anee with the procedure as outlined : \4llson, D. Smith, EIoP step and jump, Pitcher and Marion and baby. Guelph. bythe _llttiticipel Dept: The grant i 0• Wileon (36 6"), N. Beattie, 0. 'Nip (Odes were beautifully decor - cannot be made until next year. l�' Boys, Intermediate: birthday cokes, both gifts to lits. The assessrne1lt roti was presenter 100 by assessor Wm. Amens, who said} yni'd clash, W. Boswell (12 l/fi Z12110' , lblio was sliewereil with he expected quite a few appeals ,uc.), S. Henderson, R. Doig, 220 many .t1s 'ltnlation,, cards, gifts' against the increased assessments t y<!rd; 1'. Boswellg, (31 sec,); S. Bend•: and flowers• The callers were numer• Seaforth's population is 1732, an 1 erson, IM. Doig, 'i mile, R, Farquhar crus both Deni in and out of the city. increase of 74. The total assessment, 12mirle5We Boswell 9 ntX10\s.Lc)13rnaid� au4rs. great grandchildren. has h11 grandchildren 1 reise(1 $124,05"0 over last year, j jump. 1\'. 13ul;ehar1 (14' 10"l, 5. Ileni e an r, increase." clerson, 4, Jones, llig1t inning 1\' HURON PRESBYTERY Councillor Parke n=ked why tltel Rntchsr). i•' 10?a'1, S. Hoiu(oi ;on, il.• SPIRITUAL LIFE CONFERENCES assessment had been raised, (Inc said! Doig Pale vault, ]i. Hillman t 0' li" r. many people felt there should be a It Doig Al. Dalton. Shot put (8 Ih.); 1 Huron Presbytery of - the low'er'ing of taxation when the town 'has an SI8,000 surplus. Two ad- vantages were offered in favor of higher: a.-essment, namely, a lower mill rate. and grants are based on assessment, Council met with the Public Utili- ty commission re office assistant, and the matter was left with the finance 0001, and the P.U.C. There -were four' applications. Tree cutting and trimming was discussed, chairman Daly of the Streets Cornmitte stating there were many requests for permission to cut down trees, which he had refused, *'blue coal.. THE SOLID ft�Et,FDRp90LID cOMFonr E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside UUnited Church Rev. H. V, Workman, Minister. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a,n1., Public Worship—Sue. jeer, "A Divinely Authorized Com- pulsion." 7 5.m., Service withdrawn. Attend '\ening worship at hgntottd- ville United Church Anniversary. Monday, Oct, 15, 7.45 pan„ Unit" ed Church Pally for "The Crusade for Christ and the Kingdom," in the Seaforth group of Huron Presby- tery. First Presbyterian Church Rev. R. H, Williams, Minister. 10 a.m., The Sunday School. 11 a.m., Public Worship The Sacrament of Baptism will be ad- ministered. 7 pan., Public Worship: Rev. Dr. J. E, Hogg will preach. Eemonrlvllle United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A.,B,D. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 5,1n„ and 7.30 p,m., . Anniver- sary Services. Rev. Reba F. Hein, 13. A., Varna. Anglican St, Thomas', Seaforth Sunday, "Oct, 14th. m, 10 0., Sunday School. p.m., Evening prayer and ser, mon. 13. a.m,, 1Morning prayer and ser mon. St. Mary's Dublin 2.30 Sunday School. 3 p.m„ Holy Communion and sermon. CONSTANCE Miss Joan Wakefield and Miss Evelyn Cooper of Clinton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wakefield. Mrs, George Cook of Clinton is visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colclough of Ridgetown, Mr. and Mrs, Boss Mann, Mr. John Mann and Miss Doris Mann Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Grimoldby. Mr. and Mee, Chas. Wakefield of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. David Miltson over. the holiday, Mr, and Mrs. Archie Hogarth of Wailaceburg, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Britton. Mr. Clifford Colclough and his mother, MTS. Henry Colclotigh spelt Sunday with friends in Woodstock. Mrs. Ken Betties received : word that her husband, Staff Sergeant Kenneth Betties had arrived in Man- ila in the Phillipines. Ken reports' that the trip over was made in twenty-six clays. Stopping off at'Ha- waii and the Marshall Islands, Wlsile in port in the'Nlarehalls he had the novelty of seeing about a thousand ships in the' harbor which when lit' at night resei1bled a big city. Red Cross Notes The Red Cross rooms -will be. closed Thursday and Friday, • Oct. 25 and 20 because the W.I.I will be using them for demonstration work. The Red Cross workers are asked to secure their supplies for work before the above mentioned dates, To all blood donors—Thank you.° From Canadian deed Cross Society. Blood Donors' Service. Mr. Russel, T. Kelly, Chairman, Mr. C. Bruce Hill, President of Ontario Division. 2,347,000 blood - donations were made in Canada. 1,423,000 were made in Ontario through the Volun- teer Blood Donors Service of the Canadian Red Cross Society since the first clinics were established in January 1940. The lives of hun' clreds in the army, the navy and of: the air force were saved through this service. This record was ` only made possible through your dona- tions of blood. We wish to thank you sincerely for your generous help at a time when the need was so great. Special thanks are also given to the doctors, nurses, trans- port drivers and all other volunteers who gave so generously of their Lime and talent. The Volunteer Blood Donors Ser- vice is naw` 0109er1 as a war measure A now challenge is presented, how- ever, for: many deaths Dom, in Can- adian hospitals cavil year for lack The Dublin's Women's War Aeso" of a transfusion service. To meet elation Club room has been desiy; this need the Red Cross is making mated as the collection depot in the In a survey with a view to providing National Clothing drive from Oot,1 W. liu1chart (41' 4"); 0, Henderson. United Church of Canada, beginnin). all Canadian hospitals with blood for to 20. R. Doig, 'Top, stets and jump, Butch. A meeting of St. Patrick's Church art. (33' 6"), S. Henderson, W. Bove, on Monday, Oct. 15, group meetings trtinsfusien purposes. To our thiol.: well,will be held on successive nights for then we add an invitation to help us Sodality was held this week at which Junior Boys: centres in Huron viz. Seaforth, God- as we continue our humanitarian. the fallowing officers wore clotted: 100 yard clash, J, Meer 13 2/5 seal, erich, Thames Road; and ,Wing ham, work, When the time conies and Pres9li s Katherine 0 Rourke: vice• E. M'eypadden, M. Mills, 200 yard, J. to be followed by a mass meeting plans are ready announcements evi11 p1 es. 11Iiss Helen Flanagan. Sec, � Meir (33 sac,), . McSPud<lcn, M. f01 the charges of the Presbytery; be Fduloolyd madonors in sear de, Miss 1'atherine Woods; Treas Miss1 and Geraldine Ryan; social cont, Missesss.s jewels 1+: Mills. ee mile, J. Moir (3 nn, 18 2/5 in Ontario Street Church, Clinton, community Ont" Division Mobile, sec,), ,I, Laudonbach, J. Wallace. Bi- on Friday evening, Oct. 19. Y Bessie Gro)m, Jean00511 Costello and cycle race, E. McSDadden 1 m, 45 s), At the Seaforth meeting on Mon- was established in Nov, 1042. The Rita Jordan; Library tom Muse: 1t, Sills, J. Meir. Broad jump: M. clay next Rev. H. sV. Workman, be, fiirstNoat of, of thee unit 11342. Seaforth there Patricia Ryan and 1lary Stapleton. HOP AT Locally Miss Marie Evans, who is attend - Mills (13' 7" ), E. McSpadden, R. group leader, will pte_ule and will Sills. High jump, J. Melt' 4' 0"), E. assisted by Rev, Reba Bern of Var- were 24 clinics held with 309c9 re - of Stratford Normal School has l j ; Sills adder, J. Laudonbach, Pole ea, Iter. R. G. Hazelwood of Watton, porting. 0f this number 2918 were been awarded a student -aid scholar^ �1 (a u . vault, F, Iluisser 5' 10", E. McSpad- chairman of presbytery, Rev. R. A. successful donors. Out of the 153 ship by the committee 0, award IT PAYS den, R. sills; Shot put (8 lb,) P. Brook, director of the crusade in the places visited by the Ont. Div, 1410 upon the recommendation of the Murray (33' 3"), 3, Meir, 4. \'t*allure. Presbytery, also lay speakers, Mr. bile, Seaforth was 23rd in the num- Mo - Minister of Education. Flop, step and jump, J. Meh (20' ,Colin Campbell of Bayfield, Mr, her of successful donations received, Mr. and Mese Jack Johnson, Wa 10"), 3, Laudeitbach, F. 'Huisser• Sant Scott of Seaforth, Mrs, Gil- terloo, Misses Edith and Margaret WINTHROP Girls, Senior: beet Beecroft, of Belgrave. Kriauekopf and Harold Lauber, High jump, Eleanor Weaver, Len- Charges in the Presbytery to HENSALL Kitchener, :lir, and Mrs. Alfred The Helping Hand Mission Hand ore H'tbkirlc, Audrey Shanumt; run- •share int the Seaforth meeting in- Price, Seaforth; with SMr, and elrs. of Coven Church Winthrop, held 11011 broad junta, Shirley Love, Mary elude, •Egmonclville, Brueefieltl, Kip The Annual District Field :l'Ieet Albert Iirauskopf, their regular meeting Saturday, Oct. Ryan, kini'riet Russell; staudl0g ,011' Varna, Walton, Clinton, Wes ryas held in Flensall on Thurs. Oct. Mrs, Joseph Carpenter and claugh- 5. The meeting opened by the call broad jump, Eleainor Weaver, IeY-Willis, Clinton, Ontario Street, 4, with ten rural schools participate tel Nancy Ann, Chatham, with Mr• to worship read by the leacher, This Russell; Mary Ryan; basketball \IcI�d11oP, Loulesbm o and Seaforth,rug, The parade from the Town Hall and Mrs, Joseph Carpenter. wits followed by responsive reading t(11040 I.auore Ilabidik, Tharesat 1%la• was led by Clinton Collegiate' Bugle Rev: Harry le, Feeney, L. 11, St. ' and hymn 356 Dorothy Dodds read Miley, Helen Currie; baseball target TGOMEI2Y Banal- 'Mr: Judd, Principal of lien Jeronte's College, T itchcncr, and ;the sctipturc then jean Sarnerville throw, Theresa Maloney, IIarret Rus- McCULLOUGH — MON null Public School was chairman for Miss Genevieve Feeney, Tmron1o, ; read the prayer. The offering was sell, Mary Ryan; baseball distance Al,, Winthrop United Church manse the afternoon, Juvenile boys' events: with their mother, Mrs, lo1101een then taken, followed by hymn `The Blasi - throw, L011034 13at01drk, Shirley Love, the Marriage was solemnized of 50 -yd. clash, Billie Fink, Ilenea11 Fecitey. world is art n.•igh0 (Mad." The. Milt, Audrey Shannon; 50 -yard dash, 1,011 Margaret Myrtle, only daughter of Gerald Bell, Tucicersmith S.S. )., Miss 40111lpn Faintly, '191nIito, iter of laet ntettinr were read. Busi- ore TIablcirk: Mui>+ Ryan, June Shw, Mr, and Mrs. John A 14Ionit„a1n ry Neil Wilclfong. Broad jump, Gerxlc1 with Mr, and firs. Joseph :\tkinson, new, was. taken by Mrs. Tio,.g, The 75 -yard dash, Denore Yiabkirlc, Elea- , of Winthrop, to Mr: Sidney llcCul' Bell, Billie Fink, Carl bei ter. Three- 1's Marti lerauskopf, London, with Study by Mrs. Dodds, Hymn r; 13 :tar Weaver, Ilanriet. Rns3(1.1 relay lough, sem of the late 1921 and Mrs. legged race, Carl P,eiger. mese, her mother, Mrs, Louis lerna lenef, lvas su r:,' 1'014494'11 hr (44 tot:1 an - race, 1"erture. Habeiek, Harriet Rue,. David McCullough. Tho pastor, ltty. Tav'lar, Harper Campbell, Dwayne, 1lisses Mary a101 Margaret Pitz theta end Lord's p ler, sell, Shirley Love. Theresa Makin*: J, Patton, officiated. The bride Finney, Earl 4\'arhel^^ nod P,aree, r•atrci±1 01 10it. with the;t )194'1,1,1,11.,,:11,;,,,l t . It • 1: Sa 1 ted 8• Lnhs 1Vb11)11Y Joanne ril'Sa1111111 Iver,June W. a whhtt floor-len..1 1.0101 of Baker, .livenile x•7.1.: 50-v,1. ria,), lir, and .'dr•, Peter Fitamurick, ai.,;.r.: at the i.„ 1••. Weaver. Duris Ferguwa)t; \[ice IDAraver, c P, , e . t t1e rx. 41, - J. silk sheet sand loco with :finger-tip-3,0ne, ililinr, Jean Ii:)n>:•h, Rrl1i tart 11 it±r±e. Wrbbei•, T,onrlort lc(:1i,•' I,[,Eay, tier. :,. «_,.h ,•iltr- Jann McMaster. Mary Ityam, Eleanor tulle veil tau; ht with a coronet of ;'idan. > rand iue•:p, .Jean 101.;.r1 i'ti' liths 1Inilc' 0'( amu+rti can,I 5h= Indio, 4 -.)i. Oi c 4,4.t-44 wap. Lu:.`t:,.5 \Nearer: Yluw4ps aird carried n hnuquot of 5111111 Colemt111 ` _.jos 1Itll,.r. l'iz (1,0)1 T i user. after t 1 rs. v'_ = .•vel; IV Girls, Intermediate: t- white gladioli. lIiss Betty Mout- 1 111 1 1e•lged 144(0, ''91^1]0111 ( ((1311 1 Misses Angela n-1 11 •ras',•,• I)on- 4Irs, I 1.±11 r::.,1 t1. •. 1 ..n lia E- Siamding broad jump. Donna lla mere niece of the bride was her } s Shirley Bedard, "find Jew) -'•0110, $41'111 ford, with tli,,i4 parent r. S.,;., lig•, T .., n,; yes. t,),1 son, il011141 Russell, Edith Blanch- o 1 I�nigh (11(2 Fleenor P,eekc.r, eel lir. and lits. Frank D )oriels}, Lr11r1!i.. • ' ` a ::n•:! Falls. New aril; high jump, Dounn \\'atsnn, inn only wand pin, (-owned 013 pale blue• 410011 Hair Marilyn el l'rr. 1';4(11 Clivr a i11 4 ((115 :. Vn+ Mills,Marjorie Fischer; running slier and pink veil with mate meg eTar, eret Willi t, d ). \l:. 0, T ,i, ,' 1lerrit^,oar j n Jean 'flower headdress- Her bouquet was Turkv. 4(343101 boys' 7o yd, ,I:.,hi (1111, ,l from nccrsca1 curl r, ou itIi- and 1'te, Jaclt liodec of 1. 1311 et:elrl. ((4(1(1(1 ,tiu)tl1 Dm1311 \\'alsot .14UL it wil.lt laic f<.1(110 1•, le • rr Mills, Barbara Mussell; target throw, pink gladioli. IDlrl Albeit McCulloughRonald Heinu•7ch, Dougins O I t.,t. ; a (;ir v itln i 1 lla„ Blanchard, ShirleyBennett, was his brothu s groomsman. i Lloyd Buchanan. Junior boys s.01 lin, Mrs. 41 1.,ate+ t. tied Dan:,l(1 Edith 1 T1c1 \lckle, Cu(I 1t, with Mfr; and spent Praiser; baseball throw, Donna lowing the ceremony a reception wain ball throw: Ronald Hefnvich, Donald P 1 ut the weekend n1 Pari: and Jeans lin ., l rank T3vans Watson, Mae Clark, Mabel C!umpbell; held at the home of the brides Adkins, Bill Carlisle. Broad Amine 1 raltti'ard. 11 throw, Donna F\'arson, brother, Mr. Wm. C. 'Montgomery, t)ongtas O'Brien, Ronald Ileiieve+, \]rss 141een klvana, .,talent 11111 tit, vT, S. lsahcl P.,•t+1 is of 5I1Ii- baskotlla T,lovd Buchanan. High jump: Ran at St. Joseph's 11osp4541 i,oudnn Lary Hnep;tal, I,amdna, spent the Edith Blancherd, Mabel )11130 Campbell; . where a luncheon was served to Ron- ald <Hointrich, Lloyd Buchanan. 50 -yard dash, .Tenn Mills, I)on,a, Wel: their immediate families by Shirley with her mother, Mrs. Katherine weekend at. her home here. soli, Edith '131aneh11(d; 75 -yard dash, Montgomery and Isabel Currie, The Douglas O'Brien. Junior girls' 75 yd Evans. Mrs. H. C. Darroch of Toronto Donna W'e19011, Jean Mills, Barbara happy couple left on their Honey- dash, Ann Hildebrandt, Jean Mc- spent thanksgiving Weekend with Russell.; relay, Edith. Blanchard; moon amici showers of good wnsltes, Allister, Patsy Taekev, Softball 5T, COLUMBAN fir. and Mrs. I+;ort Nawie} Mabel Campbell, Donna Watson, Joan. the bride travelling in a navy tailthr0117 Mary Klapp, Elaine Beer,olunpbtin k. C. Church wok th,, Mrs. Zack MOSpaddeu i spend - (...31. 681118; hyloma; MacCOwan, Phyllis Prete 0100 suit with black aecessortoe, On v)tn Hildebrandt.Broach jump: Vi\ Poi 1/.1114 tor a pretty wedding on Wed- ',»n• :t few days in London and Ham- tY,. Marjorie Fischer;. Sue Nixon; .their return they will reside in vian Re5eir, Ann Hildebrandt, Shire nceday, Oct. aid, art tl o'clock, 111111. 111011. Maximo Dunlop, Lois H0ggarth, Bar - Wm. tit. ley Chapman. High jump: Marie kilo .Jean, daughter of 101', and Mrs. MY. and Mrs. Earl Hawley in baiet Russell, Leona Stevens. Boyd, Lois Hacl:endortr, Ann Hilde• Nl'm. Dnf1'y, Dublin, 1;_acanne the bride Landon Girls, Junior: branch. Intermediates; Broad jump:of Mr, Mervyn Thomas Manley, son' , Anniversary ,services will be held Running broad jump, Edna. i101415ets COYNE—McLEAN Paul Durand, John Caldwell, Earl of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Manley, Dublin. • in Cavan Church, Winthrop, on Mary Maloney, Muriel Campbell; r, cert wedding was solei Seidel). Pole Vaults Albert Schilbe, Rev. 1+'r. Oc5•owsici perforated late eel- Sunday, Oct. 1:1, when Rev. Bee - Edna broach jump, Lchia Musser, t1 very pretty croft of. \Vinghttnt will be guest i s TIopper; nixed at St. Mary's Church, Brant• Patel Du•and, Earl Soldan. 100 yd, enemy, while Rev, Fr, Wfoulrces was ,t - , will p fowl supper Ann 1]e La laanler, Glatt' a:io on Sept, '27, by Rev. clash: Paul Durand, John Celdwell, present in the sanctuary, The (Omen speaker. There 1 l 1e a f 1 pp. high jump, Edna I3uissei, Eleanor lord, Ont i , p aseball tits F. J. Maloney, :wlictt Miss Althea, Donald McKinnon, High jump: Al- was beautifully decorated with dote Tuesday, Oct. 16. Shannop, Phyllis Bovies; b Jo ce r McClean daughter of Mr, and beet Schilbe, Earl Solder, George tall Rowers, The brute, given in roar The Wel.S, and W.A.,. of Cavan tance throw; Phyllis D0Yes, Y , Vera g baseball tan'- Mrs. Charles McClean, Sidney Mines, 'Racier, Intermediates, gir'ls: High riuge by her fnthc-•i, wore a Rome Winthrop held their Autumn 'fhn - Strong, (1.'ldys Hoppa: , ar erre hunt; 50 -Yard Nova Scotia, became the bride of jump, Shirley Smith, Bernice Dill- length gown of 1lhde sheer with offering on Tie.. Oct- _, in the gat throw, M j s Honer: �r 1Tattheve Augustine Coyne, son` Ing,. Phylis Taylor, Broa(1 jump: (Queen Anne scroll designed with a schoolroom of the chinch, bias. clash, Edna I3uisson', 031(ly 1 AS , r g 75• a1(1 (taste,' the late Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Shirley Smith, Norma Greene, Phyl- (101 fitted 110' bodice and -u)1 skirt. Her white Robr, McFarlane (5 1311 ed The Ann De La •Framer; Y of n net veil of linger -tip length. fell from theme of the meeting was, noise M512011e Knight, Edna Hui seer, 1 Coyne of St. Columban, Ontario, is Taylor, 100 yd, clash, Shirley t Hopper' relay, Gladys Flop -,Givers in marriage by J. J. Coyne, Smith, Pltvlis Taylor, Gloria Kraft. a. (14011(3 Anus 11(11olass, She carried ge the Lard:' The call to warship, Gladys 1pa bnuquet of Brialchilc•. rose.. Mrs. t. is a ood thin to .give Chanks.” per, Phyllis Scott, Joyce Strong, Elea' brother of the groom, the bride Softball 'throw, Shirley Smith, Shir- g 1 regia Hogg, Muriel voce a floor -length tit gown .of ivory ley Guenther, Dorothy Kirk. Senior Alvin 'Rau, sister' of the bride, and The meeting opened with hymn 252 nor Shannon; Do Betty Lang• 1 Miss Bernice Manse sister or the followed h g the Campbell, Mary Roswell,satin and chantilly lace. Her full bays' broad jump, Bill O'Brien, Bob. groove, anted as bridesmaid and The scripture a lessont)psaln 72,anthem. ford; Edna. 13uisser; Jaqueline Nab- length veil of tulle was arranged Trequeir, Bill Elliott. Shot: put, Bi 1111145 of honor, lvenphig Dale blue aver rear] by Mrs. Wm. Somerville. After kirk, Marjorie Itnight, Mona Bennett. with sprays of orange blossoms and O'Brien, Norbert Mettelholt, Bill tafPota and pin]( respectively: both this Mrs. W Church led in a thanks - she carries} 'a 'bouquet of red roses Elliott•. 100 yd dash, Bill O'Brien, wore ntatahtng shoulder -length veils; 'and white aster's. Miss Cecelia Mc- Campbell Kreta(01•, Bill Elliott, Polee7vin prayer. The roll call; which Nova Scotia,as Vault, Jinn Fees, Bill Elliott,Norman which reel from coronets of ostrich lease verse on thanksgiving, eves ALERT MISSION BAND Eachern, Glace Bay,plumes and carded bouquets of glad- answered by twenty members. Dove maidof honor, wore a gown of white )4littleholtz. Senior girls' high jump, le rt Mission Bancl of North- nose- Marjorie Hoffman, Eileen Miller, 'air and fern. The hest. iron was 1011 hie; the business of the }veering Mrs: The Alert, Tuesday net over pink satin with pink n ler, -drum Ran, Zurich, the uaheis 1041 E, Hawley and Mrs. G. Smith were side United Church met on tip veil and sine carried a bouquet Edna Petzke. Broad jump, MarjorieMr. Jerome Man11 caul Ml. Robert with 19 present, with the president, of .ink roses and whits asters. Mr. Hoffman, Eclrra Petzlce, Betty Moir, })iffy. Mr. Slava Manley was chant appointed as delegates 113 to thePres- with Westcott in the chair, A Michael Coyne; of St. Columban, .Softball throw, Ellen Bali, Theresa Deur forfile bridal party. byte_ial on Oct 1S in F,gtnon v 1 e. story on thanksgiving, was given by 'brother of the groom,was 'best men, Deitrich, Pauline Hess. 100 yd. dash, Following the wedding ceremony An invitation w*as x+eceire± from Dianne Wallace, Marron Chamber The ushers. were 4111103 Doyle of St. Bessie Stephens, Marjorie Hoffman, dinner was accred at Royal Lintel: Walton Society to icor with iheni Tian road the lesson and Blanche o]untJtan and John Poirier of Grace Edna Ptezice. Relay races: girls', Mitchell, renewed by a 4(1411tioir 01 on Oci' 11 Tor their thankoffering, G'firs, T,indsay,, who was ' our guest Westcott led in prayer, ,Gwen Claris- Pay, During• the offertory of the Alice Forrester, Lois Hackendorn: the hone of i.he. bride, '.1Mrs, Duffy, tie gave a reaching on thanksgiving.. 1licln Mass, the beautiful soprano Phylis Taylor, Stella Rose; Marie )mother of the bride, stud Mrs. Miran- speaker, grave a splendid and in The leader Mrs,. Bradshaw gave the voice of NI RS tonna Walsh, Toronto, Boyd, Elaine Beer', Ann Hilda' ley, mother o1' the groom, 4(,4 owed, singing address on "Building for 0th chapter oi' the Study Book, The I i l ubert's Ave Maria. br'itindt, Orion Stephen: Sh 1111 swearing 1110401 gowns and corsages of Rterndt3T:" A duet by Mrs. R. Bolton m00(1111 closed with prayer by Mrs.was health n Sc and Mrs, Chambers was enjoyed by Following the., ceremony a wedding Smith; Gloria Kraft, Elaine Becher, 1.0sr,S. Mr, and :Vlrs Manley left Inter Bradshaw. dinner waS served at the Hollywood Marion Wildfong•, Boys' relay, .Rom on a werlclin„ trip to Detroit, the all- Mrs Sas. 'Hogg moved a vote of Cafe and a reception in the after- old I'Teimrieh, Glen Noeb, Wi11i'em bride donning a. brown wool (ravel- thanks to Mrs. Lindsay. The meet- 110011 at the home of Mr, and Mrs. 11Mero, Douglas O'Brien; 110)41 13u- Rudy shit w•iih brow:) eceessoli«•s. 0n Ing closed with the Lard's prayer. ENGAGEMENT Rudy Ding, Brantford, Mrs. King,' ch1nan, Ronald 'McKinnon, Jack their return they will reside in he engagement is announced of who wore a royal teat trimmed with Boyd, Psil Solder; David In.eram, 1 Stratford, MEETING POSTPONED T Mini - Ruth, only daughter of Mr. ouch Mi's. ,battens. and blue veiling received Neil Taylor, Ross Corbett, Jimmie THE SALVATION ARMY The Seaforth and District ATin - T,, f;nmmimgs, of Walton, 10 the guests, ib or travelling rite. bride Taylor, Champions: Juvenile 'boys, A public 11140611g will be held at 5101101 Association's meeting an- LAC, Arl;hur L. Buck, of Moncton' donned an American Beauty rose Billie Pink and Gerald Bell (tied/, the S. A. on Monday, Oct, 15 at 8 nounced for Tuesday of this week eldest son of '681 and Mrs. Y n lress'vvit11 liar and accessor Juvenile girls, Sean 731111h: Jut lee pan. Lt. Cola laid -wick th'4'slci, :the has been }lostponed' until Monday, N,B., WOO le c Elmer Buck of D010110ster, N.13. Tlle.,•ies in matchingtones. On their. re= boys', Ronald Hei)ltei•ic11; Junior new Comirmder of the London and Oct. 15, at 2.30 pen, Meeting to be marriage to take 1)1100 gntetly tins • turn 119x. and r•s, Coyn0 will resile G7tls' .Ann Hildebrandt, Tntern1ec111ie Win(isor Division will be the guest , held at Northside United Church month. I in B11111±osd, boys', Paul Durand ; .Int. girls', Shir- speaker, A'il welcome. Parsonage. ley Snaith Senior boys' (3111 O'Brien; Senior girls' Marjorie Hoffman. Draw for War Savings Prize: 510. certificate, Clarence Volland, Hen- ll. 195. certificate, Mrs, Chas. Forrest, OFFICERS INSTALLED The officers of Fidelity Lodge No. 55,'„ were installed on the evening of Oct, 4th by the d,d.g,m. of No. 9 district, Goa.'don Augustine with his stat, 13. Parrot, d.d.g.w., K. Whitmore d.d.g.s„ F. Tenney, del. 1, s., W. Merritt, d.d.g.t„ B Gray, d , H McCallum, ddgc., G.Mc- Nall, ddgg,, D. Kiiconnell, ddgh., of Blyth. The officer's installed were B. Beaton, j.p.g., C. Reeves, 11.5., J. Stevens, v.g., A. Westcott, r.s., Robt. Smith, f,s., 114. McKellar, trea„ Hugh Thompson, ward, Pe Harburn, cond. N. Hubert, e.g. R. Allan, i.;_ 1.Tre- wartha, chap., D. L. Reid, t s n.g., d dg.m. W. J. Thompson 1.13,nn , A. Moore r.ss H. Moore 1.s.e, G. Me- Clinchey,,•., Chas. Cunningham 1 ay.g. Speeches were given by eseee d 4145 01. Gordon Augustine, del.g.m. W. J. Thompson, p.d.d.g,m, F.Har- burn, p,d cl.g.m. E. Mole, p d.d,,,rr. 13. Parrot, Gro. G. McNeil, after which lunch was served by the lunch Committee, UPWARDS VALUE N P PAS 4 rr pewo15 62905 DUBLIN ELIZABETH. is 54wol 5;24' 213.. U 15 Phone 194 S Res. 10