HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-10-04, Page 8TIDE SEAFORTH NEWS
Clearing Auction Sale
Mr. Harold Jackson has been in-
structed to sell by public auotion. on
lot 8, Goshen Line Stanley Town-
ship, 4* miles north of Zurich or
4 miles south of Bayfield Road, on
Tuesday, Oct. 16, at 12.80 o'clock,
the .following: I
. HORSES—Roan horse five yrs,
old; Bay mare five yrs. old.,
CATTLE—Durham cow with calf
at foot !(fresh); Durham cow due in
April; 6 Durham steers one yr. old;
4 Durham heifers 1 yr. old; 8 Dur,.
ham heifers rising 2 yrs. old; 2 Dur
ham heifers rising 8 yrs. old.
PIGS -25 chunks from 50 to
100 lbs. 5 suckers; 1 sow due time of
POULTRY -400 Rock pulIets 61/i
months old, full production.
4 tractor, 1 yr. old (like new) start-
er and lights, power take -off, rub-
ber tires; Oliver, 2 furrow, 109 bot-
tom (new) ; McCormick Deering S
ft, stiff tooth cultivator (new); Mc-
Cormick Deering Combine 4 ft,'
(like new) ; 3 section drag harrows;
'McCormick Deering 8 dice plow; set
of harrows; new rubber tired wag-.
on, 16-600 tires. other rubber tired
wagon; hay rack; New McCormick'
Deering side rake: cream separator;
grain thrower and pipes; mower;
electric -cooker; electric fencer; new,
M.H. minder; 50 ft. 6 inch endless
belt; straw blower; snow fence; 40
yds hog fence; iron kettle and stand;
pump jack and pump; 100 ft. 7:1
inch pipe; 6 chicken shelters: colony
house 10 x 12 with hydro and stove.`
HAY & GRAIN -100 bushels of
nate: 800 bus. mixed grain; 1r '
tons feed beans; forks, shovels,
whiffletrees, chains and a host of
other articles. No reserve as farmer
is giving up farming.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Some choice Darwin tulips, mixed
colors. A. L. Porteous, Seaforth.
Choice Leicester ram lamb. Phone
452 r 12. Hugh Chesney.
A practically new coal heater.
Phone 843 r 3, Seaforth.
Card of Thanks
Mr, and ''Mrs. Mervin Lane and
family wish to thank their many
friends and neighbors for their kind
assistance in many different ways
during and since the fire.
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Implements and
Furniture, lot 81, Con. 2, Tucker -
smith Township, 3ei miles east of
Clinton, and 1 mile south on Wed.,
October 17 at. 1,00, p.11. sharp, con-
sisting of: ,
Horses—Clyde 'gelding 6 yrs. old;
general purpose horse (aged),,Clyde,
colt 1 yr. old,
CATTLE—Hereford cow 3 yrs.
old, due Nov. 2; Hereford cow 3 yrs.
old due Dec. 4; Hereford cow 5 yrs.
old due Jan, 15; Hereford cow 5 yrs.
old due Apr, 21; Hereford heifer 2
yrs. old due Dec. 26; Holstein cow 8
yrs. old due Feb. 28; Guernsey cow
7 yrs. old due April ; Black cow 8
yrs. old, due Feb. 16; 3 steers 1 yr,
old; 2 'heifers 1 yr. old;. 7 spring
PIGS—Sow, 1 yr. old, due to far-
row, Nov. 20; 5 chunks approx. 150
SHEEP -4 young 'Leicester ewes:
6 spring ewe lambs.
POULTRY -50 light Sussex and
New Hampshire pullets.
IMPLEMENTS—MM. binder 7 -ft.
cut, M.H. 13 hoe seed drill, McCor-
mick - Deering cultivator (steel
wheels): McCormick Deering liay
rake, McCormick -Deering mower 5 -ft
cut, Fleury walking plow, out -throw
disc, 'Oliver riding plow, gang plow,
3 61001 steel roller, 4 section liar•-
roiis, set of sleighs, cutter, buggy
Vessot grail -grinder 6", root yelper.
turnip drill, fanning mill, set of
breeching harness, (nearly flew),
single harness and third harness,
horse collars. double tress, single
trees, neck yokes, furnace Meeks,
' ]umber, cedar pots, forks, shovels
ant' numerous other articles,
FURNIT('RE — Eureka electric
washing machine neauly newt, oak
dining room :suite, cherry bedroom
suite with marble top dresser and
stand (antique), bed, dresser, mat-
tress and springs, kitchen cupboard,
kitchen table (extension) and four
chairs, Quebec heater, box heater.
camp chair, .baby buggy, Coleman
gas lamp and lantern. numerous
other articles.
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Lady's dark green coat with grey
wolf collar, size 16. Can be seen at
LOVE -In loving memory of Allan
John Love who passed away one
year ago Oct. 9, 1944.
Quickly and suddenly was the call.
His sudden death surprised us all.
Dearer to memory than words can
The loss of a son we loved so' well.
Sadly missed by his mother, sisters
and brothers.
1 Quebec heater and 1 kitchen
range, Apply at The News Office.
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock,. Implements and
Household Effects at Lot 24, Con.
12, Stanley Township 1/ miles
south-east of Bayfield. End of Bron-
son Line, on 'Thursday, Oct. 18,
1945, commencing at 1.00 o'clock,
sharp. horse, I
13CRSES-1 bay: horse, 1 grey
• Cattle -1 roan cow in calf, still
milking; 1 red cow in calf, still milk-'
ing;` 1 Hereford cow in calf, still
milking; 1 red cow to freshen May
1st; 1 heifer rising 2 years old; 1
heifer rising 3 years old; 1 steer
rising 1 year old; 1 heifer rising 1
year old; 2 spring calves. I
IPOULTR.Y-30 yearling hens; a
pair of geese,
('r ft. cut; Fordson tractor in good
working contrition; Oliver tractor
Plow; walking plow; -3 1 -horse scuf-
fiers, one new; double disc for tract-
or; 1 -horse disc; 1Q -foot steel rake;
3 -section harrows; Renfrew cream
separator with attachments for pow-
, steel farm wagon; bean scuffler;
'new coal brooder stove; colony
house; 30 -gallon barrel; quantity of
bags; bag truck; manure box; Port-
land cutter; gas pump; wheel-
barrow: stoncboat; 2 2 -wheel trail-
ers; 1200 -lb scales; 12 tons of clover
hay; 2 incubators: set of double
harness; chimes; shovels: forks;
mail box; sap pan and epiles: elec-
tric fencer, scythe, etc.
bedstead with springs; wooden bed;
coil springs; Raymond seYVing ma-
chine; enameled kitchen stove, like
new; wardrobe and other articles too
numerous to mention,
Fred Watson, Clerk.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
Clearing Auction Sale
01 Farm'
. Farm Stock and Imp-
lements, m the village of Varna, on
Friday, Oct. 19, at 1.30 p,rn,
HORSES—Dapple .grey Percheron
wagon horse 8 yrs. old; black Perch-
eron mare 13 yrs old.
CATTLE -=Red Durham cow 0
yrs. old to freshen in June; Grey
Durham cow 7 yrs, old to freshen in
April; Black cow 6 yrs old, freshen.
in 1 month; 3 calves, 3 Leicester
IMPLEMENTS — Deering binder
6 -ft. cut, good; Deering plower 5 -ft.
cut; Deering 13 disc drill; Oliver
bean puller and scuffler; M.H, side
rake; Deering dump rake; spring -
tooth cultivator; out -throw disc; 3
section harrows (new teeth); walk-
ing plows gang plow; 1 set sloop
sleighs with bunks; wagon, 15 4 ft.
flat rack, (nearly new); gravel box,
light wagon; horse scuffles; rubber
tire buggy; democrat; set backbend
harness; new bridles; 2 collars; Ren-
frew cream separator; churn; sap
pan; 75 buckets and spiles; neck
yokes; forks; shovels; double trees;
lumber; bags; chains.
FARM—The farm consists of 53
acres adjoining the village of Varna.
Terms -Gash.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements,S54
Lots 54-55, Con. 1, Morris Twp„
one mile west of Jamestown, Tues-
day, October 9. Sale commences at
12.80 p.n'i,
HORSES- 1 Belgium gelding 3
yrs. old (broken);.1 grey Percheron
mare 3 yrs. old (broken) ; 1 general
purpose mare 10 yrs. old.
CATTLE -1 Durham cow 4 yrs
old registered (fresh); 3 Durham
COWS.l yrs. old due in Feb.:.2 spur-
ham heifers 2 yrs old due in Feb.
Durham cow 3 yrs. old bred 6 weeks;
Durham heifer due Jan.; Hereford
cow 6 yrs, old due Nov.; Hereford
steer 1 yr. olds 10 Durham calves.
PIGS—lyoung sow with 10 pigs;
1 young sow with 7 pigs;, young sow
clue Nov„ 10 chunk 150 lbs.; 10
chunks 80 lbs.
IMPLEMENTS 15-27 Wallace
tractor in good shape rubber. in
front;3-fdrrow Massey plow; 9 -ft.
i stiff tooth cultivator (new); Frot &
stiff tooth cultivator (new); Frost &
mower 5 -ft. cut; Maxwell hay loader;
clump rake; wagon with 16 ft, •hay
rack; sloop sleigh (nearly new); 13
hoe drill; spring tooth cultivator; 2
h.p. gas engine; pump jack; colony.
house 10x12; colony house 12x14;
colony house 7x9; 1 coal :brooder
stove; 2 range shelters; poultry
feeders; electric fencer; 2 pig self
feeders; 1 cedar trough 15 ft. long;
1 set trouble harness; 2 collars; 130
ft. new hayfork rope; 100 lb. milk
can; wheelbarrow; whiffletrees,
neckyokes, forks, 'shovels, etc., 1 box
GRAIN -1500 bus. mixed grain,
quantity of hay, quantity of pota-
140 reserve as farm is rented.
Arthur Ruttan, Prop.:
E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
THURSDAY, OCT. 4, 1945
r eaticessiessniesesnme
24 lb. Bag
5 1b. Bag
2 Pkges
2 Pkges
Lux Flakes, Large Pkge, 23c
Card of Thanks
Mrs. John Rathwell and family
wish to thank. their many friends
for the sympathy shown during their
recent bereavement. Tlie floral tri-
butes and those who acted as pall-
bearers, and a special thanks and
appreciation to Rev. Miss Reba
Hern, also the Loyal Orange Lodge.
Assistant required for Public Utility and
Municipal Office. Experience as 0 steno-
grapher capable of taking dictation and
pperator of combined electrical billingmach-
ine and typewriter desirable. Bookkeeping :mil
experience as a cashier also helpful. Ap-
plication to be in theoffice of the Public
Utility Commission, Town Hall, Senfoth,
by Oct. 8th. -. .
Auction Sale
Strathroy, Saturday, October 6„
250 western stock cattle ''including
feeder and stocker steers, a choice
run sof 'I3erefords, also heifers and
stock cows. Sales every Saturday.
Trucks to deliver.:Private sales in
the week. A. G. McAlpine; Acct.
One gond driver eight years old, and 1
Durham steer about 800, Apply Geo. Pox,
Walton, Phone 330 - 33,,. Seaforth central.
Five room house, hydro, with 11.4
acres land, stable and henhouse, in
Dublin, with or without furniture.
Apply to Fred Eckert, Dublin.
Phone 6 r 4 or Fergus Horan,
Phone 23 r 8,
An aged working horse. reliable;
also some healthy year-old hens.
Apply to Robert Rogerson, phone
850112, Seaforth central; Ltmdesbero
Auction Sale
00 Perm Stock and .Implements on lot 14,
con, 4, MITI. road, 1 mile west of Egmond-
ville, on Tuesday, .October 0. at 12 o'clock
HORSES -1 mare rising 11, 1 horse ris-
ing 8, 2 colts rising 4, working good. CATTLE -10 milking cows, 40 head of
Young cattle, 2 year old Itereford bull,
PIGS -16 chunks of pigs, 1 sow due in
IMPLEMENTS -1 M. H. binder 7 -ft. cut,
good as new. 1 :mower 83, ft., 1 M. H. fer-
tiliser drill, 1 International 'nay loader. 1
International side rake, 1 14: wagon, 1 hay
rake, 1 Lend roller, 1 M. H. manure spreader,
1 M. H. stiff tooth cultivator, 1 low wagon
with 10 -ft. rack, 2 gas engines, 34 h,p, and
0 hp., 1 Woods milking machine, 2 emits,
good as new, 1 Quebec 'plow, 1..Melote cream
separator, 1/1 h.p. electric motor; 1/4 h.p.
Motor,set of double -harness. Other articles
too numerous to mention, Everything must
be sold es proprietor Is giving tip farming,
1 ' Terms—Cash.
Eebt. Patrick, Clerk.
'Lew 'Rowland, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale '
Of Household Furniture to be Held
at the home of Mrs.. John Galbraith,
William St., Brussels on. Saturday,
October 13, Sale commences at
12.30 p.m.
1 chesterfield good as new, 1 buf-
fet, oak. 1 china cabinet, oak, 1 ex-
tension dining room table, oak, (ii
dining room chairs leather seats and
backs 1' 'walnut tea wagon, 1 'wel-
end table', '1 oak caresser with large
mirror, 1 brass bed, 2 -antique spin-
dle beds,' 1 antique dresser, 1' wal-
nut bed almost new, 1 walnut chest
of drawers almost new, 1 walnut
caressing table almost new, 1 Wilton
rug 9x12, 1 Wilton 10x7, 1 Linole
un rug 15x9, 1 veranda rug 6x9, 3
small tables,. 2 wicker rocking chairs,
2 ferneries, wicker, 1 felt mattress,
1 deep sleep. Simmons- mattress
almost new, 2 bed springs, 1
Slumber King, 1 end table, 1 Ray-
mond sewing -machine, 1 kitchen
table, 4 kitchen chairs, 1' electric
range McLary, 1. set dishes, 1 coal
oil stove 3 burner, 2 stretchers and
mattress, window shades, brass cur•-
tain poles, cooking utensils, pictures,
electric iron, electric toaster, 1 high
chair. Several' other articles too
numerous to mention.
Robert Patrick, Clerk.
Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of household Furniture to be
held at the home of 'Mrs. Minnie
Parker, Princess St., Brussels on
Saturday, Oct. 6. Sale commences
at 12.30 p
6 dining room chair's, 1 dining -
room extension 'table, 1 chesterfield
suite, 1 buffett, 1 foot stool, 1 par-
lor rocking chair, 1 parlor arm chair,
1parlor table, 1 jardinere stand
1 large rocking chair, 3 small rock-
ing chairs, 2 bedroom chairs and.
small table, 2 full sized bedsteads,
1-7,/1 sized iron bedstead, 2 full sized
mattresses and springs, 3.14 sized
mattress, 3 dressers and washstands,
1 kitchen table, 3 kitchen chairs, 1
sewing machine, 1 padded box for
bedroom, 2 coal oil lamps, 1 set
dining dishes, 1 very large mirror
for wall, 1 iron couch with mattress,
1 copper bottom boiler, 2 galvanized
wash tubs, 1 wash. board, 1 electric
floor lamp, 1 electric table lamp, 1
electric iron, 1 carpenters tool box,
1 kitchen stove and pipes, 1 large
teakettle, 1 small teakettle, 1 large
dust mop, pictures for wall, number
of cushions, 2 pair of bed pillows, 1
lawn mower, cooking utensils, '1 step
ladder, window curtains, garden
tools, 1 axplinster rug 4x7a4 6 ax-
Ininste}• scatter rugs, number of
braided rugs, numerous other ar-
tides. ,
MRS. M. Parker, Prop.
Robert -Patrick, Clerk.
Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer.'
Auction Sale
OE Dairy Cottle, at. Silver Creek
Farm at Seaforth, lot 9, con. 1, Tuck-
ersmith, on No. 8 highway, on Thurs-
day, Oct. 11, at 1,30 p.m.
45 head. Holsteins, and Guernseys,
purebredand grades, 0 registered
Itoh.•teins, 18 grade Holsteins, 11.
registered Guernseys, 10 high grach
Guei liseys. 5 chic in October; 7 due
in Nov, c e.
3 1 u n i De 4' due. in Jan.,
and 7 duce in I eb the balance, heif-
ers and calves. s All 1 years. old and
under, vaccinated -and negative.
Reg'd Holsteins: Lady Posch Celan-
the =-510060= 3 yrs. due Feb.; Clear-
brook Pietze Hartog =524292= 1 yrs.
due May; Beauty Pesch Korndyke
=644152= 3 years, clue Jan.; .Poach
Oemsby Echo =544158= 3 years clue
May; Glenelm Dewdrop =322300= 10
years, due Nov.; Alcatra Tensen
Pride =189073= bull calf 8 whs.
Gracie Holsteins -4 cows due in
Nov.; 1 cows ilue in Feb.; 1 heifer 2
yens s, clue in Nov.; 1 heifer 2 years,
bred Aug. 25; 1 heifer due in Dec.;
4 yearling heifers not bred; 2 heifer
calves 10 iuoS. 2 heifer calves 4 mos.
Registered Guernseys Silver Greek
Choice 23, 7 yrs., due Man.; SC Prin-
cess 1T, 6 years, due Mar.; Green-
wood Flossie 2nd 5T, (1 yrs, dud Feb.;
SC Rose 1V, 4 years, due Feb:; SC
Flossie 3V, 4 yrs due Tan.; SC Sov-
er'eign's Lady, 4W, 3 years, clue ,Tan.;
SC Sovereign's Flo, 1Y, 1 year; SC
Sovereign's. Dolly 2Y, 1 year; SC Sov-
ereign's Dimple 3Y, 1 yr.; SC Flossie
2nd 1.8, heifer call;; SO Beauty 28,
heifer calf.
Gracie Guernseys -3 heifers 2 years
old, eligible for registration, freshor
near freshening; 2 heifers 2"yrs, dile
in. Oct.; 1. cow 6 years, clue in Jan.;
1. farrow cow; 1 cow 6 yrs.; due in
Dec.; 1 brindle cow due in Oct..; 1
brindle heifer 1 yr.
14 good breeding ewes, Leicesters
and Shropshires. 26 Yorkshire shoats
weighing about 80 lbs.. Terms cash.
E. B. GOUDIE, Prop.; Harold Tack
son, Auctioneer; D. P. Chesney, Clerk
Wrecking a model A car. Parts
for sale. Also, a few good young
sows. Harvey McElwain, Phone 852
r 23. Con. 2 McKillop.
A Clare Bios. (Jewel) cook stove
with warming closet and reservoir.
In good condition'. ,(half ' price).
Phone 659-41 Seaforth.
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements,
including brand new Fordson tract- tired buggy.
or. Fifteen cows due tmie of sale. Terms—Cash.
All household furniture, TT/ mile east K. G. JACKSON and JOHN HAG -
of Jamestown, at 11 a.m., sharp, on ,'GIT, Proprietors,
Friday, October 12. Tom Wilson, William, Moi;ritt, Auctioneer.
Prop., Robt, Patrick, Clerk; Lew FOR SALE
Rowland, Auctioneer. Oxford Ram lambs,ght
FOR SALE yearling ewes. Apply to '. also eight
Driving nurse, single or double. Dale, Phone. 61.6 r 4, Clinton.
Rubber tire buggy, with good tires; FOR SALE
also, a set X01 high tops, and a cutter,. Medium size Quebec heater, nearly usa'
Phone 295, Seaforth. Prank Maloney, George Street.
McConnell & Hays
Barristere, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Iiaye
SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 114
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours: --
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Watson & Reid
A11 kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Clare,
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, W. R. Archibald, Sea -
forth; Vice President, Frank Mc-
Gregor, Clinton; Seo: Treas, and
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot,
Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born.
holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;
John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mo
Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander,
Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Brucefleld; R. F.
Mclercher, Dublin; J. F, Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance,
or transact other business, will be.
promptly attended to by applications
to nay of the above named °Ulcers
addressed to their respective post
Dr. Ie. A. McMaster, M.H., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F. J, R. Forster, Specialist in.
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
6 p,m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday is
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, H. xi, Ross' office. Phone 5 1
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W Seaforth
Ye. Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, Loudon, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday In each month from :2 to
4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. --53 Waterloo
St., Stratford, Telephone 207.
Successor to Holmes s Whitney
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hoe
pital. Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell
Nm•sery Flowers. Phone .119.
Nights and ,Holidays 65
Auction Sale
Of Live Stock on the Hullett
Morris boundary at the farrn of K.
G. Jackson, 4 miles east of the vil-
age of Blyth, Wed., October 10,.
commencing at 1.30 o'clock, as fol-
HOLSTEINS—,('Property of I{. G.
Jackson) -2 cows, registered, 5 yrs..
old, due time of sale; 1 cow, 4 yrs.
old, ,due .Nov. •lst; 1 cow, 3 yrs. old,
due Nov. 12; 1 cow, 3 yrs. old, due
Oct, 25th; 1 cow, 8 yrs. old, due in
Dec.; 1 cow 5 yrs. old, due in April;
1 cow, 7 yrs. old, due in April; 1
cow 3 yrs. old, due in May; 1 heifer,
2 yrs. old, due in Jan.; 1 heifer, 2
yrs. old; due in Dec. (Vaccinated);
1. heifer,. 2 yrs. old, due in April; 1
heifer, 2 yrs. old; due in April (Vac-
cinated) ; 3 yearling heifers (Vaccin-
ated); 2 steers. -
SHORTHORNS (Property of
John Haggit)-1, cow, 9 yrs, old,
bred 2 months; 1 cow, 5 years old
(part Jersey) bred 2 months;.1 cow,
3 years old, calved in June; 1 steer,
2 yrs. old, 1200 lbs; 1 heifer, 2 yrs.
old, 900 lbs; 4 yearlings; 2 spring
IMPLEMENTS -(Property of I{.
0. Jackson) -1 Cockshutt, 3 -foot
double disc. ,good as new; 1 rubber
IF the needy and destitute
f war-torn lands � to could stand
at your side in their rags
and poverty—and look in
your clothes closet with you ..
that could happen, and
you saw the plea in their
sunken, death -hounded eyes,
you would give half of your
clothing to warm them.
aid of
will go and look. They
won't be at my side, but
their voice of thanks will be.
Clearing Auction Sale
01 Farm'
. Farm Stock and Imp-
lements, m the village of Varna, on
Friday, Oct. 19, at 1.30 p,rn,
HORSES—Dapple .grey Percheron
wagon horse 8 yrs. old; black Perch-
eron mare 13 yrs old.
CATTLE -=Red Durham cow 0
yrs. old to freshen in June; Grey
Durham cow 7 yrs, old to freshen in
April; Black cow 6 yrs old, freshen.
in 1 month; 3 calves, 3 Leicester
IMPLEMENTS — Deering binder
6 -ft. cut, good; Deering plower 5 -ft.
cut; Deering 13 disc drill; Oliver
bean puller and scuffler; M.H, side
rake; Deering dump rake; spring -
tooth cultivator; out -throw disc; 3
section harrows (new teeth); walk-
ing plows gang plow; 1 set sloop
sleighs with bunks; wagon, 15 4 ft.
flat rack, (nearly new); gravel box,
light wagon; horse scuffles; rubber
tire buggy; democrat; set backbend
harness; new bridles; 2 collars; Ren-
frew cream separator; churn; sap
pan; 75 buckets and spiles; neck
yokes; forks; shovels; double trees;
lumber; bags; chains.
FARM—The farm consists of 53
acres adjoining the village of Varna.
Terms -Gash.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements,S54
Lots 54-55, Con. 1, Morris Twp„
one mile west of Jamestown, Tues-
day, October 9. Sale commences at
12.80 p.n'i,
HORSES- 1 Belgium gelding 3
yrs. old (broken);.1 grey Percheron
mare 3 yrs. old (broken) ; 1 general
purpose mare 10 yrs. old.
CATTLE -1 Durham cow 4 yrs
old registered (fresh); 3 Durham
COWS.l yrs. old due in Feb.:.2 spur-
ham heifers 2 yrs old due in Feb.
Durham cow 3 yrs. old bred 6 weeks;
Durham heifer due Jan.; Hereford
cow 6 yrs, old due Nov.; Hereford
steer 1 yr. olds 10 Durham calves.
PIGS—lyoung sow with 10 pigs;
1 young sow with 7 pigs;, young sow
clue Nov„ 10 chunk 150 lbs.; 10
chunks 80 lbs.
IMPLEMENTS 15-27 Wallace
tractor in good shape rubber. in
front;3-fdrrow Massey plow; 9 -ft.
i stiff tooth cultivator (new); Frot &
stiff tooth cultivator (new); Frost &
mower 5 -ft. cut; Maxwell hay loader;
clump rake; wagon with 16 ft, •hay
rack; sloop sleigh (nearly new); 13
hoe drill; spring tooth cultivator; 2
h.p. gas engine; pump jack; colony.
house 10x12; colony house 12x14;
colony house 7x9; 1 coal :brooder
stove; 2 range shelters; poultry
feeders; electric fencer; 2 pig self
feeders; 1 cedar trough 15 ft. long;
1 set trouble harness; 2 collars; 130
ft. new hayfork rope; 100 lb. milk
can; wheelbarrow; whiffletrees,
neckyokes, forks, 'shovels, etc., 1 box
GRAIN -1500 bus. mixed grain,
quantity of hay, quantity of pota-
140 reserve as farm is rented.
Arthur Ruttan, Prop.:
E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
THURSDAY, OCT. 4, 1945
r eaticessiessniesesnme
24 lb. Bag
5 1b. Bag
2 Pkges
2 Pkges
Lux Flakes, Large Pkge, 23c
Card of Thanks
Mrs. John Rathwell and family
wish to thank. their many friends
for the sympathy shown during their
recent bereavement. Tlie floral tri-
butes and those who acted as pall-
bearers, and a special thanks and
appreciation to Rev. Miss Reba
Hern, also the Loyal Orange Lodge.
Assistant required for Public Utility and
Municipal Office. Experience as 0 steno-
grapher capable of taking dictation and
pperator of combined electrical billingmach-
ine and typewriter desirable. Bookkeeping :mil
experience as a cashier also helpful. Ap-
plication to be in theoffice of the Public
Utility Commission, Town Hall, Senfoth,
by Oct. 8th. -. .
Auction Sale
Strathroy, Saturday, October 6„
250 western stock cattle ''including
feeder and stocker steers, a choice
run sof 'I3erefords, also heifers and
stock cows. Sales every Saturday.
Trucks to deliver.:Private sales in
the week. A. G. McAlpine; Acct.
One gond driver eight years old, and 1
Durham steer about 800, Apply Geo. Pox,
Walton, Phone 330 - 33,,. Seaforth central.
Five room house, hydro, with 11.4
acres land, stable and henhouse, in
Dublin, with or without furniture.
Apply to Fred Eckert, Dublin.
Phone 6 r 4 or Fergus Horan,
Phone 23 r 8,
An aged working horse. reliable;
also some healthy year-old hens.
Apply to Robert Rogerson, phone
850112, Seaforth central; Ltmdesbero
Auction Sale
00 Perm Stock and .Implements on lot 14,
con, 4, MITI. road, 1 mile west of Egmond-
ville, on Tuesday, .October 0. at 12 o'clock
HORSES -1 mare rising 11, 1 horse ris-
ing 8, 2 colts rising 4, working good. CATTLE -10 milking cows, 40 head of
Young cattle, 2 year old Itereford bull,
PIGS -16 chunks of pigs, 1 sow due in
IMPLEMENTS -1 M. H. binder 7 -ft. cut,
good as new. 1 :mower 83, ft., 1 M. H. fer-
tiliser drill, 1 International 'nay loader. 1
International side rake, 1 14: wagon, 1 hay
rake, 1 Lend roller, 1 M. H. manure spreader,
1 M. H. stiff tooth cultivator, 1 low wagon
with 10 -ft. rack, 2 gas engines, 34 h,p, and
0 hp., 1 Woods milking machine, 2 emits,
good as new, 1 Quebec 'plow, 1..Melote cream
separator, 1/1 h.p. electric motor; 1/4 h.p.
Motor,set of double -harness. Other articles
too numerous to mention, Everything must
be sold es proprietor Is giving tip farming,
1 ' Terms—Cash.
Eebt. Patrick, Clerk.
'Lew 'Rowland, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale '
Of Household Furniture to be Held
at the home of Mrs.. John Galbraith,
William St., Brussels on. Saturday,
October 13, Sale commences at
12.30 p.m.
1 chesterfield good as new, 1 buf-
fet, oak. 1 china cabinet, oak, 1 ex-
tension dining room table, oak, (ii
dining room chairs leather seats and
backs 1' 'walnut tea wagon, 1 'wel-
end table', '1 oak caresser with large
mirror, 1 brass bed, 2 -antique spin-
dle beds,' 1 antique dresser, 1' wal-
nut bed almost new, 1 walnut chest
of drawers almost new, 1 walnut
caressing table almost new, 1 Wilton
rug 9x12, 1 Wilton 10x7, 1 Linole
un rug 15x9, 1 veranda rug 6x9, 3
small tables,. 2 wicker rocking chairs,
2 ferneries, wicker, 1 felt mattress,
1 deep sleep. Simmons- mattress
almost new, 2 bed springs, 1
Slumber King, 1 end table, 1 Ray-
mond sewing -machine, 1 kitchen
table, 4 kitchen chairs, 1' electric
range McLary, 1. set dishes, 1 coal
oil stove 3 burner, 2 stretchers and
mattress, window shades, brass cur•-
tain poles, cooking utensils, pictures,
electric iron, electric toaster, 1 high
chair. Several' other articles too
numerous to mention.
Robert Patrick, Clerk.
Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of household Furniture to be
held at the home of 'Mrs. Minnie
Parker, Princess St., Brussels on
Saturday, Oct. 6. Sale commences
at 12.30 p
6 dining room chair's, 1 dining -
room extension 'table, 1 chesterfield
suite, 1 buffett, 1 foot stool, 1 par-
lor rocking chair, 1 parlor arm chair,
1parlor table, 1 jardinere stand
1 large rocking chair, 3 small rock-
ing chairs, 2 bedroom chairs and.
small table, 2 full sized bedsteads,
1-7,/1 sized iron bedstead, 2 full sized
mattresses and springs, 3.14 sized
mattress, 3 dressers and washstands,
1 kitchen table, 3 kitchen chairs, 1
sewing machine, 1 padded box for
bedroom, 2 coal oil lamps, 1 set
dining dishes, 1 very large mirror
for wall, 1 iron couch with mattress,
1 copper bottom boiler, 2 galvanized
wash tubs, 1 wash. board, 1 electric
floor lamp, 1 electric table lamp, 1
electric iron, 1 carpenters tool box,
1 kitchen stove and pipes, 1 large
teakettle, 1 small teakettle, 1 large
dust mop, pictures for wall, number
of cushions, 2 pair of bed pillows, 1
lawn mower, cooking utensils, '1 step
ladder, window curtains, garden
tools, 1 axplinster rug 4x7a4 6 ax-
Ininste}• scatter rugs, number of
braided rugs, numerous other ar-
tides. ,
MRS. M. Parker, Prop.
Robert -Patrick, Clerk.
Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer.'
Auction Sale
OE Dairy Cottle, at. Silver Creek
Farm at Seaforth, lot 9, con. 1, Tuck-
ersmith, on No. 8 highway, on Thurs-
day, Oct. 11, at 1,30 p.m.
45 head. Holsteins, and Guernseys,
purebredand grades, 0 registered
Itoh.•teins, 18 grade Holsteins, 11.
registered Guernseys, 10 high grach
Guei liseys. 5 chic in October; 7 due
in Nov, c e.
3 1 u n i De 4' due. in Jan.,
and 7 duce in I eb the balance, heif-
ers and calves. s All 1 years. old and
under, vaccinated -and negative.
Reg'd Holsteins: Lady Posch Celan-
the =-510060= 3 yrs. due Feb.; Clear-
brook Pietze Hartog =524292= 1 yrs.
due May; Beauty Pesch Korndyke
=644152= 3 years, clue Jan.; .Poach
Oemsby Echo =544158= 3 years clue
May; Glenelm Dewdrop =322300= 10
years, due Nov.; Alcatra Tensen
Pride =189073= bull calf 8 whs.
Gracie Holsteins -4 cows due in
Nov.; 1 cows ilue in Feb.; 1 heifer 2
yens s, clue in Nov.; 1 heifer 2 years,
bred Aug. 25; 1 heifer due in Dec.;
4 yearling heifers not bred; 2 heifer
calves 10 iuoS. 2 heifer calves 4 mos.
Registered Guernseys Silver Greek
Choice 23, 7 yrs., due Man.; SC Prin-
cess 1T, 6 years, due Mar.; Green-
wood Flossie 2nd 5T, (1 yrs, dud Feb.;
SC Rose 1V, 4 years, due Feb:; SC
Flossie 3V, 4 yrs due Tan.; SC Sov-
er'eign's Lady, 4W, 3 years, clue ,Tan.;
SC Sovereign's Flo, 1Y, 1 year; SC
Sovereign's. Dolly 2Y, 1 year; SC Sov-
ereign's Dimple 3Y, 1 yr.; SC Flossie
2nd 1.8, heifer call;; SO Beauty 28,
heifer calf.
Gracie Guernseys -3 heifers 2 years
old, eligible for registration, freshor
near freshening; 2 heifers 2"yrs, dile
in. Oct.; 1. cow 6 years, clue in Jan.;
1. farrow cow; 1 cow 6 yrs.; due in
Dec.; 1 brindle cow due in Oct..; 1
brindle heifer 1 yr.
14 good breeding ewes, Leicesters
and Shropshires. 26 Yorkshire shoats
weighing about 80 lbs.. Terms cash.
E. B. GOUDIE, Prop.; Harold Tack
son, Auctioneer; D. P. Chesney, Clerk
Wrecking a model A car. Parts
for sale. Also, a few good young
sows. Harvey McElwain, Phone 852
r 23. Con. 2 McKillop.
A Clare Bios. (Jewel) cook stove
with warming closet and reservoir.
In good condition'. ,(half ' price).
Phone 659-41 Seaforth.
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements,
including brand new Fordson tract- tired buggy.
or. Fifteen cows due tmie of sale. Terms—Cash.
All household furniture, TT/ mile east K. G. JACKSON and JOHN HAG -
of Jamestown, at 11 a.m., sharp, on ,'GIT, Proprietors,
Friday, October 12. Tom Wilson, William, Moi;ritt, Auctioneer.
Prop., Robt, Patrick, Clerk; Lew FOR SALE
Rowland, Auctioneer. Oxford Ram lambs,ght
FOR SALE yearling ewes. Apply to '. also eight
Driving nurse, single or double. Dale, Phone. 61.6 r 4, Clinton.
Rubber tire buggy, with good tires; FOR SALE
also, a set X01 high tops, and a cutter,. Medium size Quebec heater, nearly usa'
Phone 295, Seaforth. Prank Maloney, George Street.
McConnell & Hays
Barristere, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Iiaye
SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 114
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours: --
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Watson & Reid
A11 kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Clare,
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, W. R. Archibald, Sea -
forth; Vice President, Frank Mc-
Gregor, Clinton; Seo: Treas, and
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot,
Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born.
holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;
John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mo
Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander,
Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Brucefleld; R. F.
Mclercher, Dublin; J. F, Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance,
or transact other business, will be.
promptly attended to by applications
to nay of the above named °Ulcers
addressed to their respective post
Dr. Ie. A. McMaster, M.H., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F. J, R. Forster, Specialist in.
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
6 p,m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday is
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, H. xi, Ross' office. Phone 5 1
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W Seaforth
Ye. Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, Loudon, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday In each month from :2 to
4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. --53 Waterloo
St., Stratford, Telephone 207.
Successor to Holmes s Whitney
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hoe
pital. Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell
Nm•sery Flowers. Phone .119.
Nights and ,Holidays 65
Auction Sale
Of Live Stock on the Hullett
Morris boundary at the farrn of K.
G. Jackson, 4 miles east of the vil-
age of Blyth, Wed., October 10,.
commencing at 1.30 o'clock, as fol-
HOLSTEINS—,('Property of I{. G.
Jackson) -2 cows, registered, 5 yrs..
old, due time of sale; 1 cow, 4 yrs.
old, ,due .Nov. •lst; 1 cow, 3 yrs. old,
due Nov. 12; 1 cow, 3 yrs. old, due
Oct, 25th; 1 cow, 8 yrs. old, due in
Dec.; 1 cow 5 yrs. old, due in April;
1 cow, 7 yrs. old, due in April; 1
cow 3 yrs. old, due in May; 1 heifer,
2 yrs. old, due in Jan.; 1 heifer, 2
yrs. old; due in Dec. (Vaccinated);
1. heifer,. 2 yrs. old, due in April; 1
heifer, 2 yrs. old; due in April (Vac-
cinated) ; 3 yearling heifers (Vaccin-
ated); 2 steers. -
SHORTHORNS (Property of
John Haggit)-1, cow, 9 yrs, old,
bred 2 months; 1 cow, 5 years old
(part Jersey) bred 2 months;.1 cow,
3 years old, calved in June; 1 steer,
2 yrs. old, 1200 lbs; 1 heifer, 2 yrs.
old, 900 lbs; 4 yearlings; 2 spring
IMPLEMENTS -(Property of I{.
0. Jackson) -1 Cockshutt, 3 -foot
double disc. ,good as new; 1 rubber