HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-10-04, Page 1The Seafo.rh
WHOLE sums, VOL, 68, No, 40
bt a sear
The days go by and make the years
Some tell of Joy, and some of tears,
7t must be right, we'll one day see
The Master cares for you and mo.
Some lives are short, and some are long,
And some are just one grand street song,
Whileothers battle storms and. tide,
Yet underneath IRs arms abide.
Sometimes we wonder, does He mire,
Or is life all our -own affair.
And then we scan the way we've trod,
So full of moray, — full of God,
We rfret, and swoiry?yea onwrecked yyear fear.
Have faith, have courage, wait and see,
He loves, He cares, for you and mel
The Seaforth Agricultural Society
wish to express their appreciation of
a shipment of products of the imper-
ial Oil Co., donated by tbem to 'the
Fail Fair, but which, unfortunately,
arrived too late to be included in the
prize liet, They also wish to thank
the people of Seaforth and surround-
ing districts for their splendid sole
Port anti co-operation, which help to
nialte the fair such a decided success.
highly esteemed residents lof g
p b cometh earl. Inttbduaed. They lu•e Revs. C. 13,
Goth wedding anniversary on Satur- Woolley of Ashfield, ri. G, stotesbury of its -
McClure,Mr. and Mrs. John Huron Presbytery met in Walton united
Church on Sentembei' 20ti, with the ohttir-
MC- mol, Itev. R. G, FItvlowood ,restdin The
I{lino Township, celebrated thea new ministers t0 the presbytcr0 were wel-
day and Sunday. Both are keeping flend, C. C. Weir of Centralia, W. J. Rankers
in good health and enjoyed the of Dungannon, C. W, Down of Exeter, At -
beet Frinton of Klppen, and A. D. Penman
of Londesboro. Inspiring and instructive ltd
dresses were given by Revs, Duncan Me
John McClure, eldest son of the Tnvish, pvosldent of Landon Conference; M.
late George McClure and Sara Tor- P. Smith, conference convener , 1e mis-
1'ance of McKillop and Agnes Smith, sionnry and montane nee fund : and Ganite
eldest daughter of the late Robert Mom'e, conference director oT the Crusade
Smith and Dolly Murray, ere for• alrist. In oder to effeattRla Ilmnch the
y yCrusade for Christ old the IC10000 , Pres -
united in marriage by the late Rev, hyte,m was divided RInto font• zones with a
Peter Musgrove oe h Sept 80,
1385 Spy Cman 1t' eat• A. H. V, WorWiml for•
tti it of
rr y 7 'swielne
en Art 4 calm Al' ng lmn,
at the home of the bride's arents, Rev. R. 14. Turnbull foe Goderloh, and Roo..
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, in Nal' A B 1 t r D t P b t d
r attended
an allocation of 5'L4,126 for the mistouuy
lett They were
a and mauttenmue fund, for the ,,e,„! 1U46.
by Blanche McClure, now Mrs. (Di',) 'L`his Is 1r more than the allocation for
J. Gill of Echo, Minn., and John 1916'
Milntstet•s sad congregations were urged
Smith of Hullett, who passed swain to eep baro re Ale nconle the obleccdva, '100
p to lU&) by 1950." Regret was espt•esaed at
several years - ago. `the pnsshng of Rev. John W. Johnson. who,
Mr. and Mrs. McClure have been it'ugh supovuwunteth has '61Y supplied on
. the Hluevale clargo fur the past two years,
continuous residents of McICillop, Temporary supply, in the person of Roc. S.
first living; on their farm on con, 11 J. nridgrtte surly,
has. been arranged
and for thepast 15 ears in Win- l'e1' tnuevale.
y Presbytery ncenpted the' tiDPltent{nn of
tl'Irop, their youngest son, James, Ernest Georte clttrke, Scxfartn, ns a rluuhd-
havme taken over the farm. of Benson Sutter. president of Huron Young
whom are still living. They are:. mn o .aro •
Dorothea, Mis, Edward Broadfoot held recently in Nord% Street united Cinueh,
+ Gnderieh. Ile sand It was 08r of the bye,, Hud
. Th aro. for the ministry,
have a family of nine, seven e I plr',a U ben, spoke brieny ubuut 83,e Lon -
WILL MEET l• Th d C of are Young Prople'a enareueion
. Robt. Mice
auendctl the nasi thirteen normal
The Huron County Junior Associa- British
Columbia, Mabel, Mrs r
tion of Toronto will meet at Haddon Adams, died 29 years ago; Myrtle, cjnt;,!,,1„ /icgov rnmentlutur''rlose,10 lti ,nl inn's
Hall, 310 Bloor St., West, Toronto, who was killed in an accident at the lel m•inn canoe, was nldopte.d, Presp•co,y
Tuesday evening, October 23rd, for age of five; Roger, Manitoba; Ethel, l rge Strad in a Vide
Co omuuOienh kut`do
a Social Evening and their annual at home; Robert, McKillop; Bessie, Words nl commendation ..aro eeressed far
'Mrs. IT. Simpson, Manitoba; the people nT Kippvn, old Oa ars;
, .. it t
-'b rt.'There are also 3G
grandchildren and I4 greatgrand- n e. He sat nt
children. Five grandsons and two was probably our hist Victory Loan. He
warned ugninst n nut -down because tbenrnr
1' the1 d
ddati'to hold alto nest m •„1 -
meeting Special entertainment is J p Clinton, because of ninny imprnvemenis in
being arranged. All members and James McKillop, andto arae their church property. Rer. W. A. Btecioft
Huronite friends are cordially in 7,avial, TTt be spoke, on behalf of the 1, Loan, 1d,om.
1 t b• launched 1w out dominion.
Sl '
vited to attend.
and Mrs. Coutts,s who enlisson of ted r.
Clure, overseas; Tpr. John Adams, ii of LrrxNbytery in on.. -1. stilet Unite spent the weekend with her parents,
nd Johnoverseas; Tpr. Hugh Simpson, over Church, Chilton, about Ule end of November, ,
an hasive been Service stationed
June 2, 1943, seas; Grin George McClure, recent- 1's ;wronged by the Presbytery executive. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook.
and , alsoned at lrnontou Mrs. D. Walks visited during the
and radkatedn, alsoWireless
Montreal, Mechanicc ly adtlyargtu; fromrForrester, past week with relatives in London.
he graduated as Wireless recently returned overseas;, Red Cross Notes ` Mrs. Violet Schwalm returned
in August, 1944, has been discharged Cpl. Doris Broadfoott British Co- I September's Report: ;home after spendingSca few days with
from the R.C:A.F. He has been stn lutnbia, and Pte. Dorothea Simpson, ICrutting-69 pairs socks, 4 V- her son, Mr. Mervyn Schwalm, who
Ontario both of the Canadian I
granddaughters serve( in a1'tllet was over, and appoxle for suplIlot 0 1001
forces. They are Gm, Arthur MC- the hu Igry ora urope and to bring aur boys
ed a position at Kerslake's Produce
Miss Audrey Russel has accepted`
a position at Middleton's drug store.
Mrs. Wesley Jones returned home
from Victoria Hospital,' London, on
Miss Dorothy McNaughton has
been awarded first prize for perfect
attendance in music lessons having
completed 16 cards, by her teacher,
Miss Greta Laminie, A.T,C.M.
Rally Day service was observed in
the United Church on Sunday morn-
ing when members of the Sunday
School assisted with the service. The
superintendent, Mr. Edison Forrest,
presided, and opened service with
the call to worship. Jerry Rennie
gave the Rally Day Welcome, which
was followed by singing "Praise
my soul 0 King of Heaven" and
prayer in unison. Rev. R. A, Brook
then performed the Sacrament of
Baptism when Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Drysdale presented their son, Robt.
Gerald, for baptism, The scripture
lesson was read by the following,
Charles Fee, Bob Roweliffe, Bill
Mickle and John Corbett. The hymn
"Jesus bids us Shine" was sung
after which an exercise "Building
1he Church" was presented by mem-
ers of the Sunday School. Prayer
n unison, announcements and offer
ing which was dedieated by sing ng
"Take my life and let it be" Seven
girls sang " Fairest T,ord jogai,'
and the special address was given
by Rev. R. A. Brook. The service
concluded by singing "Lord speak to
me that I may speak"
The annual Field Day meet which
was postponed will be held Thurs.
Oct, 4th. The parade will be at 1.
p,tn. led by. Clinton Collegiate band.
I Miss Norma Cook of London
Coned since 'at Bagotville and Penn -
field, Army
field, Quebec, also Debert, where he i The 's Ar celebrants, Corps.Mr. McClure and
got his discharge. He will be home Mrs. McClure, are 81 and 8$ years
Saturday. of age, respectively, and have al-
ways been active. They still work
their garden and Mrs. McClure tends
to her own household duties. She
has always been interested in .the
work of the Winthrop United
Church and is the oldest living past
president of the Women's Mission-
ary Society. During the war Mrs,
McClure was a hard worker in Pat-
riotic endeavors and knitted regu-
larly for the Red Cross Society and
;for her grandsons in uniform,
1 The bride and groom of 60 years
ago weee at home in Winthrop to
Northside United Church their many relatives, friends and
a ori on
Rev. H. V. Wok Minister. neighbors on Saturday ft to
I and on Sunda had
evening y
10 amt., Sunday SChool. ( their family and grandchildren with
11 a.m., "Canadian Christian In- ; them for dinner when forty were
debtedness. presont. Honored guests included
7 p.m.,
"'Thankfulness for daily i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Sea-
bread." + forth, Miss Belle IVIcClere of Sea -
Thursday 7.45 p.m., Prayer Seri forth, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown,
vice. London, -and :Y1r. and Mrs. William
Welcome to our services of 'McClure of McKillop.
thanksgiving. 1 Mr, and Mrs. McClure received a
ondvilie United ,Church large number of cards. cheques, and
Egrn gifts.
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B,A.,B.D. iJ, M. 000DWIN APPOINTED
10 am, Sunday School. BELL DISTRICT MANAGER
11 can„ World Wide Communion,
„ „ � Goderich, October 4.—Due to
The Friends of Jesus. Goderich's growing importance as a
7 pan., `Lova and Joy in Be -1 telephone centre, J. M. Goodwin, of
lieving.' Toronto, has been appointed the
Preparatory Service, Friday, Oc-
tober 6th, at 3 prat„ "The Three first full-time Bell Telephone ream-
ger here Mr. Goodwin assumed his
St, Thomas', Seaforth
Sunday, October '7th.
neck sweaters, 1 turtle neck sweat- was seriously ill in Stratford Gener-
ers, 4 girls' sweaters, 7 scarfs, 14 I al Hospital.
pair girls' red socks, - 4 toe -caps, 3 i Mrs. Fred Corbett spent a few
pair gloves, 2 pair mitts, 4 pair days last week. at the home of her
babies leggings. daughter, Mrs. Wesley Jones.
Hospital Supplies -11 English 1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Cowen and
bast boots. 17 comfort 'bags. i Teddy visited over the weekend
Br. Civilian Clothing -2 pair boys' with relatives in Stratford.
shorts, 2 boys' overcoats, 4 boys' 1
ao •ia-
Quilting-3 quilts made in work-Mroup 4 of the Women's As. c.
room, 3 tops donated, 2 by-product limn of North Side United Church met
tops made. i Tuesday evening, Oct. 2, at the Hoare
Another quota for hospital sup- I of Mrs. T. Hudson. Miss Ethel Storey,
plies and Br. civilian clothing has secretary, read tete minutes. Business
been accepted. More help in the 'ryas discussed, followed by a report
workrooms is needed both for quilt- from Ml's. Pollard on the general
ing and other sewing. 1 meeting, Mrs. Gentile opened the de -
The first meeting of the fall sea- read the Scripture, and Mrs. Westcott
son of the Girls' Branch of the W.A. 'gave Cls 1 very interesting poem by
of St. Thomas' Church, was held in Ecigar Cuesl., `Tdtnn]lsgivhig." &Tis.
the parish hall Tuesday evening with Currie read tl story or the lied Cross.
nine present. Audrey McGavin, sec- A delightful contest was held. and
retary, occupied the chair in the
lunch was served by the sacral tom-
absence of the president, Marion Me- Irtiltd�e, Our next tweeting will lie held
Gavin. An acting president, Lillian at the home of MIs. silence on Nov.' 31
Southgate, was appointed and a vice- ; Group No. 2 of the Women
president,- Phyllis Pretty, The meet- Association of Northside United
ing was opened with a scripture Church, met at the hone of Mrs
reading by Audrey MoGavin, 'fol Ross Savauge on Monday night, Oct.
lowed by the Girls', prayer and the 1st, The first part of the meeting
Lord's player, took the form of a quilting pally'
Mrs. C. F. L. Gilbert was present after which Mrs. James Scott, preen
to introduce the new adviser for the dent took charge of the remainder
girls, Mrs. Rowciiffe. The business of the meeting, Plans were made
was then discussed and a social even- for our Pot Luck supp'er• which is to
ing in the pariah hall was planned be held on Nov. 6 and the minutes
for the next meeting. The meeting were read by' the. secretary, Miss
closed with the benediction after Vera Mole. A delicious lunch was
new duties las Monday. The comp- , the offering had been accepted. served by the social committee.
's business offices at Exeter
votional pal't with a hymn, and Mrs.
Spence leen in Drayer. Mrs. Kaiser
any ,
Hensall Crediton, Clinton and Sea- MINISTERIAL ASO [_ ,
forth will also be ander Mr. Good- Seaforth and District Ministerial
Sunday .School. win's supelviston. I Association will meet on Tuesday
10 a.m.' Hol Communion and Born in Welland, and educated at Oct, 9, at. 2,30 p.m. at Northside
' y the high school there and at Ridley United Church parsonage. This is
Sermon, College, St. Catharines, Mr. Good- the reorganization meeting. A Papel
7 p.m., Evening prayer and ser- win entered Bell Telephone service .will be given by the president, Rev. I
pion. al Welland on March 1, 1927. i H. V. 'Workman, on the subject
St. Mary's DublinFLANNERY—'EBY 1 "Tire Christian Doctrine of Inimer
• ; tality."
2,30 Sunday School. The wedding of Miss Cornelia TAiINCE I
3 ,m. Church service and sermon. Mi. Ion Eb CONS
P Ann Irby, daughter' of 'y
The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, and the late Ml:s, Eby, 25 Bingeman Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Lawson re•
B.A:, at all services. St., and L.A.C. James Patrick Flan- turned home on Sunday after attend-
in the Rice and Ridge wedding• in
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. R. IT. Williams, Minister,
nary, stationed in Brantford, with
theRosedale United Church, Toa
the R.C.A.F., son of Mr, and Mrs.f t S t day. Mrs. Robt. Law -
J. 3. Flannery, formerly of Sea- ono on alit
10 a.m., The Sunday School. forth, was a smart event at St, sen, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Lawson also
11 a.m., The Sacrament of Holy ,Mary's .R;C. Church Kitchener, at visited Mrs, R. Lawson's brother,
Communion. 10 a.m., September 29. Rev. Robert Mr. A,. I, Johns and Mrs. Johns .
7 p.m., Public Worship; The min• Defiler officiated, Organist was Pro- 1 and presentation
at Newmarket.
ister will preach. fessor B. J. Zollner, and soloist, Miss 1 A presentation to Mr, and Mrs.
Preparatory Service: Friday, at 8 Geralda Flannery, who sang the Robert McMillan was held at Con -
pan., a1] members are expected to ,he "Ave Maria" at the offertory. The; hall on Sept, 19th. Arthur
present. ' bride was given in marriage by her a Anderson read the address and Har -
father. She wore a floor•leneith vey M (1 (8 , made the presentation.
W. I. WILL MEET § "Deer Ttdith and Robert,—We your friends
gown of. white sheer, enhanced vvrth and eighbo•s nave gathered ilore this even- 1
forth Women's Institute will . be fitted bodice and full skirt. Her veil good w,shes ez o111 n(fent marriage w
Cod that Vane married life will ba longand1
The regular meeting of the. Sea- insertions of lace and desie,•nedl a ! ing to extend to you our can 10101ntimis old
held at the home of Mrs, Patel Doig! of finger-tip length was caught .by t„ane
y and life's tiroubles will he very few,
on Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 9. The a Queen Anne headdress. She car- To you 19dmh we weleomo 1)00 to os -r midst,
roll call will be answered by bring rued a shower bouquet of Brtiarcliffe we„dlyl kl. a lantlyt vt.an ne son a'Wniit Teeone
ing one or more articles of used roses and white. pompoms tied with community's great loll is another's greater
clothing to be sent overseas. The white net love knots. Miss Marguer- tett, We feel that Robert has made a vary
I 008 choice 3n a life partner. To you Robert
1t1 til v ill be addressed by Lieut. rte Eby stranded her sister, wearing' g
w•tuts to aortaeh t 1 t choosing a
L. R. S. Gover, S.A., and a cordial
invitation is extended to any inter- ;
ested persons to comae to this meet-
ing and brine their donation of
shoes or clothing.
The general tweeting .of the Wo-
man's Association was held in the
basement of North. Side United
Church. Mrs, Bertha Pollard, Vice
President, led in prayer, The devo-
tional part was led by Mrs. Work-
man, Mrs. Finlayson and Mrs. West -
Cott. Reports were given by commit-
tees and secretaries and was fol-
lowed by a' business discussion. The
Christmas general meeting will be
held on Dec 14
an orchid shade dress with a fitted
lace bodice and full sheer skirt. She
carried a loose nosegay of yellow
Vernet roses and mauve pompoms.
Mr. Lou Flannery, of Detroit, broth-
er of the bridegroom, was best man.
Dinner was served at the Grand
River Tea Room, followed by a re-
ception at the home of the beide.
Assisting the couple in receiving
were Miss Ina Eby, aunt of the
bride, and the bridegroom's mother.
112x. and Mrs. Flannery left later 01
a motor trip to Buffalo, Detroit and
points north, Mrs. Flannery travell-
ing in a gray -blue suit with gold
topcoat, brown accessories and cor-
sage of ,yellow pompoms. On their
return they will reside •in Kitchener.
e n It a e 3/011 0n aoos
wide who wilt be a faithful companion
1hrougl1 yenr long and happy wedded life, 'We
are gnarl to see you settled down before you
had to encounter the snow.filled ICinburn
roads For another winter or two So at this
time we wish you to accept this small gift
as a tokenof the esteem in ,which you are
held ,n am• community. Stgned on behalf of
• your friends and neighbors.”
Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher of Graven-
burst visited dieing the past week
at the home of her brother, Mr.
Andrew Love.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hopkins of
Chicago, 111., are visiting with .the
latter's'''eister, 111113. Frank Farquhar
and Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie, and mem-
bers of the family.
GI •1 T vitcl 11 has accept'
In a double ring ceremony at St.
Patrick's Church, Galt, on Satur-
day, Miss Carmel Julia Reilly, older
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Patrick
Reilly, Galt, became the bride of
John Lloyd Hotham, son of M'. and
Mrs.. John Botham, Seaforth. Rev.
Father Doyle officiated. The bride
given in marriage by her father
looked charming in -a floor -length
gown of white chiffon velvet, but-
toned down the back, long sleeves
and a high Bertha neckline with
lace. yoke. Her floor -length veil fell
from a headdress of white ostrich
plumes and she carried a white
,prayer book from which fell white
satin streamers covered with orchids
and lily of the valley: Miss ICay
Cress, friend of the .bride as maid
of honor and Miss Geraldine 'Reilly,
sister of the bride as junior brides-
maid were gowned alike in cerise
chiffon velvet, made on the same
lines as the bride's gown. They wore
gold sequin hats and carried a hand
nosegay - of - pink gladioli. The
groomsman was Flight Sergt. Jack
Fortune, of Seaforth, and the ushers
were Mr. Bert Barry of Seaforth
and Flight -Lt. John Reilly, of Galt.
The wedding music was played by
the organist of the church, who also
sang Ave Marie during the signing
of the register. Following the cere-
mony, the wedding breakfast was
served to 25 guests at the Iroquois
Hotel, Galt. Mrs. Reilly, mother of
the bride received In a fuchsia gown
with black accessories and a corsage
of red roses. Mrs. C. 1 . Laithwaite,
sister of the groom received in a
lisle green wool gown with brown
acoesseries incl silver fox fur, Fo
a wedding trip to Toronto, Montreal
and Ottawa, the bride donned a
dressmakers suit of orchid wool
with purple trim, Her hat was of
purple velvet and, and black shoes,
flat and gloves. Her 'coat WAS of
dark green with grey squirrel trim,
'On their return the happy couple
will take tip residence in Seaforth,
The Department has agreed to
co-operate by permitting Post
Offices to be used as depositories
for clothing donated by the public
during the period Oct 1, to Oct. 20.
The public is requested to wrap the
clothing carefully in paper and pre-
sent it to the Post Office in securely
tied, unaddressed parcels endorsed
"'Used Clothing." No postage on such
parcels is required. Postal patrons
may either bring or send their do-
nation of clothing to the post office.
Persons served by Rural Mail De-
livery may request the courier to
convey their parcel of clothing to
the post office without charge. Re-
member the dates Oct. 1 to Oct 20.
and give as generously as possible
to this national philanthropic under-
taking, C. P. Sills, P.M.
We are glad to welcome Mr, Eddie
Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell,
who arrived home this week after
being overseas far several years.
air, and Mrs. Bert Beacom arrived
home from their iloneytitoon trip the
beginning of the week,
:\ Hire gathering of friends and
neighbors of Mr. Robert. Sout11, who
tecelltly returned 11'0111 overseas, Inlet
at llarlocic 8011001 one evening last
week to welcome Bob home a1111
spend a sociable evening together.
Rev. Mr. Petnlan was chairman, and
a snort program c'nnsisting of instru-
mental MAC by Miss Phyllis Shep-
herd. readings by Miss Gladys Lei-
per, V101111 mid piano selection. Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Colson, and also by
Mr. Leo Watt and Jessie. Itir. Robert
Smith, the honored guest, was then
tethered to the front and a very suit-
able address read by Mr. James Neil-
ans and a bill fold and money pre-
sented by Mr, John Taylor, Bob made
a short reply thanking his friends
both for the gift and else for'parcels
he had received when overseas. They
ea11g He's a Jolly Good Fellow, and
gave 'the hip -hooray salutes. T11e
chairman proposed that. all join hint
in singing "We're Glad Your Bonne
Again.” The chairman then congratu-
lated Bob for what he had done for
his king and country and good of his
fellow men. 'The remainder of 01e
evening was spent In progressive cro-
kinole, for which prizes were given.
The Ladles Aid, W.M.S. and Red
Cross September sleeting was held
last week at the Monte of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Leiper.
Mrs. Frank McGregor and her mo-
ther Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Bert Allen and
some other's spent Thursday after-
noon lest. at the home of Idr. and
Mess. Robert Fairsel'vlcc. Ladies- of
the Women's institute were guests
also o1 Me. and Mrs. Fairscrvico.
lir. Jolitt-Rathwe11 of Varna died
early Sunday morning, Sept. 2:3, in
Scott. Memorial Tlospitah Seaforth,
following a britt illness, alllllntgll in'
lard been i11 fading 118/11111 for some
time. Mr. Ilathntll 11•0IS bo1'11 in God-
erich 7p iG years ago and luta been
;I life long resident of the community.
Tie had always been interested in
municipal affairs and will be greatly
missed by a host of friends. He 30
survived by his widow, the former
Sarah 1101(1, one (kinglike., lIrs. Ai•
hart Horner. two sons, Fred of Stan-
ley Tp.. and Harold of 'Windsor. Also
six grandchildren and three great
grandchildren. Three 01 •vers, Mrs,
,lane Stevenson, Baydeld, Mao, Mary
Sperling, Clinton, Mrs. Fenwick Ste-
ward, Stanley, also two brothers.
Samnel of Imeln11 w, and 130n of God-
erich. He was predeceased by three
sisters, Mrs. Wm. Beacom, Mrs. John
McKay atld Mrs, Perry Pluissleel.
The funeral was held- Tuesday from
Varna 1Jliited Church, conducted by
Rev, Reba Trlern, following a - short
service At the home, and Was very
largely attended. The many beautiful
floral tributes and. expressions of
sympathy testifying to the 11ig11 es-
teem in which the. late Mr. Rathwell
Was I1e11.1. The pallbearers were
Messrs. Geo. Johnston, Chas. Steven-
son, Nelson Reid, Elmer Webster, Al-
lister Murray and Lawrence Steven-
son. Glower bearers were nephews,
Messrs. -Freie Reid, Ken. Stewart,
rddtt F,d tui and
Phone 194
Res. 10
anal steeling of the Western Ontario
Municipal 'Bloc trio Association in
Kitchener, George R. White and two
sons, Eutbro, with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Forster; Mrs. M. H. Phelan and sons
Thomas and Wiliittm, Blyth, with Mr.
Slid HT1's, Joseph E. Feeney,
A homecoming welcome reception
sponsored by ludward lkielady, John
Louis Malone, John Moylan, and
James McQaid ill honor of 1'11. Sgt.
Charles 1)1810ne and 1`'01. Kale Hol-
land was held in Loohv s Hal1 Friday
i night, A large groin) of friends and
well-wishers were present. An ad-
dress of welcome was read by Ted
Me.lacly and presentation of a purse
of looney was made by John Moylan
and ,Tithes 1811Qlulial. The honored
:guests expressed their thanks and
also their happiness ss 10 be horde adult
from oversons. A .00(1111 evening fol-
lowed, muse. rev claming being sup-
plied by 113711-Mceitutitl orchestra.
Lunt 11 w.3S sr 'v ed,
A reruption in honor of 14r. allcl
Mrs. Earl Nagle, recoil! newly-weds.
was held in Looby's Hall on Tuesday
night. A largo. group of friends alio.
well-wishers assembled to offer felici-
tations to the bride and groom, An
, address of congratulations was read
by .Joseph .Ind Lek and presentation
of a purse or money was lna(10 by
Louis 3, Looby. The honored guests
thanked the 1onoi's graciously, A so-
cial evening followed, when the Ryan
McQuaid ol'chestl'a supplied music for
danciirg. Au excellent. lunch was
served by a group of young assistants
The executive or St. Patrick's
Church Altar Society sponsored a so-
cial evening in the parish hall Tilurs-
day night. Twenty-llv a tables of pro-
gressive euchre were played. The
, prizes were won by Mrs, William O'-
Rourke, ladies' first; Daniel Will -
lasts, gentleman's lust; Michael Mur-
ray, lode hands, highest score; Mrs,
Zanies Morrison, lucky chair prize.
Dancing followed, music being sup
plied by the Ryan.MeQuaitl orchestra,
Lunch was served by n group of vol-
untary assistants,
Karry Plttllrsteel, Gd g
Toni Rathwell. Interment .was in;
Baird's Cemetery where the grave
side service .wee conducted by then BACON HOG RESULTS
Varna L.O.L. of which Mr, ltathweli The results of the rail grade plae-
was a. member for many years.
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Bremner and
son, St. Thomas, with Leo Iirauskopf
and Mr. and Mrs. John Krausltopf;
Me, and Mrs. Louis ,Flannery, Birm-
ingham, Hiielt„ anti Miss Geralda
Geralda, Flanney, Guelph, with Mr.
and Mrs. John Meagher; Mr, and
Mrs, 'Basil Byrne, Detroit with Mrs.
Katherine Byrne and Other relatives;.I
Mrs. John Malloy, Detroit, with her
sisters Misses Margaret and Julia
Carpenter; 1VIrs. Lavine Biooclsivorth,
Toronto, with Mrs. Teresa Redmond;
Miss Margal'et Atkinson, Toronto, is
vacationing with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Joseph Atkinson; Misses Mary,1
16110en anti Jean Jordan, anti Misses
1lary Margaret and Teresa. Ryan.
I: onion, at their respecttve holales;
Mrs. Lloyd Etue, 'and children, Zur-
ich, with leer parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. J. Molyneauxl Mr. and. Mrs.
Joseph Atlansmi attended the funeral
of their cousin in St. Augustine; Mr,
and- Mrs. Joseph F. Mt'lady in Lon-
don; Mt. and Mrs. Thos, S, Moly-
reaux Mr, and Mrs. Dentei Costello
and John A. Darling attended the ace,
ing of bacon hogs at Sea101'11 Fall
Fair are as follows:
1. Russell CabA8 R 11 —
II.. Prank Johnston R 1'
HI. Gilbert Smith 2 1 —
IV. Roo,o1l Coleman -1 1 --
V. W. S. D. Storey 1 ti --
VI. Gilbert amtlt 1 1
VII. Eight Nott -
V)tt, Robert McMillan 1 2 1 o 1 1
The placing on foot of these hogs
appeared in last week's issue.
The Women's Hospital Aid to
Scott Memorial Hospital will hold
their annual meeting on Tuesday
evening at 8.15 at the home of Mrs.
John Finlayson,
District Deputy Grand Master of
Huron District No.:8 W. J. Thomp-
son and staff', Dr. 13'. Iiarbur'n DDGM,
D. Reid DD.GW, A. Boyer DDGS,
A. McLean DDGS, T. Carter DDGT,
B, Beaton DDG -C, C. Reeves DDGG,
A. Westcott DDGIH' installed the of-
ficers of Hensall Lodge Tuesday. ev-
ening,, G. Glenn is Noble Grand of
Hensall Lodge.