HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-09-27, Page 4THESEAFORTH NEWS THE SEA FORTH NEWS Snowdon Bros:, Publisher. 't�� ryrya_Park Y 'Y'a/ Benefit Danc8 1.11 r A S)t 28 WALTON •< e.' +il•. and \lege Elmore C.•t1-t l and daughter Janice, have retul'ned to their home In Gass City, Michigan, after spending a few (lays With Mr. and Ills. 11 13. Kirkby and other relatives in this vicinity. A ver:,., succ,issful Anniversary was held in I mrrs United Church on Sunday Sept..,: with Ttec. H. Snell, of auburn :Is .1:150s1. speaker. 1. ail•. Sn 1l rwessaiYe bot 11 morning and evening nese fell of. inspiration and power, Mr. S. Sibthotpe of Blyth rendered 0 couple of fine solos at ,the morning serv'ic'e wkiteh were yew ell a. ;Type ittis'd and ?Ir lir. Speer of Brussel. ssi-te(1 with the service of song 111 the even in_•. We extend out tipinks to both.of these soloist" rend to the choir and oig:anist fu" their efficient service. S£e`.FO,TH FALL FAIR Continued From' Page One i °tai'LT1:F Flrahttrl -- Ceekes'el. cock, hen, pullet, ;111 tion by Jacob Battler. Barred Lock;. Cock, Douglas Bros., Mitchell; :J. Battier. Hen, Douglas Bros. Cockerel, J. Battler. Pullet, Douglas Tiros. White Rocks Cock, Douglas Bros.; Fled McClymont, Varna. Hen. Douglas Bro..; F. atsClymont. Cockerel. Douglas Bros.: J. Battler, Pullet. J. Battler; Douglas Bros. A.O.V. Hamburgs- Cock, leen, cockerel, pullet. all won by J. Bat- tler. Orpington: - Cockerel, Douglas Boos„ Fred Mcely utont. Pullet, Douglas Bros.; F. )lrClymont. BlackHikiorcas - Ali classes (von by Fred McClymont. White Wyandotte'. - Cock, Doug- las Bros. Hen, Douglas 13 og ; J. Battler. Cockt•1'ei, pallet, Douglas Bros. Ancona'. --- Hen, J. Battler. C.'tek- etel, .1. Battler: F. McClymour. F. MI(Ciymont Voile Islands Red - Cock J. P at i 1 11 T Po tol : F. NIeCly- Cocker,iI. Douglas Bt F, ilonl. -tiris linttc'lna FI!:.; .1 T ..I._,;. ,d;tit;-i t'ta _.__ (lent, F. t1 ,.1 •,- ,t. ''rill,•• )Ilnnl''-'::S ..-... Ilett. TI -a-Bio,.. Coen, F. .lienar Deo.. 13,111.Bros F. 11.4:1:.. -an... cocker l Doudas Bros.: : F'J'iA.:111 Puller DouglasIto F 11C1y;oont Whit Leghorn: Cook Doua- la Bros.; T Ilo.ttler. Heti. Dou;.l.ta Tiros. . C ock c 1 •l Douglas Bros. Pullet. Douglas Pro . A.O.V. Lerlltn'ns -- Cork, Douglas Bros.: J. Battler. Hen, Douglas Bros.. F. 3ttt'Clynlont. Cockerel, J. Battler; F. MVleClymont. Pullet, F. MtCh'mont; J. Battler. Jersey Giants - Cock, Douglas Bros. Hen, Douglas I3ros.; F. Mc- Clymont. Cockerel, Douglas liras.; P. McClymont. Pullet, Douglas Bros.; F. McClymont, Bantams -Cock, Douglas Bros.: Fled McClymont. Hen, Douglas Bros,; Douglas Bros. Cockerel, Doug - 111 Bros.: Douglas Bros. Pullet, Douglas Bros.; Douglas Bros. Ducks - Pekin, all classes, Doug- las Bros. Rouen -Cock, Douglas Bros.; J. Battler. Hen, Douglas Bros.; J, Battler. Cockerel, Douglas Bros. Pullet, .Douglas Bros.; 3. Bat- tler, Ayelsbury, all classes, Douglas Bros, Indian Runner - Cockerel and pullets, 3. Battler. Geese - All classes, J. Battler. Meir special - barred rocks - Douglas Bros, Plymouth Rocks Pen, J. Battler; F. McClymont. Leg- holns, A.O.V.-Pen, Douglas Bros.; F. McClymont, j Rhode Island Reds, A.O.V. • - Ptn, J. Battler: F, McClymont, Minorcas-Pen, F. McClymont, SWINE Yn k: Silo- --Baa 1 year, W Turnbull, 3. Sloane. Bear, W. C. Montgomery, Walton ; W. Turnbull; John Powll, Seal orth. Sow, 1 year, WI', C. Mont eomm•y ; W. Turnbull; W. C. Alnntgnmery. Sou'. littered since Sep - tomboy, 1'.11, W. 'Turnbull, and 2nd, Ttmnnith-- 1. r 1 year. bony, sow. 1 Yea,. 1 ". red Ant, September, 11144, Dowel+:; lima., Mitchell. Spe- al basbacon, Rosati! Coleman, -Bost Goy ink WV Turnbull, Pett of u shoats, Rol,'. 1.. McMillan : W. Turttlndl; Wilbert rr rnisb, Dublin. I'dn of ' .hoot., Macon Type1. Bol,(. E. McMillan ; ''. 'Turnbull & stet. Deueltrs Brns. .1, J. Met;nc it. ,tatelol for best boar, W. Turnbull & son. J. Powell ;;''ial for baron Mora Russell Celcman. T1011TI(ULTG'llE PRODUCTS Appl-s, Peet and Plunk. Fred Me•Cymoiti won in all Mosses xhibited, GRAPES Blue, J. A1. I.invenlnrla 1 Fred McClymont. Green, J, Al, Gsrenlock. Judge, N. L. Carter, RO01:`I AND VEGETABLES Tomatoes, Prink, Mrs. A, L. Porteous. Ott - ions from seed, Jacob Battler. Onions from Dutch sets, Jaeoh Bottler; Mrs. Jas. Carter. Delon sets, Jacob Battler, Cuc'umber's, pick- ling, Jacob Batter, Mrs. F. L. Turner. Butler iamts Mrs. F L. Turner, Wilbert Cornish. White beans, Mrs, F. L. Turner, Mrs, Geo. Dale Carrots. stump rooted, Jaen') 13e1tler, Mrs. Geo, Dale. Carrots, lame, Jacob Bat- tler Mrs, A. I Porteous. Pickling beets, Mr. A.. L Perteoue Jacob Battler. Blond beets, Mrs A. te Porteous, Jaoolb Battler. Cucumbers, Jacob Bottler WLlheet Cornish, Parsnips, Jacob' Battler, Mrs. Geo. Del.. Peppers, Wilbert C'st•ulsh, .Sweet table cora, ,Jacob Battler Wilbert Cornish. Field corn. Wilbert Cnrnrth, Winter radish, Jacob Battler. Sunflower, Jacob Battier, Mrs P 0, Turner. Novelty in vegetables, Mrs. 3. Hillebreehl.; Jacob Battler, Red cab- bage. Jacob Battler. Savoy Cabbage, jamb Rattler. Fell cabbage,. Jacob Battler. Red onions Mrs, Geo. Dale: White or yellow onions Jacob Battler, Mr., Ceo, Dale. Musk- melon, Jacob' Battler. W,!bort Cornish. Cit- rons, striped, Wilbert Cornish, Jacob 13t,Lller. .Citrons, Cal fornia, Jacob Battler. Water- melons, Fred MoCymont, Jacob Battler. Yeget able marrow, Jutob Battler, Alts. P. L. Turner. t a Pk pumpkins, kin Fred AllCynuntt, Al 1 4 Turner. Squish, Jacob Battler, litdlltl '1arl he nt Cornish,Mrs A. L, Pot Lotus. Largest DunAil Ai: McAdam, 'll ibeet Cornish. Turnips, table,'. Sirs F. L, Turner, 119 nowt Cornish. Tern P:, led, Wil. beet Cornish Sugar mntgold , Wilbert Corn - a I T rad Mt t'Ii moat. Lone red ma wields, 0111.0r1 Cornish ; 1,red Mellyment.Intermed- iate - l 1a 1 ti 11 - Wilbert Cotsh; Fred Dir- limom. Celery. Wilbert C ril'sh, Irish Cobbler. .1 smith Battle, Bettie Detentes, Jacob Battler. Green Al untnln. 1Vtllreet Corn- ish Jacob Battler. Lu tpotatoes. .Jacob. • 11 Fodder corn, if. Al nt • William S Storey.Collection garden produce, Intel) Bat- tier A.. A. h. 1 ,,rtenpa, judge. N. L. Carter. GRAIN 11N COMPETITION- Ntilieet, \l'iPeri Cornish. Oats, Wilbert Cornish. 3• t, t k). Wilbert WBt Clerr 1 Fl cl Mc - (I 1 Beat,. Jnioly Battler, .Jud e 1 L. l It :ter. PR 1 1\'\*L1 ') C 1 VEGETABLES, . Apples. lab. Mt June (niter: ;E1C Mrs.Geo. Dale. Rod raspberries, Mrs. James Carer; .1I h Mailer Pearce Al es. James Carter. i1,itt Selden Airs. James Corm.; Alt's, Goo, D'de Plums, Mrs. J. Carter. Peaches, Airs, (h•,,, Dale; Jttcob Battler, Piclties, Mrs. Geo. Dale : Mr. J, Carter. (. hi<.ken, Airs. J. Car- ts Sausage, Mra. d. Luster. Beef, Alt.. P. Storey Mrs. J. Cart Cucumbers, Mrs. .1. thee ee • 11 vs. (leo. halo. '1'onutto catsup, Air•, J. Co t era Jaeoh 13,11,,,. Salad [h•essing. 1'r, d McClymont : Alt's, J. Carter. Rasp- berries, without. eager, AI vs. J. C'arterf Mrs. 14de. Pears, without sugar, Ales. J. Carl er. Strawberries, without sugar, A1rs. J. Carter. Plam wit hmt i sugar, 1'n. (' M f I I'ettehee. „Drat t I tnt Mrs. J. Ceoar- , Wvs. Geo, Dale. Tomato ,!taco, SIGs. Gen, Dale 111s T, matey. Beaus, Alt.. J. Carter : Ale, fro. Dale. Beets. Alts, Otto. Dale: AIrs, F. Storey. Make .mer eot,•erre. Mrs. J Cart- er 1 Met lnt nt Clul sauee, Milken AIe. Ade nt Alt., Geo. Dale. Tomatoes Al Me - Aden) Allc 1 Storey. Con. Aldi ,in Mc- Adam Mrs. J CuttPeas.' AT. M \Astra ; Al,. J. („mr. Judge. Mrs. Gordon Mr - ;la in. DAI1tY PRODUCTS Butter, Alts, ileo. Dale; Airs. J. Carter. Butter. 3 Ib.., Mrs. J. Carter: Ales: (leo. Dale. Butter, one lot'tl individual seri lugs. Airs. Geo. Inde t Mrs. J. 'Carter. Iron's egg's, white hell F. 1l:Clym'utt ; AL•., F. L. Tut TE. ey lrrna9t shell, Tanult Bat- tler: At rs. J. 1:..11 or. Dressed chicken. Lorne Co rt.,r; Alt's. J. Carnet'. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Whirs lat.ad, Al rs. Geo. Dade; Mrs F. L. Turner; Alts. J. Carter. 0 buns, Mrs. F. L. Turnor; Airs. Goo. hale. House roll,. Mrs. F. L. Turner; AP•� 111,... Dale. f,shisruit,. M,s. G(n. •' D:1L• Al 1•'. Shag. $',nag cake, Mrs. Ge Dal..M. McAdam. S,,mes. Al r J. Carter: Airs. It Storey. Pumpkin pie �• Alt's. G hale: Mt- J. Cut'tt, 41n bens, Arte, F, Turn,. : 1ri Dib:. Cer.kies. F:M (lylt,nu,: Airs. .1. Co r. r. Tart.. Al rs, C'nlarr; Eleunnr `ton” ' Or, nee• broad Aire. G. hale: Airs. J. C,.rte,. Brews bread. AL's. 0. Dale; Mrs. J. C. rte,, Martin., Al re, J. Carter ; Eleanor Stony.1V71"tn wheat sternest.. Mr (1. hale: Air T Caster. Whole wheat tet - biscuits. Mrs. G. Dole , .Alt's. 1. Storey. Fruit bread, Mrs, 0. It l AIrs, J. Carter. Alma's ;meek - fast. t Eleanor r t ,t y ; Mrs. F. storey : Arts. .1. Carter, Dark fruit rake. Mrs, O'Flynu.; Mrs. 0. ltale. Light fruit rake, Mts. James Carter. Collection of butte, Mr,. G, I Into. . L mat 1 ie, Alt G. Dale •, Airs. James Curt- er. (1 t meal e t skies, Fred ed AltClymont 1 Alt's, OIlynu Satetds Mrs, Jones Carter; Elettn- rfor •v, Sandwiches, Fred McClymont., M -alt loaf, Alts. T. Carter; M. McAdam. seep, dish tvegetttbles), AIrs. J. Carter; Ales. G. Dale. Spice cake. Mrs. J. Carter ; Mrs G. Dale. Four nays of serving pota- to(.. Fred Ah•Clymont : AI rs. J, Carter, School lunch, hh'.,, F. Storey,Hnme-made bread tDe. MrMaster special) Mts. F. L. 'turner. Apple rhe (Dr. Aie:Mester; AL's. J. Carter, Angel enke, Mt' t Dalt- Breed 1 loaf each - of whit. brown Mrs. J Carter. 'White layer I'. made with Mettle Baking Powder, Mrs. .1. Carter, 'White layer cake Inked with Forest (Pty linking Po eke Mrs. M. Alt- Adatn.; Mrs. J. Carter. Vegetable salad lslntt. Ahs, J. Carter. Judge, Mrs, Gordon Ale - Gavin. DOMTI'STle NEEDIECIiAFT QuiltMrs Walter Pt eblee. Bedepread. Mrs. W. Peebles Jacob Battler. Quth, Jacob Battler TtWlnin Iiti It tn. Piecedcot- ton atilt. Jogok Bot tier Mrs. W Peel de,. Bedspread. Aly.. W. Peebles. Apron, Mar- garet. Fins : 11 r., G. n. Dale. House dr -s , Javal. hal Her•: 'wL•s. t' 71;dr•. FI„''t' mat . honked, .T:,roh Bat 11.e•: Mvr^•ttmt Hay. Pb,er tot hooked, ys t'tt. MI m,-' Hae I.: Iv' h oncent Mom au; II:.y ; Al r., Geo, Dai.', Floor nun, ' n,J; tl 111 tratite, n rural se, tsr. 'Mrs. G. Del,., Both prat Aire. T. O'Plyttn. AI n,' v ll. sitt AI,. 1, I tole. II•tnilet- rtt hada\ WIr..1. I tele. Cwt.el, t n milt, d 11 A 1 elde.. LADIES' WORK y t . Al.Mlclltnt Puce. seeks, Alr,' C Dale ; Al,.T. o' Flynn. Dieing Kneen Iwai hies..; Luncheon lei, embroider, tMh. 0. hide; Ale T. 0' Flynn. nw Lnnrilt .et, crochet,. Mrs. C. Dale 1 AA., T. u I lynn. Tru Omit, embroidered. Jacob Battler: Mrs, Gem Dale. Tea cloth, any other hand worth Mrs, G. Dale • Imvin- in Brigham. Centrepiece, lave edge, 'Mrs, T. O'Flynn; Jacob Battler, Tray cloth, Mrs. G. Dale ; Mrs. Joint Hlllehredtt: Centrepiece embroidered in cotton, Mrs, G, Dale; Mrs. T. Hillobrecht. Bridge set, AIrs, T. O'Flynn Ales: G. Dale. Buffet set, Jacob Battler: Alrs. 'W, Peebles. Tea rosy, Mrs. T. O'Flynn1 Ales. W. Peebles. Bedroom Furnishings: Pillow slips, colored, embroidered. Mrs. 0. Dale; Milton Mc- Adam. Pillow slips. other hand work. MI's. C Dale; Lavinia Btialtam, Pair towels, embroidered, Mrs, G. Dale; Lavinia Brig- ham, Pair travels, crochet, Mts. 0. Dale; Lavinia Brigham. Pair of guest towels. Alt's. T O'Flynn ; Mrs. 0. Dale. Bath towels. Mrs G• Dale; Lavinia Brigham Single fancy towel. Mrs..(„ Dale; Lavinia Brig- ham. Fancy sheet ,rad 1,11105' slips tn match. Mrs. G, Dale. Vat'ety set. Alis. 'I. O'Flynn ; Mrs, Geo. Dale. Dresser runner. Lavinia Brigham ;.. Alt's. T. O'Flytln. LADIES' AND CFCILDREN'S WEAR Best crude matte from moan's discarded shirt. Mrs. T. Flynn. Bed jacket, Mrs. T. O'Flynn; Mrs. G. Dale. Sweater. knit, ladies, Mrs. T. O'Flynn ; Mrs. G. Dale. Gloves, knit, Mrs, N Peebles (loves, crochet Mrs. G. Teale, C'atrisoe cov t rochetetl Mrs. F. Storey Mrs, G. Dale Bost made oyer gar- ment, Mrs. P Storey. Baby's set M Mc- Adam Mrs Goo. Dale Child's d miss. knit, AAs 1. O'Flynn, Child's knit sat Alts T. 011ynn,' Chill dregs, cotton, Mrs, C Dale; Mrs W. Peebles Stuffed mtimel toy, Mrs, T' Y) Plynn Living Room Furnishings: Choir set. MI's. '1'. OIIgen J (web Battler. Sampler Int other wall decorations, Mrs. T. O'Flynn. Mrs. P. L Turner, Miscellitneouts: Article Made from table oil- cloth Alts, G. Dole; Mrs r O'Flynn, Child's.. dress mode cram. used clothing, rs. 0'- Flynn. 3. rtifir for Christ mils, Mrs, T. 0' - Flynn ; ,larnb Battler. Woolen garment (knitted). darned. Mrs. T. O'PIvon ; Mrs. 11. Dale, Article 1 m old stool:hors, Jacob Bttt- Iler, fait• net e wool mitts. Jamb Boller, Fina knit. sot,. Airs. 'C. 0' Plynn 1 Mrs, G. Dale, Kb ellen rntivvtion, Al r-. T. C'Flyttn. MI n '.weans or pullover, knit, Ail T, 0'- T Flynn. n. lioy's two -Dime snit, rs. T O'Flynn. 11 omen skirt. Methane Hey 1 Mrs, P, Storey. Wnmeti s hlmtse, AIIrs, Margaret Hay. FINE AND DECORATIVE ARTS Oil painting. Airs. F. L. Turner ; Lnt•inin Briehom. Water color. I.avinis Bri•dr,m: Mrs. P. L. Turner. Cessna skin eh. Mrs. P. 1,, Turner ; Lavinia Brigham. Pencil draw. log. Mrs. P L Pe ,net Mt Peelle hiaw- inn or sketch of farm house, Mrs, L, 'Corner, Decorated pottery, Lavinia Brigham; Mrq, 1•'. L. Turner. Di sidity pester, Airs, P. 0. 'Turner. Pen tend ink sketch, Mrs. If. L. Turner; Lavinia Beitrhnm. Cat'nntt, Lavinia Mitcham. Miscellaneous novelties from crepe ',tips'. Elennnt• S1nt•ey; Fred McClymont, :College Inn nf antiques, Levi win Brilrhhnm. Reed Work (Amateurs only), Collection of three art Rees, Lavinia Brigham, Judge, Mtss Sentt. FLORAL, EXHIBIT Asters, Mrs W. Peebles. bienlay Asters, Mrs. W. Peebles. Cosmos, Mrs, W Peebles Al MeAdams. Dahlias, Mrs. A, 0. Porteous Eleanor Storey, Dahlias 1 blooms, 1 A. I. Porteous , Mrs. W Peebles. Dahlias, a blooms, Jael Battler AIrs, MV Peebles. Gladioli, d yilke , M. McAdam ; Baden Pmv- ll, t;Ind;oli 0 pikes, M, MtAdmn Baden Powell. Gladioli. eolloctint, Baden Favell; A6:. W. Peebles, Marigolds, Mrs, W. Pee- bles; AL McAdam. Verbenas Eleanor Storey; Mt. WM, Peebles, Patinae, Mrs. A. L. Pnr- t oils Blearier Storey, Pa s, Mrs A. L. P et sus, Eleanor Sint er 'Zinnias, Mrs, W. Peobles, Roses Mi's, W. Peebles. Annual Phlox Ars. W. Peebles Mrs. A Is, Por - Woos, Snapdragon, Mrs W. Peebles Mean - Or Storey, Stock Alts, W. Psebbles Seahis- sa, Mrs. W. Peebles 1. Mrs, A, L. Porteous, Salpiglossis, Mrs. W. Peebles '/.innins dis- play, Mrs. W. Peebles; Petenn Isla Mt's, A. L. Porteous. Basket. table mixed blooms, THURSDAY, SEPT. 27, 1945 Alt•, A. L Porteous. Carle bee to t Al vs. 11•. 1 aIle '.t Alt (leo. Delo. Flo su•rutue mut telitirell1 e 1 rrs 1 L Poet etms ; Al. Mf IIda sDelphinium at 1-. Int Alt'. P u 51re. Dale. Window box. Mt A. 1 PoroemMehilllnn Pat Pitt t Swamis,. tubal a Alt. A. L l'ortemm. Collet.; a, 5 ',Oiled Plata, 1 L. Porteous William Storey, Jr, Ilett; n Al,.r r 1 I • Mr I ;Imes . I int t t i (.y ,tin. .All- A. I.I L u-; \\Ill is Storey, d JI 1' tin sword, Ales. Slays ( Letet., Suyyl h u' nlnut ill bloom \Rn. Seery, Ji. N ,'clay to Mut II, Al1011, _' '. I 1 Itvini CO u AA A 1.. 1'.,'tn 11 Sy x Jt J, ill dila Cherry, 11Sleepy, Jr,1 , di. It a, 51 r.. tt lltthicket), A1C i 1reelect.. (sit s,A Is. Porteous Aim. (.1. Dade. Judge. 13, U ours\, ,Tr, ell 11 DItEN'S DEPARTMENT N'I' Swedes Turnip.. Al twisty (rich.1 Stewart hw 'Stanley Johns, Carrot. (d11 1 I tt) lawn liraI l anit Pt a tri Hlwy Ain ,3 ker. Garret 1 Rita e u Frl u t Bu'lnuu )SAt Powell. 'l 1 m aili Tt(tons tte, n Ilm Dern. Snmn tb's, Scutt Powell 1 Rny Powell. Pm .nips Memel; Holmes; 51tally]) IBIS:: Hens( Iiillis. Beets ( short1 Batber:I 11111: Bobby Doerr t (ince Sit n el , (aliens, the 01 Dead - ',hew ; Meeneth 17,hn Jae): Al°Comm, 'To- matoes, aiotooth il' hn I id lirad'haq : 711 r 11,111'.. carol, Stanley ,Inh»s; Elt.itt v .mon. Cnhhoges. 1nr lel Buldshni Matti. S ,u•.y : web Aletiewiet,Pettuors. BOL, AllCoo au; Shirley 'these; Bln neh„ West - eel' ,7nd>_a 0, I,. Cnr'er, Fl.tl\VERi:- Mtu•i•'olds Pen, M"ewe ; M,t.. via CtnrsY ] f m' ll,,hn,:, Potpies,. Kea. Moore : Robert Scott I h , 1 ill Aster,. Elaine I (1111 T 111 '' 1 Ir 11 Brod. 1 %Inn 1,abelle Co 11 \\ dt Itretry. n e t t+ f :myy, 3n rl,.un 1111 ' Alramie; Abate 1 Jntutne laic r. Judge, B. Ski unett. COOKING : T. t;,uN ., Gladys Chapman C :h IIsi, irk II r 61/11.(110. White layer Pet 1 P -k' t AreArecy Ism II 11 I 1 getultI Set holland. P Il.d L t ,f1.1.1l.. I Wk thn1 AI 1 - Vh t lye BBC,. Drop cakes, 1i lLwt Ill rIsinn 1 attach W1 '.wort Lorne (kaiak!. ludue Mrs. Gorden Meth; rine Wl{MlNe. .Grad' 1, ',Ruth Sips; John Pane ; Francis Langford. Orad' 2, Joan De L01'1'11111 or nilly Le keel'; nobby- Ihtbe rt. Grade 1, Luke Sul hcrhtnd; Paul Ile Lento n - ler ; Donald Donee, Geode d Prances Eck- ert t Bobby Bustin Jurat Hunter. Grade r Doris Steven'; Jean Reggie; Donald.A . nglin, Cull' I A1iu lye 1.-hlh Ronald Renate;. Du cern Austin, (bad li•uharo Dale ;: Joyce . Glans f Ruth Keyes. SPecial. Poster, Mary Lou Sills; Luis ia, nu (err -e Shaw. Y.tell On cotton, A l ice WatsonDorothyPiut Joyce r.5,Da riling, Woolen, RothPulliam; Bette Gete die. clothes, Pegg). isou Matthew, Ha ndke ehel,Dorothy Pked ; Matey Lou Sills Dlmt51 King-. Judge, Miss AI. Olive ~ceurt. Belated a l I rl et 5 eat Iia Ruth Keyee.Barred Rock Ctlhl Ruth CC Merlon Keyes.Bonbons, Cockerel, and 1 u -- I tt Jimmie Hopper. The following. u gel i Ware Hlparade Winners! 11 Phan gc1 , first,S3, :fames' separate oled; .crowd, enlnrth Uublle 1.1011 001. Rwal .ehnols, liter, Ia~mnudville pub- lic settee ; second S.S. No. 11 lIttllett ; 1.hird, v, 1. 7 u 1 ersmith : fou r1 1,S, 0 MrKillnp ; fifth, S.S. .1 AlcIfi flop. SPPIt/IAL ATTRACTIONS( Tug-nl'-u•. ITII,b'•l, Mrliillnp, Seai'orth. avenged pig. Matey M ellhcaine. Sea ort° \Vnoteu Institute Special for Junior homemaking. Clubs, sleeping' garments, Jr., I'hyllis Bsyl e ; Joyse Boehn, Cereal end Shelf Sr., Ruth C o nrhun, Clinton W.I. Cer- eal Shelf. Jr„ Wilmo McLean. Sen forth. Judge, Miss 0, Olive Scott, Illuevale, BABY SHOW S t meet im t ed un der Bruce 1nI son of Alas, Hervey Jarold Killeen Gloria Jean Titylor. daughter of Arts. J. Taylor. 4 months ; Paul Matthews. son of Mr. :aril Mrs. lid. Matthews, at., months. Over el' mom Ite. J,nms Cale- nitl sat la Alt,, alai Alt N. Fe nei C lenvr, Seat' otlb 11.R. 2 ; David Tnlu Grieve, son of 11 r. and Mrs, David Grieve, Soo forth John K. Robinson, son of Mrs. Cecil R binson, Judges, Miss Pearl 'Plumley, AAs. Ike told MAGIC Honey Pound Cake 1;f3 c. seedless raisins 214 tsps Magic Baking M c. shortening Powder sy o. honey 3a tsp. salt 3 eggs, well beaten tsps vanilla extract 231 e.Hour sifted all-purpose M tsp. lemon extract Rinse raisins; drain; dry on towel -cut Rao with. scissors. Work shortening with spoon until fluffy and creamy; gradually add honey, whilecontinuing to work with a spoon. Add beaten eggs, and blend. Gradually stir in sifted dry ingredients; beat with spoon until smooth. Add extracts, raisins; stir to blend. Bake in greased, lightly floured 9" x 5" t 3" pan at 300°F. for 2 hours. Pia.k` `? ieta."i: ti .zsair.:� R3i<"` � ; `set et :?3�` c.,at�I 'V*` tlf T THEATRE Seaforth "It's 1 7 NOW SHOWING THURS. FRI. SAT. Sona Hetile and Michael' Nl 1 1 0'S e y Pleasure"i h a 1$ S A .. -MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY"Corn Is Green" with BETTE DAVIS Supercharged with LanniIjc ( lam nuttl-Da is fans will rejoice ' NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY "BELLE OF THE YUKON" In Technlcolor with Randolph Scott, Gypsy Rose Lee t)intill Shore. A picture in the vein of al tutlsipal, alihoug'11 with etwlelin melodramatic aspects, Bob' Chas. ilii 1 (.' furnish S1 Burns and. It .'1 1 u t leu 1,1 the i, cooled), 66 LT COI\\ \G "A Stn '�'® �.ellnerxaber99 with Paul Munt,Mc.rle Oberon, Cornell Wilde , s 9csoe, Miss Dorothy .Parke. Snwue Dance: 1'$•s! prise was non lis 'heicsu \Whd,h's -teem, St. Colsmbun, eon, pnsed of Jos. Rymb Mrs. W, Curtin Mt': cud Ai es. 'Ante Burns; Jock Ryan, Mrs. Cleinleldt; Jae. Carlin, Mrs. Fergus Ilot•nn,' inner, Winn, Ctn'tls, Sceenil prize wns Yvon by a team composed of Mr. mrd. Mrs. Jas. • Sinew, Mr. and Mrs, John E. Murray, Mr. std Mrs, Joseph Kali le, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Moloney. Caller, John O'Rourke. Third prize was won by .n yearn composed of Prank O'- Rourke Bernice PI(nuta'a,t Lorne t. 0 lie , Ilela- gmt, Marg. Maloney,' nils 1�9nnmts'mt, Helen. Murray, Lou 0 Reilly, Helen Flannagan. Music snpplied by Sayan and McQuaid ',r. :aaa,n r .11 ore uunneatll,pmn 111111tt„tlleleu 111,11 nr 11 1 1;1111titl,l,l,nnwm„1 ,Itteben tioaaa,mea,tl L h , e C' M1. Tht They c ` •r arr Sre 811 ear" National Used Clothing Collection Seaforth and C oa ' tanddy CoHection Wednesday, October 10 COUNTRY PICK-UP, STARTS 9 A.M. SEAFORTH "TOWN" PICK-UP, 2 P.M. More than 125,000.000 people in liberated European na- tions are in dire need of clothing, shoes and blankets. Of these more than 30,000,000 are children. YOU CAN HELP . . WILL YOU '? Have your bundles ready when the pick-up truck calls. Sponsored by Seaforth Lions Club and assisted by Local Red Cross and its Auxiliaries (This collection refers to Seaforth Red Cross district only) noon.uumuuuin,o tottot ,,too omooummmmnnimmmotmnn,mu at. l i ll lllllll mot llllllllllllllll lllllll We had if before.,. ;SP'/er,in Sdc Y t kov it /9/8 s 1 // \ IIIt1 Pkltfl .(11101(13 51031,' GS -. 11tAii (113 WE HAI) 140 Plitt EVEtyB00I anti Ii' •iNl.hifOH 11YtR :. CEI MO tuft '(l' 05 The Worst Inflation came after the last war NOW is the Real testing time - • • been won•on 9Ke brittle (Met nqt' Allem oiler °fftlrs tf1 Victory has. avoid~thevilse lbut, We must 'wo are to continue to. inFlat) alona deflati 1_ °� of the war brings the tempta- ble,for things we've been The ending rice to '-tionihto euts end to offer to pay. any P - get there.."Syareil. hot` ifkf!# �iiirflat'(,bRggrits' . •a ebttl of.livin9 is The only controls that are being maintained are those that aid the production of needed supplies and their speedy and fair distribution to the public, and which prevent an inflationary price`rise. As soon as conditions warrant, these will be dropped. Until industry gets back to normal production, price ceilings, rationing and some controls are a necessary safeguard for everyone of us. Keep them working. IT'S YOUR JOB AND YOUR SAVINGS TI'IAT ARE AT STAKE This adverlisentent is one of a series being issued by the Government of Canada to emphasize the importance of preventing o further increase in the cost ofliving now and deflation and unemployment later. I t I i'