HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-09-20, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
THURSDAY, SEPT. 20, 1945
„ ,,, , „ , ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , „ , ,,,, HURON ROAD WEST I,
Duff's United Church,
Mit h
Anniversary Services
11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Of .auburn
Special Music by Choir and Visiting Soloist
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The September meeting of the
Nappy- Wal WorkersI Club was held
at the home of Mrs Noble Holl{cad
in the form of a Sogial. 'The nieet-
ine, opened by. singing •Bringing in
the Sheth es, ' followed by the see-
retacy's aced treasurer's reports.
The Lord's prayer and club creed
erre then repeatede Members then
• took part in a programme, -Mrs.
Albert Glazier gave a piano instru-
mental, Mrs, Wilfred Glazier gave a
reading. Mrs. Geo, Glazier recited,
Mrs. Fred Pepper gave a reading.
All members brought lunch owing to
rs. Holland being confined with a
broken leg. Eleven members and one
visitor were present. Collection
amounted to $4.00 The October
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. Raymond Jamieson, A.vtieles
handed in:8 pr. sacks, 5 boys' .shirts,
51ze 8, full layette and mother's
night gown, 5 tea towels, 1 pr. lad -
ins panties, 1 pre ladies shoes.
Preston, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Snowdon Bros.. Publisher. Miss Mary Beale in Stratford.
Mr. Alvin McDonald and Mr. Doug-
las Fraser have left on a trip to the
Mr. and Mrs, D. Bird at their home
at Winton,
Mr. William Kelley of Seaforth. a
returned soldier. has been visiting
friends around Walton.
Mrs. G. Walker and daughter of
Termite at the -home of Mrs. H.
Mr. 'Kenneth Ritchie has returned
from overseas. He is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Ritehte. 17th con. of
The ladies Guild of St. Mary's
Anglican Church held their. Septem-
ber meeting at the home of Mrs.
Joseph Moore on Thursday after -
_noon. The president Mr's. Albert
Rock conducted the devotional per-
iod, and .Miss Ruby Moore read the
scripture lesson. A quilt was com-
pleted -during the afternoon. Lunch
• was served by the 'hostess, assisted
• by her daughters.
Under the auspices of the Dub-
lin Women's War Cervices Associa-
tion a Red Cross nractiral nursing
r0i11•9'. will he cervine+ed iii Dublin
Centiml•rtinn S +tour. The routes;
will h limier +lie direetinii of
Vere. Teee.mli nowlend. Reg. N. Sea -
forth. ^n•1 Mes Jeeenit A. Bnrke.
Cnln,tl,' (1. will extend
n.•,,;, .a n' "1 i,1 of =cr,yn wetfe- and
1,•ilt iia ee.1,1 nn T',,'sda.- :rn,1 Times -
dee at S, 0 Pe"•istratinns
fri enerse honk elace at tete can- Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Brodhagen
ti � +• t,•"i Srltnol m, Tnnsdal- of and children, Mrs. Brodhagen and
S.110. A f,,,, of S1 On for the enitrse
1v,s the only renuisite. Mr. and Mrs, Brodhagen and Milton
of 1Titeliell with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Tel. Frank Evans, RCNVR, SSt, Mogk,
Hyacinthe, One. is on furlough Dir. aucd Mi's, Clarence Muegge of
with his mother, Mrs. Katherine Mitebeli, with Mr. and Mrs, John
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Feeney
and family at Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forster at
SIr, and Mrs. Thos. J, Molyneaux
et Kitchener.
Mrs. Teresa Eckert and Mrs. F.
Mack attended the Hagan -Burke
wedding at St. Columban on Mon-
Mr. and Mfrs. John Loughlin, Horn
St.. London, announce the engage-
ment of their only daughter, Betty
Aileen, to Gerald O'Hara, only son
of Mrs. O'Hara, Dublin, and the late
J'Ie. Jeremiah O'Hara. .The winedding
to take place on Sept. ID St.
Peter's Cathedral, London, at 10:00
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hartji. Sharon
and ,Ioyee, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs.
Irwin Bennewies of Woodstock, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Bennewies and
Marlene of Mitchell, with Mr. and
Mrs, J. L. Bennewies.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Leonharclt and
Verna with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Sanderson of
Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bosken of
Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eiek-
Mr, Bob Miller of Simeoe with his
parents, lir. and Mrs, Mervin Miller.
:lir, and Mrs. Don Markle of Wood-
slurk with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Pte. ('aruinn Mogi: of Camp Borden
sith AIr, and Mrs, Geo. Mogk.
Mr. and Mrs; 13en Kaiser of De-
troit visited withthe latter's mother,
Urs II, Sapfe during the weekend.
Mr, and Mrs. Austin Wheeler of
Detroit were guests at the home oL
the former's parents, Mr. and MMrs.
T. Wheeler over the weekend and
Mrs. Wheeler wept back with them
to Detroit for et short visit.
Rally Day service will be ob-
served next Sunday morning, when
the boys and girls of the Sunday
School will occupy the centre seats •
of the church, when they worship
with the congregation. We look for•
a good congregation.
Mrs. Andrews is visiting with
her sister, Mrs. Alex Mustard, Sr.I
The wet weather of the past weak
is delaying the harvesting of the
The W. A. of the United Church
LONDESBORO held the regniar monthly meeting on
Death came with startling sudden- September 4. There was a small
nees Friday evening to Gladys attendance due to busy conditions
Grainger, wife of Frederick Peckitt, on the farms. The roll call was am 1
Although ailing, she was around
do- awerecby "Harvest". The first part
lug her housework wr n she was
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Burns and Rei. and Mrs, Treuseh and
son, London, with Mr. and Mrs. David of Milverton with Rev.
Frank Burns. Mrs. Schultz.
Louis Feeney and Thomae Feen- 141. and Mrs. Geo, Jacob of Izitch-
ney in Toronto, ener with Mr. and Mrs. Christ Leon -
Mrs. Jordan and daughter Rita, hardt.
London, have leased the residence Mrs. Lee Dade, who has been visit
of Mr. Michael McCarthy. ing in Florida, spent the week end
Cecil Van Horne, C.N.R. Agent with her mother Mrs. Mary Dittmer.
and Mrs. Van Horne will occupy The Patriotic Society held their
apartments in the hone of Andrew I monthly meeting on Thursday even
lateDanJosephr, originally owned by the i'ng, at which it was decided to hold.
late McGrath. I a chive for good used clothing. This
Mrs. Katherine McDermott and can he left with any member of the
Mrs. Ellen Flanagan in London. Society by the 10th of October. The.
Miss Anne Wilson has secured need is great. Paper salvage can also
emnloym011. in Fullerton, he left in the community shed. It was
Flt. Sgt, Charles Malone after
one also decided to send $10 to the
returned home last week after one Sal-
vation Army. The next meeting will
year's service overseas. : be 'held the second Thursday of the
Staff Sgt. James Newcombe ar- , month in the, evening.
rived in Dublin on Friday after
four years' overseas service. He was ELIMVILLE
met by his wife in Toronto.
stricken by a heart attack. Mrs. of the' " afternoon was spent in sew -
Peckitt was in her 42nc1 year. Be Ing, after which the meeting was
sides her husband she is survived by called to order by the president,
five young children, the eldest Miss McDonald. Mrs. Haugh con
twelve and the youngest five, alsog
three sisters, Mrs. H. Riley, Mrs. ducted the devotional, consisting of
George Cowan, Londesboro, and two hymns, prayer and responsive
Miss Myrtle Grainger, Toronto, The
reading. The secretary Mrs. W.
funeral took place from her late Scott, read the minutes of the pre -
residence, Londesboro, Sunday after- vious meeting. These were read and
noon with interment at Hope
Chapel, Hullett Township. Rev. adopted. The regular business was
Harold Snell, Auburn, officiated. transacted after which a delicious
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Riley, Nia- lunch was served by group 1. The
gara Falls, 1'Ir. and Mrs. William October meetingwill be in charge
Wall. l:ineardine, are here to attend of group2, and the roll call will be
Ere funeral of Mrs. Peckitt.
1VTrs, B. Dorrmtce, Chicago, with "Thanksgiving". The meeting was
DIr. and Mrs. J. 11'airservice and brought to .a close by repeating the
other friends. raiz alt benediction and God save
Mrs, Allie Allen, London, with her p
brother, lArilliam Bell, and Mrs. i the king"
William Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Caldwell, in London.
Mrs. J. A. Ferguson of Goderich
was in the village visiting relatives.
Mrs. Olive McComb left for her
home in Detroit this week after
spending the summer in her cottage
on the lake front.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Day leave on Tues-
day for a motor trip to Toronto, Buf-
falo and other points and will return
to Bayfield to spend the Autumn in
their cottage.
Word was received in the village
this week of the sudden passing of
Walter Waldwin of Detroit and a
former resident of the village. The
Walclwin fancily was one of the fami-
lies of earlier days.
Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong
spent the week end with friends in
Stratford. John Inas recently received
his discharge from the services.
Marion Makins is spending a few
days in London,
Mr, and Mrs. Snaith of Hamilton
spent the week end at the hittle Tun.
Miss Alice Drain. Detroit, spent the
week end in the village. Miss Druin
is having considerable improvements
added to her cottage.
Miss K. Rankin returned to the vil-
lage after a motor trip to Dundas,
Niagara and other points.
Mr. and Mrs. McLaren of Port E11 -
gin spent the week end with the
Misses Maud and Josephine Sterling.
Mr. Harold Pollock of Toronto has
been spending a ten day holiday with
Mr. Harry Darrow.
Me. and Mrs. Edgar Bauer of Wat-
erloo spent the week end in their
Mrs. Wm. Elliott and son John
spent the week end at their home
Miss Cleland of Detroit returns to
Detroit this week after a -visit with
the Misses Morley.
Miss Jessie Metcalfe spent the
week end at her home `here.
Many out of town people motored
to the .village and spent the weep end
in their cottages here.
The Orr fancily of Stratford spent
the week end in their summer home
Misses Mary, Eileen and Jean
Jordan, London, with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Jordan..
Miss Mary Atkinson, Toronto,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo-
seph Atkinson, �
Miss Marie Evans, Miss Marion
Kale and Miss Ethel Mahaffy are
attending Stratford Normal School.I
Miss Jacqueline Walsh is a stud-
at Loretto Academy Business
School, Stratford.
Misses Mary Margaret and Teresa
'Ryan, London, with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan.
Mrs. T. McKay, Galt, and her
mother, Mrs. Con Eckert with rela-
tives here.
Rev. Elwyn Morris, Simcoe, with
his mother, Mrs. Josephine Morris.
Mr, and Mrs. William Stapleton
held a family dinner on Sunday
evening in honor of their son-in-law,
Staff Sgt. James Newcombe.
Mrs. Frank Stapleton, London,
with Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Stapleton,.
Mess ;Ver4t ,Feeney, Toronto, is
vacationing with her mother, Mrs,
Katherine Feeney.
Joseph Dillon', Toronto, with Miss
Ella J. Dillon and Vincent Dillon.
Mr.: and Mrs. Ignatius Conway,
Messrs Clifford Whitlock of St.
Thomas, and Leslie MacNaughton
of. Vancouver B.C., were callers at
Mr. and -tubs. H. Ford's on Sunday.
Mrs, J. Bannerman of St. Marys
was a recent visitor with her daugh-
ter Mrs. Lloyd Johns.
Master Hugh Rundle visited on
Sunday with his cousins, Beverley
and Dalton Skinner.
leleeter Edward Skinner hacl his
tonsils removed at Dr. Fleteher's
Hospital on Friday morning last.
Mrs. John Brock who was em-
ployed at Grand Bend for the sum-
mer months has returned to her
hone in the village.
Mary Dickey spent the weekend
with her cousin, Kathleen Horne.
Mr. and Mrs.West Venner and
sons. Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Bell and
family of Chiselhuret, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Mx, Wm. Dickey has spent the
past two weeks in Westminster Hos-
pital, receiving treatment.
Cavell Church seventieth annivers-
ary, 18,5-1999. will he held en Sun-
day, October 1111). The guest speaker
will he Rev. -W. A. Beecroft. Rev. W.
Patton is minister of the church; and
Mr. Robt. McFarlane is 'secretary.
NOW B11001N11 -- In URS. 1?RI. SAT,
"God Is My Co -Pilot"
With -Dennis Morgan and Raymond Massey
An unusually stirring filet about Ilse air -war in 1110 (111i1zese theatre
Charier Coburn Anne Baxter Wiliam Tytlte
show with a continental dorm that will delight
dray 01)111enee
"It's A Pleasure'"
In Technicolor' with
Sonja He,iie and Michael O'Shea
An eye -stunning romantic musinal - tops in enlertalumeni
C,oMlNG "Corn Is. Green"
With Bette Davis
Tallulah Bankheacl
I+ an entertaining
cups of tea or coffee. 1 qt. bulk ice
cream or 1 qt, brick serves 10 to 1.2,
Mrs, D. M. asks: Would you make
sandwiches the day before a lunch-
eon with day-old bread?
Answer: We used to say, use day-
old bread for sandwiches, but if you
chill fresh bread 2 or 3 hours in the
electric refrigerator it slices easily
and the resulting sandwiches are
better for being fresh.
I Mrs. J. E. asks: When you serve
an evening repast of a wedge of
chocolate layer cake, small cakes
and coffee, what is the procedure?
Answer: Serve the cake on a
small plate with a fork, then serve
the coffee and present the small
cakes arranged on a large plate. -,
1. One large sandwich loaf cuts
into 60 to 70 slices. One small loaf
cuts into 20 to 24 slices. One large
loaf requires 1-3 lb. butter spread
-this mixture is made by thorough-
ly creaming the butter and beating
the same amount of cream into it;
add salt and a little yellow colour-
ing. One large loaf requires 34 to
1 lb. sandwich spread.
2. It requires 1 ib. small cakes to
serve 12 people, and 1 lb. loaf or
square cake to serve 10 people. An
8 x 8 -inch cake may be cut into 20
3. 1 lb. of domino sugar is ample
to serve 100 people. 1% qts. of
18% cream is necessary for 100
At St. Columban
Bayfleld Valley Five
Admission 50c
Dancing 9 to 1
areas, and steps taken to eradicate
the disease. Some good results have
been obtained but a more thorough
and energetic program should be un-
dertaken immediately everywhere,
says the report. There are reasons
to believe that the provinces of
Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia,
and British Columbia reinain sub-
stantially free from ring rot,
Due to work being carried one by
Science Service, Dominion Depart-
ment of Agriculture, the number of
rejections in Canada on account of
bacterial ring rot entered for cer-
tification continues to decrease. Do-
minion and Provincial Departments
*of Agriculture employees in all
provinces continue to look out for
ring rot and report every case ob-
served in most provinces, these re-
portsare followed by a visit to -the
farm where the diseased crop was
produced and steps taken to eradi-
cate the disease. The Departments
of Agriculture of Alberta, Manitoba,
New Brunswick, and Ontario are
now making surveys £or bacterial
ring rot every season in some' of
their commercial potato growing
5x & 3x Shingles
Electric Fencers, Fence Wire,
Cedar and Steel Fence Posts
Grass Seed, Seed Corn,
Garden Seeds
Fertilizer, Ceresan
Chickstarter Pigstarter
Growmash Hog Grower
Laymash Sow ration
Hatchmash Dairy ration
Finns Minerals & Tonics
Reduced now. Rex Wheat Germ on
Universal Milkers & Parts
Seaforth Farmers
Phone 9
iihurs. & Fri., Sept. 20- 21
Splendid Exhibits in Every Class
(To Serve 1100)
1 lb, tea. 5 gal. boiling water.
1, Tie tea loosely in a bag made
of two thicknesses of cheesecloth.
2. Place bag in a large kettle of
boiling water; cover tightly; set
back where it will not boil. 3. Steep
5 to 8 mins.; remove the bag.
FRUIT PUNCH (to serve 80)
3 doz. lemons, 1. doz. oranges, 1
cup grated pineapple or 1 cup peach
juice, 8 cups sugar, 10 cups water.
1. Make syrup of water, sugar
and rind of 3 lemons and 3 oranges;
boil 1.0 mins. 2. Cool, add fruit
juices, strain. 3. Dilute as required.
Note; A few sprays of fresh mint
may be used to ,flavor; add to mix-
ture, let stand 2 or 3 hours or chop
mint very finely and add to the
punch before serving.
SALAD (Chicken or Veal)
4 -lb. chicken, 2 heads of celery,
VA cups salad dressing, 1 large
head lettuce, seasonings.
This amount is sufficient for 12
servings. One large knuckle of veal
may be used instead of chicken.
Trials of Speed
2,28 Class, Open, and 2.22 Class, Open
$150 In purses
Tug -of -War
Prizes $15 and $9. Teams of six men.
Any Township in Huron, or any
municipality touching Huron, may
compete. No cleats on shoes.
Boys - Girls Races
Greased Pig
Highland Fling
PRIZES $10.00 - $7.00 - $5.00
Baby Contest
Will present varied entertainment
$3.00 front Of grandstand
Square Dance Contest
Each Group to supply Fiddler and Caller
PRIZES $16.00 - $8.00 - $4.00
Many other attractions on gro
Friday, Sept., 21st
J. M. GOVENLOCK, President FRANK STOREY, Secretary -Treasurer