HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-09-13, Page 8IN MEMORIAM PATTERSON-In loving memory of oar dear, daughter, Doris June Patterson, who passed away one year, ago September 11, 1944, aged 10 years. Just one blossom more was' needed In God's garden, so his • hand ' Plucked the flower -et his love had tended And we could not understand. The gardener asked who plucked this flower? The Master answered "Twas I" - So we forever held olir 'peace. • Sadly Missed 'by her father, mother and sister. Barbara. FOR SALE 36 York pigs 6 weeks old. Apply. to J. E, IUGILL, phone 34-116, Clinton. AUCTION SALE Outstanding Auction Sale of Antique Furniture, Bugs ttnil Dishes, in Galeria, on Wednesday, Sept. 2601at 12 o'clock sharp, Furniture of the 'hate Sheriff Reynolds, Harold Jackson, auct. ; E, P. Chesney, clerk Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stook and Implements, at Lot 33. Con 11, Hullett Twp., 11i,. miles. west of de Lonsborn, on Wednesday, Sept. 19th, com- mencing: at 1 p.m, sharp, the following: HORSES—Clyde mere 5 reals old; -Clyde mare 7 years old;. Clyde male 16 years old; Clyde gelding 5 years old. CATTLE -Durham heifer 3 years old due Deo. 1: Durham heifer 3 years old due Dec. llurhamn cow 6 years old, due Feb, 15; Durham .cost I years old, due Mar. 13; brio-, d1e row a y ars, just freshened yearling' ee 1 mane. 1 ne. heifer - 5. calve's. PEED — Iasi bus, mated grain ? acre urns - v: tin bags and good seeks. Ii1PLEMENTS--- M.H. binder, ft -cut; '4I50 mower, 6 ft. eat; 161.H. seed drill 13 hoe Mai. 13 spring tooth cultivator, nearly new mai, 13 spring tooth cultivator; M.H. hay rake, to ft. . 31.1I walking plow, new: N.H. creno) separator, power attachment, nearly n 4, It, capacity Coekshutt ra a -w tea haat farm watom; -Flat. rack ft. a:: of sleighs and flat rack: 6 -section day harrows, Clinton fanning mill, root. onnsir '-1 um 9 It. .heel roller; steel tired :u Feel tir•il light wagon piano box ntt.a, wagon 1.,x and stock rack: turnip drill: dour le•,et of breeching harness; plow harness, bare collar's; pair of new horse blankets; 130 ft, hay fork rote; 121 rt. hay fork rope ear. pill}and $ibau rope.- hrooder Inane e 11x12. 2 wheelbarrows. scuff, Ier, crosscut saw bucksaws. ladders, forks, :h, w, -l„ chains. &letting tools, wife stretch- er. pruning 1 a few h uoeh ld effects. n un ea .u+ other article Encrything to be sold w ith ut re ern a t. late farm sold. Tern,cash. CHARLES 'WOMEN. Pray. Edw:.rd 77. Elliott, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm S,01, and implements. Tuesday. Sept 35th at 1 p.m. At Lon 15, Con. 4. Hib- het. Twp., 3i, miles south of Dublin and 1_: mile west. HORSES — 1 Clyde mat 7 years old; 1 horse c 'ears old; 1 filly rising 2 years old. CATTLE 1 Durham cow due to freshen Dec • t Durham cow due to freshen Feb. 16: 1 Durham cow due to freshen Feb 21 ; 1 Durham cow due to freshen Feb, 24: 1 Durham cow due to freshen Mar, 19; 1 Dur- ham cow due to freshen Mur. 36; ; 1 Durham eow duo to freshen May 17 ; 10 Durham steers' and heifers rising 2 years old: 1 Hereford bull 13 months old; 10 singing calves. PIGS -8 Yorkshire pigs. 150 ib each;. 20 York chunks; 1 brood sow due Oct, 155th. IMPLEMENTS — 1--6 ft. Massey Mirth binder; 1 five -ft. Deering mower; McCormick cultivator with grain box; Massey -Harris 11 hoe grain drill; 9 ft. steel rnller;. disc hat- row; alrow; 4 section harrows; Flan? No. 21 plough ; 1 rubber tire wagon ; 1 steel lire wagon; 1 set of sleighs with fiat rack; 1 scul1ler; 1 Massey Harris 10 ft. dump rake; 16 ft. hay rack new ; rubber tire buggy: cut- ter ; utter; Clinton fanning mill; Renfrew cream separator. POULTRY— 50 Barred Rock pul- lets. Scott's strain. HAY & GOAIN-50 tons of choice mixed Hay; 409 bushels of early Alaska seed oats; 300 bushels mixed grain. HARNESS -1 set of breeching harness: 1 third horse harness; 1 set ofsingle harness: number of horse collars. Set of sling tropes and chain ; 2 logging chains. A number of other articles too numerous to mention. Everything will be sold as proprietor is giving up farming. Terms cash, JOSEPH JORDAN, Prop. Harold Jackson. Auct; E. P. Chesney, clerk . Card of Thanks Mrs. 'William Kerr wishes to thank the friends and neighbor's for their many acts of kindness and sym- pathy during her recent :bereave, ment, those who sent floral tributes and' cards, and for the loan of cars. Card of Thanks Mrs. Harold Chesney desires to express her appreciation for the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended during her recent sad ber- eavement, also • to thank the Canadi- an Legion. and veterans, those who sent flowers and loaned cars. Card, of Thanks Mr. Harry Chesney and Stir, Wil- lvrd Elliott and their families wish 'to thank their friends and neigh- bors and everybody for the many acts of kindness and sympathy dur- ing their bereavement, also thanks< to -the members of the Army, Legion and returned boys. LOST Large black and white fox hound with a little brown on head. Strayed from lot 24, con. 2, Tuckersnith, Friday, Sept. 7th. Harry Norris, Kippen, Phone Seaforth 658 r 4. FOR SALE Nine young pigs, weaned.a couple of weeks. Zack McSpadden, Phone 24 on 534, Seaforth. FOR SALE A metal turning lathe, with six foot bed and 12 inch chuck, also 8 h.p. gas engine. Apply to Phone 90 r 21 Hensall. FOR SALE Grass farm, 100 acres. Lot 28, Con. 2, Hibbert. Maurice Dalton, Dublin, R.R. 2. FOR SALE 100 Hybrid pullets 6 loos. old, starting to lay. Phone 95 r 12, Hen- sall. Harvey Coleman. Auction Sale Of cows, young cattle and pigsat lot 25, Porter's Hill, 3 miles west of Holmesville, on Friday, Sept. 21, at 1:30 p.m. sharp, consisting of: 25 young springers and milkers; 5 choice -Holstein heifers, springing; 20 heifers supposed to be in calf; 15 young Holstein heifers; 80 stock- ers from400 to 800 lbs; 5 brood sows: 20 chunks. This is a good line of stock and will be sold to the high dollar. Cattle will be delivered up to 35 miles for 60c per head. Terns—Cash. A. E. Townshend, Prop. Donald Blue and Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneers. THE SEAFORTH NEWS Auction Sale THURSDAY SEPT. 13, 1945 Of Household F'urnitur'e to be held at the home of Miss 12. Holmes, John St., Brussels, on, Saturday. Sept, 15, at 1:80 p.m. sharp. 2 (3 piece) bed room suites, bur- eau, 2 cupboards, 2 heaters, 1 range, new 2 burner perfection stove with oven, extra coal oil oven, lounge, wicker rocker, parlor table, 6 din-. ulgi'oon chairs, 2 extension tables, buffet, 1 day becl, 1 steel bed, springs and mattress, 2beds and spring's, domestic sewing machine, Taylor's Singer beining machine, Taylor charcoal iron, 3 linoleum rugs 12x12, pieturos, 2 rockers, ironing board, 1 feather tick, oil lamp, 40 gal. oil tank, largo milk can, copper boiler, wash tub, wash benches, stove zinc, clock, cooking utensils, dishes, lumber, tools, step- ladder, lawn mower, bucksaw, num- ber of 3 inch tile, other articles too numerous to mention. MISS R. HOLMES, Prop. Louis Rowland, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE At Stv'athroy, 'Saturday Sept. 15. 200 mixed Western stock cattle in- cluding choice Hereford two yr. old steers and a load of stock cows, Sale every Sat. Private sales in the week. Trucks to deliver, A. G. Mc- Alpine, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Seven young pigs ready to wean Also 3 young ewes, purebred Suf- folk. Phone 847 r 31. STRAYED From lot 27 Con. 6, McKillop, a white-faced brindle steer about 900 lbs. Please notify the Winthrop Chopping Mill Auction Sale Of 11usehdld Effects in llensall on Sat- urday, Sept. 22nd, at 2 pin, on r1fi11 street, on the property formerly occupied by Mrs. T. Merry: Studio couch .and chairs to ,match.,. dinette suite Munro walnut); breakfast nook set. Quebec heater antique settee; cupboard; book case; glass china oebiuo(: ; couch; Miller) radio; 600 used slop brick; odd tables and Chairs;- beds, springs and mattresses' end tables;' -2 bedroom suites; Chesterfield suite; enamel cuWt stove, Axminster rug, .6x111; matt to lnatell 31(5; dinette 'suite (ivory finish) wheelbarrow. 'Perms- cash:. Flom lamp, bridge .lamp, smoking cabinet, rookink chair, china cabinet, wicker -Chair, CM( tt bl 113(9JOHN C. FARQUI•IAR, Prop, 'Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Auction Sale 01 Household Effects in Seaforth, on Friday Sept. 14, at 1 p.m., on James Street. 1 cabinet Westinghouse radio, diningroom suite, walnut sideboard, mantel clock, number odd tables, chairs and rocking chairs, floor lamp, Raymond sewing machine, ex- tension table, scatter mats, 4 congol- eum rugs, writing desk, wardrobe, walnut finished bed, springs and mattress, hall mirror, 1 bedroom suite, springs aivd mattress, odd dresser and stand, pictures, curtains, books, Quebec cook stove, 2 burner electric plate, glass cupboard, fall- leaf table and kitchen chairs, quan- tity kitchen utensils, aluminum ware, garden tools, lawn mower, 80 feet garden hose. Mrs. J. D. Hinchley, Prop.. E. P Chesney, Clerk, . Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. FOR SALE 'McCormick horse cultivator in good condition, 2 furrow Oliver rid- ing iding plow in, good condition, rubber tired top buggy. Wilfred O'Rourke, Phone 87 r 9 Dublin. FOR SALE FOR SALE Four gear Clot cow, Holstein and : In Dublin, seven room brick house Durham, good minter, fresh. Francis ! with house. A ply garage and colony Coleman jr., Phone S3S r 22. McDApply -to Mrs. Catharine i\?eDermott, Dublin. FOR SALE Two York Sows due this month. Nineteen suckers seven weeks old. Also 150 Rock pullets 5)4 months old, laying nicely. Mervyn Lane, Phone 654 r 11. WANTED Woman or girl for hotel work, middle-aged woman preferred.. Ap- ply, giving phone number. to News Office. FOR SALE 1 good quiet driving mare 12 yrs. old and reliable. 1 Quebec heater in good shape. 1927 Pontiac car, good rubber and running well. Vera Dupee, Victoria Street. FOR SALE Ten little pige, ready • to wean, Apply to Fred Slavin, Prone 84 r 32, Hensall. "It Stain" Shoe Polish 15c bottle 1 -finger Gauntlets 1.65 pr. Sweat Pads 65c JACK'S REPAIR SATURDAY SPECIALS Darleys Ilog Tonic, 5 ib bag Royal Purple Hog Tonic 8c Conditioner, 81/2 Stockaicl Animal Spray, Imp. Gallon Royal Purple Calf Meal, 100 lb bag Brunswick Brand Sardines, 4 tins Vegetable Soup, 3 tiros CAUSTIC SODA 1.00 W. J. FINNIGAN 11) pkge, tin 990 1.75 1..45 4.00 27c 23c WANTED "Portable typewriter, any make. Lieut. L, Gover, Salvation Army, Seaforth. FOR SALE Shorthorn Bulls of serviceable ages. Sire Brawith Double. Grand Sire Bra - with Boy, Inip. These Bulls are good colors and low set, A. 0, Levy & Son, R.R.4, Seat'orth. Notice To Creditors. In the Estate of Clara S. Doble, All persons having claims against the Estate of Clara S. Doble, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Spinster„ deceased, who died on or about the 4th day ot March, 1943, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of September, 1945, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the seicl last inentionecl.Jtate, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which the undersigned shall thea have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the un signed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 23rc1day of August, 1945. MCCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator Tire Retreading and Vulcanizing 4.75 x 19-10-6.00 x 16 tires. Retreaded at Smith Bros., Dublin. Latest equipment installed. Turnips Wanted 311" and up. Highest prices paid Buying for Scott's Elevator Edgar Cudmore PHONE 171 r 14, EXETER 0 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 184 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Divieion Court County of Huron Office In the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies, The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont, Officers President, W. R. Archibald,Sea- forth; Vice President, Frank Mo. Gregor, Clinton; Seo.-Treas. and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; E• J, Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Me- Ewing, o-Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; • Jt. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or ,transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. • Clearing Auction Sale Of Furntiture and Household Ef- fectS. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, has received instructions from the undersigned proprietress to sell by Public Auction at the Village of Dub- linfirst house east of Dublin Cream- ery, on Friday, Sept: 21, 1945. Sale to commence at 1.30 o'clock sharp, the following. . 4 h tchen chair-, 1 - small kitchen table.• 1 kitchen cupboard, 1 small table, l Pa tl-c-s Pat cook stove. geed as new with pipes kItchen clock F.cwing machine, hand na r - tug ma.,hine•itht t;l'xer, 1 coal oil �to1 with of r_, co sl oil can 1 large ale t inz11'kettle, 1 trble• with six ell u n 1 2 wooden beds with • i - 1 -,131= -0?:; -:4, 3 dressers, s, 3 stands. 2 :roll Iris,one with .]ring's and n .ttr e sec, 2 welsh boiler's With covers, bu'eau. 2 rocking chairs, settee, with ,'hairs to match, end table, :i toilet sets, food chopper; sotscales,'? burner electric plate, 2 ladder 11[111 rack, set of chenille curtains, scvthe, radio in good shape, 40 white Leghorn heirs 1 yr, old, a - • 'real good bunch and a number of small .articles. too numerous to men- tion found about a house. No reserve as the house is sold and the proprietress is giving up lieuse-keeping. Terms—Cash. Mrs. Philip Kenny, Prop, Fred 17. Ahrens, Auctioneer. Auction Sale Of Manitoba Hovs'-e and Cattle to be held at the home of _Mrs. Jas. Thynle, Lot 16, Concession 8, Morris Two., Thursday, September 20, at 1 p.m. - These horses all broken and guar- anteed to work. 1 tenni matched blacks (mother and son) 4 and 13 year old; 1 team snatched black mares, 4 years old; 1 team gree dapples, 1 gelding, 1 mare 4 and 5 year old; 1 dapple gelding, 7 years old: 1 registered mare, black. 6 year old; 1 mare, 3 year old: 1 hay mare, 15 years old. 30 head of cattle Durhams and Herefords. 5 bead of Durham steers, -weight ; about 700 lbs; 5 head of Durham i heifers weight about 700 lbs; 4 head of Hereford (steers) weight about S00 lbs; 3 head of Hereford heifers; 7 head of Durham steers, weight about 850 lbs: 6 head of pure red, steers from registered stock. These cattle are all government' T.B. inspected' and innorulated against shipping fever. Trucks will deliver free up to 25 miles. Dinner served to those from a distance. Lunch before leaving. Terms --Cash. Loyd Love, Bansarth, Man. and Jack Thynne joint owners. Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer. h THE TREADMAIIK0FSAFETY FOR 37 CONSECUTIVE YEARS It's your safety we mean, when we speak of the Treadnrark of Safety. Tho basic pattern of the Goodyear diamond tread tuts remained the same year alter year ... unchanged for 37 years. Other tread designs are always chancing ... always "startling", always "marvellous'" .. but never quite good enough to survive. The simple truth is that no tire maker .. , not even Goodyear . , . has been able to improve the non-skid safety and traction efficiency of that basic diamond -block TH1: DIAMOND TREAD GRIPS MORE SECURELY IN ALL DIRECTIONS FORWARD EDGES "brake" against road for quick stops on slippery pavements. SIDE EDGES check side -slip on crowned roads and soft shoulders. SIDE EDGES resist fantailskids when you brake in emergen- cies. REAR EDGES act like cleats, for quicker starting: help to pre- vent spinning in mud and 271.0te, Your Goodyear dealer not only will keep your present Q, tires in service ... he also will advise you promptly is -hen you become eligible for new tires. See him.. . regularly. pattern. The diamond tread continues 'through tied taw of "Survival of the. Fittest". Of course, there have beets Ganngges idl heft ti 1.: 1,3061 progressive changes in moto'ritig outiditiun;. 1)111 Wit t'abar diamond -block design suryives. . and whcrnvct ^'a. fru.'•.• seen it, you have seen 1116 Mark of a Covd,Ycer the The diamond tread is only one of many a:heol16 tvlir now, as for 30 years, "tore People Ride ou Guutllcur Tires Than On Any Other Kind". oo.000e. 89099 EATE T NAME IN RUBBER N -75D SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate of University of Toronto, The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic equipment. Dr. F. J, R, Forster, Specialist in. Diseases of the Ear, Eye; Nose and' Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 8 to 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr.: H. H. Rose' office. Phone 5 J MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D.,.,, Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR, F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Plar, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of `Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moore0.eld's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY Successor to Holmes & Whitney Funeral Director MAIN ST., S)AFORTH Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos. pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchel): Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Spence's .Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED - EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid' for Eggs and Poultry - Phone 170-W, Seaforth TI OTH Y SEED We are now handling new crop Timothy Seed. We would be pleased to have you call or write for prices, Bags supplied if required and seed picked up. NICKER SEED CO. LIMITED • Phone 3W Crediton, Ont.