HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-09-13, Page 6The past winter put a severe strain on worn-out heating systems. Last December probably you promised yourself a new GLARE-HECLA Furn- ace , . . Or a Clare Conditioned Air Heating Unit. Better see your Clare dealer at once and get your order in early. There are still serious shortages of leen and materials. M 1.4 FURNACE aid 44449,4 P 4/7 .rte' British Food. Ration Is Reduced Again Col. J. J. Llewellin, Minister of Food, announced that the bacon ration for Britons will be reduced from four ounces a week to three ounces. He also said the domestic ra- tion of oils and fats will be re- duced by one ounce a week dur- ing the summer months, cutting the rocking fat ration from two ounces to one. The soap ration is to be re- duced for the time being by one- eighth, except for babies and young children. The Food Minister also an- nounced a cut in the number of points available for canned meat, from 24 to 20 from the beginning of the next ration period. He said he hoped to maintain the current cheese raiton of two ounces a week. The Ministry explained that German prisoners' rations were being pared fa deference to the general feeling of the public that these captives were b'eing overfed. The exact reduction applied to the Germans, however, is still being worked out. The need for tighter food ration- ing was traced to the fact that the liberation of Europe created unexpectedly heavy demands on the world food supply. Swastika Linter Alles The Swastika still lies across the main highway of the Inver- ness and Perth road at Kingussie. It was laid there on V -E Day so that all traffic would pass over it -- Sunday Empire News (Man - ashes ter). DEMAND HIS TRIAL Syrians have asked that French • Gen. Paul Beynet above, be tried as et war criminal for alleged responsibility for recent bloody fighting between the French and Syrians, They also branded Gen Oliva Roget s "war criminal." Last Patrol Flown By Coastal Command The R.A.F. Coastal Command flew its last patrol of the war with the abandonment of aerial escort for Allied shipping in the Euro- pean theatre of operations. Stine Sept. n, 1089, the Coastal Command has had at least one plane in the air every day eome- where in its vast territory which ranged from Iceland, Norway and the Baltic to the Azores and Gib- altar. GOOD SHOT Smoke rises from damaged stern of 2,500 -tan Jap cargo ship after Mitchell bomber scored direct hit. Vessel awaits second attack. Ship is one of six- enemy cargo and escort craft sunk or damaged In surprise attack off Shimshu Island. FAMILY OFFERS HEARTFELT PRAYER Mrs. J. C. Privett, Blytheville, Ark„ and her eight children pray in the bedroom of their new home for Pvt. J. C. Privett, the father, who lost his life in Luxembourg last January. The fam- ily, left with slim funds and forced to live in a crowded four-, room house, movedintotheir two-story, 10 -room, $10,000 home after an appeal for funds brought donations from civilians and Army men stationed throughout the world. a You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. 'REGIS HOTEL TORONTO • !Every Room with nal h', Show- er and r Iephone,. • stogie, 112.1.0. ,LPT I4oable, a3.00 up. O Oootl Foal. Dining and Dane - Ina IYlnittly Sherbourne at, Carlton Tel.' RA. 4135 STOP 11CHofinsect I/Z ash Quick! Stopitching of insect bites, heat rash, eczema, hives. pimples, scales, ecabtes, athlete s foot and other esternatiy caused slain trohbles. Use quick -acting. soothing;-antlseptic D, D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Crcnsetess, stainless, Itch stops or your money back. Your druggist stocks D. 0, 0, PRESCRIPTION. Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY FEMME PIS Lydia E, Pinkham's VegetableCompound not only lielps relieve periodic -pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, highstrung feelings—when due to func- tional monthly disturbances, It's one of the most effective medicines for this pur- pose. Pinkham's Compound helps nature! Follow label directions, Try it! , VEGETABLE MIACDONALD°S BRIER Queen -Mother Back In London florae Queen Mary returned' recently to her London home at Marlbo- rough House after nearly six years' residence at Bndnririgton;. Glouces- ter. A small crowd cheered' the Queen Mother as she, arrived by car, and site waved a white -gloved hand in acknowledgment as Scoto, Guards sentries presented arra... The Queen, uas been living at the hone of her niece, tate lDueb-• css of 'Beaufort, siacc Septemiier, 1939, THE E Yt3rT ,Tt+�rh"a�ii TuKILL FLIES --a 10c package of WILSON'S FLY PAr15 will trill more flies than $5.00 worth of any other fly fritter t The old reliable way Inc 65 years. Use WILSON'S FLY PADS todoyt BABY CHIOICS ROCK X LDGHORNS ;F11.75, AUS- tra Whites $12.50. Shipped C.O.D. anywhere by: Willowdate Chick- ery, Newtonbrook, Ont. REDUCED PRICES FOR CHICKS BARRED ROCIfS 12c, LEGIIORN Pullets 22c, Barred Rock Pullets 20e, Leghorns are Barron strain. Rocks ars O.B.S. Breeding, and all breeders are blood -tested. B. R. Cockerels to six weeks old also Leghorn Pullets eight weeks old fully feathered and roosting. Hybrid Broilers four weeks and over. One dollar books your order now. Johnson 1Tatchory, Fergus, Ont, YEAR AFTER YEAR —SUPPLY - Ing the same customers with Top Notch chicks le proof of statist - faction. At no time In history has the poultryman been assured of greater, more steady markets than to -day. Prices of a few breeds for June and .July de- livery. White Leghorns, Barred Rock X White Leghorns, Austro Whites 9.45; Barred Rocks, New Hampahires, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks .9.96; Assorted Light and Medium breeds 8.45: Assort ed heavies 8.95. Pullets: White Leghorns, Barred Rock X White. Leghorns, Austra whites 19.46• Barred Rocks, New I3ampalsire It' Barred Rorke 16.95, New Hamp- shires 17.95, Assorted Light and. Medium Breeds 17.95; Assorted Heavies 14.95. Cockerels: White Leghorns 1.50; Barred Rocca, New Hampshire 7r Barred Rocks 10.95, New Hampshtres 9.95, Assorted Heavies 9.95, White Leghorn X Barred Rocks 4,50. 2 week old add 6c, 3 week old add 11c, 4 week old add 16c. Send for complete price list, also 8 week old and older tree range pullets, TOP Notch Chlekerfee, Guelph, Ont. VICTORY CHICK SALE FOR JUNE AND JULY BARRED Rock Mixed 10c, Barred Rock Pullets' 16c, White Leghorn mixed 9c, White Leghorn Pullets 20c. White Rock Mixed 15c, Brown Leghorn Pullets 24c. Goddard Chick Hatcheries Ltd., Britannia Heights, Ont, STARTED CHICK BARGAINS, 8, 2, 4 week olds In many popular pore breoda and hybrid crosses In eon -sexed pullets and coeker- ele. Immediate delivery. Also day olds and eight week old pullets up to laying. Free catalogue. Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. RAISE CHICKS AT LESS COST now—and have them ready ;tor profitable Fall markets. Groan pasture feed is vital for growing chicks—cuts down on commera- tat feed. Here Is a real opportun- ity for big or small poultry rais- ers to reap extra profits --extra profits too by buying T.weddle Chicks that are from Government Approved bloodtasted breeders, Be wise buy scientifically pro- duced Tweedie chicks — a name familiar to poultrymen In Can- ada for over 20 years. Send for reduced July price list for day old, two Week old, three week old and 4 week olds In all popu- lar breeds. Also free range pul- lets eight weelcs of age and older. 't'weddie Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. WE CAN GIVE JULY -AUGUST D19 - livery chicks, It ordered now. Also June, limited quantity start- ed. Aotc for list. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N„ Hamilton, Ont. 9 WEEKOLD STARVED CHICK bargains while they last for Im- mediate delivery Barred Recta', New Hampshire X Barred Rocks non -sexed 16.06, pullets 52.95, cockerels 10.66. White Leghorn, Barred Rock White Leghorns, Austra Whites; Pullets 25.95, As- sorted Heavies. non -sexed 14.96, pullets 20.95, cockerels 15.35, An- sorted Medium and Light Breeds: Pullets 23.96. 3 weolt old add 5c, 4 week old add 1.0c. Also day old .chicks at rock bottom prices. Send for complete price. list.: Top Notch Chtclrertes, Guelph, Ont, Dl'161NG AND CLEANING' HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEIODS dyeingor cleaning? Write to u0 for Information. We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 191 Yooge Street To. ronto. - FARM 51ACTIINNRY FOR SALE THE NEW IMPROVED HAY DIVIDER CAN 1314 PO TT.GD TO SWATH board of any mower. Will replace help usually needed to fork bray behind mower in heavy crops. Also eIve ohne, as there is no (flogging of knife or lcnife guard. C1uaranteed satisfaction. 57.50 f.o.b. Bristol, Que. Sole Mtgr. and. distributor for 'Canada and U.S. LOCAL SPARE TIME AGENTS WANTED, A. AHITTO, nnts9'01;, Q010. 22.55 01)0DI.SON STEEL TT3RESIH- er, clover attachments, chaff blower, grain elevator, ball bear- ings throughout, roller bearings on road wheels, ready to go to wont.' Also 18-30 hart Parr trace. toe In first class shape, on steel. Edward Ewart, Bolton, Ont. ERIrleCTION 301LK1&RS AND 5171P- 000, .r, 1r. Donaldson, Jovcevllf., Ont. 6 -FOOT INTERNATIONAL 00M - bine. CompletoPlck-up etc. 5 Years old, good- condition, one climax power unit Just rebored. Npw pistons and tinge, '85 H.P. Roy Whitwell, Binbrook, Ontario, MASSEY HARRIS 101SUPER TWIN power tractor on rubber, prac- tioany new, or Model C Case on steel In Al condition. Alvin Grier, Ormatown Station, Que. POR SALE SAWOIILL AND BOX MANUFAC- turing plant and quantity of lumber for sale, plant manuface tured Ilsb shelve last year; pow - eyed by 2 steam engines, has electricity; located on railway siding, village of Hallburton. Colonial Box and Lumber Co., Tion 32, Hallburton, Ont,. I HAVE TEN GOOD WARMS FOR sale, ranging In pries from three to twelve thousand dollars, For particulars, apply Jae, Donohue, Donohue Garage, Rentrew, Ont. FOR SALE, SUCCESSFUL CRPIAM- ery and dairy business In pro- gressive Ottawa Valley Town, owner retiring on account of health, price price right. For further Particulars apply to Box 86, -71 Adelaide W., Toronto. BUSINESS FOR SALSI, F1101,! MA- chinery, 'other articles and mach- inery, large lot and buildings with high moving beam and blocks for wrecking and loading. Suitable machinery for repairing. Two minutes' walk to large stores,. banks and poetoffice. Partleulars given. W. E. Rutledge,Newmarket, GREOAT. DANE PUPS FOR SALM Champion Bloodline's, excellent breeding stock or show pros- pects, ideal pet and protector, John Pearson, Lakeview P.0., Out. REGISTERED SHETLAND SHEEP dog (miniature collie) pups for sale. 1744 Moutand Ave., Niagara Falls', Ontario. REMNANTS 16 10 20 YARDS, LINEAL MESAS. ure $1.98, consists 245 lbs. un- bleached cotton, cushion covers', raincape material, flannelette, woollens. C.O.D., postage extra, Refund If unsatisfactory. Publex Sales, 277 Parliament, Toronto. DIESEL ENGINES — COMPLETE: PAH International 80 . Horse- power, 4 years old; D7700 Cater- pillar 70 HP; D4600 Caterpillar 66 HP, 2 years old; U7)14 Inter- natlonal 68 HP; PD40 Inter- national 60 HP. Leventhal & Co., Machinery Dealers, Winnipeg. FOR SALE VESSOT 18" BALL hearing grinder direct driven 30 H.P. motor 'first class condi- tion. Apply 3. A. Eager, Hemet - villa Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt: belts, put. lays, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd.. 2220 bufterin St.. To- ronto. GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aids YOU retain Slender Figure, turns your food into energy Instead of fart. • GUARANTEED HARMLESS, eoinposed pleasant herbs, no exer- eises or drastic diet. Month's supply 51.00 postpaid Dominion Herb Distributors 1428 St. Lnerrenee lflvd„ Montrenl FARMS . 15011 SA100 50 -ACRE FARM, 7N HUB ON county, bank barn, pig pen, chicken house, implement sired, 7 -roomed frame house. For fur- ther information write Box 20,, Langstaff, Ont. 72 ACRES, HALF MILE OFF HIGH- way 28, 6 miles Borth Port Hope. Basement barn, frame house, 10 acres bush, stream. M. Harper, R.R. 4, Coboueg, L'A.RM FOR SALE -193 ACRES 1 mile west of Kitchener limits on Ki,lehener-Stye trend h 1 g h ve a y. Charles W. Moser, 14.11. 4, Kitch- ener, Ont HA Ill DRESSING • L Eft R N. l4Al MIESS1N0 THE Robertson- method. information on req oast repo reincg classes. Ilabertson's tlnirdroes' ng Acad. emy, 157 Avenue Road, Toronto. MED IC'AL STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS Often. are tho cense of Ill -health In humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find: out if this is your trouble? Interestingpar. Honiara—Free! Write Mulveney'e Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 8, DON'T WAIT — EVERY SUFFER- er oI Rheumatic Patna or Neur- itis should try 1?ison'a Remedy. Irfunro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 91.00. 13AU512119I14. FOOT BALM Del. stroys offensive odor instantly. 45c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED—F,V10RY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neurltls should try Dixon's Berns oda'. Munro's Drug Store, 335 IOlgln, Ottawa, Postpaid 51.00. CHIROPRACTOR H. S. SIMONSON, CHIROPRACTOR, 23 Bloor Street East, Toronto. Hours 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Soturdaye 3 a.m. to 1 p.m. OPPORTUNITlBR FOR WOOr11IN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S WADING .SCHOOL Great Opportunify, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, theme/ids eticcessful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue tree. Write or can MARVEL qq 3IAtR SRESSING 358 13LOO1 W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St, Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. MUSICAL 1NSTn UMt9NTS FRED A.-BODDINGTON -BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 Xing West, Toronto, Booklet of Information on re- quest, PROPERTIES WANTED TO HUY WE HAVE BUYERS WAITING FOR chicken farms, market gardens, town or village -houses to all parts of. the Province.Send full particulars in. confidence at once —we malce no charge unless we sell. Powell and Company, 6 St. Clair East, Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY "YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS 'and the prompt manner In which you return work to greatly appreciated." Any Size Boll -6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25a Don't risk losing pictures. Send your film rope to CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST STUDIO - Get Better Pictures at Lower Cost, Prompt mall service. \. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 1f 29c (4c extra) Is sent with film roll SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 se 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 8 for 25c. Framed, on Ivorytinted mats, 7 X 9", In Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Block !ebony finish frames, 69c each. I5 enlargement colored, 790 each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograph or snapshot . . and make any number of prints or enlargements desired. The process requlres the work of ekllled artists, but the cost 1s reasonable. Send ns your picture and tell us what you want done and we will tell you the cost before doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. TiME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 IIIXPt tstll1b. ROLLS 25e REPRINTS a for 25c FINEST CNLAR(4 en: Sleitv1U19 You may Dot .get all the firma you want this year. but you can get all the quality and serviceyou desire . by sending yoar films to IM4'IORRIAI. PHOTO SERVICE Station- J, Toronto, TEACI#IilltS W. ANTED R.bnDi'rT tsleQU11S1S TWO FIRST Class Teachers about 55 pupil8 In the School Prine Lull guinea 6 to 10 inclusive. Ort to St,56I a year, 51ALle PREFERRED.. Junior !loom Grades 1 to 5 in - elusive, Salary 51,200 a year. Ai - dress apnlirallons to 1e. 11, WEST- COTT, 1tt41JDITT, Ont. WANTED —TWO QUAL t0 91^,D teachers for Mayo Totvnstlip 8attool Area. O0tarlo-1lastin6a county. No. 2 tIeAr/bur's Milia and No. 6 Hartsmere Good mod- ern rural schools. Term. 1945-46, Protestant, salary 51,190. State qualification. A. W. Ittunsbottont,. Hermon, Ont, TEACHER WANTED FOR S.S. N0. 4, Township of Enniskillen, Lamb - ton County. State expeerence, not- ary turd phone cumber to John W. Piggott, Secretary, OU. Spr1nga, Out. BRANT CO.; 5 MU,1f14 SOUTH OP Brantford, Experienced female Pretestunt teacher. S.S. No. 4, Brantford Twp. Snlarg 51,600.00. State qualifier' limns, also former Inspector. Personal application preferred If possible. Cordon Kellam, Ser.-Treas., 11.11. No. 2. Brantford, Ont. DORSET — TIIACH3.111 WANTED (Protestant preferred) to teach grade 6 to 10, Inclusive (senior room), and act as principal 61 h 2 -room geltsa,i with modern con- yyggagores, terra commencing Sep- teCttl,er, 1945, salary 51,800. Apply, stating qualifications, to (Miss), Phylilae Claf't.gn, noraott (Alt. FIRST CLASS TEACHER WANT - ed for S.S. No. 12 Fitzroy. Duties to commence September 4, 1946. Apply stating eatery and totem, fence to C. R. Campbell, Secy.. treasurer, Fitzroy Harbour, Ont. KENT CO, TEACHER WANTED for S.S. No. 16, Dover Twep. Sol- ary 51100.00, Apply stating quali- fications and salary expected to Adelard Totreautt, R.R. No. 0, Bear Line, Ont, TTOILP WANTED STRONG, A131.E WOMEN FOR general housework, 500 - 580 month, bed, board. Glrle, young women _ for summer resort, pay according age ability. Married couple, man, boy, garden farm. Mrs, Boyd, Carlsbad Springs', Ont, HOU8L1It101.7PIDIt FOR PROTES- tont,- motherleee home In country, All conveniences. Two ochool age children. Box 37, 78 Adelaide W., Torun t0. AUTOMOBILE BUMPERS A N D Painters, experienced on repair work. highest rate of pay,'48 hour week, hest working condttione. Apply nenrest Selective Service Office. CR 2925. EXPERIENCED MAN TO HELP on 100 acre treater farm. Milking machlne. Teamster preferred. Will pay 535.00 per month, Bolton 1176. Harold Tomlinson, Nashville, Ontario. WANTED SINGLE MAN FOR GEN- eral farm work. Steady Job for right .man. No milking, Beet cattle. Apply Patterdale Farm, Woodbridge, R.R. 3. Phone 46 11 4. WANTED TWENTY-FIVE TO ONE HUtr- dred acres within two hundred. miles Toronto. Must be situated. on Lolro or River, -Building's Im- material. Box 94, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. 1-10US1ICl017PER WANTED ON Farm 9 miles from Tillsonburg. All city conveniences. 2 children, 2 adults. Good wagee, 3, A. Mc- Cabe, Tlllsonburg, Ont. SARNIA GENERAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL FOR NURSES: APPLTCATrONS NOW BEING CON- eidered. Date of admission Sep- tember 4th, 1945. Lrdncatlonal re- quirements Junior Matriculation. Remuneration atter preliminary, term, 910.00 to 512.00 per month, BUCKWHEAT WANTED. LET 179 know what you have. Best Weeds 85ruffaontoltd, 23stank St.. Company WANTED TO PURCIOASJO Put, lets, all breeds from 8 weeks up to laying, Good prices paid. Apply, to Box 38, 73 Adelaide 1V., 1b. ronto. WE BUY hundreds of Herbs, Roots,Berke, Rerries, Flnwers, t,enves, etc. PRICES HIGHER NOW \Vrile for full list Dominion Herb Distributors 94211 St. Inlwrenre OhvL, pionlrelnl ISSUE 26-1846