HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-09-13, Page 5THURSDAY SEPT. 13, 1945 THE SEAFORTH NEWS now whereY our money goes . .. 4,11414. gall PN't a' IMF 11.440 0,00 OW' V au,n,o„ "ul aim/ a, 4{11 eau 4,,,(R,74l rweae, 11,0 Remember The Dominion Bank will give you a monthly • statement of your payments by cheque When you pay your bills by cheque, the can- celled cheque is the best evidence of payment ... and you don't have to carry around quantities of cash. By operating a personal Current Account in the Dominion Bank you can exercise better control over your expendi- tures . . tell where every cent of your money goes and thus make more effective use of it. Our nearest Manager will be pleased to explain the advantages o£ this type of account to you. THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 SEAFORTH BRANCH E. C. Boswell - - Manager 629 G9 o re Times-tn. Friday, Saturday. Sept, 13.14.16 IG 9c - 19c - 29c FOOD SALE Old Dutch Cleaiiser tin 9c Quaker Mu; f ens pkg. 9c Quick Quaker Oats large pkg 19c Stokely's Tomato Soup 4,10 oz. tins 29c LibbS's Prepared Mustard Ayltner Dehydrated 'Beans S oz. bottle 19s Aylmer Plate Queen Olives 6 oz. bottle 19c 5 cit. bag 19e Clark's Mushroom Soup 2 this lite Maxwell House Coffee 11b. bag 43c Nutrint Baby Cereal 18 oz. pkg. 49e Ovaltine . medium jar 58c large jar 9Sc Another Jackson's Jiffy Porridge pkg, 17e Superior Baking Powder 16 oz. tin 23c Laing's C. C, Sauce Newport Fluffs 6 oz. jar 9c 9 11115 95 Note. — We will have a part car of New Brunswick No. 1 TABLE POTATOES around Sept. 20. Anyone wishing their winter's supply can leave order before that date. A rt'Wright PHONE 77 TOWN TOPICS Service men arriving glome this, week from overseas ere: Pte, I1, T. Huisser, Pte, J. B. Barry, A, Sgt. W. C. Barber, Major Richard P.Donglas, of Seaforth; LAC J. C. McNay; and Fit Lt.. A, 3. Eekel't, McIi'.iUop.. Mrs, wm. Oldfield spent last week at Sauble Beach. Miss Jean Agar left on Monday to take a business course at Clinton, Mr. and Mrs George Wilson and Mr. Joules Colqub.oun of Niagara Falls, N.Y., were recent visitors with 14x, and Mrs. Win. Oldfield. Pte. Kenneth Hart, London, spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. 7I. W. Hart. Miss Margaret Robinson of Brus- sels visited Mr. and Mrs. Wni, Old- field Mus. Marry W, Hart visited friends in London Iasi week. Miss Helen Smith, nurse -in -training at St, Joseph's Hospital, London, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. Mrand Mrs. William Faulkner and daughter, Kitchener, are holidaying at the hone of his sisters, Misses Lil- lian and Loretto Faulkner. Mrs. Nelson Skelky, Toronto, is visiting et the home of her father, Mr. William Reid. Mrs. Janes Bell, Toronto, was a guest this week at the Bonne et Mr. and Mrs. Melville Steffen. ,Airwoman Vera Hudson, RCAF., Mountain View, spent the week end with her sister and brot]ler-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Habicirk. Miss Marian McGavin, nurse -he training et Stratford General Hospi- tal, visited with. her parents, lilr, and Mrs, George McGavin, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams and sons Joseph and Ronald are spending a week with relatives in Detroit. Mr. Ronald Savauge was a week eine visitor in Hamilton. Mrs. Ellen Mcintyt'e, of Royal Oak, Mich., is visiting her sister Mrs. Cath er'ine MoNah, North Main 'street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert I3ber'har't, are visiting with friends in Hamilton, Nia- gara Falls and Buffalo. Mrs. Martin Stapleton spent a few days with friends in Toronto last week. Miss Jessie '13111 and Mrs. James Dobie, Georgetown, spent the week end at the home of the former's sis- ter, Mrs. Claire Reith and Mr. Reith. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Menlyss Tren- ton, and Mr. William Ethier, Belie - vine, were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Henderson., Mrs. Thomas Storey returned Sat- urday atter visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Gould, and other relatives, in Windsor. Mr, ane] Ml's. Harry Stewart have returned home after spending the past three weeks at the hone of Sun -Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large Stock of Modern Memorials on display -at our Seaforth Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons office will be open on TUESDAYS Open 'by appointment at any other time. See Dr. Harburn, next door - Cunningham & Pryde Clinton Exeter Seaforth Phone. 41 FOR SALE Dwelling and outbuildings, two acres of land, in Egmondville, im Mediate possession. 25 acres with barn and house, on highway. Immediate possession, 8 acres 2 miles from Seaforth, suit- able for poultry Tarin, Dwelling and barn. Immediate possession. HaY is uncut and will bo sold separately. Watson & Reid, Seaforth. We can't put the world right over night. But we can put ourselves right and that's the best start. FOR SALE 5 Room, frame - cottage, patent shingle siding, garage attached. Cole- man St. Prompt possession, 7 Room, frame grouse, 1.3/5tha Acres Land, Crombie St, 100 Acre Farm, McKillop Township, fully equipped, splendid 'Maple bush. Brick house with all first cines build- ings, Hydro installed. A splendid farm D. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phone 334, Seaforth, Ont. Res, 220 WANTED A used Corn Binder, McCormick Deering preferred. Phone 21-847, Seaforth, Stewart Dale. Till; Musical Jamboree Come and near Came and Sec THE PUPILS OF S.S. 3, TUCKERSMITH AT THEIR SCHOOL Wednesday, October 3 8.15 P.M. Music for Young and Old somas Ob XaSTERDAY. SONGS OF TILE SOUTH SALUTE 70 UNITED NATIONS SONGS FROM TIES OLI1 VILLAGE 01I0II1 Adults 29e Children under 16-15c. Ialf proceeds for Jr, Red Cross their son, Rev. Douglas Stewart and Mrs. Stewart, in Ellntontofi. Miss Rhona Oorhett, Edmonton, is al guest this week at the Bone of her aunt Mrs. A. D. Sutherland. Miss Joan Devereaux is holidaying with relatives in Toronto, Port Nope and Detroit, Miss Pauline Matthews, inn se-iu- training at St. Mary's hospital Kitch- ener, and Miss Betty Matthews, Wat- erloo spent the week end at the Home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoggerth, ac- companied by Mr, and Mrs, Richard Peiffer of :Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. John D. Atkinson, Loudon. The latter is just recovering from a seri- ous illness. Mrs. John Trout, of Stratford, 15 visiting her daughter, Mrs, W. J. Thompson.' Mr, Robert Bullard, of Brandon, Man., called et the home of Mrs, Flett and Mr. and Mrs. HenrY r-Ioggartlr, last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott and son, Toronto, were week end visitors atthe horse of the latter's mother, Mrs. A. D. Sutherland. Mr's. Suther- land, who spent the past week in To- ronto, returned hone with then. Misses Melds Cull and Margaret Blackburn, Toronto, spent the week end atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Mayer. Dr. and Mi's. Archibald Hays, Fort COME TO Afternoon Tea AT THE MANSE TUESDAY, SEPT. 18 3 TO 6 O'CLOCK Sponsored by Groups of Ladies' Aid Society, First Presbyterian Church SILVER COLLECTION ,,,.n,n, ae""unnuuunnnnl,ue"nn enunnununnmu Erie, visited with Inc mother, Mrs. James Hays, over the week end. Mrs. t-Iays is a patient in Scott Memorial. Hospital, Mr. Donald Scott is holidaying with fr rc nils in Baylield. Mr. and Mrs, 'Clifford Palmer and family, Stratford, Mr. and 32111, Clar- ence Palmer and family, 'Woodstock, Air. and iVirs. Will Reeves of Detroit, tnd kris. Jack McNamara, Port Huron, were e visitors at the hone of 151r. and Mrs, A. W. Moore on Friday. Mrs, Knight, Detroit, and Miss Lorna Ballantyne, London, were week end visitors with. Miss Ballantyne. Nir. and Mrs, ,lanes F. Reid of To- ronto spent o-ronto,spent a Yew days In town and at Kippers. Mr. William Mason is visiting with relatives at Portage Da Prairie, Man,. S/L'ieut H, Glenn Heys, RCNVR,. \l'illide4g Is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. Janes Hays. Mrs. Prank Devereaux is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bertha Caen -melt In Detroit',. Dr. Borden Meruer, Minneapolis, was a guest this week at the home of his mother, Mrs, J. J. Merrier, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sawyers, of Windsor, who were recently married are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McGavin and Miss Mary McGavin. Mrs. Sawyers is a niece of the MoGavin family. COMMUNITY MOURNS Continued Frain Page One ton; Mrs. Davis, Mr. Anderson and Mr. Caldwell, Stratford. Flowers were from: Commercial Hotel staff, Dorothy Theobald, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Austin, A.C.O.S. Staff and Officers A. Group Woodstock, br. and Mrs. D. Papple, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tebbitt, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gilchrist, Mrs. Bill Kerr, Roy and Iva, Mr. and Mr's. Carol Knight, Babe and Bob. McGregor, Mr, and Mrs. Finnigan, Mrs. Dungey, Roy and Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott Mr. Nelson Southerby, Mrs. James Chesney, Mrs. Cameron, Art, Jack, Glen, Mrs. Angus McLean, Mrs. Ken Adams, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Scott, Seaforth Branch Canadian Legion, Egmondville School, Mae Hodgson and Mrs. Laura Barry, Hen- derson family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ches- ney, Pearson Chesney, Mr. and Mrs. L. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Millson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, Jim Elliott, Virginia Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy and Harry Stuart, Boys of Hanover Transport, Frank Kling and Staff, Barnett and Ste- vens families, Mrs. Munroe and George, Violet Piper, Mr, and Mrs. Art Wright, Stanley Barry, Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. H. Chesney, Friends of Harold Chesney, Your Shopping Centre Oid Dutch Cleanser per til'i 9c Quick Quaker Oats Marge 19c Tomato Soup 4/10 oz. tins 29c Daly, Grange Tea ., •.1726 Pure Black Pepper 1725 390 19c Force, Cereal pkg. 7c Vanilla Extract 16 oz. 25c Ross J. Soat Phone 8 "SUPERIOR STORE" Mr. and Sirs. Oliver Elliott, Fred Johnson, Seaforth Women's Insti- tute, Flint friends, Grandma, Uncle and Aunts, Seaforth returned men consisting of 45 members, Euchre Club consisting of 35 members, Friends of Harold, Miss Lizzie Elli- ott, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Fortune, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright, Mrs. John Reiter, Mrs. Gordon Regele, Mrs. Thos Phil- lips, Thos. Chong, Morris Pong, Vio- let Gillespie, Mrs. T. Bickell, 3lrs. N. Nichol, Mrs. 3.' Currie, Mrs. C. M. Smith, Mrs, F. Devereaux. When we put our best foot for- ward we stop kicking. Fighting' with each other causes trouble. Fighting for each other solves it. Want and For Sale Ads, ,3 weeks 50c DANCING! IN LOOSY'S HALL Dublin Friday Night, Sept. 14 FREDDY FUNK AND HIS NINE P1EC 6 HAND WANTED For Full Time Work FEMALE HELP Ages, ]:S to 40 MALE HELP Ages 16 to 18 Shift Work Phone, write or apply to 'Personnel Dept., Kellogg Co.. of Canada Ltd. London, Ont. YOU & Co. lu'OLT AND COMPANY—you and that family you work and plan for! A small boy you'd like to send to college --a little girl who's going to have "the very best her old Dad can give her!' It's the most in - portant thing in the world, isn't it— planning for their future! And NOW is the time to make sure those plans come true by putting up a strong, steady fight against inflation! You and all of us must fight for that future by fightisag to keep Can- ada's dollar sound. Unless we can keep that dollar worth a full dollar, You & CO.—along with the rest of Canada—will face inflation! That's why it's.inlportalit NOW—more than ever now—to fight for a dollar that's worth a dollar. Why NOW especially? Because now civilian goods are scarce, and money is plentiful. Now is the time to FIGHT to maintain price con: trols and price ceilings. We must . support and urge the support of rationing. We must buy only what we need, and only at fair markets. If we do this, we can make plans for the future as part of a Nation that is economically sound. If we dont, we're going to find some day that our dollar will buy only a quarter's worth of goods. And that means that dollar is only worth a quarter. This is inflation! Up to now, Canada's controls have really worked. We've been able to prevent inflation. But we must fight now to keep those controls working, until the supply of civilian goods can - come up to the demand! What happened after the last war must not happen again! For the sake of our children, for our returned soldiers, - for ourselves let's keep up the fight against inflation. PabfisbedbyTI38'BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO). to reveal the dangers of indation. Make this Pledge Today! 1 pledge myself to do niy part in fighting inflation: By observing rationing and avoiding black markets in any shape or forth. By respecting price controls and othe: anti-inflation measures, and re- frainingfxom careless aad unneces- sary buying. d will not buy two where one will do, nor will I buy a "new" where so "old" Will do. By buying Savings Victory Bonds and War Stamps, supporting tax- ation and abiding by all such measures which will. lower the cost of living and. help keep prices ata normal level. 4 i 4 41 , 4 • a 41 4