HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-08-23, Page 1FOR A.BELOVED 1-IO'USE ]ntow a house upon a hill Where all the four, winds blow, With valley fair and winding roads Spread out for miles below. A house whosefriendly windows , hold A vistaof delight- Of -green-clad hills; and swaying trees Stirred by the glad wind's flight. It's there the earliest blossoms grow In sheltered garden'.. ways. And in :the treesthe joyous birds- • e Sea rth Ne HURON C O U N T Y'8. LEADING NEWSPAPER Si»r through- the ,enldelt days; Farfrom the din and clanging roar lit ero did chi, street, • The hours gc by like nulsie. there :- - In stately measured .beat, 0 House, where happiness abides, And friendliness and cheer -- I send- you -greeting from afar For memories.. are dear. And this the message that I' send, Borne by the winds that blow: 004 keep you, Rouse andallwithin, Because I love you so WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 68, No. 34 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AU(xLS'P 23; 1945 $1 a year TAVISTOCK BAND HERE SUNDAY NIGHT The Tavistock Citizen's Band will play in Victoria Park, Seaforth, on .Sunday evening next, August 26th. This will be the final Sunday even- ing band concert of the season. The Seaforth Highlander's Band will take part in a band tattoo at Tavi- stock on Friday evening. 1 TAX RATE LOWERED FOR SEAFORTH' Seaforth town council field their ad- journed August meeting 'on Tuesday evening. Members pi•esent'eveee Mayor John J, Olu1'f, Reeve J. F. Daly, Coun- cillors M. A. Reil, J. E. Keating, F. S. Sills, I. Hudson. • A bylaw appointing Mr, Ii, E. Smith to the High School Board for the bal- ance of 1945-46-47term was passed. SHOWER GIVEN - The Mayor and Clerk were appoint - FOR BRIDE -ELECT ed to sign all routine papers in con - FOR with unemploymeul. Insurance regulations, Miss Margaret Dale was hostess A letter from Mrs. Dorothy Sather-. last week to 20 girls at a cup and land re condition of street, was given sauce]' shower in honor of Miss to the street committee for attention. Thelma Scott, bride -elect of this The estimated receipts and expen- month. Court Whist was played dur- ditures for 1945 no presented by the Mg the evening. The prize winners iinanee eomunil tee was adopted and were Mrs. Jean Findlay and Miss the bylaw setting the tax vete was Betty Clark. Margaret Dale read the , passed. The tax rate for 1.945 will be address and poem entitled. "The 41 mills for public school supporters Happiest Bride."i which is a reduction of 4 mills from The bride who goes to a farm todayIasL year. The separate school rate I Has a happier lot before her will be 42 mills, a reduction from last Than the bride who starts hi showier year's rate of 43.5 trills. Councillor way !Sills mentioned that necessary repairs With city blocks to bore her; hard been made to the separate school With shops and movies and haste building this year, which was the and noise, reason their rate had not been reduc- As a place for little wills and boys ed still further. Who may come some day to live Tile rates are made up as follows: $4,939.84 to be raised for county put- ic chopsanndlmovies and noise and Librarylay. oses ] at 1.3 mils. ls; $19,G76.933.92 for u For glare general purposes at 20,9 mills. The And shrieks of Whistles and tainted rate for general purposes was reduced air, from 21.9 mills by reason of the one - The bride who goes to a farm today mill subsidy from the Provincial goy - Will lay aside her veil eminent to municipalities, $4,707.40. And her orange wreath and her for High School purposes at 5 mills. shqwer bouquet All above on an assessment. of $941.- For 941,For a hoe and a milking pail, - 480. $1,378.92 for Separate School at But out beyond her kitchen door 9.5 mills on an assessment of $141, - Will be clover fields and . sycamore. 150 anti $6,768.80 for Public School, And daises for little hands to pull, Some day, 0, life can be beautiful To a woman who lives on a farm and gives And takes from the earth instead of the town! 0 little girl in the wedding gown, In your hands our love and: our. hopes we lay, Dear bride who goes to a farm today! Mrs. Hazel McGonigle and Miss Shirley Oldfield presented the gifts in a decorated basket: Lunch \Vee served by the hostess. *`blue eoal , � 10E 50110 NM 500 501,10 COMFORT E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Red Cross Notes The Red Cross rooms will be open Friday afternoon of next week,. August 31st, when finished work will be taken in, and' supplies will be given out. MISS EDITH BRITTON HONORED BY FRIENDS A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott on Monday evening when. about 20 girl friends of Miss Edith Britton, bride -elect of this week, gathered to present her with a mis- cellaneous shower. A social hour was spent in playing bingo, then Mrs. Wm. Jewitt played the Bridal Chorus and Mr, Walter Scott led the bride to a decorated room where the gifts were arranged. Mrs. Lorne Lawson read the following addeessi "Dear Edith, you are sitting here. . 'before us As others have done before, And we know that you are wishing You could beat it out the door. Now that you have found a man To cherish all your life, We're quite sure you'll prove to be A true and loving wife. Just a little token Of loving thoughts and true, These small gifts we now present to you." Edith then thanked the girls for the- gifts and lunch was served by the hostess. .. - MISS MARGARET HEFFERNAN Requiem High Mass was sung by Rey. Father McCarthy in St. ,]antes' Church, Seaforth; on Saturday morn- ing for -the late Miss Margaret Ann at 8.5 Mills, on an assessment of, Heffernan, who died on Thursday at $796,330. her home in Seaforth. The departed The increased subsidies from the had been in ill -health for the past 18 Provincial government to the schools months. Born in Tuckersmith, she are being passed on to the ratepayers in these reductions was a daughter of the late, Mr, ,and Mrs. Michael Heffernan, and later Council passed a motion giving to lived on the Huron Road east of See- the Seaforth branch of the Canadian, forth until retiring to Seaforth 24 Legion the front half of lot 43, Jarvis years ago. She tools an active part in survey, corner 03 Iin'on and Main 1 church work, being a member of the streets, for the stmt of $1,00, This is' Catholic Women's League, the Altar part of the property on which the pro- Society, and the League of the Sacred Posed Legion hall will be erected. Heart. She is survived by two sisters, pMcKillop; heel Matt Matthews, d pun- Mrs, Mic an C Reeve Arthur 'Nicholson cillors H. Jackson and W. Crich of and Miss Theresa, Seaforth; -and two Tuckersmith, were present and dis- cussed at some length ways and means of honoring the returned men brothers, Thomas, of Detroit, ant Joseph of Seaforth. Interment vas made. in St. James' cemetery. The of the community. pallbearers were Wm. Devereaux, It was tentatively decided that the Frank Nolan, Harry Fortune, John town and township would be willing Devereaux, Charles Hagan, James to do something at an approximate Hagan. Among those from a distance 1 e Mr r neighborhood of $10,0.00, the feeling ona, Mrs. Feline and Mrs. LaCelrte of y ]•f associated with his father In busi- ness ust ness in Seaforth. SPLENDID RESULTS IN SEAFORTH UPPER SCHOOL Patricia L. Bechley--Mod. Hist. 1, Chemistry c, Fr. A. c, Fr. C. 1. Ernest G. Clarke -Eng. Comp, 3, Eng. Lit. 2, Mod. Hist. 1, Chern. ,2 Lat, A, 3, Lat, C. 2, Fr. A. 3, 'Fr. Comp. 1, Leo. A. Hicknell-Chem, f, Fr. Comp. f. Katherine Lauclenbach-Eng. C. c, Eng. Lit, 3, Geom. 8, Trig. & St. 3, Phys. 2, Chem. 1, Lat. A. 1, Lat. Comp. 1, Fr. ' A. 2, Fr. Comp. 1. Marion F. Mason -Eng. C. c, Eng. Lit. c, Geom. 2, Trig. & Sta. 2, Bot. 2, Zool, c, Fr. _A. c, Fr. Comp. 2. Allan L. Ryan -Eng, C. 3, Eng. Lit. c, Alg. 1, Geom. 1, Trig. & Sta. c, Bot, c, Zool. 2, Phys. 1, Chem.1, Fr. A. 2, Fr. Comp. 1, Helen L. Smith -Eng. C. 3, Eng'. Lit. c, Alg. c, Geom. 3, Trig. & Sta. c, Bot, 0, Zool, c, Fr. A, c. Fr. C. 1. Donald G. Stephenson -Eng. C. 2, Eng. Lit. 2, Alg, 1, Geom. Trig. & Sta. 1, Phys. 1, Chem. 1, Lat. A. c, Lat. Comp. 1, Fr. A. 3, Fr. C. 2. ERNEST CLARKE WINS MUSIC SILVER MEDAL Ernest Clark received the highest marks in the Province for the past year in the Grade 2 Theory examina- tion of Western Ont. Conservatory and is therefore eleg]ble for the silver medal which will be presentee] at the University Convocation in the fall. Ernest Clarke is a pupil of St. Joseph's School of Music, Sea - forth. CAPT. BASIL DUNCAN RETURNS HOME Capt. Basil J. Duncan, son of Mr. and Mrs, William J. Duncan, Sea - forth, rettuned from overseas on the Letitia, having served in. North Africa, Sicily.- Italy, France, Bel- gium, Holland, and Germany. He was wounded in Italy and spent sev- eral months in a hospital. Born in Seaforth 34 years ago, Capt. Dun- can attended Seaforth Separate School, Collegiate Institute, and St. Michael's College, Toronto. He en- listed with the Middlessex-Huron Regiment, N.P.A.M., to go with the Eights as a lieutenant on June 1, 1940• He went overseas in March 1342, with the advance party of the Fourth Division; and was made cap- tain in that year. In 1041 Capt. Dun- can married the former Mary Mar- ed$50.00 funeral man. As this would total in the Nits, Roy McLeod and daughtor Le- the have one daughter, Pauline. On ae his return to civilian life, he willbe of the meeting was very much in fa Detroit, ldv, and Mrs. Wm. Wile var of using the money for a hall for \Srdndsot•, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thom, the use of the returned men, this lee- Tecidy and Larry of London, Mr. and ing a most acceptable and lasting vvay: Mrs, Kenneth Hines and Fred Clark, of showing appreciation. It was explained that the dotal]of. London. 118 lr branch of the Legion have pia Union Services der consideration for such a hone, which would be a suitable memorial i ,. Of Northside United and First Pres- to all returned men alis] especially the Churcan Churches in the Pr'esbyter'ian boys of the present war. - 1 hurch• As an initial step, -a committee was Rev. H. 'V. Workman will preachat, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m• named is a delegation to interview t1 Or fario Dept of Municipal Affairs Sunday Schools neer as usual, Anglican Stltlday, Aug. 26th. St. Thomas', Seaforth: 50. Keating were appointed for Sea - 11 0,111, m Merng prayer and ser- forth. and Councillor Harold Jackson Mon. (No oveuiug service.) . - - and Clerlt Edwin Chesney for Tucker -I emith. It vvas also decided to seek co-; operation of McKillop township. The Inns of the proposed hall include ,an le l ` ' to seek permission to use funds fron that surplus accounts of the ;mulled Panties for building a hall. Clerk D.' II. Wilson and Finance Chairman J. St. Mary's, Dublin: - 9.80 a..uI. Morning Prayer - and sermon. auditorium 32x60 feet, a lounge aud billiard room, and caretakers' living l The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, quart t p 's. B.A., at boot services. - - During the discussion it was reveal- ed that a monster Victory Day might Salvation Army be 1101d during the fall at t11e. Lions Seaforth Corps, Lieut. L. Gayer. Paris trader the auspices of tile local Sunday services, 11 a,m. Holiness bi'ane,li of the' Canadian Legion incl meeting. 3 p.m. Sunday School, other organizations; also that the i. Von nd 7 pen. Evangelistic meet g JAMES I. JOHNST,ON Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the G. A. Whitney fune- ral chapel fru' James Irwin Johnston, Seaforth, who died on Saturday even- ing from a heart condttion. He had been ill for several n10519115. A native of Melodic]) Township, he w110 MI 11 in. 1863, on lot 16, con. 9, son of Mr. and Mrs, Irwin Johnston. He was lustl'iecl on January 19 1921( to the former Martha Wallace, at Aubn'n• They lived in Western Canadafor a short time and had lived retired in Seaforth. for 23 years. Mr. Johnson was a member of the Northside Unit- ed Church. Besides his wife he is sur- vived by one brother, i 4Is Johnston,F McKiihote; a sister, Mr.. s Blake, Washington, D was in Nlaitlanti Bank Cemetery with Rev. I3, V. Workplan ofticiatiiig. The pallbearers were Russell Bolton, m Frank Johnston, Dalton Reit, . Kerr, Percy Hoag, John Jefferson. During the service James Stewart and 11 Old iTilliam A. lain s municipal pal councils wish to ten el' E, C. Chamber' ling The are invited to join us Tuesday and Thursday 8 p.m, for prayer• and • of the i etut banquets from time to time in Honor, Rugged Cross." J 'red veterans. praise'. A welcome to you. ' The following accounts were pass -1 MRS. L. REINKE Funeral services were held here Tuesday at 2,30 pan. at the G. A. Whitney funeral home for Mrs. So- phia Reinke, Egmondville, who died Saturday evening in Mitchell after several weeks' illness. ea native of Preston, the departed woman was born on April 16, 1859, a daughter: of the late Mr. and Mrs. Christo- pher Toms. $he was married to Louis Reinke, who stied 31 years ago. They lived in Egmondville after their marriage. She was a devoted member of the Egmonclville United Church and took an active part -in all church work. Mrs. Reinke was the -last surviving member of her family, being •predeceased by two sisters, Miss Louisa Thome and Mrs. James McQuarrie. Since the death of her sisters, the departed woman resided with Mr. and Mrs. John Vesper, Mitchell Interment was made in. Maitlandbank cemetery, with Rev, A. W. Gardiner, pastor of Egmondville United Church, officiat- ing. The pallbearers were: John Vosper, Sam Bronner,- Lorne Lem - mons, Ranald Reinke. Wilbur Corn- ish, Norman Scorns. - ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harry Byerman of Brodlagen wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Eva Martha, to Mr. Alvin Ptyce, Ion. of Mr. and Mrs. John Pryce, of Winthrop. The marriage to take em e place in Sept b '. eel: D, H: Wilson $71.08; R. Mien WOMEN'S INSTITUTE , Currie $06; J. 'Cummings $90; Thos. Storey $36, Receiver -General of Can- ada, U.S.. stamps, $23.95;; Canadian Railways, $12.98; Imperial Oil Ltd., $968.90; Jack's Repair, 73. J. Thompson, $2.30; County of Huron $18; Je, A. Westcott,- $3.78; • General Accident. Insurance Co. $3.80; Comi- ty of Huron, grading acct., $28, Bell Telephone' Company, $3.25; Joseph Heffernan, $11; Geo., A. Sills & Sons, $80.51; D. H. Wilson, re Ration Board, $45; Huron Expositor, $103.05. $32 60 J. A. Wilson , pension, $20; J. OFFERS PRIZES FORMER RESIDENT piss Funeral services were held Thurs- day, August 10th, for Daniel McLeod, formerly of Seaforth, who passed • array suddenly on Saturday, Aug. 4th, at Inglewood, California, from a heart attack. He is survives] by iris wife, tormerly Adella Williams, of Mitchell, and two • sons, Donald of the U.S. Navy, serving in the Pacitle, ansd Franklin, of Inglewood, also a, hal brother, William Kerr, 'of Seaforth, REAL ESTATE CHANGE The house on West William street owned by Oliver Elliott of Stratford has been purchased by Mrs. Jeanete Fraiser of Seafortlt, possession Sept. let, The sale was through the office of Watson & Reid. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Philip Kenny wishes to an- nounce the engagement of Miss Mary Cennamo to Mr. Norval Parker of London. The marriage to take place at St. Patrick's Church, li ail in ,September. The regular meeting of the Sea - forth Women's Institute was held at the' home of Mrs. Jas. Doig of Tuckersmith, on Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 14911. The president, Mrs. Paul Doig presided, It vvas decided that, with the de- claration of peace, the Institute would resume its interest in 0012]' inunity activities and offer the fol- lowing prizes at the Seaforth Fall Fair: Best display of project "Sleep- ing Garments" 1st $2.00, 2ncl 1.00: Best display of project "The Cereal Shelf" 1st 2.00, 2nd 1,00; Best dis- play by girl 15 and under of pee- ject Sleeping Garments' 1st 2.00, and 1,00; Best display by girl 16 and under of project "The Cereal Shelf" 1st 2.00, 2nd 1.00; Special prize for a vegetable salad plate 1st 2.00, 2nd 1.00. The '• "Sleeping Garment" and 'Cereal Shelf"prizes are open to all ,juniors in the ,South Huron district of the Women's In- stitute. The motto "Manners are the fine flower of civilization" was well taken by Mrs. Hugh Chesney and de- veloped in an interesting way -.i The roll call was answered by atm y hint on good manners. At the close of the business part of the meeting, Mrs. Cecil Oke, convener of Home Economics, took over, and called on Mrs. W. E. Mills, the guest speaker, who gave a very interesting talk on "Kitchen Cupboards', her listeners receiving receiving many new and splendid ideas on efficiency in the kitchen. COMMUNICATION Dear Sir: On. August 10th, 1943 the Goderich Elevator Company illegally raised the price for load- ing grain into trucks by onehalf cent per bushel on bagged. grain not tied, and by one cent per bushel on grain bagged and tied. The illegal collections were continued until May 7th, 1945, wben the War- tnne Prices incl Trade Board insti- tuted proceedings against the comp- any. On July 5th the company was found guilty and fined and are be- ing required by the W.P.T E., to make refunds direct to farmer; of all money illegally collected. Int order to secure the money a farmer must furnish proof to the W P.T.B, of having received grain on which C�. qpl Both for 72 A bridal duette to do honor to her hand. Perfectly ,o matched. The"Bouquet"for �:�nrtit smart women. De- ., pendable and 1. �• Tit stylish. stylish, 8O'° 'Rosebud'• earrings in sterling silver. Very smart. Cat I VAK 'S The Pair 6 O For that special someone choose this lovely en- semble. FREE INSURANCE HANEY-FINNIGAN N.Y., with his mother, Mrs. A. W. Gladioli and phlox in contrasting Looby. shades formed the setting for a mid NIr. and Mrs, John Kosteck and August wedding Saturday afternoon two children, Toronto, with Mr. and at 3:00 o'clock in Eginondville Mrs. A. - Kosteck. United Church when Mildred M. j Miss Marion Meagher, London, Finnigan, Egmondville, was united in with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John marriage to LS. Clair. Haney, R.C.N. Meagher. V,R., son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Haney, I Miss. Monica Byrne at Goderich Tuckersmith, White frosted organza and Blyth. was worn by the bride, who was ' Miss Kay Stapleton at Grand • given in marriage by her father, Her Bend. Mary Queen of Scots veil extended Mrs, T. J. Molyneaux at Zurich. into a train1 and she carried pink • .Mrs. Joseph. Looby and son Lawr- Briarcliff roses. Her only ornament enter Saginaw, Mich., Louis J. Loo - was a pearl Necklace, a gift of the by, London, with Mrs. A. W: Looby. bridegroom. The bride's attendants Mi. and Mrs. Jack Kenny and son, wore gowns of blue and pink taffeta, Johnny, Pontiac, Mich., with Mrs. Miss Grace Cockburn, St. Cathay- Frank Kenny. Ines, cousin of the bridegroom, as Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J'. Little, maid of honor, was in blue with Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Wide - matching shoulder -length veil She man,. Markham,' Miss Marie Wide - carried white asters and pink Briar man, Queensville, with Mr. and 'Mrs. cliff roses. Miss B. Finnigan, sister Charles E. Williams. of the bride, the junior bridesmaid, Mrs. Ethel McLean, Mrs. William was in pink and carried a colonial Birch, Detroit, Mich„ Mr. and Mrs. bouquet. Miss Mary Edmunds, niece Robert Roney and daughter Edith, of the bride, was train -bearer wear- Mitchell, with Mrs. Teresa Red- ing a white taffeta frock with tor- wood, sage of red roses. Lloyd Haney, Edward Tozies', Detroit, with Rev. brother of the bridegroom, was best Dr, Ffoulkes, man and the ushers were Warden Matthew Coyne and Miss Althea Haney and AB. Harold Finnigan. MacLean, Brantford, with relatives Rev. A. W. Gardiner, pastor of Eg here. nlondville united Church, performed Mr. and Mrs. John L. Williams the ceremony. Earle Van Egmond, and family, Mrs. Joseph J. Williams Egmondville, presided at the organ, and daughter, Ma1'cia, Detroit, with playing the wedding marches, He Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Williams. also accompanied the soloist, Miss Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan and Pretty ;Moore, Eginondville, who family, Detroit, with Mr. and NIrs. wore blue net over rose taffeta. She William .McMillan. sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Be- - Frank Doyle and Miss Nell. Doyle. cause." A reception was held at the Reg, N. Toronto, with their mother, bride's home, Mis. Finnigan re- Mrs. Jarnee Doyle. ceiving• in a black sheer dress with Leo Kenny, Elm Creek, 'Man., White corsage. She was assisted by with John and Joseph Kenny. the bridegrooms mother, who chose Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Foister at an orchid dress with white corsage. Listowel and Markdale, Misses Frances blgie, Anna Watson. Mr's. Mary McGrath, Mrs, Charles Gladys Earle and Lois Finnigan Malone and two daughters at Water - excessive chat'ges were pais]. The served. The couple left later for a loo, following would probably be accept- trip to Detroit, Niagara Falls and Miss Mary Beals at Stratford. ed by the W,P.T.B, as proof. St. Cathntmes. The bride travelled dames Donnelly and daughter. 1. A receipted bill of grain par- til navy and white bengaline with Rose Marie. Detroit, with Mr, and chased or a cheque which was given matching accessories. Guests were Mrs. Daniel Bn11'125, in payment for grain, of a statement present from Detroit, Sarnia, Tim- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCormick from the books of the dealer from tains, London, Hamilton. St. Cathay- and two sons, and Sgt, Charles whom the grain was purchased, 01 a Ines, Hayfield, and Toronto, Erauskopf, Detroit, with Mr, and declaration by the dealer and the . Mrs, James lCtauskopf, 1 Pte. Peter J. Cennamo who re - DUBLIN l eently returned on the Cameronia, a Great jubilation was evident forfter five years overseas service, with his sister, Miss Mary Cenname the Dublirites at the annual soft and Mrs. Philip Kenny. ball tournament at Sebringville last Mr. and Mrs. Blood, Miss Anne week. It was attended by a record McAleer Detroit, Misses Teresa crowd and favored with isles] and MatyMargaret Ryan, London, weather and proved a decided sus with Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Ryan. seas With Dublin corning out on top Mr, 51111 Mrs. Thomas Feeney, in. the final game by beating Se- London, with 'Mr. and Mrs. Patrick bringville 9.6. in the opening game Feeney. which was a close contest, Dublin 'its. Perault, Montreal, Qua„ with managed to nose out St. Marys, Vos her daughter, Mrs. Edwin Stapleton. Amis, 16-15 in 11 innings. Sebring Miss Doris Flanagan, London,- ville blanked Avonbank 5-0 in the with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- second tilt when Kennedy shaded seph Flanagan.Bob McCreadie on the mound: Dab Norval Parker, Loddon, with Mrs. 1111 won their second game and the Philip 'Kenny, and final of the tourney when Rev. Vincent C. Eckert, C.S.B., farmer. Farmers are advised to have this proof in readiness, as it is probable' that an evening meeting will be held in Clinton within a short time with a representative of the W.P.T. 13. present to verify the proofs and hand them on to the elevator comp- any for payment. Further notice will be given of this meeting when arranged for. It is urgently requested that the township president and secretary snake the abdve information avails ble to the school section directors and that they be urges] to pass the information on to the farmers. W. V. Roy, Sec-Treas., Huron Co., Federation of Agric. FUNERAL OF MISS C. SCOTT Fan01111 ,services were held MondaY W in G. A. hitney's funeral chapel for Miss Clarissa. Scott, who flied in Ot- tavva, on Thursday last. She was slaughter of the late Mr. acid Scott, Seafortlt. Miss Scott had been in i11 health for the past year. Born in Seaforth, she spent her early lite here, but for a number of years had been in the civil service in Ottawa: She is survived by one brother, C Scott, Edmonton. Rev. H. V. Work- man, .pastor of Northside United Church, conducted the service. James Scott sang, The pallbearers weree James F. Scott, James T, .Scott, Jan M. Scott, Samuel Scott, Ray Holmes,! David Wilson. interment was in Har-; pmrhey cemetery. • • McKILLOP - Mr. Harvey Mohiwain . has Inn,: chased the farm of Mr. Hamer Hunt on the 2nd concession, McKillop, and moved this week, j they scored eight runs, in the first two innings to beat Sebringville, Batteries for the four clubs were: St. Marys, Cline and Noble: Dublin, Hannon and F. Turner; Sebring- ville, Kennedy, Stock and Boltz; Avonbank, McCreadie and Finnie. Umpires-Baet.and Gale A l • eige congregation attended Mass - at St. Patrick's Church. Dub- lin on V -J Day in thanksgiving for world peace. John L. Coyne was repairing his tractor when he had the misfortune` to injure his foot, causing it to be placed in a cast. Miss Loraine Parker, Toronto, with Miss Genevieve MCCai'thy. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hanson and sons Bobby and David Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aikens. Albert Jordan, Detroit and Miss Mary 'Jordan, Toronto, withtheir brothers, Joseph and' Patrick Jor- Arthur Looby C.S.B. Rochester, Toronto, with his mother, Mrs. Teresa Eckert. Mother Marion of Brescia Hall. London, with three other sisters of the timeline Order, left on the 22nd for Roeltyford, Alberta. to teach in a mission there. Before leaving she spent a few days here, where she was visited by hes' father, Mr. Frank McConnell and other relatives and t'riencis. She was accompanied here by her - sister, Mother St. Alfred. who will teach in Windsor the corning Year, - Mrs. -Betty McGrath incl son Jack of Detroit wile spent the past month with Mr. and Mrs..Iohn McGrath, re- turned to Detroit on Thursday last: Master Jack Blood, :of Detroit, who - spent the greater part of his holidays with 'his aunt Mrs. Pat Ryan, return- ed to Detroit 'Monday last. 'Mary Jordan oi' Toronto has been visiting her many friends, in Dublin for the past week; also Albert Jordan or Detroit has been here for a week.