HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-07-26, Page 2Busy housewives appreciate Kellogg's ready -to -eat cereals more and more every day. Kellogg's are a satisfying dish anytirne—for breakfast, lunch, odd -hour snacks. Ready in 30.seconds. BOYS! GIRLS! They're free 8 Coloured Cards In every package. Save 'enrl Trade 'omi Free Enterprise In Free N . tions The Canadian Pacific Railway Is a Monument to Free Enterprise in Canada A notable anniversary has just been observed in the Canadian West, the driving et the last spike into the Canadian Pacific Rail- way, says the Montreal Star. That event, which took place in 1885, not only signalized the completion ot the first trancontinental rail- way line, linking Canada's Atlantic and Pacific coasts. but also the triumph of one of the greatest a- chievements of fres enterprise of ot which the history of the British Empire holds record, Looking Backward It Is opportune that we should recall this fact at the present time, particularly because free enterprise is virtually on trial in all the free nations. Looking back- ward, no student of Canadian his- tory can fail to realize what free enterprise has meant In the build- ing and development or this Do- minion. Without It we should be a backward people today, both at home and in the eyes of the world abroad. Free enterprise has not only given us railway transpor- tation unexcelled in the world, it has built up our vast industries, and it has made Canada one of the world's greatest trading nations, whose products are sold in nearly every foreign market, and whose credit stands firmly upon her trading status. Engineering Triumph Our vast steel worlds, our mining industries, our shipping, our huge export trade in meat, in cereals, in lumber—all have been develop- ed to their present point of pros- perity by the effort of free enter- prise. When the C.P.R. project was first mooted its sponsors went to London to seek British capital with which to defray the cost of the gigantic undertaking, but Lon- don turned thumbs down on their appeal, so they carne back to Can- ada, and it was Canadian capital and faith in the undertaking, Can- adian courage and 'Canadian skill that triumphed over what seemed insuperable obstacles, and made the C.P.R. not only a possibility but an engineering triumph that stili stands as a monument to free enterprise in Clanada. This country is still a young and growing Dominion. The field for development is a vast one, but it is a ,wield which will never be developed as- it can be developed and should be developed unless free enterprise remains tree with- in the law. II YOIG£�°�EOFSS THE 1 HOMES, FOR INSTANCE So many persons are saying that nothing is good enough tor our returned heroes. And, exactly nothing is what a lot ot these &pouters offer our heroes,—W, L. Clark In Windsor Star, MODERATE REFORM Mr. Churchill's opponent Is ad- vocating one hour's work a day. A surprisingly moderate reform, it is felt, since the trend is toward one a week. —Ottawa Citizen FREEDOM AND COURAGE Many a Canadian who is proud of his rights to say what he plea- sea wishes he had the courage to do so. —Kitchener Record IT WON'T BE LONG Aunt Hattie says that the time for invading Japan is near at hand. It is just a natter of days, hours, and Niniltz. — Christian Science Monitor, TOO MANY Rather endless job this liquid- ating iquidating of .Taps. There are still about 87,000,000 of them left. — Stratford Beacon.Herald. Some Sound Advice From Eisenhower A while back there went the rounds a great flood of nonsense, gigged up with trick psychiatric terms, advisinghow civilians should "treat" the returned sol- dier, say's the Detroit lrree Press, There was so much stuff about the few psychoneurotics among discharged veterans, that there was danger of the public thinking every GI theme from the battlefront had nerve ends as tender as third-de- gree burns, and had to be handled as gingerly as a time -both.. The angry scorn of GT ptibiica- ti0tts and of the men themselves brought balance hack to the situ- ation, And now comes Gen. Eisen- hower to add the clincher. He told Washington correspondents; "For God's sake don't psyclio. analyze then. There is nothing the matter with then, Treat them just like anyone else. Pat them on the back. Sure, they think they are pretty good fellows .and they certainly are." SCENE OF BIG THREE MEETING Immense and lavishly' )aid out Potsdam Palace, built towards the end of the reign of Frederick • the Great a symbol of German imperialistic might even under the Nazis, :s where Premier Churchill, President Truman and Premier Stalin are now planning complete demilitar- ization of Germany and, possibly, similar future treatment for her Fascist ally, Japan, MIXED EMOTIONS IN BERLIN From bright-eyed curiosity of the two lads at right to the grim composure of the women and the I-litler- ' like arrogance of the second man from right, these German people portray a variety of emotions as they watch British occupation troojis of the lltir Hussars move into Berlin, 1t has been found that :when the odour of fresh paint is objection- ables as it is to souse people—it can largely 'he avoided by the use of charcoal. For each incus, a paper bag holding a pound of two of eharcoal is hung' inthe centre of the roosts. It absorbs the odour. V 67iw:d" and s cage? Did you know that a 'tee package of WILSON'S FLY PADS will kill marc die. than $5.00 worth of nay other Hy killer? The Hies do the work when you nee WILSON'S FLY PADS' S1OPTCH2E Quickt Slop itching ot insect bites, heat rash. erre ra, hives, pimples, scales, scabies, athletes foot and other externally caused slain troubles. Use c xic6 ucting, soothing, antiseptic 0, D. D. PRESCRIPTION Creaseless, stainless. 'tell stops or your money buck. Your druggist stocks D, D,. O, PRESCRIPTION. Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY FE LE IEif Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also accompanying nervous, tired, high- strung feelings—when due to functional periodic disturbances. It's one ot the most effective medicines for this purpose, Pinkham's Compound helps nature! Follow label directions. Try ill GC�c•"•'e' V• 69!/KK/I znr COMPOUND Britain Trained ,Ern y 'rt'f Spies Vast Secret Organization Ready To Carry 'On If Britain Invaded By Germans Britain had thousands of trained silica and guerrilla fighters ready to work behind German lines in Britain if the enemy had made a successful ^ invasion across, the Channel during the war, it has been disclosed. Until a month ago this under- ground urgalnixation - was so se- cret that few outsiders even knew it existed. 'Chose who did were unaware whether their best friends or next-door neighbors were mem= bers. Giving details of the organiza- tion for the first time, the War Office described it as "one of the most interesting and colorful chapters in otir anti -invasion plans." Spies and Guerillas The organization was divided into two distinct branches. One was an elaborate set up of guer riles armed with automatic wea- pons, explosives, knives and gren- ades. The other was equipped with secret radio sets and all the paraphernalia needed in _all behind enemy. lines. Both units were controlled by central military headquarters, Silence Tradition Slightly verdone I think we're overdoing this silence tradition — you know, this business of not blowing our awn trumpet but letting our actious— ur, in bnsine,s, our a...I--speak for us, Once 1 thought it leas 'some- thing to be proudl of, But a num- ber of recent happenings have made nee thins- again, Among hens is the experience of the l3nglistt- man who recently ' crossed from America on the Queen Mary, The second day out from the Stales an American officer asked him: "Achy is it that yoBrit- isle can't build ships like this?" Aunswers, which taught the office and fac- tory workers, clerks, taxi drivers and bank directors how to do the most harm to tete Nazis. - The members were recruited by thous- ands in England, Scotland and Wales. The guerrilla; comprised sev- eral hundred teams of seven men each. Each team was housed in a camouflaged dugout, many of which retrain around the coasts. Their planned task was to emerge from these 'hideouts at night and anhbuslt German transport, blow up Nazi aircraft on landing grounds, destroy enemy slumps, • and generally create havoc and coltftiNittll. Here You Heard` A ishan telephoned his doctor: "Come over quick, doe. My wife has appendicitis," "Nonsense,"' snorted the doctor, "I removed your wife's appendix three years ago.ifow can anyone have a second appendix?" Listen,". cried the husband. "Did you ever hear of auyouo having tt second wife?" - An English paper publishes this advertisement: For sale: 'Baker's business; good trade; large oven; pres. ent owner been in it for severs years; good reason for leav- ing; —o— Mother was slow to comprehend: what seemed so perfectly clear be little Sue. The pride 08 the family was helping about a "fedder" "A 'fedderl 3" mother question.. ed. "Why, you. know, Mummy," pa, tientiy explained Sue, "It's a leaf front a chicken." Daughter (entering father's office): "Good morning, dad, 1 just ran In for a minute to say hello." Dad: "Toolate Betty, Your mother just ran in to say hello and got all my change." A new potato harvesting uta. chine digs, brushes, grades and boxes the potatoes in a coutinuous operation, MANY THANKS go- to wives and mothers who • serve Maxwell House! Yes, Canadian families love.' the delicious, satisfying flavor of this superb blend of Latin-American coffees, BART OH50110 ERNE RAMIE PULLETS, EIGHT hveelcs up to laying. Also day-old chicks hatched to order for Eu.11 delivery. Free catalogue. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fer- gus, Ontario. 14•'0 NAVE DAY-OLD CHICKS, emetically all breeds, for prompt shipment, also 'White I,egliorn. 2-8 week pullets. Order for August -September delivery nOw. Bray Hatr_lhely, 130 ,Tnhn N. Ffamilton, Ont. A LTd9'JT:GD NUMBER OF START, ed Chteks, 2 weeks .old, chill available. Also free range pullets eight weeks up to laying. Also taking orders for day-old clllclea for August and Fall delivery. Free catalogue and price -list. Top Natrh Chiskcries, Guelph, Ontnrin. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or. cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 709 Tonga) Street. To- ronto. FARM MACHINERY IPOR SALE • 15-30 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR on steel, Price $350.00, D, Bell, 11.38, 8, London, Ontario, SKID ENGINE P300 MCCORMICIK, in good condition. Variable Speed Govenors for McCormick Trac- tors (only). New and used Trac- tor parts. London Farm Equip anent Co., 385 King Street, Lon- don, Orft. 1'011 SALE BA.R7319N STRAIN L MG II 0 R N I'uhiets, 5 weeks and up. Sussex X Barred Rock pullets, 6 to 10 weeks. Barred stook Pullets, 0 to 10 weeks, Johnson Hatchery, Fergus, Ont, VALUABLE COUNTRY STORE property, suitable also for tourist business; Parry Sound district. 941 Westhnount Ave., Toronto, LO. 4.184, 181,10CIMIC MOTORS, NEW. USED bought, sold; rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Alien •Electric: Com- pany Ltd., 2326 Duffs •In St., To- ronto. - REGISTERED FEMALE COC383018 puppies, 14 weeks old, Reel beauties. 745 Indien 'Road, Wind• sor, Ont. BI,ACI( GUINEA PIGS, $4.00 pair, others $2,50 pair. Men, Ernst, 831 Mill Street, :Kitchener, Ontario, TI'SISII.LED0IVN ANGORAS, 011E of Canada's outstanding strains. Write for tree folder. Brown's .Angora Ranch, 278 Courtin nd St, Hitch ener, Ontario. PEDIGREED ANC4ORA RABBITS, Finest woo!- producing Stook. Lynwood Angoras, 'I3ox . 140,. Oshawa. A.COUSTICON HEARING, AID FOR sale at half price, new, four: new batteries. Good for, church or home. Apply Frank Watson, Blind River, Ontario. . G01,D1E-McCULLOU GId'100 HORSE- ' power Stearal Engine, perfect con- dition. Oho Warren Steam Bump size 10 x 12 x 12. One Warren Steam Pump size 12 x 12 x 12. One Smart -Turner Duplex Stearn Pump size 7112 x 41/2 x 10. All in perfect condition. CROWN IRON & METAL CO., HAMILTON, ONT. • POI' SALIS JOHN DEERE MODEL D TRAC- tor, on steel,good running order, 2000,00, S. Olas, 28.53, 2, Brantford, Ont. FOR SALE—BANK BAItN 40x00, his good condition, side and roof one-half metal, $800, E. - J. Whaling, Moorefield, Ont, GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDER TEA alda you retain Slender Figure, turns your food into energy Instead of fat. GUARANTEED HARMLESS, composed pleasant herbs no exer- cises or drastic diet. Month's supply 21.00 rastp:1Id. Dominion Herb Distributors 1422 St, Lawrence nivel„ Montreal 0,55818 Iron SALE FARM— VERY UNUSUAL SET - tine', 50 acres, with modern home, Hydro and • natural facilities for large trout hatchery with auto - 'Untie rants, etc, - Gravelly loatn soil. Naturally sheltered and very Ideal turkey range wide lat- est model turkey equipment- for 5,000 fiook, Complete w-1 t h turkeys, Including 5942 Interna- tional 140 ton trunk. Whaling,,. Tluilcey Ranch, Moorefield, Ont}*. WE CAN SELL YOU ANY SI7,T0 011:' " farm you wish to buy—with - or' without .atoelc and 'machinery.'. For particulars apply at Deno - hue's Garage, Renfrew, Ont. 03 ACRES, 25 FARMING, 4,-500 PT, bordering bay of French river, 2,000 ft, frontage on main road to Rutter Bigwood and famous lOangalow camp; new hone; oth- er buildings. Mr. A. Gaudette. Rutter, Ont. ... - 1'OR. SALE HASTINGS COUNTY, Ont„ 200 acres, 80 cultivated, bal- ance Umber. Good building's, with or without crop, Pelee and par- ticulars from Michael Prentice, Boulter, Ont, 250 ACRES—$32,000, INCLUDING good herd of Holstein cattle, implements, crops, rive', tlnber. Hydro, Also 100 acres 020,000, with herd of mixed dairy cattle, some purebreds, selling as a go- ing concern. Hydro, modern brick home, large bank barn. Reasons able terms., Chao. 1;. Porter, 45 Richmond Street \Vest, Toronto, Ontario. HAIRDRESSING L 'E A R N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request, regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. 51itDICAL 000-1) ADVICE" EVERY SUF- terer of Rheumatic Pains . -or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy, Munro's Drug. Store, 835 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid- 21,00. S'e0MACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of III -health in humans, all ages, No one )m. mune!' Why not find out If thls layour trouble? Interesting per. tlenlers—Preel Write .Mulveney'r Remedies, Specialis-ts, Toronto- 3 11AU51EBRA FOOT BALM DD. &troy& offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. 1724 I Al POR T-1J'VERY STIP-. fere0 of rthemnat lc Patna or Neuritis should tit Dixon's Rem- edy; Munro's 1/rug Store, 430 engin,Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMEN'rs FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2.' O1'J'Of2T11NYl'I ES 11011 t\'O0110N BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest sys- tem, Illustrated catalogue free, Write or call • MARVIOL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 IOng St. Hamilton R: 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. PATENTS FETHERSTONHACGH Sc COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Established 1.890; 14 icing West, Toronto, Booklet of In forma lion on re• quest. l'Hli'I'OG I0A PITY CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT - SERVICE • Don't tisk losing your pictures,. Snaps can't be taken over again. Send your film rolls to Canada's largest and finest studio. Get better pictures- at lower cost, PROMPT MAIL SERVICI Any Size Ro11-8 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e "I get best results from Star Snap- shot Service" writes a customer in Nova Scotia, who adds that she has titled many places SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints 'sizes 10.20-127 If 26c (4c extra) is sent with film roil. DNLARGEMIONTS— COLORl7D AND FRAMED Enlargements 9 x G" In beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25e.: Framed, on ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9" In Gold, Silver Circassian Walnut or. Mach bony finish frames, Ole each, If enlargement colored, 790 each, OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograph or sonpshof . and make any number of prints or enlargements desired. The process requires. .the worse or skilled artists, but the cost is reasonable: Send us your picture and ten us what you want done and we will telt you the cost before doing the ,work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 1.29, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Mutely on Orders, ' TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films -properly developed. and printed 8 OR'S EXPOSURE (ROLLS, 25e REPRINTS 8 for 25e FINEST ENLARGING Slit VICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire • by sending your Gime to IMI'p:R'IAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1 Toronto TEACHERS WANTED liCisooL '1'IOACHItiaR for 18.0, S,S. No, 11, Andtndon - State exper- t "'eneeeoR, I)elmand 11ol1111111e,1811,1'1. tion4s, Ap;heyt'L, Arnlhe's- bugs, Ont. T'15A.81143038 WAN11pll) FOR SS. 9, Woolwich, 3% mil -es from Elmira on main 1,1011way, Pre with experience preferred 32.1110), 01{400.011. Einet•son Demeter, Sec.-. "prods., ,It.R, :is E1ntlra, Ont, TEACHERS' WANTED ST1S1701) TOWNSHIP AREA requires three P r ot ea to nt teachers for three one -room schools nar Huntsville. .Salary, 1,200. Please state qualifications, experience and last inspector, Duties to commence September, 411. Apply to George Tait, Huntsville. NORTH MARYS]IURGII TOWN - ship School Dotted, Prince Ed- ward County, requires' teacher, for rural school. Apply, stating rlualifhcations, experience and , salary expected. Dulles to coin - mance Sept, 9, 1045. Arthur Me - Cm nocic, Sec.-Treas., Platen, Ont" _13.It, No, 5.. LARCH WOOD—P 8011E ST ANT teacher wanted for 8,8. No, 8 Bal- four end Dowling, Larchwood, Ont„ duties to commence Sept, 4. - Salary $1,200.00 per annum.. Apply stating qualifications to Mrs. Jean Jennings, Seo. -Tress., Lurch»wood, Ont, HELP WANTED TWO WOMAN TO WASH DISHES and prepare vegetables In North'. ern Ontario summer resort for Jttly - and August. Exceptionally, good wages. Apply by letter tO Pow -Wow Point Lodge,Hunts- ville, Ont. GIRL OR YOUNGWOMAN FOR hon selcceper on a farm, good home, wages. Apply Lawrence Browe, Box 42, Dalkeith, "Ont, FARM MANAGER, MARRIED, 100. Acre Mixed Farm, good wages, house and privileges, J. Kee, Inglewood. PI(TNT00 R—LTNOT YPE OPERATOR Female — Steady position, 42% hours weekly. Extra good wages. Also Melillo press operator. McCaskey Systems Limited, Galt, Ontario, WANTED PULLW W,NID TO 1 URCHASE ALT, AGES ANI) BREEDS 2 monthstolaying age. Our prices are worthwhile. Box 40, 73 Ade- lalde-West, Toronto. WANTP.:D IMMEDIATELY 11IC- 0ased gar 520 mechanic as part- ner. Predl Chale, Burks Falls,. - Ont. Box 254, WANTED, - BUFFALO P 0 W 18 R sausage stutter, complete, 75- 1110-1b, capacity; 1 5-11.p, 25 -cyclo 3-phase motor; ,pie molds and cutter for small pork plea, "Write, Horn's Food Market, Port Col;- borne, Ont. . GENERAL STORE, - WITH GOOD mixed clothing Steck; will ,pay east); confidential. Lightman• and Oampany, 8270 Danforth. Ave„ Toronto, Ont. WANTED TO PURCHASE PUL. 'eta, all breeds from 8 weeks up to laying. Good prices paid. Apply to Box 38, 73 Adele Ide W„ To. Tonto PORTABLE SAW1141 T:L WANTED. Equipped with edges trimmers preferred. A. Permit, 105 Brook- lyn Ave., -Toronto, 001. WANi'Ell—GU INEA. EGGS FOR haJuling. Will pay 2011 per dozen 01108, any qwept Ily. Also Auto- tine al l.nehmen1- F,, T. 1Vhalieg. General Delivery, Windsor, OPPORTUNITIES AWAITING YOU Sarnia General T-Lospitnl School rot nurses offers an excellent course in. Nursing l;donation, Class on• tern Sept. :4th, 1945. Application Borns furnished on request. It. M. Beams eh, Superintendent,