HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-07-19, Page 61L'ACi3 YEAR before the war, more than 150,000 people Y:+ thronged the Indianapolis Speedway to witness the supreme test of tire mileage and safety, the annual 500 - mile race, Recently, under the supervision of the American Auto- mobile Association, Wilbur Shaw drove the 500 iuile,course at an average speed of 100.34 miles per hour in a race car equipped with STOCK Firestone synthetic rubber tires, the same a$ you tan buy at any Firestone Dealer's, Imagine the punishment those tires took as they pounded over the rough brick and grinding asphalt .. 500 miles at speeds up to 135 miles per hour .. equal to 50,009 miles of ordinary travelling. \Vhen you buy new tires, remember—Firestones are the only synthetic rubber tires made that are safety -proved on the speedway for your protection on the highway. 14 WARNING; The tiro situation to still critical. You should continue to observe the waLttn1e speed limit and all other hmdamental precau- tions for conserving. the tires that ora now en your ear, szinzak- TiffEMBIl PUBLICITY AGENT J. Hugh Campbell, newly appointed general publicity agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, Montreal. Mr. Campbell, who joined the company as press representative at Van- couver on January 1, 1928, succeeds j. Murray Gibbon, who has retired on pension. Since 1942, Mr. Camp- bell was loaned by the C.P.R. to the government and was in charge of the War Information Board at Washington. Whooping Cranes To Be Protected Naturalists believe that only 17 whooping cranes survive. A. de- cade or two ago this branch ot. the crane family was pronounced ou the verge of extinction. In spite of its extreme rarity today, varL- ous wildlife organizations are making an effort to find the pos- sible seven or eight nests, to guard them and so start the grus ameri- cana, to give the whooping crane its scientific name, on the road to survival, says The Edmonton Journal. The bird is the largest known ip the Dominion. It winters 1a Texas and nests in northern. marsh- lands of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba during late May, June and July, The whooping crane is pure white, with black wing tips and is recognized by its very long legs. It stands four Leet high. Ouly those who frequent the north country ars likely to Pints a nest- ing pair. It a nest can be found, a guard will be placed near it to •proteot the birds from natural predators, hunters and Marsh fires. CONPIDJNVIA7. .REI'Olt'J'S ON CANADIAN 'GOLD. Mines • Properties • Companies ASCOT AGENCY Four Colborne Street TORONTO, ONTARIO Phone ELgin 4985 - - You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO.. ,..• Every Room with Rath, Show- er and.'Pelephone, • Single, 92.50 up-- Double, p—Double, 23.50 up. • Good !'rood, Dining and Danc- ing Nightly,. .-..� Sherboarrii at Carlton Tel., RA: 4135 Refrigerators Soon On Market Again Restrirtious on the prortuctiou of electric refrigerators in Canada have been removed and according to reports from the iilustry "a. few thousand units will be on the market toward the end of this year," the prices board has an- nounced. 31. H. Foreman, co-ordinator of capital equipment and durable goods, said that after the conver- sion or plants to the manufacture ot refrigerators had been com- pleted by the industry, production should increase rapidly. But It would take an extended period to stock all distributors front coast to coast. Prices for the new refrigerators would be established at 1941 basic Period levels, the board statement said. The board said that wills pro- duction of electric refrtgerators being resumed in the United States, Canadian manufacturers would get assistance in obtaining priorities for imported materials and component parts. Production of electric refriger- ators was halted In Canada in 1942. Limited numbers of units wore released to dealers during 1943 and 1944 from stocks built up before mauotactu'ring ceased. Restrictions on the peoduOtion or non-mechanical ice boxes were removed last May. Rise of High Heels The couceit of Louis XIV of France is responsible for the rise of high heels, it Is said. The King was distressed over the fact that he was shorter than most of the men who surrounded him. He or- dered shoes made with heels that added several inches to hls height. The style spread throughout Eur- ope,' though women., rather than men, adopted it widely. --Pageant. —that: e 10c package of WILSON'S FLY PADS will kill more Ries than'$5.00 worth of any other ay knlerltt Grocery, Drug Hardware and General Stores sed and recommend WILSON'S FLY PADS.. CHECKED in a ✓tffi/ -or Money Back For qulck'reltef from i telling caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and ether i Lchios cundltions, use pure. cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTIDN. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quick) calors intense for D. Don't . stiffer. Ask• Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN BIG SHOT NIPS NAB ED IN GERMANY Before Germany's surrender an important mis ton to Berlin, the 23 ranking Japanese military,. naval and diplomatic figures pictured above are just prisoners of war now. Captured in Germany„ they are pictured at Le Havre, awaiting shipment to the U. S. Among them are Hiroshi Oshima, am- bassador to Germany; Lt. -Gen, Mitihiko Komats a, top_ military attache; and Rear Admiral Hideo Kohima, chief of jap naval mission in the Reich. Lydia E: P i nkham's Vegetahl o Compound not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, highstrung feelings—when due to func- tional monthly disturbances, It's one of the most effective medicines for this mg - pose. Pinkham's Compound helps nature! Follow label directions. Try it! 44p/�. ,,//�// ��������,� VEGETABLE. 4V• a!/lt4Fha/171:0.. mai ISSUE 99-194$ Avoid Poison Ivy Like The Plague Learn To Identify The Plant Then Stay Away From It Thia .is the season of the year when the Press warns people against coating in contact with poison ivy. With the approach of the vacation season and the de- sire to get out into the open, poi- son ivy becomes a danger which should be avoided, says The Strat- ford Beacon -Herald. According 10 Acting Health Commissioner Frank A. Calderone of New York City, no substance has yet been discovered to pro- tect people from the poison if they come in contact with the plant. The only way to escape is to avoid handling it. Poison ivy Is easy to identify. It is a shrub or vine which us- ually twines around tree trunks or runs along old stone walls. The leaves always grow 10 groups of three. Their color is a handsome reddish bronze in the early Spring, a sleep rich green iu the Summer, and russet in the Fall. The plant bears Blusters of whitish, waxy berries, Don't Spread Poison It is often possible to prevent the development of a poisonous - Back To Spanking "spank then when they need It" is the advice lately given by a professor at Hew York Universi- ty. Loolrs as though tate Psycho- logists had come fall cycle. May- be aybe it's just es well, toe, agrees the Brantford Expositor. The num- ber or leather thoroughly spoiled, not to say ill-mannered juveniles brought up under the "child Pay- Otology" ayeltology" rads ot the past few years is already far too high. plant rash after contact if expos- ed portions 05 the skit are washed as soon as possible with three or fou' lathers of soap, then rinsed with itot running water. Special attention should be given to the finger nulls and the shit between the fingers. As an added precau- tion, the hair should be washed and then rubbed down with al- cohol. If the sisin turns red and blistery despite these precautions, a doctor should be consulted. Temporary relief may be obtain- ed by bathing the irritated parts in clot water or by applyingmilk ut magnesia, Galantine lotion or a solution of epsont salts (one tablespoon to one cup of water). An authority on this subject emphasizes that cold' cream and other olatments should never be used. He claims they only spread the poison. Total Destruction Of World Possible? Thu Germatia came within six months Of splitting the atom and possibly destroying the world in the process, I'Ierbert Agar, special assistant to the American Am- bassador to Britain, said in a speech last week. "If the war had gone on an- other six mouths, it was quite pos- sible that this planet would have ceased to exist, because 1t was probable that someone would have learned to break the atom without controlling it," Agar said. "There was a danger that the Germans would learn how to split it first, and our scientists gave the date as Aug. 6 of this year. "1 sincerely believe that in a very few years, the human being will ]stow bow to destroy the hu- man rare.," - Feeding London The task of feeding the millions of inhabitants of London (Bag. hula) is equivalent to provision- ing nearly 500 army divisions. Ev- ery day 3,000,000 gallops of milk and about 1,500,000 loaves bf bread are used. Respect the child. Be not too much his parent. Trespass not on his solitude. n Alit CHICKS WE STILL HAVE A LI MIT ED number of stared chicks two weeks old, also free range pul- lets eight weeks up to ln.ying. Also tatting orders for August and Fad delivery. Send for price list and catalogue. Top Notch 1 'h lnkeries, Guelph,. Ontario. 1 WEEK OLD STARVED CHICKS In many popular heavy breeds In non -sexed, pullets or cocker- els. Also eight week old up to laying free range pullets. Taking• Orders now for August mud Sep- tember ha t'hed day old cltteke. re e catalogue. lµerie CttotcheriesLiito,Tgus,On. Wsredc c7T)o1ship- ment, - attsfor prompt shp aent, also day -olds. Write tor list. Order for delivery later also. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., I•Lamilton, Ont, DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NNIDDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We aro glad to answer H. ParkersttoDye ]Works Limited, 701 Yonge Sheet. To- ronto FARM BIAGI-FINERY FOR SAL[] 'USED TRACTORS, RUBBER AND steel. with cultivators. 'Used threshers, combines, plows, disc harrows, and hay equipment:. Custom -Built farm 'wagons. R. H. :Moore, Tilbay, "J. L Case Ag- ent," g- ent,",phone 251, CORN - SMELLER, Y01.11a-HOL16 IN- ternatJonnl, almost - new, mount- ed on rubber wheel wagon. Janes Malra, Blenheim, Ont. - PERFECTION MTLICEIRS. AND SUP- plles,: J. 10, Donaldson, Juyceville. Ont, 15-30 INTER:N/111IONAL TRACTOR no steel. Price 9350.00. E. Bell, R.R. 8, London, Ontario. .SKID ENGINE 0300 rM1 C'IOI MI0cd lit good condition. V a 4 )1r, Speed Govenors fur ltnllontick Trac- tors ' (only). New and used Trac- tor parts. London Parol EnuiP- Il) nL Co, 335 1<1n5 Street, Lon- don, Ont:. 1 flit .SAI (3 DEER AND 1'O): HOUNDS, ALSO rrntnblu ntion fox and '0015 hound. Alma' Ura. 01, l ;ol novel•, Ontario. VALI A)3L1D COUNTRY SPORE pi °petty, suitable also for tourist hostnesn; Parry Sound district. 411 \Vest almsfit - Ave„ Toronto, I,0. • 4.101,. - - Er. t"I!RPC Pr()TOrtS, NEW, '05055) bought, sold, rebuilt belts, put -1,50, brushes, Allen Moe toile Coln - pa 0 c olnpa0" Ltd., 2321 Dufferin St„ To- ronto. REG! 'STP) rt131) FEMALE C'OCICER Tunnies, 14 weeks old, Real. beauties. 745 Indian Road, Wind- sor, On GOt,O'IE-MICU Li,oucTJ 100 100001il]-, - power Stearn Engine, Perfect con- dition, One Warren Steam Pump size 10 x 12 x 12. One Warren Steam Pump size 12 x 12 x 12. One 'Smart -Turner Duplex Steam Pump size 70), x 41/,, x' 10. All In perfect rendition, METAL ,CROWN IRON CO., HAMILTON, ONT. FOR SALE] GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aids you retain Slender Figure, turns Your food IntoenergyInstead or fat. GUARANTEED HARMLESS, composed pleasant herbs, no exer- cises or drastic diet, Month's sup1152' 01,00 postpaid Dominion Herb Distributors 1425 St. Lawrence Rh'd„ Oiontrenl PARRS 't olt SALE. Wm fill 'o YOUSELL ANY uy—Swltl olr without stock_. and machinery. For particulera apply at Dono- hue's Garage, Rentrew, Ont, • TO 'CLOSE AN ESTATE WE OF-. ler for sale a valuable :farm in Bramosa lbwuship containing. about 120 acres, brick house, blink barn, good well, situated about Live miles from Fergus, and twelve miles from Guelph, For full particulars apply to: The Guelph Trust Company, Guelph, ()Merle. 32 85 cleaied good11.10 ` FOR shor•eeliines on bLake Manitouwabllig: 2 barns, other outbuilding's, large house, suit- 46,0•'hmeiilr00. tourists, Witl, highway; 16,000. Ont. 63 Adios, 25 FARMING, 4,500 FT. French bordering bay of rench river, 2,500 ft. frontage on main road to Ratter Plgwond and ftnnous Bungalow camp; new home; oth- er buildings. Mr. A. Gaudette, Rutter, Ont. DA1110(5 IC,SSING L benmenon1.1 Poeroetho, tfrm[leo on request rega rd!ng classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 10'7 Avenue Ron d. Toronto, 1t 1 O)+)AI, NAIL RISS II L 5,1'--1)1XON'S tidy for Rheum tic Palo, Neur- ilis. Thousands Praising It, Nlunrt's Drub' Store, 335 1:15111, Olin \v,), Postpaid 11.00. STU0 At'1-J AND THREAD WORMS often ere the cause of III -health in him -inns, 1111 ages. No one Im• mune! Why not find. out If this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write Moly eney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. f;AUSIPP.'+KA-P4)O'r BALM 0E-. strays offensive odor instantly, 457, bottle, Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store, Ottawa.. G001) R505OLUTEON—EVE' i2.Y SUE - fever of Rheumattt: Paine or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munr30 Drug Store, 1385 Elgin, 011111, 11. Postpaid 51,00, 01'I'1hlt'l'1101111,1S 4'(111, W11511eN ' BE A HAIRDRIJSSER JOIN DANA DA .b; Lf33 DI N(1 ;IOJ'IOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pheasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel gradon les. America's greatest sys• term. 1`II ustrrrled catalogue free Write or en11 MAR VIAL AlR:DRT1SSI NG 9r 44001,S 458 111,111)11 5V , TI t l tUN'PO • I:r'in"11e, 14 Klrig 1j1, Ile mil ton -Se 74. Rideau Street, Ottawa. Ben YOUR IDto c-o'akI FINE CUT. Hove You. Bard' At Lha wedd'wg,. Sandy, the' groom, looked so troubled that thtr best man was moved to enquire.. "What's up, Sandy? 'Hao ye lost the ring?" "Nae." "Tludls u ae ye lost the raitroad ticket?" "Nae, aeon, it's a nmekle worsel than that." "Hoot, moot Wltat is it?" "Ah luno lost uta enthusiasm!" Mistress: "I am sorry you are leaving us, Jane. But, of course, if you are going to better yourself, 1—" Maid: "Oh no, Madam. i am goingto be married." The Boston man, careful of its and outer folit's grammar, asked the clerk for a Mania comb. "Do you want a narrow moire comb," the clerk asked. "No." said the man, "1 want a comb for a stoat man wvittt rubber teeth." +9 don't like those eggs you sent me yesterday." "Why, what was wrong with them? "Well, I thought they were rather undersized for their age." The nlanlitactnre at whole milk products continues to show In- creases over 1941, and in March, 1945, totalled 17 million pounds, as compared witlt 15,5 million pounds Ln 1944, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges. musical Instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2, PATENTS P Patent Solicitors, s, & OEstablisl ed 1890; 14 King West, Toronto, Booklet of information on re- quest 1•IIU'J'uGR AI'HY "YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS . and the prompt manner 1n whish you return work is greatly appreciated." Any Size Ro11-6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c Don't risk losing pictures. Send your filar rolls to CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST STUDIO Get Better Pictures at Lower Cost, Promptmall service. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 10-20.127 If 29c (4c extra) Is sent with Min roll SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 0" In beautiful easel. mounts 3 for 25e, Framed,. on Ivory _tinted mats, 7 x 9", in Gold Silver Circassian. Walnut or Black -Ebony finish Games, 011ceach: Lf eulal'g'oment colored, 75c each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We 00n mature any old photograph or snapshot and make any number of prints or enlargemontn desired. The process requires the work or skilled artists, but the cost Is reasonable. Send us your picture and toll us what you want -done and we will tell you the cost before doing the work, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 1211, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly o11 Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Ynui 1111ns (0,01,01,1 .levelupea ono printed 5 1)11 z Ei X1.1 1:1. It0L055 25e REPRINTS I(INTS 8 tot 22c FINEST 53NLARr11140 SERVICE You may not .get al.l the films .you wo 00 this year, but you can get all the quality and aervlce you distil by sending your flans to fat leI3n1At, 1.1111'115 815110 (1510 Motion 1 Toronto TEACHERS WANTED ' 12 O 14 14 TOWNSHIP TEACHES wanted for S.S. No. 2 on I11011 - way 17, convenient train service, salary 51,200 per year, duties to commence Sept. 4. Apply to Ed- win Foss, Sec.—Treas., 13.12. No. 0, Cobden, Ont T3RAN't' CO.; 5 MILES SOUTH Olt Brantford. Experienced reunite Protestant teacher, 0,0. No, 4, Brantford Twp. Sala cy 91,500,0)? ..Stateuallfiea kions also former ermer inspector. Personal npplirn time proferred 1f possible, Cordon . TCel4wn, bee, Tress., 12.13. No, 5 Brantford, Ont. T14A0)5I11ts W';tN1(1(0 STISTED 11 OWNS 11 I I+ AREA requires throe l reteatant teachers for three one -room 00110015 nor Iiuntsville, Salary 1,200. Please state qualifications. experlenee and last inspector. Unties to commence September 4121. Apply to George Tait, Iluntsvtlie. DURBE1t -- TEACHER WANTED (Protestant preferred) to each grade 6 to 10, Inclusive (senior room), and 'act' as Priilepal 05 a 2 -room school with modern con- venionees, term commencing San-. tember, 1245 salary 91,300. Apply. stating' qualifications, to (Miss) Phyllis Clayton. Dorset, Ont, IYA;wTI D TWO WOMEN TO WASEI DISIHF8 and prepare vegetables in North- ern Ontario summer resort for July and August. IOxcc'ptlona 1 ly good wages. Apply by letter to Pow -Wow' Point Lodge. Hunts- ville, Ont. GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN FOR housekeeper on a farm, good home. lvngos. Apply Lawrence Browe, liox 42, Dalkeith, Ont. A3Pl'OM0131L1'] BUMPERS A N D Painters, experienced on repair work Highest rate or pay, 41 hour week, best working -conditions. Aunty nearest Selective Service Office. CR 2625. FARM MANAGER, MARRIED, 100 - Acre Mixed IOs,'n, good lvngos, house and privileges, J. Kee, Inglewood W ANT1DD PULLETS WANTED TO PURCHASE ALL AGES AND 01Rl.b1DS 2 Months to plying age. Our privet; are worthwhile, Bos 40, 73 Ade- laide Wiest, Toronto. WANTED - )'1i1Mp4DI II')IFY 1.10 - eased garage mechanic as part- ner. Fred' Cha1c, Burks h00110. Ont. 14os 354 WANTED, 1>t111'71'ALO 1'' 0 W II I2 sausage stuffel', complete, 75- 100-1.1). rap icily; 1 5-11.p. 25 -cycle, 3-phase motor; pie molds and cutter for small pork plea. Write, Horn's Food Market, Port Col- borne, Ont. GENERAL, STORE, WIT11 - 11001) mixed clothing stock; w111 pay. cash; con ridentlal. Lightman and Company. 3270 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont. .. SARNIA GENERAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL FOR NURSES: AI PLLCAT1ONs NOW itieiNR CON- sidered. Date of admission Sep - Lumber 4111, 1045. Educational re- nulrements Junior Ma trlcttla tion. Remuneration after 1 rel iminary term, 910 50 to 912.00 per month, W ANT Pi1) TO PIJR0Il Ati16.. RIM - lets, all h1'eeds from 8 weelca np to laying. flood .priers mill, Apply to Rot 08, 73 Adelaide 1Y.. To- ronto roma, 'W000 WANTED CORDWOOD, CORDWOOD, MAPLE, 101RCI7 ANSI Mixed. Alen slabs aid bundle edging's. Hardwood and Soft. wood Clive fui9 pa ri!rulers ant best prices an car. Wailer sehteae 19 Melindn,,Street, Toronto.