HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-07-19, Page 5.fir..►• THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1945 THE SE.APORTH NEWS SEA1tORTH (..IONS CLUB 11TH ANNUAL SummreCarnival Lions Park, Seaforth Friday,July20 A Big Night's Entertainment ! Program on a Well Elevated Platform — Amplified That Ali 'Can Hear FRIDAY NIGHT --- GARDEN BROS„ TORONTO Presenting Billy, Kay & Co., Illusionists and Magicians; Clifford, Novelty Wire Walking Act; Mickey Connely, Specialty Dancer; Toto, Garden Bros.' Famous Circus Clown. ADDED ATTRACTION "DOUBLE OR NOTHING" QUIZ CONTEST Conducted by and broadcast over CKNX, Winghan, and amplified so that all at the Park may hear and enjoy this Special Broadcast — $160.00 Cash Prizes Will Be Given Away - It's a real "Take-It•or-Leave-It" Quiz Contest. /Tnyorie can enter. SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS BAND IN ATTENDANCE —Open Air Dancing —Fowl Booth —Bingo —Card Game —Over and Under All Your Favorite Games Draw For $600 Cash Proceeds in aid of Crippled ChB- dt'e0 and War Service - Work $300 drawn each night 1st Prize $200 3M Prize $25 and Prize 8 50 4th Prize $25 Tickets 25e — 5 for $1 Draw For Lady's Diamond -Set BULOVA WRIST WATCH Value $65.00 Draw takes place Friday night, July 29. Tickets 15c ea.. 2 for 25e Proceeds—Lions British Child War Victims' Fund Mammoth Fireworks Display ADMISSION 25c. Children Free. Servicemen Free. Parking Free Entire proceeds for Welfare Work & Maintenance of Lions Park & Pool THE PICK OF TOBACCO It DOES taste good in a pipe CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large Stock of Modem Memorials on display at our Seaforth Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons office will be open on TUESDAYS Open by appointment at any other time. See Dr. Harburn, next door Cunningham & Pryde Cllnton Exeter Seaforth Phone 41 POULTRY WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR YOUR POULTRY Live or nail Grade. We call for it and pay immediately Just Phone Dublin GS DUBLIN CREAMERY & POULTRY PACKERS LTD. DUBLIN N ( M A L SD or ' =BLED Quickly removed in 'clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15, EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry) sismovamasaamnsiamimarr No matter how good your pigs may be their whole future depends largely on the start YOU give them. The safe, sure way to prepare your pigs for future market is to start them on scientifically balanced CO.OP MiX PIG STARTER, containinganimal and vegetable protein, essential minerals and vitamins. "BUILT UP TO QUALITY NOT DOWN TO PRICE" Your. local "CO-OP MIX" mill TOWN TOPICS L/Cpl. A. S. Leyburne returned from overseas last week aboard the Liner "Queen Mary" for a 30 day leave, proceeding before noceedir to the Pacific 0 theatre of war. Mr and Mrs Bert Bradburn and Beulah spent the week end' in Sarnia. Mro. L. S. Stratton, Aylmer, was a truest• last week at the hone of Mrs.l -'. C. Anderson. Corporal A. Erickson, 'CAP., Mrs.. Erickson and daughter left last week for Winnipeg. PO. Donald Scott, RCAF., and Pro- fessor Janres Scott and Mrs. Scott, Toronto, were week end visitors at the.hotue Of their mother Mr's. H. R. Scott. Mr. 'and Mrs. David Mole and Mrs. Maxwell Mole and children 'returned to Rochester, N.Y., on. Thursday, Miss Eva Killough,'Reg,N„ Toronto,. visited last Neel: With her sister Mrs. W. 0. Iielly. l':ev, and Mrs. H. R, ljriliiams and daughter Elizabeth, Alvinston, were guests at the home of their son, Rev. R. H. Williams and Mrs. Williams last week. Mr. E. J. Boyd, Toronto, 1s a visitor at the home of Mi's, H. R. Scott. Mrs. T. Swan Smith is visiting with relatives in. Sarnia: Miss Laura Stewart, Toronto, spent the week end with her father Mr. Harty Stewart and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Kennedy. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Marshall of Brampton were guests of Mr. and Mrs, James Racho over the week end. Miss Mary Neville, Sarnia, was a guest over the week end at the home of her sister Mrs. J. M. McMillan and Mr. McMillan. Sergeant E. Southgate, London, spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Southgate. Mrs. Raymond Hopi and family, Hamilton, are guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Quinlan, Dgmond- vill'e. Miss Carmel Riley, Galt, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hatham. Miss Kathleen Klinkltamer has re- turned to Detroit after spending the past week at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. C..P, Sills. Mrs, J. R. Crawford of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., who has been visiting for the past week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nott, left to visit her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dou- gherty of Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Dougherty called at the home of Mr. and 14Irs, Nott on Sunday. Mrs. Rose Cotter and daughter Mary Ann, Detroit, were guests over the week end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Dunn. Mrs. Eldon Demerling, Harriston, spent the week end at the Home of Mr. and NIrs. William Austin and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dungey. Miss Grace Kreuter, Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus MoCuaig. Mrs. Bertha O'Connell and (laughter Miss Dorothy O'Connell, Detroit, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Margaret Devereaux and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Jenkins and dau- ghter Janet, also Bobby Khuls, called on their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. John Nott on their way from Colling- wood to their home in .Dayton Ohio.. Mr. 11. J. Fitzgerald, Toronto, is a guest at the home of his sister, Mrs. Harry Stewart and Mr. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Leake Scott, Mrs, William Scott: and son. Glenn, Chicago, are guests at Die home or the form- er's mother, Mrs. T. G. Scott. Miss 'Efeleu Whitfield, Ridgetown, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. John Currie and Mr. Currie. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Dunn and family A•eturned krone to Detroit on Sunday after spending the past week at the hone of the farmer's parents, Mr, and Ml's, N. Donn. Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart and daughter of Toronto are visiting her mother, Mrs. J. B. Thompson. Mrs. Peter McIver and daughter Miss Margaret Mclvef, Reg.N., hive returned home after spending the past week with the former's brother, 1\4r. Thomas P. Johnson, Flint, Mich. Master Charlie Dungey and Sandra Dungey have returned home after spending the past week with relatives in Harristor, Mr. Jack Stevens is holidaying with. relatives in Trenton. Mrs. Bert Fo'ris. of Hayter, Alta., is visiting her mother, Mrs, Henry Tay- ler, ayler, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dot Fortune and fam- ily, Woodstock, are visiting at the honie of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fortune. ,Miss Ann Christopher, Loudon, is holidaying at the (tomes of 'Mr. and Mm. C. 1V. Irorside and Mr. and NIrs. Gordon Dick. Messrs. David and Jack Dingman, Detroit are holidaying at the hone of their aunt and uncle, Mr. ar.cl Mrs, P. D. McConnell. Miss. Devine. Johnstone, Buffalo, N.Y„ spent Wednesday with friends in Seaforth. • Mrs. Ronald Heating and. -:family, MerriLton are visiting at the home of irer parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sandford. Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Forbes, Toronto, visited with -friends in town this week. Miss Eileen Ainsborough, Toronto, is holidaying with relatives in town. Miss Pickard, London, 18 a guest at the home of her sister. Mrs, N. Dunn and Mr.' Dunn. nannowinonnow The Sutherland Beauty Shop WILL BE CLOSED FROM JULY 30 — AUG. 6 Phone 152 For Your Appointment --- Early owwWwWWWWWINviNsisAiWws • FOR ONE WEEK EK , their mother, Mrs. George McCart- ney Sr. Funeral on Thursday after- . noon from Mr. Wilson McCartney's Quaker Muffets, 2 pkgs. . ,17c Fancy Quality Pumpkin ,,., m 11c.,.,.....,Ige. t Raspberry and Apple Jam, 4 tb tins 55c Strawberry and Apple Jam 4 tb tins 55c Maxwell House Coffee, 1 11)43c Apple Juice in gallons 53c Bass J. SjoaI Phone 8 "SUPERIOR STORE" BORN ROWE—To Lieut. 0. J. Rowe, R.C.N. V.R., and Mrs. Rowe (formerly Jessie Archibald), on ;July 15, 1945, at Private Patients Pavilion, Toron- to General Hospital, a son. VARLEY—To Pte. D. W. Varley of Lethbridge, Alta„ and Mrs. Val- ley, of St; Catharines, on July 10, at St. Catharines Hospital, a dau- ghter, STAPLEI'ON — At Scott Memorial Hospital on July 140, to Mr. and Mrs Edwin Stapleton, Dublin, a (laughter. CONNELLY—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on July lath, to Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Connelly, Brussels R.R. #1, a daughter. BUTTERS—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on July 17th, to Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Butters, Dublin, a daughter. BRUCEFIELD We are pleased to report some of our boys have returned from over- seas. Last week L/Cp1 Robert Dal- rymple who was taken prisoner at Dieppe and Pte. Allen R. Hill re- turned to their homes here. This week L.A.C. Carlyle Cornish who was also a prisoner for two years, returned, Miss Atkinson of Wardville, visit- ed her brother, Rev. G. F. N, Atkin- son at the manse, over the weekend. The Sunday School and congrega- tional picnic will be heli Wednes- day afternoon July 25th, to Hayfield. Mr. Ted Eckel, Miss Birkland and Miss Coucland of Toronto, called on. friends here last Sunday.. Sympathy is extended to Mr, Geo, McCartney and Mr. Wilson McCart- ney and families in the death of home. Miss Violet Petrie, of Sault St. Matte, is visiting her sister, tiM• s, Robt Allan, Mrs. J. Moody, Mrs. R Allan and Miss V .Petrie have taken a cottage at Bayfield, where they"will spend two weeks, Strange Angles On The Dope Problem Panicky drug addicts, confronted by a shortage of 01)111111 and other nar- cotics finding, . their way into this country;. are :employing desperate moans u to obtain the Stuff. Y tuff. The are holding: up doctors and resorting to other extremes to get dope. You may read about it in The American Week- ly with this Sunday's (July 22) issue of. The Detroit Sunday Times. 1121it1C'"a FOR fogANISAlif NWT PROTECTION Paints PAINTS TWIT T STY IFREW! FOUR HOUR SPAR VARNISH Pale quick drying Hard Varnish for Furniture, etc. Gal. 4.75; G46 1.30; 1/2 pint PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL Heel -proof Hard Surface wearing Huish for Porch & •Cellar Floors. Gal. 5.30; Qt„ 1.55; s pt. .60 NARVO SUPER CLEAR VARN1SH Supreme effort of a master Varnish .Maker'. Llai. 7.00; ,Qt. l n5; y pint, .65 MURPHY PAINTS Pur e quality paint weal's longer, 1'e - tains color•, 20 colors. Reg. col., gab. 4.75; qt. 1.40; ih pint .45. Plouqhing Deep For'Future Growth it oil means PEOPLE AT W ORK Laynig Lurclergrotnzd cable is just one of the big projects which, we are eager to carry forward as soon as possible^-' projects which lead to im- proved service al -along -range economies and to work for thousands of people . .. for all our employees at home as well as diose returning from war service. AFTER FINAL OIOTORBi W E'4L STILL BE goBtat SO important is the protection of Long Distance telephone communications that not even war was permitted entirely to hold up work on our great triangular underground cable route between Toron- to, Ottawa and Montreal. Indeed, war niade it more important than ever that we guard strategic telephone channels. from interruption by storm and other hazards. As the supply of men and materials in- creases, more and more open wire will be replaced by underground cable be- tween London and Windsor -between Montreal and Quebec City—north from Montreal •I to the Lau entians—wherever increased traffic and operating condi- tions justify it. In addition; new areas will be brought into the Long Distance network. Here is still another major job to be done as part of our post-war construc- tion program. h ,4 2 ve $e44/ke Gavin r Woos ti4 idr0 H. H. P. JOHNSTON Manager, aAMMINMISRMI N