HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-07-12, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS THF S lie\ 1 U K" I' f i. I \\ I. Pres.; Russell Sholdice, Sec„ Sports s,mwdon nros., Tnbllshers' Committee: Rita Bennewies, Pearl \Tock, Leona Smith, Carl Vock, Mil- t ' R ' D It St ' b l 117 Ind ,Mrs. Bennewies. The following are the results of the rices: girls lace, 4 yrs. and under, Betty Dra- ger;.boys race 4 yrs: and under, Warren Sholdiee, girls race 5-3 yrs. onto with relative. near Walton. A member of school teachers around are attending the sunnier school at London, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sanderson • and e' i1de'er. Wroxeter, at the home of 11.;. and Mrs,. Thos, Bolger. Service in St. George's, Walton, on Sunday July 15th at 4 p.m. S.S. will be held at 3.30 pin. Holy Cont 1 munion was 'administered at St. George's, Walton, on Sunday July 8 at 1.30 p.ni.: • A business meeting of the Guild and W.A. of St, George's,' Walton, was held on Friday June 29th at the home of Mrs. Wm. Humphries who presided over the meeting. There was a good attendance and the usual monthly items of business Were dealt With. George Robert Muldoon The funeral ofthe late George Robert Muldoon took place from his residence in Brussels, on Thurs- ay, June doth with Rev. 11, F. Oldham of St. John's Anglican Church officiating. at the home and graveside. Interment took place in Brussels cemetery with Jas. Ander- son, R. J.McLauchlin. L. W. Eck- mier, Wm. AlcCutcheon, H. Bryan and C. Baeker as pallbearers. Many friends and acquaintances gathered to' pay their last respects to the late Mr. Muldoon who was widely known throughout the district in which he was in business for many Years. late Thedeceased Muldoon son and his wife, Elizabeth McKee. As a young man lie farmed near Lead - bury. he McVillep township and near Walton, In 1900 he was married to Eliza M. Sholdiee. They lived in Walton vicinity before corning to Brussels about 42 years ago when he bought the Beattie Livery Stable there. He later' sold the livery and bus:nees and became a cattle 'drover. He has lived retired for the last few years. He died at his home its ilre els. on Monday, June 25th, after hen in failing health for the past TWO years. rs. He was the Iast sur- viving member of the Muldoon fam- ily. One brothel John and three sisters. Mrs. Hewitt, Spokane, Wash„ Mrs. Adam Shnldtce. Dauphin, Man., and Mrs. Jack Watt, Walton, pre- deeea.=ed him, The many beautiful flowers were a tribute of esteem -to the deceased and messages of sym- pathy to the bereaved. Relatives who attended the funeral rites from a distance included Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Sholdiee, London, and Wallace Sholdiee of St. Catherines. Mr. and Mrs. Normae Sanderson and daughters Emma and Grace have moved to Seaforth. - Mr. and Mrs. C. Frngland at Nia- gara Falls. Mary Lon Birkby. T.onelon. at her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkby. Mr. and firs. Chas. Pollard have re- turned from Hamilton after spending several weeks there. Mr. Stewart Bryaus has retiu'ned from u visit to ,Northern Ontario. WALTON Mr, Wallace Sholdiee of St. Cathar- ines at the home of 1t[r. and Mrs, Bert -Anderson Ml', turd Ire's. Hugh Sinclair of Tor- on apren, a on em ac t, r. Arleie Diegel; boys race 5.3 yrs. Henry Leonhar'dt: girls race 7-0 yrs. Marlene Diegel: boys race 7-9 yrs. Ronald Danger, girls race 10-12 yrs. Irma Vock; ladies 13 yrs. and up, Leona Smith; boys 13 yrs, and up, Dalton Steinbach; wheelbarrow race, Glenn Deigel, Velma Thomp- son: potato race, Dalton Steinbach; adios pin race Mrs. Chas. Leon- hardt; mystery bag, Mrs. Harold Diego) statue contest, Mrs. Jim Lloyd: .guessing• beans, Don Markle; mystery lady and gent, Bill Vock, Joyce Diegel; potato race up to 8 yrs., Ronald Drager, BR.O°DHAGEN Mr. and Mrs, Manuel Beuermann, Ray and Wayne, Willis Bauer, Ken- neth Reihl and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jacob, Wilfred and Lawson, spent the weekend with relatives in Mus- koka. Mrs. Herman Bauer of Glencoe with Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scherbarth and daughter of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. August Scherbarth. Mrs. Eli Rapien is visiting her sister in Detroit. Mrs. John A, Arbuckle, Jimmy and Billy of Toronto,' are holidaying with Mr, tend Mrs. Albert Que'en- gesser. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Whitefield and Margaret of St. Catharines, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice. A. very large crowd attended the band 'concert on Sunday evening. Messrs. Frank Dantzer, Russell Sholdiee and Mr. Catnap of Dublin are enjoying a fishing trip at To- bermoly this week. . Mrs. Fred Ellison 'accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Dan Erckmeir to De- troit and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mahaffy. Mr. and Mrs. J, Schade, Nur. Wm. Engel of Monk -ton, Mrs. M. Hiniene of Saginaw, Mich. and son Roy Hin- ime- of Kitchener.', Mrs. Louise Hip- line of Gervin, Sask, Mr, C. Kleber of McKillop with Mr. and Mrs, Kleber. :lir. and Mrs. Chas Pushelberg and Ross spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson at Lonclesboro: Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Mogk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young near Moukton, Miss Margaret Ford of St. Marys with her uncle and aunt, Mo. and Mr.. Harold Mogk. Mrs. Elizabeth Moronz of Kitch- ener with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hinz and girls motored to Ot'illia on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Leonllardt and Rev. and Mr's Schultz visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Leonhardt, on Sunday. Diegel Reunion About 100 attended the Rth an- nual Deiael Reunion on Mon. July 2nd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Rock, McKillop. The after- noon was spent in bingo, races and ball games Supper was served on the grounds and dancing in the even- ing was enjoyed on the open air platform with Bite. Mar. Radscisidt suandlil4alson te Howe, The oldest person present was Adam Kistner, '76 years of age and the youngest present was Roger Russell Sholdiee, age 2 months, The latest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Leonharclt. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Smith of McKillop offered their home for the 1946 reunion to be held July 1st. The following officers were elected for 1946: Glenn Diego], WINTHROP The W.51, 11, S. and l\'. A. of Cavan, \1'inaluop, on tel)aiued the Mission! Baud on Wednesday afternoon. July 4the at the house of Mrs, Iliram Bleen-; shared. Mrs. Ruht. MacFarlane was in the chin. The theme or the meeting was temperance hi all things. The Scripture lesson Proverbs 23 was teak -i en by Mrs.C'-alvin Bitten. The Mis- siun Band girls favored ns with a ltytnn. When Be Cometh, after which Mrs. E. Toll gave a temperance read- ing. The Two Glasses. This was fol- lowed by a song by the. Mission Band boys, Mrs. A. Ross told the Mission Band a story. "What the Fairy Tolyl Queen," wltielr showed the effect of alcohol on a nation. A vote of apprec- iatlou was given the .Mission Band by Mrs. W. Chu eh. We were then fav- ored with a trio by Helen, Berra and Edith Blaemshard, Have you counted tite cost. Donald McClure moved a vote of .thanks to the \\ 1LS. and to Alrs. lll.urshard. The remainder or the uterao ni % RS spent socially, Llnrele was sorted by tete hostess. P • • son and daughter, Alliston with Mr. akeuiew a(/l,ip�9p n and Mrs. John Scott Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Parker, fibs: S id Miller- and Mrs. Duncan Meliellae visited Miss Mary 13, Currie in 6trati'ord hospital, rides. R. G. klecliay has retiu'rteel to her home at Woodbridge; Mr, and PITS. 'I'oni Laing i ung caul family, aecanrp- It . res , anted Mies .sac h' liner t 1 Grace l a s motor- ' Lid to :',ieegera Falls for the peel[ end. Graf Dancing Every' Night STAN PATTON'S Sensational All Sax Orchestra with lovely Yvonne Lee, Vocalist VARNA Miss Fisher of Toledo. Ohio. is the guest of her sister Mrs. J. F. Smith. lIr. and lire. Laytiren anti fancily of London spent Sunday with the lat- ter's mother. Mrs. L. Beatty and lidit11. 11rs Horner. rne•r. after spending a week with her son and daughter Mrs: A. Iugs, has returned to her home In Zurich. Mr. and Mrs, J. Ferguson and fanc- ily of Sodbury spent the week Laid with the latter's parents. Mr. and Airs. M. Elliott. The many friends of Mrs. Austin will be sorry to know she was taken to the Clinton Hospital last week. Mrs. Schell of Detroit returned to her home Saturday after spending a week with her mother Mrs. Austin. Mrs. Argo and son, who spent the past week with her parents Mr, and Mrs. IVIiCoutiell. returned to their hone in Toronto Saturday. Gertrude Smith of the RCAF, from Lachine. spent a 4S hour leave at the parental hone. Mary Elizabeth Beatty was a suc- cessful candidate at the music exams held in Clinton when site passed with honor's. Miss Jane Rutherford of Oshawa is the guest of het''auut Mrs. G. H. Beatty. The annual Elliott picnic was held Saturday in ,lowet.t's Grove. The many 'friecde of Me. A, Ings will be pleased to know lie is able to sit outside in a wheel chair on a Clue day. Mr. Hartman of Ann Arbor, Mich., called last week on Mr. Jas, Ste- phenson. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks of London are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ings. 1L'. and Mrs. Ings of London called Sunday; on the former's brother Mr, A. Ings: The Bingo party sponsored by the Junior Red .Cross was well patron- ised by a good crowd. Many good prizes were offered and many won. At the close or the party the pupils presented their teacher Mrs. G. A. Beatty, to a nice little table. Lunch was served, Music supplied by the fif- ers from the RCAF. Proceeds for war work. HARLOCK Miss Levina Tinos of Toronto is home on her holidays with her par- ents Mr, and Mrs, Thoinas Knox of Lonclesboro, and brothers, Wm. and Audrey and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Knox and Jim- mie and Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Shob- brook and Charles attended the Man- )ling re -anion picnic in Lions Park grove in Seatorth on Sunday. Master Kenneth Gibbings spent an afternoon last week with Tommy Lloyd of Clinton at the hone of the latter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McEwing. Tommy is helping during the holidays. Little , Jinuuie' Knox visited his grandparents lir. and Mrs, Thomas Knox in Lonclesboro a couple of clays Last. week. A l utnhe' from this neighborhood Lock mit tete barn dance north of Blyth ,)ie eight ta`:L week. CROMARTY Friends and relatives paid final tri- bute on Thursday of last week to a beloVed resident, of Cromarty. Mrs. James Scott. who had [lied on Tues- day evening, Funeralservice;; were held at her late home, with ]rev, W. A. 14IcWilliam minister of Cromarty Presbyterian Church and Rev. R, G. McKoy, Woodbridge, a son-in-law of the departed woman. During tire. sen' - vice, the male quartet or Cromarty Church sang. Ivtoinbers of the quartet are Frank Stagg, Ernest Templeton, Edgar Allen and Thomas Scott. The pallbearers rs wore Thomas Laing, Cm - nullity; nnu'ty James (Gillespie, Toronto; Milton Hodgert,. Landon Lyle War- den, Staffa; William Routley, Elln- ville; Ernest Allen, Cromarty, The numerous final tributes which bank- ed the casket were carried by Donald Scott, Robert Laing and .lint Scott, Cromarty, and Charles Hodgen, To- Tonto. Interment, was made to Stafra cemetery. Present for the funeral CONCERT & SHOW by STAN. PATTON & HIS ORCHESTRA Sunday - July 15th 9,P.M. Featuring Jaok Dann, Electric Guitarist Don Fraser, Vocalist "The Vibratones Quratette" Rudy Toth, Piano ee Vibraphone Jerry Toth, Sax Soloist presenting many of Stan. Pattotr's own arrange - monis or Classical and Modern Tunes and many Novelties SILVER COLLECTION All Proceeds Will 13e Given to Wartime Board to Kelp The Returned Men You Will Help - Won't You were. friends and relatives renal Sea - forth, London, Toronto, Mitchell, \Vocdbrnine. llimvillc. Dublin, Exe- ter. ]Ieasal1. Statfa and the surround - Mg elistr'ii't. Pte. and Mrs. Frank Scott and little •BAYFI'ELD Me. Harold e\ cetera . and family of - Detroit. are Visiting 114x.' George Weston. Miss Fliler el Seafonh is a guest et the Little Inn. 1111'. au[l Mrs. English spent the u-ei.k enol with the Metealfe's and Miller's. Dt'. and Mrs,,Alexander of London hare taken up residence at their sunt- • mor home, Mrs..D. Volume has returned after a week's visit. in Hamilton. Mr, and MTS. Jack Ferguson and family. of Sudbury, are spending a two weeks' vacation with Jack's par tints,• I11r', amid Mrs. Wm. Ferguson. Airs. l uoxon of Hamilton (a sister -of the late Arthur Heflihig, writer and artm I)is spending a •vacation at the Little inn. - Mrs. Josephine Atkinson of London is a guest of Mrs. N. Brown, Brian's Cottage. Mrs. Fred Stein or Toronto is visit- ing 1Iargaret Ferguson. Professor I.. lIodgino .and Miss Mabel Hodgins will spent the next two mounts at their cottage here. AIM Thos. Orr and family are in re,ldenee mit their hillside eott•age. Mr. John Elliott has returned to the village alter attending school in Kitchener. The Snnuner -hotels and cottages in the village are well tilled with guests. R.e)fteld netts' tails to ath'act those Who have once spent a vacation here the intim charm et the village and th,, k:n,ily courteous hospitality is •"l;od to -.be unsurpassed. and remelt year alley year. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1945 EGENT THEATRE Seaforth NOW SHUWWINO Tri URS. LRRI, SAT. Gene Tierney "Sundown': George Sanders A strenge adventure in 0 'lonely outpost ite Africa MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY i;:tird C'reg'ar "Hangover Square" Linda Damell A thrilling drama packed with riry,stery and ,suspense NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY John Wayne "TALL IN THE SADDLE" Ella Raines "Gabby" Bayes Ward Bond A Topuntch western filled with suspense and vigorous action Coming "THE MASTER RACE" CONSTANC E ,Hiss Frances Fennis and Miss Marguerite Casey of Brantford, spent a week with .lir. and Mrs, l;obt. Grmioldby. Mr, and Mrs. Kyle of Ridgetown, visited -with Mr, and Airs. Leo Ctephetson last week. Sgt. Ken Betties arrived home last week from overseas and is spending a month's furlough. with .Airs. Betties and other. relatives. Ken was stationed in France and is to take a short training at Savanna Ordnance Depot ime Illinois before being sent to the Pacific Area. M'' James Moore of Toronto is spending a week's - vacation with his brother, Mr, Wm. Moore. ?:Ir. - and Airs. Theron Betties and Mr.- and Mrs. Les Dolmnge of Win- throp visited with \'Ir. and Mrs. t,rir.toldby on Sunday. Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Also Auto Seats and. Backs, Verandah Swings and .Steamer Chairs Repaired Free Pick -Up and,yDelivery Clifford Upholstering Co., Stratford Telephone 579 For f'ur'ther information apply at Box's Furniture Store SEAFORTH N0.2 He gets a 'hair -cut' PETE CLARKSON In this series our artist gives his version of how the finest crude oil—symbolized by Pete—is selected and refined to make B -A Peerless. Ask for Peerless Motor Oil. tomorrow. "It's Alloyed" to keep cars running longer. BEA 1. Crude oils specially selected to give you better service, are first "topped"... !' -eeeee by the process Which re- moves gasolene, kerosene and also gas oils. From the "topped Crude" is now refined Canada's finest lubricating oil: Peerless! Millions of People in Liberated Europe—LOOK TO ONTARIO FOR FOOD! NEVER in our history has the need for food been so desperate as it is today. We need food to feed our fighting men to feed our Allies who burned their fieide to halt the enemy ... to feed you and us here at home. Short of help , short of machinery.,. the Ontario farmer needs every available hand he can get! So plan now to devote whatever time you can to helping on the farms trill summer. Every possible' man-hour MUST be put in - join the thousands of young men and women who, though regularly engaged in other work offer their spare time to helping local farmers with the haying, hoeing, and harvesting. If possible, make your own arrangements with relatives or friends who might have a farm of their own, to help out during peak seasons. Those who have no farmer relatives or friends should contact their local Farm Com- Ihando Brigade or Write direct to .the Ontario Farm Service Force, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Standard wages are paid to all Farm Codithandos. oommiOn-PROVIfOIAL COMMITTEE 011 FARM LABOUR AGRICULTURE • LABOUR • EDUCATIO n IF INTERESTED, CONTACT MR. H. G. HEIR