HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-07-05, Page 8HENSALL Oakwood Purl:, Grand Bend, Mr. and .lois. D. lOcHang Of London S,S, No, 10 Hay Picnic - spent the week end with Mr. Frank was Thects noat Grand picnic Send Saturday f S.S. 10 Hay Peart and Miss Myrtle Pearl. 1t nb Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Oriwein or n, when itbouC 15U0 at(t:nrledi Detroit spent .the holiday with the fornter's parents Mr. and Mrs. J.' W. Ortweiii, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Joynt and fanc- ily of Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Joynt and Judith and Dr, Win, Joynt of Londonspent the week end with their mother Mrs, Alice Joynt. Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Hayter, Donald and Karen of London, were week end visitors with Mrs. Hayter's par- ents 'Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Bell. Miss Lenore Norminton of the WAACs, Kitchener, spent the week end with her parents Mr. mid Mrs. Ed Norminton, - Misses Helen and Mae McNaughton of Toronto spent the holiday at the home of their parents Mr, and. Mrs, Lorne McNaughton, Miss Kathleen Jones of Toronto and Miss Mildred Joues of Kitchener visited over the week end with their parents Mr, and Mrs, Norman Jones. Miss Grace Block of London is holi- Baying at the home of her mother, Mrs. Flossie Brock. Mr. and Mrs, Archie Hamilton and family of London visited recently with Mr, A. L. Case. Mr, and Mrs. ' Frank Mickle of Ridgetown and Mrs. Geo. Mickle and sons of London visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Mickle and family. Miss Edna Walsh and Audrey visit- ed over the week end at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs: Jack Verbeem and family of Sarnia spent the wek enol with Air. and Mrs. Chas ,Forrest Following a ilelielous picnic supper sports and games were played. The teacher, Mrs. Norman Stenlik:, was assisted by the trustees, Messrs. Jake hngram, Geo. Tiuney and Lorne Chap- man in the following events`. Child- ren 0 and under, John `'Westlake anti Sorry Oesch, Girls 6 to S. Shirley Coleman, Lexia Lostell, Boys, 0 to 8, Douglas Love, Jerry 'Oesch, Robert Love. Girls 9 - 11, Shirley Chapman, Jean Mousseau. Boys 9.11, Ross Cor- bett, Walter Potter, Giiis 12 to 14, Marion 'Pinney, Jean Ingram. Boys 12 to 14, Neil Taylor, Donald Mous- seau. Young men's race, Ed Corbett, Lloyd Mousseau: Married ladies' race, Mrs. Hughson, Mrs, 11, Elder. Girls' three legged race, Jean Ingrain and Shirley Chapman; Betty Armstrong and Lois Tlnney. Wheelbarrow race, Neil Taylor and Walter Potter; Jean Ingram and Shirley Chapman, Sack i^ace, girls, Shirley Chapman, Lois Tiuney; sack race, boys, Ross Cor- bett, l'''Craltet Potter. Girls kick slip- per: Jean Ingram, Shirley Chapman; women's kick slipper, Mrs. A. E. Munn, Mrs. Geo. Tinny. Needle and thread race, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bunn, 100 3•d mark, Wm. Parke, Geo, Arm- strong. Grandmother's race, 'Mrs. A. Mousseau, Mrs. F. Corbett. Cup relay Shirley Chapman's side; marble re- lay, Jean Moussean's side. A softball game concluded the sports. Campbell=Mann -, A wedding of widespread interest to residents of this district was sol - '11 -TE SEAFORTH NEWS _ Card of Thanks Mrs, Joe Hugill wishes to thank all triose who sent boxes of fruit, flowers, cards, and letters, during her three weeks illness in •Victoria ' Hospital, London. Mrs. Chellew and children of Los emnized at the Metropolitan United Angeles, Calfiornia, arrived at the Church. London, on Saturday when home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rev, B. Cronk united in marriage Ro- Coi'neliolis Cook on Saturday. nvena Alice Maim, daughter of Mrs. .lir, and Mrs. Harry Cook and ciao- Richard Austin and the late F. T. ghrer of Windsor and Mrs, Chelfew Mann of Ilderton to Keith Alexander and family spent the weep end with Campbell, son of Dr. and Mrs. Byron their parents Jit: and Airs. C. Cook at A, Campbell (nee Amy Murdoch of their Sumner home at Grand Bend. Hensolll of Toronto, and formerly of Mr. and Mi•s, Casey Hodson and Zurich. It was the anniversary of the babe of Goderich, visited over the, wedding of the groom's parents. The! week end with M. andAIrs, Geo. bride given in marriage by her brcllr- Hudson. er Lawrence Mann was charming in Mrs. Pope of Toronto is the guest her grateful gown of white georgette FARM FOR SALE Lot 60, Bayfield Line, Goderich Twp, consisting of 109 acres, good clay land and good buildings. Will sell on reasonable terms. Immediate possession if desired. Apply to A, E, Towrnsliend, Hayfield, RR, 2, of phone Clinton 900r21, FOR SALE International 3 h.p. gasoline eng- ine. Apply at The News, FOR SALE Full box load of shingles, $1,50, E, L. Box. FOR SALE Rubber -tired chassis suitable for Medium heavy wagon. Call at Box Furniture Store. TEACHER WANTED A fully qualified Protestant teach- er is required for S.S. No. 4, Tuck- ersmith, and applications are invited, Applicants will please state qualific- ations, experience and references, and salary will be up to standard ac- cording to experience. A personal application would be appreciated, Duties to commence Sept. 4th. Tuckersmith Township School Area; S. H. WSec.-Treas., SecTreas,, Sea -1 forth, R.R. 3, Card of Thanks Mrs. James O'Sullivan and family. wish to thank all the friends and neighbors who kindly sent cards. of good wishes and treats or helped in any way While Mr. O'Sullivan tvtts ill' in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until July 16th for the electric wiring and fixtures 'for the school of S.S. No, 3, Hullett, accord- ing to plans and specifications pre- pared by tire HydroElectric Commis - Sion. Lowest or any tender not net• essarily accepted. Work to be done in summer holidays. C. V. DALE. Sec: Treas , Clinton, R.R. 1. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until July 16th for the painting of classroom of school of S,S. No. 3, Hullett. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work to be done in the holidays, C. V. DALE, Sec.-Treas.; Clinton R.R. No. 1. THURSDAY, JULY 5; 1945 wasenesavininemazesinswieetwaratostemareaaezzlettatianne 4501111211.9.14 natatiammonmaimaruarsaangessaisanie CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS ., MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE; lb. bag CI-1ASE & SANBORN COFFEE, lb. bag RED ROSE COFFEE, Ib, bag PALM GARDEN, TEA, lj ib, bag MOTHER PARKIOR$ ORANGE PEKOE, lb, AMERICAN BLEND COFFEE, lb. bag • 4.10 41c • 41c 41c 350 35c Puffed Wheat, 16 oz. Pkge. 19,e W. J. FINNIGAN Auction Sale community Auction Sale of Furni- ture in the skating rink at 'Seaforth on Saturday night, July 14th, at 8 p.m. Anyone having any furniture to dispose of, phone the auctioneer. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. FOR SALE TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until July 16th for the ploughing of woodlot of S.S. No. 3, Hullett, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work to be clone as soon as possible. C. V. DALE Sec: Treas., Clinton, R.R. 1. A good hay loader for sale. Harold Jackson, Seaforth. FOR SALE 1 Jersey bull, 7 months old, registered, Harry W. Hart, 224w, Seaforth,. Can be phone PRIVATE SALE Antique mahogany chest of drawers, iwalnut sofa, walnut chiffrobe and other articles, Saturday, July 7, from 4 to 5 p,nn, Mrs. R. E. Macheuzie, Egmonclville, I TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT 1 Tenders for the Erection of Bridge FOR SALE Massey Harris No. 5 binder, 7 foot cut, in good running order. Edmund H. Godkin, Phone 348r$1, FOR SALE One small range stove with warn- ing closet and reservoir, cheap. John Pethick, N. Main st, Seaforth, WANTED TO BUY A double geared pump jack, ' Apply* to Frank Coleman Sr. Phone 847x32, Seaforth, of Miss Annie E. Consitt, tied lace with finger-tip veil held in a Miss Amy Lanunie of London spent toxones of orange blossoms, She wore FOR SALE tate week end with her mother 'Ms, pearls and carried a shower of rid. Latitude and sister Miss Greta Lanr- roses. Miss Verna Mann as her sir muse, ter's bridesmaid chose pink georgette tIr. and Mrs. Lorne Elder and babe with matching headdress Mid carried of Hamilton spent the week end with a bouquet of Briacliffe roses. As their parent. Mr. and Mrs. John Pass- flower girl Patricia Amu Jackson.' more and Mr. and .Airs. John Elder, young niece of the bride, wore a yel- Dir. Herb Redden of St. Catharines low door -length frock and carried a is holidaying with his mother Mrs. bouquet of Talisman roses and sweet Catharine Hedden. peas. Clair Tooze of Toronto was Mrs. Russell Love, Douglas and groomsman and the usher's were Jack Robert of Owen Sound, have spent Miron and Jack Delve of Hamilton. the past week with Mrs, Love's par. After a wedding reception at the ents Mr. and Mrs. John R. McDonell. home of Mr, and Mi•s. Gordon Arland, Mr. Russell Love of Owen Sound vis- left on a motor trip east. They will Red over the week o f here. reside at 111 Evergreen ave., London Mr. Jas. wMith Mr.son of Hanley, Sask., Mrs. Manley Jinks is spending a is visiting with and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton. time at the home of her .mother Mrs. Mrs. Laocomo and baby are visiting McClinchey who is seriously ill. I at the home of the formers parents Airs. Jean Cawthorpe was recently i Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell, i visited by her son Dr. Joe Cawthorpe, Flt. Lieut. K. C. Passmore of Hag- who has returned from overseas prior er•sville visited over the week end to taking a special course in medical with his parents lir, and Mrs, Join' work in the states. I e received at a Connell Meeting in the Township Hall, Stafla, Ont., until 8 p,n1„ on Thursday, July 26th, 1945, for the erection of what is known as the Stapleton Bridge. Tenders to be submitted according, to plans and pacification. A marked cheque for ten per cent. mast accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. THOS. D. WREN, Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert, Cromarty, R -R, 1.1 FOR SALE Al auto radio for sale, Apply to Sack Hotham, Phone 270, Seaforth. FOR SALE Highly productive 100 acre farm, ' nice house, bank barn, well equipped up and clown, and other good build- ings, good hardwood bush, 13 acres wheat, 9 acres nixed grain, balance pasture and hay. Pi -ice reasonable. Thos. Aldington, Cromarty, Ont. Hassey Harris hay loader in good Notice repair. R. C. McDonald, Cromarty l 21 on 90, Hensall Central. I have sold my chopping mill equipment to the Seaforth Farmers FOR SALE FOR SALE Co operative, 1 Tractor, 10-20 McCormick -Deer 'a flute. a spindle bed, a churn, a I wish to thank my many custom- tvoodeu cistern, a tin protector for ors for their patronage during my ing, Apply to Hrtrry Beue;•mann, brooder stove. Phone 24 on 567. Sea- one and a half years of Feed Ser- Clover thresher, Brodhagen. Phone Ser - forth. vice. I ant now employed with the 7414, Dublin. FOR SALE Seaforth Farmers Co-operative, LOST 'McCormick Deering wagon, in good CLARENCE WALDEN. i Lost axe, 1, miles west St. Colum - shape, Apply cornuCololough Bros., Sea. ' ban between Jack Cronin's and Albert forth R. R. =2, I , Cronin's. Finder please phone Jack FOR RENT Furnished Cabin' in Grand Bend. with all modern conveniences, will accomodate G. Apply to Frank Cum- mings, Huron St., Clinton. Notice To Creditors Cronin, 22r16 Dublin. Hyde Pari., Mr, and Airs, Campbell FOR SALE I Passmore, Mrs. Eva Carlisle spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lee -I BAYFIELD land Willert iii `Zurich, I Mrs, Lorne Elder and son and Hiss Talbot -Harris - Geraldine MacLean of Hamilton are I 4 pretty lawn wedding tools place holidaying at the home of Aars, Eld- Saturday afternoon at the home o er's' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pass- Mr. and Mrs, John Harris, Holmes more, ;,,a , Massey Harris binder, 6 ft. cut; IF Lister cream separator, almost new, large size. Apply to George Coiclough, R.R.. 1, Clinton, 2 miles north of Clinton on No. 4 highway. FOR SALE died on or about the 5th day of FOR SALE In the Estate of William James Shannon. All persons having claims against the Estate of William James late of the Township of McKillop, farmer, deceased, who OR SALE A brick house 23x40, a barn 32x Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate x52, also 1!orty acres of hay, red University- clover and timothy. Charles Dolmage, R.R. 1, Seaforth Phone 13 on 837. McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 1.14 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court • County of Huron Office in the' Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours: - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE ' AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class, Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH Ont. Officers President, W. R. Archibald, Sea. forth; Vice President, Frank Mc- Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Tr•ewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mfr Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John D. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKereher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen • George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. SEAFORTH CLINIC Ten acres of hay for sale on field. Also five chunks of pigs. Geo, Rr Campbell. FOR SALE 1 hand washing machine good as ' new, 1 new brass lined pump cylinder with brass seat and poppet seated on rubber, and 134" unions. 6 ft, of suck- er rod, and 0 ft. of 114 piping, all f used only one year, Sam Storey, Mime S441•41, Seaforth. gut. Miss Jane Saundercook of Loudon, Ruth Helena, became the bride of visited over the weep end with her George Dewar Talbot son of DIrfled mother .Airs, Annie Saundercock. I Mrs. William Talbot of Bayfield. The Miss Lois Green, Port Stanley, vis-' bride, given in marriage by he ited recently with -Air. E. Iiipfer• anal' father, took her place before an arch family, also with her grandmother decorated with Canterbury bells, Mrs. J. Dayman, !sweet William, roses and pednies, to 'de. and Mrs. Gordon Parker, who the strains of the Bridal Chorus from have been residents of 1:lensali for "Lohengrit" played by Miss Maude the past number of years, moved to 1fecMath, Goderich. The bride chose their new residence in Exeter last for her wedding an ivory brocaded week. ' satin gown, in floor length, fashioned LAC Max Hudson, son of lits. Olive with long sleeves, sweetheart neck Hudson of London, who just arrived line and buttoned torso waist. Her have following 21 years' service finger-tip veil was held in 'a coronet overseas, and Pte. Laird Hudson of of orange blossoms, and her only London, spent the week end with ornament was a string of pearls, a their grandparents Aar, and Mrs, Geo, gift of the bridegroom. Her flowers Hudson. I were a cascade bouquet of red Briar - Cpl. Roy Brock, sen of Mrs. Flossie cliffe roses. The bride's sister, Miss Brock, returned home last week, hay- Betty Harris, was staid of honor, ing spent five years in the services wearing a floor length frock of robin's overseas. 1 egg blue silk, made with short puff Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Flynn and sleeves, sweetheart neckline and fit - family are holidaying with relatives ted bodice. Her chapel veil was in Toronto. I caught in a coronet of blue daisies, Misses Lois Henderson, Marie Boyd, and she carried a cascade of pink Betty Smale, Betty Moir, Elaine Beer Briarcliffe roses. William Armstrong, and Orion Stephen are enjoying a Bayfield, was best man. Rev. Camp - week at the Minnehaha Camp north bell 'Cavelier of the Holmesville Unit - of Godet'ieh, 1 ed Church, performed the ceremony. Mr, and Mrs. Casey Hudson and During the signing of the register, the babe of Goderich are holidaying with pianist played ' I Love You Truly." the fo)mner's parents Mr. and Airs,' At the reception which followed, Geo, Hudson. I the bride's mother wore a street' Miss Judith Shatldiek is spending a length frock in orchid silk, white vacation at Bayfield with her grand- accessories and a corsage of white mother Mrs. Churchill and her aunt Kilarneyroses. The bridegroom's Miss Elvira'Churchill of Toronto, who mother received in a two-piece dress are occupying their cottage there, of beige crepe, black accessories, Miss Catharine Lavelle of Palmerston and wore a corsage of pink Briar - Miss Mattie Ellis had the misfo•t- to `about . 80 guests by the Misses -ate fell fracture her right Ginn when Fern Watson,- Loudesboro; Mary she felt at her home on G. Ste', She Talbot, Bayfield; Phyillis Harris, was attended by Dr. where G, Steer at Poiter's'Hill and Miss M. MacMath, Seaforth Hospital a cast was Goderich; The bridegr'oom's gift to placed on her arm, I the bride's attendant was an identi- Miss Ethel Murdoch and Dr, and fication br'aCelet; to the best man a Mrs, B. Campbell of, Toronto spent leather bill fold, and to the pianist, the week end at the Murdoch home. i gold earrings. Later the bridal Mr. and Mrs. Phillips o1 Toronto couple left on a honeymoon to Ter- ence h here, at the Cudmore resid• onto and Niagara Falls, the bride once here, I travelling in an aquamarine Silk Mn. and Mrs. Harold Foster and Billie of Blyth spent the week end jersey dress with white accessories. with the former's parents Mr, and On their return they will: reside on Mi•s, A, Foster. the bridegroom's farm on the Blue The Wohelo Class of the United Water Highway, south of Bayfield, Church Sunday School held most • Guests were present from Lindsay, successful picnic at Tnunbull'5 Grove Stratford, Goderich and Hayfield. 1 on Wednesday. I SANDWICHES ' The Hensel]. Public School children and parents enjoyed a picnic at Turn-' You might try these recipes to Mill's Grovel on ,Wednesday, Follow introduce variety. Whatever the ing a deliciotts picnic supper sports filings used, be sure to wrap each were held under the direction of Mr, kind individually in -wax paper. Geo. Cowen assisted by- Miss: ,Tune . yp P Brandon and Miss Barbara Michie, A; BEEF LOAF most enjoyable time was had by a11. I 14 lbs. round steak, 2 eggs, 1% Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Cowen and Ted-, cups bread -crumbs, 2 tbsps. chopped dy spent the week end with relatives parsley, at Midland, p y, % tap- pepper, 2 tops. salt, Mr, tyncl Mrs. N. E. Cook and family f 1 tsp. celety, 1 'tbsp, poultry dress- , are enjoying a month's vacation at ing or onion. Grind the beef. Mix it thoroughly r' with .the unbeaten eggs, bread- ' crumbs, chopped parsley, pepper and salt. Place in a loaf pan and press firmly until it is molded to the shape of the pan. Bake •in a moderate electric oven (350 deg. to 375 deg.) for about two hours. Cut in thin slices. CHEESE AND EGG SPREAD 1 tbsp. fat, 1 tsp. grated onion, 1/ tbsps. flour, 2 tbsps. sugar, 14 tsp. mustard, 2 hardboiled eggs, chopped, / tsp. salt, 3/4 cup milk, 1 tbsp. vinegar, 2 cups grated cheese. Melt fat and cook onion in it for 1 minute. Add flour, sugar, mus- tard and salt and stir till web blend- ed. Add milk. Cook, stirring con- stantly until mixture thickens, Add vinegar and cheese. Continue cook ing until cheese melts and mixture is smooth. Add eggs and cool. Store in a covered jar in a cold place. Makes 2%% cups filling. TO STRETCH BUTTER Cream % pound butter till light and fluffy. Gradually beat in. cup milk, using a clover egg beater. Store in a covered jar in electric re- frigerator. DESSERTS Cookies,carefully wrapped in wax paper, make a good accompani- ment to fruit in season, which is always welcome and easily carried. Puddings and custards, made to serve at home, may also be included in. the lunch box if packaged in custard cups. These standbys may be alternated with a serving of cake or pie, placed on cardboard, then enclosed in wax paper. OATMEAL CRINKLES 1/8 cup fat, / cup brown sugar, ' 1 cup pastry flour, M, tsp. salt, 1 cup rolled oats, '% tsp, baking soda, i/i cup, warm water; 'fir tsp. allspice. Cream fat and sugar thoroughly. Add allspice. Mix flour, salt and rolled oats. Add alternately with the warm water in which soda has been dissolved. This makes a stiff dough. Drop by teaspoonfuls into a greased cookie sheet and flatten with a fork. Bake in a moderately hot oven, 375 deg,, 10 to 12 mins, Makes 3 dozen :cookies. January, 1945, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of July, 1945, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said „last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distrib- uted 01' any part thereof. A large quantity of choice mixed hay on the field. Apply to. Scott's Poultry farm. Phone 851r32. SALESMEN AND SALESWOMEN WANTED Unusual opportunity to establish • a good paying business. Specials with tree products for customers Big Profits, Outstanding offer on transportation. Unlimited earnings for right party, part time, Write forr details and free catalogue. Pamilex, 1600 Delorimier, 'Montreal, 24, Dated at Seaforth this 2nd clay of For S.S.#G McKillop, duties to July, 1945. p, The Public Trustee of Ontario, commence Sept. 4th. Apply to Frank Administrator, Johnston, Sec-Treas., R,R. 1, Dub - By his Solicitor, H. G. MEIR, lin. 840-13, Seaforth Central Seaforth, Ont TEACHER WANTED THE PICK OF TOBACCO It DOES taste good in a pipe CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large Stock of Modern Memorials on display at -our Seaforth Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons office will be open on. TUESDAYS Open by appointment at any other time. See Dr. Harburn, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton Exeter Seaforth Phone 41 JACK'S REPAIR Jack Thompson himself will will be away the first two weeks of August, The Shop will be open. 1 Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth 1 FOR SALE 6 Room Frame house, Egmondville, modern, hydro with barn. Immediate possession. 100 Acre Farm, McKillop Township, fully equipped, splendid Maple bash. Brick house with all first class build- ings, Hydro installed. A splendid farm E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phone 334, Seaforth, Ont. Res. 220 FOR SALE • North Main street: Frame dwell- ing with barn and 2 acres of land, hydro, suitable for poultry farming. Watson & Reid, Seaforth, FARM FOR SALE Five miles south of Seaforth, and one mile east, Lot 7, Concession 8,. Tuckersmith. One axile from school. Large bank barn, brick house, hen house and pig pen. Drained; Plenty of water. Twelve acres fall wheat; 35 acres spring crop; balance in grass. Possession given immediately. Apply to J. W. Free, Seaforth. NOTICE TO FARMERS You can now secure a Olean Easy Port- able MILKING MACHINE from Jonathan Hugill, Agent, The slickest Machine on the market today, Any woman or child of -12 years of age, can work it perfectly,. No heavy buckets to be carriedbetween cows. No pipe lines to be installed.. Can milk your COWS in any part of your stable. For demonstration see It In use at our own barn. Machines now In stock. Yours for business. JONATHAN HUGOILL, Phone 84-816 NOTICE Frank Finnigan, your Bawleigh dealer,' on Louisa St., Seaforth, has a line of products at the house. Phone 58W. BARON LULWATER Premium Standard Bred Horse, Will stand at his own stable, lot 34, con,- 5, McKillop, Will meet mares by appointment. Accommo. dation for mares from a distance. GEO. B. DORRANCE, Prop. The Pura Bred Belgian Stallion WEST PINE SUPREME -5249-- Enrolment No. 8017 First Class Porn 1 The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion' ROYAL CARBROOK (27101) Enrolment No, 3500 First Class Form 1 The Pure Bred Percheron Stallion REFINER (15280) Enrolment No, 284 First Class Form 1 Route far 1546 -Monday and Tuesday, Mc- Killop, Morris .and Grey Tps. Wed. and Thurs.-vicinity of 01inton, Colborne and Goderich Tps. Friday. and SM, -vicinity of Kipper, Hensall and Zurich. Terme-$16.00 to insure, payable, Mar, 1, tstc. T. T. McM10HAh1L. Prop..it Manager The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and tbereuptic equipment. Dr. F. 3. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Bye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the Etre Tuesday in every month from 3 to 6 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr, H. H. Ross' office, Phone 5 J MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat raduate in GTorronto. Late Assistant New eYork York Ophthalmic- and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -58 Waterloo St„ Stratford, Telephone 287. O. A. WHITNEY Successor to Holmes & Whitney Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable $os• pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitohell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 66 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent 5x & 3x Shingles Electric Fencers, Fence Wire, Cedar and Steel Fence Posts Gates Grass Seed, Seed Corn, Garden Seeds Fertilizer, Ceresan CO - OP FEEDS Chickstarter Pigstarter Growrnash Hog Grower Laymash Sow ration Hatchmash Dairy ration WESTERN GRAIN AND. CHOP Finns Minerals & Tonics Reduced now, Rex Wheat Germ 0i1 Universal Milkers & Parts Seaforth Farrners Co-operative Phone 9