HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-07-05, Page 5vc,
Extra SociIs
100#Oy. ter Shell, lat•ge ,
Maker aO
100# Shell M 1ak
Chicken Charcoal, 5 ib bag 15c
Quaker XXXX Bread Flour
98s ..$2.49
Crean) of West Bread Flour
Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 tins 19c
Kellogg's Corn. Flakes,
3 pks.....22c
Ross J. Sroat
Phone 8
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford of Lon-
don are in residence for the month
of July in the lakeside home of Mrs,
Wm. Metcalfe,
Mrs, Purvis of Dearborn, Mich., is
a guest of dl's. McComb,
Miss Mary Burnside of New Jersey
and New York left for home by plane
after spending a holiday with her
aunt Miss Marion Fairbairn at West
Wind Cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ferguson of Lon-
don are occupying the Kennedy Cot-
tage for the month of July.
The Very Rev. Wm. Barclay and
Mrs. Barelay will spend the suntiner
vacation in Mr. Robt. Heard's cottage
on the Signal Iiill.
Miss Wolfehden, Miss 'Fernette and
the Misses Druin are in their cot-
tages for the summer months.
Mrs. Oliver W. Mynas, President
of the Women's Hospital Aids' Assoc-
iation, was in Woodstock and guest
speaker at a luncheon celebrating the
50th birthday of the General Hospital
and the Hospital Aid; and was in
Listowel on Thursday attending the
Silver Birthday of the Listowel Gen-
eral Hospital and Aid.
Miss Margaret Ferguson returned
this weeks from Ottawa.
Word was received in the village
of the death of Mrs. Barr of Windsor,
who was a summer visitor in the vil-
lage for many years.
The many friends of Mrs. Colwell
of the Parsonage will regretto know
she is Eland in the Clinton Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Colwell are leaving the
village to reside in Leamington.
All roads. seem to lead to Bayfield
these days as many summer visitors
are arriving daily.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Luck of Dear-
born, Michigan, are guests for the
summer season at the Little Inn.
Mr. and Mrs, R. Stephens and sons`
• n La,their
a • in residence al Shat it
Sumter home,
Ml'. Reg. Iloclgtns, Professor Lloyd
Hodgins, Miss Mabel Hodgins, of: To-!
ionto, and their sister, Mrs. Canteronr!
MacNeil and :.son Hugh, spent the past,
weok at the.I3odglns summer cottage
and returned to Toronto this week
Mi•. Wm, C. 'Govenlock of Egmond-
ville spent Sunday with his sister
Mrs. Win. Ferguson.
Mr. 'and Mrs, Day and the Misses
Morley motored to Si. Clair Flats for
a brief visit, , •
Mr, and Mrs: S. Atkinson and fain
11y are occupying the "Cleave House"
for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs, Supnick of Detroit are
guests of Mrs„ Sapnick's mother, Mrs,
Holl ey.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers of Hamilton.
returned to their Moine on Sunday
atter a brief stay at: their cottage.
Mr, gild Mrs. John O'Reilly',. Sti'at-
1!oc'c!, tvitli Mr. and Mrs. James O'Reil-
ly and Mr, and Mrs, Jack Moylan,
Mrs. Jos, Moylan and daughter Den-
ise have returned to Waterloo after
spending two weeks with her mother
Mrs. P. O'Sullivan,
Pte, Leo Carlin spent the week end'
at his home at Beechwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Con I-Ioll.and, and babe
of Loiulol Spent the holiday with the
fornmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, 'J.
Miss Mary Holland has gone to
London to spend a week with Mr, and
Mrs, Con Holland.
itov. ,t r.,. Nigh has returned to Texas
atter spending a month's vacation at
the Koine of his sister Mrs. John
The many friends of Mr, .Tames
O'Sullivan are very pleased to see
hit home and being so favorably well.
Mrs. Peter O'Sullivan spent Sun-
day with Mrs. James Doyle.
The community welcomes home .Toe
McIver, John Morris and Bob Dever-
eaux, who have been overseas with
the RCAF.
Miss Katie Ann Lynch spent Sun-
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Janes O'Reilly, I-Iibbert,
The Misses Irene and Evelyn Giv-
lin have gone to Windsor, where they
have sectired work for the summer.
Miss Joan Holland, London, is
spending a week's vacation at her
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart and baby
spent Sunday at Grand Bend.
Miss Betty Murphy, teacher at
Guelph, with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John F. Murphy.
Pte. Joseph Hart; London, at the
home of itis fatter Owen Hart.
Misses Toots arid Marion Roach,.
London, with their father Soseph
Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 25c
Supreme effort of
a master Varnish
Maker. Gal. 7.00;
Qt. 'L35; % pint,
Heel - moot Hard
Surtace wearing
11111511 for Po
Cellar Floors.
Gal- 5,30; Lett..
1.65 1� et. ,.90
Pure quality paint
wears longer, re-
tains color. 20
colors. Reg. col.,
gal. 4.75; et. 1.40;
3,4 pint .45,
Pale quick drying
Hard Varnish for'
Furniture, etc.
Gal. 4,76; Qt„_
1.30; Vs pint .46
Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect
(Essential War Industry)
TOWN TOPICS mrs Etta hlcarp and her sister Miss
R' l niers 5 c
t of uu o spent .h week
nu t t e e
end 1 auc holiday It ithehomeof 1'.
....,, ._ E. y lith o c M
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie and Miss Lois Wright, Muse -in -training
Miss Jessie Gillespie attended the at Guelph General hospital, Is holiday-
Gillespie-Walpolo wedding in Toroito ing at the home Ol' her parents, Mr.
on Saturday. and Mrs. Wm Wright,
Mr.. Ross Hill, Georgetown, was a Mr. end Mrs. Allem McLeod and
guest over the weep end at the home; daughters .Patsy and Normo; Detroit,
of his sister, NIrs. Claire Reith, and were holiday guests at the home of
Mr. Reith. I Mr. and Mrs E. J. Box. Mrs. McLeod
Mr. Cecil Present, Toronto,' was a and daughters remained here.
holiday visitor at the home '•'of his
brother'and sister-in-law,• Mi'. anti
Mrs. Phil Present. •
Miss Mary Murray and Miss Betty
McLeod of Stratford spent the holt-
clay week end in Toronto.
Mrs, Jcmes Knuckle and daughter
Miss Phyllis Kuucicle, Woodstock,
spent the week end at the home of
the foi'nter's brother, Mr. Jack Nash,
Mr. Nash returned to Woodstock
with them.
Misses Margaret and Evelyn Mur-
ray of Toronto and Miss Mary Mur-
ray, of Stratford are spending their
vacation with their ntotiner, Mrs. Jas.
W/02 Lorne Ibbotson, RCAF„ son
of Mrs. Rose. Ibbotson, has returned
from, fourteen months' active service
Miss Isobel Lowery Brussels spent
the week enol with her parents, Mr;
and Mrs. George Lowery.
2nd. Lieut.. Peter R. Moore and his
wife, of Bruce Mines, visited over the
weep end with his mother, Mrs. s. W. J.
Nott Lieut. Moore, who recently gra-
duated frons Brockville, is posted to
PetIinawa Prisoner of War camp.
NIi'. Cherlc!s Cunningham spent the
week end at the Rome of his brother
and family, and mother Mrs, White,
Mi', and Mrs, Roy Snider, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jenkins and ram -
Mrs. Vincent Murask'i and family, and ily, of Dayton, Ohio, are visiting Mrs.
Mrs,Delbert Knightly, Kitchener, W j. Nott.
were here over the week enol at- Mr. and Mrs, Waller Barry, Mrs,
tending the Hildebrand-Smale wed- Rowan Sproat, Mrs. Preston Tabor
cling. : €nisi Mr, Richard McGuire of Detroit
Mrs. (Dr:) Dillaue and family, Ham- were Week end guests o1 Mr. and
ilton, are visiting at the home of her Mrs. Russell. Sproat..
parents 'Mr, and. Mrs. Thomas John- Mr, W. J. Nott has returned from
stone. l spending two weeks at Sault Ste,
Mi''. and Mrs, Donald Kerslake and Marie, where he was called by the
children Dianne and Bruce were- illness of his sister Mrs, John Arm -
guests over the week end of Mrs. strong.
W. E. Kerslake. Gni', Jack Moore, who has returned
Rev. incl Mrs, R. H. Williams are from Newfoundland, is spending two
in Kintaii where Rev, Williams is act- weeks' leave at his hone here.
ing as second supervisor at the sum -
Mrs. Albert Hillier, of Toronto, and
mer camp. ND'. and M's. Bill Duggan of Detroit.
Mrs, W. Bruce and son Ralph, ICin• spent the week enol with Mr. and Mrs.
carcline, were week end visitors at Leouarcl. Bolton.
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gallop uad Mr.
Mrs, Harry Stewart. acid Mrs. Hugh Thompson and Ken-
NIrs, J• A, Ballantyne, London, Mrs, neth spent the holiday week end at
•Glenn Garnise and daughter Patricia, tb f ft t P int Clark
Haiuilton, are guests this week at the Mr. Wm. }fell, Toronto, was a week
ul caner s co age a . our .
1VANNAMAHER - lu King'stml Gen-
eral Ilospital on hely 1 st, to 'Mr.
and Mrs Leland Clbaimams ker (nee
Jessie Wallace) of Napinee a son:
CLANDVI1..LE — At. Scott Memorial
Ilospital, on July 41.1i, to Mr. and
Hit's. John Glaitdville, Walton, a
Lieut. Nursing ,Sister Hazel Jam-
ieson, has returned to Camp Borden,
after spending a short leave with
het parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robt,
Miss A. Dollimor of . Toronto, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Buchanan.,
Miss Joyce Cartel.,
Of-0lin Clinton,
spent the weekend with her friend,
Miss Lois Jamieson.
L.O.L. 24 will attend divine ser-
ervice at Trinity Anglican Church on
Sunday morning, July 8th at 11 o'-
clock. The Rev. Mr. Holmes will
preach the sermon.
L.O.L. No, 24 are making every
arrangement for a monster celebra-
tion in Bayfield on July 12th. No. 24
will celebrate its 100th anniversary
in 1945. Good speakers. Prizes will
he given for lodge from longest dis-
tance, best •dressed ladies' lodge,
best dressed gents' lodge, largest
lodge in procession, oldest Orange-
man in parade, best drummer, best
lifer, best fife and drum band, best
banner. Procession led by Lueknow
Pipe Band. A league softball game
by the Stratford Ifroehler's and the
London Tailors Clubs will be held
on the agricultural grounds at 6,30.
This game will be interesting. Open
air dancing in the evening. Good or-
home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Garniss end visitor at the home of his mother VARNA
and Mrs. Helen. Scott. Mrs. R. P. Bell.
Serg. Stewart Finnigan, RCAF., Pa- Mr. and Mrs Ht; ^h
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. are
p guests at the home of Mr. and Nits,
Finnigan. Russell Sproat,.
Misses Mary and Teresa McIver, Miss Florence Laidlaw left on
Toronto, spent the holiday weep end Tuesday for Toronto.
at the hone of their parents, Mr, Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Whyte ' and
and Mrs. Peter McIver'. Mr.and. Mrs. Archie Morgan have
Mr: and Mrs. George Reeves, Mr..
r. returned from spending a week at
and Mrs. Charles Reeves and Marg -
Port Carling.
aret were In Toronto last week at- Mrs. Burkesand daughter, of qt
tending the Marks -Sims wedding. taws, were here this week and will
Captain Mulvey Sims was formerly shortly take an apartment at Mr.
at the Salvation Army Bar -
trivia Bay, is spending his furlough b Sproat and
1 g'throe. granftclaughtc.ls, of Detroit,
racks here. Mulien's.
y Mrs. Sam Deem, and Mr. Arthur
onbthe Captain C. a S Mrs.
Deem and Miss Emily Dgem, Toron-
Eatvisited olMd ytcl Mrs. Georgo to, called on friends on Sunday.
Eaton an Inoliday.
Mr. And Mrs. Andrew Thompson, NIr. J. C. Scott and daughter Mar -
Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. J. Grope, ion, Toronto, were visitors with the
Milverton, were week end guests at Misses Brine.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eel Smith. 'Pir, and Mrs. Harry W. Hart spent
Mrs. Camilla Ryan, Cochrane, is the week end with friends in Galt.
spending the summer months with
her sister Mrs Thomas O'Laughlin.
Mrs. Win. Tideswell, Cant:lachie,•1
Mr. Harr Acldicott, who is engaged
Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs
A. McConnell: Mr. and Mrs. Argo
and son, Jimmie Lee, Mr. and Mrs.
Haydock and little son of Toronto.
Rey. and Mrs. Rogers and little
son of Dungannon at the parsonage
with the latter's sister, Rev. Reba
Mrs. Wasnidge of. Parkhill with
her daughter, Mrs. Pollock at the
home of Mr. Buchanan.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elliott of Kit-
chener and little daughter at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Deem, Stratford, Mrs. Sears and friends of London
visited last week with, her sister Mrs.
Bert Bradburn and Mr, Bradburn. I The pupils o£ Harlock school, S.S.
Me. and Mrs. Bert Bradburn and No. (3, Hallett, held a pleasant sur -
Beulah are spending a week at Ipper prise party on Wednesday, June 27;
wash Beach- m honour of their teacher, Mrs. Art,
Mr.. and Mrs. Norman Smith and Colson, who has tendered her •resig•
daughter Patricia are visiting at the nation. The address was read by
home of her parents Mr. and NIrs' Margaret Trewin, while Grace Roe
Joint Regier. ' and Doreen Hogg, presented their
Mr. Norman Sterling, Smith's Falls, teacher' with a silver casserole and
is visiting with friends in town this relish dish. Mrs. Colson thanked the
week. children for their gifts and for all
Corporal A, Erickson, RCAF, New -
their kindness to her durin her
fonndland, is .spending iris' furlough, nine year term at rho school The
with Mrs. Erickson and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Savauge, Miss girls of. the school seined .a dainty
Winnitred Savauge, and Mrs. Irwin, lunch of sandwiches, cookies and
Kingsville, are spending;
a week's tarts.
t Miller Lake.! Mr, and Mrs, Willie Knox Jr'.'s
n i
NIr and Mrs Clenilon Christie, Iiib Children spent Friday afternoon of
h mei, sI
home orMrs Clu'istie's patents, Mr. Mrs. Audrey Knox. BRUCE FIELD
tent tl eek end at the last week at the hone of Mr, and
with her father, Mr. Coultice.
Mrs. Schell of Detroit with her
mother, Mrs. Austin,
Miss Florence Smith of Seaforth
at her home,
Cpl. Floyd McAsh of RCAF. of
Debert, N.S., is at present at the
home of his parents.
Mrs. Horner and friends of Zur-
ich, called Sunday onthe former's
daughter, Mrs. and Mr. Ings. Also
Mr. and Mrs. Epps of Clinton called
on Mr. and Mrs, Ings.
Mrs. Eliza Smith spent a few days
last week in London with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Dodsworth.
1'In ses Vivian Chutes, Jean Heys,
Margaret McClymont and Barbara
McConnell are attending summer
school in Kintail.
The W.A. of St, John's Anglican
('butch stet in the hall Thursday
when two quilts were completed af-
ter which the ladies repaired to the
home of Mrs. 11. G. Beatty and Miss
Moss;op where the meeting was dos-
ed by the. reacting of the (6th Psalm
followed by the members prayer in
unison when supper was served by
the hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Vince and Mr. and Church held the Ladies' Aid, W.M.S.
Mrs. Arthur Edmonds and daughters and Red Cross meeting at Burns'
Mary and Carol, Sarnia, visited over Church, Wed, afternoon of last week
the week end at the home of Mr. and and spent most of the afternoon
1 hmigan. working in the cemetery.
Mr: anti NLis, J. Willoeks and 'tans- Mrs. Ernest Knox and baby (Mel -
ily, Ripley, spent the week, eud with -vin Frederick) returned home Fri -
Mrs. Willoeks' mother Mrs, A. D. day afternoon of last week from
Armstrong. ! Seaforth Hospital. We wish to con -
Miss Margaret Smith, Toronto, gratulate the happy family on the
spent the holiday with her parents, new arrival.
Smith.Knox and
'Smit Mrs. Audrey I o
Mre. W NIr, and
and MsY
FlyingOfficer T. S. and 1S.Black
spent Sunday
afternoon at
at the Immo of Mrs.Thomas
'i to n and
have been visiting g the home of M a
Mrs.' W. Black, Tuckersnxith. F/O Knox in Londesboro.
Black has just returned from England Mr_ and 'Mrs. Thomas Moon and
where he completed his tour of 33 the foriner's mother, Mrs.. James
operations on April 14th.Moon of Stevensville motored 'on
Mrs. George Chesney and Mi', and Sunday to visit at the home of the
Mrs. Milton Chesney, Toronto,' were latter's sister, Mrs. Simon McVittie
week Gild visitors at the home of the and outer friends,
tatter's sister, Mrs. Jessie Flett• Mr. and Mrs, James Scott and
Miss Josephine Edge is visiting children and Miss Vine Cole of sox
with, relatives in Toronto, Port Nel ottto motored up on Saturday even -
son and Balm Beach, Midland, ' ing, Miss Cole spending the week
Master James Higgins is holidaying end and Monday with her father,
with relatives in Toronto. I Mr. Thomas Cole at the.home of Mr.
Mi•, and • Mrs, E. C. Boswell, Mr, anti Mrs. Leo Watt, the Scott family
Walter Boswell and Miss Mary Bos• visiting all the McVittie family and
well were week end visitor's in To-, on Monday afternoon Mrs. Simon
nd .Mrs Locue R'•ebster. 1 A number of, the ladies of Burns
Tonto, McVittie, Mr. and Mrs, Kellancl Me-
NIiss Margaret Wilson. Reg.N., and Vittie and family, Mr, and Mrs, Leo
Miss Jefferson, Reg.N., Woodstock, Watt and family, Mr. and Mrs,
are vacationing in Muskoka. , Thomas Moon and Mrs, Janes Moon
Mr. Arnold Westcot.t, Toronto, gathered at the hone of Mr. and
spent the holiday week end with Mrs, Mrs. Nelson Lear to enjoy a fancily
lwestcott .and family,•reunion, after which the Toronto
Mr. and Mrs George Scofield and and Stevensville people returned to
Nancy, Detroit, spent the week end ' at their hones.
the home of the batter's parents, Mr. Nb.. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson spent
and Mrs. Arnold Case. Sunday at the hone' of Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Patsy Cotter, Detroit, is holt- Alvin Betties near Porter's Hill.
Claying wit'. h€r grandparents. Mr.!saying at the Kenneth
i bings his gris holl-
and and MMrs. N. Dunn, •
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Isaac Ranson.
Mr. Eddie 13ox is spending the
week in Toronto, l. Archie and Donald Watt returned
Mr, and Mrs. Warren. Amens and home from the cadet damp on Satul
1'anlily, Detroit, and Mr, and MTS. Carl clay after their two weeks at the
Ament acral. family, Toronto, spent the camp Which they enjoyed very much.
James Watt was busy a few days
holiday tveelt end at tine home of last week working in the new cheese
their parent s a factory in Blyth.,
lilt. and Mrs. W unsley and family
of Windsor spent the week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
London holiday visitors were Miss
Margaret Aikenheacl with her par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Aikenhead.
Miss Doris Dutot and friend with
her mother and sister, Mrs. C. Dutot
and Miss B, Dutot.
Misses Ina and Ella Mae Scott
with their brothers,
and and
orrc Austin Zapfe and son with their
l s
t e attve hete.
Mn and Mrs. A. Dialing and fam-
ily attended the funeral of Mt. Dill-
ine's sista' in Exeter on Tuesday.
Send 08 the nahies of your visitors
�.Lakejv�i�ew Casino
To Canada's Only All
Saxaphone Olt 11( St l d
Lovely Yvonne Lee
Rudy Toth on Piano & Vibraphone
Jack Dann, Electric Guitar:
Donn Fraser, Vocalist, and the
'; ibrc,pi;oue Quartette
Sunday Evening, July 8th
An Entirely New Presentation
Note:—Dashwood Brass Band Con-
cert -cancelled
Legion Dance!
In Seaford' Armories
9 P.M.
Admission 35e
Sponsored by Seaforth Branch 1556
Canadian Legion B,E,S.L.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Geiger, Shirley,
Lyal and Gerald, of Fordwich, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Kaufmann of Fordwich
with Mr. and irs. Mervin Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Miller have
proved their household effects into
George Siemou.'s house.
Mrs. Eli Rapien lsas returned
home after spending several weeks
with her daughter and son-in-law,
Mi•- and Mrs. Norman Hoifineyer of
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Litzner of
Cheboygan, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. L,
Messerschmidt and Arlene Faye of
Detroit, Harvey Koehler of Brant-
ford, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Iileber, Sr.
Mir. and Mrs. Walter Gilhaar and
Ruth Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Barrett, Mrs. Gilhaar Sr., Kitchener,
Rev. and Mrs. Richard Gilhaar and
Pauline of Listowel with Rev. and
Mrs. Schultz Sunday and Monday.
1VIr. and Mrs. Sans Smyth and
George spent Sunday and Monday in
Hamilton. and Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rode of De-
troit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Prueter.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Markle of Wood-
stock with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Die -
Mrs. Ebner Tuffin and Geraldine
of Dublin with Mrs. Sophie Benne•
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mogk and
family of London, Mr. and Mrs. Al-
vin Rose and family of Sarnia, with
Mr. and Mrs. Chris: Leoihardt and
attended the Mogk reunion. •
The members of the Luther Lea-
gue enjoyed a picnic at Springbank
part: on Tuesday afternoon.
Teacher Honored Prior
To Departure •
t'upils of S.S, No, 0, Hullett ga11t.
erect in the schoolroom to bid farewell
to their teacher, Mrs. Arthur. Colson,..
who has resigned. It was with sincere
regret that pupils and parents had
learned. of her intention of resigning.
Ml's. Colson was asked to the front
and Miss Margaret Tretvin read the
following address: bear Mrs. Colson.
We, Your, pupils. wish to expressto
von our regret at beuring that you are
Mem. in leave us. During your nine
t t's' tel ni with ns, we will remem-
ber your patience. cheerfulness and
tact in oer studies, and in preparing
Christmas (ntertainmenis which were
squally enjoyed by young and old.
Before you leave• we wish to give
you something which will keep the
memories of your T-Tarlock pupils
fresh within' your mind. We, there-
fore, ask you to accept this little gift
as a token of our love, aro We pray
that God's blessing g may be with
your future under-
ancl yours in all , v o
takings Signed on behalf of your
Pupils of S.S. No 0; Hallett Miss
Dorreen Hogg and Miss Grace Roe
then presented iter with a lovely cas-
serole, and pickle clislt, after wlticlt a
dainty lunch was served by Miss.
Doi•otlty Lyddiatt and Beth McEwing.
Mr. ud Mrs William
Ament. I.
Patrons in this neighborhood sent
Mus. G. S. Vance and Mrs; H. Min- their first mills tins 'this weeks to the
est, Toronto, spent the week end at new cheese factory in Blyth. We
the home of the form 's parents, I wish there every sttecess-
Mr,` and Mrs. 1S. L. Box.
We are pleased to welcome Mrs.
Miss Blanche eluont.owler, Wind -
James Watt of Blyth to our neigh -
sot., IS visiting at the home of Mr. aril borltond again.
Mrs. Arnold Westcort:
i Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Christie and,
Mr. and Mrs: Lorne Dale spent a fewi Want gird For Sake Ads, 3 weeks SUc
days this week iu Huntsville.
T1111 CHRISTI tiesr;ii r 3tntii'Mk _
Yon will find yourself one of the best informer:.
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A,¢ month trial subscription.
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Mr) a send free sample copies of Titalon1 515590 send a one-month 1155 ..1 os es- (
clvistion esicnc0 efenitor lnclydme a Lion to Tho chrlstlnn o•iendc Monitor..
COPY of your Weekly May:mine Section. for which r. encl55e Sl I.
,. fitAMF.
ADDRESSme saga wan camp,�„�
m we. w.. rmx m e. ow oro nano .o .. „me gone ,oro
Live or Rail Grade, We call tot: it and pay immediately
Just Phone Dublin 68