HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-07-05, Page 1H U RON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER
81 a year
The community was, . shocked and
saddened to learn that Mrs. Donald
MacLaren , former Miss Mildred
Johnstone, and daughter of Mr. 'and
Mrs. Thomas Johnstone, North Main
street, had lost her life in the are
which destroyed an hotel at Red
Lake, Ontario, earlySunday morning.
Her husband is Donald Macaaren,
RCNVR„ radio technician, and was
on board ship off the east coast when
the tragic hews reached Min.
Mrs. MacLaren was born 35 years
ago and received her- education in
Seaforth public school and collegiate,
and in 1928 graduated from the Lon-
don Normal School; Prior to going to
Red 'Lake to teach tour years ago,
Mrs. MacLaren had taught at Wau-
bashene, Severn Bridge and Utterson.
Her contract for next terra had been
renewed at Red Lake, although Mrs.
MacLaren had planned to eventually
make her home In Winnipeg with her
husband who expects to obtain his
early discharge front the navy. They
were married in August, 1942,. l8rs.
Macre: en had boarded in the hotel
which was destroyed by the .blaze.
Surviving, besides her parents are
two sisters, Thelma; My (Dr.) 1. 0.
Dillaue of Hamilton, and Miss Mary
Johnstone, of the Dominion Bank staff
A charge of murder was laid against
38 -year-old Patrick ,hely, of -Pena
broke, et Red Lain on Tuesday, fol-
lowing the death ot an inmate ot the
hotel in Sunday morning Red Lake
Toll of known dead in the disast-
rous lire which clestroyecl the Red
Lake Hotel in fleet northwestern Ont-
ario mining centre early on July 1,
rose to eight on :Tuesday when a
shovel crew started the final search
of the building's char•i•ed ruins.
* blue COal:k�
Sunday July 8th 1945
St. Thomas', Seaforth.
11 a.m., Morning Prayer,
Preacher, Rev. J. H. Pogson, L.
Th„ of Shelburne. ,
No evening service.
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. R. H. Williams, Minister.
10 a.m., The Sunday School.
11 aan., Public Worship: Never-
7 p.m.,` Public Worship: 'The
Mystery of Suffering'.
During the month of July the
congregation will worship in the
United Church.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner,B. 'B.D.
11 a.m., "Moderation Is No Cure
For Vice."
'7 7.01., "Why Are People Relig-
On Wednesday evening June 24,
the Seaforth Women's Institute met
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Kerr, McKillop. There was ar good
attendance of members and visitors.
The meeting opened with the Ode
and Lord's prayer.. The minutes of
the last meeting were read and
adapted. It was decided to send $25.
to the Sick Children's; Hospital
Fund, An appeal was made for the
members and everyone to save all
old clothes and have them clean and
amended for the Canadian clothing
drive which is to be 'held in October.
The date for the annual W.I. pic-
nic was set •for Thursday evening,
July 5 with supper at '7 o'clock at
Lions Park.
The general meeting of the Wo-
man's Association of North Side
United Church, was held in thea
basement, Monday evening, June 25,
The hymn "0 Master let me walk
with Thee" was followed by the
scripture lesson, Psalm 92, read by
Following' are the promotioins in
the ,Seaforth.. Public School ar-
ranged in ' alphabetical order, not
necessarily in order of merit.
Promoted from Grade . VII to
Grade VIII—Michael Bechely, David
Bradshaw, Ronald Broome, Margar-
et Carter, Donald Dale, Barbara
Dale, Joyce Glanville; Kenneth
Holmes, Ronald Knight, Glen Nixon,
Walter Regele: Glen Steffen, Fred
Taylor, Conditional Promotion: Dor-
othy Dalrymple.
Promoted . foyn1 Grade VI to
Grade VII— Marie Armstrong, Gar-
field Baker, Patsy Ann Brugger,
Bernice Dolrnage, • Lorne Goudie,
Marilyn Hillis, Elaine Holmes,' Mary
Flunking, Pat Meir,: Ronald Rennie,
George Shaw, Billie '£'rapnell, Jim-
mie Wallace, Blanche Westcot1,
Elaine Weedmark, Barbara Wright.
M. E. Turnbull, Teacher.
Gracie V to Grade VI—Beulah
Bradburn, Dorothy Chesney, Doreen
Carter, Pearl Drager, Rita Drager,
Elva Dupee, Marjory Eisler, Maxine
Hoff, Lolo I3uisser, Jean Pivett,
Elizabeth Shannon, Doris Stevens,
Jean Regele, Ronald Dolnutge, Les-
lie Habkirk, Donald Langford, Doug-
las Stewart, Ronald Sutherland,
Kenneth Willis, Tommie Webster.
Conditional Proniotion:Lloyd Eisler,
Gilbert Hubert, Billy McClinchey,
William Baker, Billy Fraiser, Ken-
neth Huisser. From Grade IV to
Grade V— Marton Chamberlain,
Gwen Christie, Marjory Holmes, Pa-
tricia Hawkins, Jean Snell, Elaine'
Spence—M, Hartry, Teacher.
Room IV—Promoted to Grade V:
William Bennett, William Broome,,
Stewart Butt, Ronald Dale, Merger.
et Grummett, Barbara Hillis, James
Hopper, William Hunt, Joan Hunter,
Karen Kidd, George Langford, May
belle McClinchey, Jack. Muir, Don-
ald Scott, Marjory Walden. Pro-
• meted to Grade IV—Marilyn Butt,
, Mazy" Copland, Elaine Dale, Joan
Hawkins, Elsie Huisser, Marie Hunt,
Dorothy McClinchey, Marion Milli
Ken, •Ronald Muir, Teddy Savauge,
Robert Stevens, Jack Strong. M. M.
Bell, Teacher.
Promoted from Grade II to Grade
III—Margaret Broome, Ivan Carter,
Jack Grower, Lila Dalrymple, Mar-
ion Diek, Ronald Drager, Larry
Eaton, Audrey Fraiser Cecilia
Fraiser, Barbara Fraiser, Margaret
Hemberger, Billy Hoff, Durl Hop-
per, Bobby Hubert, Marolyn Kling,
Murray Langford, Sheila McFadden,
Gordon Pullman, Mary Schultz, Don-
ald Taylor, David Webster, Michael
Whittaker. E. H. Elder, Teacher.
Promoted from Grade I to Grade
II—Barbara Boshart, Shirley Ben -
newels, Jackie Carter, Lois Charters,
Jean Copland; Errata Drager Charlie
Dungey, Kenneth Dupee, 13111 Eisler,
Carole Glen:, Hugh Corwill, Betty
Goudie, Jimmie Higgins, Frances
Langford, Patsy Langford,. Wayne
Robinson, Gary Schultz, William
Scott, Betty Simpson, ' Jimmie
Strong, Ruth Teall, Connie Wright.
W. Savauge, Teacher.
Mrs. Finlayson. Prayer and a lead-
was given by Mrs. Workman. Mrn-
utes and reports of the secretaries,
-- and reports of the work of the, four
groups were presented. Mrs. L. Dale
was appointed convenor of the par-
sonage committee with Mrs. J.
Currie added to it. The hyann O
God of Love, 0 King,. of Peace" was.
followed by the, Mizpahbenediction.
ing to the empty pty pews"
Grade 7 to Grade 8—Cleary, Wil-
liam, Eckert, Con; Kehn, Edward,
King, Kenneth; McKindsey, James;
McKindsey, Gordon; Sills, Mary Loin
Grade 6 to Grade '7— King, Ther-
esa, King, Muriel, Maloney, Loretto
(Hon.), Ruston, Clarence.
Grade 5 to Grade 6—Eckert, Dor-
orothy, Fitzpatrick, Helen, Lauden-
bach, Michael (Hon.), Nigh, William,
Sills, George. P
Grade 4 to Grade 5—Fitzpatrick,
James, :Laudenbach, Ma;•ion, Mat-
thews, Peggy Lou, McKindsey; Don-
ald, McMillan, Sandy (Hon.); Nigh,
Francis, Rowland, Gordon (Hon.),
Ruston, Mary Lou.
Grade 3 to Glade 4—Eckert,
Frances, Eckert, Judy, Ring, Robert,
McMillan, Mary (Hon.), Rowland,
Grade 2 to Grade 3—DeLaPran-
lee, Paul (Hon.), Reynolds, Jaynes
(Hoar.); Sutherland, Luke, Williams,
Joseph (Hon.)
Grade 1 to Grade
ier, Joan (Hon.), Eckert,_ Billie;
Etue, John (Hon.); Matthews,: Jack
ie: Reynolds, Nora; Sills. Ruth
(Hon.) ; Williams, Ronald (Hon:)
A large crowd of friends and
neighbors gathered in Winthrop hall ;
last Thursday evening to honor the I
newlyweds, Mr: and Mrs. Harold
Agar of Roxboro. After a few
hours of dancing a bountiful lunch
was served and Mr. and Mrs. Agar
were called to the platform. An ad-
dress was read by Mr. • Sam Scott,
and a purse of money presented to.
the bride and groom by Mr. Peter.I
McCowan. Harold made a ,suitable �
reply. After showering them with
confetti. all, joined in singing• "For
They Are Jolly Good Fellows." Mr.
Jas. T. Scott favored the audience
with a solo. Dancing commenced for
The beautiful grounds of St. Jos-
eph's Convent were the scene •ot a
festive occasion on Saturday when
the music pupils served some sixty
friends and parents to afternoon tea.
A donation of $10 was made to the
Red Cross. The tea table set against
a background of pink 'and white.
peonies' was attractive with lace
cloth, silver tea service and a large
bowl of',pink roses es a centre. During
±lie course, of the afternoon a, pro-
gram was given outdoors °consisting
of choruses, piano solos and duets,
The Rhythm Ba.ncl of sixteen mein -
bees was a; special feature.
Rev. T. P. Hussey presented twenty-
two pupils with certificates and prizes
won in their. various grades and eon-
gratulated them on ,their success. A
long table was spread under the
shade of the pine trees 'for the
pupils . and they heartily enjoyed, .00
abundance of sandwiches, cake and
soft drinks. A few novelty races and
games closed the program.
At; a meeting of the Seaforth Ag-,
i•icultural Society held in ,the Car-
negie Library, on June 22nd.,: the
following members were appointed
to take charge of the various classes
at the Fall Fair', -"the first named in
each group to act as Chairman.
Horses: Win Dale, Elmer Dennis,
W. S. Broadfoot; Arthur Wright,
S. H; 'Whitmore, Albeit Harrison
and F. Coyne.
Beef Cattle: R. N. Dor'rance„ Jno.
McIntosh. J. L. Bell, Howard Arm-
strong. Roy Pepper, Oliver' Ander-
Dairy Cattle: Leonard Leeming,
Irwin Trewartha, Jas. McIntosh, E.
B. Goudie.
Sheep: Allister Broadfoot, F1'.
Snell, Guy Dori'ance.
Hogs: J. Powell and R. McMillan.
Poultry: Jas. 11. Scott. E. Nott;
R. S. McKercher, Win. Bell. Hiram
Blanchard, W. Glazier, Ferg, Staple-
Hall Exhibits:. J. M. Govenlock,
Jean Scott Mrs. P. Storey, H. Snell,
M.rs. Hay, Dr. Harburn, W. S.
Broadfoot, Geo. D. Ferguson, Mrs.
Porteous, Mrs. Hildebrecht.
Sports and Attractions: Russell
Bolton, J. M. Govenlock, Dr. Har
burn, W. S. Broadfoot, Art. Nich-
olson, Elgin Nott, W. J. Dale, Rob±.
lacMilian, Harold Jackson, Feanlc
Grounds and Property: J, M.
Govenlock, H, Jackson, E. B. Goudie,
R. Campbell.
School Children's Exhibits: E. B.
Goethe, Mrs. Paul Doig,Mrs. F.
Storey. Robt. McKercher.
Publicity Jas. M. Scott, W, L.
Special Attractions: "R. Bolton, I.
O'Leary, W. L. Whyte, H. Jackson,
A Nicholson, E, Nott, E. P. Ches-
ney, A. Eroadfoot.
Farm Machinery: Gordon McGav-
in, Robt. Campbell.
A lovely wedding took place he-
Staffa United Church on Saturday, '
June 30th, at 2.30 •p.In. when Bessie
Jean, elder daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Smale of Staffa, was
united in marriage to Mr. Albert
Hildebrand, Seaforth, son of Mr'.l
and ,Mrs. Louis Hildebrand. The al-
tar, was effectively banked with, pink
and white peonies. Rev. W. Risdon
officiated. Miss Mary Johnston, Sea -
forth, played the wedding music and
Miss Louise Case sang "Always"
during the signing of the register.
Given in marriage by her father, the
bride was charming in a gown of
twilight satin in reclingote •effect
with a yoke of Chantilly lace. The
full skirt terminated in a short train.
Her full length veil of imported net
was handembroidered and set with
sequins. The head-dress was of white
ostrich plumes. The bride carried a
cascade bouquet of American Beauty
roses and wore a double strand o'f
pearls. Mrs. William Campbell o
Seaforth was matron of honour and
wore pastel pink sheer with a short
embroidered jacket. Her head-dress
of matching colour was a shoulder
length veil gathered with ostrich tips.
She carried a shower bouquet of
white roses. Miss Doris Smale, of
Stratford, sister of the bride, as
bridesmaid, was similarly 'attired in
a contrasting shade of turquoise blue
and carried yellow roses. Miss Mary
Lou Muroski, Kitchener, niece of the
groom, as flower girl was gowned in
a floor length dress of white net
caught with pink and blue bows and
Wore a short veil. She carried a nose-
gay of pink carnations.
Mr. Roy Sneider. Kitchener, was;
the bridegroom's attendant. The ush-
ers were Trooper R. Smale, Camp
Borden, and Mr. V. Muroski, Kitch-
ener. Following the ceremony, a re-
cention was held at the home of the
bride's parents where Mrs. Smale,
gowned in dusty rose crepe with a
corsage of white roses, and Mrs. Hil-
debrand, the bridegr'oom's mother:,
in poudre blue crepe with a large
white hat and a corsage of red roses,
received, Four friends of the bride
served the guests on the lawn.
The bridal couple left on a motor
trip through Northern Ontario, the
bride travelling in British blue crepe
trimmed with black lace and wearing
a black mohair lace hat with a
matching bag and shoes: Her corsage
was of red roses. On their return
they will reside in Seaforth.
Mrs. Albert Smale, Staffa, enter-
tained a number of friends on Wed'
nesday, June 27, at a tea in honour
of her daughter, Jean, whose mare-
lace took place Saturday. Mrs. Smale
end Jean received the guests at the
door. The bride's trousseau was dis-
played by Mrs. William Campbell,
Seaforth. Mrs. Lloyd Pauli, !Mitchell,
was in charge of the linen room and
Miss Ethel Storey, Seaforth, showed
the gifts. Mrs. Wm. Stephenson, of
Varna, and Mrs. Walter O'Brien, of
Staffa, poured tea. while Misses
Louise Case, Nyle Doig, Betty Mc-
Kellar and Doris Snrale served the
guests assisted' by Mrs. Percy Par
sons and Mrs. Lloyd Colquhotm•
On Thursday, June 28th, the em-
ployees of the Hesky Flax Limited
met and presented Miss Jean Snalale.
with a sum of money in honour of
her marriage which took place on
Saturday last. She was previously
presented with a beautiful silver tea
service by the head office in Toronto.
Miss Senate has been secretary of the
branch office here since it was open-
ed four years ago,
Grade 9
The following pupils of Grade 9
have been promoted to Grade 10.
Subjects in brackets represent fail-
ures in those subjects. Madeline Wil-
son ranked first and Felines Hiusser
,Campbell, Mabel {Spell.); Clarke,
Mae (Comp., Sp.); DeLaFranier,
Ann; Doig, ,Rodel'ick (Fr.); Eaton,
Donald. (Fry, Geog.); Hagan, Mary;
Hickey, Mary (Hist., Geog.); Hius-
ser, Franeis, honours; Hoggarth
Lois; Jones, John; McIver, Joseph-
ine, honours; McSpadden, Earl; Nix-.
on, Sue (Geog., Math.): Pevitt, June
honours; Shannon, Eleanor (Hist.,
Geog.); Sills, Ronald; Weedmark,
Jack (Sp., Comp.) ; Wilson, Madel-
ine, honours.
Mary 'Lane will be promoted on
the completion of thirteen weeks
Farm Service.
The marks of those who have not
been promoted will be mailed.
Grade 10
The following pupils of Grade 10
have been promoted to Grade 11,
Jean Mills ranked first, Bill Munn
second. Subjects in brackets repres-
ent failures,
Beattie, Neil (Fr„ Eng.) ; Cleary,
Mary Margaret: Currie, Helen (Math
Hist.); Currie, Isabelle (Fr.); Hend-
erson, Stewart(Hist., Math.) ; Hillis,
Donald: Hubert, Archie; Lauclen-
bach, Joseph; Mills, Jean, honours;
Munn, Wm., honours: Pretty, Alan
(Eng. Lit.); Shannon, Audrey Eng.
Lit., Hist.): Watson, Donna (Hist.,
Geog.) ; Watt, James (Hist.); Willis,
Stewart Henderson must pass ex-
aminations in Agri. and Shop next.
Sept. The marks of those not prom-
oted will be mailed.
Intermediate Certificates
The following pupils have been
granted Intermediate Certificates as
having completed Grades 9 and 10.
Cleary, Mary Margaret; Currie,
Isabelle; Hillis, Donald; Hubert, Ar-
rchie; Laudenbach, Joseph; McMaster
Jean: Mills, Jean; Munn, Wm.; Pret-
ty,=Alan; Savauge, Ronald; Watt,
Archie; Whitney, Lois; Willis, Marg-
aret; Wilson, Gordon, Watt, James,
Grade Xi.
The following pupils of Grade XI
have been promoted to Grade XII. A
subject in brackets after a name
means a failure in that subject. This
report does not include the standing
in Physics, and A. and 3d. History.
Departmental Certificates in these
subjects will be mailed as soon as re-
ceived from the Department in Aug-
ust. Bud Snaith and Walter Boswell
ranked first and second respectively.
Boswell, Walter, honours, Knight,
Harold; McIver,- Alice: McMaster,
Jean; Maloney, Theresa (Eng.); Ry-
an, Mary; Savauge; Ronald (Fr.,
Eng.) promoted only conditionally;
Smith, Delbert, honours; Snaith, Don-
ald (Eng. Lit., Fr.) ; Walden, Victor;
Watt. Archie (must drop Lat., Fr.);
Weedmark, Fred; Whitney, Lois
(Alg.) ; Wilson, Gordon (must drop
Lat., Fr.). Edith Blanchard will be
promoted to Grade XII on comple-
tion of thirteen weeks Farm Service.
Grades XII and XIII results will
be .announced when the certificates
are received from the Department.
A very pretty wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. William
Jardine, Brussels, when their eldest
daughter, Dorothy Margaret, be-
came the bride of Mr. John Malcolm
McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dun -
Both for " 7 2
A bridal duette to
do honor to her
hand. Perfectly
smart women. .De-
g endable and
¢•%stoma stylish.
'18O' -` "Rosebud"
earrings in sterling
silver. Very smart. '
The Pair $60
For that special
one choos
thiseto lovely enc
Red Cross Notes
June report—Special quota: 120
housewives, 50 towels. Hospital sup-
plies: 55 pairs pyjamas, 42 comfort
bags, 35 English cast boots, 2 pairs
bed socks. Br. Civilian clothing: 2
boys' coats, 2 ladies' dresses, 5 prs.
girls' panties, 23 diapers, 1 pair
combinations, 1 lady's nightgown, 4
boys' jackets, 4 pairs shorts, 2 lay-
ettes (73 pieces), 1 slit dress, 1 pair
knee socks, 2 pairs panties. Knitt-
ing -120 pairs socks, 22 scarfs, 4
pair gloves, 2 round neck sweaters,
2 turtle neck sweaters, 1 v -neck
sweater', 1 pair sea boots, 1 toque, 8
pairs Beakers, 3 toe caps, 1 helmet,
1 pair girl's stockings. Quilts: 4
quilts returned, 11 donated, 7 made
in workroom, 8 tops donated, 5 by-
product tops made.
An interesting event took place in
St. David's Church, Toronto, on Sat-
urday, June 80th, when Mr. T. L.
Gillespie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Gillespie of Seaforth was united in
marriage to Miss Madeline Isabel
Walpole, only daughter of llr. and
Mrs. Walter Grant, of Saskatoon.
The officiating clergymen were Rev.
C. Mustard, pastor of the Church,
and Rev. R. G. MacKay, of Wood-
The bride who was given away by
Mr. Grant, was beautifully gowned
in ivory satin and lace, with veil and
tiara of orange blossoms. The br'ides-
nlaid, Miss Marjorie McDonald, chose
an orchid colored dress. The groom
was assisted by his nephew, Lt. G. N.
Gillespie, of Shilo, Man. The ushers
were Mr. R. Ferris of Toronto and
Mr. T. L. Scott of Cromarty. After
the ceremony a reception was held
in the church hall which was decor-.
ated for the occasion. NIr. and rlTrs.
I Gillespie left by motor for Muskoka,
the bride wearing a smart brown
I costume with blue accessories. Upon
their return they will take up their
residence in Toronto.
can F. McDonald, Brussels. Rev, I
Wilson. officiated. The wedding
music was played by Miss Margaret
Moffat of Wroxeter, cousin of the
bride, and _during the signing of the
register, Mr. Lloyd Wheeler,' Brus-
sels sang "0 Perfect Love." The
bride given in marriage by her
father, was lovely in a gown of
white satin, fashioned with sweet-
heart neckline edged with braided
Satin, long painted sleeves over the
hands. Her finger tip veil of bridal
net was caught in a coronet of white
orange blossoms. She wore a pearl
necklace, gift of the '—groom and
carried American beauty roses,.white
bouvardia and maid.en hair fern.
Misses Shirley Citified, Seaforth,
ands Joyce Jardine. sister of the
bride, as bridesmaids, were costumed
in white sheer over taffeta with
long skirts with fingertip matching
veils of pink net caught with pink
daises. They carried pink tea roses
and bouvardia. The best ,malt was
ISIr. William Rowland, of Brussels,
and the usher was Mi'. Calvin Mof-
fat, of Wroxeter. Mrs. Jardine wore.
a -two piece blue dress with white
accessories and wore a corsage of
pink carnations: Mes. McDonald,
mother of the bridegroom; dressed
in turquoise blue with white acces-
sories and a corsage of orchids.
Later the couple left for a trip to
Northern Ontario amid showers of
confetti, the bride travelling in a
rose suit, with lime green and brown
accessories, On their return they
will reside' in Brussels. Out-of-town
guests were present from Ethel,
Gerrie, Wroxeter, Winghani, Bel -
grave, and Seaforth, Prior to her
marriage the bride was -the guest of
honor at several social • functions,
among these were a presentation
given by Miss Shirley Oldfield, at
her hone iii Seaforth, also a pre-
sentation given by friends in Brus-
sels, Mrs. Jardine entertained' for
her daughter. at a trousseau tea.
Seaforth Highway -East Farm.
Forum held their picnic, Friday
evening, at the Lion's Park. In spite
of the threatening weather their was
a good attendance. The following
sports were taken part in. Races:
children under 3 — Patsy O'Leary;
under 7 — Alice Ann Nixon; boys
12 and under—Glenn Nixon; stout
ladies race—Mrs. Hunt; men's race
Ignatius O'Leary; ladies race—
Teresa Eckert;; bean relay—hIrs.
Stewart, Marie Hunt; thinking cup
relay—Seniors -Captain, Dale Nixon,
Juniors, Glen Nixon: ladies kicking
slipper— Sr. Mrs, Harrison, Junior,
Sue Nixon: chil'dr'en kicking slipper
—Glen Nixon, Lorne. Goudie; drop-
ping pins in bottle—men, Larry
Bauniay: boys, Darlans Hopper; la-
dies, Mrs. Graham Derr.
The Lion's Park, Seaforth, was the
meeting place for the Forest Home
Annual Farm Forum picnic, on
Thursday evening, June 28. About
45 sat down to a real picnic supper -
Charlie Eyre predicted it would
rain before 6.45 however, ft did not
turn out that way. After supper,
the more energetic of the clan en-
joyed a game of softball, then the
program committee, Mrs. Charles
Eyre, Mrs. John. Wood, Mr. Bob.
McLachlan, and Mr. Bob. Upshall,
gathered all together and held the
rest of the sports. The following are
the winners: 4 years and under—
Ronald Eyre, Donald Tremeer, Mar-
, garet Woods; 10 and under—Vir-
giuia McClinchey, Beverley Broad
I foot; 12 and under—Laird Finlay-
' son, Beverley Broadfoot; 12 and
over-- Roy Consitt, Reg, Finlayson;
young ladies—Jean Irvine, Grace
Broadfoot; young men—Bob Mc-
Lachlan, Bob Upshall; one -minute
walk—Bernys McClinchey; neck -tie
race—Bill Broadfoot, Muriel Mc-
Lachlan; wheelbarrow race—Jean
Irvine, Laird Finlayson; bat race—
Nellie Woods; men stepping of yards
—Percy Sales: measuring 45"—
Agnes Eyre; men kicking slipper—
Wilfred Tremeer• ladies kicking
slipper—Nellie Woods; 3 legged
race—Agnes Eyre, Bob Gemmell;
husband ealling—Mrs, Carl Mc-
Clinchey; dropping clothes pin in
bottle - Bill Broadfoot; guessing
beans in bottle—Bernys McClinchey:
a tug-of-war, captained by Bob Up -
shall and Bob McLachlan and won
by Bob Upshall's side, brought the
picnic to a close. Everyone enjoyed
themselves and hoped foe another
get-together next year. Mr. W: S.
Broadfoot is president of this Farm
Mrs. J. M. Gillies, Bruce and
Jackie are spending the holidays
with her parents at Collingwood.
Mr. and Mrs.. Bert McSpadden
and Jack of London, Mrs. Jack Me-
a Spadden of Hamilton, with relatives
over the weekend.
i Pte. R. IC. Davidson of Ipperwash
with his family over Sunday.
I Ken Betties and Mrs, Betties are
visiting with Mee and Mrs. Theron
Betties. Ken has just returned from
The Winthrop, Sunday School and
Congregational picninc will be held
at the Lion's Park, Seaforth, Friday
afternoon July 6.
Mr. Roger McClure of Russell,
Manitoba, is spending two weeks
vacation with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John McClure.
A combined Sunday School and
Public School picnic was held in
Lion's Park, Seaforth, on Friday
after'noolt. Winners of the gam CS
were: Public School, boys and girls,
John Jewitt, Joy Montgomery; Girls
and Boys 6-8, Muriel Dale, Helen
Mailman; girls and boys 8-10,
George Melllwain, Lile Montgomery;
girls acid boys 10-13, Freddie Bu-
chanan, Eric Anderson, George Mc-
Iliwain; young ladies race, Norma
Dexter, Francis Downey; young
men's race, Jim Jamieson, Donald
Stephenson; Married women's race,
Mrs. Storey, Mrs. McIllwain; mar-
eied men's race, Wm, Jewitt, Verne
Dale; kicking the slipper, Francis
Downey, Norma Dexter. Following
the games a ball game was played
after which everyone enjoyed the
picnic lunch, Proceeds, part of which
was donated to the Lion's Club,
amounted to 87.45.
Mr, E. Haase had an accident at
the mill on Monday. He ' 'suffered
several fractured ribs when a scaf-
fold fell with ]rim.
An addition is being built to Mr.
Haase's mill, a feed storage and
elevator. When completed it will
make handling of supplies much
Mr. and Mrs.' Russell Meddess
and Lillian of Milverton, with Mrs..
R. K. Davidson. •
A reception was held in Winthrop.
Hall on Friday evening, Stine 29, in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Barn -
aril, Who were married recently,
About 150 friends and neighbors at-
tended. The evening was spent in
, dancing: During the lunch hour we
.were favored with duets by the
Misses Lois and Doreen I3ogg. As a
token of the esteem and good wishes
of ell present the bride and groom
Were 'presented with a. walnut china'
cabinet, a. purse of , money and sev,
ere other gifts. The address was read
by Miss Edith Blanchard, voicing the
good wishes of everyone'for their
future happiness.