HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-06-28, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1945 1m11111111111,1u1 111 ,1111m111m1„ 11 111 , 111 , 1 mill,,,, ,m,,,,,,,,m1 „ ,1. 11, , 11 1111 „0. Superior~ .Store For Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 28, 29,-30 Ruby Standard Quality Peas 2 tins for 21c Oven Fresh Rice Krispies 2 pkgs. 23c Fancy Quality Chicken Haddie per tin 29c Londonderry Ice Cream Powder, 2•pkgs. .27 Maxwell House Coffee 1 lb. bag 43c Certo per bottle 2'5c ovalbine, teed. --58c ; 1g7. 937 2 -Way Insecticide Screen Paint per bottle 59c Mother Jackson's Jiffy Porridge per ,pkg, 17c Newport Fluffs with free tumbler 8 (smart bag 25c Kellogg's Ali -Wheat with. fruit Juice Glass free 2 pkgs, 25c Dr. Ballard's Mendes or Klbble Biscuits.,... ..... 2 — 1 19. bags 25c Shoe 157 n ( Cleaner "IL" of "2 in 7 White to Ce Classic Cleanser per tan 5c Plain Queen Olives, 6 oo, bottle -19c; 9 oz, bottle 29e Pimento Stuffed Olives, 6 oz. bottle -31c; 9 oz. bottle 39c Paper Picnic Plates ....... .......... ,.. .......3" per doz. 100 French's PreparedMustard 6 oz. jar 90 Aylmer Infant Foods 3 tins 257 Apple and Raspberry Jam 24 fluid oz. jar 297 Aylmer Bitter Sweet Orange Marmalade 24 fluid oz. jar 350 2 bars 15c Woodbury's Facial Soap PRESERVING SUPPLIES — Monilia Seals, Certo, Certo Crystals, Parowax, Heavy Zinc Rings, Rubber Rings, Jelly Jars, Crown Fruit Jars, Glass Tops Art Wright PHONE 77 .,.1.,.,111111"111111,11116111t11111111111,111,1111111111111.111111mm1,m1 ........ 1,m11,1ummmmmmm 1,11111„1„ 11111111111111 ANNIVERSARY 33 Years In Business In Seaforth Owing to changing conditions we are also changing our Store arrangements in keeping with the times. Our Plan Is This: On July 3rd our goods will be arranged conveniently and priced on SELF SERVICE CASH STORE basis, you can hells Yourself and select your own goods. OR we will have Personal Service --- that is a clerk to serve you. OR. phone your order. Your clerk will select your goods for you, and you can call and pick up later. OR if you live in town orders will be delivered once each day for a small charge of 10c per delivery. OR for the convenience of those who prefer we will extend credit until pay day, or 30 days, as agreed upon; these terms of course must be strictly adhered to. Thus you can send children and neighbors to our store where they will have the same courteous service. We hope you will like these arrangements. We will of course carry only the best quality, at lowest prices. This is your invitation to make our store "YOUR SHOPPING'' CENTRE." Very truly yours, Ross J. Sproat, Phone 8 "SUPERIOR STORES" HARLOCK Mr, Reece Ferris and Bell's and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bewley of near Walton, also Mr. and Mrs. Knechtel and Maxeen, of London, spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and NIrs. Albert \redden, neat L ondesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Robe. Watson visited at the home of lir. and Mrs: Robert Patterson near Walton, Sunday afternoon, also calling on Mr. and Mr,,, John Watson. ' -,sogr 111. and Mr:. Jahn Watson- ac- cemi+auiel1 by Mrs. Albert Trewin of Toronto, who .pent last week at AMIIM NMI their hoine near Walton, spent Sun day at the hoine of Mr. and Mrs Edward Reid. Mrs. Albert Trewin is holidaying among friends on the 10th and vi- cinity. Mr. and Mrs, Audrey KnOx and little Jimmie spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clif- ford Shobbrooke. We wish to extend sincere sympa- thy to Mr. John Mann and family in this their sad bereavement, We wish to extend sincere symp- athy also, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Dale, near Clinton in the loss of ti c it infant son. we wish to congratulate the she spent the winter with her daugh- I adios' Aid of Burns.' Church in se -1 ter, Mrs. Dr. Latimer. curing the play "Here Comes I Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Robb and dem- Charlie" which Was put on by Sea-' ghter Peggy, Detroit, spent the week forth young people Tuesday night nt last week in Community Hall, Londosboro to a full house. We also wish to congratulate the parties put- ting on the play which was very much appreciated., THE SEAFORTH NEWS and dwelling, which promises to be a real 'addition to the village. Miss Lulu Horton of Oshawa, visited with Mrs. Thos. Workman and Orville; Mr. Harold Hbrton of: Toronto; spent his holidays with Mrs. Work- man and Orville, Mrs. Archie 'Parsons visited one clay last week with hes' sister' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter, Claude- boye, Misses Marjorie Johnson and girl friend of Windsor who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alec McMur trie, returned to their home on Sat- urday. Quite a number from here attend- ed Decoration Services at Baird's cemetery, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Homey and Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. Fergu- son of Chiselhurst. Mrs. John Anderson is in Clinton Hospital where she underwent two operations last week. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. The W.M.S. placed a beautiful basket of roses and carnations at the Altar of St. Andrew's United Church on Sunday, in memory of the late Mrs. (Rev.) A. M. Grant, who passed away one year ago June 25. TOWN TOPICS Mr, and Mrs \Vm, Knauer retuned last watt after spencllsig seven weeks in Philadelphia at the hone of their daughter, Mrs Kramer. They also visited in Washington, 13:0, The many 'friends of Mr. _Win. El. coat are sorry to know he is serious- lY; ill at present, Mr, Angus More and daughter Miss Phyllis More, Chicago, were week end visitors at the borne of his sister, Mrs: Helen Glew. Miss Lillian Southgate has return- ed bonne alter spending the past two weeks' holidays in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith and family, Hamilton, are visiting at the home of the latter's brother, 599' Frank Kling, and Mrs. Kling, Mrs. P. O. Livingstone and daugh- ter Mrs, John Cappin, Detroit, were visitors in town lash. week. Mr. and Mrs Edward Slone of Kirk - ton woreg nests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoggarth. Mrs Orval Habkirk of Wingham spent a week with her father, Mr, John Bennett, who has been sick, Pte. Kenneth Eaton, who attends vocational training school, returned_ to .iIalifax after spending a furlough at his home.. Miss' Ann Moore of Toronto spent a few days at the home of her brother, Mr. Harvey Moore. Mr. John McIntosh, who has been 01 for several weeks, is able to be up a while each day. The many friends of Mrs. T. Swan Smith will be glad to ,know she is recovering following a severe fall in her home. Sgt, Pilot Bob Jordan, RCAF., Mr. and Mrs. Prank Powers of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Fortune this week enol, and attended the first solemn high mass of their cousin Rev. Francis I1. Moylan, at St. Colnmban on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bolger, Mrs. Wm. l3urus and little daughter Rosemary, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Jordan, all of Detroit, visited Mr. 'and Mrs. Lyle Jordan and daughter Gloria. Miss Frances Fortune, R.N., of Kit- chener, spent the week end at her. Home. Miss Carmel Riley, Galt, spent the week end at the home of Mr: and Mrs. John Botham; Mr. James Kelly left this week for Toronto where he has secured a posi- tion with the department of health for the summer months. Miss Edith Wallace, Oakville, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. W. Wallace, Miss Janet A. Baker and Mr. Albert G. Kinnear of St. Catharines, spent the week end at the home of her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baker -of Mitch- ell spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. P. Duggan and (laugh- ter Phyllis, Columbus, Ohio, were guests last week at the hone of the former's sister Mrs. Leonard Bolton, and Mr. Bolton. Mr. and -Mrs. Sydney Free, Mr, and Mrs, George Free and baby, Brant- ford, were guests over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Free. Mr. Louis Brall and daughter Miss lune Bnall, Detroit, and Miss Marg- aret Ann Stafford, Marquette, Mich.. spent the week end at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sills and other rely tives. Miss Mary Dodds of Ajax spent the week end with friends here. Mrs. McHenry and family; Mitchell, were guests at the home of Mr. and 'NIrs. A. Whitney on Sunday. Mr. Arthur Golding underwent an appendix operation in Stratford Gen- eral Hospital on Sunday evening. Pte. Kenneth Hart, Simcoe, spent the. week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs: H. W. Hart. Mrs. George Weir retuned on \\red- nesclny frons South Carolina, where end at the home of Mrs. H. R. Scott. Nlr. and Airs. Clifford Bell and fani- 19', St Marys, were week end visit- ors at the hoine of ht parents, Mr. and MIs John Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Claik and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott spent the week BRUCEFIELD end in Barrow Bay. Mrs. J. Mustard end daughter Miss A number of relatives and friends were in St. C.oltnmban 011 Sunday at - dna Mustard visited with relatives tending Rev. Father Moylan's first in London a few days last week. masa Mr. and Mrs, Archie Mustard visit -Mi, and Mrs. John Beattie are visit- ed with the. fornser's another during big at :the home of. Mr.. and Mrs. Douglas Beattie in Ottawa. Mrs. J. Derby and daughter Miss the ween: end. - Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott and darn ghter Miss Rnth Scott spent a few Eunice Derby, Toronta, were guests days with friends in Montreal re- this week at the home of Mr, and. Gently,Mrs. W. Southgate. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Burdge spent' the 1:)r. and Mrs. F. K. McCune and week enol with Mr. Burage's parent$, Mr. and Mrs, Freed Enrage. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCully of Stratford visited et Mr. McCully's home here over the week encl. Mr, and Mrs. John McIntosh with Jean, Margaret and David and Mar- lene Haugh of Toronto spent the Week end with Mrs Mchntosh's pm'ents, Ml and Mrs, 0, Haugh and other rela- tives. Mr. Wesley Ilam, RCNVR„ is visit- ing with his mother at present. 211(6 Lt. and Mrs. Peter Moore of B Mines visited with Mn and 11170 Mrs. Wallace Baugh on Sunday. mass_i_was mab. A I M A L S SAB ED Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED _PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 15, EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry) • Mayor Walter Plumb of Girard, Penn- sylvania, were this week guests at the home of NIr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross,. North Main street. Mr. Wm. Campbell has bean pre - :noted to Second Engineer on the S.S. "Bayfax." . Dr, MoMas.ter underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, this week. Mrs. James Aitcheson and Miss Mildred Aitcheson are visiting friends in Taranto Mr. and Mrs. J L Slattery left on Monday to spend the holidays at their homes in Eastern Ontario, KIPPEN Don't forget we will be looking for you or Wednesday night for supper at Kippen Church. Mrs. Burridge of Weston is a visit- or this week at the borne of her sis- ter Mrs. Norman Long, and met some of the ladies of the community at a lawn social given in her honor on Tuesday. Airs, John Anderson is a patient at the 'Clinton Hospital and underwent an operation for appendicitis .last week. Rev. Mr. Grant preached his fare- well sermon last Sunday and leaves £oiIris pew charge in Bothwell- this week. Next Simday the Rev. Mr. Down, retired minister at Exeter, will supply the vacant pulpit and until a new minister is settled. Mr. Domni is making good progress with his reconstruction of the store VARNA - A very pleasant afternoon was spent at the Rectory, Bayfield, on Thursday, when the W.A. of Varna entertained the W.A, of St. James, Middleton, and the W.A. of Trinity. Mrs. Colclough of Goderlch township, who as a delegate attended the the spring session of the Woman's Auxiliary Held in Landon, and gave a very interesting talk on the work of the W.A. in the Diocese of Huron. The members of the 9,0.L. 1935 at- tended service in the United Clhuroli Sunday evening. Rev. Reba. Hera gave 1111 address to a well lilted church. Several district Lodges were in attendance. A life and drama hand from Woodham which headed the Ham And. Strawb erry Supper At The Kippen United Church WED., JULY 4 6 TO 8 P.M. A Musical Program to follow, with the Zurich Octette, accom= panied by Mrs. Harry Hess Admission: Adults 65e. Children 35c I LAKEVIEWAgraliatriAmkiiww CASINO " GRAND BEND THE NEWEST BAND OF 1945 and A SMASH HIT ON OPENING NIGHT Slain Patton's Sax Orchestra Featuring Lovely Yvonne Lee, Vocalist Rudy Toth, Piano & Vibraphone Jack .Dann, Electric Guitar Don Fraser, Vocalist and "The Vibratones" Quartette YVONNE LEE Midnite Dance -- July 2nd, 12.05 a.rn. Sunday Evening Concert July 1st FRED FUNK'S VARIETY ENTERTAINERS BALL TOURNAMENT - JULY 2nd AFTERNOON & EVENING Hensaln -- Dashwood -- Lewry -- Grand Bend =9 S.F.T.S CENTRALIA BRASS BAND ON PARADE parade, gave several selections which were much appreciated. Mrs. Morrison :and friends of Kitch- ener were Sunday guests at the Bonne of Mr. and -Mrs. At. Elliott. Cph. Wnl AIeAshs of the RCAF., New Brunswick, is at present with his -wifet and Iitt:le sons at the parental hoine. Elliott: Clutter of London is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Chutes.-. Mr. and Mrs. A. Seeley and little grandson of Clinton called Sunday on the fornier's sister. Mrs. Austin and son Russell, POULTRY WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR YOUR POULTRY Live or Rall Grade. We call for it and pay immediately Just Phone Dublin 68,, DUBLIN CREAMERY & POULTRY PACKERS LTD. DUBLIN reason you cat_ talk over your toy 'because there's lots more to telephoning but the and cable telephone is bee menu and a masa e instrument itself. It takes wise than the e equipment and complicated exchang o e telephone with the of other apparatus to link p ones wbicb. make o,\ ¢ million other telephones These telephoneh u the Bell system to sear• •materials have been going o many people are :;>s why s .;; That's hone service today. waiting £o>: telephone MAINIONSISSOlii IT ALL MEANS PEOPLE AT WORK It will take time and money and manpower to carry out the large-scale construction and improvement program we've planned for after the war. Take our Glial conversion program alone : Almost three-quarters of the telephones in service are now of the dial type. But that still leaves thousands of telephones and ex- change equipment in scores of commu- nities, to be changed over. After the war whenequipment is again obtainable, the job will take years to complete. And this is just one of several projects which spell jobs not only for all our present em- ployees both at home and overseas but for additional workers, toffs. H. H. P. JOHNSTON Manager. dN T%Cwee 8e2vhsg 'e7. /1 t f Obis iG a/olds