HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-06-28, Page 1e
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WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 68, No, 26..
jl e. year
Interviewers OT, the rehabilitation
division, department of veterans' af-
fair•s, will be at Seaforth, from 2.45
to 3,45: on Tuesday, July 3rd, at the
town hall, and will be glad to give
any information as to benefits avail-
able, and to discuss any veterans' re-
establishment with him.
On Sunday afternoon, June 24th the
members of the Canadian Legion
assembled and marched to the ceno
taph where a bouquet of flowers was
placed on behalf of the Legion by
Comrade John Taylor, who has lost
two brothers in the war. In addition
to the names appearing on the ceno-
taph, the following list of those com-
rades who have paid the supreme
sacrifice was read, 'followed by the
Last Post and Reveille sounded by
Mr. Allan Close,
Arnold Archibald, Van Bell, James
Broaclfoot, Francis Devereaux, Arthur
Praiser, Robert McCalhulr, W. J.
Miller, John McKay, Jack McSpadden,
Norman McQuaid, Howard McTavish,
Harry Melvor, Fred O'Leary, Melvin
Shannon. -
Members of the Legion then pro
deeded to Egmondville, Harptu•hey,
Maitland Think, St, James', St. Odium -
ban and Dublin cemeteries, where the
graves of comrades were suitably
Note - It is requested that the
above list be corrected and any ere
rors or omissions reported to the
President of the Legion, Dv. J. A.
*'h1ue coal.i
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.
10 a.m. Sunday School.
11 a.m., "The Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper."
'7 p.m., "A service of Song"
Thursday at 8 p.m., Pre -Commun-
ion Service, conducted by Rev. G.
F. N. Atkinson. .
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A.,,W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "Self Praise."
7 p.m., "Jesus teaching about
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. R. H. Williams, Minister.
10 a.m., The Sunday School.
11 a.m. and 7 p.m, -Public Wor-
ship: The minister will preach.
There will be no midweek service
until further notice.
The Sunday School and congrega-
tion of First Presbyterian Church
will hold a picnic at the Lion's
Park, July 25th.
Sunday July 1st, 1945.
St. Thomas', Seaforth.
11 a.nr., Holy Communion,
7 p.m. Evening Prayer.
St Mary's, Dublin
9.30 a.m., Morning Prayer.
The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert,
B. A., at all services.
A miscellaneous shower was
given on Wednesday evening last in
honor of Miss Jean Smale, bride-
elect of this week, by the girls of
the Royal apartments, including Mrs.
Millson, Mrs. Adams,- Mrs. Wtn.
Carnpbell and Miss Ethel ,Storey,
when about thirty guests were
The property of the estate of the
late Henry R. Henderson, situated
on North St., Egnlopdville, • has been
sold through the office of E. C.
Chamberlain to Mrs. Margaret
Smith, who receives immediate
Mrs and Mrs, Joseph Atkinson,
Dublin, announce the engagement
of their youngest daughter, Gene-
vieve Bertha, to Cyril Edward
Brown, youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert P. Brown, Kinkora, the
marriage to take place July 14th, in
St. Patrick's Church, Dublin.
Adults and children of Tucker -
smith township school area No. 1,
consisting' of five rural sections,.
met for their annual picnic in Sea -
forth Lion's Park Friday afternoon,
A perfect day and a record crowd
made the picnic the most successful
Games featured the first part of
the program. The winners were:
Open race under six years, Shirley
Latchford, Grace Handy; boys, 7-9
years, Don Wilson, Ray Powell;
girls, 7-9 years, Gloria Nott, Carol
Chesney; boys, 10-12, Stanley Johns,
Grant Chesney; girls, 10-12 years,
Ruth Keyes, Margaret Rogerson;
boys, 10 years and over, Stanley
Johns, Kenneth Vincent; girls 12
years and over, Ruth Keyes, Evelyn
johns, three-legged race, Helen Rog-
erson and Barbara Nicholson; Glad-
ys Pepper and Margaret Rogerson;
wheelbarrow race, junior boys, Don
Wilson and G. G. McNaughton; Geo.
Grum-moth and Glen Chesney; sen-
iors, Kenneth Vincent and Lloyd
Eisler; school relay race, Egmond-
ville public school; S.S. 4, Tucker -
smith; shoe scramble, Ruth Keyes,
Marilyn Chesney; throwing the ball,
Richard Eisler, Edith Pepper; mar-
ried men's race, Walter Pepper, Wil-
liam Forrest; married women's race,
Mrs. James Nott, Mrs. William L'ey-
An interschool softball game re-
sulted in S.S: 4-5-7 Combines de-
feating Egmonclville, 12.7. Line-
ups: Combines -13111 Grummett, c.;
Merton Keyes, p.; Gladys Pepper,
1b.; Grant Chesney, 2b,; George
Grummett, 3b.; Margaret Rogerson,
s.s.; Emerson, r.f • Murray Crich,'
c.f.; !'lona, •l.f. Egmondville P.S.-
Joyce Racho, c.; Bob Doig, p.; Elva
Vincent, lb.; Leona Forbes, 2b.;
Melvin Cooper, 3b.; Kenneth Vin
cent, s.s.; Phyllis Pretty, r.f.; Ken-
neth Moore, c.f.; Douglas Wilson,
Lf. Umpire, Alex. Lillico.
A second softball game found the
married playing the single men,
with the former winning 26-1. Line-
ups: Married men -Walter Pepper,
c.; Bill Forrest, p.; C. Trott, 1b.;'
James Nott, 2b,; O'Brien`, s.s.;
Falconer, 3b.; 0. Mathieson, r.f.;
Bill Pepper, c.f.; W. Rogerson, 1.2.
Single men -,John Carnochan, c.;
Robert Wallace, p.; Kenneth Roger-
son, lb.; James Carnochan, 2b.;
Elmer Cameron, s.s.; Bruce Mac-
lean, 3b.; Bill Boyce, r.f.; Ross Mac-
Lean, c.f.; Bill Brown, 1.2.
While the happy throng were at
supper, S. II. Whitmore, secretary,
presented a purse of money to G.
Carnochan, R.C.N.V.R,, son of Mr.
and Mrs. James G. Carnochan, who
has volunteered for service in the
Paeific field,
The conveners of the picnic were
the wives of the trustees: Mrs, J.1
Carnochan, Mrs, A. Nicholson, Mrs.
Lillico, Mrs. Hugh Chesney, Mrs, J.
W. Crich, Mrs. , Whitmore. The pie-'
nit was arranged by the• teachers:
Mrs. Jean McDonald, Miss' Bond,
Miss•Sandford, and Clarence Trott.
.The McKiliop Farm Forum #4
Square held their Picnic at the Lions
Park on Tuesday evening; Jane 26,
with a large attendance. A sumptuous
supper was served at 7 o'clock, acid
the races and games were enjoyed by
allGirls, 4 and a under, Marguerite
Scott; boys, 4 and under, Robby
Scott, Mac, Stewart; girls, 10 and
under, Kathet'ine Campbell, Jean
Scott, boys, 10 and tinder, Raymond
Henderson, Kenneth Campbell; girls,
16 end under; Mary Maloney, Muriel
Campbell; young men's race, Stewart
Henderson, Harold Corney; 3 -legged
race, Mary Maloney, Muriel Campbell;
,Tean Scott, Catherine Campbell; mar-
ried ladies' race, Mrs. Iietneth Ste-
wart, Mrs. loot. Campbell; married
men's race, Geo, Campbell, Kenneth
Stewart; clothes pin race, Mrs, Robt,
Campbell, Mac Scott; Mabel Camp-
bell, Stewart Henderson; bean race,
Mrs, Robt, Campbell; Geo, Campbell;
Mac Scott, Mrs. Chester Henderson;
necktie race, Mrs, Gordan Popple, M. J. 'Rogers into Dungannon Charge,
Geo. -Campbell; _Mrs. Russell Doi'- and Rev. G. H. Dunlop to address
ranee, Gordan Papple; coat race, Mrs, the minister, on Friday, July 6th. et
Robt. Campbell, Ken Stewart; Geo. S p.nt,; Rev, J. L. Foster to preside
Campbell, Muriel -Campbell; ladies, and address the people, at the indite -
kicking the slipper, Mabel Campbell; time of Rev, G. G. hawse, into Gerrie
gents, kicking the slipper, Stewart
This Forum won the $10 award Inc•
attendance during the winter, given
by the Huron Federation, It was de-
cided to send this money to the new
Sick Children's Hospital Fund in
Huron Presbytery met in Holmes -
Ville United Church, on Thursday,
June 21st, with the Chairman, Rev.
G. G. Drn•ton presiding.
Arrangements - were made fon the
following Inductions: Rev. H. C.
Wilsou to preside at the induction of
Rev, C. B. 'Woolley, . into Ashfield
Charge; end address the people, and
Rev. S. H. Brenton to address the
minister, on Friday, June 29th, at
8 p.m,; Rev. L. H. Tuner to preside
and address the people, at the in-
duction of Rev. F. G. Stotesbury, into
Hayfield Charge, and Rev. Reba E.
Hern to address the minister, on Fri-
day, July 6th, at 3 p.m.; Rev. N. J.
Woods to preside and address the
people, at the induction of Rev. 0. C.
Weir, into Centralia Charge, and Rev.
A. S. Trueblood toaddressthe mini-
ster. on Friday, June 29511, at S p.m.;
Rev. I4. 7. Snell to preside and address_
the people. at the induction of Rev.
Charge, and Rev, It; E, Moorhousc to
address the minister, on Friday, June
29th, at 8 p.ui.; Rev. W. A. Beecroft
to preside anti. address the people, at
th!= induction of Rev. 11. G. Newton
onto St- Helens Charge, and Rev, W.
J. Patton to address s the luinicter, on
Toronto, Fi'iclry. June 29th, at S p,m.
'Words of ccmmenclation were ex-!
SISTER IS BURIED pressed for the charges of Nile -Rea-
F: 004e44:,'"
- Both for
A duette este t
h LIL etre Lo
do honor to her
hand. Perfectly
e matched.
The"Bouquet" for
smart women. De-
idoxn4 pendable and
-1 80 'Rosebud"
earrings in sterling
silver. Very smart,
The Pair $6
For that special
someone choose
this lovely en-
miller, and St. Helen's, in increasing 23RD BLOODCLINICAT HAMiOTA, MAN. the minister's salary to 91600 In eactti HELD AT SEAFORTH
case, also to Victoria, St. Goderich. in
The following is from the Hamieta, lifting the mortgage on church prop-:
Manitoba, Echo: Mrs. Matilda W'orden no, ,, o iui'reasing the minister's' The 23rd blood clinic for Seaforth
aged 69 years, 2 months and 10 clays, salary, and to Holmesville for prop -and district was held on Thursday,
passed away on June 4th, 1945, at the, erty. improvements, June 21st with 9G donor's. or which
General Hospital, Dawson Creek, B.C., Rev. W. J, Patton Informed the 60 per cent or donors enrolled, re -
where she had made herhome with members of Presbytery, that the fine . porting. Mrs. S. J. Cooper, nurse
her son, Russell. Another son, Gov- summer cottage of the late Rev. E. i technician in charge, 18 received
cion, resides at High Prairie, Alta.; F, Chandler was for sale. I their gold buttons for 10 donations,
also four daughters mourn her loss: Mrs, Campbell Taveuer, president rtos responded.
Mrs. W. J. Pollock and Mrs. R. P. of Huron Presbyterial, reported that Those receiving gold buttons are:
while only one new da
Watt, of McConnell, Man.; Mrs, E. the W. M. S. had about 9400 worth D. L. Reid, J. A. Stewart, 11, E. Smith,
Bull, Stra.thclair, Man„ and Mrs. Ivan
Fleming, Lavinia Man.; also two
brothers, John R. Drake, Staffa, Ont.,
and. Henry Drake, McConnell, Man.,
and two sisters, Mrs. Jas. A. Hay,
Seaforth, Ont, and Mrs, Jno. Riddell,
Sr., Hamiota, Man. The funeral was
held from 1-Iamiota United Church on
Saturday, Jane. i)th. Burial was made
in Hamlets, cemetery. The pallbearers
were six nephews: Ernest Drake,
K.yler Drake, John E. Riddell, Alston
Moffatt, E. A. Wallace and Elmer
Johns. Rev. W. G. Onions offlciated,
The beautiful wreaths and sprays temporary chairman of Londesboro 12, 411en Reid 5. Dr. J. Munn 3, Mona
testify, to the -esteem in which Mrs.: Charge. McGregor 2, Miss Laura McLellan 5,
W014511 was held. The sympathy of Rev. R. A. Brook informed the court D. A. Aikenhead 2, Harry McLeod 8,
the community. goes out to the be- that 117r•, Colin Finglanil, Walton, was Alice Reid 9, II, E. Smith 10, Richard
of children's clothing, sweaters, etc., David MacLean, Joseph .4. Lane
and' appealed for help in finding . a Mrs. James T. Scott, Miss Jear
worthy cause to make use of these Scott, Willis Dundee, M1s. Matgare
supplies. Tyndall, Mrs. Jean Boyd, Jas. A. Mc
Rev. 1R. A. Brook was appointed Lellan, Henry Harburn, Roy Dolmage
Temporary Chairman of Kippen Donors with numbers Indicating
Charge during July and August, while number of donations given.
candidates are heard. The present SEAFORTH-Ralph McFadden 11
pastor, Rev. A. M. Grant, has been Chas: Reeves 6, Maxine Lawrence 5
appointed to Bothwell charge. Archie Hubert S, Betty Bannon 4
A letter was received from A. E. A. Beverley Christie 12, Frank Smale 6
Menzies, Landesbmo, stating that he Mrs, Frank Senile 5, D. L. Reid 10
had accepted a can to Charing Cross, Jas. A. Stewart 10, Arnold Lamont
Rev. Andrew Lane was appointed 12' Clarence Reith 11, Ross Savauge
On Wednesday evening June 20,
Miss Shirley Oldfield was hastens to
a number of friends of Miss Dorothy
Jardine, Brussels, bride-to-be of this
month. Bingo was played, winners
being Misses Lorna Dale, Irene Burt,
Dorothy Jardine, Anne Downey,
Janet Haring, Joyce Jardine, Peg.
Johnston and Mrs. Ruth Thames.
Winner of ring contest, Mrs. Ray-
' mond Nott: of musical quizz, Doro•
t thy Jardine; lucky chair, Rona Hut-
t ton; free contest, Misses Anne
- Downey, Kay Elliott, Joyce Jardine
• and Dorothy Parke. Lunch was
served after which Miss Shirley
Oldfield read an address and Miss
Peg. Johnston presented the bride-
' to -be with a silver gravy boat and
' tray. The address follows: "To Dore-
' thy, -Our hearts hold far more
• gladness than words can well ex-
press, as you are starting off to -
get ei
o-gether on the trail of happiness.
Fair he the skies above you, Loves'
sunshine cheer your way, and may
you find new blessings and joys in
every ay. So as a way of saying
we wish you happiness, here is a
little gift for you, from everyone
of us.
leaved family,
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place at the McKillop Manse, Sat-
urday Juno 23, when Lillian Myr-
tle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Robt,
McClure, became the bride of
George Earl, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Red Cross Notes Earl Bernard, Morris township, the
ceremony being performed by Rev.
There is knitting to be done and
we'd appreciate the knitters of Sea -
forth calling for material.
We have a number of boys' suits
(shorts and jackets for age 6) to be
made. We are making a special ap
peal for assistance here. If you have
time in either July or August to
make one or more of these would
you please call at the Red Cross
rooms for material. They are cut and
ready to be given out. We are shar-
ing .in the jam for Britain project
again. There will be an executive
meeting at 4,30 p.m., Friday, June
29th ;in the library.
Patton. The bride looked very be-
coming in a rose crepe dress trim-
med with white embroidery with
white accessories and carried a bou-
quet of June flowers, Her only ore-
- r ament was a string of pearls. Ruth
McClure, sister 'of the bride, acted
as bridesmaid wearing a lime crepe
dress with white accessories and
t carried a bouquet of June flowers.
The groom was attended by his
1 brother, Mr. Tom Bernard, of Bres-
t sols. After the ceremony the bridal
party motored to the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt,
McClure, who after congratulations
the newly -wedded couple led the
way to the dining room and a dainty
wedding dinner was served to
twenty-eight relations. The dining -
room was decorated with pink and
white streamers, peonies and iris,
The bride's table was centred with a
three -tiered wedding cake, pink can-
dles surmounted by a white wedding
bell. The groom's gift to the bride
Mrs. Close stated it was recom-
mended by headquarters that the
Red Cross branches close for July
and August. The members are asked
to meet the last Friday of each of
these months in order to receive
work to carry on at home. Kindly
bring in all 'finished' work the last
Friday in June,
'(From reports of Ontario Division
Hon. George Drew, Premier of
Ont., was one of the guest speakers.
He had seen the work done by the
Red Cross overseas.. He stated that
apart from a the great task under-
ndertaken in England in organizing and
distributing supplies, it must be re-
membered that the men and women
of Canadian Red Cross were in the
front line M the fighting areas.
Another prominent speaker was
Major General Chisholm, Deputy
Minister of National Health, In his -
address -rhe emphasized the fact that
it is important -for the future good
of- Canada that the tremendous
amount of energy which has been
mobilized by Canadian Red Cross
should' continue to be available for
Canada's postwardevelopment.
Dr, Routley, National Commission-
er, 'ave a most interestingaccount
of the vision' Historyand ci c, -
Sed various tmporeant accomplish-
(1) The development of Jr, Red
Cross in Ont. during the past 25
- I(2) Public Health Nursing. The
Ont, Division offered the funds to
available for pulpit supply, . Box 5,•
A committee to advance the "Ole'R.R. SEAFORTH-J, 1'I, Scott 6,
wile For Christ" movement was ap- Geo. Earle 3, Austin Dolmage 4, Mac.
pointed, consisting of Revs. R. A.
ris Durham 11, Frank Reynolds 0, Ah..
Brook,' Reba E, Her'n, H. E. Moor- Ivy Henderson 9, Andrew Crozier 9,
Moor -
house, H. V. Workman, W. T. Cleave, John Patrick 4, James Degrreeux G,
W. A, Beecroft, 11, G. Hazelwood, Marlon Bale 2, Mrs. Dave McLean 9„
Clarence NlrClenaghan, R, P. Watson, Date McLean 10, Ross Mclean 2,
and John Armstrong. s. a e Nixon 9, Dale Bison 11. Ed.
Presbytery expressed approval of Chesney 12, John Pethnulc Thos,
the action taken by the Drew admin -
9, Evelyn McN[icheal 9, Francis
istration In Ontario, in regard to re-
ligious WardenHaney education in the clay schools Lane 10, Mrs, Gordon McKenzie 6,
of the province. Mt's. James T. Scott 10, Miss Jean
The members of Presbytery were Scott 10, Harold Jackson 5, Mrs. W.
instructed to warn their people J, Bratvn 2, Harold Rice 11, •
against the peril of agencies solicit- WALTON-Leonard Leeming 6,
ing the ptu•cltasing of mining stock Dominic Murray 6, Harvey Craig 6,
of precarious speculative value, I Carl Coutts 3, Hiram Blanchard 12,
It was decided to send letters of Berra Blanchard 2, Willis Dundee
sympathy to Revs. 11. V. Worlanan,' 10, Goi'clon. Blsnchard 12, Ivan Shatt-
Arthur Sinclair, and G. G. Howse, Gavin 9 jr L • Murray 5, Go'don Me
who are sick; and to Mrs, C. C. Kahle, it r s, Tvan Shannon 2
in the loss of her husband. i BRUC,EFIELD-Miss Ethel Wilson
Thanks was expressed, for effieient 8, Nirs, J, DIustard 3, Austin Doting ';,
and gracious leadership, to Rev. R. H. Cant'naed on Page roar
Turnbul'k Temporary Chairman of
Nile-Benmiller Charge, Rev, R. A. MAE LANE AUXILIARY
Broolt, Chairman of Pastoral Rola- The Mae Lane Auxiliary of North -
tions Committee, and Rev, G. G. side United Church met on Wednes-
Burton, Oha.irman of Huron Presby- day evening, June 20th at the
tory, Appreciation for faithful service home of Miss Winnie Savauge, Mrs.
was also expressed to the ininisters,1Bechely presiding and the opening
who are leaving the hotrods of Pres- hymn "In Christ there is no East
bytery, Revs. H. 3, Vickerson, 3, A. or West" was sung followed with
Ward, A. M. Grant, A. E. A. Menziea, prayer by Mrs. W. Barber and .Miss
R, J. Merriam, A. 8, Colwell and le, C. A, Seip, followed by the National
Copeland. Farewell addresses were Anthem, Mrs, Geoi;go Johnston,
was a cheque, to the bridesmaid, a received trom Revs. H. J. Vickerson � Sec., read the minutes of the last
silver compact, to the groomsman, a and R. C. Copeland; w'bo both ex- meting, Mrs. Janes Scott, Captain
leather billfold. Among the -guests pressed their great appreciations of of circle 2, -took char e of the re-
were'the bride's grand parents, Mr, the fellowship of the Presbytery and mainder of the meeting. After sin -
and Mrs. John McClure, who will their best wishes for the future at ing "Where cross the crowded] ways
1 celebrate their diamond wedding in Huron Presbytery. ' of life" Mrs, 13. Christie led'
September., For"travelling the bride Rev. R. G. Hazlewood, who had
Prayer, Nlrs. N. Knight read t;
chose a two piece flowered dress be sn elected at a previous ineetiug, scripture, Psalm. 19, At this time we
with snatching coat and biege cedes- t Sinstalled as, the chairman of were favored with a dtiet "Blest be
series. Amid showers of confetti the flute t Presbytery for 1945-6. the tie that binds" by Misses Mabel
couple left for a short honeymoon • Turnbull and Ruth Cluff, The ad -
to northern districts, •` AGAR-WALLIS dress for the 'evening was given by
Wedding was solemnized at De. Miss Emily Lester, who chose as
St, United Church manse, Sarnia, her subject "Down the MVlala an
when Miss Anna May. Wallis, Baugh- land bridge" and ably discussed it
ter of Mrs, James E, Wallis, Alvin- . under the following headings "Col-
ston, and the late lir, Wallis, be onization, Education and Relig
The marriage of Edith Irene, dau-
ghter of Mrs. Gertrude Ken of Eg-
mondville, and Ross William Stewart
Bell, son of Mr, Wm. M. Bell and the
late Mrs. Bell of Henson, was -solemn-
ized at the Mitchell United Church
by Rev. Johanson on June, 23. 'Irma.
Walters was bridesmaid and Gertrude
Min•ray, maid of honor, cousins of the
bride, Mr, Howard Hyde of Hensall
was best man: Little Kae. Pechter was
ower girl. buffet lunch was served
to the immediate friends. The happy
couple left amici showers of confetti
and good wishes on a shoot honey-
moon. They will reside on the
groom's farm near Hensall.
A Large number' of friends and
neighbors gathered at the home of
Mrs. Thos..Webster - last Thursday
evening to make a presentation to
Mr- end Mrs, Keith Webster and
fancily. After a social ]lour: Mr, Sam
Scott led in community singing and
Mr, E. B. Gentile delighted his hear-
ers with a lnuuorons reading. Mr,
Frank Reynolds then read the ad-
dress as follows:
"Dear Mr, and Mrs. Webster, -We
your friends and neighbors have gath-
ered here to -night to honor you on the
eve of your departure from our midst.
We are not happy to see you go as
we realize we are losing the best of
neighbors and the 'lsindest of friends.
You have both proven yourselves to
be 'such, ever' ready to lend a hand
and to take part in every worthwhile
activity in our community. Your .go-
ing is a real loss to this neighborhood,
but our loss will be a gain to the
Goderich district. Wo are glad yon
are going to such a pleasant place and
]lope to visit you often when we go
to the lake. As a token of our regard.
we ask you and the boys to accept
these gifts, with the wish that health,
happiness and prosperity may follow
you to your new home."
Mee. J, Gruntmett and Mrs, J. NI,
Scott then presented Mr. and Mrs.
Webster with an occasional chair, and
Tommy, David end George a student's
lamp. Mn, and Mrs. Webster each ex-
pressed their appreciation in a few
well chosen words. Refreshments
were served followed by Auld Lang
Syne and God Save the ming.
Mr. and Mrs. Webster and Wilily
are moving this week to thein' new
home on the Bluewater Highway, at
the southern outslsirts of Goderich.
came .the bride of Harold Robert. The closing hymn "0 happy. Home TO
Agar, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert where Thou art toyed the Dearest"
Agar, Seaforth. The ceremony was was sung and the meeting closed Word was received this week by
performed by the Rev. Peter Web- by Riizpalt Benediction, A special. Mr. 'Frank Melady, St. Cohunban, that
Baker stele The bride was lovely in a feature of the evening was a triple . lu
Mr, and Mrs. Albert C. a s street -length dress of turquoise blue presentation in which
i ht Englarlcl, had received a COIltttllfi-
announce. the engagement of their 1 t g fits were
g with white accessories and wore a 'presented to Mrs. Reith Webster, siou. Pilot Officer 'Ielady enlisted in
only daughter, Janet Alberta, to g corsage of sweet peas and chrysan- Mrs, I e January 1942 and went •overseas in
Albert Gordon, eldest son • of Mr. flA 1 1 We chnarlt and Miss Emi1Y
h D' 1 se v d theinunts. Mins Rota Coltman, f Aril 1948, He was with the City of
s son Thomas Melody, of the RCAF
and Mrs, Norman Kinnear, of St,
Catharines, The wedding to takewi ere. act replied fittingly,
place at Seaforth, June 30th, 1 y series and wore a corsage of roses' which a daiet hitch was served la er which he was sent:_bacl: to England
and 'sweet peas, Thomas Broome of the social committee A duet e �t foe treatment for sinus trouble, and
Division's sus a b Lester, who are leaving Seaforth
Sarnia, bridesmaid, was attractive , shortly,to make their• horn l'indsor Spitfire Squadron on opera -
in an orchid dress with white cedes-' where. Each i' es else: tions in Italy for three months, after
Dewing, I love you" was sung by was posted as tnstrstefor in the tighter
Seaforth, assisted the bridegroom.':.
Following the ceremony a dinner Misses Mabel Turnbull and Ruth command,
was served to the wedding party. at Cluff and was . much appreciated.
Donations to the Sick' Children's' the University of, Toronto to organBORN
A reception was held on Friday the Vendome Hotel, after Which the
Hospital campaign can be left at the
ize such a course, and to meet the night .at Iiinburn in honor of Mr. bride and bridegroom left on a
Dominion Bands, the Bank of Com -cost of it for three years. The result and Mrs, Ken Thompson of Ma- wedding trip to OwenSound and accessories, tan their return > they LITTLE -In St, Catherines Hospital,
coerce, or the Ontario Savings Office, 1 Kiliop, when they were presented points north, the bride travelling in will reside on the bridegroom's farm on Sane 20th, to Mr, and Mrs, Reg.
Continued tn. Pe,i Pour with a handsome studio couch.- a grey printed silk dress with white near Seaforth, ( Little, a Son.