HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-06-21, Page 7T,OVF COSTSTHRONE YOKE PSS BE Y116 II NAVAL COMMENT The following remark was over- heardduring a deckhand scrubbing detail: "I feel sorry for nay mother. She spent twenty years trying to leach me me to get up early in the morning, hang up my clothes, shine my shoes, eat sensible food, and go to bed early. Then I go Into the Navy and learn the whole thing in two weeks." —St. Thomas Times -Journal, SHORT; SHORT STORY Retail supplies of shortening are shortly to be.shortened 20 per cent. This shortening of shortening is apt to shorten a shortgrained house- wife's temper .when she tries to bake a shortcake, wouldn't you think? —Ottawa (citizen. WHAT THEY SPRANG FROM Hitler and Mussolini were only symbols, after all. They could nev er have cursed our times if it had not been that there were millions of mute inglorious little Hitters and Mussolinis. -Vancouver Province. 'THEY CHOSE GUNS When the Germans had a choice of guns or butter, they chose gles. Should we now give them the but- ter? —Vancouver Sun. You WW Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO e Evers Room wile ILII b, Show- es- and telephone. • Single. 52.20 up— Double, 53.00 op. • Good Food. Dining end Dane. lug - Night Iy. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel, RA, 4135 Prince Carl Johan, youngest son of the Swedish Crown Prince Gustav Adolf has defied his grand- father, King Gustav, who refused to approve his .intent to marry a commoner. He's pictured above with his fiancee, Kirstin Wijmark, daughter of a Swedish theologian. Couple is expected to visit America after wedding. They Found Out On the western front, two Tibe- tans who had wajlced into Russia, been promptly drafted into the Red Army, then captured by the Ger- mans, drafted into the German Army, and finally captured by Can- adians, learned from a linguist for the first time what all the fighting was about, says Time Magaziee. HIS OBJECT One man spent so much on his girl friend that he had to marry her for his money. —Quebec Chronicle Telegraph. Headache Nothing is more depres- sing than headaches... Why euffefi'...Lambly a will give instant relief. Lambly's is good for ear- ache.toothache,ppainsin r'"t1 back,stomach, bowels. 1/Firta!� LA M B LY' S HEADACHE POWDERS_ is Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN Lydia);. Pinkham'sVegetableCompound not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, highstrung feelings—when due to func- tional monthly disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for this pur- pose.Pinkham's Compound hefts nature! Follow label. directions. Try it! 4a z6;.(P hhcr,»ts MAYA sres1ofl THE ONLY SYNTHETIC RUBBER TIRE 00 pN� T#ESPPFfD �f!/tiso Pe," /40 , r` 4 7 07: \ CAR owners have been wondering just how safe synthetic rubber tires are— just how much mileage they will give. Firestone decided to put its tires to the supreme test. So a race car was equipped with regular, stock Firestone Synthetic Rubber Tires, the same as you can buy for your car, and raced for 500 miles around the Indianapolis Speedway under American Automobile Association super- vision. Wilbur Shaw, famous 'three -time win- ner of the Indianapolis Sweepstakes, volunteered to make the run. And he averaged 100.34 miles an hour, hitting more than 135 miles an hour on the straightaways! Imagine the punishment those tires took as they pounded over the rough brick and grinding asphalt... equal to 50,000 miles of ordinary nr div! Yet, in this grueling, lior test; not a skid or blowout occurred. Remember this fact when you get per- mission to buy new tires—Firestone are the only tires made that are safety - proved on the speedway for your pro- tection on t h e highway. NOW� 'firestone BATTERIES OF FIRESTONE-,, 1 a:� •a CHURCHILL CAMPAIGNS IN RAIN • Seeping re-election to his post as Prime MinisterWinston Churchill launches 'Sts. campaign at Woodford, on the'outskirts of London. Mrs. Churchill sits under an umbrella, while- Brit- ain's war leader addresses crowd which had gathered despite heavy rain. Cost of Victory To Great Britain What Britain Has Donee To Win . Victory Briefly Told By Ottawa 'Journal Memories a e short, and it is well to put on record this brief statement of the cost of victory to Britain, To February of thisyear of the people of the United Kingdom 210, 287 had been killed by the enemy, this being 70 per cent. of the total for the Empire and nearly 45 per cent. of the total figure for the Western Allies. Including civil- ians, nearly 80 per cent. of all Bri- tish subjects killed by enemy ac- tion were from the United King- don. One house of Britain's every three was destroyed or damaged by enemy air action. About 6,500,000 men and women or one in even of the population, served in the armed -forces or in full-time civilian defence. More than 3,000,000 others served in part - tine civil defence or in the Home Guard. The United Kingdom has pro- duced about 70 per cent. of all munitions for the Empire and Cons monwealth forces, provided under lend-lease enormous quantities .of supplies of many kinds for Russia and fol' United States forces in Europe. British plants during the tear have turned ,.o' 1,900,000 tors tit nava'- vessels (to last June), many thousands of aircraft, 25,000 tanks, 1,000,000 other military vehicles.. Fifteen months ago Britain had lost 11,500,000 tons of her merchant , fleet of 17,500,000 ton—had built 4,500,000 tons. Britain's war expenditures by last November reached 25 billion pounds :(over 9.00 billion dollars), of which about one-half was corer - ed by taxes. That, very briefly, is what Bri- tain has done, so far as words and figure can speak of her gigantic ef- fort, It is the story of victory and - of the price of victory. SAFES. Protect your 1100108.' and CASH from FIRE and THIEVES. We have a size and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit, as, or write for prleen. eta. to Dept, W. .I.acd:TAVLOR LIMITEQ TORONTO SAFE WORK 145 brunt St. E-, 'Toronto Established 20152 AGENTS WANTED REPRESENTATIVES RELIABLE wanted to sell Plastic Coatings, especially suited for Brick and Metal surfaces, -also for Roofs. Finest quallty products. Good commissions, Box 27. 73 Adelaide W. Toronto.. BABY OHICICS STARTED P1TLLETS, BARRED Rocks and White Leghorns,. 2 weeks old 26e. Goddard Heights, Ontario. THERE IS. NO SUBSTITUTE FOR good breeding. For many years y careful culling and blood, testing under Canadian Govern- ment Supervision Tweddle Hatch- erieshave succeeded by greatly Improving the stamina, growth and high production qualities of their breeding flocks. Tweddle has spared neither money nor effort to attain this end, so that Yon get maximum quality In a reasonablypriced check, Prompt delivery on day olds, two, three or four week olds In all popular breeds. Send for June pricellst. Also further reductions after June 15th. Older pullets 8 weeks up to laying. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT High 'Quality at greatly reduced prices. The prices are very reason- able for these High Quality Breeder Hatchery chicles. In buying May and June chicks, it is hist as im- portant to start with tbe best you can buy. Prices: Pure Sussex, -Sussex Hy- brids, New Ramps., Barred Rocks, Rock x Humps„ Mixed Chicks 812.00 per 100, Pullets 518.00 per 100 Leghorns, Sussex x Leghorn, Rock x Leghorn mixed chicks 510.00 per 100, Pullets 521.00 per 100, SPEC - per •100,sAssohted Pudllets 5 7.0hicks 0 per 100. STARTED CHICKS -2 TO 4 WEEKS OLD We can supply started chicks 2 to 4 weeks old at reduced prices. 1 week old add 2c, 2 weeks old add 4c to above day-old prices. WEEKLY SPECIAL LIST— STARTED CHICKS Send for Weekly Special List of prices of started chicks and pullets r0lleAlso angeputs. Order from this or send for Price List. We CA R give you prompt delivery, 51.00 per 100 deposit, balance C.O.D. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM A Breeding Farm of 5000 Layers WEiN BROS., Exeter,Ont. STARTED CHECKS BARGAINS. 2 week old Barred Rocks, New Hampshire, New Hampshire X Barred' Rocks 16.95. Pullets 24.95; cockerels 16.95. White Leghorn, White Leghorn X Barred. Rock, Austen Whites: Pullets 26,95. 8 week old add 50, 4 week 0111. add 100. Also other breeds. Send for complete price 1151. Top. Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ontario. LIMITED QUANTITY - STARTED chicks on hand. For chick, pul- let, cockerel delivery June -July,. order now to be sure of getting delivery and breed. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 Sohn N., Hamilton, Ont. GOOD STEADY PROFITS ARE waiting—"invest in the best" with Top Notch checks, There is no guessing about health and IN. ability when - you order Top. Notch chicks. They are all from Government Approved bloodtest- ed breeders. Prices ofI a few breeds for June delivery. Non - sexed: White Leghorns, Barred Rock X White Leghorns, Austra Whites Hampshires, News Hampshire eX Barred Rocks -10.55, Assorted Light and Medium Breeds 8.95, Assorted. Heavies 9,95. Pullets: White Leghorns, Barred Rock X White Leghorns, Austra Whites 20.95; Barred Rocha New Hamp- shire X Barred Rocks 17,90, New Hampshires .18.95, Assorted Light and Medium Breeds 18.95, Assort- ed Heavies 15.56 Cockerels: White Leghorns 1.50, -Barred Rocks, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks 10,95. New Hampshires 9.95, Assorted :Heavies 9,95. White Leghorn 00 Barred Rocks 1.55. 2 week old add '6e, 8 heel: old add 11e, t tveelc aid add 1:5c. Prices atter .lune 15th lower. Send for complete price list. Also 8 week old and older free range pullets, Ontario. , och Chlckeries, Guelph, ROCK X Lle.C4HORNS 611.775, i:US- tra Whites 512.50, $hipped C.O.D. anywhere by: Willowdalo Chick - try, Newtonhrook Ont. REDUCED PRICES FOR CHICKS • BARRED ROCKS 12e. eT4oclr ru(111Rt Pullets 22c 50e Leghorns are Hareem strain. Rocks are 0.13:5, Bleeding, and all breeders are blood -tested. B. R. Cockerels to six weeks old 5150 Leghorn Pullets eight weeks old. fully fen lheeed and roosting. H'yl10d Broilers four weeks and over, One dollar 'socks your order now, Johnson Hatchery, 'Fergus. Ont. VICTORY CHICK SALE F011 JUNE AND JULY „BARRED Rock Mixed 10c, 'Barred Rock Pullets 16c, White Leghorn mixed 9c, White- Leghorn Pullets 20e, White Rock Mixed 15c, Brown Leghorn Pullets 240. Goddard Chick Hatcheries Ltd.. Brltsnnls heights, Ont. SPECIAL PULL -ET SALE STARTED PULLETS, 1 WEEK old 22a 2 weeks old 26 cents. Im- ee, Brie tannia. Heights, Ontarn io. Hatch- ery, MOONEY'S CHICKS FROM BLOOD - tested, Government Approved Flocks. Licensed for shipping- to any .province. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks. New Hampshires. Mooney's Poultry - .Farm, North Bay, Ont. RELIABLE SUMMER CH /OK Sale. Reliable Chicks are from Government Approved blood - tested flocks, chicks that develop Into quality husky layers and meat birds, chicks that have quality and livability for usand for you. After May 15. Sussex X Ramps. Barred Rocks. New Hampshires, unsexed 511,96, pul- lets 817.95. cockerels 65.95. Leg- horn Y Hnmpa, unsexed 011.06. pullets $22.00, cockerels 54.00. j25runsexed l0 ll - 5 OrdeReliable Chlekato day. Rellabie Hatchery. Elmira, Onterto. DYEING AND CLEAN/NG HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer H.your Parkrs 10 Dye Dye es Limited. 781 Yonge Street. To- ronto. FOR SALE STRAWBERII r PLANTS, ASPAR- agus, raspherries, peach trees, apples, pears, . plums, cherries, grapes, curranta, shrubs, hedging. shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk Nursery, Slmeoe. Ontario, 50,000—STORE AND DWELLING, metal side, detached, large lot, cement basement, 60 x 26, all conveniences. Separate sale jew- eler's, safe and fixtures. 'Phone Arthur 62J. Brtllinger, Arthur, Ont, LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING oPlant in ver52400 week ly0business with excellent poet war opportunities for expansion. Good money maker, low overhead; real estate con - sitting btdck building's includ- ed. o g g ed bully equipped and capably staffed. Requires a capital -ot 111Apply Reason selling Box 31, 78Ade iaide W„ Toronto. A 30 BEI) MATERNITY HOSPITAL for sale, going concern, good business, only Hospital -tn town. Any Ontario Registered- Nurse could operate this business. Own- er will stay on and will helpfor one month from the date of sale. Reason for selling e poor health. Ait latest equipment. Hospital . has been runnng for 6 years. For further Information and Inspec- tion apply in writing to Post Office, Bos 329, Delhi, Ontario, Canada. I HAVE -TEN GOOD FARMSFOR' sale, ranging in price from three to twelve thousand dollars. 'For •particulars. apply, Jas. Donohue, - Donohue Garage, Renfrew, Ont. FROST AND WOOD OIL BATH mower Delaval cream separator, both Ince new, diamond harrows, heavy gauge barb wire, asbestos shingles, harnesses. E, Kunanec, 149 Scarboro Crescent,Scarboro Bluffs, Ont. _ FOR SALE, SUCCESSFUL CREAM- ery and dairy business In pro- gressive Ottawa Valley Town, _ owner- retiring on account of 111 - health, price right. For further particulars apply to Box 35, -73 Adelaide W., Toronto. 1.00 ACRES 80 CULTIVATED, RE - =Lining pasture, good buildings, barn en stone, driving' shed new ateel roofs, peg Pen, hen house,. well watered, or sold. as 'going concern, situated 1 pule from lake.. good ftsbing and trapping: stock Includes 9 Durham and Holstein average 7 years; 12 2 -year-olds, 30 sheep in lamb. 2 young calves, 4 milking cows, 7 1 -year-olds, aged -gray mare, 100 laying Ilene; steel wagon, mower; Parra 52.500; stock 5110 Implements , 52,565. Mr. Carroll. 00.R, 1, Ennismore, Ont. 13USIN16SS FOR SATE. FARM MA- chigery, other articles and: mach- inery, large lot and buildings with high moving team and bl.ocics for wrecking and loading. Suitable machinery for repairing. Two minutes' walk to large stores. banks end postoffice. Particulars given: W. E. Rutledge, Newmarket, Ont. ELECTRIC (Reruns, NEW, USET) bought. sold. rebuilt: hefts. pili leys, hruches Allen, ellertrio Cern puny 1.14 2920 nerrerie 51,, T.+• rants 400 ACRES, Farm. o nNs D'rR of Belleville, Sydney Township, 150 aura astute land; 150 work land, 75 hardwood 25 softwood bush, 1.3 10001 double triter house. • funning water, well hydro, stees roof barn, .table, close to church and sch en I, He tele Harris - 1 Wallace, 41 Alger Bldg;, Oshawa FARMS FOR SALE 160 ACRES, TWP. OF NOTTAWAS- aga, large bank barn, frame house, two good wells -55,000 cash. Write E. L. Taylor, Streets- ville, owner or see A. E. Culham, Stayner, Ont., Agent. 60OR weat ofWellland, 1} Omile esoutth or Fenwick on gravel road;, lays high. well drained; clean and productive, of good sandy loam; well fenced, 10 acres - good bush, gas well, good buildings, lots of good water, 8 acres orchard, large frame house with large sun -porch, electricity. large barn albasement nsoetn equipment, le silo. hog pen, drive house, work shop, poultry and brooder houses, grainary. garage, etc. Good. Belgian team, 5 'years old, 8200 lbs,; harness; M.R. binder; barn equipment for hay. Come and bee. Everything for 87,500. Harvey Chambers, Fenwick: FEMALE HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED LINOTYPE OPERATOR Apply to nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. File CR 2731.. HAIRDRESSING LEA oertson HAIRDRESSING Inform tionn on request regarding .classes. Acad- emy,Robertso137nrs Avenue Hairdressing Toro, HELP WANTED CYLINDER PRESSMAN WANTED, one with some experience on make-ready. Steady position for steady reliable man, (44 -hour week). Apply nearest Employ- ment 8: Selective Service Office. FTLE—C.R, 2619. EXPERIENCED LINOTYPE OPER- ator and floor man wdnted at once, steady position. (44 -hour week), Apply nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. Fl LE—C.11 2520• MACHINERY EMPIRE MILKING MACHINE RE - pairs, pulsators 'gverhauled, some rebuilt pulsators for: exchange. Vincent O'Neill, Gananoque, Ont. 1V(20LP) CO 28 Scarifier. r.R GRADER Caterpillar 46" blade grader, scarifier, back eloper. Speeder 132,' Se yard shovel, trench hoe. All machines guar- anteed. Other equipment avail- able. Leventhal & Co., Machinery. Agents, McIntyre Block,. Win- nipeg. THIS TS NEW HAND PLANTER TO PLANT CORN and distribute fertilizer in one operation. Places fertilizer at plow depth and spaced from seed. Quantities adjustable. A boy can operate. Price Fifteen Dollars. Enquire—Gravity Planter Co., Roblin, Ontario. IIIEDTCAL STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill -health in humans, ell ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting per. '. ticulare—Freel Write Mulveney's Remedies, Speclallsts. Toronto 8. SATISFY YOLiRSELF — I1VERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Sold only Munro's Drug Store, - 835 Elgin, Ottawa, Post- paid 51.00. ost-paid.51.00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor instantly. 45c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. CHIROPRACTOR H S. i t CHIROPRACTOR, 23 Bor Street t,r Hours 1 p.m. to 8 p.m, Saturdays 9 a.m, to 1 p.m. IT'S PROVEN—EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Sold only. Munro's Drug Store, 385 El- gin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. OPPORTUNITIES - 17(116 WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CAiNA DA'S LEA DING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn era lydressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest aye. tent Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 BLOUR W„ TORONTO Branches: 44 fling St. Hamilton 74 Ridenn Street, Ottawa. MUSICAL IN STRUM'ENTS FRED A. f3U.OniN(1TON 13UVS, sells, exchanges musical insiru- ments. 111 Church. 'Toronto' 2 PATENTS FETHERSTONI3A UGH 4 t'UAl 'AN Patent Solicitors, Este hlished 1050; 14 Til ng 4V est, Toren Io Booklet of In forma ion ,v "o• quest. PERSONAL SICKNESS AND OTHER PROB- lents overcome to Jesus' Name. Interdenominational book, thirty cents. Welham Edsall, Nanticoke, Ontario. PHOTOGRAPHY TIME TESTED QUALITY - SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed teR it EXPOSURE ROLLS. 266 REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING mama You hnotly wtall want this yearr,, butyou can get the anality and service you desires by Bending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO TorntSERVICE "YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS and the prompt manner In which you return work is greatly appreciated," Any Size 11.o11-6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 200 Don't risk losing pictures, Send your film rolls to CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST STUDIO elet Better Pictures et Lower Cost. Prompt mail aeeVice. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 29c (4c extra) is sent with film roll SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING ENLARGEMENTSts baa xIEasel Mounts Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 3 ' for 26c. Framed, on Ivory tinted mats, 7 x 8", in Gold, Sliver, Circassian Walnut or. Black Ebony finish frames, 69c each. - If enlargement colored, 79c each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograph or snapshot. and make ails' number of prints or enlargements desired. The process requires the work of skilled artists, but' the cost is reasonable, Send us Your picture and tell us what you .want done and we will tellyou the cost before doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE A Toronto 129,Postal Terminal BOx Plainly , Print Name and Addressa J int• ou Orders. PROPERTIES WANTED TO 7t1.Y WE HAVE BUYERS WAITING FOR chicken farms, market gardens. town or village houses In all parts of the Province. Send full particularsin confidence at once —we make no charge unless we eel]. Powell and Company, 5 St. Clair East, Toronto. TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER F 0 26 S.S. No. 10, West fearafraxa. Pleasestate salary and quall- liaattons. Apply to A. B. Fletcher, RR. No. 1, Belwood, Ont. MCLMUR S.S. NO. 22 REQUIRES - a Protestant teacher for the 19400- 1940 term, Duties to comnhenea. Sept. 5, Apply, stating (Matinee - tons, salary expected, to John Hoddinott, Sec.-Treas., R,R. 2, Lisle, Ont. WANTED, PROTESTANT TEA0H- er for S.S. No. 7 Windham, eon- taat Mrs, Marguerite Lucas, Nix- on, Ont., stating experience and salary expected.. WANTED GENERA?. STORE IN VILLAGE.. Western or Central Ontario, good turnover. Box 30, 78 Adelaide W.,. TORONTO. OPPORTUNITY FOR GENERAL blacksmith, welder, with own equipment; rich farming district. House and shop available. Gold mine for right men. Bos 9e, Mlddleport, Ont. TWENTY-F1V10 To ONE 'HUN- • dred acres within two hundred miles Toronto. Must be - eitunted on Lake or River. Sultanas im- material. Box 31, 70 Adelaide 1h., Toronto. WE BUY hundreds of Serbs, Beets, Barks, Berries, Flowers, Leaves, etc, PRICES HIGHER NOW Write for full 9151 Dominion Herb Distributors 1422 Si. Lnwrenee Rivd,,: Slouteral HARDWOOD WANTED WE ARID IN THE MARKET FOR ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER, WITOLD CUTS PRE- FTeRRED. 'ERIE FLOORING & WOOD ' PRODUCTS LTD., 45 Ernest Ave., Toronto• ME. 7444