HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-06-21, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1945. THE SEAFORTH NEWS ANNIVERSARY 33 Years In Business In Seaforth Owing to changing conditions we are also changing our Store arrangeineiits m keeping ,with the times: -, Our Plan Is This: On. July 3rd our goods will be arranged conveniently and priced on SELF SERVICE CASH STORE basis, you can. help yourself and select your own goods, OR we will have Personal Service --- that is a clerk to serve you. OR phone your order. Your clerk will select your goods for you, and you can call and pick up later; OR if you live in town orders will be delivered -once each day for a small charge of 10p per delivery. OR for the convenience of those who prefer we will extend credit until pay day, or 30 days, as agreed upon; these terms of course Must be strictly adhered to. Thus you can send children and neighbors to our store where • they will have the same courteous service. We • hope you will like these arrangements. We rill]: of course carry only the best quality, at lowest prices. This is your invitation to make our store "YOUR SHOPPING CENTRE." Very truly yours, Ross J. Sproat, Phone 8 "SUPERIOR STORES" Ari Wright's Superior Store Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 21, 22, 23 ORANGES 302 25c doz. Grape -Nuts Flakes, 2 large 12 oz. pkgs. 25c Odex Antiseptic Soap 3 bars 17c Clark's Mushroom Soup .2 tins 17c Fancy Quality Tomato Juice 2 - 20 oz tin .19 Old Dutch Cleanser per tin 1Oc Soap Flakes 25 lb. box 2.50 MOP HANDLES 25c Super Suds , per pkg. 24c Pahnolive Soap 3 Giant 25c 2 large bars 11e Sani-White Toilet Tissue 3 rolls 19c H. P. Sauce per bottle 31c Nutrinn Baby Cereal. . 9 oz. pkg.-290; 18 oz. pkg. 49c Royal York' Coffee 1 1b, bag 43c Royal Yorlc Orange Pekoe Tea V., lb. pkg, 3Sc Ohdmpion Dehydrated Dog Food per pkg. 10c Dr.. Billiards Meaties or Iribble Biscuits 2 - 1 Ib. bags 25c Hillcrest Shortening 1 Ib, carton 19c PHONE 77 TUCKERSMITH "The Tuckersmith . Township School Area will hold a picnic in the Lion's Park, Seaforth, on the after- noon of Friday June 22nd to which all the ratepayers of the Area are invited. The ladies are asked to bring cups, sandwiches and cookies or tarts. Come and enjoy an after- noon with the kiddies." WALTON Sixty guests were present at Ma• ple Ridge Farm, Blyth, on Saturday, June 15th, at 2 p.m. on the occasion of the marriage of Marian Jessie, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mra, James H. Richmond to Mr. Harold Fumice, son of Mr. and Mrs. George ,ranee, Southampton. The Rev. Ar- thur Sinclair officiated at the cere- mony. The bride, given in marriage by her . father, looked lovely in a graceful floor -length gown of white sheer, wearing a full-length veil .of white embroidered tulle, and carried a bouquet of "Better Times" roses. Miss Isabel Brigham, R,N'., cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid, gowned In pale pink sheer, with matching shoul- der -length head-dress, and carried Briarcliff roses, The groom was at- tended by his brother Me. Alvin France, and wee Bruce Richmond acted as ring -bearer. While the reg- ister was being signed, Mr, Reuben. Schroeder sang "Because" accompan- ied by 1VIr; A. E. Cook, who also play- ed the bridal music. Following the ceremony a dainty bidet luncheon was served by two nieces Miss Elea- nor Schroeder and Miss Joyce Craig, Later the, happy couple leftfor a cruise on the Great Lakes, the bride travelling in a light blue suit, with white accessories. On their return' they will make their home on the bride -groom's farm at Walton. Mr, Geo. Caister and his sister returnedlast week to their home in Decker, Mich., having spent a week's holiday with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kirkby and other relatives in this community. A reception dance for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Derr will be held in the, armories on Friday, June 22, old and new time music. Everyone. welcome.' Mr. Chas, Cunningham spent Sun- day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jos Feeney, Dublin. TOWN TOPICS Mrs. Jack Moore, Newfoundland, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moore. She is accompanied by her sisters, Misses Phyllis' and Laura Hatcher. W/O Keith Dale, who has volun- teered for-seritce inn -the Pacific, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Dale, TOWN TOPICS. Miss Jessie 'Pearce and Miss' Hop- kins of. Toronto; spent the Meek enil with Rev. and Mrs. A. Williaons at the Manse: Sixteen cadets Pion Seaforth high school, accompanied by Mr. 1. 13, R'eedrnark; are spending 10 days at theCedarSprings damp. Miss Mary Murray of. Stratford was a weekend visitor with Icer mother Mrs, James Mtu•ray, Mrs, M. E. .Elston and son Allan of Centralia Mrs. S. Davis of Saints bury Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Legg of Goderioh visited at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. George MeGavin Sunday. Mrs. Larry Brown and Jinn were in Owen Sound last week attending the funeral of Mrs, Amelia Kern, grand- mother of L. E. Brown, overseas. r Airs. j� m.am rbell and Karl are C i visiting in Collingwood with Mr. Campbell. Mrs, Chas. Millson, Ingersoll, spent the week, end with her daughter-in- law, Mrs. Gordon Millson. Mr's, Bryson McQuirter and Huddle of Midland ate spending this week with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Storey. Mrs. H. Minett of Toronto is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box. Miss Bonnie Murray of Chicago is spending three month's vacation with Miss Florence Murray. Mr. Tour Murray of Chicago is visit- ing with Mr. Michael Murray and family, Visitors at , the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Andrews over the week end Were; Miss Doris Shaw, London, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacMillan and soh, St: Thomas.' Mrs, S. MacMillan, Strat- ford, tratford, Pte. T. O, Pox, Veteran Guard, North Bay, and Pte. Bert Bernie, of London. Mrs Geo. Hills spent last week in Por onto Miss Hilda Kennedy London, spent the week enol with her mother Mrs. R. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith and daughter Patricia, Toronto, were week end visitors at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Regier. Mrs; Isabel Farrell and children, Bobbie and Teddy, Woodstock, were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Whitney. Miss Lois Whit- ney, acconrrpanied them borne where she will spent a week's holidays, Mrs. Russell Sproat spent last week with friends in Toronto. Miss Babe Hays of. Toronto was a weelt end visitor with Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Stewart. Miss Isabel Brigham, Reg.N., is visiting at her home in Blyth, Miss Rose Dorsey, Toronto, spent the week end at her home here, Sergeant Merle Dunlop and Mrs. Dunlop, Ottawa, were guests this week at the hone of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop. 0/3 Jack Cleary, RCNVR., Halifax, is spending his furlough with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cleary, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barry and daughter Elizabeth, Stratford, visited with Mrs. G. T. Turnbull over the week end, Miss Ria Hills and Miss Marjorie Bickell of Toronto spent the week end at their home here. Cidef.Petty Officer Melvin Merriam, RCNVR„ Halifax, is spending his fur- lough, with;•frieuds in town. - Miss Kathleen Holmes, Toronto, spent the weekend with relatives and friends in town, Mr. and NIrs. W. J. Faulkner and Miss Maxine Baynes, London, was a week end visitor with friends here. Patricia were here attending the fun- Rev, Douglas Stewart, Edmonton, eral of the late Mrs. F, A. Faulkner'• was a guest last week at the Koine of Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. 'Faulkner and his parents, Mi•. and Mrs, Harry Gloria and Fred -Jr.; of Detroit, were Stewart, here attending .the funeral of the late Mr. Edward Devereaux, Toronto, Mrs. F. A. Faulknerspent the week end with his mother, Miss Ruth Cleft spent the week end Mrs. F. Devereaux, at Woodstock with her brother Mr. ..,- W. FT, Skioldiee of Wilton Grove and Mrs. James Cluff. I is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. Jas. Mose of Ripley, who was Miss Dorothy Theobold was a visit visiting in Bayfield and Carlow; was or over the week end at the home of a visitor in town Monday, I Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Walsh Wood - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoggarth at- stock. tended the funeral of John McDougall Mr Gordon McKellar, of Toronto, at Cromarty on Saturday, i spent the week enol at his hone here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunter and Miss Miss Joan McMaster left on Wed - Joan Hunter of Toronto spent the nesday'.ot' Wig-a-Mog Ino, Halibnrton, week end with her mother Mrs. John where te will act as a sports director Smith. I sMr. and Mrs. Thomas Sills and son Mr. and Mrs. Willocks and family Toning are visiting with relatives in of Ripley are holidaying with Mrs. Toronto. A, D. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Box were in To - Misses Ina end Marion Gray left ionto on business this week. this week to visit their sister and Mr. Jack Thompson went to Tor - brother -in-law, Nin, and Mrs, F. T. onto on 'Puesday on gratin lodge busi• Craddock, Indian Meadows, B.C. 1155i1 of the h0.0.F. •. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoegy and Mrs, ;Florence Livingston of Detroit family, Kalamazoo, Mich., are guests is visiting friends in town. at the hone of his Oaten l:s,-Mr, and Miss Margaret McLeod is visiting Mrs, Louis Hoegy, in Toronto. • Mars. Albert Fortune is visiting her daughter Mrs. Fred Walsh and Mr. Walsh in Tavistock. Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Greene, Bar- row Bay, spent the wek evil at the home of Mr. and Mrs A. W. Dunlop. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays, and daughter Patsy. Detroit, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sills. Mrs. Conrad Eckert, who spent the winter nnorriars in Detroit; accom- DUBLIN Sunday, June 17, was a-mornen. toes occasion for St. Mary's Angli- can Church, Dublin, when they cele- brated their 77th anniversary ser- vice. Venerable Archdeacon Doherty, D.D., London, officiated at the spec- ial service assisted by the Rector, here. Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert. The choir of Airwoman Vera Hudson, Mountain St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Sea - View, visited this week at the home forth, directed the singing. Arch - of her sister; Mrs, Scott Habi.irk. deacon Doherty delivered a forceful Mr, Thos. Cu'I;er is• attending the sermochoosing Tris textt'fronn the 1.0.0.F. grand lodge ire Toronto. J 7th cnhapter of the Acts. A record Mrs. Leo Fortune was in Woodstockof, the various stages of the church on Sunday attending the ordination of history was a feature. In connection ,dei' nephew Rev. Francis K. Moylan, with the anniversary celebration a at St Alphonsns Seminary. social gathering was held in St. Tho- mas' hall, Seaforth„ on Tuesday. St. 1 ANI M ALS DISABLED Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL WILLIAM 'STONE SONS LIMITED DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY Pi-IONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15, EXETER 255, DARLING & CO.'OF CANADA, LTD: (Essential War industry) Thomas' Anglican Church celebrated their 90th anniversary so the two parishes united for a social "get- together." Bobbie McCormick, Detroit, who is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf, had the misfortune to fall from one of the large vats at the cucumber plant,. fracturing a bone in his leg. He was rushed to the Seaforth Clinic where an X-ray was taken and his leg put in a cast. Rev, Francis Kenny Moylan, S'• 9' M. youngest son of Thomas Moy,-. '11Ic.Killop, anti the late Mrs. Moylan, was ordained to the priest- hood at St. A]phonsus Seminary Chapel, Woodstock, by Mast Rev. john T. Kidd. Bishop of London, on Sun.; June 17, and celebrates his 1st Solemn High Mass at St. Colunban Church on Sunday June 24, Father • Moylan received his primary and secondar'y education at Beechwood separate school, St. Columban and Dublin Continuation Schools and Seaforth Collegiate. He obtained his B. A. degree in Philosophy 5roin St. Michael's College,. Toronto, and ' entered the Society of Foreign Mis- sions at Scarboro Bluffs, graduat- ing in Theology from St. Angus - tines Seminary, .Toronto A reception in honor of the re- cent newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lennon, Ellice Township, was held in Looby's Hall on Friday night. A large group of friends and well - withers was present to offer felicita- tione. An address of congratulations and good wishes was read by Miss Katharine 'Woods and presentation made of a purse of money, The bride groom thanked the donors gracious- ly. A social evening of dancing fol- lowed, music being supplied by the Ryan -McQuaid orchestra. Lunch was served by a group of voluntary helpers. Mrs. Mary J. O'Rourke and son, Joseph O'Rourke, Detroit, with James Burns: Miss Katharine Burns has re- turned home from Seaforth Memor- ial Hospital. Miss Mary Pope, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Bowman and other relatives. Mrs. Joseph Leiss and two daugh- ters, Kitchener with her mother, Mrs. Thomas Feeney. • Rev. Wm. Nigh, C.S.B., Houston, Texas, is spending' a month with Mr, and Mrs. John Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moylan and daughter, Kitchener, with Mrs. Peter O'Sullivan and Thomas Moylan. Mrs. Harry Reynolds, Sarnia, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Carlin, Mr. and Mrs, Pat McConnell, Seaforth, with Mr. and Mrs. David McConnell. Norval Parker, London, with Mrs. Philip Kenny. 'Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Kelly, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert O'Reilly. Captain Joseph Carpenter Inas gone to Halifax en route to Ger- ma, Mrsny. Carpenter and daughter, Nancy Anne, will spend the summer in North Bay Mrs. M. Geary and her daughter, Mrs, George Alexander, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feeney and I. daughter, Bebby, London, with Mr.. and Mrs. Patrick Feeney. Frank McGrath, Waterloo, with , his mother, Mrs. Mary McGrath. 1 Miss Genevieve Feeney, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs, I{athleen Feeney. Mrs. Frank Stapleton, London, with Mr. and Mrs. William Staple- ton. John ICenny attended the ordina- tion at. St Alpbonsus' Seminary Chapel, Woodstock, of his nephew, Rev. Francis Kenny Moylan, on Sun- day. 1 • LAKEVIEW GRAND SUMMER OPENING '^ Saturday -- June 23 Dancing Every Night Sta 11 . tn's NEWEST ALL REED ORCHESTRA CONCERT -- SUNDAY JUNE 24 8.45 P.M. THEDFORD BRASS BAND Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krauskopf and son, Mrs. Robert McCormick and two sons, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf, Miss Kathleen Burns, Stratford, and Gerald Burns, London, with their parents, Mr. and Mr's. Frank Burns. Pte. Leo Carlin, St. Thomas, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. James Carlin. Mrs. William Ackroyd and child- ren, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Rourke. Miss Angela Donnelly, Stratford, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Frank Donnelly. Misses Mary Margaret and Ter- esa Ryan, London, with their par- ents Mr. and Mrs Patrick Ryan. Miss Veronica Austin and Jack Austin, Kingsbridge, with Mr. and Mrs. John E. Murray. Miss A. Whaling, Stratford, with Mss Katharine Woods. Mr, and MIrs. Thomas Kelly, Blyth, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter. Lllr. and Mrs. William Burst and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Durst and family, Wroxeter, with Mr. and Mrs A. Forster. Pte. Leo Carlin, St. Thomas and T'te. Gerald Holland Jr. Kingston, with 1Ir. and Mis. J. V. Flynn. Miss Mary Atkinson, Toronto, is vacationing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson, Sgt. Frank Krauskopf, Ottawa, with his mother, Mrs. Louis Kraus- kouf. Mrs. Harry I. Dingenian and sons, David, 'Jack and Paul, Detroit, with Mr, and Mi's. D. McConnell. Mr. and Mrs Tack Moylan, Thom- as Moylan, Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Dalton attended the ordination of Rev. Father Moylan in Woodstock, on Sunday. , Misses Angela O'Reilly and Helen Flanagan were successful in obtain- ing' First Class Certificates at Strat- ford Normal School. Miss Katharine Woods was award= 1111111/111111111111..1.111.0:o ;;;;;;;; 1111111111 llllll 011111110111111,141. Sale of Aprons Homemade Baking FRIDAY, JUNE 22 In The Basement of NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH Tea will be served from 3 to 5 THE ANNUAL ORANGE CHURCH SERVICE OF 1035 VARNA Will be held M. the United Church, Varna, on SUNDAY, JUNE 24 at 7.30 when the Pastor, Rev. Miss Reba Hern, will speak 4i1 �,it r;r T11'.1 liven and L,O.B.A. !tui e r idly Invited to attend and gat purr tit tlo' todgt, room at 7 p,nt. W.M., Walsall Webster •[:Hr, S,,,'., Lorne Onlenan. Time. Table Changes EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 1945 and other specific dates Full Information from Agents Canadian National Railways ed a Second Class Certificate. Al three young ladies have been ap pointed as teachers for the ensu- ,..: year, remember when making toast ast Can you breadmover red eant hours of rubbing ula vibe meant 0 o rate .. c d oil tamp co Lots on.0 borate d a lmember every days s when Peclople ren toil to pertorrn js a riot art h°urbe done a ectricct short,a ew can now a comparatively the ey have seen o row minutes• In iftime shall beginningeinto al services 1,001 important ari in id to -day. t Iry i st important living to n the Nor HYdro ot has har- nessed the more electrical way 's great Water power more s to provide de his Pr'ovincelecth the bundant des to p °t low-cost elect ns. • resources Supplyew places an01 d enf V, 0 IWis is largely beca se citizens i tie. od to u World,, co-operated .have built It p 001000 I.Yd1o, support OW Sttt. ro e i�■`! at its h steadily isncreased completelyiye ttsett-sup- porting. -sup- ihrou9 Hydro on a service-at-cost er a less service. It operates it is used th pa t n9 more basis, r 1 ' d the dropped osis, an Hydro rates have rre is Hv °W Menage cost e ncre05ed a5e nal owart'baur with krl nn year AYdos' tic use ours. , 5 21pkiloNatth tt• 1,9 1914'' 960 . 1.5 193 -• 1116 154 1934.. 92220 your post-war more and 1943..a You plan Y° want m ou build ome f is w home is remember that Y hen Y re that your more elaewith plenty Planot allis wisely or remodel, outlets nv Y ro 04 this its and wiredevery ro nowrto'take toll advantage of yours. 11