HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-06-21, Page 3THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1945 THE SEAFORTH NEWS IN VICTORY & OTHER GOVERNMENT BONDS IN PUBLIC UTILITIES, INDUSTRIES ETC. C IN FARM AND TOWN MORTGAGES C ,IN CITIES AND TOWNS IN LOANS TO POLICYHOLDERS 4C IN CASH AND OTHER ASSETS IN REAL ESTATE * Figures according to the latest available Government report showing investments of Canadian Life Insurance Companies. AS ALWAYS Your Life Insurance dollar is employed for socially desirable purposes. It is good citizenship to own LIFE INSURANCE A Message from the Life Insurance Companies in Canada L -345X 4E1 ale444.e. We Canadians, together with the citizens of the United States and Great Britain, will eat less sugar during the balance of 1945. To meet our own needs and the urgent requirements of our Allies and the liber- ated countries, our share of the reduction must total nearly 200,000,000 pounds of sugar during the rest of the year. To assure fair distribution of what is left, the sugar ration is to be cut by five pounds during the next seven months by reducing the monthly allotment to one pound in June, July, August, October and December. In September and November', the allowance will remain unchanged at two pounds. The ten pound sugar allotment for home canning, represented by twenty extra pre- serves coupons, remains unchanged. Two regular preserves coupons will continue to become valid each month. ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT SUGAR Q. How does Canada get its share of world sugar supplies? A. World stocks are pooled by the Combined Food Board of the United Nations which allots sugar to Canada, United States and Great Britain on a uniform per capita basis. Q Where does the rest of the world sugar supply go? . A. To other claimants, including liberated areae; .European neutrals, Russia, the Middle East, New Zealand and other sugar -importing coun- tries. Approximately one-half of this total isdeetined for liberated areas. Q. Is there less sugar in the world today? A. Yes. Because needs are up and production is down, world sugar stocks reached a new low at the beginning of 1945. By the end of the year, they will be down again, this time to a dangerous minimum. a LSA 4 ococ WORLD 59559 ST086 i' k 00,p00 ToNs 30°0 ONS 499 tsts E6.1945 mt Q. Why is there more demand, for sugar? A. The rising demand largely reflects the needs of liberated areas. Q. Why is there less production? A. World sugar output is lower for these reasons 1. Enemy occupation of some sources such as Java and the Philippines. Java, of course, is still in Japanese hands and; although the Philippines are liberated, production is not expected to be restored until late in 1946. 2. Other export countries have experienced serious shortages of labour and fertilizer. 3. Record drought conditions and hurricanes. have also out into production in the Im- portant West Indian area. INDUSTRIAL AND .QUOTA USERS WILL ALSO GET LESS Effective July 1, 1945, sugar made available to industrial users, such as bakers biscuit and breakfast cereal manufacturers, makers of soft. drinks, confectionery ands candy, and jam and wine manufacturers, will again be reduced. A further cut is also being made in the allotment to quota users, suck as public eating places, while similar reductions are being made by the Armed Forces in the sugar quotas for service personnel. THE?' ARTIME 'PRICES AND 'TRADE BOARD d June Meeting of Huron County Council A deputation from the towns and villages in Huron county, headed by N. W. Trewartha, Clinton, appeared before the county council last week in support of a request that the coun- ty increase the rebate to urgan muni- cipalities from the present rate. of 50 per cent for towns and 75 per cent for villages to 90 per cent for both. Twenty years ago, Mr.. Erewartha stated, Huron county paid back to the towns and villages 90 per cent of the county road rates. Because some counties slid not rebate anything, the Highway improvement Act was pass- ed making it compulsory to pay 50 per cent to towns and 75 per cent to villages. As there are no roads being maintained by the county in any of the towns an dvillages, as there are in the townships, Mr. Trewartha stated thatrit is felt in the urban centres that they are paying too much to- wards county roads. The rates paid by the eight towns and -"villages amounted to $13,908, he said. Rebates received from the coun- ty totaled $8,271. On the basis of a 90 per cent rebate, as requested, they would receive 813,147, or an increase of $4,876. On motion of Reeves R. J. Bowman and R, D. Shadclick the request was referred to the county road commis- 81°F31. K. B. Stewart, newly appointed agricultural representative for the county, was introduced and spoke briefly. He urged ',encouragement of boys' and girls' clubs. The more that can he done for the young people the better, he declared. Mr. Merritt, district forester, stated that a total of 185,000 trees had been distributed and he commended Coun- ty Clerk N. W. Miller for this work. A large area has still to be planted. He emphasized the importance of ed- ucation of school pupils in forestry, under the supervision b school. in- spectors. On the recommendation of the agri. cultural committee concurrence was given to a resolution from Eigin coun- ty requesting the federal government to set aside a fund to train inexperi- enced soldiers desiring placement in farm work. No action was taken on the follow- ing resolutions: From Grey county, asking enabling legislations Permitting the sale of hogs under the national farm products act; frons Perth county requesting , legislation compelling all cattle being shipped to Toronto to be consigned to the Union Stock Yords instead of to the packing plants with- out being offered for sale on the open markets; from Grey county, respect- ing legislatoin malting it compulsory. to have cattle treasecl for warbles, and dipping of sheep. J. A. Snider asked for assistance on behalf of the Goclerich Music Club for the financing of the festival of music owing to the extent to which it had grown. Sixty-five per cent of the 400 entries come from municipalities out- side of Goderich. The request was re- ferred to the executive committee. R. O. Staples, inspector of public schools in South Huron, informed the council that there 1150 been 30 -teach- ers' resignations in the inspectorate, nine of which were from married wo- men. Sixteen have secured positions in city - schools. Soon, he predicted, township school areas will provide conditions equal to those which are attracting teachers elsewhere, as they will provide facili- ties for teaching hone economics, vis- ual education, dental care, trans= portation of pupils, and improved accommodation and equipment. "Great things are stirring in elementary and secondary education, and county coun- cilors can hasten the day when each child may be given equal opportun- ity," he stated. Inspector J. H. Kinkead of North Huron said the enrollment is increas- ing in the schools there. He felt there would be a shortage of teachers dur- ing the next three years, pointing to the fact that only 80 students will graduate from the Stratford normal school this year. North Huron will require 15 to fill 'vacancies. He, too, spoke highly of the township school areas. A deputation was heard from the recently formed Huron County Flying Club, composed of the president, Wilmot Macke, Gearge Feagan and Hugh Hill, in support of a request that the county lease the land at the Sky Harbor airport to the flying club when it is available. (It was leased to the government in 1940 at $1 a year as a patriotic gesture to the war ef- fort, and used as an elementary flying training school under the Common- wealth .Air Training Plan.) In the discussion that followed, the opinion was expressed that more information should be received before negotiating the lease, buthe clerk was assured by several members that the council was behind it. Finally a, mo- tion was passed referring the request to the warden's committee. Harry Sturdy, president, Russell Bolton, vice president, and Victor Roy, secretary -treasurer of the Fed- eration of agriculture of Huron coun- ty, addressed the council in support of a request for a grant for dunigr work. On motion of Reeves R. J. Bowman and S. Machan it was sent to the executive committee. On the recommendation of the exe- cutive committee, Huron County Council authorized a grant of $25,000 to Clinton public hospital toward the hnilding of a $93,000 addition. The recommendation was thorough- Iy- discussed before its adoption. It was pointed out by some members that they had heard crittcfsm of the council's grant of $25.000 to Wingham hospital at a former session. Others were of the opinion that an expendi- ture of $100,000 on the county hospi- tals would be a good thing in order to bring them up to date. Cream Cans Are For Cream (From the Canadian Countryman) If some careless dairyman does not want to get into trouble he should remember that it is an offence under the War Measures Act to use a milk or cream can belonging to any dairy or creamery for any other purpose than the transportation of milk or cream to the owner of the can, or to Pat any other substance bat milk or cream into such can. rt is also an offence to have one of these cans when not required for its legal use and to retain it ih one's possession. Crea.inel'ies in lntario d0 not re- quire patrons to own their own cans, but loan cans onrequest,- and it is important that this privilege Is not abused. The cans should be returned pronnptly to the creamery when not needed for shipping cream. Tin is in very short supply and creameries, and other dairies etre hav- ing. a hard time of it to get enough cans to go -around. Do your bit in this situation. Use the cans for shipping mill: or cream,. but not for anything else. Want and For Sale ads, 3 weeks 50c.