HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-06-21, Page 1e
. WHOLESERIES, VOL: 68, No. 25
Dr. Foster Harburn, who has been
conducting a veterinary practise in
Seaforth for the past forty-two
years, has disposed of his practise to
Dr. John 0. Turnbull .son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, of Grey town-
s ship. Dr. Turnbull has recently been
in the City of Toronto and is taking
immediate possession and will con-
duct his practise from the office
where Dr. Harburn has been located
since establishing' 'here; which loca-
tion is well known to theresidents
of this locality.
Dr. Harburn wishes to extend to
the people of this community his
sincere thanks for their good will
and co-operation during his many
years of practise. It is his wish, and
undoubtedly the wish of the com-
munity at large, that Dr. Turnbull
may enjoy as many years' successful
practise as those enjoyed by his pre -1
Dr. and Mrs. Turnbull will be wel-
corned as residents of Seaforth and
will reside in Dr, Harburn's 'house,
which they have purchased. Dr. and
Mrs. Harburn will continue to live
in Seaforth, their many friends are
glad to know.
The annual decoration day service
of the Seaforth Branch 156 of the
Canadian Legion will be held on
Sunday, June 24th at 1.45 p.m. The
parade will goto the cenotaph, then
a visit to each comrade's • grave in
the following cemeteries: Eg'mond-
ville, 'Harpurhey, Maitlandbank, St.
James', St. Columban and. Dublin.
All service and ex -service inert are
asked to join with the Legion on this
At a congregational meeting held
on Friday evening, Carmel Church,
Hensall, extended a unanimous call
to the Rev. Percy A. Ferguson, B.A.,
of St. Paul's Church, Wiarton. The
call will be dealt with at a meeting
of the Presbytery of Huron -Maitland
to be held in the near future.
*lblue coal'; }44
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.
10 a.m. Sunday School.
11 a.m. Mr, C. Fingland.
7 p.m. Rev. R. G. Hazlewood, B.A.,
of Walton,
Sunday, July 1, Communion
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A. B.D.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "Does It Pay to be a s
7 p.m., "Hearing the Word of
Successful and happy services
were held on Sunday, June 17th at
St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth, and
St. Mary's Church, Dublin, marking
the 90th anniversary of the com-
mencement in 1855 of Anglican
work here by the Rev. Wm. Cress-
well (and the 82nd year of the pres-
ent church building), and the 77th
anniversary of the opening of the
present building at St. Mary's, Dub
he. The Venerable Archdeacon W. J.
Doherty, D.D., formerly of Hensall
and Staffa, was the preacher at St.
Thomas' at 11 a.nn. and at St, Mary's
at 3 p.m. Old friends were glad to
see and hear the Archdeacon again.
The Rector, Rev. C. R L. Gilbert,
B.A., preached at St. Thomas' at 7
In connection with the anniversary
celebration a. most enjoyable social
evening was spent by members of
both congregations at St. Thomas'
parish hall on Tuesday, Jane 19th,:
the programme of singing and games
being in charge of Mr. H. G. Meir
and Mrs: Bert Shaw, the Rector be-
ing in the chair, and brief speeches
were made by Mr. Archie Forbes and
Mr. R. G. Parke, churchwardens,
respectively, of St. Mary's and St.
A shower was held at the home of
Ella J. Armstrong one evening re-
cently in honour of Miss Ina Walkom
and Mr, Roy Kerr• when about forty
guests gathered to spend a joyful
evening. The first part of the even-
ing was spent in playing progressive
euchre. The prize winners were:
Ladies, most games, Mrs. Fred Scar-
lett, lone hands, Mrs. E. J. Box, less
games, Miss Margaret O'Reilly;
men's, most games, Mr. Geo. Eaton,
lone hands, Bert Spence; less games,
Miss Alice McIvor. Second part was
a double mock wedding which was
taged in front of the fireplace. Miss
Thelma., Dolmage and Miss Beth
Walmsley acted as twin brides; Mrs.
Grace McPherson and Ella Arm.-
trong, as grooms, Miss Ruth Vin-
cent as minister and Miss Margaret
O'Reilly as the brides' father, also
took part. After the mock wedding
Miss Ina Walkout and Mr. Roy Derr
were asked to come forward and
ake their place on two decorated Snell and the ]ate Mrs. Snell, was '(made by the boys in the wards).
1 chairs. Mr. Bert Spence read the ad united in marriage 1a Guests were present from E1Centro
dress and Miss Thelma Dolmage ge to Cpl. Gordon Colombia, S.A. Penn, Rottingha
and Miss Beth Walmsley presented Webster Keys, RCAF, Kamloops,, and London, Eng., Toronto, and
he bride-to-be and groom -to -be with
B.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. keys, ; Clinton, on the groom's Colon'
beautiful decorated basket over- Varna. Rev. A. E. A. Menzies offra-' from Germany, from No. 17 Caned
owing with lovely white and red rated at the ceremony. The ..bride ran General Hospital, the Chaplain
annelled kitchen ware. Mr. Kerr y'or'e sheer white with matching ac- • the Commanding Officer, the elatro
made a suitable reply on behalf of Bessories and a corsage of red the 0.C. of Surgery and a few of th
na and himself. is c iffe roses. Mrs. Barry Lang• nursing sisters. Friends attendin
The hvrng room was beautifully maid, of Windsor, sister of the the wedding from South Amen
ecorated with spring flowers. On bride, was matron of honour. She' and Canada are at present living in
he buffet was an imitation of a wore an ensemble of turquoise blue
eautiful three storey wedding cake. England.
jersey silk with white accessories;
The regular meeting of the W.A
delightful hinch was served by the g r4lan Keys,
of dream roses. Mr. was held in meeting
field United
girls. ys, of Montreal, brother Church on the afternoon of June 5
of the 'room, was best man. The There was a good attendance and
KNOX-FARQUHAR groom's gift to the bride was a Lady the roll call was answered by "A
4t Kingsway Lambton United Elgin wrist watch, to the matron of ='verse about flowers". Miss McDon
hurch on June 16th, the marriage honour a stealing silver piece, and to ald was in the chair. Mrs. McQueen
as solemnized of NIar R the best man a leather bill fold, conducted the devotional
y, youngest Immediately following the were- ' part of
aughter of rthMrand Mrs, Chas, Far loony, a reception was held at the the meeting and the secretary Mrs.
ihar, Seaforth, and Mr. Edmund home of the bride's father. Th W. Scott read the minutes of the
nox, son of Mr, and Mrs- J. C. Knox e dui- last meeting which were adopted as
of Toronto, Rev. W. C. Lockhart of- ane room was tastefully decorated
with June Ace ads. A e centre
read. There was some discussion re-
fieg The .bride wore a dress- wedding cake adorned the centre of gar•ding the stove for• the kitchen
aker suit of Bahamas blue vicoline, the bride's table The colour scheme' of the church. A decision' regarding
navy accessories and a: corsage of
First Presbyterian Church
Rev, R. H. Williams, Minister.
"lir 10 a.m., The' Sunday School..
11 ant. and 7 p.nt.—Public Wor-
Thursday evening at 8, the mid- t
week service.
Sunday, June 24th: Nativity of
St. John the Baptist. iii
St. Thomas', Seaforth
10 a.m., Sunday School. I me
11 a.m., Morning Prayer.
Britannia Lodge A.F. & A.M. and
visiting Brethren in attendance.
St. Mary's, Dublin 1
First of Summer morning services
9.30 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sex-
Rector: Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A„ f
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smale, of 0
Staffa,;announce the;engagement of d
An attempt to rob the Seaforth
Creamery early - Sunday morning
was foiled by a passing motorcyclist
Who scared off the thieves before
they had finished their job. Mr. and
Mrs, Parton of London on their way
to Cranbrook, noticed a light in the
Creamery office at 4.30 o'clock and
saw a man run and jump into' a ear
which drove up Main street'' and
turned down towards the rink. The
co a was nota ed and it
nstabl ifiwas
found the four men had smashed in
the front door of the creamery, and
also the office door. They had brok-
en open the safe and evidently were
endeavoring to break loose the
strong box inside the safe to take it
away with them. A cash drawer
and the books were not molested.
Nearby places'had also been broken
into, the Farmers' Co-operative, Sup-
ertest warehouse and railway build-
ings. The car which had been stolen
in Stratford was later found at Par-
is where they stole another car.
The forty-third •annual picnic re-
union of the Forrest and Love :fam-
ilies was held in Bayfield on June
14th. There were about 140 present
from Seaforth, Hensel], Exeter,
•Grand Bend and Thedford and Hills -
green. The races: 5 years and un-
der, Grace Love, Jim Forrest; 5-8,
Ross Turnbull, Alma Turnbull; boys
10 and under, Maurice Love, Lorne
Love; 12-1'4, Keith Blanchard, Aud-
rey Campbell; sack race, Glen Love,
Keith Blanchard married ladies'
'race, Mrs. Percy Campbell, Mrs.
Leslie Turnbull; married's men's
race, Bill Forrest, Bob Love; milk
bottle race, Mrs. Jack Forrest, Mr.
John Forrest; relay race, Tom Blan-
chard's side; ball game was very
well contested. Garnet Patterson
and Fergus Love picked sides and
Garnet's side won 16-13. Hiram
Blanchard and Albert Keys won the
horseshoe pitching. The oldest man
at the picnic was Andrew Love of
Grand Bend and the youngest was
Mary Amt Forrest, slaughter of Mr.
RED CROSS NOTES and Mrs. Bill Forrest.
The open meeting of the Recl Cross
Brandt of Seaforth, held in the Sep-
agate School Friday, June 15, was
both entertaining and instruct'i've.
Two solos very sweetly rendered by
Mrs. L. Fox accompanied by Mrs. Jaa.
Stewart were much enjoyed. Mfrs.
Close and firs. Ii. Campbell gave their
reports on the convention of the On-
tario Division which was 'held in Tor-
onto in April. Mrs. Close dealt with
the work done by the Red Cross,
while .firs. Campbell gave the financ-
ial report. The convention reports
will be in next issue.
The -marriage of Grace Eileen,
daughter of i'Irs. Alex. Wallace and
the late Alex. Wallace, of Tucker -
smith, anis Rte John Eldon Russell
Mr, and :Alias, Alex. Paterson and
Ronnie are spending a week with
Mr. Paterson's parents in Montreal.
'Tentorial service will be held at
Baird's cemetery next Sunday after-
Married Overseas—
In St. Sebastian's Anglican Church
at Wokingham, Berkshire, England,
on Tuesday, June 21st, Lieut. Nurs-
ing Sister Hazel L (RCAMC) Bang
ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Haugh,
Brucefield, Ont.,'became the bri
of Major John S. 'Ussher, Ld.S.
(R.C.), son of Lt. Col. J. F. H. Us 1
er of Nancy Lake Farm, King, On
The church which was effectively d
corated' with blue and white flow
, of Petmbar°, Ont., son of was filled to capacity, small nos
Mr. and Mrs; J. W. Miller of .Avon_ gays marked the pews, The bri
lea, Sask., was solemnized at the was given away by Lt. Col. Bazi
Egmondville United Church manse O.C. of Surgery in No. 17 Canadi
by Rey; A. W. Gardiner, on Satur- General Hospital: Col. Bazin is fo
day, June 16th. The bride looked mealy from Toronto. The bride c
lovely in a street length dress of ried a shower bouquet of white hos
horizon rose French crepe with and carnations with two types
white accessories. The bride carried £ern. ,Mrs. (Dr.) John Sinclair,
Et bouquet of pink American BeautyLondon, Eng., a classmate at at
roses and wore a gold locket, thoil horor, she also carriedflowergift of the groom. The wedding din The grooms a alsows Major W. wel l
Wer' was served at the home of* the los who at present is serving in Ho
brides mother, Mrs. Wallace, to the land. Rev. Mr. Corpastor of th
immediate family. The table was church, officiated assisted by Chap
centred with a three storey wedding lain McBride. Reception was held i
cake and a large white bell and yel- nursing sisters' mess at No. 17 Ca
low roses. Mrs. Margaret Stephen- adian General, Hospital, which w
son served the table, assisted by Miss beautifully decorated with vario
Mabel Cameron. The bride chose a kinds of flowers. The table tv
flowered silk crepe for travelling. spread with a lovely cutwork table
The happy young couple left amid cloth and centred by the weddin
showers of confetti and good wishes cake,
and decorated with whit
on a short honeymoon to points east. candles and sprays of orange bloc
KEYS-SNEok i :toms. The cake was out by a lon
A quiet wedding took place ed ' sword tied with ribbon and prang
June 16th, I1 a.m., at the United blossoms. Folllowing the receptio
Church parsonage, Lonclesboro, when the couple left for their weddin
Elva Ruth, daughter of Mr. William trip •mu showers of rice and confet
cat United Church officiating', interment were Sunday guests at the home of
es being made in the Clinton cemetery, .Mr. and Mrs. E. Chuter.
of" The late Mrs. Mann was in her 51st Those who attended the spring
of year. deanery meeting held in Goderich
ell- The Constance United Church will were .Mr. Jas. Stephenson, Mrs. J. F.
on hold theh•anniversary services on Smith, Mrs, M. Reid, Mrs. M. G.
s, Sunday, June 24th. Services in the Beatty and Miss Edyth Mossop,
morning at 11- o'clock. Rev. W. A. Sunday, June. 24-will:be the 90th
$1 a year
Both for 72
A bridal duette to
do honor - to her
hand. Perfectly
The "Bouquet• • for
smart women. De-
pendable and
{donne stylish.
80 Rosebud"
earrings in sterling
silver. v
ery smart -
The Pair $60
For that special
someone choose
this lovely en-
h. February of this year. The funeral
of was the largest ever held in this
de community, showing the great es -
H. teem in which the late Mrs. Mann
s h- was held. The pallbearers were Jos-
t. eph, Frank, Theo and Thomas Flynn,
e- A. Shanahan and George Mann. The
ers flowerbearers were the pallbearers,
e- also George Hoggart, Lloyd Rum -
de ball, Tommy Flynn and Russell
n, Marks. The funeral was held on
an Tuesday from her late residence
r -with the Rev. Mr, Burton of Clinton
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Thompson,
son Harry and daughter Mrs. Thom-
pson and little daughter of Goderich
township were Sunday guests at the
home of the fornter's sister, Mrs. L.
Beatty and daughter Edith,
Miss Gertrude Reid of Clinton vis-
ited last week with her aunt, Mrs.
Gertrude Reid and Mrs. Hart.
Mr. T. Chuter of London, Mr, and
Mrs. Harvey Chuter of Harriston
1. Beecroft will be in charge. in the anniversary of Trinity Anglican
e morning the choir assisted by Messrs. Church, Bayfield, service at 11 am.
_ J. T. Scott and Clarence Walden of and 7 p.m. Rev. F. H. Paul of Wind-
n Seaforth and Mrs, Menzies, will give sor will be the guest speaker and
n- an anthem, Sing Unto the Lord, a there Will be no service in St. Johns
as quartette by J. T. Scott, Clarence Anglican Church.
us Walden, Wm. Jewitt and Win, Brit- Dr. McAsh of Innerkip in comp -
as ton. .Also a solo by Rev. Beecroft se- any with Mrs. Munshaw of London
companied by Mrs. Menzies. In the called on their nephew, J. T. McAsh.
g evening services at 7,30, Dr. L. T. L.O.L. 1035 will hold their 'annual
e I ilborn, M A.,M,D.,Ph,D„ a professor service in the United Church on
in a univei sity in China, will bring Sunday evening. next, June 24th at
g the message. Also oar own pastor, 7.30. The Woodham Fife and
e Ret. Menzies, will be present.. The Drum Bind will head this church
n choir will sing an anthem 0 That parade The ILA. team of 1035 were
g male quartette and a solo by Mrs. th . This twill be a rare treat. to where they put the degree on for a
hear Dr. I ilborn, and be silt' to spine large class of candidates.
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and little
m to these services. child of Brussels were Sunday guests
Mr and M• . G
Mrs gorge Wy•nn and
Men Would Praise the Lorcl, with a in Bayfield on Friday evening last
two a
1 little daughters Catherine and Marg- Reid.
nret of Forest visited at tlhe home of WINTHROP
81,'. and Mrs: Wit, Britton on Sunday.'
• ' Mrs. Wynn Sr, and Mrs. Mansfield,' On Friday of last week Mrs.
Matron who had. been visiting their sister, Lorne Wilson, Brucefield, entertain-
• them. , Lillian McClure , bride -elect of this
ca Miss Franees Downey, teacher of week, and presented her with a
i Buffett S.S. 3, spent the week end shower of kitcheri.ware in red and
stat. h her parents at Tiverton. i white enamel, also many more lovely
t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
7 p.m., Evening Prayer, Members 1
e Mrs. Britton, returned home with ed about thirty relatives of Miss
!with h
Mrs. J. Sanderson returned home gifts, Mrs. Wilson read the address
from Scott Memorial Hospital on and the gifts were presented by Mrs.
Saturday. C. Merrill and Mrs. Bob McGregor.
Mrs, Ken Betties of Brantford is Madelon Wilson and Jean Taylor
home attending the funeral of her assisted the bride -elect in opening
• aunt, Mrs. John Mann, which was her gifts. Site thanked all present
betel on Tuesday: - for their kind remembrance, Mrs.
their eldest daughter, Bessie Jean, ai
to Albert Hildebrand, son . of Mr. ,
and Mrs. Louis Hildebrand, Sea
forth, the marriage to take place in dating.
Staffs United Church, June 30th. m
gardenias. She was attended by }ler
ster, Dorothy Farquhar, in sun ray
ld gaberdine with tan accessories
14 a corsage of yellow roses ancd
rnflowers. Austin Knox of.Hamil-
n, brother of the groom, was beat
an. Following, the ceremony a din•
r was seri=ed at the Old Mill. The
uple later left for a trip to the
aurentians and on their return will
side on Chaplin Crescent, Toronto,
Miss Fernette and .'Miss Drouin of si
• Detroit are at their cottages and ex- go
pest to spend the summer. a1
Mr. and Mrs. H. Weston and fam-' ce
ily of Detroit are at their cottage. to
Mrs. (Dr.) Volume has disposed .lir
of her ]come to Mr. Geo. McGlary: ne
' Gunn of London who gets posses- co
sion in Sept. iL
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott are guests re
of the latter's mother, Mrs. R, F.
Gairdner. They expect to • leave ,
shortly for Toronto. •
Pte. Ella McKay of the Military : Li
Post Office staff, London, who spent so
her two weeks leave with her par- : Re
ents at the Albion Hotel left on si
Monday to resume her duties.
The .Arouse of Mrs. Florence G.
vingston on John street has been
Id through the office of Watson &
id to Mrs. Bertha M Box, Posses,
on July 1st,
Mr. and leas. Dixie Bailey of
Camrose, Alta., are guests of Ms,
and Mrs. Thos. Bailey. It is 35 years of
since they left Bayfield. be
Mr. J. Sturgeon has been ill but Sc
his many friends are pleased to see au
frim able to be about again, 1 go
Malcolm McLeod of the Canadian , at
Navy is spending a 30 -day leave with an
his parents, Capt. Louis McLeod and the
Mr. Lloyd D. bATorhison, for'mer'ly
• Vaughan Collegiate, Toronto, hps
en engaged by the Seaforth High
hool Board, as science teacher, to
cceed Mr., I. H. Weedmark, who
es to. Cornwall. Mr. Morrison is
present a member of the RCAF.
d has spent the past three years in
RCAF. meteorological depart-
nt at Brandon and Camp Borden.
. and Mr's, Morrison , will ' move
re during the sunnier.
Mao: McLeod. - me
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grant, 4311
Ninth Street, Saskatoon, announce
the engagement of. their daughter'
Madeline Isabelle Walpole to " Mr. tiz
Thomas Laing Gillespie, younger ran
son of bir. and Mr's. Neil Gillespie, He
Seaforth. The wedding to take place No
last of June in Toronto. Joh
The following children were bap --
ed last Sunday at First Presbyter
Church: David Gordon Grieve,
Heather Ann McLeod, Glen Edward
Nott,. Elinor Ruth' Teall, Wihiarrr
n Teall, Catherine Ann Wilcox.
was pink and white with pink candles this will be reached later. It was
and streamers surmounted by a agreed that the women of the church
white wedding bellbe asked to gather orb. Wednesday
Amid showers •of confetti and afternoon of Jane 13 for the pur-
good wishes, the happy couple- left Pose of cleaning the chichi
(this for Toronto. For travelling. the bride rate was later changed ged to Ju
donned a yellow flowered silk with Group 3 had .charge of the after -
matching coat and black accessories. noon program. Mrs. Henderson sang
Guests were present from Varna, a lovely solo and lunch was served.
Brucefield, Goderich, London, Wind -The meeting closed in the usual
soh' and Montreal. , manner—the Miznah benediction
and God save the King.
W. 1. MEETING ,', There will be a decoration service
Seaforth. Women's Institute will Baud's cemetery on the afternoon
hold their monthly meeting on Wed- in of Sunday, June 24, starting at 2.30
nesday evening, June 27, •at 8,80 under the auspices of the hO.O.F.
p,m. at the home 'of Mrs. Flclon
Kerr. The roll call will be a pest CONSTANCE
and how to control it. Rev. R. H. Death of Mrs. John G. Mann.—
Williams will be the guest speaker. The sudden death occurred on
Sunday, June 17, in Hullett town-
CONSTANCE ship, of Margaret Dixon Riley, be-
loved wife of John G. Mann Jr.
The deceased had been in failing
health since three years ago when .
she suffered a serious illnegs frons.
Supe 14. Mrs. Lindsay took the which she never fully recovered. The
chair in the absence of Mrs. Britton. late Mrs. Mann was born in Cleve- i
Mrs. Dave Mill'son gave 'the chapter land, Olio, in 1894 and in 1920 ii+as i
in the
study book on France in united marriage. to John Mann of ,+
Southeast Asia. Hymn "'What a Hullett. She leaves to mourn her loss
Fellowship" was sung and Mrs. besides her husband, two children,
Charles Dexter gave a readin • n Ross and Doris, both ' t home,also.
g oa
c}yon'o May Share In It, on the two brothers and two sisters, John ,
theme, The Crusaders for• Christ Riley of Brussels, Charles Riley of ;
and His Kingdom. Mrs, Joyce Acicli Seaforth, and Mrs. Stanley Munn of
son gave the scripture reading from Thamesville and Mrs. obi-. Griniolc-
St. John 170 chap., All Whine is by of. Constance, She was the
Thiie. Mrs. Charles Dextergave the of the fate ' . and Mrs.
temperance reading. Sung a hymn Riley tint
ryas' predeceased by her
and then closed with prayer. mother in 1928 and her father in
Keir,p.m.E eaPp hliambeth.
The Constance W.M.S. held their
regular meeting in school room ' of
the church, Thursday afternoon,
Wilson, assisted by Mrs. McGregor,
McKFLLOP I Mrs. Merrill and Mrs. McGonigle
__ 1 served a dainty lunch and all repair -
took i ed to their homes wishing Lillian ag is h
brides home in. McKillop, Thursday i The followin ' the e address:
A wedding place at the
long and happy married life.
June 14 at 3 p.nh., when Audrey "pear L'11' We have 'athered
Noreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. this afternoon to spend a social hour
:John Byernian, and Ross E. McTag- , together and honor you on your ap-
gart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald 'mooching marriage, George bus elm-
' McTaggart of Brussels, were muted soar wisely, he must have been sampl-
in marriage with Ret'. -Schultz offic-
ing your cooking, they say the way
iating. Given in marriage by sat-hien],
to a man's heart is by his stwuach.
father, the bride wore white satin; Vie wish you s uch happiness in your
trimmed with Duchess lace with
new home and hope joy will be
finger-tip veil, She cart e bon- yours as the years go by. We would
duet of roses, carnation and sweet tike you to accept, these gift$ and as
Areas. The ward of itonot lTiss Alree you use them we hope you will re.
I3yerman, sister of. the bride, wore member your friends who have al -
pink satin, trimmed with lace with ways appreciated- your smile and
shoulder length 'veil and carried a helping hand.
sweet peas, Elwood McTaggart, , and family and Mrs. Ida Jacques of
bouquet of pink carnations and ; gea, and Mrs. Thomas McClement
brother of the groom, was best man. Gorrie with bri'. E. Haase.After the ceremony about 30 guests Mrs. Helen Laughnavy and daugh-
sat down'to the table decorated with ter Mary of Niagara Falls. N.Y.,
pink and white, centred by the wed- with her sister, Mrs. Margaret
ding cake. The guest of honor was Horne, the groom's grandmother, Mrs, Por- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Madden and
ter: of Brussels. In the evening a Lillian with Mrs. R. K. Davidson.
reception was held in Walton Cont- Mr, Andrew Montgomery of
munity Hall where relations and Brantford spent the week end with
friends gathered, after' whichr they his fancily,
left fora honeymoon up North. ' Miss Margaret Montgomery at her
Guests were .present froin Galt, home here.
Brantford, Toronto, 'Port Elgin,
Broclhaaen ancl Brussels. Bride anMet The helping' Hand Mission Band
et on June 16th. The Scripture: was
groom will reside in Grey. i taken by Dorothy Dodds, prayer by
A surprise gathering of the em- Doreen Hogg. Business was taken by
ployees of Shur•ly, Dietrich and At- Mrs: Hogg. Next meeting will be on .
king was neatly performed in hon- ; July 4. Story taken by leas, Dodds.
our of Miss Audrey Byorman, in the The Red Cross meeting and quilt
shop after work. An address was ing was held o Tu• d with
n es ay - an at-
read by Mr. Scotty Boyle and the tenclanee of 10. One quilt was done."
bride-to-be received a lovely walnut Knitting done for the .past six mos,:.
coffee table, -lamp, and a tray table. 28 pairs of socks, 3 pi's, mitts, gloves
After the bride-to-be gave her many 10 prs., 0 turtle neck sweaters,' '17
thanks "showers of confetti ended scarves, 14 soakers,.3 toe caps, also
the party. 11 quilts