HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-06-07, Page 3THURSDAY, JUNE '7, 1945 THE SEAFORTH NEWS e PEERLESS PETE PEERLESS PETE represents a drop of Peerless Motor Oil. His adventures—as seen by our artist—will take Pete all the way from the time when B -A specially selected him from their own wells, through the famous 5 -point Clarkson process up to where alloyed against wear, he does a better job in your car, truck or tractor! Watch for more adventures of Peerless Pete! High Vaoaum Dlatllalion ... removes all asphalt, "heert'cuts'. oil into different S.A.E. grades giving easier starting in cold weather lower of consumption in hot weather! Catalytic Cloy Filtering removes the last remaining vestige of impurities which might cause engine failure ... gives Peerless Motor 01l its brilliant,. sparkling, amber colour. Al "Alloying" protects the molecules of Peerless against lubricating oiPe natural tendency to oxidize forming harmful deposits in the engine of your car—protects against wear! • Furfural framing scrubs and washes out carbon fractions ureleea for lubri- cation. It is chiefly to this proceaethat B -A Peerless Motor OD gets its un- ususliy high V.I. (Viscosity Index). SUMMER DRIVING TOUGH ON OIL In the summer you drive longer distances more often . . put more strain on the lubricating oil in your car's engine. It will pay you this year to switch to Peerless Motor Oil "It's Alloyed" against the effect of heat. Drive in to the sign of the big B -A and ask for Peerless Motor Oil! ".9a,,41k" e ;x M.E.N. De -Waxing, at sub -zero tem- peratures. This removes all the was, which in our Canadian tamate, may adversely affect the "pour point" of lubricating oUJz cold weather. 44, HAVE YOU REGISTERED YOUR CHILDREN FOR hiyaheaareesr .)u Gln r -.r- /'► 1,200,000 FAMILIES have already registered for Family Allowances. Approximately 100,000 tamilies who are entitledto register and who will benefit, have notyet registered. Family Allowances cheques will be mailed in July. If you want to receive your first cheque, register now. If you delay your registra- tion any Longer, it may not be possible to deal with your application in time to send you the first cheque. If you have children under 16 and if your income is under $3,000 a year, you will benefit from Family Allowances. If you have not registered, and intend to do. so, please act at once! Family Allowances Registration forms have been mailed to every family. They can be obtained at the nearest post office or by writing to the Regional Director of Family Allowances in the capital of your province. FAMILY LL0WANCE' " AND INCOME TAX When the Family Allowances Act was passed, Parliament approved the principle that there should be no duplication of benefits by way ,of Family Allowances and Income Tax credits for the same child. Family Allowances cheques will be paid in full every month. But for the last six months of 1945 an adjustment will be made to avoid duplication of benefits. The table below shows the effect of this adjustment and will enable tax- payers to determine the extent to which they will benefit from Family Allowances: TABLE SHOWING EFFECT OF ADJUSTMENT FOR 1945 Percent by which taxpayers AMOUNT OF will benefit from Family Allow - TAXABLE INCOME antes in addition to present income tax credits, for 1944. Not over $1200 . 100% Over $1200 but not over 1400 90% of " 1400 " " " 1600 . 80% the " 1600 " " " 1800 . 70% actual " 1800 " "' " 2000 . 60% Family " 2000 ' " Ak. 2200 . 50% Allowances " 2200 " " " 2400 • 40% received " 2400 " " " 2600 . 30% in the " 2600 " "" " 2800 . 20% year " 2800 " " " 3000 . 10% 1945. " 3000 0% NOTE—This table applies to married persons and others !laving the status of married persons for income tax purposes. For the relatively small puaber of stogie, persons supporting children and not having married status for income tax purposes, and for members of the Armed Forces, special tables can be obtained from the Regional Director of Papally Allowances in each provincial capital. The BENEFITS: The Family Allowances Act was passed to help equalize opportunities for all children. The monthly allowances will assist in providing medical, dental and nursing services,'better food, better clothing and shelter. Family Allowances are additional to dependents' allowances for servicemen's ,families and military pensions; Furthermore, Family Allowances are NOT taxable. You do not add these monthly payments to your total income when computing your income tax. In the column at left is an explanation of the relationship between Family Allowances and Income Tax deductions for children. From the table given you can determine quickly the extent to which you will benefit. REGISTER NOW If you intend to apply for Family Allowances but have not already done so, please act at once—in the interests of your children. Remember, the first cheques will be mailed in July, but only to to those who have registered and are eligible to receive Family Allowances. SCALE OF MONTHLY ALLOWANCES FOR THE FIRST FOUR CHILDREN For each child Under 6 . $5.00 From -6 to 9 (inclusive) . 6.00, From 10 to 12 (inclusive) 7.00 From 13 to 15 (inclusive) . 8.00 Where there aremore thanfour children under 06 in the family, the monthly allowance for each child after the fourth will be reduced n accordance with the provisions of .the in Allowances. Act, Publisher/ under the authority of Hon. 050085 CLAXTON, Minister, Deportment of National Health.and. Welfare, Ottawa NOTICE Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or harbouring dogs must purchase 1945 licenses for same on or before June 16, 194a. Licenses will be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall. After that date summonses through the Court will be issued to the owners or harbourers of dogs not having licenses. All dogs must wear license tags. 'Arany complaints have been received about dogs damag- ing gardens and Hower beds. Owners or harbourers are. personally responsible and, if necessary, dogs will hot be allowed to run at large. DEAD or ANIMALS DISABLED Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 286• DARLING & CO. OF CAMADA, LTD.' (Essential war Industry) HURON FEDERATION OF AGRI- CULTURE Third Annual FIELD DAY At Lions Park, Seaforth Wed., June 13 FEATURING SPORTS For a big day's outing, join the crowd, pack a basket of lunch and meet your old friends. Make this Third Annual Picnic the best yet. Program 10.30 a.m. Bruce County vs. Huron County Softball game: let Game of Tournament between 4 counties of Bruce, Perth, Wellington, and Huron 12.00 Picnic lunch. Prize irioney $50.00 1.15 p.m. Jim Hunter of CFRB, Huron Old Boy, officially opens Field Day Followed by other prominent speakers 2.00 p.m. Square Dance Contest: 1st prize $20.00 2nd $10.00. Old Time Fiddlers Contest, prize $5. Calling off contest $5.00 Open to counties of Bruce, Perth, Wellington, Huron. Entries in hands of Secretary by June 10 2.00 p.m. Children's Races, including all children up to 16 years. Prizes each event. 2.00 p.m. Softball Game — Wellington vs. Perth 3.30 p.m. Lacrosse — Brampton vs. Norval 4.45 p.m. Final Softball Play Off between Winners of 1st and 2nd games 5.00 p.m. Horse Shoe Pitching Contest — Open Event $10.00 Winning team Contestants furnish ownshoes. Jitney dancing throughout the afternoon EDUCATIONAL DISPLAY FEATURING TZnron - Holstein Breeders Exhibit National Film Board — Continuous Showing Dominion -Department of Agriculture Exhibit Veterinary, Clinic O. A. C. Pasture Exhibit War Relics New Farm Machinery EVERYBODY WELCOME Band In Attendance Dance in the Eveninn—Music supplied by Elite Orchestra, London .CIARRY L. STURDY RUSSELL IIOLTON 'W. V. P,OY President 'Vire-President Sec:Treasnrer Case 25c Children Free All in uniform free Adults 25c