HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-05-24, Page 6THE
Real Social Security
Rationed Scarcity?
To the political and economic reactionary, Social Security is something to
be used as a bribe to win votes— a sop to soothe unrest. Social makeshifts
of that kind are actually offered to -day as political substitutes for sound,
economic planning for the frost -war reconstruction of Canada.
To the State Socialist, on the other
hand, Social Security is a bookish theory
seeking to prove that poverty would be
much more endurable if only it were
much more general.
And now, listen for a moment to
John Bracken, the forthright leader of
the Progressive Conservative Party:—
"The State here in Canada, unlike in
Germany, is the servant of the people,
not its master. Finance, and economic
mechanisms associated with it, must
likewise be regarded as the servants, not
the masters, of our economy. The under-
writing of prosperity AND .social
security is a proper function of the
The Progressive Conservative Party
is pledged to provide, without delay, a
uniform and comprehensive social
security programme for all Canadians,
ii/Extended unemployment insurance
/Adequate payments for the mainten-
ance of unemployables.
1/Accident and sickness benefits.
1/Children's allowances.
VMaternity benefits.
V Widows' benefits.
A/Retirement pensions.
Notice how closely prosperity and VIncreased old age pensions at age 65.
social security are linked together. A\/Increased pensions for the blind.
We are determined that Social
Security shall no longer be regarded as
a charity but as what it is—a social
obligation and national responsibility of
the very first magnitude and import-
ance. Social Security must grow with
prosperity—because the degree to which
social services may be provided is deter-
mined by the size of the national income.
We are pledged to maintain that income
at a high prosperous level. It is against
this background of plenty for all, that
the Progressive Conservatives see
Social Security.
Where any of these social services
are administered provincially, we shall
provide grants large enough to ensure
adequate standards of social security
for all Canadians.
Compare this positive and complete
programme with the make -shift ex-
pedients of other parties. No other
party can equal or even approach John
Bracken's guarantee of security for all
It's rational security—NOT rationed
Vote for Your
Published by the Progressive Conservative Patty, Ottawa.
breed? Finn's Super Minerals will
help you. Have you Garget or Mastitis
M your herd? Finn's Dari -Min over-
comes this problem. Farmer's Co-op,
Seaforth; Ennis Store, Walton; Kers-
lake Feed. Seaforth; Kyle Store, Kip -
Pen; Winthrop Mill, Seaforth; Mc-
Cully Store, Brucefield.
Wartime conditions, and an increas-
ing demand for children for adoption,
have set up a -black market so brazen
that it advertises. Genevieve Park-
hurst, nationally known research
authority, presents a frank revelation
of this shocking social problem, in
The American Weekly with this Sun-
day's (May 27) issue of The Detroit
Sunday Times.
Send us the names of your visitors
What Shall the End Be===
1 Pet, 4:17
• The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven in flaming fire taking vengeance
on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Thes. 1:8
• For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto
Rom. 1:16
• Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16:31
Pilgrims Hour 7-7.30 E;D.S.T. Sunday Evening
Old-fashioned Revival Hour — rebroadcasts on many stations at various hours
Chas. E. Fuller, P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles 53, California
A somewhat unique meeing in the
History of social service organization
in Huron' 'County was held on Thurs-
day last in the Mackay Memorial
Hall, Goderich. Perhaps no more
appropriate building in the' County
could' have been selected, as it was.
for, the purpose of the education of
youth that this commodious build-
ing erected and dedicated. At the
last annual meeting .of the Huron
County Temperance Federation the
officers were ntacle responsible for
carrying out a scientific temperance
program in .each of the Sunday
Schools of the County, where the
Officers are sympathetic, and for
this purpose invitations were sent to
all. Sunday School Superintendents
to attend this meetng to assist in
outlining a three year program. Re-
presentatives were present from
Goderich, Clinton, Wingham, Exe-
ter, Cenralia, Port Albert, Ethel,
Walton, Bluevale, Blyth, Winthrop,
Dashwood, Crediton, Ailsa Craig,
Dungannon, Belgrave, Egniondville,
Grand Bend, Lucknow, Brucefield,
and consisted of busy men and wo-
men who carne at an early hour to
meet the County Officers of the
Federation as well as Provincial re-
presentatives. Rev. Albert Johnson
of Toronto, represented the Head
Office and Miss Rosainend Duff the
Provincial W.C.T.U.
Alter due consideration the fol-
lowing outline of work will be un-
dertaken,the program to cover three
years; Teach and practice total ab-
stinence; snake clear that the Church
is unalterably opposed to the liquor
traffic; emphasize the quarterly
temperance lesson, by having an ad-
dress or temperance reading follow-
ing the lesson period; use the temp
erance purpose card; display and
explain temperance posters; intro-
duce a scientific course of studies
on the effect of alcohol; assist in or-
ganizing a "Youth's Temperance
Post" for each community; assist in
arranging public speaking and poster
contests; use motion pictures when-
ever practical; stress the use of the
Autumn National Temperance Study
An effort will also be made to
have a series of motion pictures
THURSDAY, MAY, 24, 1.945
<R C
MAGIC Chocolate Gold Cake
3 tbs. butter Yolks of 3 eggs
yj cup sugar 135 eups of Sour
I tap: flavoring eetraat 55 cup of milk
3 tsp. Magic Balling Powder
Cream butter;. add sugar .lowly; add egg yolks
which have been beaten until thick; add flavoring.
nagwith milk to first imixtgwra Daae Ina talter-
greased layer -cake pane at 375°F. for 20-25 initiates.
CHOCOLATE FROSTING: 3 egg white;,jai cup
Maple Syrup; !6 tep. ealt;. l cup Cocoa' 34 tsp.
Put egg white, maple syrup and salt in top of
double boiler over boiling router and beat with
rotary beater for 9 minutes. Remove from heat end
fold In cocoa gradually. blending well. Add vanilla
and spread over cake. MADE IN CANADA
lel se:
shown in the various centres of the
County showing the most scientific
explanation on the effects Of alcohol.
A new series of lantern slides are
also to be secured, and at the next.
County Convention a speaking and
poster contest will be held.
The Officers of the County Or-
ganization, R. H. Lloyd, Wingham,
A. T. Cooper, Clinton, and Mrs.
Geo. Johnson, Goderich, were in
charge of the meeting, and Cecil
Skinner of Centralia, acted as Min-
ute Secretary.
It DOES taste
good in a pipe
The Bridge You'll, Never Cross
It's what you .think that makes the
Seem sad or gay to you,
Your mind may color things with
Or make them radiant hue,
Be glad today, be true and wise„
Distinguish gold from dross,
Waste neither time or though about
The bridge you'll never cross.
There's useful work for you to do,
For hand and brain and heart;
There's urgent human service too,
In which to take your part.
Make every opportunity,
A worth while gain, not loss,
The best is yours so do not fear
The bridge you'll never cross.
I£ life seems drab and difficult,
Just face it with a will,
You don't have to work alone,
Since God is with you still.
Press on with courage toward the
With truth your shield emboss,
Be strong looking and just ignore,
The bridge you'll never cross.
From the Varna Scrap Book.
SAFETY SERVICE was never more im-
portant than it is today. Not only is
Spring traffic heavy, but many vehicles
are over -age and in poor mechanical
condition after a hard, punishing Winter.
Take the first step towards safe driving
by seeing the General Motors dealer for
a complete Safety Check-up. Let him put
your brakes into sound, efficient shape,
Let him overhaul your steering, test your
wheel alignment and tires. Let him check
your lights, windshield wiper and glass.
Remember — the life of your vehicle and
the safety of yourself, your passengers
and other road users all depend largely
upon the good mechanical condition of
your car or truck.
er RI
By Playing Your Part in Support of the SAFETY
PROGRAM Sponsored by the Chiefs of Police!
Take no chances! See the General Motors Dealer for all-round Safety Service; TODAY!
Seaforth Motors