HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-05-10, Page 6RED STARS OVER NIAGARA The striking photo above shows American -built P-63 Kingcobra fighter planes, bearing the Red Army star, winging over the Canadian cataract at Niagara Falls to start their long flight to Russia. Pilots of the U. S. Air Transport Command fly them from B ell Aircraft's Niagara plant to Fairbanks, Alaska, where Red Army flyers take over and fly the planes across Siberia to Eastern Front bases, complet- ing a 10,000 -mile ferry trip, WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING SPRAINS Pulled muscles and sprains are being robbed of their serious and painful features by treatments. which formerly were employed by 'those who were concerned with the care of Olymphic show that oldiers, who have been treated, are able to return to duty almost im- mediately and their injuries heal while they work, says The Saint John Telegraph-Jounral. The quick cure consists in apply- ing a spray of ethyl chloride to the injured area's surface and encour- -aging immediate motion of the part. instead of wrapping it in a paster cast or adhesive tape .and immobil- izing it. The chemical provides sur- face anaesthesia to the area, quickly relieves pain and enables the pa- tient to move the injured part, Supervised motion improves cir- culation and prevents stiffness and ' ;swelling, While formerly used only on athletes, the treatment is giving good results in the army and k is expected that after the war it will be used generally where• painful sprains and strained muscles fright be a handicap. Commercial fertilizers are made up of potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen, Output of Sarnia Rubber Plant Up According to figured releasee last week, the publicly -owned syn• thetic rubber Vent In Sarnia In February hit- a new high in the production of synthetic rubber with a total of 8,770,000 pounds - approximately 115 percent of the designed capacity of the plant. An average of 315,000 pounds. a day was produced in that record breaking month. This large out put, .maintained for a year by Polymer Corporation would result in an annual production of about 105,000,000 pounds of synthecla rubber. Lest They Forget A member of the British house of commons suggested last week that when peace conies a bombed - out section of Berlin be kept as a permanent reminder to the Ger- man people. HEAD COLD? Get quick relief! Just smear NOSTROLINE,in each nostril. Breath- ing passages open right away. NOSTROLINE .soothes, lubricates, disinfccts,.helps maks and keep your nose healthy. Brings comfort swiftly. Convenient, Pleasant. For adults and children. 50c -all druggists. ¢r �.STR®ME' CLIFTON, eRISTOt, ENGLAND yr WILLIAMS Look out for Trouble from Sluggish Ki i•` al' n. :n. Try the Original "Dutch Drops" Ie is poisonous waste that your kidneys should be filtering out of your blood that may cause backache. dizzy spells, leg cramps, restless, sleep -broken nights, and smarting and burning. For relief use the remedy that has won the grateful thanks of thousands for many years -GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011 Capsules, This effective diuretic and kidney stimu- lant is the original and genuine Dutch Drops In carefully ttneasurcd amounts in tasteless Capsules. It is one of the most favorably known remedies for relieving congetted kidneys. and irritated bladder, It Works swiftly, helping the delicate filters of your tcidneys to purify the blood, , Be sure you get the original and genuine - packed in Canada. Insist on .getting GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. 40c at your druggists, - t CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM Stimulates circulation and breaks up congestion, preventing complica• hues of a serious nature before If is too late. Allows a -restful night for rapid recovery. MBtiet DOMED 0/551501 3i,' 11, II 481 rhru Do you stltffer arom MOW Y NERVOUS TERN with its weak, tired feelings? If functional .periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, tired,restiess- at such times- try Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vege- table Compound. to relieve such symp- toms. Pinklnann's Compotmd is one of the most cff cell ve m cdicines ftl' this purpose. Follow label directions. Buy today! c444f; V- of m.a COMPOUND $LOO May Win This $10,000 Model Horde For You Draw Will Be Made May 24th by Plus sh&re vow sl.00 A SHARE BEACHES MODEL HOME 2366 QUEEN, ST. E. TORONTO OVERLOOKING LAKE ONTARIO Purchase One or More Shares To -day Simply Mail- 51,00 for gash Share to BEMIRES BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION TORONTO S. Your. Shares Will Be Moiled to eon IlrolnptlY. Picaor Print Your -Name and Address Plainly. Proceeds'. for 'War Charities, .. 0O Not elay $1eOo A SHARE VOICE OF THE fi PRESS HOW CARELESS! The fatal lapse at Reinageli leaves Berlin acutely embarrassed, as well it Inigh1. Fancy, being caught with one's bridges; up! • Stratford' Beacon- Herald. JUST A BOASTER One of our neighbors professes to understand the income MN blank. ills wife is worried about hint, - Quebec Chronicle Telegraph. CHICKEN FEED It is often the complaint of cler- gymen that too many members of then' congregations are on the ni- ckel standard, - 'Kitchener Record, MAKE IT REALISTICI It is quite possible the German Elite Guard will be compelled to rebuild the cities in foreign lands which they destroyed.. And While they are doing it they should be compelled to exist on the rations they forced on the people of Ger• plan -occupied countries during Mc- lean - Chatham News Merchant Ships Carried Aircraft For Protection During the hrost critical period in Hie battle of the Atlantic ra number of British luei•chan1 macs wereequipped with "postage. stamp landing - iloChs enablfn8 them to earl') then' own aircrail protection without sacrificnlg oar go tonnage, the Admiralty dis closed last. week 'The vessels, grain -type freight ere requiring a nlininlunl idiiount of al.e1'ation, were forerunners el the Navy's 'Woolworth cerriel'C' vole used for escorting ocean con. voys. They were operated by the merchant navy and curries flee' air arm pilots. "Ill some cases the pilots ,lad a flat space of only about 400 Leet from which to take off and land the Admiralty announcement safe "Considering the alarming' (tech moxemeri frequently. eneotmtered in the Atlantic, this was nc snlal, feat." Discharged Troops Up to the end of 1044, approxi mately 200,000 Hien aud women have been discharged from the armed services, in this proportion, Army; 165,000; Nary, 7,006; Aix Force, 20,000. Of these, 27,008 were N.R..M.A. troops. ritain Needs .Army of Farin Volunteers. The British food situation "it inore serious than has yel 'Pusan generally- recognized," a AIM tEl.ry sPglresufan said, and the Agrlccio" tulleStcre[ary, Mr. R. b. Bur, son, chose Laster lino to appeal for volunteers to help in releinle and harvesting the 1935 ernes, Ml'. 14uclson fs asking for 500 000 adults -more than twice the number responding .Iasi yea] - and 101,000 elilldren over 1. year, old to go to vtlunteer camps o1 ganized to help farmers. WHY DO more people buy Maxwell Rouse than any other brand of Coffee in the world? This superb blend contains extra - flavor Latin-American Coffees, selected from the Finest the world produces. ACCOUNTANTS -R. AUDITORS INCOME TAS REPORTS. .COM- plete Bookkeeping-. Services. Small or Large Businesses. Travel any- where: Albert Brett & Co., 8 wellington SL 0., Toronto, Ont, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ATTRACTIVE RESIDENTIAL. PRO- party. JSeet County, sell or ex- change Drug Business, Summer Resort or Business Property, Box 22, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. BART CHICKS 51.00 ROOKS YOU31 ORDER ORDER YOUR 1946 CHICKS NOW. and not be disappointed, All chicks aro from guaranteed test- ed .stock, and from 26 oz. eggs or better, Barred Rocks .tittered • 512.00 per 100. White Leghorns mixed 511.00 per 1011 Burred Rock Pnilets $19.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets $22.00. per 100, -white Rocks mixed 516.00 per 100 white Rock Pullets 934,00 per 100. We. guarantee 100%q live delivery, balance paid C,O.D, Maple City Hatchery, Chatham. Ontario, BRUNTON "Bred -to -Pay" CHICKS RHODE ISLAND REDS, IVIIITE Rocks, Barred Rocks, Golden Ilampshli'es, Government Approv- ed, Rloodtested, Illustrated Cat- alogue Pre.e, Brunton Cedar Glen Farms l5ntcnery, 52 Winnelt, Toronto (mention paper). 6000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 111.16 CT31CI00 NOW andget your chicks when you want them. Orders ore pouring In. Breeder Hatcheries are siwaye sold out early. Don't take ehanees on ordinary chicks, .Pince your order NOW, Pure Brod Sussex. Large Type Leghorns, Sussex X New Ramps., Sussex X Leghorns, Rork X Leghorns, flock Y New 'lamps. Barred Roelcs Send for large Ramps., ted Ca to logue and Price List La Review Ponl try Irnrm, Rein Bens., 1txetor, Ont. TF114 DIFFERENCE 1 e D1 chicd- sucte 8 •,nd failure 111 the e chick- en business very open depends on the chicks you start. Many pool trymen ivy to ell mina a that hazard by choosing Tap Notch tiovernment - Approved chielcs from binedte fed breeders, pay old fhtek I r ices. - Non -Sexed White Leghur ne 13, 05, 1 ,11 red Rocks, New fmnoshiresI 10.00, Asam 1 Cd Light Ire •e4 1 I 1 1 , u As. ant led 01 envies 11.4 i'atllrls White Leghorns 213.05, Marred .Knicks 22.0 5, Rely Ilam0011 iss 2195, Assorted .Light 23.95, As- sor led fieu0 les 21.06 Alen Lwo. wccir old started chicks at bar- gain priers, Write for en to l ugue end eompleto prlrelist for man' other breeds. Top Notch 111IsP- rnies, Guelph, Ontario. 111ti)A1) BR NA sTie1) =•1441 i C(18 Tilt 1rSANOS %%Ali.5rll' 1V'.1410K• l5', If )'Ott Ord tr 1 I once, Our Broad Breasted Sussex eat firing top nares on the Markel White skinned, long rounded hreaoto. Mao New tromp. COX with fast growth and fsethering. Sasses X 1,Oghnrns and Rock X Leghorns make good roasters and grow feel' up to 4-5 lbs. You ren buy those for' 94.00 pet 100 Also mix• ed .nenvy rex 00,00 per 100. All from our well-bred, healthy, Mood tested breeders, 6000 (treed. era on ONE pleat. L111001ew Point]) perm, tvel1 0583„ Exeter. On lade 100 CHICKS FREE t1r l'1 t•1 EV 1914 Y Uf11,1014 C1 100 PUL. - ler c111060, ice Sive 1110 nee chicks (our. .choice), .Leghorn pullets 522.06 per 100, barred Rock pul• lets 511) 05 nee 100. White Rnch Pullets 524,95 per 100. Ali chichi, sold bricked by high dgg pedigreed stock, 31,00 books your order, holanes C.O.D. C'uaronteed 100% five delivery, Kent PTa tcl%.ery Chatham, Ontario. SPECIAL PULLET SALE STARTED BARRED ROCK PUL - lets, 1 week old 224, 2 woeles old 20 cents. Immediate delivery. Carleton hatchery, Britannls Heights, On t0 rl o, POULTRY KEEPERS BE CERTAIN YOU BUY GOOD heal tIty, vigorous chicks. Buy chicks with breeding and livability 81111 you will be certain of silecess. Our Breeders are. all. Government Inspected, banded and blood -tested, Write for descriptive catalogue on the different breeds, and prices on our Government Approved chicks. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS Monktoa, Ontario BABY C8ICKS. DARECORNISH-GAMECOCIbER- ela, grand type, development. range raised.. Choice Breeders, weights, 8 lbs, George. Henbest, 8112, 1.18 Avenue, Edmonton, Alta, "OXFORD" B LIO O D- T E S T E D chucks. -live, lay and pay. They are the resultsof nineteen years of careful selection and breeding. in OILS. They have to be good because we hent the very best Irina of chicks for our own flocks. Improved breeding. Big. vigorous and early maturing, We stress egg size and uniformity. Write for our free folder. Barred Rocks, 6Vhife, Leghorns, un -sexed Chicks, Pullets and Cockerels. The Oxford Formers' Co-operntive Produce Co:, Ltd„ 41.1 Main St„ Woodstock, Out, ASIC ANY SUCCESSFUL POULTRY - man and He'll tell you the most important word. In the chicken business is livability. Money, feed and labour sl)e1t on chicks that "can't take It" can never be regained. Tweddle Chicks can greatly reduce the hazard. Por 19 years we have supplied the best liked breeds and excellent eroas breeds and already this 5'0:11' we have received dozens of letters telling usof the wonder- ful livnhility of their Tweddle Chicks at 2 weeks and 4 weeks of age. It will pay you to think of 1h'abilfty when you order your 1945 ell irks. Free ratalogun, Tweddle Chlrlc Hnteherles Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. 23 'FREE GArnics 01.1R frOTTNmA'ri(>N STOCK IS registered and pedigreed .birds, Nothing Netter In Cnneda. Order now ` Prices for mixed baby chlelts, males and females, Bar- red Rorke, 512 00 per hundred; White Lechorns. $11.50;- White Reelca,- 51500; Brown Leghorns. 312.n0. Pullet naves: Rn reed Rorke, 51!100; White Leghorns. 822.00; White Rooks, $04.00; Drawn Lec;hnrns, 524.00 25 free chielcsair ehnice, will he elven for en 200 m1aed (Mirk• order• erl and 20 froe rhielcli for earl, 100 ,dnv old pellets ordered Oneidat•d ('Melt He tottery, Rel. to nolo Heights (lntnrin Ort DMR YOPrt (1F11(114i( Nr10V N ' AND 1 '11 ( ARE GUARANTEED 1051 your rhlrlrs -fnr nest spring when you ton tit in lOt rred Rork 1111,ed -012:00 nor Inn while leg-. hnrne miSed 511 rip nor Inn. nee- rr.l Reel: Pullets 510 nn err Inn while leo horn pullets 82200 Her 100 0011.1• whirl 02110 se00 Her tanf e horn ride $2 ne se, Inn 1!l' eliteke Finished Prem 20 oz r.;rs nr haler and from sneele' nh,tnrl flecks runrnnteorl 10nrr hvr riot Earl• 5155 honks 1.011 order. hninnee ('.O'n P,ninhnw A,irhery. remittentf)ntnrin TTA051 2 111101: OT,n 1,ECi- 11m•n and R,Ovy breed pullets fm' nromet shiltlrnl•. rlaynl tis le Leg- hon,. 11,0 1.,1 N.TT. and L.S. 1.II 0180 huul ort supply 00rlt el'- eh, Suggest you get In fourth tvi111 110 eno). 1111y 1=Tn tehery, 130 Jelin SI,- 50 Hamilton, Ont. 11Lt)UU 9Rh'1141) el 0111110 CUCE- orels, April 4e, Leghorn -Coeleer- els 1l', A Iso white Leghorn and Hybrid Pullets, Stormont Poultry Perm. b'ineh, Ont. DYEING AND- 01,EAN1NC HAVE 001) ANYTHING NERD;•, dyeing Or clenning? Write to us for Information, We are glad to answer ,your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Werke Limited. 701 1'nnge. Street Co- ronin,. HAIRDRESSING L P A R N 11A1RDRESSING. Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing . Aced - 00511, 13.7 Avenue Road, Toronto, 10008 SALE ELDCT51TC MOTORS', NEW, USED, bought, Reid, rebuilt; belts,: pul- leys, brushes, knee Electric :Com• pane Ltd., 2326- Dutferin Ste To- ronto, STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAR. agus, raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging, shade trees, wire troe guards. Nor'tolle Nursery, Simeoe, Ontario, 60 -ACRE' 'FARM FIRST CLASS, up-to-date, Write :for particulars, Bert hOgadatn, Burgessville, Ont. BEAUTIFUL CU4S7'ORTERS MADE from your , materials. Quilting 91.85. Your wool carded 25o lb., washing. 8c lb, Qudck service: Vir- gin wool baits 9.1.16 Ib, Wool' Carding Machines 514.95, Spinning Wheels 913.96. Ask for catalogue: Sifter], Wool Products, Box 123, Sifton, Manitoba.. FOR SALL) SAW A1112., NEARLY NEW, CAPAC- ity upward one thousand per hour. Can be operated by two men or more. Designed and built by an experienced sawyer. For particu- lars write or call Dan Vallferes, Mill Bridge, Ont. Do not call on Saturday, AT STUD, ATTRIDGE'S NIGHT - rider Black and Tan Coon hound, imported, six generation pedigree. His sire stands at one hundred dollars stud fees. Studding this young dog at Twenty-five dollars. Arthur Attridge, Freeman, Ont. DRS,' CLEANING DELAVAL CLARI- fier for sale or swap for outboard motor. Box 98, Bracebrldge, Ont. BROWN CHESAPEAKE RETRIEV- 00 pups, snap at 920. D. A. Beech, Malakwa, B.C. CASE 40 HP TRACTOR WITH extension rites 4050, excellent condition, 13 inch Mate -Chopper, 956.00. Abram Weber, R, 1, St. Jacobs, Ont, JERSEYS, ALL AGES, QUEBEC'S leading show and producing herd, records, accredited, Gables Parm, Foster, Quebec. PUREBRED HEREFORD CATTLE, males and females, Lawrum Perms, Durham, Ont. FOR SALT; -CASE TRACTOR, 45 h,p., cross -mounted engine, In reel good condition, good for saw- mill or threshing outfit. Portable sawmill with all new timbers, 3' Vll aurdei lieden i R.1 . 1, St a Wil- liams, Ont, 5120 CASH, 4 ,ACRES GOOF) GAR - den land, five roomed frame house, water frontage, village Gerrie. Mrs. Shand, Humber Rey, Ont. Ci\R AGE AND SERVICE STATION. 0nrnge equipment and stock and 6-rnnnledhouse on No. 2 High." way. Oakes Garage, Ancestor, Ont. TIPT HAND,. 3 SPEED, SAWMTLT, earrls,re and huole. Good condi- tion 91,60, W. A. Cornell, Ko- mnlcn, Ont. PUCl.'r'RY PAR31, 25 ACRES, 1,200 layers, TTydr•o, 111110501 garden hind. 20 111 H05 front Toronto and MI ll ion going concern; Im- mrrlinin possession, Keith Cowles, R,R'. 2. Hornby, -Ont. MACIHINERRI'. DIFFEL CRAWLER TRACTORS- RT/7 C•,1TL•"tll'1L:LAR %WITI3 8 YARD Le 1'nulmenu serener; RDS with 92 }'a'd se'Apert TD18 In ter- nationa1 with bufldnze• (scraper option:01; TD40 with bulldozer; RD10 international -"(47.5 111'); RD -1 Caterpillar: Ter/4 with An- thony Tiigblift Bucket and inter- rltnm€Kahle bulldozer blade Liebling plants, 1500 watt, 32 nor .115 volts. Send for Polder Diesel end eleseline Engines -40 ' to 150 01P. 011tnt• equipment.. avniluhle, Wire, write or pheno S. IT, Leventhal & Co., Machinery Agents, Winnipeg. MED)ICAT, STIIMACIi AND 11115bA0 WORM- often are the 'cause of Ill -health in humans, all ages. No one lm. mune! Why nal find out If this is your trouble? interest'ng par- Vet'la•s-creel Write Mulvenoy's eitetnedies, Speel04,1s. Tnrnnib 3 DON'T WATT -EVE R'1' STEMMA le of Rhemm:Mc Pains or Neuritis slwu1c1 try l Tixon's Remedy, Ivlunrn's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottnwn. Postpaid' 51,00.. CONSTTPATION, RI LI 0 U SNESS, liver trouble, depressed headache, quickly relieved with peg-T,ax tablets, Keep regular with Fig - Lan, 251 at Druggists, 1SAU110EPu1{A FOOT BALM- D111. stroys offensivo odor Instantly, 46c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa: II1CTILY I.1J000MMENDED--EVERa' sufferer of Rheltmatic Pains or Neuritis' should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug' Store, 350 El- gin, Ottawa, Postpnld $1,00.' MUSICAL 1NST11U06pINTS ['RED' .A, BODDINGTON BTJ'yS, sells; exchanges musical Instil]. monis, 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPPORTUNITIES FOR 8500(59554 BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dlgntfiedprofession, goo.il wages, thousands successful, Marvel gradual es. America's ca greatest eye - tem, Illustrated catalogue free- Write or call MARVEL • f-IAIRDRESSTNG SCHOOLS - 368- BLOOR W., .TORONTO Branchest 44 'Ungg St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau: Street. Ottawa.' I'11OT'OGRAl•LIl' TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 011 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25e REPRINTS 8 tor 25c: FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not gat all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get better pictures at lowest cost. Don't Lake chances wit1, your film rolls. You can't take "snaps" over again. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE .. Any Size non 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c A customer In Cape Breton says, "I have been sending filets to you for 4 or 5 years, Would not send them anywhere else," SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 10-20-127 if 29e (4c extra) is sent with film roll. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 0" 1n beautiful easel mounts, 8 for 26c. Framed on Ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9", in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut nr Black Ebony finish frames, 50c each. If enlargement colored, 790 each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. PIANOS ARE Y01) INTEREST:1ED IN.. TIHE. new small Pianos? Tf so write us for latest descriptive circular, Factory Mason & nisch Limited, 642 Icing St. West. Toronto, PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Eatabilehd 1890; 14 I{fng Went, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re. quest, SUBURBAN PROPERTIES WANTED WITHIN 26 MILES OF TORONTO. with or %without acrenged We have steady' demand for proper- , ties ranging up to .550,000 throughout this area. Ie. 52, 'TEAL C CO. 310 Yonne 5t.. Toronto AD. 3457 F,1 nm MACHINERY "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATURS and repotr parts are always available either at your local dealer or direct ' from Swedish.. Separator Co, Limited, 720 Noire - Dame West, Montreal 3 Qua. WANTED SUPI1RIleTENDj5NT WAN'11101) FOR 20 bed ITospital In .Pa inters ton, On Milo. Duties commence .June 1st, Apply to 1V, II, Burns, Palm- erston, Ont. NEW WRITERS ND14DEn TO RE - write ideas in newspapers, mag- azines and books, Splendid op- Portun!tt to "break irltn" resets- ating writing field 1'etl inform- ation for self-nddtessed stamped return envelope. 1 setuel Featur- es, 00 Lee Ave., Toronto 8, 'MEN AND WOMEN WANTED A SPECIAL APPEAL TO VETER- ansl -lnioy a business 1111 your own, Sell 1i'amllex Prnrlucts in 501.11' chosen territory and make money In your spore time. Begin in a small way and g1n\t' big. No limits to your earnings. Free de- tails and catalogue T`nmilex, 1600 Deloriniler, Mont:re hl. HELP 'W AN•1'ET) CYLINDER PRRSSalAN WANTED, one luta some experience on .make-ready. Steady position for steady reliable man. (44 -hour week). Apply nearest Employ- meat & Selective Service Office. rTLE-r,R. 2510. EXPERIENCED LINOTI.'PE OPER- ator and floor man wanted at once, steady .position, (4d -hour weekc). Apply nearest Employment and Selective '.Service Orrice, FILE-C.R. 2620. FARM HELP WANTED O'ARMER: SINGLE, RELIABLE steady man, for general farm work ondaily farm. Experience milking machine, true tor,. prefer- red. 70 dollars monthly plus. board, laundry. Apply P. Von Pills, Boka (arm, Highway No, 2, Whitby. OM, Phone Whitby 900, ISSUE 16=1945