HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-05-03, Page 7lo. CANADA'S STANDARD PIPE TOBACCO 70 No V -E Day Until Total Nazi Defeat Gen. Eisenhower was quoted in a shortwave broadcast last week as giving 'There will be no V -E day until Germany is completely oecu hied, including all pockets of resis- tance, and the German army is completely destroyed." Canada now ranks second among the gold -producing countries of the world. IOLN '1'1h1, THOUSANDS who drink and enjoy Max- well House Coffee. You'll love the superb Maxwell House flavor. All Purpose Grind suitable for any type of coffee maker. NO FUEL. PROBLEM HERE Housewife of Cheltenham, England solves transportation problem with goat -drawn cart. Instead of the coveted petroleum, his vehicle burns old rags and tin cans. The well-behaved goats present no difficulty in traffic. - Two Will Call At Your Door Soon there will be a knock at the doo. of the Canadian hone. On the threshold will stand the Victory Loan salesman, confidently expecting an invitation to conte in. It will be the eighth time that he has knocked at the door, and his confidence will not be badly founded. For more than three million Cauadians'have long since learned that he is indeed a friend and brings with him something of real value for the householder. But let us not forget that there are two callers at the door when the salesman knocks. Behind hint, in spirit, is the Canadian boy in uniform who is backing up the salesman in his effort to increase the size of individual Victory Bond purchases—not so much because of his concern for the future material benefits to the purchaser, but because those purchases help to guarantee the continued flow of arms and am- munition to the battle -fronts. The Canadian who decides to buy a hundred -dollar Bond after listening to the Victory- Loan salesman may change his mind if he looks over the shoulder of the salesman into the eyes of that sailor, soldier or airman who counts on folks at home to back up Isis efforts overseas. Such a look may prompt a two -hundred -dollar purchase. ring near, so every day feels longer. vigorous help will shorten the time. Your goveede (de Rot BUY VICTORY BONDS Contributed by THE BLUE TOP BREWING COMPANY LIMITED KITCHENER ONTARIO usrimmmiessimimemew Truman's Prayer At the conclusion of hls:I:assaac to Congress, President Truman said: At this moment, I have in my heart a "prayer, As 1' assume my AUUOUN'1'AN't'S' 'a AUDPI'OBS heavy duties, I humbly pray to Al- mighty God, in the words of So- lomon: "Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern'between good and bad: for who is able, to judge this, thy so great a' people'," 1 ask only to be a good aq4 faithful servant of my Lord and my people. Mtseh land between Ecuador and the Gulf of Panama is still 'utiex- plored, INCOME 'CAX - REPORTS COM- plete Bookkeeping Services.. Small or Large Businesses, Travel any- where. - AlbertBrett & Co., 8 Wellington St 0., Toronto. Ont. AILPICLES FOR SAI,IC. • BABY CHICKS.... 511.00 'B008 S VOICE ORDER ORDER YOUR 1946 CH1C14S NOW, and not be. dtsappotnted... Ali chicks are from Guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 oz. eggs. or better. Barred Rocks mixed $1.2,00 per. 100. White Leghorns mixed 811.00 per 100 Be..rred Rock Pullets )1%00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets 522.110 per 100, white Rocks mixed 816.00 324.00 per 100.er 100 white guarantePullets% live.. delivery,balance ped, C.O.D. Maple City 'Hatchery, Chatham, Ont aria, BRUNTON "Bred -to -Pay" CHICKS RHODE ISLAND REDS, WSS1TE Rooks, Barred Rocks, Golden Hampshire.., Government Approv- ed, Bloodtested, .Illustrated Cat- alogue Free. Brunton Ceder Glen Farms ltatcnery, 52 Winnett, Toronto (mention paper). 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR ORDER FOR. CHICKS from a real breeding farm. Don't take chances on just ordinary hatchery chleks. Order chicks NOW for May or Stine delivery. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Exeter, Ontario. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORDER OF 100. Pullet .chicks, we give 100 free chteks (our choice). Leghorn pullets $22.06 per 100, barred Rack te ock pellets $ 100, Pullets 82490 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg our ordracekks e, blanC.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery, Tient Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario. PROFIT OR LOSS. THAT'S THE question that faces every man In business for himself. For the poultryman' the difference be- tween profit and loss is almost entirely dependent on two fac- tors. One—good scientific feed- ing and care of your tlock. Two— it is essential .that you start with the best chicks you can get. Twaddle Hatcheries have helped Poultrymen for 10 years to over- come two Important hazards In the chicken business, Write Tweddle for full information in- cluding poultry guide and great- ly reduced prices for .May and June delivery. - Also /telt for breeds and shipping dates for two week old started chleks, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontario Wlets,12`° weeks hold, or{Tmmed ate shipment, also chicks in, most breeds.- For delivery 111 June we advise .ordering now, and not tak- ing a chance at the time. Bray Hatchery, 130 .001111 N., Hamilton, Ont. SPECIAL: PULLET SALE STARTED BARRED ROCK PUL - lets, 1 week old 22c. 2 weeks' old 26 cents. Immediate delivery. Carleton 13ntrhery, Britannia Heights, Onlet rlo. POULTRY KEEPERS BE CERTAIN YOU BUY GOOD healthy, vigorous chicks. Buy chicks with breeding and livability and you will bo of success, Our Breeders are all Government inspected. handed end hlond.tested Write for descriptive catalogue and -, prices on our Government Approved chicks. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS dl enation. On4nrio A-1 IIlHdS, LaHOhocRoBs ybris. Some choice started 'chicks available up to 8 and 4 weeks old. Write or phone A, H. Switzer Hatchery. Granton, Ont. Phone 38 14 3. ORDER YOUR CIOCICS NOW AND YOU ,RSO GUARANTEED your chicks for Hest spring when you want them. Barred Rock mixed $12.00 per 100, White Leg' horns mixed $11.00 per 100. Bar- red Rook Pullets 810.00 per 100 White Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100. Heavy Breed Ckls, $6.00 per 100. Leghorn Ckls, $2,00. per 100. All chicks hatched from 26 oz. eggs or bolter and from special mated flocks. Guaranteed 100%• live. delivery. 61.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Retnbow Hatchery, 1'I'm lham, Ontario. - I Ltn:E 0111CleS 1011 FOUNDATION STOCK 1S eglstered aid pedigreed birds. Nothing better in Canada. Order now. Prices - for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, $12.00 per hundred: White Leghorns, $11.00; White Rocks, 315,00; Brown Leghorns, $13.00. Pullet prices: Barred Rocks, 010.00; While Leghorn., 322.00;. White Rocks,324.00;. Brown Leghorne, 524.00. 26 free chicks, our choice will be given for. each 200 mixed chicks order ed- and 25 reee chicks for each 100 'day old pullets ordered. Goddard - Chick Hatchery, (tri• tannin Ilrig'hls, (int:t1'io. BAUX CHICKS BLOOD-TEs'rlD aYBRID COOK- erels, April 4c,` Leghorn Cocker- els' ie. Also white. Leghorn and Hybrid' Pullets. Stormont Poultry Farm, Finch, Ont. DYEING AND 'CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us tor Information, We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment -31. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 101 Yonge Street, To- ronto. A. SA'PI Sle I la11 CUITUMI11I 15 THE best advertisement. Thats wb5 Top Notch Ch)ckerles .. are proud that the big percentage, of their business comes from poultrymen who reorder year after year. Top Notch Chicks are lilt Gov- ernment Approved from blood - tested breeders. May prices. Non - sexed: White Leghorns 11.45, Barred Rocks, New Hampshire 11,95. .Assorted Light. breeds 10.45, Assorted 51eevies 10,05. Pullets; White Leghorns. 24.05, Barred Rocks 21,05, New Hemp - shires 22,96. Cockerels: Barred Rocks- 8.915, New Hampshire:. 7.06, Whits Leghorn.. 1.00. After May 16tH 50o per hundred less. on non sexed,. 2.00 per hundred on pullets. After June 1st still lower prices. Write for cotnplate price list and catalogue. 2 week old chicks add Ge per chick to t averleea Toprtch thicker• ne HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on ' request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road,- Toronto. Volt SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, [MED, bought, gold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com• pony Ltd., 2326 -Dufferin St., To- ronto. • STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAR. ague, raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging, shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk Nursery, 8imeoe, Ontario. SAW MILL, NEARLY NEW, CAPAC- ity upward one thousand per hour. Can be operated by two men or more. Designed and built by an experienced sawyer. For particu- lars, write or ea11 Dan Vallieres, Mill Bridge, Ont. Do not call on Saturday. JERSEYS, ALL AGES, QUEBEC'S leadingshow and producing herd. records, accredited. Gables Farm, Foster, Quebec. AT STUD, ATTRIDCaE'S NIGHT - rider Black and Tan Coon hound, Imported, six generation pedigree. His etre stands at one hundred dollars stud tees. Studding thin young dog at Twenty-five dollars, Arthur Attridge, Freeman, Ont. PUREBRED IIEREFORD CATTLE, males and females. Lawrum Farms, Durham, Ont. GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION, 6--roomeed ghousent onn No 2 c Highand High- way. Oakes Garage, Aneas ter. Ont. FOR SALE—MODERN HOTEL IN prosperous manufacturing and farming town in Northern On- tario. Fully licensed. Principals only.. Box 24, 73 Adelaide, West, Toronto, Ontario. POULTRY FARM, 25 ACRES, 1,200 layers, Hydro, market garden land, 20 miles from Toronto and - Hamilton; going concern; Im- mediate possession. Keith Cowles, R.R. 2, Hornby, Ont. BULLS—IILMVALE NOBLE CAV- ellet•, class A, °3 years, grand champion at Richmond 1043. Sir- ed by R.O.P. bull, Silver Spring Cavalier and trom a high testing dam, with three R.O.P. records, Priced at $250, Also bull calves of excellent breeding. Apply F, W. Argue, 234 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont. MODEL. C CASE TRACTOR 17-27. On steel wheels, in extra good working condition. James Finlay, Grand Valley, Ont. P2RcrueRON STALLION, FORM 3.0 year old, sure $165. or trade. Solus Dav0dsmt, Belhaven, Ont. CLYDESDALE, leYVUE RENOWN 27110, foaled 1034, Grade A Prem- iwn, dark brown, white marking, sure foal getter. Sell cheap. Alex Crawford, Dox 74, Rosseau, Ont. DAY -CL) MAMMOTH WHITE PE - kin Ducklings. 5 lb. at 8 weeks. Available for May and June. 1Vrite for particulars. Order et once. 7J5 -Spring Farms, .Uxbridge, Ont. 1 PRESSURE TANK SPRAYER. Two -wheel Wheelbarrow type. Price 385.00. 1.68 Marguerette, Toronto, Ont. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FREI) A. BODDINGTON BUTS, sells, exchanges musical tnstru- meats, 111 Church,Toronto 2. MEDICAL STOMACH AND TI-IREAD WORMS often are the cause ot 111-bealth in humans, all ages. No one :im mune,. Why not :find out if this to your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Free, Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 8. DIXON'SIS denN atic Pains Th usands satisfied, Munro's Drug Store, 836 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00.. CONSTIPATION BILI 0 U SNESS, • liver trouble. depressed headache, quickly relieved a3eepegulrwltjl'1g- Lax. 25e at Druggists. 300 ACRES—TOWNSHIP Ole GURD, district ot Parry Sound, 3 miles from Trout Creek, Loring high- way and Commands village, 34 mile front Catholic Church and ha11,2 miles from Catholic school; '3 miles from publle school and Protestant churches; 13 utiles from town of 1 awessun: mall route 0 thnes a. week; 80 acres under cultivation, free of atones and stumps, level land. Good loll, °ledf emaplesugar 'arsugat 00 acs o bush, balance, 1,003 cord .hardwood and pasture. Ben'n 48 ,5Gx22' posts, steel roof, cement floors, stone foundation stable, full size; 40 cattle and 5 horses; house 25x42, 8 rooms, .urge kitchen, steel roof, stone basement full size. •Other outer buildings. Cream truck through all Suilvncr, 2 never fail- ing wells. Good trout stream through pustule. W111 sell with or without stock and implements.. Ta1,0' poasooaio11 grlY 1. Reason for selling, .111 health Apply Alex Grabowski, 73,n.:N o. 2, Downseml, On t. ELECT -RIC WATER HEATERS! TerMell(SION TYPE, Corl'ER CON- st1 action 860 -watts. Just drop 11 Iu 0. pan of water rind almost In- stantly the water Is trot, Trendy in thekitrheu, woflderfulfor shaving. etc. Postpaid .33.00, The Radio Hospital, Traeadie, N.B. FARM MAtaint I4,11 "Vl24lNG'• C14 LOAM SIOPA 83ATOrtW and repel r 1101,.. ere always avultehle either et ';vain local denier of direct from Swedish Sepltrctor Co Limited. 700 Notre• Dame West, -,Nene reel 3 Que. M.ACId'IN Elel' DSs 14 YAR.) _. SCRAT'ERS. RE857 12 yard scrapers. 21)18 angledozer 10 yard scraper, Tf40 3'h yard Letour neau .. e1 n50r. .Northwest 10.4. v yard drag line, 14,1000110 5013 00 yard dreg line. Write, wire. phone. Other etiuipfnent avrtiei hid Levcnthn-1 & CO., Mr' Intyre Mork, 11 innipeg'. ISSUE 1S-1945 mtRTHIS—EVERY mc�aor oRheumatic Neurritla should t r y Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 236 -Elgin. Ottawa, Postpaid 31:00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- stroYe offensive odor instantly. 450 bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. NEN AND WOMEN WANTED OF PARTICULAR INTEREST Tee veterans and farmers. 'SelleFami-. lex spices, extracts, allmentarY products,' medicines, -stock and other term products and succeed. Monthly free offers open'. every, door. Every family a prospect. Good districts open_. Pleasant and rofitbeWart time orkers. Fr eo plan and catalogue. Famllex, 1600 Delor)mier, Mon- treal. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOLS Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good l graduatess.o Americas successful . Illusor trated catalogue free. $,OARVELRAITOD ESSING SCHOOLS 868 B10011- W., TORONTO Branches: King Rideau Street, Ottawa. PATENTS FET3DRSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1300; 14 King ,Vest, Toronto. Booklet of Information On re- quest. PIANOS OUR SMALL NEW PIANOS WILL. beavailable shortly. Beautiful In design and tone. Send for cir- cular naming approximately your price, and particulars in that range will be mailed promptly'. Factory Mason, & roach Limited, 642 Xing West, Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed. REPRINTS PB tort 20ROLLS 23c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE Youmay not getall the Ulnae yoa. want this year, but you can get all the gl]al14y and service you desire by sending your film's to IMPF,RIAStatL 3, Toronto210E CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing your pictures. Snaps can't be taken over again. Send your film rolls to Canada's largest and finest studio. Get better Pictures at )ower cost, PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 2ec "I get best results from Star Snapp - Nova Scotia, who adds than slier has. tried many places. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints - sizes 16-20427 if 200 (4c e ENLARGE1vIls sent ENTS- .roil, COLORED AND 1RAlvMED Enlargements 4 a 0" in beautiful easel mounts, 8 100 25c, Framed, on Ivory tinted mats, 7 x 0" 1n Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 50c each, It enlargement colored, 730 each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, Postal Terminal A. Toronto Print Nalne and Address Plainly on. Orders. .n- SUJIllltILAN PROPERTIES WANTED W1'L'li1N 26 '511LI1S. OF TORONTO, with or without acreage., We. hove steady demand for proper- ties ranging up to 553,000 throughout this area. R. le, HEAL & CO. iia Youge St., Toronto AD., 3457 1115LP WANTED MANUFACTURER OF LIGl42N1N0 rod equipment desires local sales- meh for part-time work through- out Ontario. Drawing account against commissions arranged. Apply B. Philtres Company Lim- ited. 200 511,In Street Toronto. CYLINDER PRESSMAN WANTED, one with some experience on make -reedy. Steady position for steady reliable -man, (44 -hour week) Apply nearest leMploy- nient S Selective Service (Office. 6'11.10-1'. R 2510 tCS1'I:R1ldelci t) LINUTYI5IO O1'GH- neer and- floor .man Walked at once, steady position, (44 -hour Neel) Apply neared Employment and Selective Service Office, GLLE—t•-R 2520 WANTED YOWL -& 131401 LERS, HIGHEST W Iceerate M. I'. 1'. Nit/11011.Cretes 1l .3 available. re Street, Toronto WAN'l'1O11=PRO1''ERTY ON LACE frontage Between Hun tea We, North -'Rey. Good flaking, duck shooting. 454 Pilling` Ave., N. Tlnnri11 on, : :USED Di0LC0 Lim -lima PLANTS, ululate, and generators wonted. _ 81,1(0 age, price and vomit tion, 70. W. Cowan, aionklo 1,'. Ont. „ .