HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-05-03, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1945 THE SEAFORTH NEWS tipill . . siren - Annual Spring• Sale ' 3RD BIG WEEK - MAY 3RD TILL MAY 9 CAMPBELL'S Vegetable Soup 10 oz. tins; 2 for 19c Quick Quaker Oats large pkg. 19c COMBINATION OFFER: One 16 oz, tin Superior Bak- ing Powder and one 11/2 oz Hillcrest Vanilla, All for 25c Club House Peanut Butter 16 oz. jar 25c PASTRY FLOUR 7 lb. bag 25c Old Dutch Cleanser per tin 10c Lily Chicken Haddie per tin 29c Davis Gelatine , 2oz, pkg. 19c Mother Jackson's Jiffy Pie Crust per pkg, 24c Domestic Shortening 11b. carton 19c Paula Sugar Sweetner 4 oz. bottle 39c Nonsuch Stove Polish per bottle 17c Nonsuch Silver Cream per bottle' 23c Laing's C.C. Sauce large bottle 19c, Maxwell House Coffee 1 ib. bag 435 Wheat Sparkles (Quaker Brand) 2 pkgs, 17c Quaker Muftets per prig. 10c Fruit Kepe • per pkg. 35c Hillside Pure White Vinegar+ 1 gallon jar 49e plus container Crosse & Blacicwell's Wareesterehire Sauce 6 oz, bottle 290 Black Cat Window Cleaner small bottle '15e Black Cat Window Cleaner . , large bottle 25c Chan Floor Wax Paste 1 lb. tin 59c O'Cedar Furniture Polish 4 oz. bottle 25c 12 oz. bottle 45c 1 Sami-White Toilet Tissue 4 rolls 25c Maple Loaf 'Collet Soap per liar OSo Turpentine pint bottle 255 -Woodbury's Facial Soap 2 bars 15(' Reckitt's Blno per bag 070 Nugget Shoe Polish pet' tin 12e Snowflake Ammonia 2 pkgs. 11c F1usho-for toilet howls per tin 21r Simco—clears clogged drains per tin 25c Champion Dog Food—Dehydrated per pkg. 10e Dr. Ballard's Mealies or Kibblo Biscuits 2 pkg. 25c SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK ON CANNED VEGETABLES BUY THE CASE St. Williams Raspberry Jam 24 fluid oz. jar 37c Grape Nuts Flakes 2 large pkgs. 299 Neilson's ,Jersey Cocoa, '1. 11b. tin 19c 1. lb. tin 295 Ross J. Sproat PHONE Art .Wright' PHONE 77 DECORATE The Seaforth Chamber of Commerce request all business places and homes to decorate for Victory as soon• as the 'Proclamation is issued. V '• DAY COMMITTEE OF SEAFORTH CHAMBER. OF COMMERCE .,,,nanlaalne,mp,"a,nmmIlmLLan aauemu,nl,Unam, A PLAY 'Here Comes Charlie' Presented by the Tuesday Night Club IN CAVAN CHURCH, WINTHROP • WED., MAY 9TH 8.15 P. M. Under Auspices of the W.A. Admission 35c and 15c COME EARLY 11110111.1. lllllll lllll 10111.1 llllllw,uuniunm,u,n,,,gl WOOL NOTICE, The Government bonus of 4e a lb. will be paid 'on all approved lots. A1l wool shipped to Jacksons is graded in Seaforth and fuil settle- ment made from there. - H. M. Jackson Seaforth Phone 3W & •3J STAFFA The annual meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute was held in the home of MI'S. G. W. Butson, with the president.. Mrs. C. D. Cline, presiding. The treasurer's report, read by Mrs. Loi'ne Hodge, showed proceeds tor tile year of $35$.46 for war work. The members decided to donate $25. to Mitchell Red Cross, and also to send cigarettes to the • men overseas. Election of officers resulted as follows: hon, president, Mrs. James Hill; president, Miss ID. 13. Davies; vice-presidents, Mrs. -Bowman, Mrs. W.' Houghton; secretary -treasurer, Mrs, Lorne Hodge; assistant treasur- er, Ml's, George Butson; pianist, Mrs. L. Colquhoun; assistant pianist, Mrs, 0. W. Reed; branch directors, Mrg. W. Reed, Mrs, W. J. Fell, Mrs. D. McKellar, Mrs. T. Colcluhoun; district director, Mrs. W. Reed, The Sunshine Mission Banal of Staffs: 'United Church met Sunday afternoon, with Miss Margaret Walk- er presiding. The subject. "Temper- ance", was taken by Miss Walker. Poems were given by Donald O'Brien and Keith MacDonald, and prayer was offered by Vera E embly. NOTICE REGARDING DUMP For twoweeks beginning April 20th, till 14xay 5th, the Town dump in Egmondville will be open to citizens of Seaforth a11(1 Tuckersniith to dispose of ashes, cans, etc., afternoons and evenings. A man will be there in charge: his instructions have to be followed. F: S. SILLS Chairman. of Property Coin. „ TOWN TOPICS Mrs, Richard Peiffer of Detroit has returned after spending a week .at the Koine of her mother Mrs. I-lenY FI.ogga'tli. Mr, Peiffer was here on Sunday. Misses Mary and Helen. Devereaux, London, spent the week and with (Heil' parents, Mr. titc1 Mrs. Jack spent the week end 11l', the h'onie of Devereaux.MI and Mrs. Andrew Houston, Mrs. Henry Floggarth, Mrs. lt.' MIS. A. Heoly, Detroit, and Mrs. R. Peiffer and Mrs. Roy Blown visited. Dickey, London, spent the week enol Mr. and Mrs, Seim Atkinson in Lon - at the Queen's Hotel, the guest of the don on Saturday. latter's daughter Mrs. Amos Corby Miss Betty Matthews, Waterloo, and Mr. Corby, visited at the home of her parents, Mrs. Albert Whittaker and duagh. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matthews. I ter Judy, Windsor, are visiting with Miss Laura Stewart, Toronto, was a visitor at the home of her lathe Mr, the forme''s sister, Mrs. Gordon Muir Harry Stewart over the week end. I and . Muir. Mrs. Kenneth Weston and son, Lon-, Mrs' Norman Smith and daughter don, are. guests at the home of Miss •Patsy, Mr.Taorto, visited with her Par - Verna Graves. tits and Mrs. John Rosier, over Miss Alice McIver spent the wee( the Messrks. end end' with relatives in' Kitchener. Messrs• Robert: MacKay and Will, Miss Vera Mole is visiting with ram Heath, Detroit, and Mrs, Gordon Mrs, G)adson Campbell in Toronto, Timmins, were guests 'over this week.1 the ween endat the home of Mr. and Rev. R. 1I. Williams was in Strat Mrs. W. J. Finnigan. ford this week attending the synod. 1 Mr. Henryeie weeke, Stratford, Mrs. Gladson Campbell of Toronto vintad over the week end with his has returned hone atter spending• a son and cdFaddeor•in•law, Mr. and Mrs. few weeks with her mother at the Ralph NloPaoneB Che. Mission, Band of First Presby- . home et her sister Mrs. T. Ii. M5• torten Church attended a meeting at Milian and other relatives. I Clinton Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Harold Chesney and' MI s. Got'., Mr. and Mrs. Willocks and two don Millsou were in Ingersoll Satur- daughters, of Ripley, spent the week day attending the funoral of the late end with Mrs. A. P. Armstrong. L/Cpl. Bert. Cole, who was killed on; Mrs. (Rev.) Williams, Alvinston, convoy duty near Tavistock last Wed-' was a guest at the home of her son nesd�y. i and daughter-in-law, Rev. Richard Mrs George Eaton leas hail the y\rilliams and Mrs. Williams, et the misfortune to fracture a bone in'het' Presbyterian manse. right wrist. I Mrs, George Finlay, who has been Mrs, 5. McMillan, Stratford, spent visiting with her pareris Mr. and Mrs. the week end with her daughter and John Currie, lett by plane from 'Tor - son -in-law, Mr, and Mrs„ Ed .Andrews onto on Wednesday to join her hue' and Mrs. Thomas Fox. band, Pilot Officer George Finlay, Mrs.' Ronald Huras and daughter RCAF, who is stationed at Halifax. Gloria were week end visitors at the Miss Rena Fennell spent the week home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. end wills friends 111 Kitchener. L. C. Chamberlain, 1 Mr, Peter McCowan, Roxboro is Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Robb and dam• laid up with pnenmonia. ghter Peggy, Detroit, were guests Mr, Norman Stirling, Smith's Falls, was a, week ens guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale. Miss Alice Reid visited last week with relatives in Hamilton. MTS. Wm Bractsh tw spent a few days last week in Ingersoll and Lon- don, taking in the Watkins convention in hotel London. Miss Frances Houston, Brantford, over the week end at the home of MTS. II, R. Scott. Dr, Friel Stewart, London, spent the week *end with his mother, Mrs. Charles' Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. McIntosh and Mr. E. A. McIntosh of London spent Saturday in town: Miss. Violet Piper had the MIS - fortune to break a bole in her ankle .at her hone on Side Street. Mrs. Van Bell left on Tuesday to visit with relatives In Winnipeg, Misses Maxine Baynes and Ruth Pretty, London, spent the week end at their homes here. VAC. Thomas Chinn, RCAF, Rogers- ville, spent the week end with his father; Mr. A. F. Cluf. . BORN CRICK --At Scott Memorial Hospital on April 25th, to Mr, and Mrs. Al- bert Crich, Clinton .w4, a daughter, HANEY—At Scott Memorial hospital on April 2611s, to Mr. and Mrs. Vert 1-Ianey, Seaforth, a daughter, SMITH—Ai: Scott Memorial hospital on April 2715, to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Smith, Seaforth #5, a daugh- ter. HOGGART—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on April 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoggart, Londesboa, a son. MENNISLL—At Scott Memorial Hosp• ital, on April 20th, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mennell, Toronto, a son. part of May. Assurance has now been obtain- ed that Britain will require eggs in 1946 in at least as great quanti- ties as in '1945.. The periods that Britain wants s11e11 eggs most are in the fall and in the winter and early spring. With fewer ear- ly chicks this year, the pros- pects are not so bright of having enough fall eggs. Scott's Barred Rock or Hybrid Red X Rock chicks are avail- able the latter Scott's May hatched pullets make fall layers. 4t's J. M. SCOTT .trymiltry Farm PHONE 851-32, SEAFORTH D010 -- 4f Scott Memorial 1lospiial on April 31)111. to Mi'. and Mrs. Alex - .ander Doig. Dublin =1, a daughter. \IeLEAN--Al Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, of May 2nd. to Mr. atncl lobs. Ian McLean. Seafoilh, a son. ST. COLUMBAN A vet'y enjoyable evening Was Spent at St, Colutnban .parish hall on Monday. The meeting was ' opened by a chorus by eight gi ls, "There Are Many Flags," a recitation by Grace Simon, "Our Flag." The president, Mr. Stephen Murray, introduced Mr. Harvey Johnston, operator for the national film- board. The first film showed ranching in the West. Fath- er O'Drowski gave an interesting discourse concerning schools, Two songs by the Doerr girls, "Until the Boys Come Home," and "Don't Fence Me In." The next film "You Can't Kill a City." Piano selec- tion by Mary Horan, song by Joanne Doerr, "My Wild Irish Rose." The means ,third film, "The Harbor Moves to France," Song by Joanne Doerr, "Robin in the 'Rain," piano selection by Ruby Doerr. Film, "The Shining' Future" and a chorus by No. 8 school of which Miss Mary Staple- ton is teacher. Filni, "The Air is the Bridge to the Future," The hall was well filled showing the interest of the community in these meetings. :lir. Murray thanked all for helping 10 make the evening .a success. The meeting closed with God Save the King. HIDDEN- MONEY HEADACHE Billions in big bills, ranging from $100 to •$10,000, are being hoarded. The American Weekly, with this Sunday's May 6) issue of the Detroit Sunday Times, 'tells how the government wants them back and black marketeers and other shady characters may have to light cigars with their millions. Get Sun- day's Detroit Times MILLION'S OF PEOPLE IN tiBERATE9 EUROPE LOOK TO ONTARIO FOR FOOD! Never has the used for food been eo great as it is today. In tuI litto tn:i .,A'1) vastly increased demands, there are now those of Europe's liberated millions. who desperately need food but cannot produce it. These people, emaciated and destitute, look to IJS for help' Here's what YOU can do ,plan NOW to devote whatever time ,vou can to help- ing out on the farms this summer, of the five brigades outlined here—just fill in the enupon and mail today Join one Zet oe Siliade A Brigade for young women 20 years or over, who can take work on a seasonal or year - round basis. t`>>'rrgade For men and women willing to spend their bonder. on a farm. Men can be placed env time after June 15 .-women between eso,i 16 end October 15 only. e1/4ess eamosoksdo Race For men and women, regu- larly engaged to other work, who can give half days or full days to helping a local farmer. 74400 For High School boyo and others 15 years and over who are willing to oi..rti r+n individual farms DOMINION -PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR fCHICULTURE • LABOUR EDUCATION F��oxeaeet 6 ade For teachers, High School girls and College girls. Work is for the most part in fruit and vegetable,growing areae , in camps operated by the Farm Service Force and supervised by the Y.W.c.4. a CLIP 'a ad, MAii. THIS COUPON TODAY 1' ONTAl00 FARM SERVICE FUR['R Pnrifament Buildlage, Toronto. 1 nm Interested In doing what belt, Ontario farmers, this eummo Pia ,e send me InformntIon en the BrlgnA a.,...+ below 0 noon na' Gnnd Bng>d• Fetrintrects R iende = Form Oudot Rrigwd, Holiday n.rvIoe nriande p.,,, rt,ronmodo Brlcado Addn.s PM (WMA ,.,. IN,estw AAAA. •