HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-04-19, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1945 HENSALL Mr. Robs, McKenzie motored to Holstein on Wednesday to attend. ordination services of his brother, Rev, Andrew ll'IcKKenzie. read by.Mrs. Jas, Parkins. The roll call was ansic ei'ed with 'The Resur- I Communication rection." Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren read I Easter poems followed by the sing- .To the Editor of Seaforth News, ing of a hymn, and prpayer led byI Dear Sir: May I ask for space in Mrs, Logan, The topic was taken by , 'our valued paper to contradict a The Wohelo Class of the United Mr's MaeLaren. rumor which has been brought to my Church Sabbath School will be eat- New Book at Hensall Library— I attention, and which is being given ertained at the home of Miss Marg The Higher Hill, Campbell; 7 he ;considerable unpleasant publicity in Marg- aret Glenn on Friday .evening, April Golden Totum, Willoughby; The j the community. This rumor is to 20th, Members will meet at the Green Years, Cronin; A Woman in i the effect that a committee in charge home of Miss Mary Goodwin at 8.15 Shadow, • Swinerton; beep Your 1 of arrangements for the wedding re - where transportation is being ar. Quilt, Mary Ann, Beaton; The Tolli- ception of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Hay ranged for. 1 vers, Farnham; The Master of the . contacted me to engage our Orches- Miss Annie Hood is ill at her Mill, Grove; Winds Blow Gently, home here. Kirkbridge; Hard Facts, Spring; Mrs. Wilmer Dalrymple of Hen- Yeoman's Hospital, Ashton; Below sail received further word that her the Salt, Sheard; The Making of a husband, Cpl. Wilmer Dalrymple, Saint, Manghaw; Peggy by Request, who was reported seriously wounded Dill; Carrying Place, Mowat; The in action in Germany, March 25th, Cleric's Secret, beeping; Great Son, stating he hada received. bullet Ferber; Queen Anne's Lace, Keyes; wounds in the shoulder, fone'arm and Mother, Mason,. Aldrich; Love Calls hand. Cpl. Dalryi le has been over- the Tune, Norris; West End Nurse, seas since Novem'iier, 1948, and saw Handcock; Stormy Hearts, Cleaves; service in France, Belgium, Holland The Pink Camilla, Bailey; Love's and Germany. I Alibi, Widdiiner; Weed End Marr Sgt. R. B. Cook and Mrs. Cook of loge, Baldwin; The Washington Le - Toronto visited during the past week gation Murder, Mason; The Cole of with the formier's mother, Mss. ca: i the Drowsy Mosquito, Gardner; And tharine Devlin. So to the Murder, Dickson; The Case Mrs, James Dayman is visiting at of the Frightened Fish, Dubois; The the home of her son-in-law and dau Saint Steps In, Charteris; The Eb- I, WANTED TOBUY A gasoline engine, 3 or 4 horse power. Massey Harris preferred. Apply at The News. siren, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Green at ony Bed Murder, Gillmore; Verdict time. Thanking you for your vain - Port Stanley. i of Twelve, Postgate; Hard Case, I able space, sincerely yours. MRS. Mrs. Frank Coleman; who has Short; Rawhide 'Johnny, Coolidge; J. R. MTJRDOCH, Murdoch's'Orch, been confined to her loom owing to• The Valley of Adventure, Gregory; estra. Brucefield, 'April 17, 1945. Trouble Ri es t o W n, w el ; tra to provide music for the occa- sion, and that I quoted them a price of $35.00. This statement is an ab- I solute falsehood. No one at any time approached me, either personally, by telephone or in any other manner, in connection with this reception, and had they done so, they would have been quoted the regular price, which i$ the same to everyone in this district, varying .only in the matter of added. points, and every • organization throughout the district for -whom 'we have had the privilege: •of providing music, knows exactly what that price is, My apologies to' Mr. and Mrs. Hay for having' 10 mention their name in this connection at this added expense to more 'distant illness was removed to Clinton hos- , pital for further treatment. Orr Donald and Jimmie, ' 'Raw Gold, Hendryx; The Dry Ridge 1 Mrs. A.Gang, Bower; Spiderweb Trail, Cun- returned home after a week's vasa- ,gingham; Big Timber, Case; Majes• tion with relatives at Lucknow, i ty's Rancho, Grey Outlaw's of Half Miss Heather Clark of Toronto a Day Creek, Hendryx. Non Fie -1 a recent guest with Mr. and I tion: The Forgotten Ally, Van Paas - M M sSS Tudor.Ren; The Rdnlance of the Alaska Miss Stella Robson of theThome if Highway, Godsell; How Dear to My . spending a few days at home of Heart, Kimborough; Winged Peace, her sister Mrs H Arnold Discoverin South Aur Miss Minnie Reid returned to her Bishop, Re g In Memoriam • In loving -memory -4f -. -DIargaret Humphries Shannon who passed away two years ago. "She is living in that blessed home, Where joy and peace abound; Where friendships, severed for a space, Shall all be linked more sound, —Ever remembered by all of us. home here after spending the winter erica, Franck. The March of Medic- ' In Memoriam I AUCTION SALE 'ne in Western Ontario, Seaborn. ' BEATTY WASHER SERVICE IP. 'Skelton, Proprietor. Repairs to all makes washers, will' be in Sea - forth on Tuesday of each week. Call Sills Hdwre. Seaforth. FOR SALE A Clare Bros. Jewel range, with warming closet and reservoir. Suit- able for farm use, good condition. Apply at The, News. Auction Sale Household Furniture. Opposite Col- legiate, on Sat., April 21st at 1 p.m. 3 piece chesterfield in good condition ; wal- nut floor lamp mahogany table lamp: bridge lamp; morns chair; leather arm chair; 3 oak rockers 3 red leather rockers, lilce. newt 8 piece mahogany living room suite; 5 oak small. tables; 3' small mahogany tables;. oak library table; secretarial' desk ; 2 mantle lamps; 2 silver candelabras; fireplace screen; fernery; oak pedestal; oak jardiniere stand.; oak dining room suite; table buffet, 7 chairs; glass oval china cabinet; e odd din- ing chairs with leather seats; 1 ice box, 3 ivory tables; 9 tables 6 ft.; number of kit chen chairs, dro leaf table; .adjustable kit- chen stool; McClary electric range, heavy - Wiring; coal oil stove and oven; coal oil heater; 2 electrie fixtures; buffet mirror; 3 large beveled mirrors; hall seat, caul. table; number of clocks, pictures; books, silverware, dishes, kitchen utensils, congoleum rug 11x12 like new; 3 Wilton rugs 6x12; Turkish rug, reversible; Oriental rug 3x12; number of scatter mats; 3 brass beds, 1 iron bed, 3 springs, 4 mattresses; bed spreads, feather pillows, comforter, blankets and other linens. Mahogany chest of drawers with bevelled mirror; mahogany vanity dresser with bevel- led mirror; ivory chest of drawers; ivory dresser; oak, dresser, bevelled mirror^ oak wash stand pair of velour ch•epes wltb val- ances; 4 pr, of living room curtains; 2 pr. of dining room curtains; 10 pr. of bedroom cur- tains. and. over drapes; 2 carving sets ver- anch,.h furniture; n cots; 1 camp chair;rock- ers and wicker chsdra; club bags, suit cases & trunks, 1 hand washing machine & wring - el —, copper boiler, tubs, clothes horse; iron kettle, storm door, step ladder, long ladder, horse .ruttier. 2 ash sifters; quantity of garden tools & also a quentity of ether tools; 160 ft. of garden hose; churn ; quilting frames. Quantity of lumber. Sealers & some I carred fruit. Lawn mower. Quantity of glad- ioli bulbs, other articles too numerous to men tion. Terms ensh, MRS. JAMES DEVER- EAUS, Props•.; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. months in Florida. i In loving memory of our dear Nursing ing Class Completes Course— Juvenile: Girl in Khaki, Craig; Ship ;mother, Mrs. le m. Piper, who pass - The Hensall Home Nursing Class Mates hi White, Miller; Cherry; ed away, April 24th, 1941. o e e roes f the Red C Society Ames, Wells; In Spite of All, Wall, `, 'With tears I watched you I watched you pass away, ocie y I 'u sinking, their course and demonstrations on. ace; Clue in Crumbling Wall, Keen; ld Bell Dave Monday evening under the able Danger on Old Ba Y> care I ended you with loving leadership of the following nurses: ' Dawson, Bower; Plain Clothes Pat tended could not make you stay, MH. Lawrence,Mrs. R. Middle- `ricin, Winston; Soldiers of the on, I watched beside your bedside, ton, Mrs. H. Faber, Mrs. D. G. Steer, l White; Pollyannas Castle, Bolt As the lonely hours passed, Mrs. D. Kyle and Miss Ellen Swan, Hoof Beats on the Turnpike and The And how my heart was broken, Plans are being made for the gradu- Tale of the Witch Doll, Wert; West- • When I saw you breathe your last. anon and banquet in the near future ern Adventure, Smith; Maggie Mug- ( God knew that yousuffering, ti Allowance. were Mrs. Alice Phaff visited during gins, Graman; Gold the past week with her daughter, Bennett: Marcella; Raggedy Ann Mrs. Robt, Elgie. Stories, Grttelle; The Teddy Bear, Mr. and Mrs..Earl Kaiser returned Deihl; Bobby Twins Stories, Hope; home on Monday after spending a Picking the Vegetables, Reno; Tho week with their parents Mr. and Runaways, Lewis.. Mrs, John Kaiser, That the hills were hard to climb, So He closed your weary eyelids, And whispered, "Peace be thine.,' —Sadly missed by daughter Violet Clearing Auction Sale Of Household Effedts. On Friday, April 20th, at 1,30 p.m., in Dgmond- ville, 1 three piece parlor suite; 1 small parlor table; 1 library table; 3 kitchen chairs; 1 sideboard; 1 kitchen cupboard; 1 coal oil stove, 3 burner, with oven, 1 hand washing machine with wringer; frying pans, roaster, milk strainer; sealers, etc., copper boiler, medicine cabinet, 1 congoleuns rug 71,,x9; 1 eongoleum, rug 0x9; 1 piece rexoleum 4 yards long (new); ironing board, 8 pr. curtains several quilts; 1 bed, mattress and springs; 1 bedroom table;, several Horrors; 1 cream separator; staple puller; 1 large Chloe bin; 1 wheelbarrow; hand saw, cedar posts, scantlings, forks; etc., 25 gal. oil drum; 13¢ tons hay. 17 Rock pullets. Terms cash. .MRS. THOS. BARTON, Prop. Harold Jackson,.Auctioneer. Mrs. H. Arnold is a patient in • Of Household Effects On Werlltes• HOLSTEIN BREEDERS a-, .Ian nd, at i. pan,. on Lot a4, Notice To Creditors MEET IN CLINTON Co„ 9 , day, May 2 Victoria hospital where she is under - I going treatment. Goclericll Township, 5 miles • west of Clinton. Mrs, Hennesey of London, was a The annual' spring meeting of the.1 1 davenport; leather rocker; rock - with Mr. and Mrs. Huron County Holstein Breeders Club I Cts and small tables; rug 9x9; floor weekend guestz Garnet Case.' was held in the town hall at Clinton covering; pict161 res; dining room ex- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Munn moved on the evening of April 10th. The to their home on the farm Saturday, Club president, which they recently purchased from Walton, was chairman, the estate of the late Mrs. Bolton, 1 Where to hold this year's "Black 2nd Con. of Tuckersmith. and White Day" was one of the again 1enssron twee;- b atmng room cyrairs; d Leeming . of buffet; silverware, 1347 Rogers; couch, 1 set dishes; Coleman lamp; motor heater; quantity of linen; mir- rors. blankets, streets, toilet set; 1 bed room suite; small rugs,; congol- suLilym rug (x5; chest of drawers; glum - aided to accept the invitation of the items of business. The meeting de• clack;of Finlacary enacurmelains; rangek(litcheitren Blyth Fair Board to hold the day in new); studio couch; glass cupboard; conjunction with their fall fair. No battery radio; smoker; fernery; sew - definite date has been set,but it will ing ma<;hine; kitcken table and olen- asis. lamps, etc; fruit boater stove; be held in September. wash tubs; oil barrel' tools, chains, It was decided to unite with the shears. pails, crosscut saw. Mrs. Fink of Hanover visited during the past week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fink. Miss Goldie Cross of London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Cross. Dr. Wm. T, Joynt of London, spent the weekend at the home of his mother, Mrs. Alice Soynt. Miss Norma Cook of London, Visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs, N. E. Cook, Miss Martha Heideman of Zurich, is spending a week at the home of Mn and Mrs. John Kaiser, the for- mer being confined to his room ow- ing to illness. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Norminton, Lenore and Teddy moved with into the residence last week which they purchased from Mr. Ezra Weller. Mr. Fred Corbett who has been confined to his room for the past several weeks owing to illness, is im- proving and able to be out a little each day. The time is approaching to again ship boxes to the Hensall boys who are serving overseas, this worthy project being attended to by the Hensall Women's Institute in con- junction with the Wartime Citizens Committee, Local and ural citizens may leave their contributions with Mrs. P. Beer, or Mrs, J. A. Pater- son, Box Conveners. As formerly, donations of sugar for the provision of candy will also be gratefully ac- cepted by these ladies. Anyone de- siring to provide other necessary supplies such as corn syrup, butter, milk, eggs, etc. or any other gifts, may contact this Committee, or any of the Institute members. Also, re- member to save all pound boxes suitable for candy and..cookies, also magazines, (Readers Digests prefer- ably) .and Seaforth , and Exeter papers. Thesemay be left at the Town Hall. .. . The Easter thankoffering of the W.M.S. of Cannel " Presbyterian Church was held on Thursday after- noon with Mrs. R, Y. MacLaren pre- siding, The Scripture lesson was Federation of Agriculture for a 'Field Day at the Lions Park at Seaforth on June 6th, On motion of Bert Lobb a hearty vote of thanks was tendered Seaforth Fair board for their fine co-operation, Gordon Bisset, who 'was delegate to the Huron Federation of Agriculture forth. held in Toronto in February, made mention of the splendid address on Managed Milking given by Dr. W. E. Petersen of the University of Min- fesota. A, V. Langton, Chief of the Exten- I sion Service for Ontario, introduced the guest speaker, Professor A. D. Runions of the Animal Husbandry Department of the O.A.C. Professor Runions' subject was a breeding pro- gram for the Holstein breeders of Huron County, and of particular value to those just starting to build up a Holstein herd, I•Ie emphasized partic- ularly the .importance of having or securing good foundation females and the use of brills of outstanding type from high producing dams with good udders and good type. Mr. Langton and Mr. Terry, West- ern Ontario fieldman, reviewed the activities of the Association. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the speakers on motion of •Wm, Sparks, Bayfield, W. Hume Clutton is secret- ary of the Club: The new herd sire in the Meadow Glade Holstein herd, owned by. W. Hume Clutton, Goderich, is Glenaf- ton Rag Apple Minstrel. He is a son of the noted Holstein Buil, Montvic Rag Apple Marksman ' '(owned by McOague and Cerswell). Tie was .,1 Terms cash, EDWARD GRIGG, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auct.; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk. FOR SALE Iron well pump, cylinder and pip- ing, in good condition, Apply Mrs. Arnold Westcott, Phone 218, Sea - FOR SALE Fordson tractor on steel, with pulley and mudguards. In good run- ning condition. Apply John Gallop's Garage, Seaforth. WANTED Girls, as waitresses for Restaur- ant in large town in Huron County, Experience not necessary. Apply Employment & Selective Service, Office, Women's Division, 19 Market Place, Stratford, Ontario. Refer to file *5054. War workers ineligible. FOR SALE Colony House 10 x 12. Mrs. John Rathwell, Varna. Phone 626r32. Clinton central, FOR SALE Two calves. Peter Readngan, N Main street, Seaforth, STARTED CHICKS S.C. White Leghorn Pullets, Penn- sylvanian State Strain, from one week to eight weeks old. These chicks are disease free, and due to high hatchability , are priced reasonably for' quick sale. GLAZIER POULTRY FARM Clinton, Ontario All Cahacl an - aged bull fin 1944. His dans Montvic Rag Apple Colan- tha Abbekerlt,'' holds the, world's record for butter fat production in 365 days on three times a day milk- ing. On his sire's side, Marksman s 50% the same blood as a world's record pow. Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash „Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth In the Estate of Robert Lavery Alt persons having claims agtsinst the. Estate of Robert Lavery,- late of the Town- ship of Ribbert, in the County of Pertly, Gentlemen, deceased, who died on or about the 89th day of March, 1045, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of May, 1045, full parts- enters of their claims, Immediately after. the said bast mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed an)ongct the -panics entitled there- to. having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to Nie exclusion of all others, and the under- signed will not be liable to any 3,01800 of \chose dnim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof Jlated at, Seaforth this 0th .day of April, 10.14)5e. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for Administrator with Will an- ;)exed. 5x & 3x Shingles Electric Fencers, Fence Wire, Cedar and Steel Fence Posts Gates Grass Seed, Seed Corn, Garden Seeds Fertilizer, Ceresan CO - OP FEEDS Chickstarter Pigstarter Growmash Hog Grower Laymash Sow ration Hatohmash Dairy ration WESTERN GRAIN AND CHOP Finns Minerals & Tonics Reduced now, Rex Wheat Germ Oil Universal Milkers & Parts Seaforth Farmers Co-operative Phone 9 ARE YOUR HOGS stiff pale and scrawny? Use Finn's Hog -Fix, it fixes 1 'em. Do your hogs have worms? Feed Finn's Hog Conditioner in the feed for five days. Farmer's Co-op, Seaforth; Ennis Store, Walton; Kerslake Peed, Seaforth; Kyle Store, liippen; Win. throp's Mill, Seaforth; McCully Store, Brucefield. DO YOUR BABY CHICKS or pull. eta eat each other? Ruin's Poultry Tonic stops them. Are your ,pullets Pate and scoury? Use Plim's Poultry Conditioner and Intestinal Cleanser. Farmer's Co-op, Seaforth; Ennis Store, Walton; Kerslake Feed, Sea., forth; Kyle Store, Nippon; Win- throp's Mill, Seaforth; McCully Store, Brucefield. DO YOUR BABY CHICKS have Diarrhoea? Are they pale and weak? Use; Red Blood Quickly Tablets. They, act quickly, also feed' Finn's Poultry Tonic in their starter. Farmer's' Co' -op, Seaforth; Ennis Store, Walton; Kers- lake Feed,' Seaforth; .Kyle Store, Hip pen; Winthrop's Mill, Seaforth; Mc Cul]yy'Store, Brueefield,'•' • •- .•' -:5 • CASH & CARRY. SATURDAY SPECIALS FIVE ROSES FLOUR, 9S 11. bag FIVE ROSES FLOUR, 24 lb, bag FIVE ROSES FLOUR, 7 Ib. bag APRICOT JAM, 2 lbs, APPLE & LOGANBERRY JAM, 2 lbs . ......... .... .........1....29c 0101010E TABLE POTATOES, 15 lb. peck ?9c 271 79e 21c 29c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, LB, BAG 39c W. J. FINNIGAN SUEDE SHOES CLEANED 25c a pair Same as re-sueded JACK'S REPAIR WOOL NOTICE The Government bonus of 4c a lb. will be paid on all approved lots, direct from the department of agri- culture, All wool shipped to Jacksons is graded in Seaforth and full settle- ment made from there. H. M.• JACKSON Seaforth Phone 3W & 3J Notice Township of Tuckersmith Dumping of refuse, tin cans, ofd bottles and so forth, on roads of the Township of Tuckersmith is strictly prohibited, and any one who does so will be prosequied to the full extent of the law. By order of, the Council. FOR SALE The McKillop, Logan & I3ibberl Telephone Co, offer for sale in whole or in part, by tender, Village lots No. 51, 52, 53 and north 28 feet of lots No. 57 & 58, all in Robert Donkin's sm•vey of part of the village of Dub- lin..Thel'e are erected on said lands and premises one twe story brick: building in good repair, and a one story brick building. All tenders to be accompanied with 10% of purchase price, balance in thirty days there- after. Tenders to be received by the Secretary up to April 23, 1945. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GERALD HOLLAND, Dublin, Secretary GRASS For 7 or 8 head of cattle for sum- mer, lots of water and shade, Write Mrs. Munn, 195 Grand. River Ave„ Brantford, Ont. - FOR SALE Two Holstein cows, fresh; one Jersey fresh; two Jersey heifers due in May and October. Erban rust -re- sistant oats, J. A. McKenzie, Sea - forth, FOR SALE 100 bushels of Ajax Oats, 51.50 a bushel. Grown from registered seed. These oats run 90 bushels to the acre. C. J, Walker, Cavendale Farm, R,R,1, Cromarty. Phone 121'13, Dublin. FOR SALE North Main street: Frame dwell- ing with barn and 2 acres of land, hydro, suitable for poultry farming. John St: Frame dwelling, hydro and furnace, priced reasonable. Watson & Reid, Seaforth. T -HE PICK OF TOBACCO It DOES taste good in a pipe NOTICE Wm. Bradshaw, your Watkins deal- er, and also agent for E. D. Smith & Son, fruit and ornamental nursery stock, Market street, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 50. FOR SALE Modern Bungalow, Jarvis Street. A gond home, Modern House, John Street, with Garage. Good location, Prompt possession. Brick Mouse, Market St., Good. Investment. Prompt possession. Modern House, Egmondville, Garage, 1, acre land. A real buy. Immediate possession, 50 Acres, make good pasture farm, 3 miles from Seaforth on Highway. Prompt posses- sion. E. C. CIIA101BERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont, Res. 220 NU -WAY PRODUCTS For sale. Apply James Wallace, or write Bon 213, Seaforth, .for more information. NOTICE Frank Finnigan,your Rawleigh dealer, on Louisa St., Seaforth, has a line ofproducts et Cher house. Phone 55W. 1 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont. Officers . President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Vice President, Frank Ma Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadtoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mo - Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect -insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective poet offices: Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SF1AF ORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M,B., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and, thereuptio equipment. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 3 to 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr, H. H. Rose' office. Phone 5 J MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. Al Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday ,in each month from 2 to 4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY` Successor to Holmen & Whitney Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers, Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent CEMETERY MEMORIALS Large Stock of Modern Memorials on display at.. our Seaforth Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons office will be open on TUESDAYS Open by appointment at any other time, See Dr. Rayburn, next door Cunningham & Pryde. Clinton Exeter Seaforth' Phone 41 DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT -. SEAFORTH ' 15. EXETER 216 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry)