HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-04-12, Page 2ON VISIT TO CANADIANS Prime Minister Winston Churchill believes in seeing the allied fighting troops as often as possible and when possible right in their own lines. Here he is shown, bending before a Maple Leaf insignia, signing his name in the visitors book after lunching at the 2nd Canadian Corps during a recent visit to the Western Front. Watch- ing the Premier signing is Lieut. -Gen. G: G. Simmonds, C.B., D.S.O., General Commanding. 2nd Canadian Corps. VOICE OF THE PRESS MAD BEES Ain't radio wonderful) One of the commentators last night swung away from the war and got onto the subject of bees, And among other points he mentioned was that bees sometimes shed their hair, and 'get bald. It must make a bee mad to have a comb in the hive and not be ab.e to use it, - Ottawa Citizen. SUSPICIOUS! Rig::: beneath the story of a hen- house robbery, a. Minnesota paper printed a church notice announcing chicken supper. The editor is be - 'eyed to have left town for a few �at_s •- Hamilton Spectator. MAN -LIKE \Ve do find it a terrible hardship to do without the few things we o not need. - Brandon Sun. Women In Aerial Transport Service The fact is not so well known as it should be that there are hun- dreds of women pilots serving in Britain, comments the Stratford Beacon -Herald. Most of them are British girls, but there are also quite a few Americans. Their job is to relieve the combat pilots by transporting bombers from fac- tories to airfields, or from airfield to airfield, and generally flying planes in messenger service, or carrying small -package goods, A British official who visited an air- port recently and wanted to get to another in a hurry was greatly surprised when he was assigned a seat in a Lancaster bomber which was piloted by a young woman. Before starting off she checked up the mechanism with all the skill of an engineer, and hand- led the controls of the powerful machine as if it were an ordinary, routine job to her -which it was. oti 4/ EAT-SLEEP-LOOKMrL 40:,. _FEEL BETTER"' VITAMIN B,COMPLEX Liquid & Tablet Porrn (SDLP AT ALL DRUG 570127S MACDONALDS WANTED MOTOR MECHANIC APPRENTICE 16 to 17 Years of Age , We. base opening in our Toronto. Shopfor bright )'0mtg coturtrP boy Wbn mounts to learn-'mt> :c mechanics a.0 0 constrottmir equipment repair. Also have opening for four smart bright high Sellout Buys, ON Timekeepers on Construction tvork for Telephone Conduit and Gas Lulea. Steady employment, ; good wages and raepid. advancement.. PAR-TEX FOUNDATION CO. LIMITED, 4010 DONDAS ST. WESTt TORONTO Telephone JUnetion 4111 A[LENRU. with Lemon Juice Men and women who suffer nagging aches and pains caused by Rheumatism, Neuritis, or Lumbago want -to^relieve: such symptoms. promptly To get such relief ... try ALLENRUI Mix 2 table spoons ol[his fine medicine with one tablespoon of lemon juice in a glass of'. water. Untold thousands of folks use ALLENRU. Get ALLENRU today ... 85e at any drug store. Write for Informative 'booklet "Here's .Good health to. You" to Stafford -Miller (of Canada) Ltd., Dept, 9, 172 John St,. Toronto, Ont. 'WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM. P quickly relieves soreness, still neck and other allments caused by exposure to weather conditions' Aches and pains . disappear: with one application Flails 5 irlinn0 M911Ia dila Or ' a, et ewe nem Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve,MONTHLY FEMALE MISERY Lydian Pinkham's\vegetableCompound not only helps relieve monthly pain bit also accompanying nervous,•tiretl, high strung feelings -when due to functiona I periodic disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Pinkham's Compound lfelps nature/ Follow label directions. Try ill OCtf�cW �l034RRQAiLQ COMPOUND COMPOUND Synthetic Tires Withstand Speed Synthetic tires made by the l fire- stone Tire & Rubber-.C-on)patly of Canada Lintited have ;successfully completed a most grleiliizg,speed test made tc ascertain.; just' )tow such tires stand up under high Speeds. The test was authorized by the U.S, Government and conducted by the American Automobile As- sociation. Locale was the ,In- dianapolis Speedway. scene of the prewar automobile classics, %VII- bur Shaw, famous three -time win- ner of the Indianapolis Race, vol- unteered to make the test Driving a racing car equipped with regu- lar tires taken from stock, Shaw U.K. Bacon Ration 4 Ounces A Week Let no ane get the impression that, while we reduce our con- sumption of pork in order to assist in supplying Britain, the people of the United Kingdom are growing fat on the pcgk we send theme, The' British•.bacon ration is four ounces a week: Broekviile Recorder and Times, drove - 900 miles at an average speed of 100 miles per hour, taking the turns at 90 utiles and step -- ping up to more than 135 miles an hour 011 the straightaways without a single skid or blowout. Tire engineers say it is equal to 50,000 miles of ordinary- driving. Nazis Can't Even Believe Their Eyes A front reporter said Prirne Min- ister Churchill and Field "Marshall Montgomery halted at one point on their trip to the east side of the Rhine last week to watch a group of German prisoners • being ler- -- ried back over the Rhine A British guard turned to the German captives and shouted raucously: "Have' a good Tool.. There's \Vinnie and Monty cross- ing your 'Rhine. How about it?" Even seeing is not, believing for German paratroopers taken pris m:er.. Aslced. -what tlfey thought when they saw' the great airborne arn]da flying over them these German paratroopers shook their heads and said: It was just British propaganda." Clock From Scrap British prisoners in Sttdag III, 'Germany, claim that their clock, made from old this and a gramo- phone spring, loses only 20 seconds - a day. - SAFES Protect your 1t001(S and CASH from FIRE and THIEVES, we have a size and type of Safe, or Cnhinet, lar any pitrpoNe. V1a11 0s, orwrite tar ;,ria'ea, ete. 10 Deni 22' VL®Z LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 14n trronl SI. E., Toronto Established 1815 ACCOUNTANTS- di AUDITORS INCOME. TAS REPORTS COM- plete Bookkeeping Services. Small. or Large Businesses, Travel 'atm - where. Albert - Brett & Co., 8 WM11neinn St G.. Toronto, Ont. BEACHES MODEL HOME OVERLOOKING LAKE ONTARIO. You may win thin 010.000 model . home for. 51.00. Write ..for your shares today. (51.00 each) to Beaches Business Men's -Associa- tion, Toronto 8. Your receipt will be mailed promptly. Draw to be made May 24th. Proceeds for war Chartles. - BABY CHICKS 51.00 BOOKS FOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1946 CHICKS NOW. and not be disappointed. Alt chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 oz.. eggs or better,. Barred Rocks mixed 512.00 per 100, White. Leghorns mixed 811.00' per. 10e' Barred Rock Pullets 519,00 per 100, -White Leghorn Pullets - 522.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed 515.09 524.00 per 100.fte We guarantee 100% live' delivery, -balance paid ° C.O.D. Maple City ' Hatchery, :Chatham,.. Ontario. BRUNTON :"Bred -to -Pay" CHICKS RHODE ISLAND REDS, WHITE Rocks, Barred Rocks, Golden Bampshires, Government Approv- ed, Bloodtested. Illustrated Cat- alogue Free. Brunton Cedar Gleu Farms Hatchery, 52 Winnett, Toronto (mentionpaper). 5000 BREEDERS- ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW and get your chickswhen you. want them. Orders are pouring in, Breeder Hatcheries are always sold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your order NOW, Pure Bred Sussex, Large Type Leghorns, Sussex X New Ramps., Sussex XLeghorns. Rook X Leghorns, Rock X New Haines., Barred Rocks. Send for large illustrated Catalogue and Price List. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Weln Bros.,Exeter,- Ont, THERE IS PROFIT IN CHICKS 1t you start -right. That's what successful poultrymen have learn- ed iron experience and that's why so many of these salve poul- trymen have found R to their advantage to order Top Notch chicks year after year. Because Top Notch chicks are Government Approved from bloodtested breed- ers- that l'nve proven to be. husky, , healthy, big Producers. Start right this year with Top. Notch Chicks. Write for the Top Notch catalogue and prirellst, .right now -to -day. Limited number of started chicks for immediate de- livery. ' Top Notch Chlekeries, Guelph, Ontat•lo, BARRED ROCKS, LEGHO1'4NS, New Hampshires - chicles for immediate shipment, and a lim- ited quantity started to brooders, pullets, cockerels Unsexed. We advise early ordering. Bray Hat- chery, 1301 John' N„ HIamiiton, Ont, BROAD BREASTED syssRx - Cox THOUSANDS AVAILABLE WEEK- IY, it you ordlir at once. Our Broad BreastedSussex cox bring top prices on the market. White skinned, long : rounded breasts, Also New Hamp. cox with fast growth and feathering. Sussex X Leghorns and Rock' X Leghorn; make good roaatera and grow fast up to 4 -5' -lbs. You canbuy these. for 54.00 per 100. Also mix- ed heavy cox 50.00 per 100. All from our well-bred, healthy, blood tested breeders. 5000 Breed- ers - on ONE plant. Lakeview Poultry Parm. Wein Bros„ Exeter. Ontnrin ''- DARK CORNISH GAME COCKER - els, grand type, development, range raised. Choice Breeders,, weights 8 )5s. Prices 5g10.00, 57.50. - 55.00. George H'enbest, 8112, 118 Avenue, Edmonton, Alta. 10.0 CHICKS FREE WITH -EVERY ORDER CF 100 PUL - let chicks. we give 105 free,chlcks (our choice), Leghorn pullets 522.06 per 100. -barred Rock put. tete 519 95 tier 100 white Rork Pullets 024.05 per 100. All chicks sold hacked by high egg, pedigreed stock,. 51,00 books your order, balance C.0,13. Guaranteed- 1005, live " delivery. Kent Hatchery. Chatham, Ontario. SPECIAL PULLET SALE iSTARTED "BARRED. ROOK PUT..- lets, 1 -,week 012 22c, 2 weeks old 126 cents. Immediate delivery. ' Carleton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ontnrio. POULTRY KEEPERS BE CERTAIN (2012 BUY GOOD healthy, vigorous chicks.' Buy chinks with breeding and livability and you: will be certain of success. Our Breeders are all Government inspected, handed and blood -tented. Write for descriptive catalogue on the different. breeds, and prices on our. Government - Approved chicks. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS 6lonitton,: Ontario "OXFORD" B LIO.0 ID -TESTED chicks, live, lay and pay,, They are the results of nineteen years of-carefulselection and breeding in O.E.S.. They have to be good because -' we want the very- best kind of chicksforour own' flocks. Improved. breeding. lOig,- vigorous" and early maturing. We stress - egg size and unl formity, - Write for our free folder. Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, an -sexed Chicks Pullets and Cockerels. The Oxford' Pa rmeis' Co-operative Product Co Ltd.. 434 Main St.. Woodstock, Ont [LIItM' CHICKS YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH , 'Tweddle Chicks. There will be a guaranteed'. market next fall for all the chicks you Can brood this' spring. P1te..'C.05. Army will take. 30.000,000 lbs. and Great Britain ever increasing amounts. With the possibility of .rationing our 'home market should be firm - definitely and the Old Country will take: our egg surplus. So You can't g0 wrong with chicks, -this. Spring. That is if you buy good chicks. and look after them. Flash -Here are the prices you can count on next Fail for dress- ed poultry, F.O.B. Country Pro- eessing Plants. Grade A Milk Fed Inc lb, R 2Se, Grade A 2Sc,_B 260. Don't wait another day; order your chicks at once. 'Free -cat- alogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 'S PR1:E CHICKS OUR FOUNDATION STOUR 1S registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better in Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, 512.90 per hundred; White Leghorns, ' 511.00; White Rocks, 515.00; Brown Leghorns, 513.00. Pullet prices: Barred Rocks, 519.00; White Leghorns,. 32222.00; White Rocks, 524.00;. Brown Leghorns, 824.00. 25 tree chicks, our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 tree chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered, Goddard Chick hatchery, Bri- tannia Heights, Ontario. - ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED Your chicks for next spring: when You want them. Barred Rock mixed S12,00 per 100, white Leg - horns mixed $1L00 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets 519.00 per 100. white leghorn pullets 522.00 100. Heavy Breed Okla. 56.00 per 100, Leghorn Okla. 32:00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 26 oz eggs or better and from- special mated flocks. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. 51.00 books your order, balance C.O.D, Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario, BLOOD -TESTED HYBRID COCK-. erels, April 4c, Leghorn Cocker- els lc. Also white Leghorn and Hybrid Pullets. Stormont Poultry Farm, -Pinch, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 57,000-100 awes, all workable, good land, 18 head cattle, 4 horses, 10 pigs, new machinery, 5 -roomed house, 70 miles from Toronto, would consider small house vicinity New Toronto or Mimico as part payment, or 53,000 down, balance easy. payments. Apply 227 Oth St., New Toronto, Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING. NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your .questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. RAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THD Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 157 Avenue Road, Toronto, 10OR SALE, ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW. USED, bought, sold. rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, .brushes. Allen Electric Com. Pans Ltd.. 2326 Dufferin St.. To- ronto, STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAR. ,agus,raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging, shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk Nursery, Simcoe, Ontario. Flags - POLES AND STANDARDS Silk Plage to Order SoIIWILKINSON o L Kto Nrd L GEO. TD• 833-5 OUELLETTE AVE., WINDSOR 06,500 - BEAUTIFULLY' LAND - seeped 60 acres, new, brick, •square plan house, large barn, gerages, electricity, spring water,. W. Overiand, .Cataract, Ontario. 50 -ACRE FARM FIRST CLASS, up-to-date. Write for particulars, Bert Hagedorn, Burgessville. Ont. Amateur Theatricals SEE our character costumes. Have 600 costumes to choose from, Make- up dickeys, minstrel collars, gloves, etc. Costume Dept. - Second Floor GEO. OH. 333 DEETEVE WINDSOR BEAUTIFUL- COMFORTERS MADE from your materials, .Quilting 01.85. Your wool carded 25c Ib., washing 3c Ib: Quick servtce,Vlr- gin wool batts 51,15 Ib. Wool' Carding Machines 514.95,. Spinning Wheels 513.95. Ask eor-catalogue.' Sitton Wool Products, - Box 128, 81tton, Manitoba, - SAW MILL, NEARLY N111W, CAPAC- Ity upward one thousand" per hour. Can he operated by two men or more. Designed -and built 55' an experienced sawyer. For'particu- lars, write or call Dan Vallieres, MI]] Bridge, Ont. Do not call on, Saturday.. _ FOXHOUND PUP, MALE. PARENTS well bred .and excellent hunters, 516,00. 7 Rolland Rd.,' Leaside, FOR SALE. MoCORMICK-DEBRING WI4' tractor on steel, complete with belt - pellet' and 2 -furrow tractor plow, $726. K. C. McMillan, Georgetown,. Ont. - - - POR' SALE C. G. E. 'MOTOR 1` h.P„ 1800 r:p.m., 3 phase, 60 cycle, 220 volt, re- built. 2150. R. B, Richardson, St. .Andrews, N.B. - LARGE PERE BRED FLE1I I S11 Glants, Angoras, Now Zealand Reds, satisfaction guar,m teed. -Alberta and Dominion Govern- ments have bought from us, 1lreamwold Farm, Box 97, Cal- gary, Alta. - 90. ACRES, 27 ACRES GARDIEN Iand " balance clay loam seeded to :clover. S room 'Brick House, 9tee] Drive Shed and Henery, Barn fail', •! acres in orchard; 25 miles from Toronto & Hamilton On paved highway. J. R. Smith, R.R. 1, Hornby," Ont. GARAGE ANI) SERVICE STATION, garage equipment and stock and 9 -roosted house on No. 2 High- way, Oakes Garage, Ancestor, Ont. LEFT HAND, 3 SPEED, SAWMILL carriage and husk. Good condi- tion, $1.50, W. A. Cornell, Ko- lnoka, (int. POULTRY FARM, 29 ACRES, 1,200 layers. Hydro, inarlcet garden land, 20 miles from Toronto and Hamilton; going concern; Im- mediate possession. Keith Cowles, R.R. 2, Hornby, Ont. SOUTH AMERIc.t3 CHINCI?IL- las, "That rare and costly fur." Beautiful animals; easy to raise;. will litter this spring,' 0400.00 Pair. Robert Green, 1236 Stanton Montreal 2. - MACHINERY DIESEL CRAWLER TRACTORS itD7 CATERPILLAR WITH 8 PARD Lo Tourneau scraper; RD8 with 12 yard scraper: TD18 Inter- national with bulldozer (scraper optional); TD40 with bulldozer; RD40 International (47.5 HP)•. RD4 Caterpillar; RD4 with An- thony Highllft Bucket and inter- changeable bulldozer' blade Lighting plants, 1500 watt, 32 or 115 volts. Send for folder , Diesel and Gasoline Engines •40 to 150 HP. Other equipment' available. Wire, write or phone S. H. Leventhal & Co., Machinery Agents, Winnipeg. MEDICAL STOMACH AND 1RRFAD WORMS often are the cause of Ill -health in humans, all ages. No one Im. -mune! Why not find out If this 4s ..your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars-Freel Write Mulveney'e Remedies, Speclallets Toronto 2 DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUFPER- er Of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should- try- Dixon's Remedy. Ii3nm'o's. Drug Store, 335 BIgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 01.00. CONSTIPATION, B I LT 0 U SNESS, liver trouble, "depressed headache, quickly relieved with Fig -Lax tablets. Beep regular with Fig - Lax. 25e at Druggists. BAIIMEEKA FOOT BALM IDE - strays offensive odor Instantly, 95c bottle, Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. PROVEN REMEDY -EVERY SUF- ferer of 'Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should 11•y Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 885 El- gin, Ottawa. Postpaid 01.00: MUSICAL 'INSTRUMENTS FRED A. 13ODDTNGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments. 111 Church. Toronto.- 2. OPPORTUNITIES lion WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LI0ADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Frei rdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates, America's greatest -sys- tem. "Illustrated catalogue free, Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS .853 BLOOD : W., TORONTO Branches; 44 King St., Hamilton, & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. PHOTOGRAPHY: TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films -properly developed- andinte. 6 Ole 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26c REPRINTS 8. for 25c- FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but youcan get all the quality andeervtce you desire icon' by Rending yofilms to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J.. Toronto CANADA'S LARGEST ' STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing your pictures, Snaps . can't be taken . ov,er again, Send your film roils to Canada's Largest and finest studio. Get better pictures at lower cost. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any size Roll -5 or 8 1)Xposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c ' 1 get hest results from Star Snap- shot Service". writes a customer in Nova Scotia, who adds that she has tried- many places, SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 1e-20-127 if 29c (9c extra) is sent with film roll. ENLARGEMENTS - COLORED AND FRAMED, Enlargements 4 x. 6" In beautiful easel, mounts. 3 for 25c. Framed, on ivory tinted' mats, 7 x 9" In Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnot or Black Ebony finish. frames. 59c each If enlargement colored, 79e each STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE ' Box 129, Postal Terminal A. Toronto. . • Print Name and Address Plainly on Ordera. PIANOS ARE YOU INTERESTED IN THE new small Pianos? If so write us 'for lastest descriptive circular, Factory Matson & nisch Limited, 642 King St. West, Toronto. PATENTS I"ETHERSTONHAUGR & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Establlshd 1890; 14- King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. ST111:RlAN PROPI7RTIES • WANTED WITHIN 25 M1LES OF TORONTO, with or without acreage.' We have steady demand for proper- ties ranging niup to 550,000 throughout this area. R. 1e. HEAL & CO. 11a Yonge St., Toronto AD. 3457 TOMATOES FROM SEED/ GROW YOUR OWN STURDY TO - mato plants this year. It's easy, but start them early and for happy results plata Master Mar - globe, America's most perfectly formed tomato -extra largeand aolid, "Trite Tomato with the Ex- tra Slice". Send 15c Fen Special Pitt.; of only 25c for 'A oz. Full- colour catalogue Free. Dept. W., W. W. HICK & SONS LIMITED. Lindsay, Ontario. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED OF PARTICULAR INTEREST TO .veterans and farmers! Sell leami- lex spices, extracts, alimentary , products, medicines, stock' and other farm products and succeed. Monthly tree offers open every door. Every family a prospect. Good districts open. Pleasant and profs table worst dor part time workers, Free Plan and catalogue. FamRex 1000 Delorlmler, Mon- treal. WANTED Cash Register Wanted 1 Cent Up. Must Be Cheap. 333 Ouellette Ave., Windsor SADDLES WANTED R5D1N0 BOOTS AND GEAR wan PAY CASH GEORGE H. WILKINSON 33S OUELLETTE AVE., WINDSOR Invalid Chairs Wanted WILL pay cash or swap for what we have. Swap Dept. Geo. H. Wilkinson Ltd. 333 Ouellette Ave. Windsor Portable Phonographs WANTED! Well pay Cash or Swap toe new shoes or new clothes or what we have, 363-5 OUELO. LETTE AVI WINDSOR WANTED. GRIMM'S EVAPORAT- or. Size two and one half by eight only- State Condition and price. G. A. Hogg, Thamesford, Ont. WANTED, GARDEN TRACTOR, 1 to 8 horsepower. State condition and price. Box 21, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto, FA Ref 66A07IINErry ''VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair -parts are always available elther at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Co, Limited, 720 :Notre - Dame West, Montreal 8 Que, 13731011' WANTED HOUSE3EEPER WITH FARM experience, Modern Farm, by April 15th. 2 adults, Brampton District. References required. J, M. Dotson, Brnmpton 2, Ont, CYLINDER PRESSMAN WANTED, one with some experience on make-ready, Steady position for steady reliable man. (44 -hour wEmploy- ment & Selective Service Office. POLE-C.R. 2519. EXPERIENCED LINOTYPE 015ER- ator and floor man, wanted at once, steady position, (44 -hour weal), Apply nearest 17mploYntent and Selective Service Office.. PTL 3e--C.R, 2520. o 1rAtai 0b00,1 WANTED FARMER, SINGLE, RELIABLE steady matt, for general farm work on dairy farm. Experience fitlking mac1hiune, tractor, prefer- Oard,79ta (1011yrs ,monthly pZ. Vnue. Pills Boltarferm, Tigti are. 4 Whitby, Ont, Phone Whitby .950.. MR. WOOL GROWER WE OPERATE A 'GOVERNMENTS Lleeesed Wool Warehouse.. andare prepared to purchase this season's Wool clip according to Government' Grading Standards and_:at estab- lished Government prices. You can. apply your wool credit against blanket purchases. We do not brindle•used woollens. THE STRATITRO1' WOOLLEN MILLS LTi?., STRATT4ROY, Ont.. ISSUE 15-1945