HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1945-04-05, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Mrs. J. R, McDonald returned
home after spending the past two
weeks in Toronto.
Mr. and .Ml's. A.. W. Kerslake,
Bilie and ' Joan. visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Geriuyn and
Betty at St. Mary's.
Mr, and . Mrs.' Lorne Elder. and
little son Kenneth. of Hamilton and
Flt. Lieut.Kenneth .Passmore of Cen-
tralia, spent Easter with D'Ir•. and
' Mrs. John Passmore.::
Miss Dorothy Brazier, Burse -ill-.
training at St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, visited on Easter. Sunday
with Dr. D. G. Steer, Mrs. Steer and
Mrs. Ted Leman and Tont of List-
- owel, spent the past two weeks visi-
ting with Mrs. Laman's mother and
sister, Mis. Chas. McDonnell and
Miss Dorothy MCDone1L.,.
Mrs. Meidinger was a weekend
visitor in Zurich.
Mrs; Arthur Bridgeman, Bobbie
and Clara of Guelph are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs, A, W. Kerslake and
Mrs, D. Walks,
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Shelly
and Lennard of Toronto and Donald
of Guelph, Mr, and Mrs, Russel Iove,
Douglas and Robert and Misses Ai1-
ray and Anliie Armitage of Owen
Sound, spent Easter with Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. MacDonald and Lloyd.
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Scruton and
family of Port Dover visited oyer the
holiday with the fornrer's mother,
Mrs. Scruton and the latter's father,
Mr. Thos. Shaddlck.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Ferris Cantelon an
children of Schomberg, spent th
Easter holiday with the former'
mother, Mrs. Kate Cantelon.
Dr. George Joynt of Toronto vis'
ted on Easter Sunday with hi
brother, Mr. T. C.-Joynt.
Miss Amy Lammie of Londe
spent the weekend with her moth
Mrs. Lammie and sister, Miss Giet
Mrs. Churchill and daughter, Mis
Elvira of Toronto, also little Caths
ins Raveile of Palmerston were holt
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs, R. R
Mrs.' Ann Berry returned hom
after spending several weeks in Tot
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Joynt a
family of Toronto, Dr. and Mrs
Harry Joynt and daughter of London
visited recently with their moths
Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Lieut. Sala Rennie of Cliatha
spent Easter with Mrs. Rennie an
family here,
Miss Margaret MacLaren of Ovate
loo, is spending the Easter halidey
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y
Miss Patsy Steer is spending th
Easter holidays at the home of he
grandmother, Mrs. Gertrude Bi•azie
in London.
oMrs. Wilfred Kropp of London were supposed to freshen June 10; Hol-
e week end visitors with their parents, stein heifer supposed to freshen
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Dec 28: Holstein heifer supposed to
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shepherd freshen Dec. 1, 2 young calves, 3
s and daughter of Toronto visited yearling Herefords; registered Here -
over 'Easter with Mrs. Manns and ford bull "Bonnie Stanway Lad" No.
al Mrs. John Shepherd. 134555, exceptionally good stock
Mr. Frank Lostell returned to bull.
ala London after spending Easter with Pigs (note. pigs to be sold first)—
Mrs. Lostell and family. 25 chunks of choice pigs, 15 chunks
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farquhar and 2 months old, 1 sow due time of sale,
r Graham visited recently with Mrs. I. sow due May est, 1 sow due May
t_ Farquhar's mother Mrs. Bowden in l 22nd.
1 Exeter. 1 milk can 30 -gal. can., 2 milk
Mr, and Mrs, Don Rigby and rens 8 real. cap.; 1 colony house 1 O
e daughter Donna spent Easter with 10, 1 brooder stove nearly new, 1
Mrs. Rigby's parents Mr. and Mrs, man's bicycle, 1 rubber tired milk
Stewart McQueen. Mrs. Rigby and cart, 1 DeLaval, 2 single units. milk
d Donna are remaining for the Easter ing machine nearly new; half h.p.
. holidays. Century electric motor, quantity of
Mr. Ray Patterson of Toronto e' i potatoes.
r', spent the Easter 'holiday with his Terms rash. Everythine must be
parents Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Paterson. sn1d. ALEX, AT,EXANDE'R (war-
,M1s. G. T. Muno of London spent den of Huron county), Prop.; Lew
the weekend with her parents Mr. I Rowiend, Auctioneer.
and Mrs. Rbbt, Munn.
Born—In Exeter. on urs ay,
1`. March 29th to Mr, and Mrs, Aubrey ,
Farouhar of Kippen, a daughter,
• Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Laing and
Mrs. Jean Manson of Exeter visited
e recently with Mr', and Mrs. Stewart
1', McQueen.
in Hensall Town Hall
Sponsored by the Kippers` East W.
Dancing 9,30.1, CKNX Ranch Boys
Ladies please bring sandwiches
Mrs. Norman Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and
daughter of Windsor spent the week-
end with the former's parents Mr.
and Mrs. • Cornelius Cook.
Miss Mavis Spencer of Toronto
spent Easter with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. A. .Spencer.
Miss Joyce Scruton of Toronto
was a weekend visitor with her
mother Mrs. Scruton and sister,
Mrs. Peter McNaughton.
Miss June Brandon is spending
the Easter holidays at her home in
Bayfield. •
Miss Jean McQueen returned
home after 'spending the past two
Genuine solid oak eight -piece din-
ing room suite including table with
5 extra leaves, six chairs;` high back
with leather seats, buffet with large
bevelled mirror, also white Knechtel
kitchen cabinet with porcelain top.
All this furniture is in real good con-
dition. Apply• to The News.
1500 started pullets, -5 and Ct
weeks' old. Reasonable. Apply Ferg.
Stapleton, Dublin,
1Vtutted to take in eight or ten
ctlt:tl to grass, running water and
shade. Apply to NIr's, Archin* Mc-
Gregor, (opposite Clinic) Seaforth.
Auction Sale,
Mr. Harold Jackson has been in -
sit noted to sell by public, auction a
complete line of Household' Effects.
At Brucelield, on Friday, April 131,h,
at 1.30 1,111, Te.rius cash,
Estate of Late Margaret McKenzie.
Hai old Jackson, Auctioneer,
Of Farm Stock at Lot'" 29, Con.. 2, ' Seed oats' for sale, Ajax, Van -
Grey Twp., one and a quarter miles guard and Cartier, J. W. Thompson,
south and one mile east of'Moles• Phone 833r31, Seaforth.
worth, on Tuesday, April 10th. Sale
commences at 1 p.m. sharp.
CATTLE,—.Holstein cow, 5 yrs
old, fresh 1 month: Holstein cow, 4
yrs. old, fresh 1 month; Holstein
cow, 8 yrs. old, supposed to freshen
Oct. 7th; Holstein cow, '7 yrs, old
fresh 1 month; Holstein cow, 6 yrs
old, supposed to freshen June 8th
Holstein cow, 7 yrs. old', supposed to
freshen May 20th; 'Holstein cow, 4
yrs. old, supposed to freshen" Sept
16th; Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old, sup
posed to freshen April 20th; Durhat�1
cow, 8 years old, supposed to fresh-
en April 29th; Durham cow, suppos-
weeks with M. slid Mrs. Don Rigby ed to freshen April 20; Durham
Dance in Seaforth Armouries on
Thurs., Apr, 19th, to the music 01
Bert Worth & his CKNX Ambassad-
ors. Dancing 9.301:30. Adm. 50c,
Started Chicks
S.C. White Leghorn Pullets, Penn-
sylvanian State Strain, from ane
l week to eight weeks old:
These chicks are disease free, and
clue to high ha.tohability are
priced reasonably for quick sale,
Clinton, Ontario
in Blenheim. cow fresh 1 month; Durham cow Housework, by the day,
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hayter, Don -fresh 2/ months, Durham cow fresh
DUTCH SPITTS, 3 pounce pkge
TABLE POTATOES, 15 lb peck
SIFTO-IODIZED SALT, 2-21b ,pkges
Giant 5 1b pkge Roliinll.00d Oats 23c
No Repairs taken
after Thursday night
for this week
nie and Karen of London spent the 2/ months Durham cow fresh 3
weekend- with Mrs. Hayter's par- months Durham cow 5 yrs old sup -
encs Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bell. posed to freshen June 1st; Durham
Mr, and Mrs. Cline Flynn and cow fresh 2 months • Durham heifer
�' Mrs. MacRosser, and daughters of
Mrs. Lorne Elder and little so
Kenneth, of Hamilton, are spendin
a couple of weeks visiting with Mr
Elder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. Schaeffer and family, M'
Horning and family of Palntersto
visited during the holidays wi n
their aunts, Mrs. Ballantyne, Miss
Katie Scott and Mrs, Graham,
Mr. Kenneth Manns of the R,C,A,F
and Mrs. Manns of Toronto spen
Easter with the fo•mer's mother
Ml's, 1Vlanns,
Wounded Overseas
Mrs. -Ella Dalrymple 'of Hensel
received oficial word from Ottawa on
Friday, that her husband, Cpl. Wil
mer Dalrymple, has been seriously
wounded in action in Germeuy, on
March 25th. He enlisted in December
1942 'vith the Highland Light In
fantry, going overseas in Novembe
1943, and has seen service in France
Belgium, Holland and Germany. He
was born in Tuckersmith, attended
school at S.S. 1, Tuckersmith and is
a son of Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Dalrymple.
Fire Threatened 1.O.O.F, Hall
Children playing at the rear of the
Hydro building on Good Friday,
noticed flames in a. window in the
second -storey building of I,O.O.F.
Hall, and are credited with saving
numerous buildings adjoining it, as
fireman rushed to.the scene and con-
trolled the blaze. Damage was con-
side•ecl light.
The April meeting of the Hensall
Women's Institute will be held at the
hone of Mrs, W. Dinnin, on Wednes-
1 day evening, April llth. at 3,15:. Mrs.
Dfnnin will be assisted by her daugh-
ter, Mrs, A. E. Munn, Mrs. -Robt,
Elgie will act as co -hostess, Roll Call:
Payment of fees. The program will
feature several interesting short
R . tants pertaining to Hospitality. These
will be presented by Institute Mem-
bees. The Motto "There is always
time enough for courtesy and good
manners" will be taken by Mrs.
Hess. This being the annual meeting,
a, large attendance is requested.
Miss Jean Foster of London
spent the weekend with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster,
Miss Mary Hemphill of London
visited over the holiday with her
parents Mr, and Mrs, A. W. E.
Mr. Wm. Cook of London visited
recently . with his mother Mrs. Cath-
erine Devlin.
Lieut. Alda Bolton of London
spent the weekend with relatives
Miss Barbara Miohie is spending
the Easter holidays at. the home of
her parents Mr, and Mrs. Michie at
Mr. A. L. Case returned after
spending Easter with his aunt Mrs..
A. Lammie in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy' MacLaren and
Donald visited recently with Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Hankin, Thames
Mr, and .Mrs. Harold Shephard of
Toronto spent the holiday with the
latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Denfield spent Easter with the for-
a' mar's parents Mr. and Mrs. Milton
; Russell
5x &,3x Shingles
Electric Fencers, Fence Wire,
Cedar and Steel Fence Posts
Grass Seed, Seed Corn,
'Garden Seeds
• Fertilizer, Ceresan
ll 100 acres of grass, water, shade. Ohickstarter Pigstarter
th Apply to Miss J. Cronin, St, Colum Growmash Hog Grower
• Nine York pigs ready to wean.
t Hector Chesney, Seaforth.
A good Classic cook stove in first
class condition. Apply to John Rue.
ton, John street.
Laymash Sow ration
Hatch mash Dairy ration
FOR SALE l Finns Minerals & Tonics
Reduced now, Rex Wheat Germ 011
Lot 1, Con. 12, McKillop, plenty
• of shade and water, 75 acres. Joseph
Flanagan, phone 37r10, Dublin."
To arrive this week at Dublin.
Special price off car. A. E. Queren-
gesser, Brodhagen, phone Dublin
Misses Helen and Mae McNaught-
qn of Toronto spent Easter with
their parents Mr, and Mrs. Lorne
Misses Kathleen Jones of Toronto
and MildredofKitchener spent 'the
weekend with their parents` Mr. and
fa'k;:rm k
North Main street: Frame dwell-
ing with barn and 2 acres of land,
John St.: Frame dwelling hydro
and furnace, priced reasonable.
Sperling St.: Frame dwelling with
modern conveniences, garage, etc.
Watson & Reid, Seaforth..
Universal. Milkers & Parts
Seaforth Farmers
Phone 9
A quantity of choice amber •honey
for sale. William Hoegy, Dublin,
phone 23r12.
hydro suitable for poultry far•ming '
Township of Tuckersmith 1 Seaforth. Phone 3W & 3J
The Government bonus of 4c a lb.
will be paid on all approved lots,
direct from the department of agri•
cul ture,
A11 wool shipped to ;Taeksons is
graded in Seaforth and full settle-
ment made from there.
Dumping of refuse, tin cans, old
bottles and so forth, on roads of the
Township of Tuckersmith, is strictly
•prohibited, and anyone who does so
will be prosecuted to the full extent
of the law.
50 pigs from 6 to 7 weeks old. A
gttantity of clean Cartier oats and
some six -rowed barley, for seed. A
two -furrow tractor. plow ill good
shape and fouiecylinder Durant car.
Lawrence Ryan, Walton,
Of Household Effects.—At the re-
sidence of Wm. Pullman, Church St.,
Seaforth, on Saturday, April 7th, at
1 p.m., 2 leather rockers, small
tables, fern pedestal, oak dining ex-
tension table and six chairs, sbuffet,
heater stove. rocker chair., couch,
china cabinet, bed springs and mat-
tress, kitchen range (Good Cheer),'
kitchen table, kitchen cabinet, bed-
room suite, toilet set, wardrobe,
wash stands, drop leaf table, pictures
and kitchen utensils, eight -clay clock,
Numerous small articles. Terms
cash. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer;
Wm. Pullman, Prop.
Tenders will be received by the
'undersigned' until May lst for the
electric wiring and fixtures for S.S.
No. 5 School, Tuckersmith,: accord-
ing to plans and specifications pre-
pared by the Hydro -Electric Com-
mission, Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
S. H. WHITM�ORE, Sec.-Treas.
Tuckersmith Twp. School Area No 1
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
•111.11.10. er.sagoarortimmeasommwmarate
Drainage Tenders
Township of McKillop
fenders for the repair of the Deltz
Drain Will be received by the under-
signed until Saturday, the 14th clay
of April, when tenders will be opened
at the Carnegie Library Hall, Sea -
Ten per cent of the contract price
to accompany tender, Satisfactory
bonds to be furnished.
Lowest or any tender not necessar-
ily accepted. Plans arid epocificalitne.
may be seen at the office of the Clerk,.
Lot 27,. Concession 2, McKillop.
.Estimate, 2,400 yards at 5340.0'0.
3, M. Eckert, Clerk
R. 11, 1, Seaforth, Ont.
Township of Stanley.
Tenders will be received by the
Township of Stanley until April 21,
1945, for crushing and hauling 8000
yds. gravel on Township' roads. 1
inch screen, Contract to be completed
by Oct. 1, 1945. A marked cheque for
5% of contract must accompany each.
tender. Lowest or any tender not
oecesearily accepted,
Chas. C. Pilgrim, Clerk.
W. Chute•, Road. Supt,,.
Varna Out
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements,
Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, has
received instructions from the un-
dersigned proprietor to sell by
Public Auction at Lot 34, Con. 1
Township of Logan, ee mile east of
Dublin, on No. 8 Highway, on
Wednesday, April llth, 1945. Sale
to commence at 12.$0 o'clock sharp,
HORSES -2 Clyde geldings 6
years old, 1 Clyde mare 8 years
-old, 1 Clyde mare 10 years old, 1.
Clyde filly rising 2 years old, 1
driving horse 12 years old.
CATTLE -1 pure bred Hereford
cow due in April, 1 pure bred Here-
ford fresh with calf by her side, 1
pure bred Hereford due at time of
sale, 1 pure bred Hereford cow due
in July, 1 pure bred Hereford cow
fresh with calf by her side, 2 pure
bred Hereford heifers due in June,
1 Hereford baby beef, Hereford hei-
fer rising 1 year, 2 Hereford steers
rising 1 year old, 1 Hereford heifer
6 months old,
IMPLEMENTS—M. H. binder 6
ft, cut, M. H. mower 6 ft. cut, M.
H. binder 6 ft. cut nearly new, M.
H. manure spreader, M. H. 11 disc
fertilizer seed drill, M.H. hay loader,
Cockshut side delivery rake, Cock -
shut 14 plate disc, dump rake, 2 cul-
tivators, M, H. 11 disc seed drill,
steel land roller, single furrow rid-
ing plow, walking plow, 2 gang
plows, 2 3 -sec. harrows, 2 3/4 wag-
ons, set sleighs, 16ft. hay rack with
one man rack, fanning mill, steel tire
buggy, rubber tire buggy, cutter,
12 inch cutting box, power jack,
pulper, bag truck, gravel box, set
slings and sling chain, quantity of
one inch lumber, quantity 2 inch
HARNESS—Set breeching har-
ness, set of plow harness, odd collars.
FEED -200 bus. mixed grain, 30
bus. barley, about 15 tons of clover
and timothy hay, quantity of red
clover and timothy seed, shovels,
hoes, grain bags, chain, and a host
of other articles too numerous to
mention. No reserve as the farm is
sold. Auctioneer's decision final in
case of all disputes.
JOHN KENNY, Prop., Fred W.
Ahrens, Auctioneer.
Clearing Auction Sale
.pply at 'The News.
in town
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments on Friday, April 0th, at 1 p.m.
at Lot 28, Usborne Township, 4 miles
east of Hensall, lie utile east of Me -
Taggart Corner,
Horses -1 black gelding 10 years
old; 1 black gelding 7 years old.
Cattle — 1 Durham heifer fresh 1
month; 1 blue cow fresh 1 month; 1
white cow to freshen in July; 2 far-
row cows; 4 steers 900 lbs.; 1 steer
1000 lbs.; 3 heifers 750 lbs.; 2 heifers
1 750 lbs,; 4 yearlings; 2 young calves;
Pigs -1 sow; 9 small chunks,
Hens -225 Hybrid hens,
Implements — John • Deer tractor
model D, lights, good condition; Mc-
Cormick Deering cultivator, 9.34 ft.,
new; 3 furrow Fleury plow; 7 ft.
Massey Harris binder; 5 ft, McCorm-
ick Deering mower; 3 drum roller;
13 hoe Massey Harris fertilizer drill;
Oliver bean scuffles'; 12 ft, rake; 3
section harrows; single scutfler; 2
wheeled trailer with rack; rubber
tired truck wagon; new hay reels;
sleighs with flat rack; 2000 lbs.
scales; fanning mill with bagger;
grain roller; root pulpa; 14 h,p.
electric motor; pig crate; 1 oil drum
100 gal,; 1 oil drum 40 gal,; 1 Gem
electric fence; 1 iron kettle; colony
house 10x12; 6 range shelters; 1 new
coal brooder; 1 Beattie electric
brooder 350 deluxe; 1 1VIcCorntick
Deering separator, 4 years old; 3
h.p. motor; 1 pump jack; quantity of
hunber; quantity of clover hay and
turnips; 150 bus. seed Barley; 250
bus. Barley & Oats; 150 bus. Cartier
Oats; Wheat; hay fork rope; other
articles too numerous to mention,
Farm -100 acres bank barn, drive
shed, lien house, silo 12x40, good
water supply, hydro, good brick
house, 10 acres of bush, 17 acres of
fall Wheat; 30 acres ploughed. Will
be sold subject to reserve bid,_
Terms on chattels cash.
Jacic C. Munn, Prop.; Harold Jack-
son, Auct.; E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
100 bushels of Ajax Oats, $1.50 a.
bushel. Grown from registered seed.
These oats run 9.0 bushels to the
acre. 0. J. Walker, Cavendale Farm,
R.R.1, Cromarty. Phone 12r13, Dublin,
Of Farm, Farm Stock and Implements,.I FOR SALE
Fred lv: Ahrens has received tnstrnotlone Galore Barley, smooth awn vat, -
the undersigned proprietor to sell b' iety, grown from a cross with O. A,C.
Public Auction 01 Lot 10, Con. 9, Township 21 and Nobarb at .the O.A.C, A
of McKillop, 5 miles north. of Dublin, then
21,4 mirwest 3 3-d asWheavy yielder. Alaska Oats, A. B.
throp, ones Tuesdayer, April miles 10th,
e10.1t5, of Salein- to Bell, RR. 2, Kippen, phone 93r2,
commence at 12 o'clock sharp, The follow- Hensall
Horses -1 Pereheron mare 4 yrs. old,
1 Perelman gelding 7 yrs. old, 1 Clyde.geld- FOR SALE
Ing 12 yrs. old, 1. Clyde aged mare, 1 Clyde 1 matched team of CI d 1 i 3
gelding 7 yrs, old, 1 driving horse 7 yrs, old. Clydes,
1• S ng
year's'ohl, filly
Cattle -20 Dail:am and Hereford cow's and gelding, also one
consisting of 4 fresh with calves by their Clyde mare. rising 7 years old, one
sides; 6 to freshen at time of sale. The bal- Oliver 2 -furrow riding plow, 10 -inch
alive due in April, May and June. This is a bottom, ill good order. Jose
good line of Durham and Hereford cows.pie L. Mal -
Anyone wanting cows should attend this oney, lot 8, con. 4, Mcliillop,
sale for cows. 1 Durham grass cow; 10
Durham and Hereford steers weighing about FOR SALE
1200 1b, 5 Durham heifers weighing about
1000 lb ; 1S Durham and Hereford steers and One Colony house 10..12 ft, coveted
heifare. ricin 2 a, ie road,
H 19ttrhefoth steers and heifers rising 1 yr, old; Exeter. J. A, Nichol, I•Ia P.
10 Durham and Hereford, last summer and y 0., Ont.
fall calves; 1 Durham bull' 2 yrs. old,
Hogs -2 Yorkshire sows just bred, 1' York-
shire sow due in May; 10 chunks weighing NOTICE
about 60 lbs.
York -
'01113. Bradshaw, your Watkins deal-
.gander, et' and also agent f D D i
s Yrs. old , 20 Durham and with Rock faced roofing L 1 d
Imrloments—Arlie - Charmer tractor on steel O1• ' • Smith &
nearly new, M.H.a furrow tractor plow. SOn, fruit and ornamental nursery
Tractor double disc- Cockshut, M,H, binder stock, Market street, Seaforth, Ont.
'r ft. cut, .McCormick Deering mower -6 ft Pllone 50.
cut, Cnse side rake nearly new, McCormick
Deering hay loader nearly new, Curti FOR SALE
Packer, M.H. fertilizer seed drill, 11 dice;
M.H. seed drill ; cultivator, dump rake, M. SPECIAL — 7 Room Frame House,
H. manure spreader; I{eystone hay loader, John 51„ 3 PCs, Bathroom, Ptlrnace,
2 fanning mills; 3 do 4 Roc. Barrows, walk-
ing pkw, 2 3-4 waggons, 2 hay racks •with 0_01'0 3 Wire, Town 'Water, ocatbin-
1 1 ti B toil,
l i h g buggy, cutter, set
ono man roc: .on each, Universal milking a' 017 at'tl & Garage. Geed
maul ne, double unit, nearly new McCormick a real buy, prompt: possession.
Deering cacao separator,
neighs 'with flat rack, 4. wheel trailer 'Mill at'ge Brielt hoilse, Market St. Slate
nett' tire"
with ith hoi, and stock rack, .nearly Root, now rented as apartments. A
new ; set scales :000 lbs cap., .2 wheelbatr-
rows nearly new; 1026 Ohyt'slei• car, Vesset
grain grinder, 11 inch plate on truck;
Calmly house 51,10, Circular sawnearly new;
o quantity of Timothy seed and Clover=
seed.; quantity of lumber, planks, scantling,
whiffletrees, neekyokes, saws, forks, shovels,
and a host of other articles too numerous
to mention rotund shout a farm.
FARMS—The - :farm consists of 50 acres,
more or less, bank barn, 503:70 with good
stables. South Half of Lot 10 con. 8. New
dwelling house just built last summer, 40
nine under cultivation, balance in grass,
good well, well fe» oed. Also 50 acres, north
halt of Lot 11 con. 8, 10 acres of wheat,
balance in grass. Terme of Faun -10 per
cent purchase money to b0 paid day ofsale,
balance to be known clay of sato or apply
to the proprietor
Tertius of chattels -dash. Noreserve as
the proprietor is giving up farming owing
to ill health, NOTE: This sale will start
sharp at 12 o'clock. Come early. Auction-
eees decision final in ease of all disputes.
W. Ahrens,Auctioneer,
Diarrhoea? Are they pale and weak?
Use Red Blood Quickly Tablets, They
act quickly, also feed Fitnr's Poultry
`Sonic in their starter. ,Farmer's Co-op,
Seaforth; Emris Store, Walton; Kers-
lake Feed, Seaforth; Kyle Store, Kip -
pen; Winthrop's Mill, Seaforth; Mc'
Cully Store, 13rucefleld.
Good laves
0 -Room grouse, Nlain Si,, Egmondville:
Bathroom, Combination range, . Furn-
ace, Garage "fie Barn combined.
8 -.Room house, Coleman St„ Bath-
room, Furnace, 'hydro, acre w land,
splendid barn.
Also a number of other properties,
50 Acte Farm, apuprox. 3 mile from
Seaforth o11 Highway. Make good
grass fame. Priced reasonable, l
Insurance & Real Estate
Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont. Ree. 220
Frank Finnigan, Your Rawleigh dealer, on
Louisa St„ Seaforth, has a line of products
at the house. Phone 58W..
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc,
Patrick D. McDonnell, H. Glenn 1403's
SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174
The Second. Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build.
fug, Seaforth. Office hours:
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1,30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening," 7.30p.m, to 9 p.m.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, W. It Archibald, Sea -
forth; Vice President, Frank Mc-
Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot,
Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born-
holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;;
John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Me -
Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander,
Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Brumfield; R. F.
McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth,
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective pobt
Watson & Reid
(successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Dr. E. A, McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptle
Dr. F, .3, R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases ..n
roat, will he at theinlhe firstTuesday in every month from 3 to
5 p.m,
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p,m,
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, H. H- Ross' office.. Phone 5 J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
of Graduate in Temente. LaLateAssistant NeweYork
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefleld's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month front 2 to
4 Pan. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month, -53 Waterloo
St., Stratford, Telephone 267,
Successor to Holmes & Whitney
Funeral Director.
Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos-.
pital Bed for rent. Agent. for Mitchel?
Nursery Flowers. Phone 119.
Nights and Holidays 65
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security - for over
One =ion Parthers
District Agent
Large Stock of Modern
Memorials on display at
our Seaforth Showrooms
For the convenience ofour
patrons office will be open on
Open by appointment at any
other time. See Dr, Harburn,
next door
Cunningham & Pryde
Clinton. Exeter Seaforth
Phone 41
(Essential War Industry)